The Spiritist Review - Journal of Psychological Studies - 1862

Allan Kardec

You are in: The Spiritist Review - Journal of Psychological Studies - 1862 > February > Spiritist Teachings and Dissertations > Faith

“I am the older sister to Hope and Charity. My name is Faith.

I am big and strong. The one who carries me is fearless of fire and chains since charity is a shield to every physical and moral suffering. I radiate upon you like a sun whose shiny beams reflect out from the bottom of your hearts and I transfer life and strength to you. They say that I transport mountains but here is what I say: I come to elevate the world since Spiritism is the lever that will help me. Join me. I invite you. I am Faith.

I am Faith! I live with Hope, Charity and Love in the world of the pure Spirits. I have many times left the ethereal regions and come to Earth to regenerate you, giving you the life of the spirit. However, apart from the martyrs of the old days of Christianity and some eager sacrifices from time to time, apart from the progress of science, literature, industry and freedom, I have not found but indifference and neglect at the heart of humanity, thus I have sadly returned to heavens. You believe that I am among you but you are mistaken since Faith without actions is a simulacrum of Faith. True Faith is life and action.

Before the revelation of Spiritism life was barren, I was a tree dried out by light that produced no fruit. Through my actions, enlighten intelligences, and strengthen hearts, I send deceiving influences away and lead you to God through the perfection of the spirit and the heart. Come to stand before my flag. I am strong and powerful. I am Faith.

I am Faith and my kingdom starts with humanity, a peaceful kingdom that will make them happy now and throughout eternity. The dawn of my arrival is pure and serene. Its Sun will be resplendent and Faith will kindly set by embracing humanity in eternal happiness.

Spiritism! Cast upon humanity your regenerative baptism. I beg you. I am Faith.”

Georges, Bishop of Périgueux.

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