Spiritist Review - Journal of Psychological Studies - 1867

Allan Kardec

You are in: Spiritist Review - Journal of Psychological Studies - 1867 > August > Complaint to the Journal la Marionnette
Complaint to the Journal la Marionnette

La Marionnette, a new newspaper in Lyon, published the following article in its June 30th issue:

“We announce the arrival in Lyon of the anthropological and ethnological museum of Mr. A. Neger, successor of Mr. Th. Petersen.

Among other extraordinary things, we see in this wax museum:

1st – an unfortunate princess of the Coromandel coast who, married to a great tribal chief, had the infamy of forgetting her marital duties with an overly attractive European, and died in London from a languor disease;

2nd: Trichinae twenty times larger than normal, in all phases of their existence, from the earliest childhood to the most extreme old age;

3rd: The famous Mexican Julia Pastrana who died in labor in Moscow in the year of grace 1860.

It was not without legitimate astonishment that we learned of this premature death - since in 1865 Julia Pastrana was engaged in equestrian exercises in a circus whose performances were given on the Cours Napoleon.

How can a woman who died in 1860 burst out through paper circles in 1865? Food for thought!


Having this issue been communicated to us, we addressed the following complaint to the director:


They give me number 6 of your newspaper, where there is a signed article: Allan Kardec. I don't think I have an homonymous; in any case, as I only answer for what I write, I ask you to insert this letter in your next issue, in order to inform your readers that Mr. Allan Kardec, the author of The Spirits’ Book, is foreign to the article that bears his name, and that he does not authorize anyone to use it.

Receive, sir, my warm greetings.


The newspaper editor immediately responded with the following:


Our friend, Acariâtre, the author of the article signed by mistake with your name, has already complained about the clumsiness of the reviser. Here is the sentence: It makes Allan Kardec dream, reference to Spiritism. The embellishments of Lyon are all signed Acariâtre. In our next issue, we'll rectify this mistake.

Receive, sir, my warm regards.

E. B. Labaume

NOTE. This newspaper is published every Sunday at 5, cours Lafayette, in Lyon.

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