Allan Kardec

You are in: THE MEDIUMS’ BOOK > PART SECOND - SPIRIT-MANIFESTATIONS > CHAPTER IV - THEORY OF PHYSICAL MANIFESTATIONS > Movements and liftings - Sounds - Temporary increase and decrease of the weight of bodies. > 77
77. When an object is set in motion, carried away, or raised into the air, the spirit does not seize it, push it, or lift it, as we do with our hands ; the spirit, so to say, saturates it with his own fluid combined with that of the medium, and the object, being thus vivified for the moment, acts as a living being would act, with this difference, that, not having a will of its own, it follows the impulsion communicated to it by the will of the spirit.

As the vital fluid, under the action of the spirit, gives an artificial and momentary life to inert bodies, and as the perispirit is nothing else than this same vital fluid, it follows that, when the spirit is incarnated, it is the spirit that gives life to the body by means of the perispirit; and the perispirit remains united to the body, as long as the organisation of the latter permits; when separated from it, the body dies. If; therefore, instead of fashioning wood into a table, we should hew it into a statue, and if we then acted upon this statue as upon a table, we should have a statue moving, rapping, and responding to our action by movements and raps ,- we should, in short, have a statue vitalised for the moment with artificial life, and those who have so perseveringly sharpened their wits upon "talking-tables" might sharpen them upon talking-statues. But what a flood of light does this theory shed on a host of phenomena hitherto unexplained! Of how many allegories, how many mysterious legends, does it give us a rational explanation!

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