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The Spiritist Review - Journal of Psychological Studies - 1862 > January > Poetry from Beyond the Grave
Poetry from Beyond the Grave
We wanted verses from Béranger (Spiritist Society of Mexico, April 20th 1859)Since I left our land of grace
I hear my name on visiting many places.
Everyone says: ‘Please, come’, they say with eager: ‘We want the verses of Béranger.’
Allow some rest to this smiling face.
Today she lives in the ample fields of space And to praise the Lord always full of joy her singing
Is daily mixed with heavenly gigs.
She formerly sang very frivolous songs, But her heart was good. Her perky words Were not badly judged by God.
She loved and prayed, disliking nobody. If I made fun of the Nasturtium class That also made the French laugh.
If God allows me to return to this World I shall make you rejoice with my words.
NOTE: At this point the spirit of Béranger left us, returning after our invitation and giving us the following verses:
Alas! You kill me oh frivolous people!
Verses! Always verses! The poor Béranger doodled Them in quantity when living on this planet.
Against them his death should protect. But no, not at all! He must follow his fate! I wish with my death God would repudiate.
The poor Béranger’s suffering you see And still you want to punish him for his sins!
Trying another song (Spiritist Society of Mexico)
Dear son of a beloved land, The vision of you always at hand,
There were many skies and a regenerated soul, Beauty, youth and love I found, though.
The apex of life is finally my shore, Eternal world where we all reborn. Poor spirit from this other land
Still trying another song through your hand.
I saw this pale goddess arriving, Her simple name is so touching. I only saw kindness in her eyes
We then shook hands, I was fearless. I fell asleep and my new friendly
Soul caressed my farewell with sounds, gently.
And poor spirit from this other land Still trying another song through your hand.
Go in peace, lie down on the grave
Oh happy deceased, no worries on your wake Your closed eyes are the fallen curtains
That before a more radiant Sun will open again!
Thus, smile! By death you are invited To the feasts of brilliant harvests. And poor spirit from this other land
Still trying another song through your hand.
The giants of glory are downed: Slaves and kings, they shall all be confused
Since to all of us victory is the greatest To the one who can love the most!
In that land we see what our love claims Or the grief that on Earth remains.
And poor spirit from this other land Still trying another song through your hand.
Good-bye, friends. I am back to the spaces
That can always be bridged by invitation, at your discretion.
The infinity always surrounding us And where you shall be soon walking.
Yes, happily and renovated
We shall together have my lessons recounted.
And poor spirit from this other land Still trying another song through your hand.
NOTE: The President of the Spiritist Society of Mexico was visiting Paris and entrusted us with a series of communications from that Society, authorizing us to choose those that were considered of greatest utility for publication. We believe that our readers will not regret our initial choice. They will see the number of nice communications that are given all over the st add that the lady who has received the poems above has no background in poetry.
Dear son of a beloved land, The vision of you always at hand,
There were many skies and a regenerated soul, Beauty, youth and love I found, though.
The apex of life is finally my shore, Eternal world where we all reborn. Poor spirit from this other land
Still trying another song through your hand.
I saw this pale goddess arriving, Her simple name is so touching. I only saw kindness in her eyes
We then shook hands, I was fearless. I fell asleep and my new friendly
Soul caressed my farewell with sounds, gently.
And poor spirit from this other land Still trying another song through your hand.
Go in peace, lie down on the grave
Oh happy deceased, no worries on your wake Your closed eyes are the fallen curtains
That before a more radiant Sun will open again!
Thus, smile! By death you are invited To the feasts of brilliant harvests. And poor spirit from this other land
Still trying another song through your hand.
The giants of glory are downed: Slaves and kings, they shall all be confused
Since to all of us victory is the greatest To the one who can love the most!
In that land we see what our love claims Or the grief that on Earth remains.
And poor spirit from this other land Still trying another song through your hand.
Good-bye, friends. I am back to the spaces
That can always be bridged by invitation, at your discretion.
The infinity always surrounding us And where you shall be soon walking.
Yes, happily and renovated
We shall together have my lessons recounted.
And poor spirit from this other land Still trying another song through your hand.
NOTE: The President of the Spiritist Society of Mexico was visiting Paris and entrusted us with a series of communications from that Society, authorizing us to choose those that were considered of greatest utility for publication. We believe that our readers will not regret our initial choice. They will see the number of nice communications that are given all over the st add that the lady who has received the poems above has no background in poetry.