Spiritist Review - Journal of Psychological Studies - 1868

Allan Kardec

You are in: Spiritist Review - Journal of Psychological Studies - 1868 > February > Instructions of the Spirits > Stars will fall from the skyes
Stars will fall from the skyes

10. - Oh! how beautiful is the light of the Lord! What a prodigious brilliance its rays spread! Holy Sion![1] Blessed are those who sit in the shade of your tabernacles! Oh! What harmony is comparable to the spheres of the Lord! Incomprehensible beauty to mortal eyes, unable to see anything that does not belong to the domain of the senses!

A splendid dawn of a new day, Spiritism comes to enlighten men. Already stronger lights appear on the horizon; already the Spirits of darkness, seeing that their empire is going to crumble, are in the grip of powerless rages, and throw their last strengths into infernal plots. Already the radiant angel of progress is spreading its white variegated wings; already the virtues of heavens are shaken, and the stars fall from their dome, but transformed into pure Spirits, who come, as the Scriptures announces in figurative language, to proclaim the advent of the Son of the Man in the ruins of the old world.

Blessed are those whose hearts are prepared to receive the divine seed that the Spirits of the Lord throw to all winds of heaven! Blessed are those who cultivate, in the sanctuary of their soul, the virtues that Christ came to teach them, and that he still teaches by the voice of the mediums, that is, the instruments that repeat the words of the Spirits! Blessed are the righteous, for the kingdom of heaven will be theirs!

O my friends! continue to walk in the path that has been laid out for you; do not be obstacles to the truth that wishes to enlighten the world; no, be zealous and tireless propagators, like the first apostles, who had no roof to shelter their heads, but who marched to the conquest that Jesus had begun; who walked without ulterior motive, without hesitation; who sacrificed everything, to the last drop of their blood, for Christianity to be established.

You, my friends, do not need such great sacrifices; no, God is not asking you for your life, but your heart, your good will. Therefore, be zealous, and walk united and confident, repeating the divine word: “My Father, your will be done and not mine!” (Dupuch, Bishop of Algiers, Bordeaux, 1863.)

[1] Nicholas of Sion was a 6th-century Christian saint from Pharroa, in Lycia (Wikipedia, T.N.)

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