Kardecpedia belongs to the Allan Kardec Spiritist Divulgation Institute (IDEAK - www.ideak.com.br). IDEAK is a non-profit Spiritist Association created with the goal of spreading Spiritism to the world, according to the thinking and works of Allan Kardec.
Kardecpedia is an interactive platform that facilitates the study of the works of Allan Kardec, the founder of the Spiritist Doctrine, or Spiritism. Word created by him to designate the doctrine exposed in his first major work: The Spirits' Book. Spiritism was defined by Kardec as "a science that deals with the nature, origin and destiny of the Spirits, as well as their relations with the corporeal world.”
In Kardecpedia, all the works of Kardec are presented in Portuguese and French. In English and Spanish, will be presented only those works that have already been translated and in public domain.
The user can interact with Kardecpedia proposing new relations between items that compose each work, as well as sending digital copies of Kardec's books and other books by him mentioned.
In Kardecpedia, all the works of Kardec are presented in Portuguese and French. In English and Spanish, will be presented only those works that have already been translated and in public domain.
The user can interact with Kardecpedia proposing new relations between items that compose each work, as well as sending digital copies of Kardec's books and other books by him mentioned.
(Hippolyte-Léon-Denizard Rivail). Head and founder of the doctrine
said spiritist, born in Lyon, on
October 3rd, 1804, native of Bourg-en-Bresse, Ain department. Although he was
son and grandson of lawyers, and from an old family that stood out in the magistracy
and in the legal profession, he did not follow that career; since early he
devoted himself to the study of science and philosophy. Pestalozzi's student,
in Switzerland, he became one of the eminent disciples of this celebrated
pedagogue and one of the propagators of his education system, which exerted
great influence on the educational reform in France and Germany. It was at that
school that were developed the ideas that put him, later, in the category of
the progressives and the freethinkers. Born in the Catholic religion, but
educated in a Protestant country, the acts of intolerance that he has suffered,
in this field, they made him, starting from his fifteen years old, to conceive
the idea of a religious reform, in which he worked in silence for many years,
with the thought of achieving the unification of beliefs; but it lacked for him
the indispensable element for the solution of this great problem. Spiritism
came later to bring to him and give a special direction to his works. Around
1850, regarding to the manifestations of Spirits, Allan Kardec devoted himself
to persevering observations about these phenomena and he grasped himself mostly
to deduce them philosophical consequences. He intervened, first, the principle
of the new natural laws: those that govern the relations of the visible world
and the invisible world; he recognized in the action of the latter the forces
of nature, whose knowledge would throw light on a multitude of problems taken
as insoluble, and understood his reach from the scientific, social and
religious points of view. His major works on this subject are: The Spirits' Book, for the
philosophical part, whose first edition was published on April 18th, 1857; The
Book on Mediums, for the experimental and scientific part (January 1861); The
Gospel According to Spiritism, for the moral part (April 1864); Heaven
and Hell or Divine Justice, according to Spiritism (August 1865); The Spiritist Magazine, Journal of
Psychological Studies, monthly collection started on 1st January 1858. He founded
in Paris, on 1st April 1858, the first spiritist society regularly constituted
under the name of Parisian Society of
Spiritist Studies, whose sole purpose is the study of everything that can contribute
to the progress of this new science. Allan Kardec himself justifies for not
having written anything under the influence of preconceived or systematic ideas;
man of character cold and calm, he observed the facts and, from his
observations, deduced the laws that governs them; he was the first to give them
the theory and to them form a methodical and regular body. Demonstrating that
the facts falsely qualified as supernatural are subject to laws, he made them enter
the order of natural phenomena and destroyed, thus, the last refuge of the
wonderful and one of the elements of superstition. During the first years in
which they gave importance to the spiritist phenomena, these manifestations
were more object of curiosity than matter of serious meditations; The
Spirits' Book considered the thing in
a whole other aspect; then the dance
of tables was abandoned, which had not been but a
prelude, and joined itself to a body of doctrine that embraced all the
questions of interest to humanity. The publication of The Spirits' Book marks the true foundation of the Spiritism
that, until then, did not have but sparse elements without coordination, and
whose reach could not be understood worldwide; at that time also the doctrine
fixed the attention of serious men and had rapid development. In a few years
these ideas found numerous supporters in all layers of society and in all
countries. This unprecedented success is due to the sympathy that such ideas
found, but it is also due in large part to the clarity that is one of the
distinctive features of the writings of Allan Kardec. Refraining from abstract
formulas of metaphysics, the author knew how to put himself available to
worldwide and
to be read without fatigue, essential condition for the vulgarization of an
idea. On all
controversial points, his argumentation, of exact logic, offers little chance
to refutation and predisposes to conviction. The material evidence that Spiritism gives about the existence of the
soul and the future life tends to destroy the materialistic and pantheistic
ideas. One of the most fruitful principles of this doctrine, and coming from
the preceding, is the plurality of
existences, already seen by a multitude of ancient and modern philosophers
and, in recent times, by Jean Reynaud,
Charles Fourier, Eugène Sue and others; but it was in a state of hypothesis and
system, while Spiritism shows its reality and proves that
it is one of the essential attributes of humanity. From this principle elapses
the solution of all the apparent anomalies of human life, of all the
intellectual, moral and social inequalities; the man knows, so, where he comes
from, where he goes, for what purpose he is on Earth, and why he suffers here.
The innate ideas are explained by the knowledge acquired in previous lives; the
upward walk of the folks and of the humanity, by men of ancient times that
revive after having progressed; sympathies and antipathies, by the nature of
previous relationships; these relationships, linking the great human family of
all ages, offer as base the same laws of nature, and not a theory, to the great
principles of fraternity, equality, freedom and universal solidarity. Besides,
it relates directly to religion, according as the plurality of existences, being the proof of the soul's progress,
radically destroys the dogma of hell and eternal punishment, incompatible with
this progress; with this outdated dogma fall the numerous abuses of which it was
the source. Instead of the principle “outside the Church there is no
salvation”, that maintains the separation and the animosity between the
different sects and did shed so much blood, Spiritism
has the maximum “out of charity there is no salvation”, this is, equality
of all men towards God, tolerance, freedom of conscience and mutual
benevolence. Instead
of blind faith that annihilates
freedom of thought, he says: “There is no unflagging faith but that one that
can look at the reason facing all ages of mankind. It takes a basis for faith
and that base is the perfect intelligence of what one must believe; to
believe it is not enough to see; it must, above all, understand. Blind
faith is no longer of this century; well, it is precisely the dogma of blind
faith which makes today the most number of unbelievers, because it wants to
impose itself and requires the abdication of one of the most precious faculties
of man: reasoning
and free will” (The Gospel According
to Spiritism). The spiritist doctrine, as shown in the works of Allan Kardec,
contains in itself the elements of a general transformation in ideas, and the
transformation of ideas inevitably leads to that of the society. From this
point of view, it deserves the attention of all the progressives. Its
influence, which already extends to all civilized countries, gives to the
personality of its founder a considerable importance, and it is expected that,
in the near future, he will be considered one of the reformers of the
nineteenth century.
LACHÂTRE, Maurice. Allan Kardec. In: LACHÂTRE, Maurice. Nouveau dictionnaire universel. Paris: Docks de La Librairie, 1865. p. 199. Tome premier.