The search engine of Kardecpedia was designed so you can find, quickly and effectively, all the content you want. We selected some examples of how you can use the system:
1. Generic searches
When you type a generic term (for example, "doctrine"), the search is performed in all the works of Kardec that are available, highlighting the points where the term was found.
2. Specific searches
It's possible to perform a search on a particular book, simply, for this, to type, in the search, the name of the book (even partially) and the term to be searched. For example, to search for the term "prayer" in the book "The Gospel According to Spiritism", type in the search field: prayer gospel according to spiritism.
3. Refined search
When you already have a good idea of where the content you search can be, you can further refine your search by going directly to chapters of a book, etc... You can access the direct search in "The Spiritist Magazine - Journal of Psychological Studies - 1858 > August > Habitations in Jupiter", simply, for this, to type in the search field the terms: magazine August 1858 jupiter.
1. Generic searches
When you type a generic term (for example, "doctrine"), the search is performed in all the works of Kardec that are available, highlighting the points where the term was found.
2. Specific searches
It's possible to perform a search on a particular book, simply, for this, to type, in the search, the name of the book (even partially) and the term to be searched. For example, to search for the term "prayer" in the book "The Gospel According to Spiritism", type in the search field: prayer gospel according to spiritism.
3. Refined search
When you already have a good idea of where the content you search can be, you can further refine your search by going directly to chapters of a book, etc... You can access the direct search in "The Spiritist Magazine - Journal of Psychological Studies - 1858 > August > Habitations in Jupiter", simply, for this, to type in the search field the terms: magazine August 1858 jupiter.