Spiritist Review - Journal of Psychological Studies - 1868

Allan Kardec

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Instructions of the Spirits


Lyon, March 11th, 1867 – medium Mrs. B…

“In that time there will be no more cries, no mourning, no work, for what was before will have passed. "

This prediction of Revelation was dictated eighteen centuries ago, and we are still waiting for these words to come true, because we always look at events when they are past and not when they are unfolding before our eyes.

However, that predicted epoch has arrived; there is no more pain for those who have known how to place themselves on the side of the road, to let the pettiness of life pass without stopping them, to use them as an offensive weapon against society.

You are amidst these times, as the golden ear is in the harvest; you live under the gaze of God, and his radiance illuminates you! Where does it come from that you worry about the course of events that have been foreseen by God, when you were only the children of the generation of which Jesus spoke when he said: "Before this generation passes great things will happen”?

What you are, God knew; what you will be, God sees! It is up to you to properly walk the path that has been laid out for you, for your task is to submit to whatever God has decided. Your resignation, and especially your conformity, are only the testimonies of your intelligence and your faith in the eternity.

Above you, in this universe in which your world moves, hover the messenger Spirits who have received the mission to guide you. They know when the predicted events will take place; that is why they tell you: "Then there will be no more cries, no mourning, no work."

Undoubtedly there can no longer be a cry for one who submits to the will of God and who accepts his trials. There is no more mourning since you know that the Spirits who preceded you are not lost to you, but that they are on a journey; well, one does not mourn when a friend is absent.

Work itself becomes a favor, since one knows that it is a contribution to the harmonic work that God directs; one then carries out their part of the work with the solicitude that the sculptor brings to polishing his statue. It is an infinite reward that God grants you.

However, you will still encounter hindrances in your attempts to achieve social improvement. It is because the result is never achieved without the struggle coming to ratify the efforts. The artist is obliged to overcome the obstacles that oppose the radiance of his thought; he only becomes victorious when he learns how to rise above the hardships and misty vapors that envelop his genius at birth.

The idea that arose was sown by the Spirits when God said to them: “Go and teach the nations; go and shed the light.” This idea, that grew with the speed of a flood, must naturally have encountered contradictors, opponents, and skeptical. It would not be the source of life, if it had to succumb to the mockery that greeted it at its debut. But God Himself guided this thought through the immensity; he fertilized it on Earth, and no one will destroy it! It is in vain that one would seek to yank its roots; one would work in vain to annihilate it in the hearts; children bring it when they are born, as if a breath of God incrusted it in their cradle, like in the old days the Eastern Star illuminated those who came to meet Jesus, carrying the regenerating idea of Christianity.

So, you can see that this generation will not pass without great things happening, since with the idea, faith rises and hope shines… Courage! What was foretold by Christ must take place. In these times of aspiration to the truth, the light that enlightens every man that comes to this world shines again on you; persevere in the struggle, be firm and beware of the traps set for you; stay attached to this flag where you have inscribed: “there is no salvation, except through charity”, and then wait, because the one who was assigned with the mission to regenerate you comes back, and he said: “Blessed are those who will know my new name!”

A Spirit

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