The Spirits' Book

Allan Kardec

You are in: The Spirits' Book > BOOK THREE—MORAL LAWS > CHAPTER IV—III. LAW OF REPRODUCTION > Marriage and Celibacy

Marriage and Celibacy

695. Is marriage, the permanent union of two beings, contrary to the law of nature?
“It is progress that has been achieved by humankind.”

696. If marriages were abolished, what would be the effect on human society?
“Regressing to the level of wild animals and savages.” The free and unplanned union of the sexes is natural. Marriage is one of the first results of progress in human societies because it establishes fraternal unity, found in every nation and among every ethnic group though under different conditions. If marriage were abolished, humanity would regress to infancy, and would place humans below a few animals that demonstrate having lifelong fidelity to their mates.

697. Is the binding nature of marriage a law of nature, or is it only dictated by human law?
“It is human law that contradicts the law of nature. Human laws change, while natural law is constant.”

698. Is voluntary celibacy commendable in God’s eyes?
“No, those who are single for selfish reasons displease God and mislead others.”

699. For some people, can celibacy be a sacrifice they make to devote themselves to serving humanity completely?
“That is a very different matter, I said ‘for selfish reasons’. When carried out for a noble purpose, any sort of personal sacrifice is laudable. The greater the sacrifice, the greater the merit.”

God cannot be in contradiction with, or find fault in, creation. Therefore, God cannot commend any violation of Divine or Natural laws. While celibacy alone is not praiseworthy, it may become such when depriving oneself the joy of having a family is a sacrifice made in the interest of humanity. Every sacrifice of personal interest, when made for the good of others and no self-interest whatsoever, raises human beings above the level of their physical condition.

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