Spiritist Review - Journal of Psychological Studies - 1868

Allan Kardec

You are in: Spiritist Review - Journal of Psychological Studies - 1868 > August > Bibliography

Spiritism in Lyon, a bi-monthly journal published in Lyon since February 15th, continues with perseverance and success the course of its publication. As we said at the time, and as it says itself, this is not a newspaper with literary pretensions; its humbler goal is to popularize, by the modesty of its price, the sound ideas of the Doctrine. It is done without any idea of speculation because the surplus covering the material costs is paid into a relief fund. It is, therefore, a work of dedication on the part of those who have undertaken this heavy task. By the good spirit in which the writing is conceived and the commendable goal that it proposes, it cannot fail to reconcile the sympathies and encouragements to all sincere Spiritists. We read with great pleasure, at the heading of the last issues, a notice in which it announces that the senator, mayor of the Rhône, has authorized its sale on public avenues. We wish for its prosperity since it should benefit the doctrine and the unfortunate ones. The lack of space obliges us to postpone to the next issue the reflections suggested to us by some of its articles, among which we have noticed one (issue of July 15th) very wisely done, about the trial of Mr. Home.

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