The Spiritist Review - Journal of Psychological Studies - 1859

Allan Kardec

You are in: The Spiritist Review - Journal of Psychological Studies - 1859 > January > A forgotten night or Manouze, the witch (cont.)
A forgotten night or Manouze, the witch (cont.)

The one thousand and second night of the Arabic tales dictated by the spirit of Frédéric Soulié


OBSERVATION: The Roman numerals mark the interruptions in the dictation. Several times the work was only restarted after two or three weeks and, despite that, as we have already observed, the report de- velops as if written at once. And this is not one of the less curious features of the production from beyond the grave. We repeat to those who could see this as futile that we don’t publish it as a philosophical piece of work, but as material for study. Nothing is useless to the observer. He knows how to take advantage of everything in order to better understand the investigated Science.


Nothing, however, could disturb our happiness. Everything was calmness around us. We lived in perfect security when one night, thinking that we could not be safer, from our side (we were in a roundabout, so to speak, reached from several alleys) appeared the Sultan and his Grand Vizier. Both men bearing a frightening expression in their faces: rage had altered their expressions. Both were – particularly the Sultan – showing an obvi- ous exasperation. The first thought that crossed the Sultan’s mind was of killing me, but knowing the family I belonged to and fearing for his fate, he dared not touch one single hair from my head. He then pretended not to have noticed me, as I had moved to the side as he got closer. However, he continued like a furious man over Nazara, swearing that her deserved punishment would not be long. He took her away, always followed by the Grand-Vizier. As for myself, once the initial scaring moment was over, I swiftly returned to my palace, thinking of any means to take back the star of my life from the hands of that savage who would likely destroy her precious existence.

And then what did you do, asked Manouze. Because, after all, I don’t see any reason for you to be in so much pain, unable to remove your lover from this situation that you created. You give me the impression of being a weak man that has neither courage nor will power when dealing with difficult situations.
Manouze, before you criticize you must listen. I come to you af- ter having examined all means at my disposal. I made offers to the Sultan; I promised gold, jewelry, camels, even palaces, if he returned my smooth gazelle. He despised everything. Since I saw my offers repelled, I threatened him; those were despised as the others. He laughed at everything and made fun of me. I also tried to break into the palace; I corrupted slaves; I got to the rooms but despite all my efforts I could not reach my beloved one.
You are honest, Nureddin. Your sincerity deserves an award and you will have what you came for. As such, I will do something ter- rible to you. If you have the strength to withstand the trial that I will submit you to, you can rest assured that you will recover your old happiness. I give you five minutes to decide.

Once the five minutes was over, Nureddin told Manouze that he was ready to do everything she demanded in order to save Nazara. The witch then stood up and said: “That is fine. Come!” She then opened a door at the back of the room, showing him the way. They went through a somber patio, full of horrible things: serpents, frogs sternly strolling side by side with black cats, holding an air of superiority among other filthy animals.


At the opposite side of that patio there was another door also opened by Manouze. Once Nureddin went through they got into a lower room, only illuminated from the ceiling above: the light came from a very tall dome, surrounded by multicolored glasses, forming all sorts of arabesques. In the middle of the room there was a lit chafing dish and on a tripod; above the chafing dish, a large bronze vase with a simmering potion of aromatic herbs whose pungent odor was unbearable. By that vase there was a kind of a black velvet couch. When sitting on that couch the person would im- mediately disappear. Manouze sat down while Nureddin helplessly tried to find her for a few minutes. She suddenly reappeared and said:

• Are you still ready?
• Yes, said Nureddin.
• Then, sit on that couch and wait.

Nureddin had just sat on the couch when everything changed ap- pearance. A crowd of white figures populated the room suddingly. These figures, at first barely visible, later appeared to be covered in blood caused by their bleeding wounds. They were dancing in a kind of infernal circle with Manouze in the center, showing sparse hair, spark- ing eyes, ragged clothes, bearing a crown of serpents on her head. She held a lit torch in her hand, like a flame casting scepter, whose smell constricted the throat. After dancing for about a quarter of an hour, they suddenly stopped, following a signal given by their queen, who had thrown the torch into a fervent boiler. Once all those figures were prostrated around the chair, Manouze asked the oldest figure to approach. This figure, recognized by his long white beard, said:

Come here, you who follow the devil. I must assign you with this very delicate task. Nureddin wants Nazara and I promised him that I would give her to him. It is a difficult business. Tanapla, I count on your support. Nureddin will endure all required trials. Move on, then. You know what I want; do it as you please but do it. Watch it if you fail. I reward the one that serves me but cursed be the one who does not grant my wishes!
Your wish will be attended, said Tanapla. Leave that to me.
Then go and do it!


As soon as she mentioned those words everything changed before Nureddin’s eyes. The objects went back to what they were doing before and he was alone again with Manouze.

Now, she said, go home and wait. I will send you one of my gnomes to tell you what to do. Obey him and everything will be fine.

Nureddin felt happy with those words and more so for leaving the witch’s den behind. He crossed the patio again and the room from where he came in; she then followed him to the entrance door. Then, as Nureddin asked if he should return, she responded:

No, it would be useless for now. If it is necessary I will let you know.

Nureddin quickly returned to his palace. He was impatient to find out if something new had happened since his departure. He found ev- erything unchanged. The only thing different showed up in the marble room, a summer resting room used by the inhabitants of Bagdad. There is where he saw, near the small pool in the middle of the room, a kind of disgustingly ugly dwarf. He was dressed in yellow, with red and blue embroidery; he had a monstrous hunchback, tiny legs, a wide face, and green crossed eyes, an ear-to-ear wide mouth and a red hair that rivaled the sun.

Nureddin questioned him about what he was doing there and how he had gotten there.

I am Manouze’s envoy, he said, to deliver your lover. My name is Tanapla.

If you are really Manouze’s envoy, I am ready to obey you. But hurry up. The one who I love is in chains and I am in a hurry to free her.

If you are in a hurry then take me to your room and I will tell you what to do.

Follow me then, said Nureddin.


After having crossed patios and gardens Tanapla got to the young

Nureddin’s room. He closed all doors and said:

You know that you have to do everything that I tell you to, with- out objection. Go and dress up like a merchant. You will carry a package on your back with the objects that we need. I will dress up like a slave and will carry the other package.

Greatly surprised Nureddin saw two large packages by the dwarf’s side, although he had not seen nor heard anybody bringing them over.

Then, Tanapla said, we will go to the Sultan’s house. You will ask to have the Sultan be informed that you carry rare and curi- ous objects; that if he wanted he could offer them to his favorite and that no other huri had ever worn something like that before. You know the curiosity. He will feel like seeing us. Once he is in your presence you will have no difficulty in showing him your merchandise and you will sell everything that we will take to him: these are wonderful dresses which transform the person that wears them. As soon as the Sultan and the favorite wear them they will take our places and we will take theirs: you the Sultan’s and me Ozara’s, the new favorite. Once this metamorphosis is completed, we will be free to act at will; you will then free Nazara.

It all happened as predicted by Tanapla: the sale to the Sultan and the transformation. After a few minutes of horrible furor from the part of the Sultan, who wanted to expel the inopportune, making a terrible fuss, Nureddin called several slaves, following Tanapla’s orders; he ordered that the Sultan and Ozara should be arrested as rebel slaves; he then ordered that he should be taken to the presence of Nazara. He wanted to verify that she was prepared to confess her crimes and then die. He also wished Ozara, the favorite, to follow him, in order to witness the punishment that he had inflicted to the unfaithful woman. Next he marched for about fifteen minutes, followed by the chief of the eunuchs, through a somber corridor terminated by a solid and massive iron gate. The slave opened the three locks; they all got into a large room that was only four or five feet high. Nazara was sitting there, on a straw mat, with a vase of water and a few dates by her side. She was no longer the brilliant Nazara of former times: she was beautiful as always but pale and skinny. She had the shivers of fear when she saw the one that she took by her master, thinking that her time had come.

(Continue in the next issue)

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