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Spiritist Review - Journal of Psychological Studies - 1866 > June > The Work
The Work
Extracted from the Spiritist Italian Journal La voce di Dio; translated from the Italian
Extracted from the Spiritist Italian Journal La voce di Dio; translated from the Italian
The measure of the work imposed on each incarnate or discarnate Spirit is the certainty of having scrupulously accomplished the mission entrusted to them. Now, each one has a mission to accomplish: this one in large scale, the other in a smaller scale. However, the obligations are relatively all equal and God will ask you to account for the obol he has placed in your hands.
If you earned interest, if you doubled the sum, you would have certainly fulfilled your duty, because you have obeyed the supreme order. If, instead of having increased that obol, you had lost it, it is certain that you had abused the trust that your Creator had placed in you; thus, you will be treated like a thief, because you have taken and not returned; far from increasing, you diminished. Now, if, as I just said, every creature is obliged to receive and to give, how much more, Spiritists, are you obligated to obey this divine law, how much effort must you make to fulfill this duty before the Lord that chose you to share the work and invited you to His table? Remember, brothers, that the gift that is endowed to you is one of the supreme goods of God. Do not take pride in it but strive to deserve such high favor. If the titles that you may receive from a great one on Earth; if their favors are something beautiful to your eyes, how happy would you feel with the gifts of the Lord of the worlds, incorruptible and imperishable gifts that raise you above your brother and will be a source of pure and holy joys!
But do you want to be the only owners? Would you wish, like the selfish, to keep so much happiness and joy to yourself? O No. You were chosen as custodians. The riches that shine before your eyes are not for you but belong to all your brothers. You must, therefore, grow and distribute them. Like the good gardener that preserves and multiplies his flowers, and presents to you the delights of spring in the rigor of winter; like in the sad month of November, roses and lilies are born, so are you assigned with sowing and cultivating flowers of all seasons in your moral field, flowers that will challenge the breath of the Aquilon and the suffocating wind of the desert; flowers that once blossomed on their stems, will never fade away, but shiny and perennial will be the emblem of the everlasting greenery and colors. Human heart is a fertile soil of feelings and affection, a field full of sublime aspirations when cultivated by the hands of charity and religion. O Do not reserve for yourself alone these stems that always yield such sweet fruits! Offer them to your brothers, invite them to come to taste them, to feel the perfume of your flowers, to learn to cultivate your fields. We will assist you; we will find fresh streams that will flow gently, strengthening the exotic plants that are the germs of the celestial earth. Come! We will work with you, we will share your fatigue, so that you also can collect these goods and share them with other brothers in need.
God gives us, and we, grateful for His gifts, multiply them as much as possible. God commands us to improve others and ourselves; we will fulfill our obligations and sanctify His sublime will.
Spiritist, I am addressing you. We have prepared your field; now you must act so that all those in need may enjoy it broadly. Remember that all hatred, all grudges, all enmities must disappear before your duties. Educate the ignorant, help the weak, have compassion on the afflicted, defend the innocent, pity those that are in error, forgive the enemies. All these virtues must grow abundantly in your field, and you must implant them in your brothers. You will reap an ample harvest and will be blessed by your Father that is in heavens!
My dear children, I wanted to tell you all these things to encourage you to withstand with patience all those that, enemies of the new doctrine, seek to denigrate and distress you. God is with you, do not doubt it. The word of our celestial Father has fallen upon your globe as on the day of creation. He sends you a new light, a light full of splendor and truth.
Approach, tightly connect with God, and follow the path that opens before you with courage.
Saint Augustine
If you earned interest, if you doubled the sum, you would have certainly fulfilled your duty, because you have obeyed the supreme order. If, instead of having increased that obol, you had lost it, it is certain that you had abused the trust that your Creator had placed in you; thus, you will be treated like a thief, because you have taken and not returned; far from increasing, you diminished. Now, if, as I just said, every creature is obliged to receive and to give, how much more, Spiritists, are you obligated to obey this divine law, how much effort must you make to fulfill this duty before the Lord that chose you to share the work and invited you to His table? Remember, brothers, that the gift that is endowed to you is one of the supreme goods of God. Do not take pride in it but strive to deserve such high favor. If the titles that you may receive from a great one on Earth; if their favors are something beautiful to your eyes, how happy would you feel with the gifts of the Lord of the worlds, incorruptible and imperishable gifts that raise you above your brother and will be a source of pure and holy joys!
But do you want to be the only owners? Would you wish, like the selfish, to keep so much happiness and joy to yourself? O No. You were chosen as custodians. The riches that shine before your eyes are not for you but belong to all your brothers. You must, therefore, grow and distribute them. Like the good gardener that preserves and multiplies his flowers, and presents to you the delights of spring in the rigor of winter; like in the sad month of November, roses and lilies are born, so are you assigned with sowing and cultivating flowers of all seasons in your moral field, flowers that will challenge the breath of the Aquilon and the suffocating wind of the desert; flowers that once blossomed on their stems, will never fade away, but shiny and perennial will be the emblem of the everlasting greenery and colors. Human heart is a fertile soil of feelings and affection, a field full of sublime aspirations when cultivated by the hands of charity and religion. O Do not reserve for yourself alone these stems that always yield such sweet fruits! Offer them to your brothers, invite them to come to taste them, to feel the perfume of your flowers, to learn to cultivate your fields. We will assist you; we will find fresh streams that will flow gently, strengthening the exotic plants that are the germs of the celestial earth. Come! We will work with you, we will share your fatigue, so that you also can collect these goods and share them with other brothers in need.
God gives us, and we, grateful for His gifts, multiply them as much as possible. God commands us to improve others and ourselves; we will fulfill our obligations and sanctify His sublime will.
Spiritist, I am addressing you. We have prepared your field; now you must act so that all those in need may enjoy it broadly. Remember that all hatred, all grudges, all enmities must disappear before your duties. Educate the ignorant, help the weak, have compassion on the afflicted, defend the innocent, pity those that are in error, forgive the enemies. All these virtues must grow abundantly in your field, and you must implant them in your brothers. You will reap an ample harvest and will be blessed by your Father that is in heavens!
My dear children, I wanted to tell you all these things to encourage you to withstand with patience all those that, enemies of the new doctrine, seek to denigrate and distress you. God is with you, do not doubt it. The word of our celestial Father has fallen upon your globe as on the day of creation. He sends you a new light, a light full of splendor and truth.
Approach, tightly connect with God, and follow the path that opens before you with courage.
Saint Augustine