The Spiritist Review - Journal of Psychological Studies - 1859

Allan Kardec

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The Spirit and the Juror

One of our corresponding members, a man of great knowledge who holds scientific titles that do not preclude him from believing that we have a soul that outlives the body. A soul that remains errant in space after death and can still communicate with the living ones. This is notwithstanding the fact that he is a good medium himself and entertains conversations with creatures from beyond the grave. He addresses the following letter to us:

“Dear Sir, “You may find appropriate to accommodate the following fact in your Review:”

“Some time ago I was a juror. The court was supposed to try a young man, just coming out of adolescence, accused of having murdered an elderly lady under horrible circumstances. The accused confessed, giving details of the horrible crime with such a cold blood and cynicism that made the audience tremble.”

“It was, however, easy to predict the fact that attenuating circumstances would be presented in his favor, considering not only his age, the absolute lack of education and stimulus given by his family, but also the fact that he was led to a state of rage by injury and provocation.”

“I wanted to consult with the victim with respect to the degree of his culpability. I called her during one session by a mental evocation. She made me notice that she was present so that I offered to be at her services. Here the transcript of the conversation we had – I, through thoughts, and she in writing:
• “What do you think about your murderer?”
• “It is not me who is going to accuse him.”
• “Why?”
• “Because he was led to the crime by a man who had flirted with me fifty years ago, and as he was not reciprocated by me, he swore vengeance. After his death he maintained the desire for vengeance, taking advantage of the accused dispositions, inspiring in him the desire to kill me.”
• “How do you know that?”
• “Because he told me himself, as soon as I got to the world where I live.”
• “I understand your reservations, considering the stimulus that your murderer did not repel as he should and could. But don’t you think that the criminal inspiration, which he voluntarily obeyed, wouldn’t have the same power over him, had he not fed or entertained the feelings of envy, hatred and vengeance against you and your family, for a long time?”
• “Certainly. Without all that he would be more capable of resisting. That is why I say that the one who wanted vengeance took advantage of the young man’s dispositions. You must understand that he would not have addressed someone who would be prepared to resist.”
• “Does he enjoy his vengeance?”
• “No, since he sees that it will cost him much. Furthermore, instead of doing me harm he did me a service, allowing me to enter early in the world of the spirits, where I am happier. Thus, it was a bad action with no positive result to him.”
“Attenuating circumstances were admitted by the jury, based on the reasons indicated above, and the death penalty was ruled out.”
“A moral observation of great importance must be pointed out regarding the case above. It is necessary to conclude that man must be vigilant with respect to the slightest malevolent thought and even with respect to his feelings, however subtle they may be, since they may well attract evil and corrupted spirits, exposing oneself, weak and unarmed, to their guilty inspirations. It is an open door to evil, unaware of the danger.”
“It was then with a profound knowledge of man and the spiritual world that Jesus said: “But I say to you that everyone who looks at a woman with lustful intent has already committed adultery with her in his heart.” (Mathew 5:28)
“With all due respect… SIMON M…”

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