Spiritist Review - Journal of Psychological Studies - 1867

Allan Kardec

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Bibliographic News

Several poetries from the invisible world, obtained by Mr. Vavasseur

This collection, that we announced in our last issue as being printing, will appear in the first half of January. Our readers have been able to judge the genre and the value of the poems obtained by M. Vavasseur, as a medium, either in the waking or in the spontaneous somnambulistic state, by the fragments that we have published. We will, therefore, confine ourselves to saying that to the merit of the versification, they add that of reflection, in the graceful poetic form, about the consoling truths of the doctrine, and that as such they will have an honorable place in any Spiritist library. We thought it necessary to add an introduction, or better, an instruction on mediumistic poetry in general, intended to respond to certain objections of critics on this kind of production.

Modifications made in the printing, will make it possible to put the price at 1 franc; by post 1.5 francs

Portrait of Mr. Allan Kardec

Drawn and lithographed by Mr. Bertrand, painter.

Size: china paper, 35 c. on 28, and with the border, 45 c. out of 38. - Price: 2 fr. 50; by post, for France and Algeria, postage and packing case 50 c. in addition. - At the author's, rue des Dames, n ° 99, in Paris-Batignolles, and at the office of the Spiritist Review.

M. Bertrand is one of the very good writing mediums of the Spiritist Society of Paris, and who has shown his zeal and devotion to the doctrine. This consideration, added to the desire to be useful to him by making him known as a talented artist, silenced the scruples that we had hitherto to announce the sale of our portrait, for the fear that some might see in this a ridiculous presumption. We, therefore, hasten to declare that we are completely foreign to this publication, as to that of the portraits issued by several photographers.

The Spiritist Union of Bordeaux, written by MA Bez, momentarily interrupted by a serious illness of the director, and circumstances beyond his control, has resumed the course of its publications, as we had announced, and must arrange so that its subscribers do not experience any prejudice from this interruption. We sincerely congratulate Mr. Bez, and sincerely wish that nothing in the future hinders the useful publication that he has undertaken, and that deserves to be encouraged.

La Voce di Dio

The director of La Voce di Dio, an Italian Spiritist newspaper, that is published in Sicily, informs us that, as a result of the events that have occurred in this region, and especially the devastation caused by cholera, the city of Catania, being almost deserted, it is forced to stop posting. It intends to resume it as soon as circumstances permit.

Rectification of the Gospel of Mr. Roustaing

Mr. Roustaing, from Bordeaux, sent us the following letter, requesting to have it published:

Mr. Director of the Spiritist Review,

In the work that you announced in the last June issue of the Spiritist Review, and entitled: “Christian Spiritism, or Revelation of Revelation” - the four Gospels followed by the commandments explained in Spirit and in truth, by the evangelists assisted by the apostles, Moses, collected and put in order by J.-B. Roustaing, lawyer at the Imperial Court of Bordeaux, former president of the bar, 3 vols., Paris, Librairie centrale, #24, 1866; Book that I presented to the direction of the Spiritist Review in Paris, last April and May, which accepted it, had omitted in the printing, escaping the proofreading, a passage from the manuscript. This omitted passage, and that is thus conceived, has its place after the last line, page 111, 3rd vol.:

“And this hypothesis, on the part of the Spiritists, that the body of Jesus would have been an earthly body, - and that the angels or higher Spirits could have made it invisible, and would have taken, removed it, at the very moment when the stone was unsealed and overturned, would be, a priori, inadmissible and false; it must, in fact, be set aside as such - in the presence of the revelation made by the angel to Mary, then to Joseph; revelation that would then be false, which cannot be it, emanating from an envoy of God, and which must be interpreted, explained according to the Spirit that vivifies, in spirit and in truth, according to the course of the laws of nature and not rejected. (See supra, III ° vol., Pages 23-24; - 1st vol., P. 27 to 44; 67 to 86; 122 to 129; 165 to 193; 226 to 266; - III ° vol., P. 139 to 145; 161 to 163; 168 to 175.)

To bring, by the publicity available to your newspaper, to the knowledge of those who have read, who read and who will read this work, this omission in the printing, and so that those that have this book may add to by hand, and on the page indicated, the above-mentioned paragraph; I come to ask for your kindness that this letter be inserted in the next issue of the Spiritist Review, Paris, thanking you in advance.

Please, Mr. Director, accept, etc.

Roustaing, Lawyer at the Imperial Court of Bordeaux, former President of the Bar, rue Saint-Siméon, 17”

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