Spiritist Review - Journal of Psychological Studies - 1868

Allan Kardec

You are in: Spiritist Review - Journal of Psychological Studies - 1868 > November > Bibliography > The destinies of the soul
The destinies of the soul

With prophetic considerations to recognize the present time and the signs of proximity of the last days; new edition, preceded by an appeal to Catholics in good faith and to the future Council.

By A. D’Orient[1]

In this work, of capital importance, the author relies on the plurality of existences, like the most rational theory, on the indefinite progress of the soul by the work accomplished in successive existences; the responsibility of each one, according to their works; the denial of the absolute eternity of pains, the fluidic body, etc., in a word, on the principles that form the basis of Spiritism. However, it was published in 1845, a new proof of the movement that was already taking place in this direction, even before the appearance of the Spiritist Doctrine, that came to sanction by the facts, and to coordinate these scattered ideas. The author flattered himself that he would rally the clergy to that, while respecting the Catholic dogmas, but interpreting them in a more logical manner; his hopes were dashed because his book was blacklisted. We will limit ourselves to announcing it, reserving the right to dedicate a special article to the book, when we have time to examine it in depth. Meanwhile we will cite the following paragraph of the introduction, that specifies the objective proposed by the author:

Resurrection of the body, prescience of God, successive lives, or purgatory of souls, such are the three questions, to which everything that pertains to the destinies of our soul is linked, that we propose to present in new ways, to the meditation of Catholics and of all men who like to reflect on themselves. What we have to say does not touch on the essential truths that are important to all mankind to know and believe with total certainty: these truths, that are in the domain of faith, are as complete and certain as they need to be, and we do not pretend to add anything to that ourselves. We only want to humanly offer human theories about these matters, that is quite permissible to ignore or not to believe, without prejudice to one's soul; and all our efforts have no other aim than to illuminate obscure facts with the torch of science, where the lights of revelation are lacking, and that faith has not completely defined."

[1] Large volume, in-8. Price 7.5 francs. Didier & Co., Quai des Augustins, 35, and Ad. Lainé, Rue des Saints-Pères, 19.

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