Spiritism in the Bible
Essay on the psychology of the ancient Hebrews, by Henri Stecki [1]
“We know that the Bible contains a host of passages relating to the principles of Spiritism; but how to find them in this labyrinth? This book should be read carefully, for which few people have the time and patience to do. In some even, mainly because of the most often figurative language, the Spiritist idea only appears clearly after reflection.
The author of this book did an in-depth study of the Bible, and the knowledge of Spiritism alone gave him the key to things that seemed inexplicable or unintelligible to him before. This is how he was able to learn with certainty about the psychological ideas of the ancient Hebrews, a point on which commentators disagreed. We must therefore be grateful to him for bringing these passages to light, in a succinct summary, and thus having spared the reader long and tedious research. To the quotations, he adds comments necessary for the understanding of the text, revealing the enlightened Spiritist, but not fanatic for his ideas, seeing Spiritism everywhere.
The author's name indicates that he is not French; he says in his preface that he Polish, and he explains under which circumstances he was brought to Spiritism, and the moral assistance he drew from this doctrine. Although a foreigner, he writes in French, like most people of the North, mainly the Poles and Russians, with perfect purity; his book is written with clarity, that is a great merit in philosophical matters, because nothing is less suitable for the popularization of the ideas that an author wants to propagate, than those books whose tiresome reading gives you a headache, and whose proposals are a series of indecipherable puzzles to the common reader.
In short, Mr. Stecki wrote a useful book, for which all Spiritists will be grateful to him.
We thank him personally for the gracious dedication message that he kindly placed at the head of his book.
[1] A small volume in-12; price, 1 franc; by post, 1.25 francs. At Messrs. Lacroix et Co., Librairie Internationale, 15, boulevard Montmartre, in Paris; and at the office of the Spiritist Review.