The Spiritist Review - Journal of Psychological Studies - 1863

Allan Kardec

You are in: The Spiritist Review - Journal of Psychological Studies - 1863 > August > Family conversations from beyond the grave
Mr. Cardon, the doctor, deceased in September 1862

Parisian Society, medium Mr. Leymarie

Mr. Cardon had spent part of his life in the mercantile navy as the doctor and had acquired somehow materialistic habits and ideas. Retired to the J… village, he practiced the modest profession of the doctor of the township. For some time, he was convinced that he had a cardiac hypertrophy and, since he knew that it was an incurable disease, the idea of death threw him into a somber melancholy from which nothing would rescue him.

At a given point he predicted his final days about two months in advance and when he was close to that date he gathered the family to say his last farewell. The mother, his wife, the three children and other relatives were around this bed. When his wife tried to lift him up he fell down, his color turned into a livid blue, his eyes closed and was considered dead. His wife placed herself between him and the kids, to preclude them from seeing such a spectacle. After a few minutes he opened his eyes and with the face illuminated, he took a radiant expression of beatitude and said: Oh my children, how beautiful! Oh death! What a prize! How sweet! I was dead and felt my soul rising up very high but God allowed me to come back to tell you: Have no fear for death. It is freedom… I cannot paint the magnificence of what I saw and the impressions that engulfed me! You would not understand them! Oh my children, always behave in such a way that you may deserve this ineffable happiness, reserved to the righteous by living according to charity. … My dear wife, I leave you in a position that does not make you happy. People owe us but I conjure you, do not torment those who owe us. If they are in trouble wait until they can pay and those who cannot, make the sacrifice. God will reward you. You, my son, work to support your mother. Be always an honest man and guard yourself from doing anything that can dishonor our family. Take this cross that comes from my mother; keep it and may it always remind you of my last advices… My children, help one another and sustain one another and may the good harmony reign among you. Don’t allow yourselves to be empty or proud; forgive your enemies if you want God to forgive you… He then brought them closer, reached out to them with his hands and added: - I bless you my children. His eyes then were closed this time forever but he kept such an outstanding expression in his face that a huge crowd came to admire him up to the moment when he was buried.

These interesting details were transmitted to us by a friend of the family, giving us the suggestion for an evocation that could be educational to everyone, at the same time that it could be useful to the Spirit. It follows below:

  • Evocation. – A. I am near you.
  • We were told about your final moments that really impressed us. Could you kindly describe better than you did what was it that you saw in the interim that could be called the interval between your two deaths? – A. Could you understand what I saw? I don’t know because I would not be able to find expressions that could help you understand what I saw during the lapse of time when it was possible for me to leave behind my mortal remains.
  • Do you have any idea about the place where you had been? Was it far from Earth? On another planet or space? – A. The Spirit does not know the value of distances as you see them. Taken by an unknown wonderful agent I saw the splendor of a sky that could only be seen in our dreams. Such a journey through the infinite is so fast that I cannot precisely indicate the time spent by my Spirit.
  • Do you enjoy the foreseen happiness at this point in time? – A. No. I wish I could but God cannot reward me with that. I was revolted many times with the good thoughts dictated by the heart and death seemed like injustice to me. As a doctor, I had acquired in the art of healing an aversion to the second nature that is our intelligent, divine movement. The immortality of the soul was a fiction used to seduce less advanced minds, and yet the emptiness scared me and I frequently sworn against this mysterious agent that always hurts and hurts. Philosophy had deterred me, without providing the understanding of the greatness of the Eternal that knows how to distribute pain and joy for the betterment of humanity.
  • Have you recognized yourself just after your true death? – A. No; I recognized myself during the transition carried out by my Spirit when traveling through ethereal places; but after the real death, no; I needed a few days to wake up. God had rewarded me with a grace. I will tell you why: My initial disbelief was gone. I had believed before death because after having scientifically probed the heavy matter that made me perish I had found the divine reasons after the earthly ones. It had inspired, reassured me and my courage was stronger than the pain. I then blessed what I had cursed before; the end seemed like freedom to me. God’s thought is as large as the world! What a supreme consolation found in prayer that touches you ineffably; it is the safest means in our physical nature; it was through prayer that I understood, that I firmly believed and that is why God, hearing about my blessed actions, wanted to reward me before the end of my incarnation.
  • Could we say that you were dead the first time around? – A. Yes and no. Since the Spirit left the body the flesh would naturally extinguish but when it retook the possession of my earthly dwelling life returned to the body that had gone through a transition, a sleep.
  • At that moment did you feel the bonds that attached you to the body? – A. No doubt. The Spirit has a link that is hard to break and it is necessary a final shake of the body so that it can return to its natural life.
  • How come during your apparent death and during a few minutes your Spirit could detach instantaneously and without difficulty, while real death was followed by a disturbance that lasted a few days? It seems that in the first case the links between the soul and the body, subsisting more than in the second one, the detachment should have been slower and it was the contrary that actually happened. – A. You have many times evoked incarnate Spirits that gave you real answers. I was in the condition of those Spirits. God had called me and His servers had told me: “Come…” I obeyed and I thank God for the special grace that he was kind to give me. I could see the infinite of his greatness and be aware of that. I thank those who allowed me to teach my loved ones before the real death so that they could have good and fair incarnations.
  • Where did the good and beautiful words come from, those that you addressed to your family over your return to life? – A. It was the reflex of what I had seen and heard. The good Spirits inspired my voice and illuminated my face.
  • What is the impression that you believe your revelation had on those present, particularly on your children. – A. Shocking, profound. Death is not a liar. However ungrateful the children may be they bow before a disappearing life. If one could probe the heart of the children by the semi open tomb there would be only beats of true feelings, profoundly touched by the secret hands of the Spirits that dictate such thoughts to all. Tremble if you are in doubt; death is the reparation, it is God’s justice and I assure you that despite the unbelievers, my friends and my family will believe in the words that I voiced before dying. I was the interpreter of another world.
  • You said that you don’t enjoy the happiness that you had foreseen. Are you unhappy? – A. No because I believed before I died and that in my soul and my heart. Notice that God took into account my prayers and my absolute belief in him. I am on my way to perfection I will arrive at the stage that I was given to foresee. Pray, my friends, for this invisible world that preside over your destinies. This fraternal interchange is charity; it is a powerful lever that puts in touch the Spirits of all worlds.
  • Would you like to send a few words to your wife and children? – A. I beg all of them to believe in God, powerful, just and immutable; in the prayer that reassures and alleviate; in charity that is the purest act of human incarnation. May they remember that one can give little: the alms of the poor is more meritorious to God who knows that a poor gives much by giving little. The rich needs to give much and many times to deserve as much. Future is charity and benevolence in every action; is to believe that all Spirits are brothers, never taking advantage of puerile vanities. My beloved family you will have tough tests but know to support them with courage thinking that God see them. Always say this prayer: God of love and goodness, that provides for everything and always, give us the strength that does not back up before any penalty; makes us good, meek and charitable, small for the fortune but great in our hearts; may our Spirit be Spiritist on Earth to better understand and love you. May your name, oh my God, symbol of freedom, be the reassuring objective of all of the oppressed ones, of all those who have the need of love, forgiveness and belief.

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