Spiritist Review - Journal of Psychological Studies - 1869

Allan Kardec

You are in: Spiritist Review - Journal of Psychological Studies - 1869 > January > To our correspondents
To our correspondents

Decision of the Circle of Spiritist Morality of Toulouse, about the project of constitution.

Regarding the project of constitution that we published in the last issue of the Spiritist Review, we received many letters of congratulations and expressions of sympathy that touched us deeply. Unable to respond to each one, we ask our honorable correspondents to accept the collective thanks we send them through the Spiritist Review.

We are, above all, happy to see that the purpose and scope of this project have been understood, and that our intentions have not been ignored; everyone saw in that the realization of what we wanted for a long time: a guarantee of stability for the future, as well as the first steps of a bond between the Spiritists, bond that they have missed until this day, supported on an organization that, foreseeing the possible difficulties, ensures the unity of the principles, without immobilizing the Doctrine.

From all the support that we received, we will only cite one, because it is the expression of a collective thought, and the source from which it emanates gives it an official character in a way; it is the decision of the council of the Circle of Spiritist Morality of Toulouse, regularly and legally constituted. We publish it as a testimony of our gratitude to the members of the Circle, driven in this circumstance by a spontaneous outpouring of dedication to the cause, and additionally to respond to the good wishes that were sent to us.

Extracted from the minutes of the board of directors of the Circle of Spiritist Morality of Toulouse.

“On the presentation made by its president, of the transitional constitution given to Spiritism by its founder, and defined by the preliminaries published in the December 1st issue of the Spiritist Review, the council votes unanimously to thank Mr. Allan Kardec, as an expression of its deep gratitude for this new proof of his dedication to the doctrine, of which he is the founder, and wishes for the realization of this sublime project, considered as the worthy crowning of the work of the master, as it sees in the institution of the central committee the dome of the edifice called upon to direct the benefits of Spiritism to the whole humanity, forever;

Considering that it is the duty of every sincere follower to contribute, within the limits of their resources, to the creation of the capital necessary for this constitution, and wishing to facilitate each member of the Circle of Spiritist Morality the means for contributing with that, decided:

That a subscription will remain open at the office of the Circle until March 15th, and that the proceedings obtained in the period will be sent to Mr. Allan Kardec, to be paid to the general fund of Spiritism. Collated and certified in this minute by us, the undersigned secretary,

Chêne, Assistant Secretary.”

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