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The Spiritist Review - Journal of Psychological Studies - 1859 > February > Correspondence - Loudéac, December 20 1858
Correspondence - Loudéac, December 20 1858
Dear Mr. Allan Kardec,
I congratulate myself for being in touch with you through the kind of studies to which we both devote ourselves. For more than twenty years I have been working on a book that should bear the title “Study on microorganisms”. It should focus on physiol- ogy; however, my intention was to demonstrate the limitations of Bichat’s system. This system does not acknowledge the existence of a spirit but does connect the relationship of organic life’s desire to survive. I wanted to demonstrate that there is a third mode of existence that outlives the two others, in a non-organic state. This third mode is nothing but the animic or spirit’s life, as you call it. In one word, it is the primitive microorganism that engineers the two other modes of existence: the organic and that of relation- ship. I also wanted to demonstrate that the microorganisms have a fluidic nature, that are biodynamic, attractive, indestructible, autogenic and, in a defined number, in our planet as well as in all circumscribed environments.
When the book Heaven and Earth by Jean Reynaud was pub- lished, I was forced to modify my convictions. I acknowledged that my system was too narrow, thus admitting, like him, that the globes, through the exchange of electricity mutually established among them, through several electrical currents, must necessarily favors the transmigration of the microorganisms or spirits, having the same fluidic nature.
When the turning tables were spoken about I immediately dedicated myself to that practice, obtaining results that leave me no doubt regarding the manifestations. I soon understood that it was time for the invisible world to become visible and tangible and that, since then, we were marching towards an unprecedent- ed revolution in Science and Philosophy. However, I was far from imagining that a spiritist journal could be established so fast and be maintained in France. Today, Sir, thanks to your perseverance, it is a sure fact and of enormous reach. I am far from thinking that all difficulties have been overcome. You will find many ob- stacles and endure many jokes but truth will shine after all. One will recognize the fairness of the observation of our renowned Professor Gay-Lussac who was telling us in his course, with re- spect to the imponderable and invisible bodies, that these were inexact expressions that only attested our limitation in the current state of art of our Sciences, adding that it would be more logical to call them imponderable. Thus, the same also applies to the vis- ibility and tangibility. What is not visible to one may be visible to someone else, even to the naked human eye, as the example given by the sensitive. Finally, the hearing, smelling, and tasting, which are nothing more than modifications of the tangible property, are unperceivable in humans when compared to those of the dog, eagle and other animals. Hence, there is nothing of absolute in those properties that multiply according to the organisms. There is nothing invisible, intangible, and imponderable. Everything can be seen, touched or weighed, when our organs, which are our first and most precious instruments, may have become subtler.
I ask you to add the following experience to those many oth- ers which you must have used to confirm our third mode of ex- istence, the spirit’s life: Magnetize a person who is blind by birth and in the somnambulistic state frame a series of questions about
the forms and colors. If the sensitive is lucid, he will unequivo- cally demonstrate that he has knowledge about these things that was not possible to acquire but in one or several prior existences.
I finish, Sir, by asking you to accept my very sincere con- gratulations for the kind of studies that you dedicate yourself. Since I have never been afraid of manifesting my opinion you can include this letter in your Review, if considered useful.
Yours very dedicated server, Morhéry, Doctor in Medicine Loudéac, December 20 1858
OBSERVATION: We are happy for the authorization given by Dr. Morhéry to publish the remarkable letter that we have just read, bearing his name. It demonstrates that there is in him, besides the man of Science, the sensible man, that sees something beyond our sensations and who is capable of sacrificing his own personal opinions before evidence. For him conviction is not a blind faith, but a reasoned one. It is the logical deduc- tion of the wise individual that does not pretend to know everything.
I congratulate myself for being in touch with you through the kind of studies to which we both devote ourselves. For more than twenty years I have been working on a book that should bear the title “Study on microorganisms”. It should focus on physiol- ogy; however, my intention was to demonstrate the limitations of Bichat’s system. This system does not acknowledge the existence of a spirit but does connect the relationship of organic life’s desire to survive. I wanted to demonstrate that there is a third mode of existence that outlives the two others, in a non-organic state. This third mode is nothing but the animic or spirit’s life, as you call it. In one word, it is the primitive microorganism that engineers the two other modes of existence: the organic and that of relation- ship. I also wanted to demonstrate that the microorganisms have a fluidic nature, that are biodynamic, attractive, indestructible, autogenic and, in a defined number, in our planet as well as in all circumscribed environments.
When the book Heaven and Earth by Jean Reynaud was pub- lished, I was forced to modify my convictions. I acknowledged that my system was too narrow, thus admitting, like him, that the globes, through the exchange of electricity mutually established among them, through several electrical currents, must necessarily favors the transmigration of the microorganisms or spirits, having the same fluidic nature.
When the turning tables were spoken about I immediately dedicated myself to that practice, obtaining results that leave me no doubt regarding the manifestations. I soon understood that it was time for the invisible world to become visible and tangible and that, since then, we were marching towards an unprecedent- ed revolution in Science and Philosophy. However, I was far from imagining that a spiritist journal could be established so fast and be maintained in France. Today, Sir, thanks to your perseverance, it is a sure fact and of enormous reach. I am far from thinking that all difficulties have been overcome. You will find many ob- stacles and endure many jokes but truth will shine after all. One will recognize the fairness of the observation of our renowned Professor Gay-Lussac who was telling us in his course, with re- spect to the imponderable and invisible bodies, that these were inexact expressions that only attested our limitation in the current state of art of our Sciences, adding that it would be more logical to call them imponderable. Thus, the same also applies to the vis- ibility and tangibility. What is not visible to one may be visible to someone else, even to the naked human eye, as the example given by the sensitive. Finally, the hearing, smelling, and tasting, which are nothing more than modifications of the tangible property, are unperceivable in humans when compared to those of the dog, eagle and other animals. Hence, there is nothing of absolute in those properties that multiply according to the organisms. There is nothing invisible, intangible, and imponderable. Everything can be seen, touched or weighed, when our organs, which are our first and most precious instruments, may have become subtler.
I ask you to add the following experience to those many oth- ers which you must have used to confirm our third mode of ex- istence, the spirit’s life: Magnetize a person who is blind by birth and in the somnambulistic state frame a series of questions about
the forms and colors. If the sensitive is lucid, he will unequivo- cally demonstrate that he has knowledge about these things that was not possible to acquire but in one or several prior existences.
I finish, Sir, by asking you to accept my very sincere con- gratulations for the kind of studies that you dedicate yourself. Since I have never been afraid of manifesting my opinion you can include this letter in your Review, if considered useful.
Yours very dedicated server, Morhéry, Doctor in Medicine Loudéac, December 20 1858
OBSERVATION: We are happy for the authorization given by Dr. Morhéry to publish the remarkable letter that we have just read, bearing his name. It demonstrates that there is in him, besides the man of Science, the sensible man, that sees something beyond our sensations and who is capable of sacrificing his own personal opinions before evidence. For him conviction is not a blind faith, but a reasoned one. It is the logical deduc- tion of the wise individual that does not pretend to know everything.