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The Spiritist review — Journal of psychological studies — 1858 > February > Spirits’ Scale > Second Order – Good Spirits
Second Order – Good Spirits
General characteristics: Prevalence of spirit over matter; desire of good. Their qualities and capacities for the practice of good are proportional to the level they have reached: some have science, others wisdom and goodness; the most advanced unite knowledge to moral qualities. As they are not completely dematerialized, they more or less maintain, according to their classes, traces of the corporeal existence, both in their language as well as in their habits, where we can even identify certain customs, without which they would be perfect spirits.
They understand God and the infinity and already enjoy the happiness of the good ones. They feel happy for the good they spread as well as the evil they avoid. Love is a bonding source of ineffable happiness, unaltered by envy, or sorrow, or remorse, or by any other bad passion which torment the imperfect spirits; nevertheless all still have to endure trials before reaching absolute perfection.
As spirits, they give rise to good thoughts deviating men from tortuous paths; during life they protect those who are worthy of their protection and neutralize the influence of the imperfect spirits over those who are not pleased to submit to them.
When incarnated, these are good and benevolent to all their neighbors. They are not moved by pride or selfishness, or even by ambition. Do not experiment hate, resentment, envy or jealousy and practice good for the good.
These are the commonly designated good geniuses or protector geniuses, spirits of good in the vulgar beliefs. Over the times of superstition and ignorance, they were transformed into beneficent divinities.
They can also be divided into four main groups:
They understand God and the infinity and already enjoy the happiness of the good ones. They feel happy for the good they spread as well as the evil they avoid. Love is a bonding source of ineffable happiness, unaltered by envy, or sorrow, or remorse, or by any other bad passion which torment the imperfect spirits; nevertheless all still have to endure trials before reaching absolute perfection.
As spirits, they give rise to good thoughts deviating men from tortuous paths; during life they protect those who are worthy of their protection and neutralize the influence of the imperfect spirits over those who are not pleased to submit to them.
When incarnated, these are good and benevolent to all their neighbors. They are not moved by pride or selfishness, or even by ambition. Do not experiment hate, resentment, envy or jealousy and practice good for the good.
These are the commonly designated good geniuses or protector geniuses, spirits of good in the vulgar beliefs. Over the times of superstition and ignorance, they were transformed into beneficent divinities.
They can also be divided into four main groups:
Fifth Class: Benevolent Spirits
Goodness is their prevalent quality. Enjoy protecting and serving men but their knowledge is limited: they have progressed more in the moral than in the intellectual sense.
Goodness is their prevalent quality. Enjoy protecting and serving men but their knowledge is limited: they have progressed more in the moral than in the intellectual sense.
Fourth Class: Spirits of science
The extension of their knowledge is what distinguishes them. Less concerned with the moral questions than with the scientific ones, for which have more aptitude but only see science from its utility point of view, not blending that with any passion characteristic of the imperfect spirits.
The extension of their knowledge is what distinguishes them. Less concerned with the moral questions than with the scientific ones, for which have more aptitude but only see science from its utility point of view, not blending that with any passion characteristic of the imperfect spirits.
Third Class: Wise Spirits
Moral qualities of the highest order are what distinguish them. Their knowledge is not unlimited but they have such a high intellectual capability that it allows them to make a shrewd judgment of men and all things.
Second Class: Superior Spirits
Unite science, wisdom and benevolence. Their language, permanently dignified and elevated, breathes generosity and, sometimes, it is sublime. Their superiority enable them, more than the others, with the ability to give us the most rightful notions of the incorporeal world, within the limits allowed to men. Show good will in the communications with those who, in good faith, look for the truth and whose souls are released enough from the earthly harnesses to understand it, but stay away from those animated by curiosity or those deviated from the righteous path due to the influence of matter.
When exceptionally reincarnate on earth it is to accomplish a mission of progress. It is when they offer us the type of perfection that humanity may aspire in this world.
Unite science, wisdom and benevolence. Their language, permanently dignified and elevated, breathes generosity and, sometimes, it is sublime. Their superiority enable them, more than the others, with the ability to give us the most rightful notions of the incorporeal world, within the limits allowed to men. Show good will in the communications with those who, in good faith, look for the truth and whose souls are released enough from the earthly harnesses to understand it, but stay away from those animated by curiosity or those deviated from the righteous path due to the influence of matter.
When exceptionally reincarnate on earth it is to accomplish a mission of progress. It is when they offer us the type of perfection that humanity may aspire in this world.