Spiritist Review - Journal of Psychological Studies - 1866

Allan Kardec

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Spiritist Thoughts

Poetry by Mr. Eugène Nus

The stanzas below were taken from the book The New Dogmas, by Mr. Eugène Nus. Although it is not a mediumistic work, the reader will certainly appreciate the reproduction here, given the thoughts so nicely expressed. With the title “The Great Mysteries”, the same author published another remarkable book, that we shall refer to, and in which all the principles of the Spiritist Doctrine are found, as rational solution.

O beloved dead, that this earth

Has seen pass, mingled with us,

Tell us about the great mystery:

where do you live, o beloved dead?

Flamboyant globes, which populate the space,

Sisters of our earth, stars of heavens,

Which of you prepare my place,

With a somber or glorious fate?

Which of you has received the souls

Of those I lost and loved the most?

In a white ray of their sweet flame,

have they descended on my dreamy brain?

Or, attached to earth’s destiny,

By their fate or by their love,

Are they carried away in our atmosphere,

Waiting, up there, for the time to reappear?

Or, even closer, Invisible Spirits,

Are they among us, mingled in our days,

Preaching harmony to delicate hearts,

Weeping softly onto deaf ears?

Oh, profound mystery of the infinite soul!

Long time no hear!

My paled face searched all over,

unable to find the divine secret.

But, o dear dead, wherever you are!

Whether you are near or far,

You shall come to me.

I have often surrendered to your secret voice,

Your warmth warmed my faith.

O beloved dead, that this earth

Has seen pass, mingled with us,

Tell us about the great mystery:

where do you live, o beloved dead?

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