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30. Is there any use in trying to convince an obstinate unbeliever? We have said
that this depends upon the cause and the nature of his incredulity ; it often happens that
the persistence with which persons attempt to convert an unbeliever only serves to puff
him up with an exaggerated sense of his importance, and thus renders him all the more
obstinate. If a man cannot be convinced either by reasoning or by facts, it is evident
that he has still to undergo the affliction of incredulity; we must leave to Providence the
care of bringing him into more favourable circumstances. There are too many people
ready for the light, for us to lose time Over those who only desire to shut it out. Make
your advances, then, rather to those who are favourably inclined, of whom the number
is greater than is generally supposed. Address yourselves to these; for their example
will accomplish more than words. The true spiritist will never fail to be doing good ;
his delight is to give consolation, to calm despair, and to forward the work of moral re-
formation. Therein lies his mission ; therein will he find his true joy. Spiritism is in
the air ; it scatters benefits by its very nature, because it renders happy those who
profess it. When its obstinate adversaries feel its influence around them in the homes of
their friends, they will comprehend their own isolation, and will be forced into silence
or acceptance.