The Spiritist review — Journal of psychological studies — 1858

Allan Kardec

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Moral dissertation dictated by St. Louis to Mr. D...

St. Louis had promised us a dissertation about envy, to be delivered in one of the Society’s session. Mr. D... was starting to develop his mediumship, still bearing some doubts not related to the Doctrine of which he is one of the keenest followers, understanding it in its essence, that is, from a moral point of view, but with respect to his own incipient faculty, Mr. D... then evoked St. Louis, in a particular session, addressing him with the following question:

Can you clarify to me, my inquietude, with respect to my mediumship, writing through me the dissertation you promised to the Society, to be delivered on Tuesday, June 1st?

- Yes. I will gladly do it to calm you.

Then the following text was dictated. We point out the fact that Mr. D... addressed St. Louis with a sincere and pure heart, without second intentions, indispensable condition to every good communication. He was not taking a test. He just doubted himself and God allowed his wishes in order to give him means of becoming useful. Today Mr. D... is one of the most complete mediums, not only by his facilities to operate but also by his aptitude to serve as an interpreter to all spirits, even those of the highest categories, who easily and willingly express themselves. These are, above all, the qualities we should seek in the mediums and that can always be acquired with patience, resolve and exercise. Mr. D... did not need a lot of patience; he had good will and fervor, added to his natural aptitude. A few days only were needed to take his faculty to the highest degree.

Here is the text he received about envy:

“See this man. His spirit is uneasy; his earthly happiness gets to the top: he envies the gold, the luxury, the apparent or fictitious happiness of his neighbors; his heart is devastated, his soul quietly burned by the never ending struggle of pride, of unsatisfied vanity. He carries along a snake that he feeds and that incessantly suggests him the most fatal thoughts, at all times of his miserable existence: “Will I have this ecstasy, this happiness? I deserve it as much as the others; I am a man like them, why would I be disinherited?”

“He struggles in his impotence, victim of a horrible torture by envy, happy still if such dismal ideas do not drive him to the borders of the abyss. Once he takes that route he questions himself if he should not take by force everything that he judges to be owed to him; if he is not going to expose the terrible evil that devours him to the eyes of everyone.”

“Had this miserable man looked only below him, he would have seen the number of those who suffer without a lament and still praise the Creator, because disgrace is a benefit utilized by God to make the poor creature advance to His eternal throne.”

“Do the good deeds of charity and submission, the only ones that can take you into God’s dwelling, which are your happiness and true treasure on Earth. These good deeds will be your eternal delight and happiness.”

“Envy is one of the ugliest and saddest miseries of your globe. Charity and constant demonstration of faith will eliminate all these evils which will disappear, one by one, as the good men that will come after you multiply.

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