Allan Kardec



1. Think not that I am come to destroy the law or the prophets: I am not come to destroy, but to fulfill, for verily, I say unto you, till Heaven and Earth pass, one jot or one title shall in no wise pass from the law, till all be fulfilled (Matthew, 5 : 17 & 18).


2. There are two distinct parts to the Mosaic Law: the Law of God as promulgated on Mount Sinai and the civil or disciplinary law decreed by Moses. The first is invariable; the other, being appropriate to the customs and character of the people, modifies itself with time.

The Law of God is formulated on the following ten commandments:-

I. I am the Lord thy God, which have brought thee out of the land of Egypt, out of the house of bondage. Thou shalt have no other gods before me. Thou shalt not make unto thee any graven image, or any likeness of anything that is in Heaven above, or that is in the Earth beneath, or that is in the water under the Earth: thou shalt not bow down thyself to them nor serve them.

II. Thou shalt not take the name of the Lord thy God in vain. III. Remember the Sabbath Day, to keep it Holy.

IV. Honour thy father and thy mother, that thy days may be long upon the land which the Lord thy God giveth thee.

V. Thou shalt not kill.

VI. Thou shalt not commit adultery.

VII. Thou shalt not steal.

VIII. Thou shalt not bear false witness against thy neighbour.

IX. Thou shalt not covet thy neighbour's wife.

X. Thou shalt not covet thy neighbour's house, nor his manservant, nor his maidservant, nor his ox nor anything that is thy neighbours.

This Law is for all times and all countries and because of this has a divine character. All other laws were decreed by Moses, who found it necessary to restrain his people through fear due to their turbulent and undisciplined nature, and also to combat the abuses and prejudices acquired by them during the period of slavery in Egypt. To give authority to his ]laws, be had to give them divine origin, as did other legislators of primitive peoples. The authority of man needed to base itself an the authority of God. But only the idea of a terrible God could impress ignorant peoples in whom the sentiments of true justice and morality were very little developed. It is evident that He Who included amongst His commandments 'Thou shalt not kill or cause damage to your neighbour' could not then contradict Himself by making extermination a duty.


3. Jesus did not come to destroy the Law, that is to say God's Law. He came to fulfill and develop it, to show its real meaning and to adapt it to the degree of Man's advancement at that time. That is why we find within the Law the principle of our duty to God and our fellowmen to be the base of His doctrine. Regarding the laws devised by Moses we find bat be, on the contrary, modified them profoundly, both in form and substance. While constantly combating the abuses of exterior practices and false interpretations, he was unable to make the people go through a more radical reform than that of reducing the Law to the order: ‘Love God above all things and your neighbour as yourself,' adding this is all the law and the prophets.

By the words, 'Heaven and Earth will not pass till everything be fulfilled, even to the last jot,' Jesus wished to say it was necessary for God's Law to be completely implemented and practised over all the Earth in all its pureness, with all its amplifications and consequences. In effect, what use would it have been to promulgate the Law if it were only to benefit one nation or only a few men? Mankind, being sons and daughters of God, is without distinction and so subject to the same solicitude.

4. But Jesus was no mere moralist legislator offering His ward as exclusive authority. It fell to Him to complete the prophecies which had announced His advent, by means of the exceptional nature of His Spirit and His divine mission. Jesus came to teach mankind that true life is not the one lived here on Earth, but rather the life lived in Heaven. He came to show the pathway to this Kingdom, how lo be reconciled with God and to present these facts as part of things to come which would enable mankind to fulfill its destiny. However, He did not explain everything, but limited Himself to offering only the initial part of the truth on many subjects, saying that Man as yet could not understand the whole truth. But He talked about all things in implied terms. In order for people to be able to understand the hidden meaning of His words it was necessary for new ideas and knowledge to mature, so bringing the indispensable key, as these things could not appear before the human Spirit had achieved a certain degree of maturity. Science still had to play an important part in the emergence and development of these ideas; therefore it was necessary to give time for science to progress.


5. Spiritism is the new science which has come to reveal to mankind, by means of irrefutable proofs, the existence and nature of the spiritual world and its relationship with the physical world. It appears not as something supernatural, but on the contrary, as one of the living and active forces of Nature, source of an immense number of phenomena which still today are not fully understood, and because of this they are relegated to the world of fantasy and miracles. Christ alluded to this situation on several occasions and it is the reason why much of what He said remained unintelligible or has been wrongly interpreted. Spiritism offers the key by which all can easily be explained.

6. The law of the Old Testament was personified in Moses: that of the New Testament in Christ. Spiritism is then the third revelation of God's Law. But it is personified by no one because it represents leaching given, not by Man but by the Spirits who are the voices of Heaven, to all parts of the world through the co-operation of innumerable intermediaries. In a manner of speaking, it is the collective work formed by all the Spirits who bring enlightenment to all mankind by offering the means of understanding their world and the destiny that awaits each individual on their return to the spiritual world.

7. Just as Christ said: 'I am not come to destroy the Law but to fulfill it,' so Spiritism says: We have not come to destroy the Christian Law but to carry it out. It leaches nothing contrary to what was taught by Christ. Rather it develops it, explains it in a manner that can be understood by all and completes that which had previously been known only in its allegoric form. Spiritism has come at the predicted time to fulfill what Christ announced and to prepare for the achievement of future things. It is then, the work of Christ Who, as He also announced, presides over the regeneration which is now taking place and which will prepare the reign of the Kingdom of God here on Earth.


8. Science and religion are the two levers of human intelligence, one revealing the laws of the material world, the other revealing those of the moral world. But seeing that these laws have the same principle, which is God, they cannot contradict themselves. If they contradict one another it would stand to reason that one was right and the other wrong. However, God could not have intended the destruction of His own work. Therefore the incompatibility that apparently exists between these ideas proves that they have been incorrectly interpreted, due to excessive exclusiveness an both sides. For this reason we have a conflict which bas given rise to incredulity and intolerance.

We have now reached a phase upon this planet when the teachings of Christ most be completed and the intentional veil cast aver some parts of these teachings lifted. A time when science must desist in its exclusive materialism, so taking into consideration the spiritual element; when religion must cease to ignore the organic and immutable law of matter, so that bath may became two forces, each leaning an the other and advancing together in mutual concourse. Then religion, no longer discredited by science and no longer being able to oppose the overwhelming logic of the facts, will acquire an unshakable power because it will be in agreement with reason.

Science and Religion could not come together till this time as they could only see matters according to their exclusive points of view, which in turn caused them to be reciprocally repelled. Something more was needed to enable them to close the gap that separated them, something which could unite them. This missing link is contained in the knowledge of the laws which govern the spiritual universe and its relationship with the world of matter. These laws are as immutable as those which govern the movement of the planet and the existence of all the beings. Once this relationship could be proved by experiments, a new light would begin to shine as faith began to be directed towards reason, and reason, finding nothing illogical in faith, could finally defeat materialism.

But, as in many other matters, there are always those who remain behind until the general wave of movement towards progress drags them along. If they choose to resist instead of accompanying this movement they will eventually be crushed. So, after an elaboration which has lasted for more than eighteen centuries, a moral revolution is now in progress, operated and directed by Spirit, as humanity reaches the climax of its present potentialities and marches towards a new era. It is easy to forecast the consequences which will cause inevitable changes in social relations and be impossible to withstand, because they are determined by God and derived from the Law of Progress which is God’s law.


9. God is unique, and Moses was a Spirit whom He sent on a mission to make known His presence, not only to the Hebrews but to all the pagan world. The Hebrew peoples were God's instrument to enable Him to manifest through Moses and the prophets. The vicissitudes suffered by these peoples were meant to attract their attention and so help disclose the existence of the Divinity.

God's commandments as revealed through Moses contain the essence of the most comprehensive Christian morality. However, the biblical commentaries and annotations restrict their meaning, because if they had been put into action in all their pureness they would not have been understood. Nevertheless, these ten commandments have become a brilliant frontispiece and a beacon destined to light up the pathway which humanity must follow.

The morality taught by Moses was appropriate to the stale of advancement of the people he proposed to regenerate. These people, who were semi-barbaric with respect to the perfecting of the soul, would not have understood that God could be worshipped by other means than holocaust, nor that it is necessary to forgive one's enemies. From the materialistic, scientific and artistic points of view their intelligence was remarkable. But they were morally backward and would never have been converted by a wholly spiritual religion. Therefore it was necessary that they be offered a semi-materialistic form of religion, as is represented in the Hebrew faith. The holocausts spoke to their senses at the same time that the idea of God touched their Spirits.

Christ was the initiator of the most pure and sublime morality. That is to say, the morality of the evangelical Christian, which will renew the entire world by bringing together all mankind and turning them into brothers and sisters. It will cause charity to blossom forth in all hearts as well as love for one's neighbour, so establishing a common solidarity between all peoples. Finally, from this morality, which will transform the whole Earth, the planet will become the home of far superior Spirits than inhabit it till now. This is the law of progress which will be accomplished and to which nature is submitted. Spiritism is the lever which God is using to enable humanity to advance.

The time has come in which moral ideas must be developed to bring about the progress determined by God. They will follow the same route as that taken by the ideas of liberty, us predecessor. Do not think however, that these developments will be effected without a fight. No, in order to reach maturity these ideas will need discussion and conflicts so that they may attract the attention of the masses. Once this has been achieved, the beauty and sanctity of this morality will touch all Spirits, who will in turn embrace a science which will give them the key to a future life and open the doors to eternal happiness.

Moses showed humanity the way; Jesus continued this work; Spiritism will finish it. - AN ISRAELITE SPIRIT (Mulhouse, 1861).

1O. Once, in His undying charity, God permitted Man to see the truth pierce the darkness. That day was the advent of Christ. After that living Light was gone the darkness returned; having been given the alternatives of truth or obscurity the world once again lost itself. Then, similar to the prophets of the Old Testament, the Spirits began speak and finally gave warning that the world is trembling on its very foundations and thunder will resound. Remain steady!

Spiritism is of a divine order because it is based upon the actual laws of Nature, and you may be certain that everything of a divine nature has a great and useful objective. Your world was losing itself yet again because science, developed at the cast of all that is moral, was only inducing you to material well being, resulting in benefit for the Spirit of darkness. Ah! Eighteen centuries of blood and martyrs, and still Christ's reign has not yet come! Christians! Return to the Teacher who wishes save you! It is easy for those who believe and who love. Love fills one with indescribable happiness. Yes, my children, the world is slaking as the good Spirits have repeatedly warned. Bend with the wind that announces the storm, so that you are not thrown down. That is to say, prepare yourselves so as not to be like the foolish virgins who were taken by surprise at the arrival of their husbands!

This revolution which prepares itself is more moral than material. The great Spirits, who are divine messengers, instill faith amongst you so that all who are enlightened and zealous workers may make their humble voices heard, seeing that all humanity are like grains of sand, without which there would be no mountains. Thus the wards: 'We are small' lack significance. To each his mission, to each his work. Does not the ant build his republic, and other imperceptible animals raise continents? The new crusade has begun. Apostles, not of war, but of universal peace, modern Saint Bernards, look ahead and march forward. The law of the worlds is a law of progress. - FENELON (Poitiers, 1861).

11. Saint Augustin is one of the greatest popularizers of Spiritism. He bas manifested himself in almost every part. The reason for this is to be found in the life story of this great Christian philosopher. He belongs to a vigorous phalanx known as Fathers of the church, to whom Christianity awes its mast solid bases. Like many others he was uprooted from Paganism, or rather from the most profound godlessness, by the splendour of truth. When suddenly, in the middle of his dissipations, he felt a strange vibration in his soul which called him to himself and made him understand that happiness was not to be found in debilitating and escapist pleasures. Finally he too had a similar experience to Paul, who heard saintly voices calling to him an the road to Damascus saying: 'Saul, Saul, why do you persecute me?' When Saint Augustin heard his voices he exclaimed: 'My God! My God! Forgive me! I believe; I am a Christian!' From this moment an he became one of the greatest supporters of the Gospel. You may read the notable confessions left by this eminent Spirit, the characteristic and prophetic words he uttered after the death of Saint Monica, 'I am convinced that my mother will visit me and give me advice, revealing to me what awaits us in the future life.' What great leaching in these words! What resounding foresight of the doctrine that was to come! This is the reason why today, seeing that the time has come to spread the truth as he predicted, he has become its ardent disseminator and as it were, multiplied himself in order to be able to reply to all who call him. - ERASTUS, disciple of Saint Paul (Paris 1863).

NOTE: Would it be possible for Saint Augustin to demolish what he himself had built? Certainly not. But just as many others before him, he now sees with the eye of Spirit what he could not see while he was a man. In freedom his soul sees new brightness and understands what previously had been impossible to understand. New ideas have revealed to him the true meaning of certain words. On Earth he judged things according to the knowledge he possessed at that time. But ever since he saw the new light he can appreciate those words more judiciously. Thus he had to revise his beliefs regarding incubus and sucubus spirits, as well as the condemnation which he had launched against the theory of the antipodes. Now that he can see Christianity in us true light and in all us pureness, it is acceptable that on some points he thinks differently from when he was alive, which in no way prohibits him from continuing to be a Christian apostle. He may even establish himself as a disseminator of Spiritism without renouncing his faith, because he has seen that which was forecast come to pass. Therefore, by proclaiming this doctrine today, he only leads us towards a more correct and logical interpretation of the texts. The same also occurs with other Spirits who find themselves in a similar position.

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