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Spiritist Review - Journal of Psychological Studies - 1868 > January > Bibliography
Genesis, the miracles, and predictions according to Spiritism
By Allan Kardec[1]
On sale starting January 6th, 1868
I. Characters of the Spiritist Revelation
II. God - Existence of God. - Of divine nature. - Providence. - The sight of God.
III. Good and evil - Source of good and evil. - Intelligence and instinct. - Destruction of living beings by each other.
IV. Role of science in Genesis.
V. Systems of ancient and modern worlds
VI. General Uranography. - Space and time. - Matter. - Laws and forces. - The first creation. - Universal creation. - The suns and the planets. - Satellites. - Comets. - The milky way. - Fixed stars. - The deserts of space. - Eternal succession of worlds. - Universal life. - Science. - Moral considerations.
VII. Geological sketch of Earth. - Geological periods. - Primitive state of the globe. - Primary period. - Transition period. - Secondary period. - Tertiary period. - Torrential period. - Post-flood or current period. - Birth of man.
VIII. Theories of Earth - Projection theory (Buffon). -Theory of condensation. - Theory of incrustation.
IX. Revolutions of the globe. - General or partial revolutions. - Biblical flood. - Periodic revolutions. - Future cataclysms.
X. Organic Genesis - First formation of living beings. – Vital principle. - Spontaneous generation. - Scale of bodily beings. - The man.
XI. Spiritual Genesis - Spiritual principle. - Union of spiritual principle and matter. - Hypothesis on the origin of human bodies. - Incarnation of Spirits. - Reincarnation. - Emigration and immigration - Spirits. - Adamic race. - Doctrine of the fallen angels.
XII. Genesis of Moses. - The six days. - Paradise lost.
The miracles.
XIII. Characters of the miracles
XIV. Fluids. - Nature and properties of the fluids. - Natural explanation of some allegedly supernatural facts.
XV. THE MIRACLES OF THE GOSPEL. - Preliminary observations - Dreams. - Star of the Magi. - Double view. - Healings. - Possessed. - Resurrections. - Jesus walks on water. - Transfiguration. - Storm calmed. - Wedding at Cana. - Multiplication of breads. - Temptation of Jesus. - Wonders at the death of Jesus. - Appearance of Jesus after his death. - Disappearance of the body of Jesus.
The predictions.
XVI. Theory of prescience.
- XVII. Predictions of the Gospel. - No one is a prophet in his own country. - Death and passion of Jesus. - Persecution of the apostles. - Unrepentant cities. - Ruin of the Temple and Jerusalem. - Curses to the Pharisees. - My words will not pass. - Angular stone. - Parable of the homicidal winegrowers. - One flock and one shepherd. - Advent of Elijah. - Announcement of the Consoler. - Second advent of Christ. - Warning signs. - Your sons and daughters will prophesy. - Last judgement.
- XVIII. The times have come. - Signs of the times. - The new generation.
[1] International bookshop, 15, Boulevard Montmartre in Paris. - A large volume in-12. Price: 3.5 francs, by post 4 francs. The postage costs for this work, as for the others, are those for France and Algeria; for abroad, the costs vary according to the country, namely: Belgium, 65 c. - Italy, 75 c. - England, Switzerland, Spain, Greece, Constantinople, Egypt, 1 franc - Prussia, Bavaria, 1.2 francs - Holland, 1.5 francs - Portugal, United States, Canada, Canaries, Guadeloupe, Cayenne, Mexico, Mauritius, China, Buenos-Ayres, Montevideo, 1.45 - Holland, 1.5 francs - Brazil, 1.8 francs - Duchy of Baden, 2.25 francs - Peru, 2.6 francs - Austria, 3.2 francs.
By Allan Kardec[1]
On sale starting January 6th, 1868
I. Characters of the Spiritist Revelation
II. God - Existence of God. - Of divine nature. - Providence. - The sight of God.
III. Good and evil - Source of good and evil. - Intelligence and instinct. - Destruction of living beings by each other.
IV. Role of science in Genesis.
V. Systems of ancient and modern worlds
VI. General Uranography. - Space and time. - Matter. - Laws and forces. - The first creation. - Universal creation. - The suns and the planets. - Satellites. - Comets. - The milky way. - Fixed stars. - The deserts of space. - Eternal succession of worlds. - Universal life. - Science. - Moral considerations.
VII. Geological sketch of Earth. - Geological periods. - Primitive state of the globe. - Primary period. - Transition period. - Secondary period. - Tertiary period. - Torrential period. - Post-flood or current period. - Birth of man.
VIII. Theories of Earth - Projection theory (Buffon). -Theory of condensation. - Theory of incrustation.
IX. Revolutions of the globe. - General or partial revolutions. - Biblical flood. - Periodic revolutions. - Future cataclysms.
X. Organic Genesis - First formation of living beings. – Vital principle. - Spontaneous generation. - Scale of bodily beings. - The man.
XI. Spiritual Genesis - Spiritual principle. - Union of spiritual principle and matter. - Hypothesis on the origin of human bodies. - Incarnation of Spirits. - Reincarnation. - Emigration and immigration - Spirits. - Adamic race. - Doctrine of the fallen angels.
XII. Genesis of Moses. - The six days. - Paradise lost.
The miracles.
XIII. Characters of the miracles
XIV. Fluids. - Nature and properties of the fluids. - Natural explanation of some allegedly supernatural facts.
XV. THE MIRACLES OF THE GOSPEL. - Preliminary observations - Dreams. - Star of the Magi. - Double view. - Healings. - Possessed. - Resurrections. - Jesus walks on water. - Transfiguration. - Storm calmed. - Wedding at Cana. - Multiplication of breads. - Temptation of Jesus. - Wonders at the death of Jesus. - Appearance of Jesus after his death. - Disappearance of the body of Jesus.
The predictions.
XVI. Theory of prescience.
- XVII. Predictions of the Gospel. - No one is a prophet in his own country. - Death and passion of Jesus. - Persecution of the apostles. - Unrepentant cities. - Ruin of the Temple and Jerusalem. - Curses to the Pharisees. - My words will not pass. - Angular stone. - Parable of the homicidal winegrowers. - One flock and one shepherd. - Advent of Elijah. - Announcement of the Consoler. - Second advent of Christ. - Warning signs. - Your sons and daughters will prophesy. - Last judgement.
- XVIII. The times have come. - Signs of the times. - The new generation.
[1] International bookshop, 15, Boulevard Montmartre in Paris. - A large volume in-12. Price: 3.5 francs, by post 4 francs. The postage costs for this work, as for the others, are those for France and Algeria; for abroad, the costs vary according to the country, namely: Belgium, 65 c. - Italy, 75 c. - England, Switzerland, Spain, Greece, Constantinople, Egypt, 1 franc - Prussia, Bavaria, 1.2 francs - Holland, 1.5 francs - Portugal, United States, Canada, Canaries, Guadeloupe, Cayenne, Mexico, Mauritius, China, Buenos-Ayres, Montevideo, 1.45 - Holland, 1.5 francs - Brazil, 1.8 francs - Duchy of Baden, 2.25 francs - Peru, 2.6 francs - Austria, 3.2 francs.