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Spiritist Review - Journal of Psychological Studies - 1866 > August > Bibliographic News
Bibliographic News
Spiritist Cantata
Lyrics by Mr. Herczka and music by Mr. Armand Toussaint, from Brussels, followed by piano. This piece is not considered mediumistic product, but the works of an artist inspired by his Spiritist faith. Competent persons that heard its execution, agree to confer it a real merit, worth of the subject. We have said many times that a well understood Spiritism will be a fecund source to arts, where poetry, painting, sculpture and music will gather new inspirations. There will be the Spiritist Art as there was the Pagan Art and the Christian Art.
(sale in benefit of the poor – price 1.5 francs, paid postage to France. On sale in Brussels, at the headquarters of the Spiritist Society, rue de la Montagne, 51; in Paris, in the office of the Spiritist Review.)
Lyrics by Mr. Herczka and music by Mr. Armand Toussaint, from Brussels, followed by piano. This piece is not considered mediumistic product, but the works of an artist inspired by his Spiritist faith. Competent persons that heard its execution, agree to confer it a real merit, worth of the subject. We have said many times that a well understood Spiritism will be a fecund source to arts, where poetry, painting, sculpture and music will gather new inspirations. There will be the Spiritist Art as there was the Pagan Art and the Christian Art.
(sale in benefit of the poor – price 1.5 francs, paid postage to France. On sale in Brussels, at the headquarters of the Spiritist Society, rue de la Montagne, 51; in Paris, in the office of the Spiritist Review.)