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86. Several years ago, when we first began the study of spiritism, and while
occupied in writing a work in regard to it, we heard knockings around us for four hours
consecutively; it was the first time that anything of the sort had occurred to us, and we
had abundant proof that they were not produced by accident; but, for the moment, we
could not ascertain anything more about them. At that period, we frequently saw an
excellent writing medium; and, next morning, we questioned the spirit who
communicated through that medium as to the cause of the knockings we had heard. " It
is," he replied, "your familiar spirit who desires to speak to you."-What does he wish to
say to us?-" You can ask him yourself, for he is here." Having addressed the same
question to this spirit, he announced himself to us under an allegorical name (we
learned afterwards, from other spirits, that he belongs to a very elevated order, and
played a very important part when on earth), pointed out to us certain errors in our
work, indicating the lines in which they occurred, gave us wise and useful counsel, and
added that he would be always with us, and would come at our call, whenever we might
desire to interrogate him. From that time, the spirit alluded to has never quitted us. He
has given us innumerable proofs of his great superiority and his kindly and efficacious
intervention has been plainly shown in our worldly affairs, as well as in our
investigation of metaphysical questions. But, after our first meeting, the knockings
were never renewed. Why was this? Evidently, because lie had wished to enter into
regular communication with us ; and, in order to do this, it was necessary to apprise us
of the fact. The signal once made and explained, and regular relations established
between us, the raps ceased to be useful, and therefore were not again produced. When
soldiers are already on parade, the drum is no longer beaten to awaken them.
A fact of a similar character occurred in the experience of a friend of ours. For some time his bedroom had resounded with different noises, which at length became very annoying. Having had an opportunity of conferring with the spirit of his father, through a writing medium, he learned that the noises had been made by him, ascertained his wishes, did what he was thus requested to do, and was never again disturbed. It may here be remarked that those who have the means of communicating regularly and easily with spirits are much more rarely subject to manifestations of this kind than those who have not the means of doing so ; a fact which explains itself.
A fact of a similar character occurred in the experience of a friend of ours. For some time his bedroom had resounded with different noises, which at length became very annoying. Having had an opportunity of conferring with the spirit of his father, through a writing medium, he learned that the noises had been made by him, ascertained his wishes, did what he was thus requested to do, and was never again disturbed. It may here be remarked that those who have the means of communicating regularly and easily with spirits are much more rarely subject to manifestations of this kind than those who have not the means of doing so ; a fact which explains itself.