The Spiritist Review - Journal of Psychological Studies - 1863

Allan Kardec

You are in: The Spiritist Review - Journal of Psychological Studies - 1863 > August > Correspondence
Letter from Mr. T. Jaubert, from Carcassone

Mr. T. Jaubert, Vice-President of the Civil Court of Carcassone, sent us the letter below. This honorary title was awarded to him by the Parisian Society of Spiritist Studies. The Society was fortunate to give Mr. Jaubert this testimony of sympathy and demonstrate to him how much his devotion to the cause of Spiritism is appreciated as well as his modesty and his resolute character. There are positions that reinforce even more the merit of the courage of opinion and qualities that place the man above the critic. (See the last June issue of the Spiritist Review: A Spirit crowned by the Academy of Floral Games).

“Molitg-les-Bains, July 21st 1863

Mr. President,

Your letter with the minutes giving my admission among the honorary members of the Parisian Society of Spiritist Studies hasfound me in Molitgwhere,for health reasons, I have been on recovering for the past twenty-nine days. I must enthusiastically send you my gratitude.

I believe in the immortality of the soul, in the communication of the dead with the living ones as I believe in the sun. I love Spiritism as the most legitimate affirmation of God’s law: the law of progress. I confess this out loud as to do so is good.

I accepted the primula of the Academy of Toulouse as a shiny response to those who don’t want to see in the real messages of the Spirits but rather wrong perceptions or ridiculous exclamations.. I receive the title of honorary member of the Society, of which you are the chief, as the most honorable that I have ever received from the hands of men. Still once more, Sir, I send to you and to all members of the Parisian Society my most sincere appreciation.

Your report about the session of the Floral Games faithfully interpreted my feelings and my behavior. By declaring that the awarded fable was the work of my familiar Spirit, I could expose myself to shocking the public and my judges. You expressed perfectly well in your Spiritist Review the respect that I owe to myself and to the opinion of others.

Now, if in any case,I did not have any initiative towards you and if I only respond it is for the fact that I would have to speak about myself, associating my name to an event that certainly makes me happy but that others have given me the honor of considering a success.

I feel freer today and it is from the very bottom of my heart that I beg you, Sir and dear master, to accept the tribute of my acknowledgement, of my sympathy and my most distinct consideration.

T. Jaubert

Vice-President, Court of Carcassone

The abundance of material forces us to postpone to the next issue our second letter to Father Marouzeau as well as the answer to the question that was sent to us about the distinction between atonement and trial.

Allan Kardec

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