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42. Theory of physical causes. We now emerge from the sphere of absolute
negation. The reality of the phenomena being admitted, the first thought which
naturally suggested itself, to those who recognised them as real, was to attribute them to
magnetism, to electricity, or to some sort of fluidic action; in a word, to some purely
physical cause. In this there was nothing irrational; and that explanation would have
been generally adopted, if the phenomena had been limited to purely mechanical
effects. A circumstance which even seemed to corroborate this view was the fact, that,
in certain cases, the power increased in proportion to the number of the sitters ; each
person might thus be considered as constituting one of the elements of a human
electric battery. As previously remarked, the characteristic of a true theory is its
capability of accounting for all the facts to which it refers ; if contradicted by a single
fact, the theory is seen to be erroneous or incomplete and this is just the case with the
theory now cited. The phenomena observed were found to give signs of intelligence, by
conforming to the will of the sitters and responding to their thought; thus proving that
they proceeded from the action of an intelligent cause. This point ascertained, the phe-
nomena could no longer be regarded as merely physical, or as being due to the action of
a purely physical cause. The theory of the exclusive action of a physical agent as their
source was thenceforth necessarily abandoned, and is no longer upheld except by
people who argue à priori, and without having investigated. The chief point, therefore,
is to obtain proof of intelligence in the phenomena we are about to consider; and this
proof will certainly be obtained by all who take the pains to investigate for themselves.