Spiritist Review - Journal of Psychological Studies - 1868

Allan Kardec

You are in: Spiritist Review - Journal of Psychological Studies - 1868 > September > Circle of Spiritist Morality, in Toulouse
Circle of Spiritist Morality, in Toulouse

We are happy to announce that a society has just been officially authorized in Toulouse with the title of Circle of Spiritist Morality. We congratulate the founders for the choice of this title that clearly shows the goal they have set for themselves, at the same time as it perfectly sums up the essential character of the Doctrine. If it is true that nobility obliges, it is not less true to say that title obliges, unless you lie to your flag; we are convinced that the members of this meeting will be able to justify it. By the very severity of their regulations, of which we have learned, they prove their firm intention to act as true Spiritists.

In the past, there was in Paris a long flourishing society of Christian morality; why shouldn’t there be societies of Spiritist morality? It would be the best way to impose silence on the mockers, and to silence the prejudices nourished against Spiritism by those who do not know it. The quality of member of a society that deals with theoretical and practical morality, is a title to the esteem and to the confidence, even to the unbelievers, because it is equivalent to that of member of a society of honest people, and every sincere Spiritist should take pride in being part of them. Will the bad jokers dare to say that they are societies of fools, mad or stupid people?

The word circle, adopted by the Toulouse society, indicates that it is not limited to ordinary sessions, but that it is also a meeting place, where members can come and discuss the special object of their studies.

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