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Spiritist Review - Journal of Psychological Studies - 1865 > January > To the subscribers of the Spiritist Review
To the subscribers of the Spiritist Review
The Spiritist Review starts its eighth year. It is already a considerable time considering a new idea at the same time it belies those that forecasted the premature death of Spiritism. Like in previous years, the time for the renewal of subscriptions is to the majority of the subscribers that come directly to us an opportunity to reiterate their recognition for the benefits of the Doctrine. Since we cannot respond to each one in particular we ask them to accept here our sincere thanks for their testimonies of sympathy that were kindly sent to us on this occasion. If the Doctrine does good, if it gives consolations to those in suffering, if it strengthen the weak and raises the abated courage, it is God that we must thank before the server and to the great Spirits that are the true initiators of the idea and supervisors of the movement. We nevertheless feel profoundly touched by the vows that are addressed to us so that we can preserve the necessary force to reach the end of the mission that is reserved to us. That is what we endeavor to deserve through our zeal and devotion that will not fail us so that we can pass the work on, as much advanced as possible, to the one that shall one day replace us and carry out what has been left unfinished with even more strength.