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Spiritist Review - Journal of Psychological Studies - 1866 > April > Bibliographic News
Bibliographic News
Am I a Spiritist? By Sylvain Alquié, from Toulouse; brochure in-12, 50 cents; Bookstore Caillol et Baylac, Rue de la Pomme, 34 – Toulouse.
The author, a new follower, only knew Spiritism by the diatribes of the newspapers, with respect to the Davenport brothers, when the first article published by La Discussion (see the Spiritist Review, February 1866) fell on in his hands in a café, made him it from another perspective and led him to the study. These are the impressions that he describes in his brochure. He revises the reasons that led him to the belief, asking each one: Am I a Spiritist? His conclusion is summarized in the last chapter by these simple words: I am a Spiritist. This brochure, written with elegance, clarity and conviction, is a profession of faith, wisely thought through; it deserves the sympathies of every sincere follower, to whom we believe to be a duty to recommend it, apologizing for the lack of space that precludes us from justifying our appreciation for some citations.
Letter to Messrs. Directors and Editors of the Anti-Spiritists Journals, by A. Grelez, retired administrative officer. Brochure in-8, price 50 cents. In the main bookstores of Paris and Bordeaux.
This letter, or better saying, these letters from Sétif, Algeria, were published by the Spiritist Union of Bordeaux, in their issues number 34, 35 and 36. It is a clear and succinct description of the principles of the doctrine, in response to the diatribes of certain journalists whose false and unfair appreciations are politely revealed by the author. He certainly did not expect to convert them, but these refutations, multiplied in cheap brochures, have the advantage of enlightening the masses about the true character of Spiritism, showing that it finds serious defenders everywhere, that only need reasoning to fight their adversaries. We must then thank Mr. Grelez and congratulate the Spiritist Union of Bordeaux for having taken the initiative of this publication.
Spiritist Philosophy, extracted from the divine “The Spirits’ Book”, by Allan Kardec, by Augustin Babin, de Cognac, I volume in-12, 200 pages, price: 1 franc.
Happiness Guide, or General Duties of Men by the Love of God, by the same. Brochure in-12, 100 pages, price: 60 cents.
Notions of Astronomy – scientific, psychological, and moral, by the same. Brochure in-12, 100 pages, price: 75 cents. Naudaud et Cie. Bookstore, Forte Desaix, 26 – Angoulême.
Please notice that the epithet “divine” given to The Spirits’ Book is by the author and not by us. It characterizes the way he sees the issue. Mr. Baubin is a long time Spiritist who takes the doctrine seriously, from its moral point of view. These three books are the result of a profound, inalterable conviction, sheltered from fluctuations. He is not an enthusiast, but a man that has collected so much strength, consolation, and happiness from Spiritism, that he considers to be a duty to propagate a belief that is dear to him. His zeal is as much meritorious as selfless. He declares that his books are of public domain, with the condition that nothing is altered, and the price remains fixed. He kindly spared one hundred books for us to distribute for free, for which we beg him to accept here our most sincere appreciation.
The author, a new follower, only knew Spiritism by the diatribes of the newspapers, with respect to the Davenport brothers, when the first article published by La Discussion (see the Spiritist Review, February 1866) fell on in his hands in a café, made him it from another perspective and led him to the study. These are the impressions that he describes in his brochure. He revises the reasons that led him to the belief, asking each one: Am I a Spiritist? His conclusion is summarized in the last chapter by these simple words: I am a Spiritist. This brochure, written with elegance, clarity and conviction, is a profession of faith, wisely thought through; it deserves the sympathies of every sincere follower, to whom we believe to be a duty to recommend it, apologizing for the lack of space that precludes us from justifying our appreciation for some citations.
Letter to Messrs. Directors and Editors of the Anti-Spiritists Journals, by A. Grelez, retired administrative officer. Brochure in-8, price 50 cents. In the main bookstores of Paris and Bordeaux.
This letter, or better saying, these letters from Sétif, Algeria, were published by the Spiritist Union of Bordeaux, in their issues number 34, 35 and 36. It is a clear and succinct description of the principles of the doctrine, in response to the diatribes of certain journalists whose false and unfair appreciations are politely revealed by the author. He certainly did not expect to convert them, but these refutations, multiplied in cheap brochures, have the advantage of enlightening the masses about the true character of Spiritism, showing that it finds serious defenders everywhere, that only need reasoning to fight their adversaries. We must then thank Mr. Grelez and congratulate the Spiritist Union of Bordeaux for having taken the initiative of this publication.
Spiritist Philosophy, extracted from the divine “The Spirits’ Book”, by Allan Kardec, by Augustin Babin, de Cognac, I volume in-12, 200 pages, price: 1 franc.
Happiness Guide, or General Duties of Men by the Love of God, by the same. Brochure in-12, 100 pages, price: 60 cents.
Notions of Astronomy – scientific, psychological, and moral, by the same. Brochure in-12, 100 pages, price: 75 cents. Naudaud et Cie. Bookstore, Forte Desaix, 26 – Angoulême.
Please notice that the epithet “divine” given to The Spirits’ Book is by the author and not by us. It characterizes the way he sees the issue. Mr. Baubin is a long time Spiritist who takes the doctrine seriously, from its moral point of view. These three books are the result of a profound, inalterable conviction, sheltered from fluctuations. He is not an enthusiast, but a man that has collected so much strength, consolation, and happiness from Spiritism, that he considers to be a duty to propagate a belief that is dear to him. His zeal is as much meritorious as selfless. He declares that his books are of public domain, with the condition that nothing is altered, and the price remains fixed. He kindly spared one hundred books for us to distribute for free, for which we beg him to accept here our most sincere appreciation.