The Spiritist review — Journal of psychological studies — 1858

Allan Kardec

You are in: The Spiritist review — Journal of psychological studies — 1858 > November > Family conversations from beyond the grave > Mehemet-Ali

Mehemet-Ali, second communication

1. In the name of the Almighty God, I ask the spirit of Mehemet-Ali to come to communicate with us.
- Yes, I know the reason.

2. You promised to come to instruct us. Will you be kind to listen to us and answer?
- I don’t promise, as I have not committed to doing that.

3. Let us replace the “promised us” by “you made us wait”
- You mean: to satisfy your curiosity. Never mind! I will make myself useful.

4. Considering that you lived in the times of the Pharaohs, can you tell us what was the reason for the construction of the pyramids?
- They are burial chambers. Tombs and temples. Great manifestations took place there.

5. Did they also have a scientific interest?
- No. The religious interest absorbed everything.

6. It was necessary that the Egyptians were well advanced in mechanical engineering so as to realize tasks that required so considerable forces. Can you give us an idea of the means they employed?
- Masses of men moaned under the weight of those stones that crossed the centuries. The machine was man.

7. Which class of men was employed into such great work?
- Those that you call people.

8. Were the people on a state of slavery or did they receive a salary?
- Forced.

9. Where did the Egyptians get their taste for colossal things from, rather than the gracious ones that distinguished the Greeks, considering their common origin?
- The Egyptian was touched by God’s greatness. Wanted to equal him, overcoming his own forces. Always man!

10. Since you were a priest on those days, kindly tell us something about the Egyptian religion. What was the people’s belief with respect to the Divinity?
- Corrupted. They believed their priests. Their gods were those who kept them under the oppression.

11. What did they think about the soul after death?
- They believed in what they were told by the priests.

12. Had the priests a more sound idea than the people about God and the soul?
- Yes. They had the light in their hands and although hiding it from the others, they still saw it.

13. The celebrities of the state shared the priest’s or the people’s beliefs?
- They were between the two.

14. What was the origin of the cult to the animals?
- They wanted to deviate man from God by reducing him to their level, offering inferior beings as gods.

15. One can understand, up to a point, the cult to useful animals; but to dirty and harmful ones like the serpents, crocodiles, etc!
- Man adores what he fears. It was a kind of oppression to the people. The priests could not believe in gods made by their hands!

16. Isn’t that strange that at the same time that they adored the crocodile and reptiles they also adored the ichneumon and the ibis that destroyed them?
- Aberration of the spirit. Man seeks gods everywhere to hide what he actually is.

17. Why was Osiris represented with a hawk’s head and Anubis with a dog’s head?
- The Egyptian liked to personify under the form of clear emblems: Anubis was good; the ruthless hawk represented the cruel Osiris.

18. How can one reconcile with the respect to the Egyptians by the dead with their disdain and horror for those who buried and mummified them?
- The cadaver was an instrument of manifestations. According to their thoughts, the spirit would return to the body it had once animated. Since it was one of the instruments of their cult, the body was sacred and the disdain followed those who dared to violate death’s sanctity.

19. Did the conservation of the body allowed for a larger number of manifestations?
- Longer, that is, the spirit would return for longer times, since the instrument was docile.

20. Wouldn’t the conservation of the body also carry an issue of salubrity, considering the floods of the Nile?
- Yes, the bodies of the people.

21. Did the initiation into the mysteries in Egypt go through as much rigorous practices as in Greece?
- Even more rigorous.

22. What was the aim of imposing conditions that were so much difficult to accomplish to the initiated?
- To have only superior souls. Those who know how to understand and remain quiet.

23. Have the teachings about the mysteries had the revelation of the extra-human things as their only objective or the principles of moral and love to the neighbor were also taught?
- All that was much corrupted. The intent of the priests was to dominate, not to instruct.

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