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The Spiritist Review - JOURNAL OF PSYCHOLOGICAL STUDIES - 1861 > September > Spiritist Teachings and Dissertations - A Spirit to his Fellow Israelites
Spiritist Teachings and Dissertations - A Spirit to his Fellow Israelites
For the readers that remember the beautiful communication published
in our last March issue about Moses’ Law and Christ’s Law, signed
by Mardoqueu and received by Mr. R…, from Mulhouse; that gentleman
received another equally remarkable message from the same spirit and it
will be published. The message below is from another deceased relative
who died a few months ago. It was given on three different occasions.
To all those who I met
My friends,
Be spiritists, I beg this of all of you. Spiritism is the law of God,
which is the law of Moses, applied to the present. When Moses gave
the law to the Israelites, he had done what God had given to him, and
God had appropriated it to the people of that time. Humanity then progressed
in all fields; in science as in morality. Today everyone knows how to proceed; everyone knows how to pay respect to the Creator, to their
neighbors and to themselves. We must now broaden the base of education.
What Moses taught you is no longer sufficient to help the progress
of humanity and God does not want you to stay at the same point; what
was good 5,000 years ago is not good today. When you want to see the
progress of your children do you always send them to the same school
where they would only learn the same thing? No. You send them to a
superior school. Well, my friends! The time has arrived where God wants
you to expand the scope of your knowledge. Even Christ, although he
did make a step forward to the Mosaic law, did not say everything since
he would not have been understood but he sowed the seeds that should
be harvested and utilized to the benefit of future generations. God in his
infinite goodness sends us Spiritism today whose foundations are entirely
found in the Bible and in the Gospels, to elevate you and to teach you to
love to one another.
Yes, my friends, the mission of Spiritism is the extinction of any hatred
among human beings, and among nations, it is the dawn of universal
brotherhood that arises; with Spiritism you can only reach a broad
and lasting peace. Arise then, peoples! Stand up because God who is the
Creator of all things sends you the spirits of your relatives to open up a
new path to you, a path greater and wider than the one you still follow.
Oh! My friends, don’t be the last ones to surrender before the evidence
since God will raise his hand against the non-believers and stiff-hearted
who must disappear from Earth so that the forthcoming kingdom of
good is not disturbed. Believe in the warning of this one who was and is
always your relative and friend.
May the Israelites take the lead! May they quickly and without delay
hold the flag sent by God to humanity to unite everyone like in a single
family! Take the weapons of courage and resolution. Show no hesitation.
Don’t allow the stragglers to keep you behind by talking about sacrileges.
No, my friends, there is no sacrilege. Be sorry for those who wish to keep
you behind based on such pretexts. Doesn’t reason tell you that there is
nothing immutable in this world? Only God is immutable but everything
that was created by God must follow an inexorable progressive course
because that is his design. So don’t try to stop the Earth from turning!
The institutions that were magnificent 5,000 years ago are ancient
today. Their objective has been overtaken. They are not sufficient to today’s
society as what was once called the old regimen in France can no
longer serve today’s France. A new progress emerges without which all
other improvements would lose their solid foundation. Such progress is
the universal fraternity whose seeds were sown by Christ and now sprout
with Spiritism. Would you then be the last ones to take that route? Don’t
you see that the old world is in an infantile stage of work seeking renovation?
Look at the map, not the European but the world map and see that
every archaic institution falls one after the other not to stand up ever
again. Why? It is the dawn of freedom that rises up expelling despotism
of all kinds, like the first rays of Sunlight expelling the darkness of night.
People are tired of animosity; they understand that their happiness depends
on fraternity and want to be free, since they cannot improve and
embrace one another while they are not free. Don’t you see ahead of a
great nation an eminent man with a God given mission to prepare the
way? Don’t you hear the somber cracks of the old world giving birth to a
new era? You will soon see on St. Peter’s chair a pontiff who will proclaim
the new values, whose belief will permeate all peoples uniting all dissident
beliefs in a single family. Be ready. I tell you this; raise the flag of such a
great and sacred lesson so that you are not the last.
Israelites of Bordeaux and Bayonne, you are the vanguard of progress,
stand up and embrace Spiritism for that is the law of our Lord and praise
God for having so promptly brought to you the means of reaching eternal
happiness, the destiny of the elected ones.
My friends,
Don’t be surprised when you read this communication. It comes from
me, Edouard Pereyre, your relative, friend and fellow countryman. I dictated
it to my nephew Rudolph whose hand I hold to make him write with my own writing. I make that effort to give you conviction, although
it is tiresome to me and to the medium since he is forced to follow movements
that are not his. Yes, my friends, Spiritism is a new revelation; you
must understand the thorough reach of this word since it reveals to you a
new force of nature, an unsuspected force that nonetheless is as old as the
world. It was known by the enlightened people of our past during Moses’
time, and in such a way that you received the first teachings about human’s
duties towards God, but he only gave what was compatible with the
humanity of that time. Now that there is progress and the masses are illuminated;
the stupidity and ignorance of the early ages begin to give way
to reason and moral sense; now that the idea of God is understood by all,
or at least by the majority, there is a new revelation simultaneously given
to every educated people, although modified according to their degree of
advancement. The new revelation tells you that people don’t die; that the
soul outlives the body and inhabits the spaces between you and around
you. Yes, my friends. Rest assured when you lose a beloved one. You only
lost the physical body for they live among you, guiding, instructing and
inspiring you. Hold your tears, particularly if that person was good, charitable
and humble because then she is surely happy in this world where
all religions confound in one and in the same worship, where there is no
place for any religious hatred and jealousy.
Yes, we are also happy when we can inspire these feelings to those who
we are in charge of instructing, a happiness that is even greater when we
see them taking the good path since they open the door through which
they must pass when coming to join us.
Ask the medium about the sublime lessons that he receives from his
grandfather Mordecai. If he follows the designed path he will build himself
a happy future but also if he fails his duties after those lessons he will
bear the whole responsibility and will have to start again until he has adequately
fulfilled his last task. Yes, my friends, we have already lived a corporeal
life and will live others. The happiness that we enjoy is only relative.
There are states more superior to the ones we experience now and that can
only be achieved through successive and progressive incarnations in other
worlds. You must not believe that Earth is the only inhabited planet from
all those globes in the universe. Poor human pride of which thinks that
all the stars for only his delights! You must know that every globe is inhabited
and if you only knew the rank occupied by Earth amongst these
worlds, you would have no reason to glorify yourself! If we were not assigned
with the mission to inspire and instruct you we would like to visit
these worlds and learn ourselves! However, we are still attached to Earth
by our missions and our bonds. Later on others will replace us and we will
then be able to go to those better worlds and learn from their experiences,
thus gradually purifying ourselves until we get to God, our Creator! That
is Spiritism. That is what is taught by Spiritism and that is the truth
that you can understand today and that should help you regenerate. You
must understand that you are all brothers and sisters, regardless if black
or white, rich or poor, Muslims, Jews or Christians. Now, since everyone
needs to be born again several times in order to advance, according to the
very revelation made by Jesus, God allows that those who were united
by blood or friendship in preceding existences meet again on Earth, not
knowing one another, but in relative positions to one another according to
the required atonement to clear their previous faults, so that the one who
is your servant today could have been your master in a previous life, and
the unfortunate one to whom you deny assistance to today, may perhaps
be one of your ancestors that makes you so proud or a former dear friend.
Can you now understand the reach of the commandment: ‘Thou shalt love
thy neighbor as thyself’? That is, my friends, the revelation that will lead to
universal fraternity when understood by everybody. That is why you must
not remain stuck in your principles but follow the progress delineated by
God, never stopping. That is why I have called upon you to hold the flag
of Spiritism. Yes, be spiritists since that is the law of God and remember
that happiness is in that path that will lead you to perfection. I will support
you; me and all others that like me and as you know do the same.
May each family study Spiritism! May each family bear mediums so
as to multiply the interpreters of God’s will! Do not allow yourselves to be
discouraged by the obstacles of the first trials. They are often surrounded by difficulties and not always free from danger, since there is no reward
where there is no effort. Everyone can acquire that faculty but before you
try to obtain it, you must study so that you can be forearmed against
the hurdles. Throw your impurities away; enrich your thoughts and your
heart so that you can keep the bad spirits away from you; pray, particularly
for those who try to obsess you, for prayer can convert them and set
you free. May the vanguard experience of your predecessors be beneficial
to you, precluding you from falling in the same faults! I will continue
these instructions.
Judaism was the first religion to inspire in the human beings the idea of
a spiritual God. Until then some people used to worship the Sun, others
the Moon; here the fire, there the animals, but the idea of an immaterial
essence of God was not presented anywhere. Then Moses arrived. He
brought a new law that overturned all ideas received before him. He had
to struggle against Egyptian priests who entertained their people in the
most absolute ignorance, in the most sordid slavery. The priests who then
enjoyed unlimited power could not see but with horror the propagation of
a new faith, destroying the scaffolding of their organization, threatening
their powerful status. That faith had in itself the light, the intelligence
and the freedom of thoughts. It was a moral and social revolution. Hence
every follower of that new faith, recruited in all social classes of Egypt, and
not exclusively among the descendants of Jacob as mistakenly thought,
were persecuted, oppressed and submitted to the harshest humiliations
until finally expelled from the country, since they were contaminating
the population with subversive and anti-social ideas. It is always the same
when a progressive idea shows up in the horizon, reaching out to humanity.
The same persecution and mistreatment follows the innovators who
cast upon the soil of the new generation the fertile seeds of morality and
progress; because any progressive innovation leads to the destruction of
certain abuses and necessarily has by enemies all those who are interested
in maintaining these abuses.
But God Almighty, who wisely leads every event that must stimulate
progress, inspired Moses. He gave him powers that had never been seen
before, and through the irradiation of that power whose effects reached
the eyes of the most incredulous, Moses conquered a huge influence upon
the population who blindly trusted their destiny, performing a miracle
whose impression would remain from generation to generation, as permanent
reminder of God’s power and His prophet.
The passage of the Red Sea was the first act of liberation of the people.
Nevertheless, they needed instruction. It was necessary to tame them
through the power of reason and through the sometimes renovated miracles;
it was necessary to give them faith and moralize them; they needed to
trust the power and have faith in a God Creator, infinite Being, infinitely
good and just. The trying forty years in the desert, among deprivations,
suffering and circumstances of all sorts; the examples of insubordination
severely reprimanded by a providential justice, all that contributed to the
development of a faith in the Almighty Being whose benevolent hand
they felt every day, sometimes a severe hand that punishes those who are
The first revelation took place at Mount Sinai, the brilliant mystery
that astonished the world, it captivated and spread on the Earth the first
benefits of a moral that freed man from the claws of flesh and from a
brute despotism; that placed humankind above the spheres of the animals,
making them superior, capable of elevating to the supreme intelligence
through their own progress.
The first steps of these people who had entrusted their destiny to
the man of God were hindered by wars whose effect were to be the
fertile seeds of a social renovation among the fighting tribes. Judaism
became the focus of light, of intelligence and freedom and irradiated a
remarkable light upon all neighboring nations, then provoking hatred
and hostility. That immediate result was in God’s plans, without which
progress would have been very slow. While the wars disseminated the
germs of progress, they were also a lesson to the Jews whose faith they
These people, freed from another people, who had blindly entrusted
the power of a single man, these people, had a mission, it was a predestined
people. That is why it was said that the people were unknowingly
on a mission, not noticed by the other peoples either. That tough mission
was rich in gall and bitterness. Their apostles endured all possible
sufferings. They were persecuted, imprisoned, stoned and dispersed and
wherever they were, they carried that lively and intelligent faith; the trust
in their God, whose power they had felt, whose goodness they had experienced,
accepting the trials that should bring to humanity the benefits
of civilization.
Here you have the obscure, scorned and despised apostles; the first
pioneers of freedom; have they suffered enough since they left Egypt until
now? The time of their rehabilitation is not far and in a not too distant day,
we will salute those pioneer soldiers of modern civilization with acknowledgment
and veneration, and justice will be made to the descendants of
those families whose unbreakable faith was taken as assets to every nation
where God allowed them to disperse. When Jesus Christ came he was
still a messenger of God. He was a new shining star on Earth, like Moses,
whose mission he took over to continue, develop and adapt to the progress
that was already realized. He himself was destined to suffer that shameful
death whose paths had been prepared by the Jews, creating the convenient
circumstances of a Roman crime. Stop thinking of the history of nations
and human beings as you have done so far. Your pride makes you believe
that they were the ones that brought forward the events that transformed
the face of the globe, forgetting that there is a God in the universe that
drives this remarkable harmony, with whose laws you comply thinking
that they were imposed by you. Look at the history of humanity from a
more elevated standpoint. Embrace a wider horizon and you will see that
everything follows a unique system. It is the law of progress that makes
you move on one step every century and not every day.
Jesus Christ came then in the second phase, the second revelation,
and it took his teachings eighteen centuries to spread out, to popularize.
From that you see how slow progress is and what human beings must
have been when Moses brought to the astonished world the idea of an
Almighty God, an infinite and immaterial God, whose power became
visible to that people, whose mission brought so much suffering and difficulties.
Hence, there is no progress without suffering. One comes after the
other; it is through suffering and its cruel circumstances that humanity
understands the objective of its destiny and the power of God by whom
humanity must exist.
Christianity was then the result of the second revelation. But was this
Doctrine whose sublime morality which Christ had brought and developed
understood in its remarkable simplicity? And how is it practiced by
the majority of those who profess it? Has it never been veered off from
its objective? Has it never been abused, serving as an instrument of despotism,
ambition and greed? In a word, all of those who name themselves
Christians, do they live according to the precepts of its founder?
No. That is why they also had to go through the alembic of unhappiness
that cleanses everything. History of Christianity is too recent to say everything;
but, nevertheless, the objective is about to be reached and a new
dawn will rise. Through different ways it will make us progress faster on
the path that took us six thousand years to arrive to.
Spiritism marks the arrival of an era that will see a revolution in
people’s ideas. It will destroy those incomprehensible pretensions, the
prejudices that have followed and still follow the Jews in their long and
painful pilgrimage. People will understand that they were submitted to a
providential destiny, serving as its instrument, like those who persecuted
them with their hatred were also pushed by the same power whose secret
designs should come true through mysterious and unknown ways.
Yes, Spiritism is the third revelation. It is unveiled to a generation of
more advanced people, of noble aspirations, generous and humanitarians
who must concur to the universal fraternity. That is the new objective
indicated by God to your endeavors. However, those results like the ones
achieved so far, will not be reached without pain and suffering. May those
who have the courage to take this on as the apostles of the new era to stand
up, raise their voices, speak out loud and expose the Doctrine, attack the abuses and show its objective. Such objective is not a shiny mirage that
you seek uselessly. That objective is real and you shall reach it at the time
indicated by God. It might be a distant time but it is determined. Don’t
be afraid. Go, apostles of progress. Walk boldly, with your heads held
high and your hearts resigned. You have a pure Doctrine as your support,
free from any mystery, which appeals to the most beautiful virtues of the
soul, offering that consoling certainty that the soul lives forever, outliving
death and pain. That is the unveiled objective, my friends. You will ask
who are the apostles, how can we recognize them. God is in charge of
revealing them through missions that will be accomplished. You will recognize
them by their works and their attributes. The ones who have missions
assigned from above accomplish them but do not glorify themselves
since God chooses the humble ones to propagate his word and not the
ambitions and proud ones. That is how you will recognize the prophets.
Edouard Pereyre”