Spiritist Review - Journal of Psychological Studies - 1865

Allan Kardec

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Dr. Demeure

Deceased in Albi, Tarn, January 26th, 1865

Another soul of excellence has just left Earth! Mr. Demeure was a very distinguished homeopathy doctor in Albi. His character, as well as his knowledge, had granted him the regard and veneration of his fellow citizens. We only knew him from his correspondence and that of his friends but that was enough to reveal all the greatness and nobility of his feelings. His goodness and charity were unquestionable, and despite his advanced age he would tirelessly help his poor patients. The price of his consultations were the least of his concerns. He was more worried about the unfortunate ones than with those that could pay because, he used to say, in his absence the latter could always find another doctor. To the former he not only gave the medication for free but also many ttimes left them with the sufficient to face their material needs, what sometimes is the most useful medicine. We can say that he was the healing Vicar D’Ars of medicine.

Mr. Demeure had embraced the Spiritist Doctrine with enthusiasm where he had found the key to the most serious problems whose solution he had uselessly asked science and all philosophies. His profound and investigative Spirit made him immediately understand its whole reach and therefore became one of its most dedicated promoters. Although we had never met face to face he mentioned in one of his letters that he was certain that we were not strangers to one another and that there was previous relationships between us. His rush to come to us as soon as he died, his solicitude and care towards us in the situation, the role that he seems to have been called to play, all seem to confirm his forecast that we have not yet been able to verify. We learned about his death on January 30th and our first thought was to communicate with him. Here the communication that he did on that same evening through the intermediary of Mrs. Cazemajour, medium.

I am here. When alive I had promised myself that as soon as I was dead I would come, if allowed, to shake hands with my dear teacher and friend Mr. Allan Kardec. Death had given my soul this heavy sleep that we call lethargy, but my mind waked. I shook off that dismal torpor that prolongates the confusion following death, then I woke up and all of a sudden I traveled here. Oh happiness! I am no longer old or sick. My body was only an imposed disguise. I am young and handsome, handsome of this eternal youth of the Spirits whose faces are not wrinkled and whose hairs are not withened by the action of time. I am light like a bird that crosses the horizon in a short flight over your cloudy skies and I admire, contemplate, praise, love and bow, an atom before the greatness, wisdom and science of our Creator, before the wonders that sourround me. I was near you, dear and vererable friend, when Mr. Sabò talked about doing my evocation and I followed him. I am happy! I am in glory! Ah who could ever translate the splendid beauties of the land of the elected: the skies, the worlds, the suns and their role in the great concert of universal harmony? Well, I will try my teacher. I will do your study and will come to bring you the tribute of my works of Spirit that, in anticipation, I dedicate to you. So long.”


Observation: The two following communications from February 1st and 2nd are relative to our sudden illness on January 1st. Although personal we reproduce them here because they demonstrate that Dr. Demeure is as good a Spirit as he was a man and because they offer a teaching in addition. It is a testimony of gratitude for his solicitude towards us in that circumstance:

My good friend, have confidence in us and much courage. The current crisis, although tyring and painful, will not take long and with the prescribed care you will be able to complete, according to you wishes, the work that has been the main objective of your life. However, I am the one here by your side with the Spirit of Truth that allows me to have the word in his name, like the last of your friends among the Spirits! They honor me with their welcome. Dear teacher, I am so happy to have died in time to be with them at this time! If I had died earlier I could perhaps have avoided this crisis that I did not foresee. It was only a short while since I discarnate to be occupied with anything else other than spiritual things, but now I will watch your back, dear teacher. It is your brother and friend, a Spirit happy to be near you and take care of your disease. However, you know the proverb: “Help yourself and the skies will help you”. Help therefore the good Spirits in their care for you, strictly following their prescriptions. It is too hot here. This charcoal is too much. While you are sick do not burn that because it raises your pressure. Its fumes are deleterious.”

Your friend, Demeure.

It is me, Demeure, Mr. Allan Kardec’s friend. I come to tell him that I was by his side when the accident happened, an accident that could have been really bad without an efficient intervention which I had the honor to contribute. According to my observations and the teachings that I collected from a respectable source, it is evident that the sooner his discarnation may occur the sooner his reincarnation may take place so that he may complete his work. However, before departing he needs to do the final touches to his works that must complete the doctrinary theory that he initiated, and he will be considered a case of voluntary suicide for excess of work, causing the deficiency of his physical organization that threatens him with a sudden departure to our world. One must have no fear to tell him the whole truth so that he can take care of himself and strictly follow the prescriptions.”


The communication below was obtained in Moltalban on February 1st, in the circle of Spiritist friends that he had there.

Antoine Demeure. I am not dead to you my good friends, but to those that unlike you do not know this sacred doctrine that reunites those that loved one another on Earth and that shared the same thoughts, the same feelings of love and charity. I am happy. I am happier than I could expect since I enjoy a rare lucidity among the Spirits that have separated from matter a short while ago. Have courage, good friends! I will be near you many times and will certainly instruct you about many things that we ignore when bonded to matter that hides from us so many magnificences and pleasures. Pray fro those that are precluded from such a happiness for they do not know how much they hurt themselves. I will not stay long today but I tell you that I find nothing strange in this world of the Spirits. It seems to me that I have always inhabited it. I feel happy here because I see my friends and can communicate with them whenever I desire. Do not cry, friends. You would make me feel sorry for having met you. Allow time to follow its course and God will lead you to this dwelling where we shall all reunite. Good night, my friends. God bless you. I am here by your side.”


Observation: The situation of Mr. Demeure as a Spirit is exactly the one that he could foresee from his so dignified and usefully lived life but another not less instructive aspect sticks out of his communications that is the activity that he develops to be useful, almost immediately after his death. For his intelligence and moral qualities he belongs to the order of the well advanced Spirits. He is very happy but his happiness is not idleness. A few days back and he was taking care of patients as a doctor and as soon as he died he promptly begins to look after them as a Spirit. What is the benefit then of being in the spiritual world if one cannot enjoy some rest there? We reply with this question: isn’t that much the fact that there is no more concerns and needs or the illnesses of life; being free and being able to travel the space without fatigue and with the speed of the thought, and see one’s friends at any time, irrespective of the distance that separates them? We then add: When you are on the other world nothing will force you to do anything. You shall be perfectly free to remain in a pious indolence, as long as you wish, but you shall soon get tired of that selfish idleness. I will be the first one to request something to do. You will then hear: if you are bored for not be doing anything you must seek something to do yourself. There is no lack of opportunity to do good both among mankind and the Spirits. That is how the spiritual activity is not an embarassement. It is a necessity, a satisfaction to the Spirits that look for them in accordance to their tastes and aptitudes, and preferably choose the ones that may help in their advancement.

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