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The Spirits' Book > BOOK FOUR—HOPE AND CONSOLATION > CHAPTER II—FUTURE JOYS AND SORROWS > Intuition of Future Joys and Sorrows
Intuition of Future Joys and Sorrows
960. From where does the belief in future pains and rewards originate?
“It is an intuition of the reality imparted to each person by the spirit incarnated in them. Know this well, it is not in vain that this inner voice speaks to you and you are wrong in ignoring it. If you thought of this, enough and more often you would be better off.”
“It is an intuition of the reality imparted to each person by the spirit incarnated in them. Know this well, it is not in vain that this inner voice speaks to you and you are wrong in ignoring it. If you thought of this, enough and more often you would be better off.”
961. What is the predominant feeling when one is dying? Is it doubt, fear or hope?
“Doubt for the skeptical, fear for the guilty and hope for the virtuous.”
962. How can skeptics exist, considering that the soul imparts the sense of spirituality to all?
“There are fewer skeptics than you think. Many of those who feign skepticism during life out of pride are much less skeptical when they die.”
The quality of our future life depends on our actions. Reason, supported by a sense of justice, tells us that the good and the bad are not mistaken in our ultimate sharing of happiness. God would not allow some people to obtain joy effortlessly, while others obtain it only through much exertion.
Our faith in God’s justice and goodness, as evidenced by the wisdom of God’s laws, forbids us to believe that the good and the bad hold the same place in God’s eyes. Conversely, there is no doubt that, eventually, the good are rewarded and the bad atones, for the good and bad they have done. From an innate sense of justice, we derive our instinct of future rewards and atonements.
“There are fewer skeptics than you think. Many of those who feign skepticism during life out of pride are much less skeptical when they die.”
The quality of our future life depends on our actions. Reason, supported by a sense of justice, tells us that the good and the bad are not mistaken in our ultimate sharing of happiness. God would not allow some people to obtain joy effortlessly, while others obtain it only through much exertion.
Our faith in God’s justice and goodness, as evidenced by the wisdom of God’s laws, forbids us to believe that the good and the bad hold the same place in God’s eyes. Conversely, there is no doubt that, eventually, the good are rewarded and the bad atones, for the good and bad they have done. From an innate sense of justice, we derive our instinct of future rewards and atonements.