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The Spiritist Review - Journal of Psychological Studies - 1862 > August > Spiritist dissertations > Forgiveness - Parisian Society of Spiritist Studies – medium Mr. A. Didier
Forgiveness - Parisian Society of Spiritist Studies – medium Mr. A. Didier
How can one find the strength to forgive? The sublimity of forgiveness is the death of Christ on the Golgotha. I have already told you that Jesus summarized in his life all human struggles and anguishes. All of those who deserved the Christian name died with forgiveness in their lips. The defenders of the oppressed liberties, the martyrs of great causes and truths have understood so much the elevation and sublimity of his life that they did not fail at the last minute and forgave. If Augustus forgiveness is not entirely sublime historically, the Augustus of Corneille, the great tragic, owns himself and the universe for he forgives. Ah! How petty those who owned the world and did not forgive! How great the one who had all spiritual humanities in the future centuries and forgave! Forgiveness is an inspiration and sometimes an advice given by the Spirits. Unfortunate are those who shut their ears to that voice. They are punished, as the Scriptures say, because they had ears and did not hear. Then! If you want to forgive, if you feel weak before yourself, contemplate the death of Christ. The one who knows oneself easily wins the battle against oneself. That is why a great prince of old wisdom knew to know himself, before anything else. The athletes were taught the safe ways of winning the great battles before they were sent to the fields of war. In the academia Socrates taught that there was a Supreme Being and later on and centuries before Jesus he taught the whole Greek nation to die and forgive.
A vicious and weak person does not forgive. Someone used to the personal fights, to the fair thoughts and reflections easily forgives.
A vicious and weak person does not forgive. Someone used to the personal fights, to the fair thoughts and reflections easily forgives.