The Spiritist Review - Journal of Psychological Studies - 1859

Allan Kardec

You are in: The Spiritist Review - Journal of Psychological Studies - 1859 > December > The Convulsionaries of Saint Médard (cont.)
The Convulsionaries of Saint Médard (cont.)

(Continuation – see the November issue of the Review)

1. (To St. Vincent de Paul) – In our last session we evoked Deacon Pâris, who kindly came to us. We would like to have your personal opinion about him, as a spirit. - He is a spirit full of good intentions, however, more elevated morally than in other aspects.
2. Was he really oblivious, as said, to what happened by his tomb? - Completely.
3. Could you tell us how do you see what happened to the convulsionaries. Was it good or bad? - It was bad before any good. It is easy to attest it by the general impression produced by such events onto the enlightened contemporaries and their successors.
4. Pâris’ answer to the following question did not seem satisfactory to us. What is your opinion? Question: Had the authorities more power than the spirits then? - His answer was more or less true. The facts were produced by inferior spirits and the authority stopped that by banning the promoters of that kind of dissolution.
5. Among the convulsionaries there were some who were submitted to terrible tortures. What was the result of that over the spirits, after their deaths? - Almost none. There was no merit in those acts without a useful result.
6. Those who were tortured seemed insensitive to pain. Were they just resigned or really insensitive? - Complete insensitivity.
7. What was the cause of such insensitivity? - A magnetic effect.
8. Couldn’t moral superiority, when taken to a certain degree, annihilate their physical sensitivity? - That happened to some of them, predisposing them to suffer the influence of a state that had been artificially provoked in others, since charlatanism had an important role in those strange facts.
9. Once those spirits operated cures, they did a service. Then, how could they be of an inferior order? - Don’t you see that every day? Don’t you sometimes receive excellent advices and useful teachings from spirits who are not much elevated, even frivolous? Can’t they try to do something good in the end, seeking a moral improvement?
10. We thank you for the explanations that you have kindly given us. - Always yours.

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