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The Spiritist Review - Journal of Psychological Studies - 1862 > October > Can a spirit step back before a test?
Can a spirit step back before a test?
A lady friend writes the following:
“One day my daughter received the following spontaneous communication from a spirit that started signing the name Euphrosine Bretel. Since the name did not ring the bell we asked: - Who are you?
A. I am a poor suffering spirit. I need prayers. I come to you because you know me since I was a child. We dug up our memories and I acknowledged that the family name was that of a nine or ten- year-old child that was from the same school as my daughter and had become sick just before the arrival of my daughter. Her father picked her up and the girls kept the memory of that sick and moaning child. She died at home. Her desperate mother soon followed her. The father became blind and died within the same year. As soon as we recognized the name the spirit wrote: - It is I. My last existence should have been a terrible test but I stepped back cowardly and since then I suffer. I beg you to ask God to provide me with the grace of a new trial. I will submit to that however hard it may be. I am so unfortunate. I love my father and my mother but they hate me. They run away from me and my punishment is to go after them to find myself rejected. I came to you because your memory of me is not totally extinct and you can pray for me and you are the only one who knows Spiritism. Good-bye. Do not forget me. We will see one another soon.”
My daughter then asked her jokingly: That means that I will die soon then? To what the spirit responded: “Time that is long for you, has no measure to us.”
We later verified that the name and surname were perfectly correct. I now ask myself if a spirit can step back before a test that has been initiated.”
We respond:
Yes, the Spirits can frequently retreat before chosen trials and that they do not have the courage to withstand and even face them when the time comes. That is the reason behind the majority of suicide cases. They also recede when desperate and suffering thus losing the benefits of the test. That is how Spiritism by revealing the cause, the objective and the consequences of life’s tribulations gives at the same time so much consolation and courage and keeps the thoughts away from the idea of shortening life. Which philosophy has produced such effects upon humanity?
“One day my daughter received the following spontaneous communication from a spirit that started signing the name Euphrosine Bretel. Since the name did not ring the bell we asked: - Who are you?
A. I am a poor suffering spirit. I need prayers. I come to you because you know me since I was a child. We dug up our memories and I acknowledged that the family name was that of a nine or ten- year-old child that was from the same school as my daughter and had become sick just before the arrival of my daughter. Her father picked her up and the girls kept the memory of that sick and moaning child. She died at home. Her desperate mother soon followed her. The father became blind and died within the same year. As soon as we recognized the name the spirit wrote: - It is I. My last existence should have been a terrible test but I stepped back cowardly and since then I suffer. I beg you to ask God to provide me with the grace of a new trial. I will submit to that however hard it may be. I am so unfortunate. I love my father and my mother but they hate me. They run away from me and my punishment is to go after them to find myself rejected. I came to you because your memory of me is not totally extinct and you can pray for me and you are the only one who knows Spiritism. Good-bye. Do not forget me. We will see one another soon.”
My daughter then asked her jokingly: That means that I will die soon then? To what the spirit responded: “Time that is long for you, has no measure to us.”
We later verified that the name and surname were perfectly correct. I now ask myself if a spirit can step back before a test that has been initiated.”
We respond:
Yes, the Spirits can frequently retreat before chosen trials and that they do not have the courage to withstand and even face them when the time comes. That is the reason behind the majority of suicide cases. They also recede when desperate and suffering thus losing the benefits of the test. That is how Spiritism by revealing the cause, the objective and the consequences of life’s tribulations gives at the same time so much consolation and courage and keeps the thoughts away from the idea of shortening life. Which philosophy has produced such effects upon humanity?