The Spiritist Review - Journal of Psychological Studies - 1864

Allan Kardec

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One does not need more than say something out loud that not everyone understands to be treated as deranged, extravagant or mad. One does not need to be a wise person to write something that comes from the soul and from the heart. A person of strong personality asked a lady medium:

- How come you, an intelligent person, believe in invisible Spirits and in the plurality of the existences? To which the lady replied:

- Maybe I believe because I am intelligent; what I feel gives me more inspiration than what I see for what we some sometimes is deceitful but what we feel does not ever deceive us. You are free to not believe. Those that believe in the plurality of the existences are not bad people and are more selfless than the ones that don’t believe. The nonbelievers call them mad people but that does not prove that they tell the truth, on the contrary, for doubting God’s power is an offense and denying the existence of something that we cannot touch is an insult to the Creator. When something extraordinary happen to us we usually attribute that to chance. Here is my question: what is chance? Nothing, responds the voice of truth. Since the void cannot produce something whatever does exist must come from a productive source. It would be very fair to think that what happens independent of our will must be the works of the Providence directed by the Lord of our destines. Irrespectively of what you say and irrespectively of what you do, strong minds, you will never destroy this Doctrine that has always existed. The ignorance of primitive souls imagine that it is all over after this life since they cannot fully understand it. That is mistake! We, the more or less advanced mediums, will finally convince you. Spiritism is not only a consolation; it also develops intelligence; destroy every egoistic and greedy thought; put us in contact with the loved ones and prepares progress, an immense progress that with time will destroy abuse, revolutions and wars. The soul does need to reincarnate to improve. It cannot learn everything to understand the works of the Almighty in a single material life. The body is just a temporary envelope in which God sends the soul to advance and endure the necessary trials to its own development and to the realization of the great work of the Creator that we all are called to serve when we are done with our trials and acquired the perfections. All of our contemporary celebrities are another group of souls that progressed through renovated incarnations. Many among them are writing mediums, geniuses that in every new existence bring progress to science and arts. The list of geniuses grows every year. These are so many other guides that God brings to our environment to enlighten and educate us, in a word, to teach us what we ignore and that is absolutely necessary to know. They show us the social ulcer; try to destroy our prejudices; bring to the light and before our eyes all the wickedness produced by selfishness and ignorance. These geniuses are animated by superior Spirits. They have done more for progress and civilization than all of your rifles and canyons and bring to our faces more tears of kindness and recognition than everything you have done with your weapons. Think seriously about Spiritism, intelligent men, and you will find great teachings there. There is no charlatanism in that great divine law. Everything there is beautiful, great and sublime. It only tends to lead us to perfection and to the true moral happiness. The book written by mediums and dictated by superior Spirits is a book of high philosophy and an as much subtle as profound teaching. It handles everything. It is true that not everyone is ready for that believe and that to understand it the soul must have reincarnated several times. When everybody understands Spiritism better our great poets will be better appreciated and read with more attention and respect. Every writer will be understood and admired by all peoples and without envy because causes and effects will be known. The study of science is the noblest occupation and Spiritism is its divinity. We associate ourselves to the genius through Spiritism and as said by one of our scientists after the genius comes the one that understands the genius. Education does to the Spirit what a skillful jeweler does to the diamond, polishing it, bringing out the enchanting and seducing charm, enhancing its value. The soul has not shape as to speak. It is like a spark that changes according to its intensity and according to the degree of acquired perfection. The more it progresses, the more it shines. When all of you are mediums you will be able to deal with the Spirits as we already do and they will tell you that they are happier than us. They see us, hear us and attend our gatherings, talk to us during the sleep, transport from place to place and are everywhere according to God’s wishes.

Pauline Boulay

NOTE: The principle of reincarnation is equally found in a manuscript that was sent to us from Montreal, Canada, that we will talk about in the near future.

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