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The Spiritist Review - Journal of Psychological Studies - 1862 > June > Spiritist teachings and dissertations
Spiritist teachings and dissertations
Philosophical Spiritism
Bordeaux, April 4th, 1862 – medium Mrs. Collignon
My friends, we speak of Spiritism from a religious point of view. Now that it is well established that it is not a new religion but the consecration of that universal religion whose bases were established by Christ and crowned by him today we will then look at Spiritism from a moral and philosophical point of view.
To begin with let us be clear about the true meaning of the word philosophy. Philosophy is not the denial of the religious and God given laws but far from it. Philosophy is the search for wisdom and for what is more accurately reasonable. And what can be wiser, more reasonable than the love and acknowledgment that are due to the Creator and, consequently the worship, regardless of the cult, that can demonstrate to God such acknowledgement and love. Religion and everything that can derive from that is a philosophy because it shows human wisdom in the docile and joyful submission. Having said that let us now see what can be extracted from the serious practice of Spiritism.
What is the objective of every human being regardless of his or her current position? To be better off. Alas, in order to achieve such objective people run in all directions, get lost in the majority of the cases because they are blinded by pride and dragged by ambition. They do not see the only route that can lead to that betterment. They seek it in the satisfaction of their pride, ambition, and brutal instincts whereas it can only be found in due love and submission to the Creator.
Hence Spiritism is telling everyone: leave those deceitful paths alone, paths full of cliffs, surrounded by thorns and weeds. Enter the path that leads to the expected happiness. Be prudent in order to be happy. Understand this my friends that the earthly means are just traps to be avoided. They are the hurdles from which you must stay away. That is why our Lord allowed you to finally see the light of that lighthouse that will guide you to the harbor.
The pains and sufferings endured with impatience and revolt are the burning iron that the surgeon applies upon the open ulcer, avoiding the gangrene to spread further to the whole body.
What is your body, my friends, to a Spiritist? What is it that your body must save? What is it that the body must keep from contamination? What is it that must be cured by every possible means if not the ulcer that corrodes the spirit; the ailment that halts the spirit, hindering it from moving radiantly to the Creator?
Always turn your eyes to this philosophical thought, that is, full of wisdom: We are an essence that has been created pure, but has fallen. We are from a homeland where everything is purity. Guilty we have been exiled for some time but only for some time. Let us then strive the best way we can to diminish that time of exile. Let us endeavor by utilizing all means that the Lord has given us to reconquering the lost homeland and abbreviate the time of absence. (See the January 1862 issue of the Review: Doctrine of the fallen angels).
Understand this. Your future fate is in your own hands; the duration of your trials depends entirely on you; the martyr always is entitled to the palm and that one does not need to feed the beasts to be a martyr, like the first Christians. Be the martyrs of yourselves. You must break and destroy every carnal instinct that rebels against the spirit. Carefully investigate your inclinations, your tastes and your ideas. Be suspicious of everything that is reproached by your conscience. However low that voice may sound – because it can be sometimes rejected – that voice of your guardian will tell you about everything that can harm you. The voice of your guardian angel speaks to you constantly but how many times have you failed to hear? Today, my friends, Spiritism comes to explain the cause of that inner voice. It comes to speak positively, show you and allow you to touch your fate and if you listen carefully, to show you what you must fear if the voice is rejected. There you are, my friends, the philosophical note to everyone: the teachings of how to find your own salvation.
My children do not seek, like the ignorant ones, material distractions and satisfaction of your curiosity. Do not evoke completely Spirits who will not do you any good. Be content with the attention and love of your spiritual guides. They will never fail you.
When united by a common objective, that is the betterment of humanity, and your heart goes out to the Lord may that be to ask for his blessings and the assistance of the good Spirits that have been entrusted to you. Watch carefully around you and see if you do not find curious, false and skeptical brothers. If you do find them, kindly and in a charitable way, ask them to leave. If they resist then pray with eagerness to have them enlightened by the Lord and do not allow them back next time. Surround yourself by simple brothers who seek the truth and progress.
When assured about the brothers that gather in the presence of the Lord, evoke your guides and request their instructions. They will always give you their advices in the measure of your needs and according to your understanding. However, do not try to satisfy the curiosity of the majority that request evocations. They almost always leave less convinced and more inclined to mockery.
May those who wish to evoke relatives and friends never do so unless with a useful and charitable objective. Evoking the Spirits that are around us is a serious, very serious undertake. If faith and reverence are not present the bad Spirits will replace the ones that you expect; they will trick you and lead you to big mistakes and sometimes lead you to terrible downfalls.
Therefore, my friends, do not forget that Spiritism, from a religious point of view, is just the confirmation of Christianity because Spiritism falls entirely within these words: Love the Lord your God with all your heart and your brother like yourself.
From a philosophical point of view it is the straight and wise line of conduct that must lead you to the happiness that everyone expects and such a line is delineated from a safe starting point that demonstrates: the immortality of the soul to arrive at another unquestionable point: God!
That is what I have for today, my friends. We will soon continue our intimate conversations.
OBSERVATION: This communication is part of a series dictated under the same title: Spiritism to Everyone – all of them marked by a paternal depth and simplicity. Since they cannot all be published in the Review they will take part of special collections. Some are sent to us by other mediums of Bordeaux and other cities. These publications will produce better results when published with method and order than if published carelessly. Some communications are excellent when applied privately but would not have any purpose if made public. Others require comments and discussions to avoid misinterpretations.
It is often necessary to take into account the personal opinion of the spirit that gives the communication who, if not much advanced, may create systems and form ideas that are not very accurate about peoples and things. If such ideas are published without restriction they can only cast discredit upon Spiritism, forearm the adversaries and sow doubt and uncertainty among the beginners.
The comments and explanations given about the subject sometimes turn an error into instruction. Without that people could accuse the Doctrine by every utopia given by certain Spirits that are more proud than logical. If Spiritism could be delayed in its march it would not be by the open attacks of the declared enemies but by the reckless zeal of imprudent friends. Consequently, it is not a matter of producing indigestible collections where everything stacks up without an order that would bore the reader before any minor inconvenience. It is necessarily to carefully avoid anything that may raise false opinions about Spiritism. Well, it all requires the kind of work that justifies a delay in such publications.
Bordeaux, April 4th, 1862 – medium Mrs. Collignon
My friends, we speak of Spiritism from a religious point of view. Now that it is well established that it is not a new religion but the consecration of that universal religion whose bases were established by Christ and crowned by him today we will then look at Spiritism from a moral and philosophical point of view.
To begin with let us be clear about the true meaning of the word philosophy. Philosophy is not the denial of the religious and God given laws but far from it. Philosophy is the search for wisdom and for what is more accurately reasonable. And what can be wiser, more reasonable than the love and acknowledgment that are due to the Creator and, consequently the worship, regardless of the cult, that can demonstrate to God such acknowledgement and love. Religion and everything that can derive from that is a philosophy because it shows human wisdom in the docile and joyful submission. Having said that let us now see what can be extracted from the serious practice of Spiritism.
What is the objective of every human being regardless of his or her current position? To be better off. Alas, in order to achieve such objective people run in all directions, get lost in the majority of the cases because they are blinded by pride and dragged by ambition. They do not see the only route that can lead to that betterment. They seek it in the satisfaction of their pride, ambition, and brutal instincts whereas it can only be found in due love and submission to the Creator.
Hence Spiritism is telling everyone: leave those deceitful paths alone, paths full of cliffs, surrounded by thorns and weeds. Enter the path that leads to the expected happiness. Be prudent in order to be happy. Understand this my friends that the earthly means are just traps to be avoided. They are the hurdles from which you must stay away. That is why our Lord allowed you to finally see the light of that lighthouse that will guide you to the harbor.
The pains and sufferings endured with impatience and revolt are the burning iron that the surgeon applies upon the open ulcer, avoiding the gangrene to spread further to the whole body.
What is your body, my friends, to a Spiritist? What is it that your body must save? What is it that the body must keep from contamination? What is it that must be cured by every possible means if not the ulcer that corrodes the spirit; the ailment that halts the spirit, hindering it from moving radiantly to the Creator?
Always turn your eyes to this philosophical thought, that is, full of wisdom: We are an essence that has been created pure, but has fallen. We are from a homeland where everything is purity. Guilty we have been exiled for some time but only for some time. Let us then strive the best way we can to diminish that time of exile. Let us endeavor by utilizing all means that the Lord has given us to reconquering the lost homeland and abbreviate the time of absence. (See the January 1862 issue of the Review: Doctrine of the fallen angels).
Understand this. Your future fate is in your own hands; the duration of your trials depends entirely on you; the martyr always is entitled to the palm and that one does not need to feed the beasts to be a martyr, like the first Christians. Be the martyrs of yourselves. You must break and destroy every carnal instinct that rebels against the spirit. Carefully investigate your inclinations, your tastes and your ideas. Be suspicious of everything that is reproached by your conscience. However low that voice may sound – because it can be sometimes rejected – that voice of your guardian will tell you about everything that can harm you. The voice of your guardian angel speaks to you constantly but how many times have you failed to hear? Today, my friends, Spiritism comes to explain the cause of that inner voice. It comes to speak positively, show you and allow you to touch your fate and if you listen carefully, to show you what you must fear if the voice is rejected. There you are, my friends, the philosophical note to everyone: the teachings of how to find your own salvation.
My children do not seek, like the ignorant ones, material distractions and satisfaction of your curiosity. Do not evoke completely Spirits who will not do you any good. Be content with the attention and love of your spiritual guides. They will never fail you.
When united by a common objective, that is the betterment of humanity, and your heart goes out to the Lord may that be to ask for his blessings and the assistance of the good Spirits that have been entrusted to you. Watch carefully around you and see if you do not find curious, false and skeptical brothers. If you do find them, kindly and in a charitable way, ask them to leave. If they resist then pray with eagerness to have them enlightened by the Lord and do not allow them back next time. Surround yourself by simple brothers who seek the truth and progress.
When assured about the brothers that gather in the presence of the Lord, evoke your guides and request their instructions. They will always give you their advices in the measure of your needs and according to your understanding. However, do not try to satisfy the curiosity of the majority that request evocations. They almost always leave less convinced and more inclined to mockery.
May those who wish to evoke relatives and friends never do so unless with a useful and charitable objective. Evoking the Spirits that are around us is a serious, very serious undertake. If faith and reverence are not present the bad Spirits will replace the ones that you expect; they will trick you and lead you to big mistakes and sometimes lead you to terrible downfalls.
Therefore, my friends, do not forget that Spiritism, from a religious point of view, is just the confirmation of Christianity because Spiritism falls entirely within these words: Love the Lord your God with all your heart and your brother like yourself.
From a philosophical point of view it is the straight and wise line of conduct that must lead you to the happiness that everyone expects and such a line is delineated from a safe starting point that demonstrates: the immortality of the soul to arrive at another unquestionable point: God!
That is what I have for today, my friends. We will soon continue our intimate conversations.
OBSERVATION: This communication is part of a series dictated under the same title: Spiritism to Everyone – all of them marked by a paternal depth and simplicity. Since they cannot all be published in the Review they will take part of special collections. Some are sent to us by other mediums of Bordeaux and other cities. These publications will produce better results when published with method and order than if published carelessly. Some communications are excellent when applied privately but would not have any purpose if made public. Others require comments and discussions to avoid misinterpretations.
It is often necessary to take into account the personal opinion of the spirit that gives the communication who, if not much advanced, may create systems and form ideas that are not very accurate about peoples and things. If such ideas are published without restriction they can only cast discredit upon Spiritism, forearm the adversaries and sow doubt and uncertainty among the beginners.
The comments and explanations given about the subject sometimes turn an error into instruction. Without that people could accuse the Doctrine by every utopia given by certain Spirits that are more proud than logical. If Spiritism could be delayed in its march it would not be by the open attacks of the declared enemies but by the reckless zeal of imprudent friends. Consequently, it is not a matter of producing indigestible collections where everything stacks up without an order that would bore the reader before any minor inconvenience. It is necessarily to carefully avoid anything that may raise false opinions about Spiritism. Well, it all requires the kind of work that justifies a delay in such publications.