The Spiritist Review - Journal of Psychological Studies - 1862

Allan Kardec

You are in: The Spiritist Review - Journal of Psychological Studies - 1862 > April > Spiritist Dissertations > Persecution

Well done! Bravo my children! Seeing you gathered, eagerly and persistently fighting satisfies me. Courage! Work hard in the field of our Lord for I tell you that time will come when one will have to preach the sacred doctrine of Spiritism beyond closed walls. The flesh has been beaten. It is time to work on the spirit. Truly I tell you that when that happens you will be ready to sing grace in unison and it will be the eve of the day when we will hear the same voice around the world. But I tell you this: before the age of gold and the kingdom of the spirit great suffering will come in tears and teeth grinding.

Persecution has begun. Spiritists! Be firm and stand up. You are marked by the unction of the Lord. You shall be called senseless, mad and visionary. The oil will not boil, the gallows will not be erected and the stake will burn no more but the fire that will be used to lead you to renounce your beliefs will be even more intense and vivid.

Hence, Spiritists, get rid of the old self for it is the old self that they will make suffer. May your new tunics be white! Adorn your own heads with the crowns and be prepared to the struggle. You shall be cursed. Let your brothers show contempt; in turn pray for them and keep away the punishment that Jesus promised to whoever showed contempt towards their brothers and sisters!

Be prepared for the persecutions through the study, prayer and charity. The servants will be expelled from the houses of their masters and treated like mad people but at the door they shall find the Samaritan and although naked and poor they will share their garments and the last piece of bread. Before such a spectacle the masters will ask: “But who are these people who we expelled from our house? They only have a piece of bread for tonight and they still give it away! They only have one house and still share it with a stranger!

Their doors will then open again for you are the servants of the Lord. But this time they will welcome you and will embrace you. They will ask you to bless them and to teach them to love. They will no longer call you slaves or servants but will say: “Brother, come and seat at the table with me. There is only one and the same family on Earth and there is only one and the same God in heavens.”

Go, go my brothers! Preach and above all be united. Heaves is ready for you.

St. Augustine, medium Mr. Vésy

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