The Spiritist Review - Journal of Psychological Studies - 1862

Allan Kardec

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Planet Venus

An intermediary point

Spontaneous essay – medium Mr. Costel

Planet Venus is an intermediary point between Mercury and Jupiter. Its inhabitants have the same physical structure as you do. The only difference is in the beauty and perfection of the form. In Venus the subtleness of the air comparable to the high mountains is not adequate to your lungs. There is no disease there. Its inhabitants eat only fruit and dairy; they ignore the barbaric custom to feast on dead animals, ferocity that only exists in inferior planets; as a result, coarse needs of the body are eliminated, and love entails all passions and all perfections only dreamed on Earth.

Much like at dawn when the forms are indecisively dressed and covered by the morning mist, the almost perfection of the soul lives the ignorance and the desires of a happy infancy. A veiled happiness is surrounded by nature itself. The soft and round shapes do not show the stiffness and aggression of the earthly fields; the profound and still oceans ignore storms; the trees do not yield to the pressure of the winds and the winter does not subtract their greenness; nothing is noisy; everything smiles, everything is smooth. The quiet and kind customs do not require repression to remain pure and strong. Family expression takes a political form. Each tribe or group of individuals has a leader who is elected out of the elderly. The old age is the apogee of human dignity there since it approaches the desired objective. Exempt of diseases and ugliness it is calm and radiant like a beautiful afternoon in the autumn. Earthly industry that responds to the restless search for the well being disappears in the superior regions where they hold no meaning. They are replaced by a sublime art that cannot be imagined by your gross feelings. Outfits are uniform. Long white and harmoniously pleated tunics cover the bodies. Everything is easy to those who only wish to reach God, undressed from material interests, living with simplicity and almost luminous.


Questions about the preceding essay

Parisian Society, June 27th, 1862 – Medium Mr. Costel

1. You described Venus through your favorite medium. We are delighted with its agreement with respect to what has been said although with less accuracy. We beg you to complement it by responding to a few questions. To begin with tell us how you know about that world.
– A. I am in errant but inspired by superior Spirits. I was sent to Venus on a mission.

2. Can Earth inhabitants incarnate there directly after having left our planet? – A. After leaving Earth the more advanced experience a more or less lengthy erraticism that frees them from the imperfectly broken carnal links by death.

OBSERVATION: The question was not about the possibility of incarnating there to the inhabitants of Earth but if they could do so directly, that is to say, without going through intermediary worlds. The answer indicates that it is possible to the more advanced ones.

3. Does the state of advancement of Venus’ inhabitants allow them to remember their passage through inferior worlds and by that the establishment of a comparison between the two situations? – A. Humans look to the past with the eyes of the mind glancing at something that is extinct. Thus, an advanced spirit sees with the same speed of the movement, faster than electricity, a beautiful discovery closely related to the Spiritist revelation. Both contain the material and intellectual progress.

OBSERVATION: In order to establish a comparison it is not absolutely necessary to know the position that someone has occupied. It is sufficient to know the material and moral condition of inferior worlds where one might have inhabited to identify the difference. Thus, taking into account what we are told about Mars we should be glad for no longer being there and, without leaving Earth, we can just look at the barbarians and ferocious peoples to know that we must have gone passed through that state and feel much happier. We only have hypothetical information about other worlds but it is possible that in those more advanced worlds one may have a greater degree of certainty than we have here.

4. Is life duration there proportionally longer or shorter than that of Earth? – A. In Venus reincarnation lasts much longer than on Earth. Without human violence, embedded in a vivifying influence the soul experiences wings that takes it to glorious planets like Jupiter and other similar ones.

OBSERVATION: As we have already noticed the duration of corporeal life seems to be proportional to the progress of the worlds. In his goodness God wanted to abbreviate the trials in inferior worlds. There is a physical reason to be added to that: the more advanced the world the less devastated the bodies by passions and diseases that are their consequence.

5. According to your description we are led to believe that given the character of Venus’ inhabitants there are no wars, disputes, hatred and envy there. – A. The human being only becomes what is expressed in words and their limited minds cannot reach infinity. Hence you even attribute your passions and inferior motives to the superior planets; these are viruses placed in your own beings for the harshness of the starting point, from which you only heal slowly. Divisions, disagreements and wars are unknown in Venus as much as anthropophagy is unknown among you.

OBSERVATION: Given the multiple social echelons Earth, in fact, shows a large number of types that can give us an idea about the worlds where each of those types constitute the normal state.

6. What is the status of religion in that planet? – A. Religion is the constant and active adoration of the Supreme Being. Adoration, however, exempt of any mistake, of any cult of idolatry.

7. Are all the inhabitants at the same levels or, like on Earth, some are more advanced than others? In such a case that inhabitants of Earth correspond to the least advanced there? –
A. Proportionally there is the same inequality among the inhabitants of Venus and Earth. The least advanced are the stars of planet Earth that is your geniuses and virtuous people.

8. Are there masters and servants? – A. Servility is the first degree of initiation. The slaves of antiquity, like those of modern America, are creatures destined to advance in an environment superior to their previous incarnation. Inferior creatures are subordinated to superior ones everywhere but in Venus such subordination cannot be compared to the physical subordination that exists on Earth for the superior ones are not lords but fathers of the inferior ones. Instead of exploiting they help them to advance.

9. Has Venus arrived gradually to the present position? Has it gone through the current levels of Earth and Venus? – A. There is remarkable unit in the whole divine work. Like the creatures, like everything that is created, animal or vegetable, the planets inevitably advance. Life in its multiple expressions is a perpetual ascension to the Creator. It develops the levels of its eternity in a huge spiral.

10. We received agreeing communications about Jupiter, Mars and Venus. Why have we only got contradictory messages about the Moon that does not allow a unique opinion? – A. This void will be filled out soon and you will have revelations about the Moon that are so clear and accurate as you have about the planets. Later you will understand the reasons why they have not been given yet.

OBSERVATION: This communication about Venus does not certainly have the absolute characters of authenticity and that is the reason why we publish it with a conditional title. What has already been said about that planet, however, gives this message a certain degree of possibility but regardless it contains the picture of a world that must necessarily exist to any person who does not hold the proud and pretentious belief that Earth is the apogee of human perfection; it is rather a link in the chain of planets and an accessible level to those who are not strong enough to promptly inhabit Jupiter.

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