Ms. Nichol, medium of transportation
Hotel des Deux-Mondes, at Rue d'Antin, has recently been the scene of supernatural sessions given by the famous medium Nichol, in the presence of only a few initiates.
Ms. Nichol is traveling to Rome to submit her extraordinary faculty to the examination of the Holy Father, which consists in bringing down rains of flowers. This is what is called a medium of transportation (Journal Paris, January 15th, 1869)
Ms. Nichol is from London, where she enjoys a certain reputation as a medium. We witnessed some of her experiments, in a private session more than a year ago, and we admit that they were somewhat disappointing. It is true that we are quite skeptical about certain demonstrations, and somewhat demanding about the conditions under which they occur, not that we question the good faith of that lady; we are only saying that what we saw, to us, did not seem likely to convince the unbelievers.
We wish her good luck with the Holy Father; she will certainly have no trouble convincing him of the reality of the phenomena that today are openly confessed by the clergy (see the book entitled: The Spirits and their relationships with the visible world, by Father Triboulet[1]); but we doubt very much that she will succeed in making him officially recognize that these are not the works of the devil.
Rome is an inhospitable land for mediums who do not perform miracles according to the Church; we recall that in 1864 Mr. Home was going to Rome, not to exercise his faculty, but only to study sculpture, and had to yield to the ban to leave the city within twenty-four hours. (Spiritist Review, February 1864).
[1] One volume, in-8, price 5 francs