The Spiritist Review - Journal of Psychological Studies - 1863

Allan Kardec

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Spiritist Dissertations - Peace to the Men of Good Will

Poitiers. Preparatory meeting of the Spiritist workers. Medium Mr. X

My dear friends, life is short; long is what precedes and succeeds life. Nothing happens but according to the will of God; hence it is all about legitimate and elevated justice. Your hardship, no doubt, is a deserved punishment for your earlier faults. Face them with dignity and raise your eyes to the skies with resignation. You shall be blessed and relieved. Your misery sometimes is the test requested by your own Spirit willing to promptly achieve the final objective, always foreseen in the discarnate state.

At the time when the world agitates and suffers, when societies contort in a laborious struggle searching for the truth God allows Spiritism, this spark of the eternal truth, to come down from the highest regions to enlighten you. Our objective is to show you the direction but allow you to choose, that is the merit or demerit of your actions. Thus, listen to us and rest assured that your happiness is a real concern to us. If you knew how much your bad actions affect us; how much your efforts towards the law of God give us pure joy! The Lord said: - Servers of my empire, devout apostles of my law, take my word to all; explain to them that the eternal life shall be to those who practice the Gospel; make all of them understand that the good, the beautiful and the great are steps of my eternity contained in this word: love. Fast Spiritist attend everyone; from the most unfortunate to the happy ones; from the king to the simplest worker; from the Pharisee to the one who bears a burning faith.

And we go everywhere and scream out loud to the unfortunate ones: resignation, charity, humility. To the kings we say: love the people, the workers. Respect the law!

My friends, when you do more than just listen and practice these teaching, there will no longer be selfishness and envy. Then, there will be no more miseries, no more materialism that destroys society; no more prejudice that has long made you believe in noble families and others that assert they are entitled by blood or some other justification. From that point forward, there will be nothing but happiness then!

Your governments will be good because governors and the governed will have taken advantage of Spiritism. Science and Arts will be taken by the wings of the divine charity, raising to unsuspected heights; your climate cleansed by the works in the field; your harvest more abundant; the profound words of equality and fraternity will finally be interpreted so that nobody will ever dream of disputing other peoples’ properties, then accomplishing the promises of God.

Peace, said Jesus Christ, to those people of good will. You found no peace because you had no good will. The good will towards the rich and the poor shall be called charity. There is moral just as there is material charity and you have showed none and the poor were to blame as much as the rich!

Listen carefully: Believe and love! Love. A lot will be forgiven to the one who had loved a lot.

Believe: Faith moves mountains.

Prudence and kindness in the new apostolate: your best speech shall be your example.

Feel sorry for the blind: the ones who do not wish to see light. Be sorry but do not criticize.

Pray, my friends, and the blessing of God shall be with your souls. The beam of light is on; there is a light house on all sides of the horizon; the storm will perhaps shake and break the boats! But the pilot who keeps an eye on the light house above the fierce waves will get to the end and the Lord will say: “Peace to the men of good will; be blessed, you who has loved; be happy for you have worked for the happiness of others. My son, each one will be repaid according to what they have done!”

F.D., former magistrate

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