The Spiritist Review - Journal of Psychological Studies - 1863

Allan Kardec

You are in: The Spiritist Review - Journal of Psychological Studies - 1863 > December > Instructions by the Spirits > Feeding
Parisian Society of Spiritist Studies, July 4th, 1862

Medium A. Didier

Animal sacrifice was severely condemned by the philosophers of antiquity. An elevated Spirit rejects the idea of blood and particularly the idea that blood pleases God. Notice that we don’t talk about human sacrifice but to the sacrifice of animals offered in holocaust.

When Jesus came to announce the Good News, he did not order the sacrifice of blood because he was only concerned with the Spirit. The great wise men of antiquity also were horrified with this kind of sacrifice and they only ate fruits and roots.

Those incarnate on Earth have a mission to accomplish. Their Spirit must be fed by the Spirit and the body must be fed by matter but the nature of the matter influences – easily understood – the density of the body and consequently the manifestations of the Spirit.

Those that have a temperament strong enough to live like the anchorite do good by avoiding meat because they can then be more easily led to meditation and prayer. However, in order to live like that one would need a more spiritual nature than yours and that is impossible given the terrestrial condition and, most importantly, nature never acts against common sense and hence it is impossible to mankind to go unpunished by submitting to such deprivation.

It is possible to be a good Christian and a good Spiritist and eat as one wishes within reason. It is a kind of side question to our studies but not less useful and benficial.


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