The Spiritist Review - Journal of Psychological Studies - 1863

Allan Kardec

You are in: The Spiritist Review - Journal of Psychological Studies - 1863 > July > The Mediums and the Spirits
“No one can become a good medium if not able to strip away from the degrading vices of humanity. All those vices have their origin in selfishness and since the denial of selfishness is love, every virtue is summarized in this word: charity.

Charity is taught by the precept: “Quod tibi non vis”[1], etc. God has not only printed it indelibly in people’s heart but sanctioned it by a fact given us His own Son as the role model of charity and abnegation. If it must be every one’s guide, irrespective of their social condition, it is above all the “sine qua non”[2] condition of every good medium.

Anyone can become a medium but the question is not to be a medium but a good medium, and that depends on moral qualities. It is true that the Spirits communicate with persons of any condition but with the mission of perfecting them, if their qualities are good, and they realize that betterment by submitting the mediums to the hardest trials to purify them, trials that good people withstand without denying the moral feeling of their consciences and without veering off from the good path by temptations. The Spirits communicate with those whose qualities are bad to take them by the hand and guide them through a more rational behavior and in more harmony with the objective that must be the aim of any person persuaded that the objective of this life is atonement. When there is a mixture of good and bad the Spirits provoke betterment by intermediary processes.

Many will be left behind by their Spirits if they are not willing to understand that charity is the only path of progress. Therefore, miserable is the one who did not want to hear the voice of truth! God forgives ignorance but not the one that knowingly does evil things. The objective of our mission is your moral betterment and your duty is equally your progress but do not expect any type of improvement without charity.”

[1] Do to others what you want others do to you (T.N.)

[2]An essential condition (T.N.)

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