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Spiritist Review - Journal of Psychological Studies - 1866 > August > Questions and problems
Questions and problems
Children, Spiritual Guides of their ParentsHaving lost a seven-year-old child, and having become a medium, the mother had that very child as a guide. One day she asked him the following question:
- Dear and beloved son, a Spiritist friend of mine does not understand and does not admit that you can be the spiritual guide of your mother, because she existed before you and, undoubtedly, must have had a guide, even if that was during the time that we were fortunate to have you by our side. Can you give us some explanations?
Answer from the Spirit of the child – Why do you want answers for everything that seems incomprehensible to you? The one that seems the most advanced to you in Spiritism is just in the first steps of the doctrine, and does not know more than this one or that one that seems capable of everything and capable of giving you explanations. I existed much long before my mother, and in another existence, I had an eminent position due to my intellectual capability. But I was taken by an immense pride, and during several consecutive existences I was submitted to the same trial, without being able to succeed, until I got to this life by your side. However, since I was already advanced, my departure should serve your advancement, to you, so much late in the spiritual life. God called me before the end of my career, considering my mission more beneficial to you as a Spirit than as an incarnate.
During my latest staying on Earth my mother had her guardian angel by her side, but temporarily, for God knew that I was supposed to be her spiritual guide, and that I would lead her more efficiently to the path from which she was so much distant. The guide that she had then was called to another mission when I came to take his place by her side. Ask those that you know are more advanced than you if this explanation is logical and good, because it is possible that, being my opinion, I may be mistaken. Finally, this will be clarified if you ask. Many things are still hidden from you and will be clarified later. Do not wish to go too deep because the confusion in your thoughts arises from this constant concern. Be patient, because as with a mirror that gets foggy with a slight breath and clears up bit by bit, your tranquil and calm Spirit will achieve that degree of understanding necessary to your advancement. Courage, then, good parents; march with confidence and one day you will praise the time of the terrible trial that brought you to the path of the eternal happiness, without which you would still have many unfortunate existences to live.
Observation: This boy had a rare premature intelligence for his age. Although in good health, he seemed to foresee his near end. He used to be happy in cemeteries and without ever having heard about Spiritism, in which his parents did not believe, he often asked if, when he was dead, he would be able to come back to the loved ones. He aspired death with happiness and used to say that when he died, his mother should not suffer because he would return to her side. In fact, it was the death of three children in a few days that led the parents to seek consolation in Spiritism. They found plenty of consolation and their faith was rewarded by the possibility of talking to their children all the time because the mother became an excellent medium in a very short time, having her own son as a guide, a Spirit that reveals a great superiority.
- Dear and beloved son, a Spiritist friend of mine does not understand and does not admit that you can be the spiritual guide of your mother, because she existed before you and, undoubtedly, must have had a guide, even if that was during the time that we were fortunate to have you by our side. Can you give us some explanations?
Answer from the Spirit of the child – Why do you want answers for everything that seems incomprehensible to you? The one that seems the most advanced to you in Spiritism is just in the first steps of the doctrine, and does not know more than this one or that one that seems capable of everything and capable of giving you explanations. I existed much long before my mother, and in another existence, I had an eminent position due to my intellectual capability. But I was taken by an immense pride, and during several consecutive existences I was submitted to the same trial, without being able to succeed, until I got to this life by your side. However, since I was already advanced, my departure should serve your advancement, to you, so much late in the spiritual life. God called me before the end of my career, considering my mission more beneficial to you as a Spirit than as an incarnate.
During my latest staying on Earth my mother had her guardian angel by her side, but temporarily, for God knew that I was supposed to be her spiritual guide, and that I would lead her more efficiently to the path from which she was so much distant. The guide that she had then was called to another mission when I came to take his place by her side. Ask those that you know are more advanced than you if this explanation is logical and good, because it is possible that, being my opinion, I may be mistaken. Finally, this will be clarified if you ask. Many things are still hidden from you and will be clarified later. Do not wish to go too deep because the confusion in your thoughts arises from this constant concern. Be patient, because as with a mirror that gets foggy with a slight breath and clears up bit by bit, your tranquil and calm Spirit will achieve that degree of understanding necessary to your advancement. Courage, then, good parents; march with confidence and one day you will praise the time of the terrible trial that brought you to the path of the eternal happiness, without which you would still have many unfortunate existences to live.
Observation: This boy had a rare premature intelligence for his age. Although in good health, he seemed to foresee his near end. He used to be happy in cemeteries and without ever having heard about Spiritism, in which his parents did not believe, he often asked if, when he was dead, he would be able to come back to the loved ones. He aspired death with happiness and used to say that when he died, his mother should not suffer because he would return to her side. In fact, it was the death of three children in a few days that led the parents to seek consolation in Spiritism. They found plenty of consolation and their faith was rewarded by the possibility of talking to their children all the time because the mother became an excellent medium in a very short time, having her own son as a guide, a Spirit that reveals a great superiority.
Communications with the loved ones
Why all mothers that cry for their children and would be happy to communicate with them, cannot do it? Why their vision is denied, even in dreams, despite their wishes and fervent prayers?
Besides the lack of special gift that, as it is known, is not given to everybody, there are sometimes other reasons whose utility the wisdom of Providence appreciates better than we do. Such communications could have inconvenient to highly impressionable individuals; certain persons could abuse them and pledge to them with an excess that would be harmful to their health. Pain, in similar cases, is undoubtedly natural and legitimate; but sometimes it takes to an unreasonable point. Such communications frequently revive the pain in persons of weak character, instead of appeasing them, and for that matter they are not always allowed to receive them, even by other mediums, until they became calmer and controlled to dominate their emotion. The lack of resignation, in such cases, is almost always a cause of delay.
Moreover, it is necessary to say that the impossibility of communicating with the Spirits that we love the most, when we can do it with others, is frequently a test of faith and perseverance, and in certain cases a punishment. The one that has such a favor denied must tell oneself that it is undoubtedly deserved. One must seek the cause in oneself and not attribute it to indifference or forgetfulness of the loved one. Finally, there are temperaments that, despite the moral strength, could suffer through the exercise of mediumship with certain Spirits, even if sympathetic, according to the circumstances.
Let us admire the solicitude of the Providence in everything, watching the minimum details, and let us know to submit to His will without moaning, because the Providence knows better than we do what is useful and what is harmful. It is like a good father that does not give the son everything that he wishes.
The same reasons apply to the dreams. The dreams are the memories of what the soul saw in a state of detachment during the sleep. Now, such a memory may be blocked. But what we do not remember is not lost to the soul, for that fact. The sensations felt during the excursions of the soul, in the invisible world, leave vague impressions when we wake up, and we remember thoughts and ideas, whose origins are many times unsuspected. We could, therefore, have seen the loved ones during the sleep, had spent time with them, but we do not keep the memory. We then say that we did not dream. But, if the bereaved being cannot manifest in any positive way, he or she will not be less close to those that attract them by their sympathetic thoughts. They see and hear their words, and their presence is often guessed through a kind of intuition, an intimate sensation, and sometimes even through certain physical impressions. The certain that the person is not in the void; that is not lost in the depth of space or in the abyss of hell; that the person happier, now free from the corporeal sufferings and the tribulations of life; that they will be seen, after a momentary separation, more beautiful, more resplendent, under their imperishable spiritual envelope, and not under their carnal carapace, that is the immense consolation that is denied by those that believe that everything ends with life; that is what Spiritism gives.
In reality one cannot understand the enchantment that can be found in the idea of the nothingness for oneself and for the loved ones, and in the obstinacy of certain persons in rejecting even the hope that it can be different, and the means of acquiring its proof. Tell an agonizing patient: “Tomorrow you will be cured; you will still live many years, happy and healthy”, and that person will accept the foreboding with joy. Isn’t the thought of a limitless spiritual life, exempt from diseases and the concerns of life, much more satisfactory?
Well, Spiritism does not give only hopes about it, but a certainty. That is why the Spiritists see death in a completely different way from the skeptical.
Besides the lack of special gift that, as it is known, is not given to everybody, there are sometimes other reasons whose utility the wisdom of Providence appreciates better than we do. Such communications could have inconvenient to highly impressionable individuals; certain persons could abuse them and pledge to them with an excess that would be harmful to their health. Pain, in similar cases, is undoubtedly natural and legitimate; but sometimes it takes to an unreasonable point. Such communications frequently revive the pain in persons of weak character, instead of appeasing them, and for that matter they are not always allowed to receive them, even by other mediums, until they became calmer and controlled to dominate their emotion. The lack of resignation, in such cases, is almost always a cause of delay.
Moreover, it is necessary to say that the impossibility of communicating with the Spirits that we love the most, when we can do it with others, is frequently a test of faith and perseverance, and in certain cases a punishment. The one that has such a favor denied must tell oneself that it is undoubtedly deserved. One must seek the cause in oneself and not attribute it to indifference or forgetfulness of the loved one. Finally, there are temperaments that, despite the moral strength, could suffer through the exercise of mediumship with certain Spirits, even if sympathetic, according to the circumstances.
Let us admire the solicitude of the Providence in everything, watching the minimum details, and let us know to submit to His will without moaning, because the Providence knows better than we do what is useful and what is harmful. It is like a good father that does not give the son everything that he wishes.
The same reasons apply to the dreams. The dreams are the memories of what the soul saw in a state of detachment during the sleep. Now, such a memory may be blocked. But what we do not remember is not lost to the soul, for that fact. The sensations felt during the excursions of the soul, in the invisible world, leave vague impressions when we wake up, and we remember thoughts and ideas, whose origins are many times unsuspected. We could, therefore, have seen the loved ones during the sleep, had spent time with them, but we do not keep the memory. We then say that we did not dream. But, if the bereaved being cannot manifest in any positive way, he or she will not be less close to those that attract them by their sympathetic thoughts. They see and hear their words, and their presence is often guessed through a kind of intuition, an intimate sensation, and sometimes even through certain physical impressions. The certain that the person is not in the void; that is not lost in the depth of space or in the abyss of hell; that the person happier, now free from the corporeal sufferings and the tribulations of life; that they will be seen, after a momentary separation, more beautiful, more resplendent, under their imperishable spiritual envelope, and not under their carnal carapace, that is the immense consolation that is denied by those that believe that everything ends with life; that is what Spiritism gives.
In reality one cannot understand the enchantment that can be found in the idea of the nothingness for oneself and for the loved ones, and in the obstinacy of certain persons in rejecting even the hope that it can be different, and the means of acquiring its proof. Tell an agonizing patient: “Tomorrow you will be cured; you will still live many years, happy and healthy”, and that person will accept the foreboding with joy. Isn’t the thought of a limitless spiritual life, exempt from diseases and the concerns of life, much more satisfactory?
Well, Spiritism does not give only hopes about it, but a certainty. That is why the Spiritists see death in a completely different way from the skeptical.
Perfectibility of the Spirits
Paris, February 3rd, 1866. Group of Mr. Lat…, medium Mr. Desliens
Question: If the Spirits or souls improve indefinitely, according to Spiritism, they must become infinitely perfected or pure. Why aren’t they like God when they get to that point? That is not in line with justice.
Answer: Man is a singular creature! Always finds his horizon very limited. Wants to understand everything, grasp everything, and know everything! Wants to penetrate the unfathomable, neglecting the study of what is of immediate reach; wants to understand God, judge His actions, making Him fair or unfair; says how he wants God to be, unsuspecting that God is all that and much more!... But, miserable worm, have you ever understood absolutely what surrounds you? Do you know the law that has the flower colored and perfumed by the vivifying kisses of the sun? Do you know how you are born, how you live and why your body dies?... You see facts but the causes remain surrounded by a veil that is impenetrable to you, and you wanted to judge the principle of all things, the primary cause, and finally God! There are many other studies much more necessary to the development of your being, that deserve all your attention!...
When you solve a problem of algebra you go from the known to the unknown, and to understand God, this insoluble problem of so many centuries, you want to address Him directly! Do you have all the necessary elements to establish the equation? Aren’t you lacking a document to judge your Creator in the last instance? Will you ever believe that the universe is limited to this little grain of sand lost in the immensity of spaces, where you move more imperceptible than the tiniest infusoria where the universe is a drop of water? However, let us reason and see why, according to your current knowledge, God would be unfair by not allowing himself to be ever achieved by His creature.
In all sciences there are axioms or irrefutable truths, that are admitted as fundamental basis. The mathematical sciences, and all sciences in general, are based on the axiom that the part can never equal the whole. Man, a creature of God, according to this principle, can therefore never, according to this principle, reach the one that created him.
Suppose that an individual must travel a road of infinite length; an infinite length, weigh that expression carefully. There you have the position of man with respect to God, considered as his objective. However little we walk, you will say, the sum of the years and centuries in the march will allow us to reach the end. It is a mistake! Whatever you do in one year, one century, in one million centuries will always be a finite quantity; another similar stretch and we can only add a finite quantity, and so forth. Now, for the most novice mathematician, the sum of finite quantities will never be an infinite quantity. The contrary would be absurd because in such a case the infinite could be measured, and this would lead to infinity losing its property of infinite. Man will always and incessantly progress but always in a finite quantity; the sum of his progress will only be a finite perfection, that could not reach God, the infinite in everything. There isn’t, therefore, an injustice from the part of God because His creatures can never equal Him. The nature of God is an unsurpassable obstacle to such an objective of the Spirit; His justice could not allow it for that fact that if a given Spirit was equal to God that Spirit would be God Himself. If there are two Spirits with the same infinite power in all senses and one is identical to the other, they will combine into only one and there will be only one God. One of them, therefore, should lose their individuality, and that would be a more evident injustice than that of not being able to achieve an end that is infinitely distant, approaching it constantly. God knows well what He does, and man is too small to allow himself to question His decisions.
Observation: If there is an unfathomable mystery to man, that is the principle and the end of all things. The vision of infinity gives him vertigo. To understand it there is the need of knowledge, intellectual and moral development that he is still far from having, despite the pride that makes him believe that he has gotten to the top of human scale. Regarding certain ideas, he is in the position of a child that wanted to do differential and integral calculus, before knowing the four operation. As he advances towards perfection, his eyes will open to light, dissipating the fog that has them covered. By working his betterment in the present, he will arrive earlier than if getting lost in conjectures.
Answer: Man is a singular creature! Always finds his horizon very limited. Wants to understand everything, grasp everything, and know everything! Wants to penetrate the unfathomable, neglecting the study of what is of immediate reach; wants to understand God, judge His actions, making Him fair or unfair; says how he wants God to be, unsuspecting that God is all that and much more!... But, miserable worm, have you ever understood absolutely what surrounds you? Do you know the law that has the flower colored and perfumed by the vivifying kisses of the sun? Do you know how you are born, how you live and why your body dies?... You see facts but the causes remain surrounded by a veil that is impenetrable to you, and you wanted to judge the principle of all things, the primary cause, and finally God! There are many other studies much more necessary to the development of your being, that deserve all your attention!...
When you solve a problem of algebra you go from the known to the unknown, and to understand God, this insoluble problem of so many centuries, you want to address Him directly! Do you have all the necessary elements to establish the equation? Aren’t you lacking a document to judge your Creator in the last instance? Will you ever believe that the universe is limited to this little grain of sand lost in the immensity of spaces, where you move more imperceptible than the tiniest infusoria where the universe is a drop of water? However, let us reason and see why, according to your current knowledge, God would be unfair by not allowing himself to be ever achieved by His creature.
In all sciences there are axioms or irrefutable truths, that are admitted as fundamental basis. The mathematical sciences, and all sciences in general, are based on the axiom that the part can never equal the whole. Man, a creature of God, according to this principle, can therefore never, according to this principle, reach the one that created him.
Suppose that an individual must travel a road of infinite length; an infinite length, weigh that expression carefully. There you have the position of man with respect to God, considered as his objective. However little we walk, you will say, the sum of the years and centuries in the march will allow us to reach the end. It is a mistake! Whatever you do in one year, one century, in one million centuries will always be a finite quantity; another similar stretch and we can only add a finite quantity, and so forth. Now, for the most novice mathematician, the sum of finite quantities will never be an infinite quantity. The contrary would be absurd because in such a case the infinite could be measured, and this would lead to infinity losing its property of infinite. Man will always and incessantly progress but always in a finite quantity; the sum of his progress will only be a finite perfection, that could not reach God, the infinite in everything. There isn’t, therefore, an injustice from the part of God because His creatures can never equal Him. The nature of God is an unsurpassable obstacle to such an objective of the Spirit; His justice could not allow it for that fact that if a given Spirit was equal to God that Spirit would be God Himself. If there are two Spirits with the same infinite power in all senses and one is identical to the other, they will combine into only one and there will be only one God. One of them, therefore, should lose their individuality, and that would be a more evident injustice than that of not being able to achieve an end that is infinitely distant, approaching it constantly. God knows well what He does, and man is too small to allow himself to question His decisions.
Observation: If there is an unfathomable mystery to man, that is the principle and the end of all things. The vision of infinity gives him vertigo. To understand it there is the need of knowledge, intellectual and moral development that he is still far from having, despite the pride that makes him believe that he has gotten to the top of human scale. Regarding certain ideas, he is in the position of a child that wanted to do differential and integral calculus, before knowing the four operation. As he advances towards perfection, his eyes will open to light, dissipating the fog that has them covered. By working his betterment in the present, he will arrive earlier than if getting lost in conjectures.