Spiritist Review - Journal of Psychological Studies - 1868

Allan Kardec

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True meditation

Parisian Society, October 16th, 1868 – medium Mr. Bertrand

“If you could see the awareness of Spirits of all kinds who attend your sessions, and this during the reading of your prayers, not only would you be touched, but you would be ashamed to see that your awareness, that I only qualify as silence, is far from approaching that of the Spirits, many of whom are inferior to you. What you call meditation during the reading of your beautiful prayers is to observe an undisturbed silence; but if your lips do not move, if your body is motionless, your Spirit wanders around and leaves aside the sublime words that you should speak from the depths of your heart, by assimilating them through your thought.

Your matter observes silence; it would certainly be an insult to you to say otherwise; but your babbling Spirit does not observe it and disturbs the meditation of the Spirits that surround you at this time. Ah! if you saw them prostrated before the Lord, asking for the fulfillment of every word you read, your soul would be moved, and regretting its little attention in the past, it would turn back on itself, wholeheartedly asking God for the fulfillment of the same words it only spoke with her lips. You would ask the Spirits to make you docile to their advice; and I, the Spirit who speaks to you, after reading your prayers, and the words that I have just repeated, I could point out more than one who will go not much obedient to the advice I have just given, and with equally uncharitable feelings for his neighbor.

I'm probably a bit harsh; but I believe I am only with those who deserve it and whose most secret thoughts cannot be hidden from the Spirits. I therefore address only those who come here thinking of something quite different than the lessons they must come to seek and the feelings they must bring to them. But those who pray from the bottom of their souls will also pray, after reading my communication, for those who come here and leave without praying.

In any case, I ask those who kindly lend me an attentive ear, to continue to put into practice the teachings and the advice of the Spirits; I invite them to do so in their interest, because they do not know how much they can lose by not doing it.

De Courson.”

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