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The Spiritist Review - Journal of Psychological Studies - 1860
The Spiritist Review - Journal of Psychological Studies - 1860
Spiritism in 1860The Spiritist Review initiates its third year and we are delighted to announce
that it does so in the most favorable circumstances. We gladly
take the opportunity to express all of our gratitude to the readers for the
daily demonstrations of sympathy that we receive from them. That alone
would give us great encouragement had we not found in nature itself,
and in the objective of our work, enormous moral compensation for the
resulting fatigue. The multiplicity of tasks to which we dedicate entirely is
such that it is physically impossible for us to respond to all letters of congratulation
that come to our hands. Thus, we are forced to respond collectively
to their authors, begging them to accept our appreciation. Those
letters and the large number of people that give us the honor of coming
to us to talk about these serious issues convince us more and more about
the progress of the true Spiritism, and by true Spiritism we mean the one
understood in all its moral consequences. Not eluded by the actual reach
of our work, the simple thought of having contributed by sowing a few
grains onto the scale is a kind satisfaction to us because those seeds would
have served as a wakeup call to people’s thoughts.
The growing prosperity of The Review is an indication of the benevolence
with which it is received. We can only continue our work, following
the same guidelines, since it receives the blessings of time, not distancing ourselves from moderation, prudence and courtesy that have always guided
us. Leaving to the detractors the sad privilege of calumny and personalism,
we shall not follow them in the terrain of hopeless controversy.
We say hopeless because it would not lead them to conviction and it is a
waste of time to discuss a subject with people who ignore the foundations
of what is discussed. We have one thing only to tell them: study first and
then we will see. We have better things to do than speaking to those who
do not want to listen. As a matter of fact, what does it matter, definitely,
the contrary opinion of this or that one? Will such an opinion have so
great an influence capable of precluding the natural progress of things?
The greatest discoveries had to face the fiercest adversaries, fact that has
not discouraged them. Hence, let incredulity hum around us, certain that
nothing can veer us off from the route that has been delineated by the
seriousness of the subject itself.
We said that the spiritist ideas evolve. In fact, since some time now
they have gained immense territory. One would say that they are in the
air. Certainly, this is not due to the noise produced by the broad or the
small press. If those ideas advance despite everything and against everything
else, and despite the ill-will found in certain regions, the fact of
the matter is that they are endowed by sufficient vitality. Anyone who
takes the burden of studying Spiritism will find such a great moral satisfaction;
the future so clear, precise and logically unfolding before them
that they will acknowledge that it would be otherwise impossible, even
feeling impressed for not having understood it earlier, as if coming from
an innermost feeling that had always told them so. Once developed, the
Spiritist Science does nothing more than formulating the ideas, retrieving
them from the darkness of the deepest self where they have always
The future then reveals a clear, precise, perfectly defined objective.
It no longer wanders about since its path is clear. No longer a fortunate
or disgraceful future which one could not understand and repelled for
that very reason. It is a rational future, consequence of the natural laws,
capable of withstanding the strictest scrutiny. The human being then feels happy and relieved from the huge burden of uncertainty, and uncertainty
is a torment. In spite of anything else, the individual probes the deepness
of the future and cannot see it but as eternal. Then comes the comparison
between such a future and the briefness and fragility of this Earthly life.
If the future does not offer any certainty it stuns the person, who then
bows before the present and refuses nothing to make such idea of the future
bearable. His conscience is hopeless when he speaks of good and evil.
He says to himself: Good is what makes me happy. Why should I then
see goodness somewhere else? Why should I support those in misery? The
human being wants to be happy and to be happy one needs to enjoy; enjoy
what the others have. The human being wants gold, a lot of gold, sticking
to that as to his own life, since gold is the means of having all material
pleasures. Why bother with his neighbor’s well-being? What matters is
one’s own well-being before anything else. The human being then seeks
satisfaction in the present since the possibility of any later satisfaction is
unknown in a doubtful future. He then becomes greedy, jealous, selfish,
and even with all those pleasures, the person is not happy, yet for life
seems too short.
A positive future changes everything: the present is just ephemeral;
he sees it goes by with no sadness. He is no longer attracted so much to
the material pleasures as they cannot give him but a transient, evanescent
satisfaction, leaving emptiness in his heart. He then aspires for a lasting
and thus more real happiness. Where can he find it if not in the future?
Spiritism frees the individual from the tortures of uncertainty by showing
and demonstrating such a future, thus making the individual happy.
Well, anything that brings happiness finds followers.
The adversaries of Spiritism attribute its fast propagation to a superstitious
fever that takes humanity over through the passion for the extraordinary.
However, they should be logical before anything else. We will
accept their reasoning, if we can call that reasoning, when they clearly
explain why does such a fever hit precisely the educated layers of society,
more than the uneducated ones. On our end we say that it is because
Spiritism appeals to reason and not to blind faith; that the enlightened classes conduct due diligence, reflect and understand it. Behold, superstitious
ideas cannot withstand examination.
As a matter of fact, all of you who attack Spiritism, do you really understand
it? Have you studied it, scrutinizing its details, maturely considering
all of its consequences? No you did not, a thousand times, you did
not. You talk about something that you don’t know. All of your criticism –
and I don’t talk about the silly, vulgar and gross diatribes, lacking any reason,
bearing no value – I talk about those that at least have the appearance
of seriousness; all of your criticism, I was saying, reveal the most absolute
ignorance of the subject.
In order to criticize it is necessary to oppose reason against reason,
proof against proof. Is that possible without a profound knowledge of the
subject? What would you think of someone who intended to criticize a
piece of artwork not knowing, at least in theory, the basic rules of drawing
and painting; the merits of an opera without knowing music? Do
you know the consequences of an ignorant criticism? It is ridiculous and
a pure demonstration of lack of common sense. The more elevated the
position of the critic; the more he is in evidence, the more his own interest
forces circumspection, avoiding the always easy denial of talking about
something that is unknown.
That is why the attacks against Spiritism short living, favoring its
development instead of precluding it. Those attacks operate as propaganda;
they lead to scrutiny and scrutiny can only favor us because we
appeal to reason. There isn’t a single article against this Doctrine which
has not led to an increase in the number of subscriptions and book sales.
Mr. Oscar Comettant’s article (see Le Siècle from October 27th last, and
our replica in the Spiritist Review, December 1859) produced the sales
of more than fifty samples of the famous Mozart’s Sonata (costs 2 francs
net, according to Mr. Comettant’s important and witty observation).
The articles of the L’Univers from April 13th and May 28th, 1859 (see
our response in the Review in the May and June 1859 issues) oversold
the remainder of the first edition of The Spirits’ Book, as well as others.
Nonetheless, let us go back to less material things. As long as the opposing arguments are not but of the kind mentioned above, Spiritism
shall fear nothing.
We insist that the main source of progress of the spiritist ideas is in
the satisfaction given to those dedicated to their serious study, finding in
the Doctrine something beyond a futile pastime. Well, since all seeks happiness,
it is not surprising that those persons cling to an idea that makes
them happy. We said somewhere else that the time of curiosity is over
with regards to Spiritism, now replaced by the period of reason and philosophy.
Curiosity has its time. Since that time has passed, one objective
must replace the other. The same cannot be said about something related
to serious thought and philosophy. Spiritism has advanced in particular
since the time when people began to understand its reach, in its most
subtle essence, for it touches the most sensitive string of the human being:
happiness, even still in this world. That is the cause of its propagation; the
secret of the strength which shall make it triumph.
All of you who attack Spiritism, do you want a safe way of fighting
it successfully? I will give you one: replace it by something better. Find a
more logical solution to every issue resolved by Spiritism. Give the individual
another assurance, one that makes him happier, but be aware of the
reach of the word assurance since the individual will only accept as certain
something that seems logical. It is not good enough to say that Spiritism
is not that because it is very easy to say so. You must demonstrate not only
by denial but also by facts that Spiritism is not, has never been and cannot
be it. Finally, prove that the consequences of Spiritism don’t make the
individual better through the practice of the purest Evangelical moral, a
much acclaimed but rarely practiced moral.
When you have done so, I will be the first to bow before you.
Meanwhile, allow me to see your doctrines, the denial of any future, as
the source of egotism, a worm which corrodes society, and consequently
a true plague. Yes, Spiritism is strong, and it is stronger than you since
it is based on the very foundations of religion: God, the soul, the future
reward and penalties, all based on the good deeds or evil actions which
one may practice. You are supported by incredulity. Spiritism invites the human being to happiness, to hope and true fraternity. You offer people
with the nothingness for perspective and selfishness for consolation.
Spiritism explains everything while you explain nothing. Spiritism demonstrates
through facts, you demonstrate nothing. How would you expect
any hesitation between the two doctrines?
In summary, we attest that – and everyone sees and feels like we do –
Spiritism has treaded a gigantic step this last year and such a step is a guarantee
of the next step for this coming year. It was not only the considerable
increase in the number of followers but a remarkable change has taken place
in the general opinion, even among those who are indifferent. They say
that, bottom line, that there may well be something in Spiritism; that one
should not intend to offer a hastily assessment. Those who shrugged their
shoulders start to fear the ridicule by connecting their names to a precipitated
judgment, which can be denied later. Thus, they prefer to remain silent
and wait. There will still be and for a long time, no doubt, people who will
try to belittle it since they have nothing to lose with the acknowledgement
of posterity, some for their lightheartedness or ill-faith, others out of pure
Nevertheless, we are okay with the idea of being taken to Charenton since we would get there in good company and such a tasteless joke, like
many others, is a common place which does not bother us, due to the
absolute lack of reason shown by such attacks. The weapon of ridicule,
a supposedly frightening weapon, evidently wears out, falling from the
hands that manipulate them. Has it lost its power? No, as long as it does
not shoot at false targets. Ridicule can only kill what is ridiculous in itself,
only having the appearance of seriousness, stimulating the hypocrite,
removing their masks. Something that is really serious will only receive
minor blows, leaving the battlefield always triumphant. Just observe if
a single great idea, attacked by the ignorant and jealous crowd from its
inception, has fallen, not standing its ground! Well then, Spiritism is
one of the greatest ideas since it touches the most vital issues of human happiness, and one cannot go unpunished for spreading jokes about such
a serious matter.
Spiritism is strong because it is founded on the natural laws; responding
to its adversaries by recruiting people around the world since its infancy.
A few years more and its detractors, impotent to combat it through
reason will be so much out of touch and so much isolated that they shall
be forced to shut up, opening their eyes to the light.
Magnetism before the Academy
Since it was barred at the main door, Magnetism entered through the
window, thanks to a disguise and another name. Instead of saying: I
am magnetism, which was not likely to get it through, it then said: My
name is Hypnotism (from the Greek “Hypnos”, sleep). Thanks to such
a gimmick it finally got in, after twenty long years, but it did not lose
much for the wait because it found a way of being introduced by one of
the greatest luminaries. He was careful enough to avoid its entourage of
passes, somnambulism, and remote visions, and ecstasies which would
have been a betrayal. He simply said: you are good and human; your heart
is broken by the sight of your neighbor’s agony, in his sickness; you must
find a way of mitigating the patient’s pain, hurt by your scalpel; it can be
really dangerous. I bring you a simpler way, yet with no drawbacks. I was
certain that I would be heard, speaking in the name of humanity. He then
wisely added: “I am family; I owe my life to one of you”. He thought, and
not without reason, that such an origin wouldn’t do him any harm.
If we lived in the time of the brilliant and poetic Greece, we would
say: Magnetism, child of nature and of a mere mortal, was banned from
the Olympus because it had hurt Aesculapius privileges, marching by his
side, boasting about the ability of healing without his help. It wandered
around Earth for a long time, teaching human beings the art of healing in new ways. It unveiled a wealth of wonders to the people, mysteriously hidden
in the temples until then, but those whose secrets were revealed, and
whose charlatanism was exposed, stone-chased Magnetism, and it was
then banned by the gods and abused by people. Nevertheless, it continued
to spread its benefits by alleviating humanity, certain that its innocence
would be one day recognized, and that justice would be served. It had a
child called Hypnotism whose birth was carefully hidden for the fear of
persecution. It shared its long exile with the child, a learning period.
When the child was thought to be ready, Magnetism then said:
• Go and present yourself to the Olympus, but be careful not to
say that you are my child. Your name and a disguise will facilitate
your entry. Aesculapius will introduce you.
• How come father! Aesculapius, your most bloodthirsty enemy!
The one who banned you!
• He is the one who will reach out to you!
• But if he recognizes me I shall be expelled.
• Well then! If you are expelled you will come to me and we shall
continue our beneficent work amidst human beings, waiting for
better days. But, easy now. I have a lot of hope. Aesculapius is
not bad. After all, he seeks the progress of Science otherwise he
would not deserve to be the god of medicine. As a matter of fact,
I might have made a few mistakes myself. Since I felt offended for
having my image vilified, I was exalted and insensibly attacked
him: I cursed, insulted and called him ignorant. Well, this is not
a proper way of treating people and the gods. He was upset with
me for a while since his self-love was hurt. Don’t you do what I
did my child. Be more sensible and civil, above all. If others are
not with you it is their problem and you will be on the right side.
Go child and remember that one cannot catch flies with vinegar.
That is how the father spoke. Hypnotism then timidly left to the
Olympus; he could feel his heartbeat when he showed up at the sacred door. But, ah surprise! Aesculapius himself shakes his hand and introduces
There we have Magnetism in its place then. What to do? Oh! Don’t
believe in victory yet; these are still the preliminaries of peace. It is a
first hurdle which was taken down, and that is all. An important step,
no doubt, but don’t you think that the enemy will acknowledge defeat.
Aesculapius himself, the great Aesculapius, who recognized you by your
family traces, would greatly impair your defense; hence they would take
you to the Charenton. They will say that it is something… but for sure
it is not Magnetism… That is fine! We will not play with words. It will
be anything that they want but while we wait, it is a fact which will have
Well, here are the consequences. First they shall deal with the anesthetic
point of view only (from the Greek aesthesis, sensitivity, and private,
general or partial loss of the ability to feel), and that as a result of the
predominance of materialistic ideas, because there are still so many people
who insist, for modesty no doubt, to be reduced to the role of a roasting
stick, which when broken, is thrown into the scrap yard, without a trace
left behind! Thus, they will exam the fact from all angles, even if just out
of mere curiosity. They will study the effect of various substances in the
production of catalepsy; then, on a given day, they will acknowledge that
a finger is sufficient. However, that is not all. Observing the phenomenon
of catalepsy there will be the spontaneous occurrence of others. The freedom
of thought during the suspension of the organic faculties has already
been observed. Thus, thought is independent of the organs and there is
in the human being something beyond matter. Strange faculties shall be
observed: the vision will acquire unusual amplitude, beyond the boundaries
of the senses; all perceptions shall be displaced; in short, a vast field of
observations and there will be no lack of observers. The sanctuary is open,
and let us keep up with the hope that light will shine from there, unless
the Celestial Areopagus denies such an honor to anybody else.
May our readers kindly read the remarkable article published by
Mr. Victor Meunier, editor of the Ami des Sciences (Friend of Sciences), about this interesting subject, in the weekly scientific Review Siècle, on
December 16th, 1859:
“Animal magnetism, taken to the Academy by Mr. Broca; introduced
to the illustrious Society by Mr. Velpeau; experimented with by Messrs.
Follin, Verneuil, Faure, Trousseau, Denonvilliers, Nélaton, Azam, Ch.
Robin, etc., all medical surgeons, is the great news of the day.”
“The discoveries, like the books, have their destinies. The one we are
going to talk about is not new. It is about twenty years old, with no lack
of publicity in England, where it was born, nor in France, where at the
moment they don’t talk about anything else. A Scottish doctor, Dr. Braid,
who discovered it, wrote the book: Neural-hypnotism or the rationale of the
nervous sleep, considered in relation to the animal magnetism.” 3
“A renowned English doctor, Dr. Carpenter, carefully analyzed
Dr. Braid’s findings in the article “Sleep” found in the Encyclopedia of
Anatomy and Physiology. An illustrious French scientist, Mr. Littré, reproduced
Dr. Carpenter’s analysis in the second edition of the Manuel
de Physiologie, by J. Mueller. Finally, we have dedicated one of our newspapers
in the Presse, on July 7th, 1852 to Hypnotism, name given by Dr.
Braid to the set of facts which are discussed. The most recent publication
regarding this subject is then seven years old. When it all seemed forgotten,
it finds this huge repercussion.”
“There are two things in Hypnotism: a group of nervous phenomena
and the process by which they are produced.”
“The process formerly employed by Abbot Faria, if I am not mistaken,
is of great simplicity.”
“It consists of keeping a shiny object before the eyes of the subject,
close to the root of the nose, so that the subject can only see it by crossing
the eyes inwardly; the subject must stare at the object in that way. In the
beginning the pupils will contract, later they dilate significantly and soon
after the cataleptic state is produced. Once the limbs of the subject are raised they remain in that position. This is only one of the phenomena
which are produced. We shall talk about the others in due time.”
“Mr. Azam, a substitute professor at the Surgical Clinic of the
Bordeaux School of Medicine, having successfully repeated Dr. Braid’s
experiments, exchanged ideas with Dr. Paul Broca, who thought that
hypnotized patients would be insensitive to the pain of surgical procedures.
The letter he has just sent to the Academy of Sciences contains the
summary of his experiments in that regard.”
“First he had to be assured about the reality of Hypnotism, which
he did without difficulties. Visiting a patient, a lady about forty years
old, somewhat hysterical, who had fallen ill due to a light indisposition,
Dr. Broca pretended to be examining her eyes, holding a golden flask at
about fifteen centimeters from the root of her nose, asking her to stare at
it. About three minutes later her eyes were reddish, her facial traces immobile,
her answers slow and difficult, but perfectly rational. Dr. Broca
raised the patient’s arm and it remained in that position; he moved her
fingers to the most extreme positions and those fingers would stay there;
he pinched her skin at several points, with certain force, and as it seems
the patient felt nothing. Catalepsy, insensitivity! Dr. Broca did not continue
since he had already learned from that patient what he wanted to know.
A scrub of the eyes and some cold air blown on the forehead brought the
patient back to her normal state. She had no recollection of what had just
happened. The information about the hypnotic insensitivity to surgical
procedures was still missing.”
“Among the patients from Necker Hospital, under Dr. Follin’s responsibility,
there was a 24 year-old poor lady victimized by extensive
burns on her back and on both sides of her inferior limbs, presenting
an extremely painful abscess in one leg. Any minor movement
would produce excruciating pain. Worn out by the pain and afraid of
the treatment, the unfortunate lady was horrified by the prospects of
the required surgery. She was the one, according to Dr. Follin, that
Dr. Broca decided to use as the subject to complement the test of
“She was placed on a bed by the window, informed that she would
fall asleep. After two minutes her pupils were dilated. Her left arm was
raised, almost vertically above the bed, remaining still in that position.
After four minutes her responses were slow and almost painful, but perfectly
reasonable. Fifth minute: Dr. Follin pinches the skin of the left arm
and the patient does not react; a new and more profound pinch, leading
to some bleeding, still with no reaction. Then the right arm was lifted, remaining
in the air. The blankets are then removed and her inferior limbs
separated, allowing access to the seat of the abscess. The patient consents,
and calmly says that they are going to hurt her. The abscess is open and
she releases a weak scream. It was the only indication of reaction, lasting
less than a second. Not the slightest shake of facial muscles or limbs, not
a single agitation of arms, always vertically raised above the bed. The eyes
somehow deep, always wide open, the face showing the immobility of a
“Once raised, her left foot remains in the air. The shiny object is
removed, and the catalepsy persists. She has her left arm pinched for the
third time, blood runs and she feels nothing. The arm is in that position
for thirteen minutes already.”
“Finally, a rub of the eyes and some fresh air blown or her forehead
and the young lady is almost immediately awake. Once relaxed, her arms
and the left leg immediately fall on the bed. She rubs her eyes, recovers
consciousness, recalls nothing and is surprised for having had gone
through the surgical procedure. The experience had lasted between 18 to
20 minutes. The period of anesthesia lasted between 12 to 15 minutes.”
“These are, in short, the essential facts reported by Dr. Broca to the
Academy of Sciences. Those are no longer isolated facts. A large number
of surgeons from our hospitals had the honor of repeating it, and
have successfully done so. Dr. Broca’s objective and that of his illustrious
colleagues was, and should be, surgery related. We hope that hypnotism
may have every advantage of the anesthetics, not showing their inconveniences.
However, Medicine is not in our domain and to avoid moving beyond its boundaries, our Review should not consider the fact but under
the physiological point of view.”
“After verifying Dr. Braid’s veracity about the essential point, one
must certainly verify everything that may be related to such a singular
state, called Hypnotism. The phenomena attributed to that state might
be classified as:”
“Exaltation of sensitivity – The sense of smell is raised to a degree of
sensitivity at least equal to that observed in animals of best sensitivity.
Hearing also becomes far reaching. The tactile ability, particularly with
respect to temperature, assumes an incredible subtleness.”
“Suggested feelings – Once the face, the body or limbs of the patient are
placed in a given position, adequate to the expression of a particular feeling
and soon the corresponding mental state is induced. Thus, having the
hand of the subject placed on top of the head the subject spontaneously
stretches, inclining the body backwards; the attitude is of pure pride. If at
that point in time the subject’s head is bent forward, slightly bending the
body and the limbs, pride is then replaced by the most profound humbleness.
Slightly spreading the corners of the mouth as in a smile, the subject
quickly shows happiness. Bad mood overcomes all that state immediately
after the eyebrows are made to converge downwards.”
“Provoked ideas – Take the subject’s hand above the head; fold the
fingers over the palm of the hand and the idea of climbing, swinging or
pulling a rope is suggested. If, on the contrary, the fingers are folded but
the arm is let down, the idea of lifting a weight is suggested. If the arm is
stretched horizontally and the fist is made, the idea of boxing is suggested
(the scene takes place in London).”
“Increase in muscular strength – If one wishes to suggest an extraordinary
strength onto a group of muscles it is enough to suggest to the
patient the idea of an action which requires such strength, ensuring the
subject that the action can be easily performed, if the subject so wishes.
Dr. Carpenter says: - We saw a patient hypnotized by Dr. Braid, showing
a remarkable lack of muscular development, lifting a fourteen kilograms weight with his pinky, turning that weight around his head, certain that
it was as light as a feather.”
We stop for now with the indication of that program. Let the facts
speak; the reflections will follow.
Spirit on one Side, Body on the Other
Dialogue with the Spirit of a Living Person
Our distinct colleague, the Count of R…C… sent us the letter below,
dated November 23rd last:
“Mr. President:
I heard that doctors, enthusiasts of their art and willing to contribute
with the progress of Science, thus becoming useful to humanity, have officially
given their bodies in will, to be used by the scalpel of the anatomical
theaters. The experiment that I witnessed of the evocation of a living
person (session of the Society on October 14th, 1859) did not seem very
instructive to me, since it dealt with something very personal: establishing
the communication between a living father with the deceased daughter.
I thought that what the doctors did for the human body a member of
the Society could well do for the soul, of a still living person, being at your
disposal for a test of such a kind. You could perhaps obtain new clarifications
with respect to the isolation of the body and the soul, by preparing
the questions before hand, avoiding personal issues. Taking advantage of
an illness that keeps me at home I herewith offer myself as a subject for
investigation, if you wish to do so. Then, come next Friday and in the absence of any hold up, I will be ready at 9 pm so that you can evoke
me… etc.”
We took the offer from Mr. Count de R…C…, with as much enthusiasm
as we thought that he would be at our disposal, helping with our
investigations out of his own admission. On another hand, his education,
his superior intelligence – which one must say in-passing that it did
not preclude him from being an excellent spiritist – and the experience
he had acquired in his journeys around the world as a Captain of the
Imperial Navy, justified our expectations of a more judicious appreciation
of his condition. The wait did not let us down. We then established
two dialogues with him as follows, one on November 25th, the second on
December 2nd, 1859.
Society, November 25th, 1859
1. Evocation – A. I am here.
2. At this moment are you aware of your desire to be evoked? – A.
3. Where are you here? – A. Between you and the medium.
4. Do you see us as well as when you attend our sessions in person? –
A. More or less, but a bit vague. I am not totally asleep.
5. How can you be conscious of your individuality here now when
your body is in bed? A. At this moment my body is just an accessory.
It is me who is here.
OBSERVATION: It is me who is here is a remarkable answer. For
him the body is not the essential part of his being. The essential
part is the spirit that constitutes him, and his spirit and the body
are two distinct things.
6. Can you move back and forth from here to the house at will and
instantaneously? - A. Yes.
7. Going back home and returning here are you aware of the distance
that is covered? Do you see the objects in your path? – A. I
could but I neglect that since it would be of no interest.
8. Is your state now similar to that of a somnambulist? – A. Not
entirely. My body sleeps, meaning that it is more or less inert. The
somnambulist does not sleep. His organic faculties are modified
but not eliminated.
9. The spirit of a living person when evoked, could that spirit prescribe
medications, like that of a somnambulist? – A. If that spirit
knows the medication or is in contact with another spirit that
does know the medication, yes; on the contrary, no.
10. The recollection of your corporeal life, is that clearly present in
your current memory? A. Very clear.
11. Could you mention one of your most important activities of the
day? – A. I could but I will not do that. I am sorry for having
proposed such a question (he had requested that such a question
be framed, as a proof).
12. Is it as a spirit that you regret having requested such a question? – A.
As a spirit.
13. Why do you regret that? – A. Because I understand better how fair
it is, in the majority of the cases, that such revelations be made.
14. Can you describe your bedroom? – A. I certainly can; and also
the porter’s.
15. Then, kindly describe one of them. – A. I said I could but it
doesn’t mean that I want.
16. What is the disease that keeps you at home? – A. The gout
17. Is there a remedy for gout? If there is could you prescribe it considering
that you would do a great service? – A. I could but I will
not do that. The remedy would be worse than the disease.
18. Worse or not, could you prescribe it with the condition that
it would not be used? – A. There are several, among them the
OBSERVATION: Once he was awake the Count acknowledged
to have never heard about the use of that plant as a specific medication
for gout.
19. In your present state would you see a friend in harms’ way and
could you go to help him? – A. I could. I would give him inspiration
if he were able to hear that and even with more reason if he
were a medium.
20. Considering that we evoked you based on your own desire, and
that you placed yourself at our disposal for the investigation,
kindly describe to us, in the best possible and comprehensible
way, the state in which you find yourself now. – A. I am in the
happiest and most satisfactory state that one can experience. Have
you had a dream one day in which the warmth of the bed made
you believe that you were smoothly swinging in air, or on the
peak of a lukewarm wave, without any concern with the movements;
unaware of your heavy and cumbersome limbs, moving or
dragging around; In short, without any need to satisfy, not feeling
the spur of hunger or thirst? I am in such a state near you, and I
only gave you a tiny sample of what I feel.
21. Does your body suffer any physiological modification now due to
the absence of the spirit? – A. No way. I am in the state that you
call first dream, a deep and heavy sleep that we all experience,
when we move away from the body.
OBSERVATION: The sleep, which was not complete at the beginning
of the evocation, had been gradually established as a consequence
of the detachment of the spirit, leaving the body in a
profound resting state.
22. If your body were suddenly awake at the time when your spirit
is here, what would happen? – A. What is sudden to the human
being is too slow to the spirit, who has always time to be warned.
23. The happiness which you describe and that you enjoy in your free
state, would that keep any relationship with the pleasant sensations
experienced at the initial moments of asphyxia? Mr. S…,
who involuntarily had the satisfaction of experiencing that, is addressing
this question to you. – A. He is not entirely wrong. In
the death by asphyxia there is an instant analogous to the one that
he describes, with the difference that the spirit loses its lucidity,
whereas here lucidity is considerably amplified.
24. Is your spirit connected to your body by any kind of link? – A.
Yes, and I am perfectly aware of that.
25. What can you compare such a link to? – A. Nothing that you
know. It would have the appearance of a phosphorescent light to
you, in case you could see it, but which causes no sensation.
26. Does such a light affect you in the same way? Would that have the
same shades that you see through the eyes? – A. Absolutely since
the eyes operate as windows to the mind.
27. Do you hear the sounds with the same distinction? – A. More
distinctly since I hear sounds which escape you.
28. How do you transmit your thought to the medium? – A. I act
upon his hand, to give it direction, facilitated by an action on the
29. Are you served by the words that the medium has in his brain or
do you indicate the words that he writes. – A. One and the other,
according to the conveniences.
29.a In case you were served by a medium who ignores your language
and his language were foreign to you, like for example Chinese,
how could you transmit your message? – A. That would be more difficult
and perhaps impossible. At any rate it would only be possible
with a flexibility and malleability which are difficult to find.
30. A spirit whose body was dead would experience the same difficulty
to communicate through a medium that was completely
strange to his language when alive? – A. Perhaps less, although it
might always exist. I can assure you that depending on the case
the spirit provides the medium with his expressions or employs
31. Does your presence here cause fatigue to your body? – A.
32. Does your body dream? – A. No. That is why it does not experience
fatigue. The person that you talked about experienced sensations
through the organs which were transmitted to the spirit.
That is what caused fatigue. I experience nothing like that.
OBSERVATION: He refers to a person that was spoken about
at the moment when in a similar situation she said that the body
experienced fatigue, comparing the spirit to a captive balloon,
whose jolts are transmitted to the supporting pole.
The day after Count de R…C… said that he had a dream
in which he was at the Society, between the medium and us.
It is evidently a memory of the evocation. It is likely that he
was not dreaming at the time of the question, since he responded
negatively. It is also possible, and more likely, that as
the dream is a recollection of the spirit’s activities, in reality
it is not the body that dreams since the body does not think.
He then responded negatively, not knowing that when awake
his spirit would remember. If the body had dreamed while the
spirit was absent the spirit would have had a double action.
Well, he could not be simultaneously at the Society and at his
33. Is your spirit in the same state as it will be when you are dead? –
A. More or less the same thing, with the exception of the link that
attaches it to the body
34. Are you aware of your previous existences? – A. Vaguely. That is
another difference that I forgot. After the complete disconnection
which follows death, the recollections are much more precise. At
this moment they are more complete than in the waking state but
not sufficient for me to specify them in a more intelligible way.
35. In case your writings were shown to you when you wake up would
you be aware of the answers that you have just given? – A. I could
identify some of my thoughts but many others would not find
any echo in my mind when awake.
36. Could you exert such a powerful influence over the body to the
point of waking him up? – A. No.
37. Could you respond to a mental question? – A. Yes.
38. Do you see us in spirit or physically? – A. One and the other.
39. Could you visit your father’s brother who they say is in an island
of the Oceania, and as a seaman precisely identify the position of
the island? – A. I can’t do any of that.
40. What do you think now of your endless work and its objective?
A. I think that I must continue the work, with the same objective.
It is all I can say.
OBSERVATION: He had asked to have this question addressed
to him, with respect to an important task he had initiated about
the Navy.
41. We would be delighted if you wanted to address a few words to
your colleagues, a kind of short speech. – A. Since I have the opportunity
I take it to attest, based on my faith in the future of
the soul, that the gravest mistake that the individual can make is
to search for proofs and more proofs. This is at most forgiving in
those people who initiate in the knowledge of Spiritism. Haven’t
they repeated thousands of times that it is necessary to believe
since one understands and loves justice and truth, and that if we
satisfied one of those puerile questions, the one who intends to make them to be convinced would frame others on the day after
and that you would irremediably waste a precious time, turning
the spirits into foretellers? I understand it now much better than
when awake and can give you a wise advice, for the time when
you wish to obtain such results. Those who want to get involved
with such manifestations much speak to the rapping spirits and
to the turning since they have nothing better to do. Forgive me
for the lecture but I need it as I need others and I am not upset
for giving it to myself.
Second session, December 2nd, 1859
42. Evocation. – A. I am here.
43. Are you deeply asleep? – A. Not much but that will still come.
44. In your particular case now, do you consider it to be useful to
make the evocation in the name of God, as if you were the spirit
of a dead person? – A. Why not? Do you believe that just because
I am not dead God is indifferent to me?
45. If at the moment that you are here your body was pinched, not
strongly enough to wake you up but sufficiently to be felt, would
your spirit feel it? – A. My body would not feel it.
46. Would your spirit be aware of the fact? – A. The spirit wouldn’t
have the slightest idea; but notice that you talk about a light sensation
and without much importance both to the body and to the
47. With respect to light, you said that you feel it as if in the waking
state, since your eyes are like windows through which light gets
to the brain. We understand that regarding the light perceived
by the body but at this moment it is not the body that sees. Do
you still see through a specific spot or through the whole being?
A. It is very difficult to explain. The spirit perceives the sensations
without the intermediation of the organs and has no circumscribed
spot to feel them.
48. I insist once more with the question relatively to the objects and space
around you if they present the same colors as when you are awake. –
A. To me, yes, since my organs do not deceive me. However, certain
spirits would find large differences in all that. You, for example, perceive
the sounds and colors in a very different way.
49. Do you feel the smells? – A. Also better than you do.
50. Do you establish a distinction between light and obscurity? – A.
Distinction yes, but for me it is not the same as for you. I see perfectly
well in the darkness.
51. Does your vision penetrate the opaque bodies? – A. Yes.
52. Could you go to another planet? – A. That depends.
53. Depends on what? – A. On the planet.
54. Which planet could you go to? – A. To those on the same level of
evolution as Earth, or similar.
55. Do you see the other spirits? – A. Many and still.
OBSERVATION: Someone that knows him in the intimacy and
that was present at the session said that such expression was very
familiar. Thus, that person saw in this as in the general form of
the language a proof of his identity.
56. Do you see them here? – A. Yes.
57. How do you confirm their presence? By a given form? – A.
Through their form, that is, their perispirit.
58. Do you eventually see your children and can you talk to them? –
A. I see and talk to them very frequently.
59. You said: At this moment the body is a simple accessory to me. It
is me who is here. This me, is it bounded, limited; has it any form?
In a word, how do you see yourself? – A. It is always the perispirit.
60. Then, the perispirit is a body to you? – A. There is no doubt about
61. Does your perispirit imitate the shape of your material body and
does it seem to you that you are here with your body? – A. Yes to the first question, no to the second. I am perfectly aware that I am
here with my luminous fluidic body only.
62. Could you punch me? – A. Yes, but you would feel nothing.
63. Could you do that in a perceptible way? – A. That is possible but
I cannot do it here.
64. If, while you are here, your body died, what would you feel? – A.
I would be there before that.
65. Would you be detached more promptly as if you had died under
normal circumstances? – A. Very much! I wouldn’t go in but to
close the door, after having left.
66. You said you have the gout. Don’t you agree with your doctor
who is present here and seems to believe that you suffer neuralgic
rheumatism? What is your opinion about it? – A. I think that as
long as you are so well informed, that should be enough.
67. (The doctor) What is the basis of your belief in gout? – A. It is
my opinion. I may be wrong, particularly if you are so sure about
your diagnosis.
68. (The doctor) Could it be the case that there is a complication of
gout and rheumatism? – A. Then we would be both right. We
could only embrace one another.
OBSERVATION: The audience laughed at this answer.
69. When you see us laughing, does it make you laugh? – A. To the
laughter. Can’t you hear me?
70. You said that the colchicum is an efficient medication against the
gout. Where did you take such an idea from, if you did not know
it when awake? – A. I used it in former times.
71. Then it was on another existence? – A. Yes, and it harmed me…
72. If you were asked an indiscrete question, would you feel embarrassed
to answer it? – A. Oh! That is strong. Try me.
73. In your state, do you have complete free-will? – A. More than
you do.
OBSERVATION: Experience has demonstrated in many occasions
that the spirits separated from the body have their own will
and only say what they want. Better understanding the reach of
things they are still more sensible than when awake. When they
say something is because they consider that to be useful.
74. Would you have the freedom of not having come to us when we
evoked you? – A. Yes, with the risk of suffering the consequences
of such attitude.
75. What would those consequences be? – A. If I refuse to be useful
to my fellow human beings, particularly when I have perfect
awareness of my actions, I am free but I am punished.
76. Which kind of punishment would you receive? – A. I would have
to explain God’s code to you and this would take a long time.
77. If at this very moment someone insulted you, saying things that
you would not accept if awake, which kind of feelings would you
have? – A. Indifference.
78. Then you would not try to retaliate? – A. No.
79. Do you have any idea of the position you shall have when you are
definitely among the spirits? – A. No. That is not allowed.
80. Do you believe that, in your present state, the spirit may predict
the death of the body? – A. Sometimes, if I had to die suddenly,
there would always be time to return to the body.
Family Advices
Your readers certainly remember the article published last September
under the title A Spiritist Family. The following communications are
very similar to those. In fact, these are advices given in a private meeting,
by an eminently superior and benevolent spirit. They are distinguished by
the kindness and sweetness of the style, by the profoundness of thoughts
and also by nuances of extreme compassion, appropriate to the age and
character of the persons to whom they were addressed. Mr. Rabache, a
businessman from Bordeaux, who served as an intermediary, has kindly
authorized their publication. We can only congratulate the mediums who
received similar communications. It is a demonstration that they have
happy sympathies in the invisible world.
Pechbusque Castle, November 1859
The guardian spirit of the family was asked if he could give a few advices
to the members who were present. He responded:
Yes, may they have trust in God and seek enlightenment in the eternal
and immutable truths taught by the book of nature. It contains the
whole law of God and those who can read and understand only follow the
true path of wisdom. May they never neglect anything that will be seen
since everything has a teaching in itself and must elevate and approach
the soul to God through reason. Try to distinguish the good from the evil in everything that may harm intelligence: the former is to be practiced;
the latter is to be avoided. Before passing any judgment on anything may
they turn their thoughts to God who will then guide them to the good
Good evening my children. If you love me then strive to enlighten yourselves.
Gather frequently with that thought and unite your thoughts. It is
an excellent way since we only exchange things that we believe are good to
you. We are ashamed of the bad things, thus they are kept in secret or they
are only communicated to those who we wish to turn into accomplices.
Good thoughts are distinguished from the bad ones because the former
can be unceremoniously transmitted to everyone whereas the latter could
not be communicated but to a few only. When a given thought crosses
your mind, in order to assess its value, ask yourself if you can make it
public without inconveniences and if it would not cause harm to anyone.
If your conscience authorizes you don’t be afraid for your thought is good.
Give good advices to one another and always think of the well-being of
the one to whom you give the advice and not yours. You will be rewarded
by the satisfaction that you will feel for being useful. The union of hearts
is the most fecund source of happiness. If a large number of people are
unhappy it is because they only seek happiness for themselves. Happiness
escapes them precisely because they think to be able to find it in selfishness
only. I say happiness and not fortune because up until now this has
only served as support to injustice and the objective of life is justice. Well,
if justice were practiced among human beings, the most fortunate one
would be the one who had done the highest number of good deeds. Then,
my children, if you want to become rich, do practice many good actions.
Never mind the worldly things. It is not the satisfaction of flesh that one
must seek but that of the soul. The former is ephemeral; the latter, eternal.
It is enough for now. Mediate about these advices and try to practice
them. Such is the path of salvation.
Yes, my children, here I am. Have trust in God, who never abandons those
who do the good. What you consider wrong-doing frequently is so only with
respect to your prejudices. Also, sometimes the real evil comes from a discouragement
caused by a difficulty, which the calmness of spirit and thought
would have avoided. Thus, think and as I have already told you, report everything
to God. Whenever you experience any grief, far from giving in to
sadness, on the contrary, resist and make all efforts to triumph, thinking that
nothing is achieved without work and that very often success is followed by
difficulties. Invoke the support of the benevolent spirits. As they teach you,
they cannot do the good deeds in your place, nor obtain something to you
from God, since each one must conquer perfection to which we are all destined,
but they can inspire goodness in you, suggest a convenient attitude and
help you with their presence. They don’t manifest ostensively but privately.
Listen to the voice of your conscience, keeping in mind my preceding advices.
Trust in God, be calm and have courage.
Good evening my children. Yes, it is necessary to continue the sessions,
until a medium shows up replacing the one who is leaving us. His mission
as an initiator among you has been accomplished. Continue what you
have started, because you too shall one day serve to the propagation of
truth, which at this very moment is proclaimed all over the world by the
manifestations of the spirits. Be persuaded, my children, that what is generally
understood as spirit on Earth is only spirit to you. After the separation
of that spirit or soul from the dense body that surrounds it, as you see
it, there is no more body because your material eyes can no longer see it,
but it is still matter to those more elevated than that body. I will make a
very imperfect comparison to you, my children, but which may give you
an idea of the transformation that you improperly call death. Imagine a
caterpillar that you see every day. Once the time is over for its existence in such a state, the caterpillar becomes the chrysalis; spending sometime in
that state and then, when time is up, it leaves the cocoon behind, giving
rise to the butterfly which flies away. Well, the caterpillar, by leaving behind
her gross nature, represents human’s death. The butterfly represents
the soul, which rises up. The caterpillar drags on the ground, the butterfly
flies into the skies. It changed matter but it is still material. If the caterpillar
could think, it would not see the butterfly; however, it would have left
the rotten cocoon of the chrysalis. Thus, the body cannot see the soul, but
the soul, surrounded by matter, is conscious of its existence and even the
materialist sometimes feels it inside. Then, his pride precludes him from
agreeing and he remains with his science without belief, not elevating,
until the doubt arrives. Then, it is not the end, although there is a greater
in-fight, but it is only a matter of time, because my friends don’t you forget,
all children of God were created to achieve perfection. Fortunate are
those who waste no time in their journey. Eternity is made of two periods:
the trials, which could be called incubation, and the emergence or entry
into the real life, that you call the happiness of the elected ones.
My dear children, I see with satisfaction that you begin to think about the
advices I give you. I know that there is a lot to think about simultaneously,
given the current development of your intelligences. However, I must take
the present opportunity since in a short while it will no longer be available
to me and it was necessary to excite your imagination, suggesting
the means of moving on with the sessions until some of you may replace
the current medium. I hope that these few sessions, which I urge you to
consider carefully, may have been sufficient to awake in you the desire to
acquire a deeper knowledge about this vast field of investigation. As a rule
of thumb you should never try to simply satisfy a vain curiosity, but to
seek enlightenment and improvement. It is useless to try to establish the
difference between what I am going to teach you and what you already
know. Every time you receive teachings ask yourself if it is fair and if it does correspond to the requirements of your conscience and equity. When
the answer is positive don’t bother to find out if it is in agreement with
what you have been told before. What does it matter? What is important
is what is just, thoughtful and impartial. Anything that attends these conditions
comes from God. Obey a good conscience; only do useful things;
avoid everything that is useless, essentially not being a bad person, since
doing something useless is already bad. Avoid scandals, even if in the
path of your own betterment. There may be circumstances in which the
simple observation of your changes may produce a negative effect. That
is why, for example, someone who had been incarcerated in the darkness
of the dungeons cannot afford sudden daylight without harming their
eyes. Hence, may your progress never be a reason for investigation, unless
advised by wisdom. May you improve continually, and may this only be
seen when time is right. Those to whom I give this advice understand it,
without the need for a more explicit explanation. Their consciences will
tell them. Thus, courage and perseverance! These are the only rules of
OBSERVATION: The last advice could not have general application.
It is evident that the spirit had a special objective, as he said it himself.
Otherwise we could be mistaken with respect to the meaning and reach
of his words.
Java Stones
Brussels, December 9th, 1859
“Mr. Director,
I read the report of Ida Pfeiffer in the Spiritist Review about
the fallen stones of Java, in the presence of a Dutch high ranking
officer, to whom I was closely connected in 1817; he had lent
me his pistols and was my witness in my first duel. His name
was Michiels, from Maastricht, who became a general in Java.
The letter describing the fact added that the fallen stones, in the
isolated house belonging to the Chéribon district, lasted not less
than twelve days, and neither the General’s guard nor the general
himself have discovered anything during the time he spent
there. The stones, a kind of pumice stone, seemed to be created in
the air, a few feet away from the ceiling. The general had several
baskets filled up with them. The villagers would come for them,
looking for amulets and remedies. The fact is very well known
in Java since it is frequently repeated, particularly the siri spits.
Several boys were stone-chased in the open field, but were not hit.
One could say that these were mocking spirits who were having
fun by scaring people. Evoke the spirit of general Michiels and he
will perhaps explain the fact. Dr. Vanden Kerkhove, who lived
in Java for a long time, has mentioned to me, as I do to you, that the Review is getting more and more interesting by the day, more
moralizing and in high demand in Brussels.”
Yours, etc…
The well-known character of Mrs. Ida Pfeiffer and the trait of veracity
of all of her reports leave no doubt as for the reality of the phenomena
above, but one must understand the importance added to the fact by
the letter sent by Mr. Jobard, and considering the education of the main
witness in charge of verifying the phenomena, who would not have any
interest in accrediting the fact if it were regarded as false. To begin with,
the spongy like nature of that rain of stones could lead to the belief in a
volcanic or atmospheric origin, leading the skeptical to say that superstition
had taken the place of a natural phenomenon. If we only had the testimony
of the Javanese such hypothesis would be founded and the stones,
falling in the open field, would undoubtedly support such hypothesis.
However, general Michiels and Dr. Vanden Kerkhove were not
Malang, and their statements certainly hold value. To this very strong
argument it is necessary to add that the stones would not fall in the open
air only, but in a room where, as it seems, they were formed a few feet
from the ceiling. It is the General that states so. Well, we don’t believe that
atmospheric debris has ever been seen formed in the closed environment
of a room. Even by admitting the volcanic or meteorological cause the
same could not be applied to the siri spiting, never spilled by volcanos, at
least to our knowledge. Keeping this hypothesis aside, by the nature of the
phenomena itself, the amount of substances that were formed remains to
be known. The explanation can be found in our August 1859 issue about
the “Furniture from beyond the grave”.
Toulouse, December 17th, 1859
“Dear Sir,
I have just read your response to Mr. Oscar Comettant, whose
article I had also read. If that skeptical editor and gauche teaser
was not convinced by the good arguments you gave him, he could
at least acknowledge the civility of your style, totally absent in
his prose. The vulgar stresses that he used to color the evocations
seems to have come from the red-tailed spirit; the regrets with
which he mentioned the 2 francs paid for the sonata deserved that
the Society reimbursed him for the 2 francs. Have in mind, Mr.
Allan Kardec, that I am too a very passionate spiritist to just let go
an article in which I am cited and questioned without an answer.
As for myself, I also wrote to Mr. Oscar Comettant. On the very
day I got your journal, he received the following letter:
I had the pleasure of reading your feuilleton Varieties, from
Friday. Since you question me, and as I am cited by name, allow
me to make some observations with that regard, which you
will accept as I have accepted your witty parentheses where you
painted the report about the evocations of Mozart and Chopin.
What is it that you want to mock with such a humorous article?
Is it Spiritism? You will make a big mistake in believing that you can harm it. In France, people mock first, later they assess and
confer the honor of the jokes to the truly serious and great things,
with the freedom of doing so after the required analysis.
If Mr. Ledoyen is as greedy as you wish to make believe, he
must appreciate your intention of ensuring the success of one of his
most modest publications in an 11-column editorial. It is the first
time that such an important article is written about Spiritism in a
great journal. I see by this almost luridly article that Spiritism is
already taken seriously by its enemies, and I tell you in confidence,
that the spirits have said that they have used the enemies for the
triumph of their cause. Thus, the best thing to do is to remain on
guard if you do not wish to become an unintentional apostle.
You cannot see in Spiritism anything different from moral
and commercial charlatanism. As for ourselves, future guests of
Charenton, we found in Spiritism the solution to many problems
that have puzzled humanity for many centuries, as follows:
the thoughtful acknowledgment of God in all His material and
spiritual works; the evident individuality and immortality of the
soul, demonstrated by the manifestation of the spirits; the comprehension
of God’s justice, studied in the multiple incarnations
of the spirits, etc…,. Had one taken the burden of carrying out an
in-depth study of these subjects and one could see that they are
above all sarcasms and mockery. However much you take us by
dreamers and hallucinated people, instead of the “eppur si muove”
from Galileo, we say: Yet, God is there!
Please accept …
Brion Dorgeval
First bass, Comic Opera,
Toulouse Theater
(ex-employee of Mr. Carvalho)”
OBSERVATION: We are not aware if Mr. Oscar Comettant has published
this answer or ours. Nevertheless, attacking without admitting
defense is not a loyal fight.
“Brussels, December 23rd, 1859
My dear colleague,
I want to submit to you some ethnographic reflections about
the world of the spirits, with the intention of reestablishing a
much generalized opinion, very wrong in my view, regarding the
state of the human being after his transition to the spiritual world.
People mistakenly think that an imbecile, an ignorant, a rude
person, becomes immediately a genius, a wise person, a prophet,
once their material envelope is left behind. It is a similar mistake
to someone who would admit that a criminal will become
an honest person when released from the shackles; a silly person
becomes an expert or a fanatic turns into a rational person just
because the frontier has been transposed.
Not at all! We take every moral accomplishment with us, the
character, the knowledge, the vices and virtues. We do not carry
what is related to the material world. The limping, the cross-eyed
and the hunchbacked are no longer so, but the villains, the stingy
and the superstitious, still are. We should not be impressed by the
fact that we hear spirits asking for prayers; willing that others may
do the peregrinations which they had promised and even that
others find the money that they had hidden with the objective of
giving it to the person to whom they wanted to give, pointing to
that person correctly, as long as they are still alive.
In short, the spirit that had a desire, a plan, an opinion, a
belief when on Earth, wants to see them come true. Therefore,
Hahnemann exclaimed: “Courage my friends, my doctrine triumphs.
What a satisfaction to my soul!”
As for Dr. Gall, you know what he thinks of your Science, as
Lavater, Swedenborg and Fourier, who told me that his students
had truncated his doctrine, willing to skip the phase of guarantee,
which he congratulates me to carry over.
In short, all spirits who profess a religion, idolatry or a
schism, out of conviction, persist on the same beliefs until theyare enlightened by the study and by reflection. That is the subject
of my concerns at this point. It is evidently a logical spirit that
dictates it because one hour ago my only thought was to go to bed
and finish the excellent little book by Mrs. Henry Gaugain about
the Bretons’ prejudices against the new inventions.
By keeping up with your studies you will recognize that the
world beyond the grave is not a photographic image of this world,
which as you know has spirits as perverse as the devil and as bad
as the demons. It will come as no surprise that good people may
be deceived of avoiding any dealings with these spirits. This precludes
people from the presence of the good and great spirits, who
are not so rare up there as they are down here, coming from all
times and all places, willing to give good advice and to do good
On the other hand you know well how irritably and repulsively
the bad ones respond to a forced appeal. Nevertheless, the
greatest and rarest of them all, the one that comes only three
times during the life time of a globe, the Divine Spirit, the Saint
Spirit, he does not attend the evocations of the pneumatography
mediums: he only comes when he wishes to do so – spiritus flat
ubi vult – which does not mean that others are not sent before
him to pave his way.
Hierarchy is a universal law – everything is like everything –
as a matter of fact, similarly to what happens to us. False human
respect is what mostly delays the progress of the good doctrines,
hindered by persecution.
Magnetism would have triumphed long ago if instead of saying:
Mr. X, Mr. N., if one had only given the name and address of
the persons, with reference, as the English say. Instead, they ask:
who is this hidden Mr. M? He is apparently a liar. How about
this Mr. J? He is a scoundrel. What would one say about this Mr.
F.? He is a faker, or even better, someone unworthy of any trust
since he hides himself and he is masked so as to deceive and to do bad things. Now that the academies admit magnetism and
somnambulism, cousin-brothers of Spiritism, it is necessary that
their adepts be prepared to sign off in total agreement. The fear of
what is going to be said is a coward and bad feeling. The action of
testifying to what one has seen, to what one believes, is no longer
considered a trait of courage. Thus you must advise your followers
to do what I always do: sign off.
OBSERVATION: We agree with Mr. Jobard in all points. His initial observations
about the state of the spirits are accurate. Regarding the second
point, like him we wait for the moment when the fear for what is going
to be said will not stop anybody. However, what else to expect? One must
acknowledge human weakness. Some starts, and Mr. Jobard will hold the
merit of having started. Rest assured that others will follow when they
feel that they can expose their feet without the fear of being bitten. Time
is needed for all that. Well, time goes faster than Mr. Jobard may think.
The reservation we keep with respect to the publication of the names
obeys reasons of convenience, for what we so far congratulate ourselves;
but while we wait we attest a fast progress in the courage of opinion.
We daily see people that, not long ago, would hardly declare themselves
spiritists, openly doing it today in social gatherings, sustaining the thesis
of their doctrine, with no concern whatsoever for the rude epithets with
which they are awarded. It is a huge step. The rest will come next. Here
is what I said, to begin with: a few years more and a new change will take
place; very soon the same that happened to magnetism will also happen
to Spiritism. Up until recently one would only acknowledge being a
magnetizer if behind the walls of a closed room. Today it is an honorific
title. When convinced that Spiritism does not burn, people will declare
themselves spiritists with no more fear than those that say they are phrenologists,
homeopaths, etc. We are living in a transient period and the
transitions don’t ever take place suddenly.
Bulletin of the Parisian Society of Spiritist Studies
Friday, December 2nd, 1859
(Private Session)
The minutes of the November 25th session were read.
Letters received from Mr. L. Benardacky, from St. Petersburg and from
Ms. Elisa Johnson, from London, who request to be admitted as regular
members of the Society.
Reading of two communications carried out by Mr. Bouche, former Rector
of the Academy, a writing medium, given by the spirit of the Duchess of
Longueville, with respect to her presence as a spirit in Port-Royal-desChamps.
These two communications are remarkable by their elevation of
thoughts. They demonstrate that certain spirits have pleasure in revisiting
the places where they lived, feeling delighted by the memories. No doubt
that the more dematerialized, the less they give importance to the worldly
things, but some remain still connected to them for a long time after death, and it seems that they continue their work in this world, or at least
they demonstrate certain interest by that.
1st – Evocation of Mr. Count Desbassyns de Richemont, deceased
in June 1859, who professed the spiritist ideas for over ten years.
The evocation confirms the influence of these ideas on the release
of the spirit after death.
2nd – Evocation of Sister Martha, deceased in 1824.
3rd – Second evocation of Count R…C…, member of the
Society, in bed due to an illness, followed by questions addressed
to him about the momentary separation of the spirit from the
body, during the sleep (published in this number).
Friday, December 9th, 1859
(General Session)
Reading of the minutes of the December 2nd session.
Mr. de la Roche reports remarkable communications that took place at a
house in Castelnaudary. The facts are described in a note which precedes
the report of the evocation, to be published.
1st – Evocation of the king of Kanala (New Caledonia), already
evoked on October 28th, then writing with some difficulty, promising
to practice and return to write in a more intelligible way. He
gives curious explanations about the utilized mode of improvement
(to be published with the first evocation).
2nd – Evocation of the spirit of Castelnaudary. He manifests
through signs of intense wrath, incapable of writing anything. Seven
or eight pencils are broken, violently thrown onto the audience; the
medium’s arm is brutally shaken. St. Louis provides interesting explanations
about the condition and the nature of this spirit that, he says,
is of the worst kind and in one of the most unfortunate situations (to
be published with all other communications about the subject).
3rd – Four spontaneous communications are simultaneously
obtained: the first from St. Vincent de Paul, through Mr. Roze;
the second, from Charlet, through Mr. Didier junior, which is a
continuation of the work initiated by the same spirit; the third
from Mélanchthon, through Mr. Colin; the fourth from a spirit
who called himself Mikael, protector of children, by Mrs. Boyer.
Friday, December 16th, 1859
(Private Session)
Minutes of the previous session were read.
Mr. Benardacky from St. Petersburg and Ms. Elisa Johnson, from London,
introduced on December 2nd, are admitted as regular members.
Mr. Forbes, from London, Engineering Officer, and Mrs. Forbes, from
Florence, send us letters requesting to be admitted as regular members of
the Society. Report and decision adjourned to the December 30th session.
Six officials are designated to split the works of the general sessions
until April 1st, without the need of designating one per session. In addition
they will have the task of indicating any infraction of the regulations
by the audience, then ignoring the requirements of the Society, so that
their sponsoring members may be warned.
As proposed by Mr. Allan Kardec, the Society decides that the Bulletin of
the sessions will be published in a supplement of the Review from now on, so
that its publication does not interfere with the regular matters of the journal.
As a consequence of that addition, each number will receive an addition of
about four pages, whose costs will be covered by the Society.
Mr. Leourd proposes that when there are five sessions in one
month, the fifth session should be of private character, which was adopted.
The same member further proposes that when a new member
is admitted they should be officially introduced to the other members
of the Society, so that they would not come as strangers, which was
also approved.
Mr. Thiry observes that many suffering spirits request the help of
prayers in order to mitigate their pain, but since we can lose track of them,
he proposes that their names be remembered in each session (adopted).
1st – A letter received from Mr. Jobard, from Brussels, confirming
in details the fact of the Java manifestations, described by Mrs.
Pfeiffer and published in the December issue of the Review. He
obtained them from the Dutch general himself, to whom he was
associated, and being in charge of watching the house where those
things happened, and consequently an eyewitness. Published in
this number.
2nd – Reading of a communication of the spirit from
Castelnaudary, obtained by Mr. and Mrs. Forbes, attendees of the
last session. Circumstantial and interesting details of that spirit
are provided and also about the events which took place in the
referred house. Several other communications obtained about the
subject matter will be added and published when ready.
3rd – Reading of some news about Mrs. Xavier, clairvoyant
medium. That lady does not see the spirits at will but only when
they spontaneously present themselves to her, while she is not
in a somnambulistic or ecstatic state. Yet, at certain times she enters into a peculiar state, requiring calmness and reverence, to
the point that when questioned about what she is seeing, such a
state dissipates immediately and she no longer sees anything. In
the meantime, as she keeps a complete memory of everything
she can report it later. That is how she saw Sister Martha on the
very day that she was evoked, not leaving space for any doubt
regarding her identity. She also saw the spirit of Castelnaudary
in the last session, dressing a ragged shirt, holding a dagger in
his bloody hand, violently shaking the medium’s arm during his
writing attempts, as well as each time that St. Louis apparently
commanded him to write. He held a kind of stupid smile on his
face. Then, when told about the prayers it seems that he did not
understand in the beginning but soon after the explanation given
by St. Louis, he fell on his knees. The king of Kanala showed up
but with the head of a white man. He had blue eyes, mustache
and white sideburns, black hands, steel bracelets, a blue outfit
and the chest covered by a number of objects that she could not
distinguish. “Such appearance, someone said, is due to the fact
that before his latest existence he had been a French solider, during
the time of Louis XV. It was a consequence of his relatively
advanced state. He requested to return among his people, so that
as a chief he could bring ideas of progress. His form and the half
civilized, half savage appearance are supposed to show, in a different
way, the forms that the spirit can give to the perispirit, with
an educational objective and as an indication of the several states
he had experienced.”
Mrs. Xavier also saw the evoked spirits coming, responding
to the evocation and to the questions which had nothing negative
in their objective, then following St. Louis orders, and leaving so
that other spirits around could answer in turn, when the questions
then assumed an insidious direction.
“May the greatest of good-faiths and honesty dictate the questions,
and not a single dissimulated thought escape us” – added
the spirit questioned by the lady’s husband. “Never try to achieve your objectives through tortuous paths for you shall infallibly
miss them by doing so.”
She saw a fluidic crown around the medium’s head, as if
blocking the access of uncalled spirits for the communication,
since the answers should be sincere. However, once the crown
was removed, she saw several intruders disputing the vacant place.
Finally, she saw the spirit of Count R… in the form of a luminous
heart, upside-down, attached to a fluidic cord coming from
outside. We were told that it was to teach us that the spirit could
give the perispirit the appearance they wish. Then, it could have
presented her with the inconvenience of meeting an incarnated
sprit. Such inconvenience diminished or disappeared later.
1st – Evocation of Charlet.
2nd – Three spontaneous communications, received simultaneously:
the first from St. Augustine, through Mr. Roze. It explains
the mission of Christ and confirms a very important point
explained by Arago, about the formation of the globe; the second
from Charlet, through Mr. Didier junior, continuing the work
already initiated; the third, from Joinville, signed in old orthographic
style: Amy de Loys, by Ms. Huet.
Friday, December 23rd, 1859
(General Session)
Reading of the minutes and works of the December 16th session.
Letters received from Mr. Demange and from Mr. Soive, both Parisian
traders, requesting to become regular members. Report and decision adjourned
to the December 30th session.
1st – Reading of a private evocation, carried out by Mrs. B…,
from the spirit that communicated spontaneously through her at
the Society, using the name Paul Miffet, at the moment of his
incarnation. This evocation, which presents an interesting picture
of the reincarnation and the physical and moral situation
of the spirit at the initial moments of the corporeal life, will be
2nd – Letter from Mr. Paul Netz, about the facts which determined
the ownership of the ruins of the Vauvert castle, by
Chartreux, a castle located in the neighborhood of the Paris
Observatory, during the times of Louis IX. They say that diabolic
scenes have taken place in that castle, then stopping when
the monks were installed there. Once questioned about it, St.
Louis declares that he knew about the story but that it was pure
1st – Several moral questions addressed to St. Louis about the state
of suffering spirits. These will be published.
2nd – Evocation of John Brown.
3rd – Three spontaneous communications: the first by Mr. Roze
and signed by the Spirit of Truth, with several advices to the Society;
the second from Charlet, through Mr. Didier Junior, continuing the
work; the third about the spirits who preside over the flowers, by
Mrs. B…
Allan Kardec
Bulletin of the Parisian Society of Spiritist StudiesFriday, December 30th, 1859
(Private Session)
Minutes of the December 23rd session were read.
The Society decides that in every private session, following the reading of the minutes, the list containing the names of participants of the preceding general session will be read, with an indication of the regular members who have introduced them, and that an exhortation shall be made to point out the inconveniences caused by persons strange to the Society. Hence the list with the names of the attendees of the previous session was read.
(Private Session)
Minutes of the December 23rd session were read.
The Society decides that in every private session, following the reading of the minutes, the list containing the names of participants of the preceding general session will be read, with an indication of the regular members who have introduced them, and that an exhortation shall be made to point out the inconveniences caused by persons strange to the Society. Hence the list with the names of the attendees of the previous session was read.
These are the newly admitted regular members, as from written request
and verbal report:
1st – Mr. Forbes from London, Engineer officer, who was introduced
on December 16th.
2nd – Mrs. Forbes, born Countess Passerini Corretesi, from
Florence, introduced on December 16th *
3 rd – Mr. Soive, a businessman from Paris, introduced on
December 23rd. ** 4th – Mr. Demange, a businessman from Paris, introduced on
December 23rd.
Reading of three new letters requesting admission. Report and decision
adjourned to January 6th.
1st – Letter from Mr. Brion Dorgeval, with the answer sent to Mr. Oscar Comettant, regarding an article from the latter published in the Siècle (see January issue of the Review).
1st – Letter from Mr. Brion Dorgeval, with the answer sent to Mr. Oscar Comettant, regarding an article from the latter published in the Siècle (see January issue of the Review).
2nd – Letter received from Mr. Jobard, from Brussels, with fair
observations about the moral state of the spirits. He regrets the fact
that the adepts of Spiritism are generally designated by their initials.
He believes that more explicit indications would contribute to the
progress of the Science. As a consequence he invites all adepts to sign
their names, as he does himself (see the January issue).
This last observation from Mr. Jobard is strongly endorsed
by a large number of members, who authorize to mention their
names in all references related to them.
Mr. Allan Kardec states that the fear for what is going to
be said diminishes daily and that there are only a few people
these days that would be afraid of confessing their opinion about
Spiritism. The bad taste epithets given to them become ridiculous
common place, laughed at when so many people from the
elites associate their names to the Doctrine, and one can already
foresee the time when the force of opinion will impose silence to
sarcasm. However, it is one thing to have the courage of opinion in conversations and another thing is to cast their names publicly.
Among the persons who sustain the cause of Spiritism with
more energy there are many who don’t like to have their names
in evidence, for that very reason, rather than anything else. Such
scruples, which don’t imply lack of courage, must be respected.
When extraordinary facts take place anywhere it is understandable
that it would not be very pleasant to the persons involved
to become a target of public curiosity and bothered by the unwelcome.
We should undoubtedly be grateful to those who are
above such prejudices but we should not lightheartedly censor
those who have very legitimate reasons not to expose themselves.
1st – Questions addressed to St. Louis about the spirits who preside
over the flowers, regarding the communication received by
Mrs. B… An interesting explanation will be published on the
2nd – Other questions were framed about the spirit of the
3rd – Two spontaneous and simultaneous communications:
the first one by the Spirit of Truth, through Mr. Roze, with some
advices to the Society; the second, by Fénelon, through Ms. Huet.
Friday, January 6th, 1860
(Private Session)
Minutes of the December 30th session were read.
The following were admitted as regular members after written requests
and verbal report:
1st – Mr. Ducastel, a property owner from Abbéville, introduced
on December 30th.
2nd – Mrs. Deslandes, from Paris, introduced on December 30th.
3rd – Mrs. Rakowska, from Paris, introduced on December 30th.
A request for admission was read.
Letter received from Mr. Poinsignon, from Paris, congratulating the
Society over the New Year’s celebration, and wishing it well for the propagation
of Spiritism.
A letter recently received from Mr. Demange, thanking for his admission.
He ensures the Society about his active cooperation.
Analysis of several issues related to the administrative business of the
1st – News received about D. Péra, a prior from Armilly who died
30 years ago. A study shall be carried out about that.
2nd – Letter from Mr. Lussiez, from Troyes, with judicious
reflections about the moralizing influence of Spiritism over the
working classes.
3rd – Letter received from Mrs. P…, from Rouen, informing
to have received remarkable communications, as a medium, in
total agreement with The Spirits’ Book. Besides, the letter contains
reflections which indicate a very healthy appreciation of the
spiritist ideas from the part of the author.
4th – Letter received regarding Ms. Désirée Godu, a healing
medium from Hennebon. It is a known fact that Ms. Godu’s
work is that of devotion and pure philanthropy.
1st – Several questions addressed to St. Louis for clarification and
development of earlier communications.
2nd – Ms. Dubois, medium and regular member of the Society,
having received a communication from a spirit who calls himself Chateaubriand, requests clarification. Another spirit communicates
with that very name, refusing identification in the name of
God. Confesses his fraud, apologizes and gives curious information
about his life. Then, the true Chateaubriand gives a brief and
spontaneous communication, promising a more elaborated one
in due course.
Friday, January 13th, 1860
(General Session)
Reading of the minutes from the January 6th, session.
Reading of three new requests for membership. Analysis and report
adjourned to the January 20th session.
1st – Letter from Mr. Maurice, from Tell, Ardèche, reporting
extraordinary facts which took place in a house in Fons, near
Aubenas, and that somehow resemble those which happened in
2nd – Letter from Mr. Albert Ferdinand, from Beziers, reporting
three remarkable personal facts which demonstrate the physical
action that the spirits may exert upon certain mediums.
3rd – Letter from Mr. Crozet, from Havre, a corresponding
member of the Society, informing about a communication received
jointly with Mr. Sprenger, from a mockery spirit. That
spirit, a Navy captain deceased six months prior, explains with
remarkable accuracy and lucidity the tricks of the “besigue”
card game, indicating how the players may win or lose (to be
4th – The spirit of a dancer. Mr. and Mrs. Netz, members of
the Society, since some time now receive communications from
a spirit that shows up dancing constantly, that is, making a table
dance, following the perfectly recognizable rhythm of a polka, a mazurka, a square dance, a waltz in two or three tempos, etc. He
never wanted to write, only responding through raps. He even
said through such a means that he was Peruvian, native Indian,
deceased 56 years ago at the age of 35; that really enjoyed drinking
“spirits” when alive, and who now attends public balls where
he has a lot of fun. He never comes to communicate before 10 pm
and only on certain days. He says that he communicates through
Mrs. Netz but he cannot do it without the support of Mr. D…,
a medium of physical effects, thus he needs both present at the
same time. Therefore, Mr. D… had never attracted him to his
house and Mrs. Netz cannot do it if she is alone.
5th – Reading of a spontaneous communication sent by Mr.
Rabache, from Bordeaux, in continuation of those published under
the title “Family advices”.
6th – Mrs. Forbes reads three spontaneous communications
received by her husband about filial love, paternal love and patience.
Those communications, remarkable by their high morality
and simplicity of language, may be classified in the category
of intimate advices.
1st – The spirit from Castelnaudary was evoked, who had already
been evoked on December 9th. See the complete report under the
title “Story of a naughty spirit”.
2nd – Evocation of the dancer spirit. He does not wish to write
but raps the rhythm of several rhythms with the pencil, agitating
the medium’s arm in synchronism. St. Louis gives some explanations
about his character and confirms the preceding information.
3rd – Questions about the manifestations of Fons, near
Aubenas. The answer is that there is something truthful about
the facts, but they should not be accepted unconditionally and
that we should prevent against exaggeration above all.
4th – Evocation of D. Péra, prior of Armilly. He provides important
details about his situation and character.
5th – Two spontaneous communications: the first through
Mr. Roze, from a spirit named Estelle Riquier who had led an
unworthy life, failed her duties as a mother and wife; the second
through Mr. Forbes, containing advices about rage.
Friday, January 20th, 1860
(Private Session)
Reading of the minutes of the January 13th session.
Following the written request and verbal reports, the following persons
are admitted as regular members:
1st – Mr. Kratzoff, from Saint Petersburg, introduced on January
2nd – Mr. Julien, from Belfort, High-Rhine, introduced on
January 13th.
3rd – Mr. Count Alexander Stenbock Fermor, from Saint
Petersburg, introduced on January 6th.
1st – Reading of a spontaneous communication received by
Mr. Pécheur, member of the Society.
2nd – New details about the dancer spirit. Mrs. Netz, writing
medium, having questioned another spirit, received more
information, among them the fact that he was very rich when
alive; that he died in a hunting accident, when completely alone.
Having questioned the dancer spirit about these facts and with
the support of the other medium, she obtained identical answers
through knocks. Behold, Mrs. Netz had not communicated the
first written answers to the other medium. On another hand, she is not the one operating as a medium now. Besides, she had formulated
the questions insidiously, possibly leading to adverse answers.
Hence there was independence of thoughts from one side
to the other, and the agreement of the answers is a characteristic
fact. Another equally curious fact is that the dancer’s favorite medium
one day was taken by involuntary movements in the streets,
making him walk rhythmically. If he wanted to resist he could
stop those movements but as long as he let go, his legs would follow
the flair of a dancer. It was nothing much ostensive, sufficient
to call other people’s attention. This leads to the understanding
that spirits of different orders and not so much well meaning, like
the spirit that just wanted to have fun, could produce more violent
movements over certain human bodies, similar to those seen
in the convulsive and jerky persons.
3rd – Report of a spontaneous communication from the spirit of
a living person, made by Mr. G…, a writing medium, given to him
personally. The spirit described circumstantial details completely ignored
by the medium, whose accuracy was verified. Mr. G… did
not know that person, having seen him only once during a visitation
and never again. He only knew his family name. Well, the spirit
also signed his name, perfectly correct. Such circumstance, added
to other indications of time and place given by the spirit, constitute
evidence of identity. Mr. Count de R… comments that such kind
of communications may sometimes entail some indiscretion, asking
if the person involved would be happy if aware of the conversation.
The following answers were given:
1 – If the communicating person came in spirit it was out of
their own will, considering that Mr. G… was not thinking of him
and did not call him;
2 – Once detached from the body the spirit has free-will, only
responding to what they wish to;
3 – In such a state the spirit is more sensible than in the waking
state, since the spirit sees the reach of things in a broader way.
If that spirit had seen any inconvenience in his words he would
not have said that;
4th – Reading of a communication from Lyon, addressed to
the Society, saying among other things:
“The transformation of humanity is prepared by the incarnation
of better spirits on Earth, those who will form a new generation,
dominated by the love of good; that the wicked people who
keep their eyes closed to the light will reincarnate with a new
phalanx of simple and ignorant spirits, sent by God to the works
of formation of a new world, inferior to planet Earth. They will
not be able to meet their brothers and sisters from Earth but only
after hard work through which they will then reach their level, after
this generation is passed, because the bad spirits will not have
the right to witness such beautiful transformation.”
Mr. Theubet observes that the communication apparently
blesses the principle of a backwards march, contrary to everything
that has been taught.
A long and profound discussion is then established. It can
be summarized as follows: The spirit may fall from the current
position but not with respect to the acquired knowledge and virtues.
The principle of non-retrogress must be understood from
the moral and intellectual standpoint, that is, the spirit cannot
lose what has already been acquired in intelligence and morality
and would not return to the state of spiritual infancy. In other
words, the spirit cannot become more ignorant or worse than before,
fact that does not preclude the spirit from incarnating in a
tougher and inferior position and among more ignorant spirits,
if deserved. A very inferior spirit who would reincarnate among
a civilized people would be out of place and would not be able
to keep up with his class. Returning to the savage in a new existence
such a spirit would only be recovering his own position,
which could have been left a bit too early, but the ideas acquired
during his passage among the enlightened people would not be lost. The same must happen to those individuals who are going
to support the formation of a new world. Finding out of place in
a better Earth they shall then move to a world compatible with
their moral state.
1st – A black person from the ship Constant is evoked; he had
already been evoked on September 30th, 1859. He gives new explanations
about the circumstances that followed his death.
2nd – Three spontaneous communications: the first from
Chateaubriand, through Mr. Roze; the second from Plato, through
Mr. Colin; the third from Charlet, through Mr. Didier junior, in
continuation of his work about the nature of the animals.
* The original shows December 23rd as the introduction date but the correct date is
December 16th, according to the respective minutes (see the January 1860 issue) – (NT).
** The original shows December 16th as the introduction date but the correct is December 23rd, according to the respective minutes (see the January 1860 issue) – (NT).
** The original shows December 16th as the introduction date but the correct is December 23rd, according to the respective minutes (see the January 1860 issue) – (NT).
Globule Spirits
The desire to see the spirits is a very natural thing and we know only a
few people who would not like to have such a faculty. Unfortunately
it is one of the scarcest, particularly the permanent one. The spontaneous
apparitions are very frequent but accidental, and almost always motivated
by a totally personal circumstance, based on the relationships that might
have existed between the person that sees and the spirit that shows up.
One thing is to serendipitously see a spirit and another is to see them
habitually and under normal, ordinary conditions. Well, as a matter of
fact, that is what constitutes the faculty of the clairvoyant mediums. It
results from a special aptitude whose cause is still unknown, and that can
be developed but which would be hopelessly provoked in case there is no
natural predisposition. Thus, it is necessary to remain vigilant against the
illusions which can be originated from the desire of having such a faculty,
and which have given place to so many strange systems. We must fight
the scaring theories since these have been the reason for the attacks to the
manifestations, particularly when those theories demonstrate ignorance
with respect to the facts, as much as we must try to destroy ideas which
indicate more enthusiasm than thought, and that for this very reason do
more harm than good by being exposed to ridicule.
The theory of the visions and apparitions is perfectly understood today.
We have developed it in several articles particularly in the December
1858 and February and August 1859 issues of the Review and in our The Mediums’ Book, or experimental Spiritism. We shall not repeat it here but
will remind a few essential points only, before coming to the analysis of
the globule spirits system.
The spirits may be seen in several ways, being the human form the
most common. Their apparition generally happens under a misty and
diaphanous form, sometimes vague and not well defined. It often starts
from a whitish spark whose boundaries are gradually delineated. On other
occasions the lines are more accentuated and the tiniest details of the face
are drawn with such an accuracy which allows their exact description. On
those occasions a painter could portray them as easily as done with a living
person. The attitude and looks are the same that the spirit had when
alive. Since the spirit may give any appearance to the perispirit, which is
the ethereal body, the spirit may show up under the appearance in which
they are more easily recognizable. Therefore, although the spirit no longer
carries any disease which they might have endured as a living person, the
spirit may appear limping, limbless or hunchback if that is considered
suitable for identification. As for their outfit these are generally made of
some sort of floating tunics, at least that is the appearance of the superior
spirits who keep nothing of the worldly things. However, the vulgar spirits,
our acquaintances, almost always wear the type of clothes that they
wore in the last period of their lives. They frequently show the typical
traits of their social classes. The superior spirits always show a beautiful,
noble and serene face whereas the inferior spirits have a vulgar physiognomy,
a mirror which reflects the more or less ignoble passions that moved
them. They sometimes even show traces of their crimes or sufferings. A
remarkable thing is the fact that, exception made to some particular circumstances,
the least defined areas are the inferior limbs while the head,
arms and chest are always clearly outlined.
We said that the apparition has something of diaphanous, despite its
distinctiveness. In some cases one can compare them to the image reflected
on a mirror without tin, which does not preclude us from seeing
the objects behind it. That is how the clairvoyants commonly see them.
They see the spirits come and go, circulate around the living ones, giving the impression, at least the vulgar spirits, that they take active part into
what happens around them, listening and showing interest for what is
being discussed, depending on the subject. Sometimes they can be seen
approaching people, whispering ideas, influencing them, consoling or
showing happiness or sadness, depending on the result. In short, it is the
replica or the reflex of the corporeal world, with its passions, vices or
virtues, many virtues which our material nature would hardly allow us
to understand. Such is this occult world that populates the space that surrounds
us, in which we live unsuspectedly, as we live among the myriads
of the microscopic world.
However, it can also be that the spirit takes an even more distinct
shape with all traces of a solid human body, to the point of producing
a complete illusion and make believe that one is before a corporeal being.
Finally, the tangibility may become real, that is, such body may be
touched; its resistance may be felt and even its temperature, as if from an
animated body, despite the fact that it may disappear with the speed of
light. Although the apparition of these beings, designated by the name
agénères, is very rare, it is always accidental and of short duration. They
could not become habitual guests of a house under such appearance.
It is a well-known fact that among the exceptional faculties irrefutably
demonstrated by Mr. Home there was the appearance of tangible hands,
which can be touched on one side and on the other those hands can hold,
grab and even leave impressions on the skin. We say that the tangible
apparitions are very rare but the ones which occurred lately confirm and
explain those recorded by History, relatively to persons which showed
up after death, showing the same appearance as their corporeal form. As
a matter of fact, however extraordinary such phenomena may seem, the
supernatural aspect disappears as long as the explanation is known and it
is then clear that far from being a derogation of the natural laws, the apparitions
are their application.
When the spirits take the human form it is impossible to be mistaken.
That is not the case when they take other appearances. We will not discuss
certain terrestrial images reflected by the atmosphere, which have fed the superstition of ignorant people, but of some other effects about which
even educated people could be mistaken. That is precisely when we have
to be vigilant against the illusion, avoiding exposing ourselves by taking
some purely natural physical phenomena by spirits.
The air does not always present a perfect cleanness, and there are situations
in which the molecular currents and agitation produced by heat are
perfectly visible. The agglomeration of these particles forms small masses
which seem to navigate in space, giving rise to the singular system of spirits
in the form of globules. The cause of such appearance is in the air but it
can also be in the eye. The vitreous humor has imperceptible spots which
may have lost their transparency. These spots are like opaque bodies in
suspension, following the liquid’s motions and undulation. They produce
the effect of small discs in the air and at a distance, due to the phenomenon
of refraction and amplification, varying from 1 to 10 millimeters in
diameter. We saw people absorb those discs by familiar spirits that followed
them everywhere, and they saw figures in the nuances of the optical
formations, out of their own enthusiasm. A simple observation carried out
by these persons will bring them back to the terrain of reality. Those discs
or medallions, they say, not only follow them but track all their moves:
they show up on the right, on the left, up and down, or stop, according to
the motion of the head. Such coincidence proves by itself that the seat of
the appearance is in us and not outside, further demonstrated by the fact
that the wavy like movements are always within a certain angle; however,
as they do not follow the sudden changes in the line of sight, it gives the
impression that they have certain independence. The cause of that effect
is very simple. The opaque or semi-opaque spots of the vitreous humor,
primary cause of the phenomenon as we said, are kept in suspension, with
a constant tendency to drop down. When there is an upward movement
it is because they were required by the ascending motion of the eye; at
that point if the eye stays put the disc is seen to slowly move downwards
and then stop. It has extreme mobility since an imperceptible motion of
the eye is sufficient to make it sweep the full angle of sight, in the region
where the image is projected.
The same can be said about the sparks sometimes produced in more
or less compact rays, by the contraction of the muscle of the eye, which
are likely due to the phosphorescence or natural electricity of the iris,
since these are generally limited to the circular circumference of the organ.
Similar illusions cannot arise but from an incomplete observation.
Those who have seriously studied the nature of the spirits by all means
given by the practical science will understand how puerile these illusions
are. If those airy globules were spirits we would have to acknowledge that
they would be reduced to a purely mechanical role, considering that they
are intelligent and free beings, a role which would be painfully boring to
inferior spirits, let alone the idea that we have about the superior spirits.
The only signs that may really ensure the presence of the spirits are
the intelligent ones. As long as the images which we have just mentioned
above have not demonstrated independent, spontaneous movements,
even if with a human form, we are only seeing physiological or optical
phenomena. The same observation applies to all kinds of manifestations,
particularly the noises, raps, and any uncommon motion of inert bodies,
which can be produced by a thousand and one reasons. We repeat: while
an effect is not intelligent on its own and independent from people’s intelligence,
we must examine it twice before attributing it to the spirits.
Special Mediums
Experience daily demonstrates how large the variety of the mediumship
faculty is. However, it also proves that the multiple nuances of
that faculty are due to special and not yet defined gifts, abstraction made
of the quality and knowledge of the manifesting spirit. The nature of
the communication is always relative to the spirit’s nature, bearing the
hallmark of their elevation or inferiority, their knowledge or ignorance.
However, having equal merit from a hierarchical point of view, there is
an incontestable tendency to dedicate to one thing, rather than the other.
For example, the rapping spirits are almost never away from the physical
manifestations and those who give intelligent manifestations are poets,
musicians, painters, moralists, doctors, wise spirits, etc. We speak of a
middle order of spirits, because when the spirits arrive at a certain level the
skills merge in the unity of perfection. Nevertheless, besides the skills of
the spirit, there is the medium who is more or less an adequate instrument
to the spirit, more or less flexible, to whom the medium offers particular
qualities which we cannot appreciate.
Let us make a comparison: a skillful musician has several violins in
hand which are all good to the public but among which the seasoned
artist sees a great difference; he detects nuances of subtle delicacy which
lead him to pick some and reject others, nuances which he understands
out of pure intuition and that he cannot define. The same happens to the
mediums: among mediums of similar qualities regarding the mediumistic strength, the spirit will prefer this one to the other, according to the type
of communication they want to give. Thus, for example, we see people
writing remarkable poetry as mediums although under ordinary circumstances
they could never write a single verse. Others who are poets, on
the contrary only write prose, despite their wishes. The same applies to
painting, music, etc. There are mediums that without having scientific
knowledge have a very special skill to receive scientific communications;
others to receive historical studies; others operate as interpreters to moralizing
spirits. In short, whatever the flexibility of the medium, the communications
that are more easily received have a particular characteristic.
There are some that even stay close to a given circle of ideas and when they
move away from that circle we then have incomplete, terse and sometimes
false communications. In addition to the medium’s skills, the spirits still
communicate more or less voluntarily through this or the other medium,
according to their sympathies. Thus, despite the equality of skills, the
same spirit will be much more elaborated through certain mediums, by
the simple fact that it is more convenient to them.
It would therefore be a mistake to think that just because there is a
medium that writes very easily that one can obtain good communications
of all kinds through his mediumship. The first condition to obtain good
communications is, no discussion there, to be sure about the source of
the communication, that is, about the qualities of the spirit who transmit
them, but it is not less necessary to be aware of the qualities of the
instrument that is offered to the spirit. Hence, it is necessary to study the
nature of the medium as one studies the nature of the spirit since these
are the two essential elements to obtain satisfactory results. A third condition,
representing an equally important role, is the intention, the intimate
thought, the more or less worthy feeling of the person that interrogates
the spirit. And that makes sense. A good communication can only proceed
from a good spirit. In order to transmit such communication the
spirit requires a good medium. Then a suitable objective is needed so that
the spirit may wish to transmit it. The spirit that can read our thoughts,
judges if the question deserves an answer and if the person who frames the question is worthy of receiving that answer. Otherwise the spirit will
not waste any time by sowing good seeds on stones, and it is then that the
joker spirits and the spirits of levity have fun, since they have no compromise
with the truth and are not very courteous and generally show little
scruples regarding the ends and the means.
From the above, it is clear that there must be spirits specially involved,
by their likes or reason, with alleviating the sufferings of humanity, and
that simultaneously there must be mediums that are more capable than
others to operate as their intermediaries. Well, since those spirits act exclusively
for the general well-being, they must seek certain moral qualities in
their interpreters, besides the skills which may be considered physiological,
among which are the highest devotion and altruism. Greed has been
and will always be a reason for rejection from the good spirits and a cause
of attraction to the others. Will common sense accept that the good spirits
would engage into all sorts of machinations of material interest, being at
the services of the first one to show up with the intention of exploiting
them? The spirits do not want to be exploited, whoever they may be, and
if some seem to agree, even anticipating certain mundane wishes, they
almost always have the intention of carrying out a mystification which
will make them laugh later, like someone who would laugh after having
tricked very credulous people. As a matter of fact, it is useful that some
people may burn their fingers so that they may learn that one should not
make fun of serious things.
Such is the case that we must speak about, one of those privileged mediums
that the healing spirits seem to have taken as their direct protégé.
Ms. Désirée Godu, a resident of Hennebon, in Morbihan, who enjoys a
truly remarkable faculty, in all aspects, that she utilizes with the keenest
abnegation. We have already mentioned a few words in a report of the
sessions of the Society, but the importance of the issue deserves a special
article, that we will have the pleasure of dedicating to her in our next
number. Keeping aside the interest on the study of every rare faculty, we
shall always consider the promotion of goodness as our duty and it is only
fair to those who do it.
Bibliography - Countess Mathilde de Canossa
This is the title of a legendary romance published in Rome in 1858, by
Rev. Father Bresciani, from the Company of Jesus,* author of The Jew
of Verona. The subject of the book is the story of the former Canossa family,
in the style of Walter Scott. That is why the author dedicated the book
to the current descendent from that renowned family, the Marquis Otavio
de Canossa, potentate of Verona and valet of H.M. Emperor of Austria.
The events take place in the middle ages. The witches and wizards represent
great roles in the story and the demoniac scenes are described with
such an accuracy which would make the Scottish romancers jealous. The
author seems less accurate to us in his appreciation of the modern spiritist
phenomena of the talking tables, of magnetism and somnambulism.
Well, here is what can be read in its Chapter X, page 170:
“More than one of my readers, and probably the majority of them,
could be surprised by seeing all these devilish apparatuses in the preceding
chapters, all the exorcism, witchcraft, hallucinations, and fantastic
outbreaks which would fit well in the late night stories and wet-nurse
“Who would still believe these days in necromancers, witches, enchantments,
fascination, potions, and dealings with the devil? Would you
be willing to return to the fairy tales from Martin del Rio,** the gauche
superstitions of the people and the ghetto ladies, from legends which give
the shivers to the chubby peasants who fear the headless mule and keep
the chicken boys awake, in the name of the werewolf? Really, my friend,
this is the time to get rid of these futilities. That is somehow the language
that I seem to hear.”
“I will respond to that before neglecting old beliefs, everyone must
question their own conscience, frankly asking if one is not at least as
much credulous as any of one’s predecessors. Let us make no mistake:
what is the meaning of this swarm of magnetizers, mediums, dancing,
speaking and prophetic tables; somnambulists who see through the walls,
reading through their elbows, who see before them something that is done
twenty, thirty and forty miles away; who read and write without knowing
the alphabet; that not knowing a single word in medicine, describe
pathological cases, indicating their causes and prescribing the medication,
in the right dose, with all Greek-Arabic terms of the scientific vocabulary?
What are those interrogatories of spirits; those answers of dead and buried
people; those prophecies of future events? Who evokes those shadows?
Who makes them speak? Who allows them to see a non-existent future?
Who leads them to blaspheme against God, against the saints from heavens,
against the sacraments of the Church?”
“Now brave people, speak up! Why these distorted and nervous
looks? – Ah! You shall end up telling me, who knows! Mysteries of nature,
unknown laws, power of lucidity, occult sense of the human body!
Subtleness of the magnetic fluid, of the nervous influx, of the optical and
acoustic waves; secret virtues excited by electricity or magnetism in the
brain, blood, muscle fibers, in all vital components; supreme power and
strength of will and imagination.”
“My friends, these are foolish things, meaningless words, empty
phrases, ambiguous deviations, enigmas which you don’t understand
yourselves. The whole difference between us and our predecessors is that
to deny one mystery we forge a hundred of others. While a cat was a cat,
and devil the devil to those good people, we have the pretension of accrediting
nature with powers that nature does not have and cannot have.”
“Our elders, wiser and more sincere, would straight forwardly say that
there were supernatural events and very honestly associated them to the
devil. However, less familiar than we are with the natural phenomena,
they have sometimes and undoubtedly taken for a prodigious effect when
they are in the natural order of things, whereas our contemporary, much
more enlightened, cannot see in a good number of charlatanism from the
magnetizers mysterious effect of the secret laws of nature, and the really
diabolic events as nothing more than magic tricks, more or less subtle.”
“However, the better Christians of the good old times knew very
well that the bad spirits, evoked through certain signs, conjurations,
certain pacts, would show up, answer questions, hallucinating imagination,
impressing people in a thousand ways, and particularly doing
as much harm as possible to those who would speak to them.
You must then confess, in good faith, that even in our days, and in a
larger number than before, we have our necromancers, charmers and
witches, with the difference that our ancestors were horrified by all
that witchcraft; that these were secretly practiced in the darkness of
the caves, in the forests, and that many would regret and then confess,
seeking penance. In our days, instead, they are openly practiced in the
gorgeous theaters of gold and lights, before curiosity, in the presence
of young ladies, children and their mothers, without any scruple, thus
frequently making fun of the superstitions of the middle ages.”
“Believe me. Human beings have wished to deal with the devil at all
times, and that astute spirit conforms to all transformations, although
people would not send him back to the abyss, feeding some sort of commerce.
In the former centuries of idolatry he was with the oracles and
foretellers; he would appear under the form of a dove, magpie, rooster, snake, and even sang fatidic songs. In the middle ages he used to show
up pedantically to the barbarians, under terrible disguises and after monstrous
“If sometimes he would diminish himself to the point of finding
dwelling in someone’s hair, in little flasks, in potions drunk by the lovers
and given by the witches, he would still inspire great horror. Today,
instead, he is given to civilizing the century. He enjoys the elegant world,
the lively soirees, frequently sleeping over with the somnambulists, using
the planchettes to write. In reality, isn’t he kind? He is careful not to
scare anyone; he dresses like the Americans, the English, the Parisians, the
Germans; he is really kind, with his beard and fine Italian mustache; he is
the real deal of the theaters and it would be really awkward if he did not
present an irreproachable distinction. Behold! He has become such a good
apostle that he talks politely to that lady who still goes to the mass and
if she was told: “- Watch out! There are things which are not natural and
could not be natural. There is something of treacherous in it. The good
Christians do not get into that!” – She would laugh at you and respond
with an air of superiority: “- What the hell! All that is very natural; I am
Christian too but not stupid.”
“Meanwhile, given a proper occasion, he will magnetize your twenty
year old daughter, and out of her magnetic intuition, make her foretell
distant facts and secrets of the future.”
“I leave you to that and to think if that naughty devil is not laughing
his head off at that good Christian!”
We leave to the readers the task of assessing the judgment passed by
Father Bresciani. You will, like us, uselessly look for authoritative arguments
against the spiritist ideas or any demonstration of untruthfulness
of those ideas. He no doubt thinks that those ideas deserve no refutation
and that a breath is sufficient to destroy them. However, it seems to us
that similarly to most adversaries, he arrives to a consequence in opposition
to his expectations, since he does not unequivocally demonstrate
that those things are not possible. Considering that Father Bresciani is
a man of undisputed talent and superior instruction we think that since his objective was to combat the spirits, he should have gathered the most
lethal weapons against them, from what we conclude that if he does not
say much against them the fact is that he has nothing else to say; that if
he does not give proofs it is because he has none to oppose to those ideas,
otherwise he would not have left them in his back pocket.
In all that argumentation, the mostly ridiculed are not the spirits but
the devil himself, who is treated a bit too much gentlemanly, and not like
something that is taken seriously. We are then forced to believe, before
such a polished style, that the author does not believe in the devil more
than in spirits. However, if he is the only agent of all manifestations, as
intended, then it is necessary to acknowledge that he represents a more
entertaining than frightening role, being much more capable of exciting
curiosity than fear. As a matter of fact, up until now this is the result of
everything that has been said and written against Spiritism. Thus, it has
done us more service than harm.
According to the majority of the critics, the fact of the manifestations
has no relevance. It is a short living mania, a game, and the author does not
seem to have faced it in a more serious way. If that is the case, why bother?
Let it be and another pastime will be in fashion tomorrow, and Spiritism will
experience the same that happened to the Potichomania: the duration of two
seasons. By throwing stones at it one gives the impression that it is feared because
one only tries to knock down something that gives reason for fear; if it
is an utopia, an illusion, why then fighting the windmills? It is true, they say,
that the devil sometimes mingles with these things, but then there would be
no need for so many authors, like the one above, painting the devil with such
pinkish colors, and leading the ladies to be willing to get to know him.
Has Father Bresciani thoroughly examined the subject? Has he pondered
the reach of all of his words? Kindly allow us the doubt. When he
says: “What are those answers of dead and buried people? Who allows them
to see a non-existent future?” Our question is if it was a Christian or a materialist
the person who wrote similar things. Even a materialist would speak
of the dead with more respect. – “Who leads them to blaspheme against
God?” – Where are those blasphemies? The author, attributing everything to the devil, has certainly supposed those blasphemies or he would otherwise
know that the most unlimited trust in God’s benevolence is the foundation
of Spiritism; that everything that is done in Spiritism is done so in
the name of God; that even the most perverse spirits speak of God with fear
and respect and the good ones do so with reverence and love. Where is the
blasphemy? – However, how should we interpret these words: “…we have
the pretension of accrediting nature with powers that nature does not have
and cannot have!” – Our more sensible elders would treat them simply as
devilish tricks. Thus it is wiser to attribute the natural phenomena to the
devil than to God. While we proclaim the infinite power of the Creator,
Father Bresciani gives limit to them; nature, which summarizes the Divine
work, does not have and cannot have other powers beyond those that we
know. As for those which we ignore it is wiser to attribute them to the devil
that would then be more powerful than God. One needs to ask on which
side is the blasphemy or the greater respect to the Supreme Being. Finally,
the devil takes all forms. Isn’t he very kind? He dresses like the Americans,
the English, the Parisians; he is really kind with his beard and fine Italian
mustaches and it would be really awkward not to recognizing in him an
almost irreproachable distinction. We don’t know if the Italian gentlemen
will be flattered for being taken by naughty devils. Who are those nice
ladies that turn the kind devils into an attraction and that before the charitable
warning that there may be something treacherous in all this they say:
“What the hell! I am not that stupid!”
If it is a natural flagrant, we then ask in which world, “l’entier ou le
demi monde”,*** those ladies use such beautiful expressions? We regret the
fact that the author had not obtained his knowledge about Spiritism from
more serious sources, for he would not speak so lightheartedly. While
more peremptory arguments are not opposed to Spiritism, its followers
may then sleep in peace.
* One volume, in-8, translated from the Italian – J. B. Pélagaud & Co., Rue des Saints
Pères, 57 – Paris, price 3.5 fr
** Del Rio was a Jesuit scholar born in Anvers, 1551 and deceased in 1608. The author refers
to his work Disquisitiones Magicoe.
*** Expression created by Dumas meaning the underground world (demi-monde), the outlawed
world – Kardec employs a wordplay when counter l’entier (the whole world) to le demi
(the mid world or underground world) – (RT)
Story of a Naughty Spirit
Society, December 9th, 1859 –
First session
Mr. de la Roche, regular member, communicates the following fact of his personal knowledge:
Strange noises and several manifestations took place in a small house near Castelnaudary, leading people to believe that it was haunted by a bad genie. Hence, in 1848 it was exorcized and a large number of images of saints were placed inside the house. Since then, Dr. D…, who wanted to live in the house had some renovations done and requested that the images be removed. He died in that house a few years later, of a sudden death. His son who still lives there or at least who was there up to not long ago, had his face slapped by an invisible hand when entering a bedroom. Since he knew that he was completely alone in the house, he had no doubt that it had come from an occult power. He no longer wishes to stay there and wants to move out for good. There is a story that goes around in the region which says that a terrible crime was committed in that house.
First session
Mr. de la Roche, regular member, communicates the following fact of his personal knowledge:
Strange noises and several manifestations took place in a small house near Castelnaudary, leading people to believe that it was haunted by a bad genie. Hence, in 1848 it was exorcized and a large number of images of saints were placed inside the house. Since then, Dr. D…, who wanted to live in the house had some renovations done and requested that the images be removed. He died in that house a few years later, of a sudden death. His son who still lives there or at least who was there up to not long ago, had his face slapped by an invisible hand when entering a bedroom. Since he knew that he was completely alone in the house, he had no doubt that it had come from an occult power. He no longer wishes to stay there and wants to move out for good. There is a story that goes around in the region which says that a terrible crime was committed in that house.
Once questioned about the possibility of evoking the author of that
slap, St. Louis responded positively. The spirit was then evoked, showing
signs of violence. The medium was taken by great agitation, breaking
seven or eight pencils, throwing some onto the audience, tearing off a
piece of paper on which he had furiously doodled meaningless characters.
All efforts to calm him down resulted useless. Since he was requested to
respond to the questions he wrote with difficulty an almost undecipherable
1. (to St. Louis) – Could you kindly give us some information about
that spirit, since he cannot or he does not wish to give it himself?
– A. It is a spirit of the worst class, a kind of monster. We
made him come here but we cannot force him to write, despite
everything that we told him. He has his free-will, which has been
badly used.
2. Has he died long ago? – A. Look for information. He was the
one who committed the crime whose legend goes around in the
3. Who was he when alive? – A. You shall find out yourself.
4. Is he the one haunting the house these days? – A. No doubt since
that is how I had him coming here.
5. Then the exorcisms have not expelled him? – A. No way.
6. Has he had any participation in the subtle death of Mr. D…? – A.
7. How come? – A. Through fear.
8. Was he the one who slapped Mr. D… son’s face? – A. Yes.
9. Could he have done the same on some of us? – A. No doubt. He
wishes he could.
10. Why hasn’t he done so? – A. He was not allowed.
11. Would there be a means of dislodging him from that house?
How? – A. If they want to disentangle from the obsession of
similar spirits it is easy, by praying for them. That is what is
always forgotten. People prefer to scare them away with formulas
of exorcism which greatly entertains them.
12. Passing the idea of praying for this spirit to those involved, and us
praying as well, would it then be possible to dislodge him? – A.
Yes. However, notice that I said pray and not having someone else
13. Is this spirit susceptible to improvement? – A. Why not? Aren’t
they all, this one like the others? Yet, one must be prepared to face
difficulties. However perverse the spirit may be, the retribution
of evilness by goodness will end up touching him. Let us pray in
principle and then evoke him after a month. You will notice the
changes which will take place.
14. This is an unfortunate and suffering spirit. Could you describe
the kind of sufferings that he endures? – A. He is persuaded that
he shall be in his present condition forever. He constantly sees
himself at the very moment when he committed the crime. Any
other memory has been erased and any communication with another
spirit has been banned. When he is on Earth he can only
be at that house and when he is in space he only has darkness and
15. In which world did he live before his last incarnation? What was
his race? – A. He had an existence among the most ferocious and
savage tribes, and before that he came from a planet inferior to
16. In case he reincarnates, which category of individuals will he be
around? – A. That will depend on him and on his regrets.
17. In his next corporeal life could he become a righteous man? – A.
That would be difficult; regardless of his efforts, it will be hard to
avoid a tempestuous life.
OBSERVATION: Mrs. X…, a clairvoyant medium attending
the session, saw that spirit at the moment when he was asked to
write: he shook the medium’s arm; his looks were terrifying; he
was wearing a shirt covered in blood and held a dagger in his
hand. Mr. and Mrs. F… who were present as observers, since
they were not members yet, carried out the recommendation
in favor of the suffering spirit since the first evening, praying
for him. Multiple communications were obtained from him
and from his victims. We present them below in the order that they were received, together with the ones obtained at
the Society about the same subject. In addition to the interest
of this dramatic story there is a teaching which will escape
Second session, at the house of Mr. F…
18. (to the familiar spirit) – Can you tell us something about the
spirit of Castelnaudary? – A. Evoke him.
19. Is he evil? – A. You shall see.
20. What should we do? – A. Don’t talk to him if you have nothing
to say.
21. If we talk to him to say that we are sorry for his suffering, will
that do any good to him? – A. Compassion is always good to the
unfortunate ones.
22. Evocation of the spirit of Castelnaudary. – A. What do you want
from me?
23. We called you in order to be useful to you. – A. Oh! Your compassion
is good to me because I suffer… Oh! How much I suffer!
... May God have mercy on me! … Forgive me… Forgive
24. Will our prayers be beneficial to you? – A. Yes. Pray, pray.
25. It is okay then! We will pray for you. – A. Thank you! At least you
do not curse me.
26. Why didn’t you want to write at the Society when you were invited
in? – A. Oh! Malediction!
27. Malediction for whom? – A. For me who ruthlessly atone for the
crimes in which my free-will only had a small participation.
OBSERVATION: By saying that his free-will had a small participation
in his crimes he wants to attenuate them, as it was verified
28. Will you be forgiven if you repent? – A. Oh! Never!
29. Don’t be desperate. – A. Eternal sufferings, such is my destiny.
30. What is it that makes you suffer? – A. What is most horrific! You
cannot understand.
31. Have they prayed in your favor since last night? – A. Yes, but I
suffer even more.
32. How come? – A. How do I know?
OBSERVATION: This circumstance was explained later.
33. Should anything be done regarding the house where you installed
yourself? – A. No! No! Say no more about that…. Forgive me
God! I have suffered enough!
34. Do you have to stay there? – A. That is my penalty.
35. Will that be so as you may have your crimes permanently before
your eyes? – A. That is the case
36. Don’t be desperate. Everything may be forgiven after repentance. –
A. No! There is no forgiveness for Cain.
37. Then you killed your brother? – A. We are all brothers.
38. Why did you want to do harm to Mr. D…? – A. Enough! Please,
that is enough!
39. Good-bye then. Have faith on God’s mercy! – A. Pray!
Third session
40. Evocation – A. I am near you.
41. Do you begin to have hope? – A. Yes, I have a lot of regret.
42. What was your name? – A. You shall know later.
43. For how long have you been suffering? – A. For 200 years.
44. When have you committed your crime? – A. In 1608.
45. Can you repeat the dates to confirm them? – A. It is useless. Once
is enough. Good-bye, I will talk to you tomorrow. A force drags me!
Fourth session
46. Evocation – A. Thanks Hugo! (Mr. F… first name)
47. Would you like to speak about what happened in Castelnaudary? –
A. No. You make me suffer when you speak about it. It is not generous
of you.
48. You know well that if we speak about it, it is with the objective of
clarifying you regarding your condition and not to make it worse.
Then, speak and have no fear. How could you allow yourself to
commit such a crime? – A. A moment of madness.
49. Was there any premeditation? – A. No.
50. This cannot be true. Your sufferings demonstrate that you are
guiltier than you say. You know that only through regret you can
mitigate your fate and not through lies. Come on! Be honest. – A.
Well then! If it is needed, then be it!
51. Was it a man or a woman that you killed? – A. A man.
52. How did you kill Mr. D…? – A. I showed up to him, visibly. My
appearance is so horrifying that the simple sight killed him.
53. Did you do that on purpose? – A. Yes.
54. Why? – A. He wanted to challenge me and I would do it again if
I were tried.
55. If I was supposed to live in that house would you do me any
harm? – A. Oh! No. Certainly not! You have pity on me and wish
me well.
56. Has Mr. D… died instantly? – A. No. He was taken by fear but
only died two hours later.
57. Why have you only slapped Mr. D… son? – A. Having killed two
men was more than enough.
Fifth session, at the Society on December 16th, 1859
58. Questions addressed to St. Louis – The spirit who has communicated
with Mr. and Mrs. F… is really that of Castelnaudary? – A.
59. How could he communicate with them so promptly? – A. He
didn’t have any knowledge about the Society yet. He was not
sorry and repentance means everything.
60. Is the information given by him about the crime correct? – A. It is
up to you to verify that and to get along with him.
61. He said that the crime was committed in 1608 and that he died
in 1659. Hence he is in that state for 200 years. – A. That will be
explained to you later.
62. Could you explain his type of penalty? – A. It is atrocious to him.
As you know, he was condemned to stay at the place of the crime,
unable to divert his thoughts to anything else but the crime, always
before him, and he considers himself condemned eternally
to such a torture.
63. Is he immersed in darkness? – A. Darkness when he wants to
move away from the place of exile.
64. What is the most terrible kind of punishment that a spirit can
endure in such a case? – A. It is not possible to describe the moral
tortures as punishment of certain crimes. Even the one who suffers
them would have difficulties to explain. But the most horrible
is the certainty of condemnation without an appeal.
65. He has been in such a condition for two centuries. Does he assess
time as he did when alive, that is, time seems to last longer or
shorter? – A. It seems longer to him. There is no sleep.
66. We were told that there is no time to the spirit and that a century
is a spot in eternity to them. Shouldn’t that be the same to all? –
A. Certainly not. It is like that only to the spirits who have arrived
at a high elevation but to the inferior spirits time is sometimes
longer, especially when they suffer.
67. This spirit is severely punished for his crime. Well, you told us
that before that existence he had lived among barbarians. He must
have done things then at least as atrocious as his latest crime. He
was punished in the same way? – A. He was less punished because
he was more ignorant and did not understand as much the reach
of things.
OBSERVATION: All observations confirm this fact, strictly according
to God’s justice, that the penalties are proportional not to
the nature of the fault but to the level of intelligence of the guilty
one and the ability to understand the harm that has been done.
Hence, an apparently not so serious fault could be more severely
punished on a civilized person than a barbarian act by a savage.
68. Is the state of this spirit what is ordinarily called “damned”? – A.
Certainly, and there are cases even more terrible. The sufferings
are far from being the same to everyone, even on similar crimes,
since they vary depending if the spirit is more or less accessible
to regret. For him the house where he committed the crime is
his hell; others carry it on themselves, tormented by the passions
which cannot be satisfied.
OBSERVATION: In fact we have seen some greedy spirits suffering
before the sight of gold which became a mere illusion to them;
proud spirits tormented by the envy of seeing others awarded by an
honor which should be theirs; people who held positions of command
on Earth, humiliated by the invisible power embarrassing
them to obey and by the vision of their subordinates who no longer
bow before them; atheists suffering the anguishes of uncertainty,
finding themselves completely isolated in the enormity of space,
not finding a single being to clarify them. In the world of the spirits
if there is joy in all virtues, there are penalties to all faults and those
which are not reached by humans’ law will be by those of God.
69. Despite his inferiority this spirit feels the good effect of prayer.
We have seen the same with other spirits equally perverse and
of a brute nature. How come the more enlightened spirits, of a
more developed intelligence, show complete absence of good feelings;
they laugh at most sacred things; In short, nothing touches them and they never give up on their cynicism? – A. The prayer
has effect only on a remorseful spirit. The spirit that is rebellious
against God, just out of pride, and persists on his deviations, still
making them worse like the unfortunate spirits, to them prayer
cannot do and will not be able to do anything, but only when
a ray of regret manifests in them. The inefficacy of prayer is a
punishment to them. The prayer only relieves those who are not
totally hardened.
70. When we see a spirit inaccessible to the effects of prayer, is there
a reason for us to abstain from praying for him? – A. No, not at
all, for sooner or later he will overcome his rudeness and wake up
to healthier thoughts.
Sixth session – at the house of Mr. F…
71. Evocation – A. I am here.
72. Then, now you can leave Castelnaudary at will? – A. I am allowed
because I am taking your good advices.
73. Do you feel any relief? – A. I begin to have hope.
74. If we could see you how would your appearance be? – A. You
would see me with a shirt and without the dagger.
75. Why would you no longer have the dagger? What have you done
to that? – A. I curse it. God spares me from such a vision.
76. If Mr. D… Jr. was to return to the house, would you still cause
him any harm? – A. No because I am regretful.
77. And if he still wanted to challenge you? – A. Oh! Don’t ask
me that. I could not control myself. This would be beyond my
strengths… I am just a wretched one.
78. Mr. D… Jr.’s prayers would be more beneficial than the others to
you? – A. Yes, since it was him that I hurt the most.
79. That is it then, we will continue to do whatever we can for you. – A.
Thank you. At last I found charitable souls in you.
Seventh session
80. Evocation of the murdered man. – A. I am here.
81. What was your name in life? – A. My name was Pierre Dupont
82. What did you do for living? – A. I was a butcher in Castelnaudary,
where my brother murdered me on May 6th, 1608; by Charles
Dupont, my elder brother, with a dagger, in the middle of the
83. What was the cause of the crime? – A. My brother thought
that I was courting a woman that he was fond of and that I saw
often, but he was mistaken since I had never given any thought
to that.
84. How did he kill you? – A. I was asleep. He cut my throat and
then my heart. I woke up, tried to fight but succumbed.
85. Have you forgiven him? – A. Yes, at the time of his death, 200
years ago.
86. How old was he when he died? – A. He was 80 years old.
87. He was not punished when alive? – A. No.
88. Who was accused of your death? – A. Nobody. Over those
confusing times no one would give attention to these things. It
would be useless.
89. What happened to the woman? – A. Soon after she was killed
by my brother, in my house.
90. Why did he kill her? – A. Broken heart. He had married her
before my death.
Eighth session
91. Why he does not speak about the murder of that woman? – A.
Because my death is the worst to him.
92. Evocation of the murdered woman. – A. I am here.
93. What was your name in those days? – A. Marguerite Aeder,
Mrs. Dupont.
94. For how long were you married? – A. For five years.
95. Pierre told us that his brother was suspicious of criminal relationship
between the two of you. Is that true? – A. There was
no criminal relationship between Pierre and I. Don’t you believe
in that.
96. How long after the death of his brother Charles murdered you? –
A. Two years later.
97. What was his motive? – A. Jealousy and his intention of keeping
my money.
98. Could you describe the circumstances of the crime? – A. He
grabbed me and hit me in the head with his butcher’s knife, at
my place of work.
99. How come he was not prosecuted? – A. What for? In those dismal
days it was all chaos.
100. Had Charles’ jealousy any foundation? – A. Yes, but that did
not authorize him to commit such a crime since we are all sinners
in this world.
101. For how long had you been married when Pierre died? – A. For
three years.
102. Could you tell us the exact date of your death? – A. Yes, May
3rd, 1610.
103. What was thought of Pierre’s death? – A. It was made believe
that it was murder after robbery.
OBSERVATION: Whatever may be the authenticity of the
reported facts, which seem difficult to control, there is a remarkable
thing: the precision and accuracy of the dates and
all events. Such a circumstance is in itself a curious subject
for study, if we take into account the fact that the three spirits
were evoked at different times and show no contradiction.
What seemed to confirm their words is the fact that the main
offender in the case, evoked by another medium, gave identical
Ninth session
104. Evocation of Mr. D… - A. I am here.
105. We would like to ask you about some details of the circumstances
of your death. Could you give us that? – A. In good will.
106. Did you know that a spirit haunted the house you were living
in? – A. Yes, but I wanted to challenge him and I was wrong. It
would have been better if I had prayed for him.
OBSERVATION: One can see from this that the means generally
employed by us to get rid of the unwelcome spirits are not
the most efficient. Our threats excite them more than intimidate.
Benevolence and commiseration have more power than
the use of coercive means, which irritate them, or the use of
formulas which are laughed at.
107. How did that spirit appear to you? – A. When I came home he
was visible, staring at me. I could not escape. He became my
horror and I expired under the horrifying sight of that spirit
which I had neglected and to whom I had shown so little charity.
108. Couldn’t you cry for help? – A. Impossible. My time had come
and that is how I should die.
109. What was his appearance? – A. A furious spirit, ready to devour
110. Was your death painful? – A. Terribly.
111. Did you die suddenly? – A. No. It was two hours later.
112. What were your thoughts when you felt dying? – A. I could not
think; I was taken by an indescribable horror.
113. Was the apparition visible till the end? – A. Yes, it did not leave
my poor spirit for a single moment.
114. When your poor spirit was freed, were you aware of the cause
of your death? – A. No. It was the end. It was only later that I
115. Could you tell us the date of your death? – A. Yes, it was August
9th, 1853 (the precise date has not been verified yet but it seems
more or less accurate).
Tenth session, at the Society on January 13th, 1860
When this spirit was evoked on December 9th, St. Louis gave the
advice of having him evoked again after one month, in order to assess
the progress which might have happened in that interval. It has
already been possible to verify, through the communications of Mr.
and Mrs. F…, the changes in his thoughts, thanks to the influence
of prayers and the good advices. After a little bit more than a month
after his first evocation he was evoked again at the Society, on January
116. Evocation. – A. I am here.
117. Do you remember been called here about a month ago? – A.
How could I forget?
118. Why couldn’t you write on that occasion? – A. I didn’t want to.
119. Why didn’t you? – A. Ignorance and rudeness.
120. Have your ideas changed since then? – A. A lot. Several among
you have been compassionate and prayed for me.
121. Do you confirm all the information given by you and your
victims? – A. If I did not confirm them it would be the same
as saying that it was not me who provided them… and it was
122. Can you foresee the end of your punishment? – A. Oh! Not
yet, but knowing that they will not last forever, thanks to your
intervention, it is already much more than I deserve.
123. Describe your situation before our first evocation. Please understand
that we ask that as a means of our instruction and not as
an item of curiosity. – A. I have already told you that I wasn’t
aware of anything and just had the ability of moving in space
where everything was darkness and solitude. I could not give you an idea of the meaning of all that because I have never understood
it myself. As long as I was elevated in the air it was all
black and empty around me; I don’t know what that was. Today
I experience much more remorse but, as the communications
demonstrate to you, I am no longer forced to stay in that lethal
house; I am allowed to wander around Earth and try to learn
from my observations. Now I understand better the enormity
of my mistakes. If I suffer less on one side, on the other side the
tortures increase through remorse, but at least I have hope now.
124. If you had to take a corporeal existence what would your choice
be? – A. I have not seen enough, nor given enough thought to
125. Do you see your victims? – A. Oh! May God keep me!
OBSERVATION: It has always been said that the presence of
the victims is one of the torments of the offender. This spirit had
not seen them yet because he was in isolation and in darkness,
which was a punishment in itself, but he fears their presence and
that is perhaps a complement to his punishment.
126. During your long isolation, say, your captivity, did you feel any
remorse? – A. Not in the least and that is why I suffered so
much. I only began to feel it, despite my will, when the circumstances
for my evocation were provoked, to which I owe the
beginning of my liberation. Thank you all who had mercy on
me and enlightened me.
OBSERVATION: This evocation was not casual. Since it was
supposed to be useful to that unfortunate creature, the spirits
who cared for him noticing that he was beginning to understand
the enormity of his crimes, judged that the time had come to
provide him with efficient help, and then created the favorable
circumstances. It is an occurrence that we have seen repeated often. On a related matter, we were asked what would have become
of him if we could not have been able to evoke him, as well
as all other suffering spirits that cannot be evoked either, and of
whom nobody thinks. The answer is that God’s avenues for the
salvation of the beings are countless. Evocation may be a means
of supporting it but certainly it is not the only one. God forgets
nobody. As a matter of fact, the collective prayers may also have
influence upon spirits who are accessible to regret.
Spontaneous Communications
Estelle RiquierSociety, January 13th, 1860
I am consumed by boredom, grief, and despair. Guilty wife, cruel mother, I abandoned the sacred joys of my family; the matrimonial dwelling beautified by the presence of two little angels from heavens. Dragged by the paths of addiction, by a limitless egotism, pride and vanity, a woman with no heart, I conspired against the sacred love of the one who God and people had given me as the support of my life. He hopelessly sought the refuge of death against my coward abandonment and dishonor.
Christ forgave the adulterous woman and the regretful Magdalene. The adulterous woman had loved and Magdalene repented. But I, miserable one, I sold dearly a false love which I had never felt. I sowed pleasure and did not harvest but neglect. The horrible misery and cruel hunger brought an end to a hateful life… and I did not regret! And I, miserable and infamous, oh! How often have I employed my influence as a spirit, leading poor women to the vice, women that I saw virtuous and in good health, enjoying the happiness which I had neglected? Will God ever forgive me? Perhaps, if the disgust inspired in you doesn’t prevent you from praying for the unfortunate Estelle Riquier.
OBSERVATION: The following questions were addressed to this uncalled spirit, and unknown to the audience.
1. When have you died? – A. Fifty years ago.
2. Where did you live? – A. In Paris.
3. What was your husband’s social echelon? – A. Middle class.
4. How old were you when you died? – A. I was 32.
5. How have you come spontaneously to communicate with us? – A. It was allowed for your instruction and to serve as an example.
6. Did you have any education? – Yes.
7. We hope that God will take into account the honesty of your confession and your regret. We wish God may be merciful to you and send good spirits to clarify you regarding the means of repairing your past. – A. Oh! Thank you, thank you! May God hear you!
OBSERVATION: Several people informed us that they consider a duty to pray for the suffering spirits that we have indicated and who ask for help. We wish these charitable thoughts may spread among our readers. Some received the spontaneous visit of the spirits to whom they addressed their good wishes, who came to thank them.
I am consumed by boredom, grief, and despair. Guilty wife, cruel mother, I abandoned the sacred joys of my family; the matrimonial dwelling beautified by the presence of two little angels from heavens. Dragged by the paths of addiction, by a limitless egotism, pride and vanity, a woman with no heart, I conspired against the sacred love of the one who God and people had given me as the support of my life. He hopelessly sought the refuge of death against my coward abandonment and dishonor.
Christ forgave the adulterous woman and the regretful Magdalene. The adulterous woman had loved and Magdalene repented. But I, miserable one, I sold dearly a false love which I had never felt. I sowed pleasure and did not harvest but neglect. The horrible misery and cruel hunger brought an end to a hateful life… and I did not regret! And I, miserable and infamous, oh! How often have I employed my influence as a spirit, leading poor women to the vice, women that I saw virtuous and in good health, enjoying the happiness which I had neglected? Will God ever forgive me? Perhaps, if the disgust inspired in you doesn’t prevent you from praying for the unfortunate Estelle Riquier.
OBSERVATION: The following questions were addressed to this uncalled spirit, and unknown to the audience.
1. When have you died? – A. Fifty years ago.
2. Where did you live? – A. In Paris.
3. What was your husband’s social echelon? – A. Middle class.
4. How old were you when you died? – A. I was 32.
5. How have you come spontaneously to communicate with us? – A. It was allowed for your instruction and to serve as an example.
6. Did you have any education? – Yes.
7. We hope that God will take into account the honesty of your confession and your regret. We wish God may be merciful to you and send good spirits to clarify you regarding the means of repairing your past. – A. Oh! Thank you, thank you! May God hear you!
OBSERVATION: Several people informed us that they consider a duty to pray for the suffering spirits that we have indicated and who ask for help. We wish these charitable thoughts may spread among our readers. Some received the spontaneous visit of the spirits to whom they addressed their good wishes, who came to thank them.
Present Time
Society, January 20th, 1860
You are guided by the true Genius of Christianity, as I told you. Christ himself presides over every work in progress, opening up the era of renovation and betterment predicted by your spiritual guides. In fact, if you look to the contemporary events, beyond the spiritist manifestations, you will undoubtedly recognize the precursor signs inexorably demonstrating that the time has come.
Communications are established among all peoples and the material barriers are knocked down. The moral obstacles opposed to their union; the political and religious prejudices will quickly fade away and the kingdom of fraternity will then be definitely established and everlasting. Behold, - something incredible to us - the sovereigns themselves, as if guided by invisible hand, from now on are taking the initiative of the reforms; and the reforms which spontaneously come from the top are faster and more long-lived than those which forcibly come from the bottom. Despite the prejudices of childhood and education, and the cult of the past, I have foreseen the current times. I am happy for that and even more so for having come to tell you: “Courage brothers! Work for you and your family’s future. Work for your personal improvement, before anything else, and you will enjoy in your new existence a happiness which is as much difficult to imagine as it is to me to explain it to you.
You are guided by the true Genius of Christianity, as I told you. Christ himself presides over every work in progress, opening up the era of renovation and betterment predicted by your spiritual guides. In fact, if you look to the contemporary events, beyond the spiritist manifestations, you will undoubtedly recognize the precursor signs inexorably demonstrating that the time has come.
Communications are established among all peoples and the material barriers are knocked down. The moral obstacles opposed to their union; the political and religious prejudices will quickly fade away and the kingdom of fraternity will then be definitely established and everlasting. Behold, - something incredible to us - the sovereigns themselves, as if guided by invisible hand, from now on are taking the initiative of the reforms; and the reforms which spontaneously come from the top are faster and more long-lived than those which forcibly come from the bottom. Despite the prejudices of childhood and education, and the cult of the past, I have foreseen the current times. I am happy for that and even more so for having come to tell you: “Courage brothers! Work for you and your family’s future. Work for your personal improvement, before anything else, and you will enjoy in your new existence a happiness which is as much difficult to imagine as it is to me to explain it to you.
The Bells
Obtained by Mr. Pécher Society, January 13th, 1860
Can you tell me why have I always liked the sound of bells? The reason is that the soul of a person who thinks or suffers always tries to withdraw when feeling that mute happiness which awakes in us the vague memories of a past existence. That sound is a translation of Christ’s words that have been vibrating in the air for eighteen centuries. It is the voice of hope. How many hearts has it comforted! How much strength has it given to the believing humanity! The divine voice has terrified those people who were great in their times. They were scared of that because the truth that they had subdued made them tremble. Christ showed that to everyone. They killed the Christ but not the idea. His sacred word had been understood. It was immortal and yet how often has your heart been taken by doubt! How often has the individual accused God of unfairness! He exclaimed: My God, what have I done? Has disgrace followed me since birth? Am I then destined to follow this avenue which breaks my heart? There seems to be a fatality chained to my feet. I feel the strength failing me. I will break this life. At this point in time God shines a ray of hope onto your heart. A friendly hand removes the blindfold of materialism from your eyes and a voice from heavens tells you: Look at that bright light in the horizon. It is a sacred fire from God. That flame must illuminate and purify the world. It must make that light penetrate human’s heart and from there break the darkness that covers his eyes. Some people pretended to have brought you light only to produce a mist which lost you in the straight path. Don’t be blind, you to whom God shows the light. It is Spiritism that allows you to lift the tip of the veil which covered your past. Look at what you were and think. Bow before our Creator’s justice. Glorify God for giving you the courage to persist in your chosen trials. Christ said: “…for all who draw the sword will die by the sword.” Such an absolutely spiritist thought contains the mystery of your sufferings. May hope in God’s benevolence give you courage and faith! Always listen to that voice which vibrates in your hearts. It is up to you to understand with wisdom and elevate your soul with fraternal thoughts. May the wealthy reach out to the unfortunate ones, since the wealth was not given for their personal pleasures, but to be God’s helper and God shall have you reporting to him the use you gave to that richness. Your virtues are the only wealth acknowledged by God; the only one which you shall carry when leaving this world. Let the false scholars talk, those who call you crazy. It may well be that tomorrow they will request your prayers since God will judge them.
From your daughter, who loves you and prays for you.
Can you tell me why have I always liked the sound of bells? The reason is that the soul of a person who thinks or suffers always tries to withdraw when feeling that mute happiness which awakes in us the vague memories of a past existence. That sound is a translation of Christ’s words that have been vibrating in the air for eighteen centuries. It is the voice of hope. How many hearts has it comforted! How much strength has it given to the believing humanity! The divine voice has terrified those people who were great in their times. They were scared of that because the truth that they had subdued made them tremble. Christ showed that to everyone. They killed the Christ but not the idea. His sacred word had been understood. It was immortal and yet how often has your heart been taken by doubt! How often has the individual accused God of unfairness! He exclaimed: My God, what have I done? Has disgrace followed me since birth? Am I then destined to follow this avenue which breaks my heart? There seems to be a fatality chained to my feet. I feel the strength failing me. I will break this life. At this point in time God shines a ray of hope onto your heart. A friendly hand removes the blindfold of materialism from your eyes and a voice from heavens tells you: Look at that bright light in the horizon. It is a sacred fire from God. That flame must illuminate and purify the world. It must make that light penetrate human’s heart and from there break the darkness that covers his eyes. Some people pretended to have brought you light only to produce a mist which lost you in the straight path. Don’t be blind, you to whom God shows the light. It is Spiritism that allows you to lift the tip of the veil which covered your past. Look at what you were and think. Bow before our Creator’s justice. Glorify God for giving you the courage to persist in your chosen trials. Christ said: “…for all who draw the sword will die by the sword.” Such an absolutely spiritist thought contains the mystery of your sufferings. May hope in God’s benevolence give you courage and faith! Always listen to that voice which vibrates in your hearts. It is up to you to understand with wisdom and elevate your soul with fraternal thoughts. May the wealthy reach out to the unfortunate ones, since the wealth was not given for their personal pleasures, but to be God’s helper and God shall have you reporting to him the use you gave to that richness. Your virtues are the only wealth acknowledged by God; the only one which you shall carry when leaving this world. Let the false scholars talk, those who call you crazy. It may well be that tomorrow they will request your prayers since God will judge them.
From your daughter, who loves you and prays for you.
Family Advices
(Continuation – read at the Society on January 20th, 1860 – see January issue of the Review)
My dear children, in my preceding instructions I advised you with calmness and courage; however, not all of you show them as you should. You must consider that apologies do not mitigate pain. On the contrary, it tends to increase it. A good advice, a good word, a smile, a simple gesture gives strength and courage. A drop of tear softens the heart instead of hardening it. Cry, if your heart drives you to that but may it happen in solitude and not in the presence of those who need all of your energy or strength which a single tear or a sigh of sadness may diminish and weaken. We all need encouragement and nothing better than a friendly voice, a benevolent look, and a word from the heart. When I advised you to get together it was not to gather your tears and sufferings; it was not to drive you to the prayers which only demonstrate good intention but to unite your thoughts, your collective endeavors; so that you could mutually advise one another, and as a group you must try to triumph over the obstacles instead of sharing your sadness. A beggar will ask God for his subsistence in vain since it shall not fall from heavens. He must work and however little he may get that will have a greater value than all prayers. Useful work is the most pleasing prayer to God, whatever the work is. I repeat: the prayer only demonstrates a good intention, a good feeling; however it only produces a moral effect, because it is all moral. It is excellent as a consolation to the soul because the soul that sincerely prays finds relief to their moral sufferings. Outside of these effects and those which come from the prayers, as I have explained to you on other instructions, you must wait for nothing, since you will meet deception. Then, follow exactly my advices. Do not be content in asking God to help you. You must help yourselves and that is how you will demonstrate the authenticity of your prayers. In fact, it would be too easy to just ask for something in your prayers to have it granted. It would be the greatest stimulus to laziness and to the neglect of the good deeds. I could elaborate even further about it but it would be too much for you. Your level of advancement does not accommodate it. Think about this instruction, as about the preceding ones, for those are intended to occupy your minds for a long time. They have the embryonic teachings of everything which you shall learn in the future. Follow my previous advices.
Allan Kardec
My dear children, in my preceding instructions I advised you with calmness and courage; however, not all of you show them as you should. You must consider that apologies do not mitigate pain. On the contrary, it tends to increase it. A good advice, a good word, a smile, a simple gesture gives strength and courage. A drop of tear softens the heart instead of hardening it. Cry, if your heart drives you to that but may it happen in solitude and not in the presence of those who need all of your energy or strength which a single tear or a sigh of sadness may diminish and weaken. We all need encouragement and nothing better than a friendly voice, a benevolent look, and a word from the heart. When I advised you to get together it was not to gather your tears and sufferings; it was not to drive you to the prayers which only demonstrate good intention but to unite your thoughts, your collective endeavors; so that you could mutually advise one another, and as a group you must try to triumph over the obstacles instead of sharing your sadness. A beggar will ask God for his subsistence in vain since it shall not fall from heavens. He must work and however little he may get that will have a greater value than all prayers. Useful work is the most pleasing prayer to God, whatever the work is. I repeat: the prayer only demonstrates a good intention, a good feeling; however it only produces a moral effect, because it is all moral. It is excellent as a consolation to the soul because the soul that sincerely prays finds relief to their moral sufferings. Outside of these effects and those which come from the prayers, as I have explained to you on other instructions, you must wait for nothing, since you will meet deception. Then, follow exactly my advices. Do not be content in asking God to help you. You must help yourselves and that is how you will demonstrate the authenticity of your prayers. In fact, it would be too easy to just ask for something in your prayers to have it granted. It would be the greatest stimulus to laziness and to the neglect of the good deeds. I could elaborate even further about it but it would be too much for you. Your level of advancement does not accommodate it. Think about this instruction, as about the preceding ones, for those are intended to occupy your minds for a long time. They have the embryonic teachings of everything which you shall learn in the future. Follow my previous advices.
Allan Kardec
Bulletin of the Society of Spiritist StudiesFriday, January 27th, 1860
(General Session)
Minutes of the January 20th session read and approved. A request for admission was received. Its reading, analysis and approval were postponed to the next private session.
1st – Letter from Mr. Hinderson Mackenzie, from London, member of the Royal Antiques Society, with very interesting details about the use of metallic or crystal balls, as a means of obtaining spiritist communications. This is what he uses with the support of a special clairvoyant medium, according to the advices of one of his friends, who has used this method for thirty-five years, with the most complete and conclusive experiences. The medium sees the answers to the questions on a kind of mirror surface, producing welldeveloped communications, occasionally obtained so quickly that it is hard to follow him.
(General Session)
Minutes of the January 20th session read and approved. A request for admission was received. Its reading, analysis and approval were postponed to the next private session.
1st – Letter from Mr. Hinderson Mackenzie, from London, member of the Royal Antiques Society, with very interesting details about the use of metallic or crystal balls, as a means of obtaining spiritist communications. This is what he uses with the support of a special clairvoyant medium, according to the advices of one of his friends, who has used this method for thirty-five years, with the most complete and conclusive experiences. The medium sees the answers to the questions on a kind of mirror surface, producing welldeveloped communications, occasionally obtained so quickly that it is hard to follow him.
2nd – Reading of an article from the Siècle of January 22nd, from which
the following passage is extracted: “The tables spoke, turned and danced well before the American cult which pretends to have originated them.
That ball dance of chairs was already famous in Rome, in the first centuries
of our era, and here is how Tertulian expressed it in Chapter XXIII
of the Apologetic, when talking about the mediums of his time: “If the
magicians are supposed to make ghosts appear, evoke the soul of the dead,
and force children’s mouth to act like oracles; if these charlatans imitate
a large number of miracles which, as it seems, are due to the circles and
connections established among individuals; if they provoke sleep, if they
make conjurations, if they command liar spirits and demons, the tables
and chairs that prophesize are a common fact, etc.”
Regarding that, it is necessary to notice that modern Spiritists have
never pretended to have invented or discovered the manifestations. On
the contrary, they constantly reinforce the antiquity and universality of
the spiritist phenomena and that very antiquity is an argument in favor
of the Doctrine, demonstrating that its principle is in nature and that it
is not a product of a systematic combination. Those who intend to impose
such idea onto the Doctrine demonstrate that they speak without the
knowledge of its fundamentals, otherwise they would know that modern
Spiritism is based on the undisputable fact that it is present in all times
and among all peoples.
1st – Questions raised about the phenomena of the metallic or crystal balls
as a means of obtaining communications. The answer is: “The theory
of such phenomenon cannot be explained yet; we need some previous
knowledge to understand that, which will come on their own time and
will be the result of future observations. That shall happen in due time.”
2nd – New evocation of Urbain Grandier, who confirms and complements
certain historical facts and that in addition provides explanations
which come to support what have already been said about planet Saturn.
3rd – Two spontaneous essays obtained simultaneously: the first from
Abelard, by Mr. Roze; the second from John, the Baptist, by Mr. Colin.
Next, and since it was requested that an unfortunate spirit who had
asked for help through prayers would come to communicate spontaneously,
one of the mediums wrote the following: “Bless your heart for having
accepted to pray in favor of this evoked useless and unclean spirit, who
is still and so shamefully attached to his miserable wealth. You receive the
sincere thanks of Father Crépin.”
Friday, February 3rd, 1860
(Private Session)
The minutes of the January 27th session were approved. Reading of the
names of the observers who attended the last general assembly. No inconvenience
was noted due to their presence.
Dr. Gotti, director of the Homeopathic Institute of Genoa (Piedmont),
is accepted as a corresponding member. Reading of two new requests for
admission, postponed to the next session.
1st – Mr. Allan Kardec announces that a lady from the countryside
who is a subscriber of the Review, sent him the amount
of ten thousand francs to be utilized in favor of Spiritism. She
received an unexpected inheritance which she never counted on
thus she wishes that it be shared by the Spiritist Doctrine to
whom she owes supreme consolations and her learning about
the true conditions of happiness in this life and in the next. She
says in her letter: “You made me understand Spiritism, showing
me its true objective. Only Spiritism could triumph over
the doubts and uncertainties which were a source of indescribable
anxiety to me. I used to take life lightheartedly, cursing
the stones in my path. I now see clearly around me and before
me. The horizon has widened and I march firmly, confident in the future, not bothering with the thorns on the way. I wish
that this meager offering can help you to share with others the
blessed light which made me so happy. Use it as you will. I don’t
want a receipt or any expense report. The only thing I require is
the strictest anonymity.”
Mr. Allan Kardec adds: “I shall respect the veil of modesty
covering this person and will endeavor to correspond to her generous
intentions. I cannot see a better way of using such a donation
but in providing the Society with the necessary means of
installation to give it more favorable conditions to its works.”
A member voices his opinion that he is sorry for this person’s
anonymity since the Society cannot pay her back with tributes of
Mr. Allan Kardec replies that since the donation has no other
specific application other then Spiritism in general, he will take
care of it, in the name of all serious followers of Spiritism. He insists
in the qualification of “serious followers”, considering when
one cannot put their name to that, who cannot understand its elevated
moral consequences, only seeing in Spiritism the subject of
phenomena and experimentation, and even less to take advantage
of that or leading others to do as well.
2nd – Mr. President entrusted the office of the Society with a
sealed letter sent by Dr. Vignal, a regular member, which can only
be opened at the end of March next.
3rd – Mr. Netz sends an issue of the periodical Illustration,
reporting an apparition. The fact will be the object of a special
1st – An observation about visions on certain bodies, like glasses,
crystal or metallic balls, and etc., discussed in the last session, was presented. Mr. Allan Kardec thinks that the expression “magic mirror”
commonly given to such objects must be carefully avoided. He
proposes that they should be called “psychic mirrors”. In the opinion
of several members of the assembly, the name “psychographic mirrors”
would correspond better to the nature of the phenomenon.
2nd – Dr. Vignal, who offered to be the subject of study about
the spirits of living persons, is evoked. He answers the questions
with perfect lucidity. Two other spirits, the one of Castelnaudary
and that of Dr. Cauviere, communicate simultaneously through
another medium, resulting in a very instructive exchange of observations.
At the end the doctors provide an essay each, showing
their renowned and elevated capacity (publication follows).
3rd – Two other spontaneous essays: the first one from Mr.
Francisco de Sales, by Mrs. Mallet; the second by Mr. Colin,
signed by Moses, Plato and later Julian.
Friday, February 10th, 1860
(General Session)
The minutes of the February 3rd session were approved.
A letter with a request for admission was received; the issue is to be
handled in the next private session.
The following note is transmitted by Mr. Soive, requesting that an evocation
be carried out if considered useful: “A certain Mr. T…, 35 years old,
residing at the Boulevard of the Hospital, was pursued by the persistent
thought of having involuntarily killed a friend during a quarrel. Despite
everything that was done to persuade him, showing his living friend to
him, he thought that it was a ghost. Then, while tormented by the remorse
of an imaginary crime, he killed himself by asphyxiation”
The evocation of Mr. T… will be done, time allowing.
1st – Five spontaneous and simultaneous essays: the first through
Mr. Roze, signed by Lammenais; the second by Ms. Eugenie,
signed by Staël; the third by Mr. Colin, signed by Fourier; the
fourth by Ms. Huet, from a spirit who says that will give his name
later, announcing a series of communications; the fifth trough
Mr. Didier Junior, signed by Charlet.
2nd – After reading Fourier’s essay, the president makes an
observation to those persons strange to the Society, and who may
not know its procedures, about the fact that this communication,
in principle, seems to require comments; that among the manifesting
spirits there are those of all levels; that their communications
reflect their personal ideas, which are not always entirely
just. Following the advice given to the Society, those communications
are received as an expression of individual opinions, keeping
the Society of its own prerogative of judging them, submitting
them to the control of logic and reason. The understanding is
that the Society does not take as the final word that everything
coming from the spirits is of the essence. The spirit is revealed by
the communication, if good or bad, of Science or ignorance. The
communications are objects of study to the Society which accepts
what is good and rejects what is bad.
3rd – Evocation of Ms. Indermuhle, from Berne, deaf-mute
from birth, who is alive and thirty two years old. The evocation
is of great interest from a scientific as well as moral point of view,
given the sagacity and accuracy of the answers, indicating an advanced
4th – Evocation of Mr. T… who was mentioned earlier. He
gives signs of great agitation, breaking several pencils before
sketching a few lines, showing difficulty. The confusion of his
mind is evident; he initially insisted on the fact that he had killed his friend; he ends up agreeing that it was a persistent thought,
adding however that if he did not kill he had felt like doing it,
and if he did not do it, it was for lack of courage only. St. Louis
gives some explanations about the situation of that spirit and the
consequences of his suicide.
This evocation shall be repeated later, when the spirit is more
separated from the body.
Friday, February 17th, 1860
(Private Session)
The minutes of the February 10th session were read and approved.
The following persons were admitted as regular members, after a
written request and favorable opinion: Mrs. de Regnez, from Paris; Mr.
Indermuhle de Wytenbach, from Berne; Mrs. Lubrat, from Paris.
Two new requests for membership were read, decision postponed to
the next private session.
Mr. Allan Kardec transmits the following to the Society, regarding
the donation:
“If the lady benefactor does not request an expense report regarding
the use of the donated funds, I must not allow on my end that the
use of those funds not be submitted to a control. That amount will account
for the first contribution to a special fund which shall have nothing
in common with my personal businesses, being the object of a separate
bookkeeping, named Spiritism Fund. This fund will be augmented in
the future by funds from other sources, and it will be exclusively destined
to the needs of the Doctrine and the development of the spiritist studies.
One of my first actions will be the creation of a special library, thus providing
for what the Society currently lacks for its normal operation, as I
have already said.
Hence, I have asked several colleagues to take over the control of the
funds, attesting on the due dates which will be determined, the application of those funds. The committee will be formed by Mr. Solichon, Mr. Thiry,
Mr. Levent, Mr. Mialhe, Mr. Krafzoff and Mrs. Parisse.”
The communications received in the previous session were read.
The Society then dealt with several other administrative matters.
The Pre-Adamites
A letter that we have received contains the following passage:
“It must be forcibly admitted that the teaching of the spirits is absolutely founded on Christ’s moral and even much more developed than that found in the Gospels, since you show the application of what is sometimes just found as general principles. Regarding the existence of the spirits and their relationship with the human beings, to me it is not cause of any doubt. I would be convinced just by the testimony of the fathers of the Church, if I did not have the proof of my own experience. Hence, I do not raise any objection with that respect. The same cannot be said to certain points of your Doctrine, evidently contrary to the text of the Scriptures. At this point in time I shall limit myself to a single question relative to the first human being. You say that Adam was neither the only one nor the first to have inhabited Earth. In that case one would have to admit that the Bible is mistaken, since the starting point would be controversial. Notice the consequence of all that! I confess that such thought has made me confused. However, since I support the truth before anything else and faith has nothing to gain if based on a mistake, I ask you to kindly provide some clarification that, if your free time allows. And if you can bring peace to my conscience I will duly appreciate it.”
“It must be forcibly admitted that the teaching of the spirits is absolutely founded on Christ’s moral and even much more developed than that found in the Gospels, since you show the application of what is sometimes just found as general principles. Regarding the existence of the spirits and their relationship with the human beings, to me it is not cause of any doubt. I would be convinced just by the testimony of the fathers of the Church, if I did not have the proof of my own experience. Hence, I do not raise any objection with that respect. The same cannot be said to certain points of your Doctrine, evidently contrary to the text of the Scriptures. At this point in time I shall limit myself to a single question relative to the first human being. You say that Adam was neither the only one nor the first to have inhabited Earth. In that case one would have to admit that the Bible is mistaken, since the starting point would be controversial. Notice the consequence of all that! I confess that such thought has made me confused. However, since I support the truth before anything else and faith has nothing to gain if based on a mistake, I ask you to kindly provide some clarification that, if your free time allows. And if you can bring peace to my conscience I will duly appreciate it.”
The issue of Adam as the first man and the origin of humanity is not the
only one where religious beliefs have to change. There was a time when
Earth’s movements seemed so much opposed to the Scriptures that the
simple theory served as an excuse to almost all forms of persecution, and
yet Joshua did not hinder the Earth from turning by stopping the Sun.
Earth turns, despite the anathemas, and today nobody denies that without
hurting logic and reason.
By excavating the archives of Earth, Science has acknowledged the
timeline for the appearance of the living creatures on Earth’s surface. The
observation leaves space to no doubt with respect to the organic species
which belong to each period, and that order is in agreement with what is
found in the book of Genesis, with the difference that instead of having
miraculously left God’s hand in a few hours, the works were carried out
always following God’s wishes but according to the forces of the natural
laws, in a few million years. Will that diminish God or make God less
powerful? Will God’s works be less sublime for not having been instantaneous?
No, absolutely not. It would be necessary to have a very petty idea
of God in order to not recognize God’s omnipotence in the eternal laws
established by God to govern the worlds.
As Moses did, science places human beings at the last moment of
creation of the living beings, but Moses places the universal floods in
the year 1654 of the world, while Geology tells us that the great cataclysm
happened before humans, since there is no trace of human’s presence
in the primitive layers of Earth up to that time, or even of other
animals of the same category from a physical stand point. Yet, nothing
demonstrates that it would be impossible. Several discoveries have already
brought doubt about it. It is then possible that at any time there could be
certainty about such pre-existence of the human race. It is still to be determined
if the geological cataclysm whose traces are found everywhere is
the same as Noah’s flood. Well, the law of formation of fossil layers would
not allow them to be mixed up since the first one goes back perhaps a hundred thousand years. From the moment when traces of human’s presence
are found before the great catastrophe it will then be demonstrated
that Adam was not the first man, or that his creation is lost in the darkness
of the ages. Against evidence there is no possible argument. The
theologians should then accept the fact as done with the movements of
Earth and the six periods of creation. In reality the existence of humans
before the geological floods is still hypothetical but that is of less importance.
Supposing that humans had appeared on Earth for the first time
4,000 years before Christ, and that 1,650 years later the whole human
race was destroyed, with the exception of only one person, it means that
the inhabitation of Earth can only date from Noah’s time, that is 2,350
years before our time. Now, when the Hebrews immigrated to Egypt in
the XVIII century AC they found a well-inhabited country with a very
advanced civilization. History proves that India and other regions were
also flourishing in those days. Hence it would be necessary that between
the fourteenth and eighteenth centuries AC, that is, in a period of 600
years, not only the descendants of a single man could have inhabited all
known and immense regions of those days, supposing that the others were
not, but also that in such a short interval of time, the whole human race
could have been elevated from the most absolute ignorance of the primitive
state to the highest degree of intellectual development, in opposition
to every anthropological laws. On another hand, everything is explained
once the pre-existence of humans is accepted; Noah’s flood as a partial
catastrophe, confused with the geological cataclysm, and Adam who had
lived 6,000 years ago as having populated an uninhabited region. Again,
nothing could prevail against the evidence of facts. Thus it would be sensible
not to take a position too lightly, against doctrines which sooner or
later, and as many others have, may show a lack of reason and then lay
blame on those who combat them. Far from losing out, is when religious
ideas aggrandize with Science. It is the way of not giving rise to skepticism,
by showing a vulnerable side.
What would become of religion if it remained engrained against evidence;
if it persisted with the anathema against all who would not accept the text of the Scriptures? The result of that would be the impossibility
to be a Catholic without believing in the movement of the Sun, in the six
days of creation and 6,000 years of Earth. One can only wonder about
what would be the remaining number of Catholics these days. Will you
also proscribe those who do not take the letter of the text regarding the
allegory of the tree and its fruit, Adam’s rib, the serpent, etc.? Religion
shall always be strong by marching shoulder to shoulder with Science,
for it shall be connected to the enlightened layer of the population. That
is the only way of denying the prejudice of superficial people that makes
religion to be considered an antagonist of progress. If at any time – should
God disallow that – religion would repel the evidence of facts and would
then send serious people away, provoking a schism, since nothing can
prevail against evidence.
Therefore the high Theology, which counts on the support of knowledgeable
people, admits reasonable interpretation to several controversial
points. It is only regrettable the fact that those interpretations are reserved
to the privileged, continuing to teach by the book in schools. The result
is that those books initially accepted by the children, are later repelled
when they arrive at the age of reason. Since they don’t have anything else
for compensation, they just reject everything, adding up to the number
of absolute skepticism. Much to the contrary, you must give children only
what reason can admit later, and the developing reason will only strengthen
that on the pre-established foundations. We believe that we do a real
service to the true interest of religion by speaking like that. Religion shall
always be respected if it is in agreement with reality and when not turned
into allegories whose truthfulness cannot be accepted by common sense.
A Healing Medium
Ms. Désirée Godu, from Hennebon (Morbihan)
We refer our readers to the previous month’s article about the special mediums. The explanations that will be given below about Ms. Désirée Godu will be better understood – her faculty has a seal of remarkable specialty.
We refer our readers to the previous month’s article about the special mediums. The explanations that will be given below about Ms. Désirée Godu will be better understood – her faculty has a seal of remarkable specialty.
About eight years ago she went successively through all phases of
mediumship. In the beginning she was a powerful medium of physical
effects, then she turned into clairvoyant, hearing, speaking, writing medium
and finally all of her faculties concentrated on healing people, which
seems to be her mission and that she accomplishes with a boundless devotion.
Let us see below the comments from Mr. Pierre, a professor from
Lorient, who shares these details with us, responding to the questions that
we addressed to him.
“Ms. Désirée Godu is twenty five years old, belonging to a distinct
and respectable family in Lorient. Her father is a former officer of the
military, a Knight of the Legion of Honor, and her mother a patient and
laborious lady, who helps her daughter the best she can in her painstaking
but sublime mission. For about six years the patriarchal family has been
giving away alms of prescribed medication, and sometimes everything
necessary to the treatment of the poor as well as the rich who seek their
help. Their relationship with the spirits started at the time of the turning tables. During that time she lived in Loirent and for months the only
subject of conversation in town was the wonders operated by Ms. Godu
with the tables, always complacent and kind under her hands. It was a
privilege to be admitted into the sessions with the table in her house and
they would hardly accept anyone. Always simple and modest she never
sought the spotlight. Slander however, did not spare her, as expected.
Christ himself was mocked although he only did and taught good things.
Is it surprising that there are Pharisees when there are men who still don’t
believe anything? That is the fate of whoever shows any superiority, of
being exposed to the attacks of mediocre jealousy and envy. It doesn’t
take them much to knock down anyone who raises their head above the
crowds, not even the poison of calumny. The debunked hypocrite never
forgives but God is just and the more the righteous man is mistreated, the
brightest his rehabilitation is and the most humiliating is the shame of his
enemies. Posterity will avenge them.”
“While waiting for her true mission which is said would begin in two
years, her guardian spirit proposed to heal all kinds of diseases, which she
accepted. He now uses her own organs to communicate, instead of rapping
on the table, and often against her will. When the spirit speaks, her
tone of voice is no longer the same, her lips barely moving.”
“Ms. Godu went through regular schooling but the main part of her
education could not have been given by human beings. When she agreed
to become a healing medium the spirit followed a methodic process of
instruction and the only thing that she could see were hands. A mysterious
spirit would then lay books, pictures and drawings before her eyes,
explaining the functionality of the whole human body, the properties of
plants, the effects of electricity, etc. She is not a somnambulist. She is
never put to sleep. She is very awake and able to penetrate the illness of
her patients with her eyes. The spirit indicates the medication that she
generally prepares and applies, treating the most revolting wounds with
the dedication of a charitable sister. They began by giving her the composition
of certain preparations which healed skin rash and wounds of
lesser importance and in a few days, aiming at slowly adapting her to all the dreadful and repulsive miseries which would come before her eyes,
putting her finesse and kindness to the toughest tests. Do not imagine
her as a suffering, weak person. She enjoys “mens sana in corpore sano” in
all its plenitude.
Far from having someone else to treat the patients directly, she is the
one that puts her hands on all, and she is suffice to do all, thanks to
her resolute constitution. She knows how to inspire endless hope onto
the patients. Her heart finds consolation to all ailments and her hands
provide medicine to all sufferings. She is naturally outgoing and happy.
Her joyfulness is contagious like her faith that instantly act upon her patients.
I saw many people leaving her place with tears in their eyes, tears of
thoughtful admiration, appreciation and joy. The house is never empty on
Thursdays, open market day, and every Sunday from six am to five or six
pm. Work is a prayer to her and she does that consciously. Before treating
the ill she used to spend entire days sewing clothes to the poor and newly
born, employing ingenious ways of ensuring that the donations would get
to their destination anonymously so that the left hand never knew what
the right hand did. She got a large number of authentic certificates from
priests, authorities and celebrities, attesting her cures which in other times
would be considered miraculous.”
We know that there is no exaggeration in the report above by the testimony
of trustworthy people, giving us the satisfaction of pointing out to the
use made by Ms. Godu of an exceptional faculty given to her. We hope
that the praises which we have the pleasure of reproducing here will not
affect her modesty, which doubles the worth of her good deeds, and that
she will not listen to the suggestions of pride. Pride is the major obstacle to
a large number of mediums and we have seen many whose transcending
gifts were annihilated or perverted, as soon as they listened to that tempting
devil. The best intentions cannot hinder its traps, and it is precisely
against the good ones that pride charges its weapons, since prides takes satisfaction by showing who is stronger. Pride sneaks in with such skills
that the heart is frequently and unsuspectedly full of that. Thus, pride is
the last defect that we confess to ourselves, similarly to those fatal diseases
which one carries in a latent state, whose real seriousness misleads the
person up to the last moment. That is why it is so difficult to get rid of it.
As long as the medium has a gift, however little importance it may have,
the medium is sought, praised, flattered. This becomes a terrible touchstone
to the medium, for the medium ends up by feeling indispensable if
the person is not profoundly simple and modest. That is disgraceful to
the medium, particularly if persuaded that he or she only communicates
with good spirits. The medium can hardly acknowledge that he was deceived
thus he often writes or hears his own condemnation or censorship,
not believing that he is the target of such a thing. Well, it is precisely
that blindness which holds the medium hostage. The deceiving spirits
take advantage of that to fascinate, dominate, and subjugate the medium
more and more, to the point of making him accept the falsest things as
truthful. That is how the precious gift received from God is lost, a gift
only given to the benefit of their brothers and sisters, because the good
spirits leave as soon as someone prefers to listen to the bad ones. Someone
that has chosen to be highlighted shall be so by the force of things and
the spirits will know well how to rescue them from obscurity, if that is
useful, whereas there will frequently be only disappointments to the one
who is tormented by the need of having everybody talking about him.
From what we know about the character of Ms. Godu it gives us a firm
assurance that she is above these little weaknesses, and that she will never
compromise the mission that has been assigned to her, as many others
have done so far.
Spontaneous Physical Manifestations - The Baker of Dieppe
The phenomenon through which the spirits may manifest their presence
has a twofold nature, namely the physical and the intelligent
manifestations. Through the former, the spirits attest their action upon
matter. Through the latter, they reveal a more or less superior mind, according
to their degree of depuration. One and the other may be spontaneous
or provoked. Those who are provoked when impelled by want and
obtained with the support of persons bestowed with special gifts, such as
the mediums. They are spontaneous when they occur naturally, without
any participation of free-will and frequently in the absence of any knowledge
or spiritist belief. Belonging to this classification are certain phenomena
that cannot be explained by ordinary physical causes; however we
must not rush, as said before, in attributing to the spirits everything that
is uncommon and not well understood. It is never too much to insist on
this point so that we are on guard against the effects of the imagination,
and often fear.
When an extraordinary phenomenon is produced – we repeat – the
first thought must be that it has a natural cause since it is the most frequent
and most likely. That applies to mainly noises and certain movements of objects. In such cases it is necessary to seek the cause and it is more than
likely we find that it was something very simple and common.
Furthermore, we say that the true and only real sign of intervention of
the spirits is the intentional and intelligent characteristic of the produced
effects, when the impossibility of a human intervention is thoroughly
demonstrated. In such cases, following the axiom that every effect has a
cause, and that every intelligent effect must have an intelligent cause, it
becomes clear that if the cause is not in the ordinary agents of the material
effects, it shall then be beyond those agents; that if the acting intelligence
is not human, it must be outside the domains of humanity.
• Then there are extra human intelligences?
• It seems likely. If certain things are not and cannot be the work of
human beings, then they must be the work of someone else. Well,
if that someone else is not a human being, it seems that it must
necessarily be outside humanity; if we cannot see it then it must
be invisible. It is decisive reasoning which is easier to understand
than that of Mr. de la Palisse.
• Then, what are those intelligences? Angels or demons? And as
invisible entities, can they act upon visible matter?
• That is what is perfectly known to those who study the Spiritist
Science, which like the other sciences one cannot understand in a
blink of an eye and cannot be summarized in a few lines.
We will counter such a question with this one only: How can your
thoughts, which are immaterial, move your body, which that is material,
at will? We believe that they will not be puzzled by this problem and if
they reject the explanation given by Spiritism to such a common question
it means that they have something more logical to offer. However, so far
we don’t know that explanation.
Let us move on to the facts that have motivated those observations.
Several newspapers, like the Opinion Nationale from February 14th
last, and the Journal de Rouen, from the 12th of the same month, report
the following fact, according to the Vigie de Dieppe.
The Journal de Rouen reports the following:
“The La Vigie de Dieppe reproduces the following letter from its correspondent
in Grandes-Ventes. We have already mentioned part of the facts
described today in our Friday issue, but the emotion caused by those extraordinary
events in our column lead us to reveal new details contained
in the correspondence.”
“Today we laugh at the more or less fantastic stories of the good old
times and in our days the pretense witches don’t enjoy much respect. They
are not more accepted in Grandes-Ventes than elsewhere. However, our
old popular prejudices still have some adepts among those villagers. The
truly extraordinary event which we have just witnessed comes just in time
to strengthen their superstitious belief.”
“Yesterday, in the morning, Mr. Gouber, one baker from our village,
his father who works for him and a young trainee who is about sixteen
to seventeen years old, were starting their daily routine when they noticed
that several objects had spontaneously left their original places to
be thrown into the dough blending machine. Thus, they had to remove
pieces of coal, a couple of weights, a pipe and a candle from the dough.
Despite their astonishment they carried on with their duties, to the point
of having kneaded the dough when suddenly a large piece of about two
kilograms escaped from the young helper’s hand and was thrown a few
meters away. This was the prelude and a kind of signal to a strange disturbance.
It was about nine o’clock and up until noon it was positively impossible
to stay near the oven area and the wine cellar next to it. Everything
was turned, knocked down, broken. The bread, which was thrown away
with the trays, was completely lost. More than thirty wine bottles were
broken, and while the crank of the water-well turned on its own at high
speed, the ember, the shovels, the trestle and the weights jumped in the
air, executing the most diabolic evolutions.”
“At noon the noise stopped gradually and a few hours later, when everything
was back to normal and the objects were placed back into their
places, the owner was then able to reestablish his work routine.”
“Such an event has caused Mr. Goubert a loss of at least one hundred
The Opinion Nationale adds the following to those facts:
“On reproducing such a singular story we would be causing harm to
our readers had we invited them to be on guard against the supernatural
facts which were reported. There you have, we know well, a story which
is not from our times and which may shock some of the wise readers of
the Vigie, but however verisimilar it may look, it is not less truthful, and
hundreds of people may attest its accuracy if needed.”
We confess to not understand well the thoughts of the reporter who
seems to contradict himself. On another hand he tells the readers to be
on guard against the supernatural facts reported in the letter, ending by
saying “however verisimilar it may look, it is not less truthful, and hundreds
of people may attest its accuracy if needed.” It has to be either true
or false. If it is false then there is nothing else to say but if it is true, as
attested by the “Opinion Nationale”, the fact reveals something very serious
to be taken lightheartedly. Let us keep aside the issue of spirits and
let us see a physical phenomenon only. Isn’t that extraordinary enough
to deserve the attention of serious observers? Then, may the scientists
get to work and rummage through the archives of science to provide us
with a reasonable and undeniable explanation, showing the causes of the
events. If they cannot, we must agree that they don’t know all the secrets
of nature. Furthermore, if only Spiritism provides the solution then it is
necessary to choose between the theory that explains and the other one
which explains nothing.
When events of such a nature are reported our first approach, even
before questioning about its reality, is to examine if they are possible or
not, according to what we know from the theory of the physical manifestations.
We mention some, demonstrating their absolute impossibility,
notably the story told in the February 1859 issue of the Review, extracted
from the Journal des Debats, under the title “My friend Hermann”, to
which certain points of Spiritism might have given an appearance of likelihood.
From that point of view, the phenomena that took place with the
baker of Dieppe have nothing of more extraordinary than many others
which were perfectly verified and whose complete solution is provided by the Spiritist Science. Hence, if the facts were not true, to our eyes they
would still be possible.
We asked one of our reliable correspondents from Dieppe to investigate
the reality of the facts. Here is his answer:
“Today I can give you all the information you want since I received it
from a trustworthy source. The report from the “Vigie” is the exact truth.
It is useless to report all the facts. It seems that some individuals of science
came from far away to learn about the events that they couldn’t explain
unless using the principles of the Spiritist Science. As for our peasants,
they are confused. Some say that it is the work of witchcraft. Others say
that the cause is the fact that the cemetery has changed places and constructions
were built on top of it. The experts, known by their own as
those who know everything, particularly if in the military, ended up by
saying: For God’s sake! I don’t know how it can be. It is useless to tell you
that they attribute a large portion of the events to the devil. In order to explain
all those events to the people it would be necessary to try to initiate
them into the true Spiritist Science. It would be the only means of eradicating
from them the belief in witches and in all superstitions that will
still be the greatest obstacle to their moralization for a long time to come.”
We will finish with one final observation.
We have heard from some people that they did not want to have anything
to do with Spiritism for fear of attracting the spirits, thus provoking
manifestations of the kind that we have just reported.
We don’t know Mr. Goubert, the baker, but we believe that we are
able to ensure that neither he nor his son and helper have ever gotten
involved with the spirits. It is actually remarkable to notice that the spontaneous
manifestations preferably take place among people that have no
idea about Spiritism, an evident proof that the spirits come without an
invitation. We will also say: the profound knowledge of this Science is the
best way of preventing us from the inopportune spirits, since it shows the
only rational means of keeping them away.
Our correspondent is perfectly right by saying that Spiritism is a remedy
against superstition. In fact, isn’t that superstitious to believe that those strange phenomena are due to the change of a cemetery location?
Superstition does not consist on the belief in a fact, when verified, but on
the irrational cause attributed to the fact. Superstition is present above all
in the belief in the pretense means of foretelling, in the effect of certain
rituals, in the virtue of the talismans, in the cabalistic days and times,
etc… things whose ridicule are demonstrated by Spiritism.
Studies about the Spirits of Living Persons
Dr. Vignal
Dr. Vignal, a regular member of the Society, offered to be the subject of study regarding the evocation of the spirit of a living person, as it was carried out with Count R… He was evoked in the session of February 3rd, 1860.
1. (To St. Louis) – Can we evoke Dr. Vignal? – A. No problem, since he is prepared.
2. Evocation. – A. I am here. I attest it in the name of God, what I would not do if responding by someone else.
3. Although alive, do you think it is necessary that the evocation be done in the name of God? – A. Doesn’t God exist to the living ones as much as to the dead?
4. Can you see us as clearly as when you attend our sessions? – A. A little bit more clearly.
5. Where are you located in here? – A. Where my action is naturally required: to the right, a little bit behind the medium.
6. Were you aware of the distance covered in order to come from Sully to our place? Did you see the path when you travelled? – A. Not more than the vehicle that brought me.
7. Can we offer you a chair? – A. You are very kind. I am not as tired as you are.
8. How do you verify your individuality here? – A. Like the others. OBSERVATION: He refers to what has been already said in similar cases, that is, the spirit verifies its individuality through the perispirit which represents the body.
9. However, we would appreciate if you gave the explanation yourself. – A. What you ask is a repetition.
10. Since you do not wish to repeat what has already been said is that because you think in the same way? – A. That is clear enough.
11. Your perispirit is then a kind of limited and bounded body to you? – A. That is evident. It is not necessary to say.
12. Can you see your body sleeping? – A. Not from here. I saw it when I left. I felt like laughing.
13. How is the relationship established between your body in Sully and your spirit here? – A. As I told you, through the fluidic cord.
14. Would you describe, in the best possible way so that we understand, how you see yourself, apart from your body? – A. That is very easy. I see myself as in the waking state or even better, since the comparison is fairer, I see myself like we see ourselves in our dreams. I have my body but I am aware that it is organized in a different and lighter way when compared to the other. I don’t feel the weight or the force of gravity which bonds me to Earth when I am awake. In other words, and as I told you, I am not tired.
15. Do the shades of light appear to you in the same way as in the normal state? – A. No. Light gets the addition of a tone that is not perceptible by your dense senses. However, you must not conclude that the colors perceived by the optical nerve are different to me. Red is red and so far. Having said that some objects that I did not see in darkness during my waking state I can see now, as they are luminous in their own right. That is how total darkness absolutely does not exist to the spirit although it is possible to establish a difference between what is clear and what is not clear to you.
16. Is your vision unrestricted or limited to the focused object? – A. Neither one thing nor the other. I absolutely don’t know the kind of changes that may take place to a spirit who is entirely free. As for myself, I know that the material objects are seen in their interior; that my vision goes through them. However, I cannot see all over the place and from a distance.
17. Would you like to be submitted to an experiment, as a trial, not based on curiosity but to our own instruction? – A. Absolutely not. That is strictly forbidden to me.
18. The idea was to have you reading the question that comes to my hand and responding, without my verbal interrogation. – A. I could but I repeat it is forbidden to me.
19. How can you be aware of what is prohibited to you? – A. Through the transmission of thoughts from the spirit who forbids me.
20. Here is the question then: Can you see yourself in a mirror? – A. No. What do you see in the mirror? The reflection of a material object. I am not material. I can only produce the reflection through the operation that makes the perispirit visible.
21. As a consequence, the spirit which assumes the condition of an agénère, for example, could it be seen in a mirror? – A. Certainly.
22. At this point in time could you assess the healthy or unhealthy condition of a person as well as you would in your normal state? – A. With more confidence.
23. Could you give a consultation, if someone requested? – A. I could but I don’t want to compete with the somnambulists and the benevolent spirits that guide them. When I am dead perhaps I shall not refuse that.
24. Is your current state identical to your state after your death? – A. No. I will have certain perceptions which are much more accurate. Don’t forget that I am still attached to matter.
25. Could your body die while you are here, without you knowing? – A. No. We die this way every day.
26. That is understandable with respect to a natural death, always preceded by some symptoms but what if someone hits you and instantly kills you, how would you know? – A. I would be ready to receive the blow, before the arm would come down.
27. What is the need that your spirit would have to return to the body if there is nothing else that can be done? – A. It is a very wise law, which without it, when we are out of the body, we are often reluctant to return to it and that would be made as an excuse for suicide… hypocritically.
28. Suppose your spirit was not here but at home, wandering around while the body slept. Would you be able to see everything that was going on? – A. Yes.
29. In that case, suppose that someone was doing something bad, like a relative or a stranger. Could you be a witness of the fact? – A. No doubt; but not always free to oppose that action. However, it does happen more frequently than you think.
30. Which type of impression would this bad action have on you? Would that affect you as much as if you were a living witness? – A. Sometimes more, sometimes less, according to the circumstances.
31. Would you feel the desire for revenge? – A. Not to revenge but to impede the action.
OBSERVATION: It results from what has just been said, and as a matter of fact, it is a consequence of what we already know, that the spirit of a living person that is asleep knows perfectly well what goes on around them. Anybody who intended to take advantage of the sleep to practice a bad action against that person is mistaken when believing that the action is unseen. Even the sleeping person’s obliviousness after waking up should not be counted on once the person may have kept a very strong intuition of the event, sometimes inspiring suspicion. The dreams of presentiment are nothing else but more or less accurate memories of what was seen during the sleep. Again, we have one more of the moral consequences of Spiritism; given the conviction of this phenomenon may perhaps be a barrier for many people. Here is a fact that supports that truth. One day a person receives a rude and anonymous letter. All efforts were employed to find out who the sender was. One must admit that the enigma was solved during the sleep since the very next day, after waking up and not having even dreamed, all thoughts were directed to someone who was not even under suspicion and after verification the fact was confirmed.
32. Let us go back to your sensations and perceptions. How do you see things, through what? – A. Through my whole being.
33. Do you hear sounds, and where? – A. It is the same thing since perception is transmitted to the spirit through its imperfect organs and it must be clear to you that when the spirit is free, it has numerous perceptions that you cannot understand.
34. (Someone rings a bell) – Did you hear the sound perfectly well? – A. Better than you do.
35. If you were made to hear music that was out of tune, would that cause the same impression on you as in your waking state? – A. I did not say that sensations are analogous. There is a difference but the perception is much more thorough.
36. Do you perceive odors? – A. No doubt, in the same manner as with the other senses.
OBSERVATION: It could then be said that the matter which surrounds the spirit operates like a buffer which dampens the sharpness of perception. Once separated from matter the spirit has the perception without intermediaries, being able to detect nuances which escape someone who received them through means which are denser than the perispirit. It then follows that the unfortunate spirits may experience pains that, although not physical from our stand point, are more pungent than the corporeal pains and that the happy spirits may feel pleasures which are incomprehensible to our sensations.
37. If you had savory dishes before your eyes, would you feel tempted to eat them? – A. The desire would be a distraction.
38. Suppose that your body is hungry while you are here. What would be the effect of seeing those foods, have on you? – A. This would make me leave to satisfy an irresistible need.
39. Could you tell us how you feel when you leave your body to come here or when you leave us and return to your body? How do you perceive that? – A. That would be very difficult. I come in as I leave, without noticing, or better saying, not aware of how the phenomenon occurs. However, don’t believe that when the spirit enters the body it is imprisoned like in a room. The spirit constantly irradiates to the outside in such a way that one can say that the spirit is more frequently outside than inside. It is only the union which is more intimate and the links are tighter.
40. Do you see other spirits? – A. Those who want to be seen by me.
41. How do you see them? – A. Like I see myself.
42. Do you see them here, around us? – A. In a crowd.
43. Evocation of Charles Dupont (the spirit of Castelnaudary) – A. I am here and attend to your request.
44. Are you more relaxed today as compared to the last time you were called? – A. Yes. I am advancing on a good path.
45. Do you now understand that your penalties shall not last forever? – A. Yes.
46. Do you foresee the end of your suffering? – A. No. For my punishment, God does not allow me to see the end of that.
47. (To Dr. Vignal) Do you see the spirit that has just responded to us? – A. Yes. It is not a nice vision.
48. Can you describe him? – A. I see him as he showed up before with the difference that he no longer holds the dagger or has blood on him; his looks show more sadness than the ferocious brutalization of his first apparition.
49. When awake are you aware of the image that was portrayed of that spirit? – A. Yes, and I am also more informed.
50. When you see a spirit how do you know that his body is dead or alive? – A. By the fluidic cord.
51. How do you assess the morale condition of that spirit? – A. His morale has been sad; but he is improving.
52. (To Charles Dupont) – You hear what is said about you. That must encourage you to persevere in the path of progress that you have already entered. – A. Thank you. That is what I try to do.
53. Do you see the spirit of the doctor who we were talking to? – A. Yes.
54. How do you see him? – A. I see him with an envelope less transparent than the other spirits.
55. How can you say that he is still alive? – A. The common spirits have no apparent form. This one has a human form; he is surrounded by a misty like matter that reproduces his earthly human form. The spirits of the dead no longer have that envelope, once they are free.
56. (To Dr. Vignal) – If we evoke a mad person, how would you recognize it? – A. I would not recognize if his madness were recent since it would not have had an influence upon the spirit; however, if the spirit had been alienated for a long time, matter could have a certain influence on him, thus I would see some signs which would allow me to recognize as I do when awake.
57. Can you describe to us the causes of madness? – A. These are simply an alteration, a perversion of the organs, which no longer perceive things in a regular way, transmitting false sensations, thus leading the spirit to act against his own will.
OBSERVATION: It does frequently happen that certain persons, whose spirits are perfectly healthy, show in their limbs and in other parts of the body certain involuntary movements, independent of their will, like the so called nervous twitches. It is easy to understand that if those alterations took place in the brain instead of arms or face, the transmission of the thought would suffer its influence. The impossibility of driving or controlling such emissions constitutes madness.
58. After the last answer by Dr. Vignal, the medium who served as interpreter to Charles Dupont wrote spontaneously: - Those spirits of mad persons are recognized among us because they move around, in all directions, without a firm idea, not even of God or prayers. They need time to settle in. Signed: Cauvière Since nobody thought of calling this spirit, Mr. Belliol asked if he would be the spirit of Dr. Cauvière from Marseille, who had been his professor. – A. Yes, it is me, deceased one and a half years ago.
OBSERVATION: Mr. Belliol recognized Dr. Cauvière’s signature. Later it was possible to compare it with an original signature, attesting the perfect identity between the two.
59. (To Mr. Cauvière) – Why have you honored us with your unexpected visit? – A. It is not the first time that I have come here. Today I found a favorable occasion to communicate with you and so I did.
60. Do you see your colleague Dr. Vignal who is here as a spirit? – A. Yes, I see him.
61. How would you know that he is still alive? – A. Due to his wrapping body which is less transparent than ours.
62. This answer agrees with the one that has just been given by Charles Dupont and that seemed to have gone beyond his intelligence. Was it you who answered? – A. I could influence him since I was here.
63. What is your state as a spirit? – A. I have not reincarnated yet but I am advanced as a spirit although I was far from the belief in what you call Spiritualism on Earth. It was necessary to get educated where I am here. However, my intelligence, which has been improved by the study promptly, enlightened me.
64. In case you agree we will ask you a question prepared to Dr. Vignal, requesting the answer from each one of you, with the help of your individual interpreters. How do you see now the difference between the spirit of the animals and humans? Dr. Vignal’s answer: It is not much easier for me to perceive that than in my waking state. My current thought is that the spirit sleeps in the animal, like it is morally numb, and that it painfully wakes up in a human being. Mr. Cauvière’s answer: The spirit of a human being is called to a greater task of perfection than that of the animals. The difference is substantial since there is only instinctive existence in the latter ones. Later that instinct may perfect.
65. Can such betterment get to the point of a human spirit? – A. It can but after having passed through many existences as animal on Earth as well as in other planets.
66. Can you kindly, both of you, write a spontaneous essay to us, about a subject of your choice?
Dr. Vignal, a regular member of the Society, offered to be the subject of study regarding the evocation of the spirit of a living person, as it was carried out with Count R… He was evoked in the session of February 3rd, 1860.
1. (To St. Louis) – Can we evoke Dr. Vignal? – A. No problem, since he is prepared.
2. Evocation. – A. I am here. I attest it in the name of God, what I would not do if responding by someone else.
3. Although alive, do you think it is necessary that the evocation be done in the name of God? – A. Doesn’t God exist to the living ones as much as to the dead?
4. Can you see us as clearly as when you attend our sessions? – A. A little bit more clearly.
5. Where are you located in here? – A. Where my action is naturally required: to the right, a little bit behind the medium.
6. Were you aware of the distance covered in order to come from Sully to our place? Did you see the path when you travelled? – A. Not more than the vehicle that brought me.
7. Can we offer you a chair? – A. You are very kind. I am not as tired as you are.
8. How do you verify your individuality here? – A. Like the others. OBSERVATION: He refers to what has been already said in similar cases, that is, the spirit verifies its individuality through the perispirit which represents the body.
9. However, we would appreciate if you gave the explanation yourself. – A. What you ask is a repetition.
10. Since you do not wish to repeat what has already been said is that because you think in the same way? – A. That is clear enough.
11. Your perispirit is then a kind of limited and bounded body to you? – A. That is evident. It is not necessary to say.
12. Can you see your body sleeping? – A. Not from here. I saw it when I left. I felt like laughing.
13. How is the relationship established between your body in Sully and your spirit here? – A. As I told you, through the fluidic cord.
14. Would you describe, in the best possible way so that we understand, how you see yourself, apart from your body? – A. That is very easy. I see myself as in the waking state or even better, since the comparison is fairer, I see myself like we see ourselves in our dreams. I have my body but I am aware that it is organized in a different and lighter way when compared to the other. I don’t feel the weight or the force of gravity which bonds me to Earth when I am awake. In other words, and as I told you, I am not tired.
15. Do the shades of light appear to you in the same way as in the normal state? – A. No. Light gets the addition of a tone that is not perceptible by your dense senses. However, you must not conclude that the colors perceived by the optical nerve are different to me. Red is red and so far. Having said that some objects that I did not see in darkness during my waking state I can see now, as they are luminous in their own right. That is how total darkness absolutely does not exist to the spirit although it is possible to establish a difference between what is clear and what is not clear to you.
16. Is your vision unrestricted or limited to the focused object? – A. Neither one thing nor the other. I absolutely don’t know the kind of changes that may take place to a spirit who is entirely free. As for myself, I know that the material objects are seen in their interior; that my vision goes through them. However, I cannot see all over the place and from a distance.
17. Would you like to be submitted to an experiment, as a trial, not based on curiosity but to our own instruction? – A. Absolutely not. That is strictly forbidden to me.
18. The idea was to have you reading the question that comes to my hand and responding, without my verbal interrogation. – A. I could but I repeat it is forbidden to me.
19. How can you be aware of what is prohibited to you? – A. Through the transmission of thoughts from the spirit who forbids me.
20. Here is the question then: Can you see yourself in a mirror? – A. No. What do you see in the mirror? The reflection of a material object. I am not material. I can only produce the reflection through the operation that makes the perispirit visible.
21. As a consequence, the spirit which assumes the condition of an agénère, for example, could it be seen in a mirror? – A. Certainly.
22. At this point in time could you assess the healthy or unhealthy condition of a person as well as you would in your normal state? – A. With more confidence.
23. Could you give a consultation, if someone requested? – A. I could but I don’t want to compete with the somnambulists and the benevolent spirits that guide them. When I am dead perhaps I shall not refuse that.
24. Is your current state identical to your state after your death? – A. No. I will have certain perceptions which are much more accurate. Don’t forget that I am still attached to matter.
25. Could your body die while you are here, without you knowing? – A. No. We die this way every day.
26. That is understandable with respect to a natural death, always preceded by some symptoms but what if someone hits you and instantly kills you, how would you know? – A. I would be ready to receive the blow, before the arm would come down.
27. What is the need that your spirit would have to return to the body if there is nothing else that can be done? – A. It is a very wise law, which without it, when we are out of the body, we are often reluctant to return to it and that would be made as an excuse for suicide… hypocritically.
28. Suppose your spirit was not here but at home, wandering around while the body slept. Would you be able to see everything that was going on? – A. Yes.
29. In that case, suppose that someone was doing something bad, like a relative or a stranger. Could you be a witness of the fact? – A. No doubt; but not always free to oppose that action. However, it does happen more frequently than you think.
30. Which type of impression would this bad action have on you? Would that affect you as much as if you were a living witness? – A. Sometimes more, sometimes less, according to the circumstances.
31. Would you feel the desire for revenge? – A. Not to revenge but to impede the action.
OBSERVATION: It results from what has just been said, and as a matter of fact, it is a consequence of what we already know, that the spirit of a living person that is asleep knows perfectly well what goes on around them. Anybody who intended to take advantage of the sleep to practice a bad action against that person is mistaken when believing that the action is unseen. Even the sleeping person’s obliviousness after waking up should not be counted on once the person may have kept a very strong intuition of the event, sometimes inspiring suspicion. The dreams of presentiment are nothing else but more or less accurate memories of what was seen during the sleep. Again, we have one more of the moral consequences of Spiritism; given the conviction of this phenomenon may perhaps be a barrier for many people. Here is a fact that supports that truth. One day a person receives a rude and anonymous letter. All efforts were employed to find out who the sender was. One must admit that the enigma was solved during the sleep since the very next day, after waking up and not having even dreamed, all thoughts were directed to someone who was not even under suspicion and after verification the fact was confirmed.
32. Let us go back to your sensations and perceptions. How do you see things, through what? – A. Through my whole being.
33. Do you hear sounds, and where? – A. It is the same thing since perception is transmitted to the spirit through its imperfect organs and it must be clear to you that when the spirit is free, it has numerous perceptions that you cannot understand.
34. (Someone rings a bell) – Did you hear the sound perfectly well? – A. Better than you do.
35. If you were made to hear music that was out of tune, would that cause the same impression on you as in your waking state? – A. I did not say that sensations are analogous. There is a difference but the perception is much more thorough.
36. Do you perceive odors? – A. No doubt, in the same manner as with the other senses.
OBSERVATION: It could then be said that the matter which surrounds the spirit operates like a buffer which dampens the sharpness of perception. Once separated from matter the spirit has the perception without intermediaries, being able to detect nuances which escape someone who received them through means which are denser than the perispirit. It then follows that the unfortunate spirits may experience pains that, although not physical from our stand point, are more pungent than the corporeal pains and that the happy spirits may feel pleasures which are incomprehensible to our sensations.
37. If you had savory dishes before your eyes, would you feel tempted to eat them? – A. The desire would be a distraction.
38. Suppose that your body is hungry while you are here. What would be the effect of seeing those foods, have on you? – A. This would make me leave to satisfy an irresistible need.
39. Could you tell us how you feel when you leave your body to come here or when you leave us and return to your body? How do you perceive that? – A. That would be very difficult. I come in as I leave, without noticing, or better saying, not aware of how the phenomenon occurs. However, don’t believe that when the spirit enters the body it is imprisoned like in a room. The spirit constantly irradiates to the outside in such a way that one can say that the spirit is more frequently outside than inside. It is only the union which is more intimate and the links are tighter.
40. Do you see other spirits? – A. Those who want to be seen by me.
41. How do you see them? – A. Like I see myself.
42. Do you see them here, around us? – A. In a crowd.
43. Evocation of Charles Dupont (the spirit of Castelnaudary) – A. I am here and attend to your request.
44. Are you more relaxed today as compared to the last time you were called? – A. Yes. I am advancing on a good path.
45. Do you now understand that your penalties shall not last forever? – A. Yes.
46. Do you foresee the end of your suffering? – A. No. For my punishment, God does not allow me to see the end of that.
47. (To Dr. Vignal) Do you see the spirit that has just responded to us? – A. Yes. It is not a nice vision.
48. Can you describe him? – A. I see him as he showed up before with the difference that he no longer holds the dagger or has blood on him; his looks show more sadness than the ferocious brutalization of his first apparition.
49. When awake are you aware of the image that was portrayed of that spirit? – A. Yes, and I am also more informed.
50. When you see a spirit how do you know that his body is dead or alive? – A. By the fluidic cord.
51. How do you assess the morale condition of that spirit? – A. His morale has been sad; but he is improving.
52. (To Charles Dupont) – You hear what is said about you. That must encourage you to persevere in the path of progress that you have already entered. – A. Thank you. That is what I try to do.
53. Do you see the spirit of the doctor who we were talking to? – A. Yes.
54. How do you see him? – A. I see him with an envelope less transparent than the other spirits.
55. How can you say that he is still alive? – A. The common spirits have no apparent form. This one has a human form; he is surrounded by a misty like matter that reproduces his earthly human form. The spirits of the dead no longer have that envelope, once they are free.
56. (To Dr. Vignal) – If we evoke a mad person, how would you recognize it? – A. I would not recognize if his madness were recent since it would not have had an influence upon the spirit; however, if the spirit had been alienated for a long time, matter could have a certain influence on him, thus I would see some signs which would allow me to recognize as I do when awake.
57. Can you describe to us the causes of madness? – A. These are simply an alteration, a perversion of the organs, which no longer perceive things in a regular way, transmitting false sensations, thus leading the spirit to act against his own will.
OBSERVATION: It does frequently happen that certain persons, whose spirits are perfectly healthy, show in their limbs and in other parts of the body certain involuntary movements, independent of their will, like the so called nervous twitches. It is easy to understand that if those alterations took place in the brain instead of arms or face, the transmission of the thought would suffer its influence. The impossibility of driving or controlling such emissions constitutes madness.
58. After the last answer by Dr. Vignal, the medium who served as interpreter to Charles Dupont wrote spontaneously: - Those spirits of mad persons are recognized among us because they move around, in all directions, without a firm idea, not even of God or prayers. They need time to settle in. Signed: Cauvière Since nobody thought of calling this spirit, Mr. Belliol asked if he would be the spirit of Dr. Cauvière from Marseille, who had been his professor. – A. Yes, it is me, deceased one and a half years ago.
OBSERVATION: Mr. Belliol recognized Dr. Cauvière’s signature. Later it was possible to compare it with an original signature, attesting the perfect identity between the two.
59. (To Mr. Cauvière) – Why have you honored us with your unexpected visit? – A. It is not the first time that I have come here. Today I found a favorable occasion to communicate with you and so I did.
60. Do you see your colleague Dr. Vignal who is here as a spirit? – A. Yes, I see him.
61. How would you know that he is still alive? – A. Due to his wrapping body which is less transparent than ours.
62. This answer agrees with the one that has just been given by Charles Dupont and that seemed to have gone beyond his intelligence. Was it you who answered? – A. I could influence him since I was here.
63. What is your state as a spirit? – A. I have not reincarnated yet but I am advanced as a spirit although I was far from the belief in what you call Spiritualism on Earth. It was necessary to get educated where I am here. However, my intelligence, which has been improved by the study promptly, enlightened me.
64. In case you agree we will ask you a question prepared to Dr. Vignal, requesting the answer from each one of you, with the help of your individual interpreters. How do you see now the difference between the spirit of the animals and humans? Dr. Vignal’s answer: It is not much easier for me to perceive that than in my waking state. My current thought is that the spirit sleeps in the animal, like it is morally numb, and that it painfully wakes up in a human being. Mr. Cauvière’s answer: The spirit of a human being is called to a greater task of perfection than that of the animals. The difference is substantial since there is only instinctive existence in the latter ones. Later that instinct may perfect.
65. Can such betterment get to the point of a human spirit? – A. It can but after having passed through many existences as animal on Earth as well as in other planets.
66. Can you kindly, both of you, write a spontaneous essay to us, about a subject of your choice?
Mr. Cauvière’s Essay
Dear good friends, I am so happy for being able to speak a little bit with you that I wish to give you an advice, not particularly you who are believers but those whose faith is still faltering or those who have no faith and reject it. It is true that I cannot see all my living comrades here, and who would not believe me. Nevertheless I would tell them that when alive I stubbornly rejected the truth, although I felt it in my inner most being. The majority of them do as I did: through a false self-love they don’t want to agree with what they sometimes experience. They are mistaken because indecision makes us suffer on Earth, particularly when the time comes to leave it behind. Thus, get instructed! Have good faith! You shall be happier in your world as in the world where I am now. If you truly wish, I shall come other times to talk to you.
Dear good friends, I am so happy for being able to speak a little bit with you that I wish to give you an advice, not particularly you who are believers but those whose faith is still faltering or those who have no faith and reject it. It is true that I cannot see all my living comrades here, and who would not believe me. Nevertheless I would tell them that when alive I stubbornly rejected the truth, although I felt it in my inner most being. The majority of them do as I did: through a false self-love they don’t want to agree with what they sometimes experience. They are mistaken because indecision makes us suffer on Earth, particularly when the time comes to leave it behind. Thus, get instructed! Have good faith! You shall be happier in your world as in the world where I am now. If you truly wish, I shall come other times to talk to you.
Dr. Vignal’s Essay
What is the benefit of Astronomy and why does it matter the time taken by a bullet to travel from Earth to the Sun? That is how very dignified persons think, people who do not see in Science any other application but that of industry or their self-serving wealth. However, without Astronomy, how could you adopt the remarkable system which we are developing now, instead of any other introduced by ignorant and jealous spirits? If Earth was, like it was formerly thought, the central point of the Universe; if the numerous suns which populate space were not but simply shiny dots hanging on a crystal dome, which arguments would you have to make you admit the past and future of the spirit? Astronomy, on the contrary, comes to demonstrate that the planetary life around our Sun is reflected back into everything that composes the nebula that encompasses our world; that all these planets are organized differently from each other and consequently life condition is not the same on each of them. You are then led to ask if God creates instantaneously and the spirit which must animate each body; what would be the reason then for its creation here and not elsewhere, on Earth and not in another world, in this particular condition and not in another! Thus, a stern logic leads you to admit the plurality of the worlds, the pre-existence of the soul and the reincarnation as expressions of the greatest truth. Astronomy is then useful since it gives you the necessary conditions to receive the sublime truths that shall unfold to you by the inexorable progress of Spiritism and Science. Helped by industry, Astronomy is meant to lead you to the discovery of other wonders beyond those that you only had a glimpse so far. From now on Astronomy and Theology are sisters and shall march hand in hand.
Vignal, by Arago
What is the benefit of Astronomy and why does it matter the time taken by a bullet to travel from Earth to the Sun? That is how very dignified persons think, people who do not see in Science any other application but that of industry or their self-serving wealth. However, without Astronomy, how could you adopt the remarkable system which we are developing now, instead of any other introduced by ignorant and jealous spirits? If Earth was, like it was formerly thought, the central point of the Universe; if the numerous suns which populate space were not but simply shiny dots hanging on a crystal dome, which arguments would you have to make you admit the past and future of the spirit? Astronomy, on the contrary, comes to demonstrate that the planetary life around our Sun is reflected back into everything that composes the nebula that encompasses our world; that all these planets are organized differently from each other and consequently life condition is not the same on each of them. You are then led to ask if God creates instantaneously and the spirit which must animate each body; what would be the reason then for its creation here and not elsewhere, on Earth and not in another world, in this particular condition and not in another! Thus, a stern logic leads you to admit the plurality of the worlds, the pre-existence of the soul and the reincarnation as expressions of the greatest truth. Astronomy is then useful since it gives you the necessary conditions to receive the sublime truths that shall unfold to you by the inexorable progress of Spiritism and Science. Helped by industry, Astronomy is meant to lead you to the discovery of other wonders beyond those that you only had a glimpse so far. From now on Astronomy and Theology are sisters and shall march hand in hand.
Vignal, by Arago
Ms. Indermuhle
Born deaf-mute, currently 32 years old, living in Berne (Session of February 10th, 1860)
1. (To St. Louis) – Can we establish communication with the spirit of Ms. Indermuhle? – A. Yes, you can.
2. Evocation. – A. I am here and I say so in the name of God.
3. (To St. Louis) – Can you tell us if the spirit who responds is actually that of Ms. Indermuhle? – A. I can positively assure you. Are you so advanced and believe that if it were another spirit responding it would be more embarrassing? The affirmation demonstrates that she is here. It is up to you to ensure a good communication by the nature and objective of your questions.
3a. (To Ms. Indermuhle) * – Do you really know where you are now? – A. I know perfectly well. Do you think I was not informed about it?
4. How can you respond to us here if your body is in Switzerland? – A. Because it is not the body that responds. As a matter of fact, and as you know, my body is absolutely incapable of doing that.
5. What is your body doing right now? – A. It is asleep.
6. Is your body healthy? – A. Yes, very healthy. OBSERVATION: Ms. Indermuhle’s brother who was attending the session confirmed that she was really healthy.
7. How long did it take you to get here from Switzerland? – A. A time that you cannot perceive.
8. Where you aware of the directions taken to come here? – A. No.
9. Are you surprised for being here in this meeting? – A. My first answer demonstrates the opposite.
10. What would happen if your body woke up while you are here? – A. I would be there.
11. Is there any link between your spirit that is here and your body there? – A. Yes, without it how could I be informed that I should return?
12. Do you see us clearly? – A. Yes, perfectly well.
13. Do you understand that you can see us but we cannot see you? – A. Yes, no doubt.
14. Can you hear the sound that I produce now by knocking? – A. I am not deaf here.
15. How could you know since you cannot compare with a memory from when you are awake? – A. I was not born yesterday.
OBSERVATION: The memory of the sensation of noise comes from existences in which she was not deaf. The answer is perfectly logical.
16. Would the sound of music give you pleasure? – A. The more pleasure the longer it lasts. Sing something for me.
17. We are sorry for not being able to do it now and for not having here an instrument to give you such a pleasure. It seems to us however that since your spirit separates from the body every day during your sleep, it must be transported to places where you can hear music. – A. That rarely happens to me.
18. How can you respond in French since you are German and you ignore our language? – A. Thought has no language. I transmit it to the medium’s guide who then translates it to the language that he is familiar with.
19. Who is the guide that you are talking about? – A. The familiar spirit of the medium. That is how you can receive communications from foreign spirits and that is how the spirits speak all languages.
OBSERVATION: Thus, the answers would often reach us only from third parties. The interrogated spirit transmits their thought to the familiar spirit, this one to the medium and the medium translates it, speaking or writing. Now, since the medium may be assisted by spirits more or less good, this explains why in several occasions the thought of the interrogated spirit may be altered. Hence, St. Louis said that the presence of the evoked spirit is not always enough to ensure the integrity of the answers. It is up to us to analyze and judge if they are logical and in agreement with the level of the spirit. As a matter of fact, according to Ms. Indermuhle, this triple channel would only happen with foreign spirits.
20. What is the origin of the illness that has affected you? – A. A voluntary cause.
21. Why on Earth would all six siblings be equally affected? – A. For the same reason as I am.
22. Then, it was voluntarily that you all chose the same trial? We believe that such a gathering in the same family must happen as a trial to the parents. Is that a good reason? – A. It is close to the truth.
23. Do you see your brother here? – A. What a question!
24. Are you happy for seeing him? – A. Same answer.
OBSERVATION: It is a known fact that the spirits don’t like to repeat themselves. Our language is so slow to them that they avoid anything that seems useless. This is a peculiarity that characterizes the serious spirits. The lighthearted, mocking, obsessing and pseudo-wise spirits are generally talkative and verbose. Like those people with no foundation, they speak and say nothing; the words replace the thoughts that they believe by imposing phrases with redundant words and an obscure style.
25. Would you like to tell him anything? – A. May he receive my most sincere appreciation for his good thoughts in bringing me here where I am now, fortunately in touch with good spirits, although some are not so worthy. I have learned a lot and shall not forget what I owe him.
* The number 3 appears repeated in the original - NT
Born deaf-mute, currently 32 years old, living in Berne (Session of February 10th, 1860)
1. (To St. Louis) – Can we establish communication with the spirit of Ms. Indermuhle? – A. Yes, you can.
2. Evocation. – A. I am here and I say so in the name of God.
3. (To St. Louis) – Can you tell us if the spirit who responds is actually that of Ms. Indermuhle? – A. I can positively assure you. Are you so advanced and believe that if it were another spirit responding it would be more embarrassing? The affirmation demonstrates that she is here. It is up to you to ensure a good communication by the nature and objective of your questions.
3a. (To Ms. Indermuhle) * – Do you really know where you are now? – A. I know perfectly well. Do you think I was not informed about it?
4. How can you respond to us here if your body is in Switzerland? – A. Because it is not the body that responds. As a matter of fact, and as you know, my body is absolutely incapable of doing that.
5. What is your body doing right now? – A. It is asleep.
6. Is your body healthy? – A. Yes, very healthy. OBSERVATION: Ms. Indermuhle’s brother who was attending the session confirmed that she was really healthy.
7. How long did it take you to get here from Switzerland? – A. A time that you cannot perceive.
8. Where you aware of the directions taken to come here? – A. No.
9. Are you surprised for being here in this meeting? – A. My first answer demonstrates the opposite.
10. What would happen if your body woke up while you are here? – A. I would be there.
11. Is there any link between your spirit that is here and your body there? – A. Yes, without it how could I be informed that I should return?
12. Do you see us clearly? – A. Yes, perfectly well.
13. Do you understand that you can see us but we cannot see you? – A. Yes, no doubt.
14. Can you hear the sound that I produce now by knocking? – A. I am not deaf here.
15. How could you know since you cannot compare with a memory from when you are awake? – A. I was not born yesterday.
OBSERVATION: The memory of the sensation of noise comes from existences in which she was not deaf. The answer is perfectly logical.
16. Would the sound of music give you pleasure? – A. The more pleasure the longer it lasts. Sing something for me.
17. We are sorry for not being able to do it now and for not having here an instrument to give you such a pleasure. It seems to us however that since your spirit separates from the body every day during your sleep, it must be transported to places where you can hear music. – A. That rarely happens to me.
18. How can you respond in French since you are German and you ignore our language? – A. Thought has no language. I transmit it to the medium’s guide who then translates it to the language that he is familiar with.
19. Who is the guide that you are talking about? – A. The familiar spirit of the medium. That is how you can receive communications from foreign spirits and that is how the spirits speak all languages.
OBSERVATION: Thus, the answers would often reach us only from third parties. The interrogated spirit transmits their thought to the familiar spirit, this one to the medium and the medium translates it, speaking or writing. Now, since the medium may be assisted by spirits more or less good, this explains why in several occasions the thought of the interrogated spirit may be altered. Hence, St. Louis said that the presence of the evoked spirit is not always enough to ensure the integrity of the answers. It is up to us to analyze and judge if they are logical and in agreement with the level of the spirit. As a matter of fact, according to Ms. Indermuhle, this triple channel would only happen with foreign spirits.
20. What is the origin of the illness that has affected you? – A. A voluntary cause.
21. Why on Earth would all six siblings be equally affected? – A. For the same reason as I am.
22. Then, it was voluntarily that you all chose the same trial? We believe that such a gathering in the same family must happen as a trial to the parents. Is that a good reason? – A. It is close to the truth.
23. Do you see your brother here? – A. What a question!
24. Are you happy for seeing him? – A. Same answer.
OBSERVATION: It is a known fact that the spirits don’t like to repeat themselves. Our language is so slow to them that they avoid anything that seems useless. This is a peculiarity that characterizes the serious spirits. The lighthearted, mocking, obsessing and pseudo-wise spirits are generally talkative and verbose. Like those people with no foundation, they speak and say nothing; the words replace the thoughts that they believe by imposing phrases with redundant words and an obscure style.
25. Would you like to tell him anything? – A. May he receive my most sincere appreciation for his good thoughts in bringing me here where I am now, fortunately in touch with good spirits, although some are not so worthy. I have learned a lot and shall not forget what I owe him.
* The number 3 appears repeated in the original - NT
Siamora, the Druid Lady or
Spiritism in the XV Century *
By Clément de la Chave
The spiritist ideas fill the works of a large number of former and current writers, and many contemporaries would be surprised if we demonstrated to them, from their own writings, that they are spiritists without knowing it. Spiritism can then find arguments in its own adversaries that seem to have been involuntarily led to provide Spiritism with armaments. Thus, holy as well as profane writers present an open field in which there is plenty to be sowed and harvested. That is what we intend to do one day.
By Clément de la Chave
The spiritist ideas fill the works of a large number of former and current writers, and many contemporaries would be surprised if we demonstrated to them, from their own writings, that they are spiritists without knowing it. Spiritism can then find arguments in its own adversaries that seem to have been involuntarily led to provide Spiritism with armaments. Thus, holy as well as profane writers present an open field in which there is plenty to be sowed and harvested. That is what we intend to do one day.
We shall then see if the critics will still consider it to be appropriate
to send the daring celebrity names in literature, arts, sciences, philosophy
and theology to the asylums. The author of the little book that we
are speaking about is not one of those who can be named spiritist without
knowing it. On the contrary, he is a serious and educated follower,
who took the burden of summarizing the fundamental truths of the Doctrine in a less arid than scholarly way, with the added attractiveness
of a semi-historical romance.
In fact, we find the dauphin in the book that later became Louis XI
and some characters of his time, with a taste of the costumes of those
days. Siamora, last child of the former Druid Lady, preserved the traditions
of her ancestors’ cult, but illuminated by the truths of Christianity.
In an article in the April 1858 issue of The Spiritist Review we saw the
level reached by the Gallic priests with respect to the spiritist philosophy.
Hence, there is no contradiction when such ideas come from the mouth
of their descendent. On the contrary, it is the evidence of a little known
truth and the current author deserves recognition from the modern spiritists.
We can evaluate that through the citations below. In a moment
of ecstasy the young novice Edda speaks with Siamora in the following
terms: “My familiar angel shows up to me in the form of my good angel.
He offers himself to guide me through the painful paths of this world.
Human beings, he says, are bad only because they ignore their spiritual
nature; because they reject this subtle agent, this divine stream that God
had spread around for their happiness in creation, making them equal
and brothers. Human beings are then able to heal, appealing to this subtle
agent of creation, extracting from that a powerful help.”
“It is at the time of death that each person comes before to me! How sad!
What a sorrow! What a bitter despair! Those perverse creatures love no
more. Siamora! Each person carries his or her virtues and vices to the
grave. Heavy or lightly loaded with their faults, the soul elevates more or
less since they have kept much or just a little of that subtle agent, love, the
substance of God that attracts similar substances and repels those which
derive from a contrary principle, depending on the empathies.”
“The soul of a bad man remains errant down here, blowing its pestilent
essence onto everyone. It contains the joy of evil and the pride of vices.
We call that devil; he is called astray brother in heaven. Nevertheless, from every compassionate heart, Siamora, a gentle mist rises and despite
his own will, the devil’s soul is saturated by that; it thus renovates, getting
rid of its corruption… That soul then starts to perceive the idea of God
which was not possible before. Since the soul carries the exact image of
the body, although spiritual, it then joins the other ones, impregnated by
the vices and imperfections, and the soul becomes denser and cannot see.”
“In that invisible world above ours, Siamora, where I struggle to stand,
a shiny cloud hazes my eyes. Thousands of souls, celestial spirits, come
and go. They move up and down, like snowflakes, spread around and
run all over the place, dragged by the impulsive force of the winds. From
their spiritual essence the angels come down to us, saying peaceful words
to some, insinuating the divine belief in others; inspiring the search for
science in this one; stimulating in someone else the instinct of goodness
and beauty, and the one who has been taken over by the taste for great and
noble things has already been touched by God’s finger. Every person has
his mentor, his council, and his magnet. The rope of salvation has been
thrown to everyone. It is up to us to grab it.”
“That bad man, or even better, that devil-soul, whose eyes begin to open
to the contact of pure air, goes on crying for his crime and begging to have
it expiated by his suffering. Alone and helpless, what will he do? A charitable
angel approaches and says: awry brother, come to life with me. Here
is hell, the place of suffering where each one of us regenerates. Come. I
shall support you. Let us do some good so that the balance of good and
bad is over for you, now let us lean towards the good side.”
“That is how, Siamora, the moment of death comes to all people. I
see them elevating more or less in heaven, reentering life, suffering again,
depurating, dying and elevating again in heaven, incessantly. They don’t
reach the dwelling of the only God yet but only through long lasting
pilgrimages in other worlds, much more wonderful and perfect than this
one, they shall forcibly depurate and get there.”
* One vol. In-18, price 2 francs, Vannier bookseller and publisher, Rue Notre Dame-desVictoires, 52 – 1860.
Spontaneous Essays - The Genie of the Flowers
The Genie of the Flowers(Session on December 23rd, 1859 – medium Mrs. de Boyer)
I am Hettani, one of the spirits who supervises the formation of flowers, the diversity of their perfumes. It is I, or I should say, it is us since we are many thousands of spirits that decorate the fields and gardens; who give the horticulturist the taste for flowers. We could not teach the mutilation that they sometimes employ but we teach them to vary the perfumes, making even more beautiful what is already so pleasing. However, it is mainly the flowers that bloom naturally that have all of our attention; they are our favorite ones, since everything that is alone needs help, and that’s why we take care of them better.
We are also in charge of spreading their perfumes. We take to the exile a memory of his homeland by bringing to his prison the aroma of the flowers that ornamented his patrimonial garden. To someone truly in love, we take the perfume of the flowers offered by his bride; To the ones that cry, a remembrance of those who are no longer blossoming on their graves, the roses and violets that recall their virtues. Who among you does not owe us such kind emotions?
Who has not shivered yet before the contact with a beloved aroma? I suppose you are surprised by hearing that there are spirits dedicated to all this. However, it is absolutely true. We have never and perhaps shall never incarnate among you. Yet, some have been human but not many among the spirits of the elements. Our mission is nothing on your planet Earth. We progress like you do but it is particularly in the superior planets that we are happy. In Jupiter our flowers issue harmonious sounds and we build the airy dwellings that hummingbird nests are the only ones which may give you a slight comparison. I will give you a description of some of those flowers for the first time, flowers which are not only magnificent but sublime and worthy of housing superior spirits. Good bye. May a perfume of charity animate you! The virtues themselves have their perfume.
We are also in charge of spreading their perfumes. We take to the exile a memory of his homeland by bringing to his prison the aroma of the flowers that ornamented his patrimonial garden. To someone truly in love, we take the perfume of the flowers offered by his bride; To the ones that cry, a remembrance of those who are no longer blossoming on their graves, the roses and violets that recall their virtues. Who among you does not owe us such kind emotions?
Who has not shivered yet before the contact with a beloved aroma? I suppose you are surprised by hearing that there are spirits dedicated to all this. However, it is absolutely true. We have never and perhaps shall never incarnate among you. Yet, some have been human but not many among the spirits of the elements. Our mission is nothing on your planet Earth. We progress like you do but it is particularly in the superior planets that we are happy. In Jupiter our flowers issue harmonious sounds and we build the airy dwellings that hummingbird nests are the only ones which may give you a slight comparison. I will give you a description of some of those flowers for the first time, flowers which are not only magnificent but sublime and worthy of housing superior spirits. Good bye. May a perfume of charity animate you! The virtues themselves have their perfume.
Questions about the Genie of the Flowers
(Society, December 30rd, 1859 session – medium Mr. Roze)
1. (To St. Louis) – The other day we had a spontaneous communication from a spirit who said to preside over the flowers and their perfumes. Are there really spirits that can be seen as genies of the flowers? – A. Such expression is poetic and well applied to the case, but in reality it would be false. Make no mistake; the spirit only presides over the work assigned by God in the whole creation. That is how you should understand that communication.
2. That spirit is called Hettani. How come a name was given if the spirit had never incarnated? – A. It is a fiction. The spirit does not preside in particular over the formation of flowers. The elemental spirit, before moving on to the animal series, focuses their fluidic action onto vegetal creation. Such spirit has not incarnated yet; they only act under the direction of more elevated intelligences that have already lived enough to acquire the necessary knowledge for their mission. It was one of those that communicated.
He gave you a poetic mix of actions from two classes of spirits who act upon the vegetal creation.
3. Since that spirit had not lived yet, even in the animal life, how can it be so poetic? – A. Read again. OBSERVATION: See the observation made after question 24, in the article about Ms. Indermuhle.
4. Thus, the spirit that communicated is not the one who animates the flower? – A. No, no. I clearly told you that: He guides.
5. Has the spirit that talked to us been incarnated? – A. Yes he did.
6. The spirit which gives life to plants and flowers, does that spirit think and does it have its own self awareness? – A. They neither think nor have instinct.
2. That spirit is called Hettani. How come a name was given if the spirit had never incarnated? – A. It is a fiction. The spirit does not preside in particular over the formation of flowers. The elemental spirit, before moving on to the animal series, focuses their fluidic action onto vegetal creation. Such spirit has not incarnated yet; they only act under the direction of more elevated intelligences that have already lived enough to acquire the necessary knowledge for their mission. It was one of those that communicated.
He gave you a poetic mix of actions from two classes of spirits who act upon the vegetal creation.
3. Since that spirit had not lived yet, even in the animal life, how can it be so poetic? – A. Read again. OBSERVATION: See the observation made after question 24, in the article about Ms. Indermuhle.
4. Thus, the spirit that communicated is not the one who animates the flower? – A. No, no. I clearly told you that: He guides.
5. Has the spirit that talked to us been incarnated? – A. Yes he did.
6. The spirit which gives life to plants and flowers, does that spirit think and does it have its own self awareness? – A. They neither think nor have instinct.
Happiness (Stael)
(Society, February 10th 1860 session – medium Ms. Eugenie)
What is the objective of each individual on Earth? It is happiness, at any price. What is it that determines a different route to everyone? Each one of us expects to find happiness in a place or on something that is particularly pleasing: some look for glory, others richness and others still seek distinction. The majority looks for fortune that is the most powerful means of getting everything else in our days. Fortune is a pedestal to everything. Nevertheless, how many see such aspiration of happiness fulfilled? Very few do. Ask each of those who get there if they have achieved the proposed objective. Are they happy? Everyone will respond that not yet since all desires grow in proportion to those that have been satisfied. If there are so many people interested in Spiritism today it is because they have seen the illusion in everything else and try Spiritism like they have tried wealth and glory before. If God has placed such a great need for happiness in our hearts it is because it must exist somewhere. Yes, trust God, but know that everything that comes from God must be divine like God and the so much expected happiness must not be material. Come to us, all of you who suffer. Come to us, all of you who need hope because when you lack everything else on Earth, we have here more than you need.
Desperate mothers, crying over a tomb, come here! The angel, for whom you cry, shall speak with you, will protect and inspire resignation in you, soothing the penalties that you must withstand on Earth. All of you, who have insatiable need for knowledge, come to us since we are the only ones capable of feeding your spirit. Come and we will find the proper relief to every pain. However abandoned you may seem to be, there are spirits who love you and are ready to demonstrate so. I speak for all of them. I wish for you to come, to be advised by us, for I am certain that you shall leave with hope in your heart.
Note: One moment later the spirit wrote again, and spontaneously:
More than once there is a smile on the lips of certain listeners, which may escape the medium but does not escape the spirits. However, have no fear. Those who laugh the most are the ones who will believe more later on. We forgive you because you may regret your irony one day. I am sure, ladies, if there was a loved one who you lost near you, to vivify their memory your smile of incredulity would change to a sigh and you would become happy or anxious. Take your time. Your day will come and your heart that is your most sensitive cord shall touch you. I know that.
Desperate mothers, crying over a tomb, come here! The angel, for whom you cry, shall speak with you, will protect and inspire resignation in you, soothing the penalties that you must withstand on Earth. All of you, who have insatiable need for knowledge, come to us since we are the only ones capable of feeding your spirit. Come and we will find the proper relief to every pain. However abandoned you may seem to be, there are spirits who love you and are ready to demonstrate so. I speak for all of them. I wish for you to come, to be advised by us, for I am certain that you shall leave with hope in your heart.
Note: One moment later the spirit wrote again, and spontaneously:
More than once there is a smile on the lips of certain listeners, which may escape the medium but does not escape the spirits. However, have no fear. Those who laugh the most are the ones who will believe more later on. We forgive you because you may regret your irony one day. I am sure, ladies, if there was a loved one who you lost near you, to vivify their memory your smile of incredulity would change to a sigh and you would become happy or anxious. Take your time. Your day will come and your heart that is your most sensitive cord shall touch you. I know that.
The Spirits’ Book, Second Edition
Entirely restructured and considerably augmented
n the first edition of this book we announced a supplemental part. It
should be composed by all questions not yet incorporated in the first edition
or originated by posterior events and new studies. However, since these
questions are related to the parts already treated, forming their development,
their isolated publication would not show continuity. We preferred to wait
for the reprint of the book to gather everything, taking the opportunity to
give a more methodic order to the distribution of the subjects, eliminating
everything that had double meaning. This reprint may thus be considered a
new book once the principles did not suffer any alteration except some corrections
that are more additions and clarifications than true modifications in
reality. Such compliance with the issued principles, despite the diversity of the
sources from where they were obtained, is an important fact for the establishment
of the Spiritist Science. Our own correspondence demonstrates that
total identical communications have been obtained in several places, if not in
the form, at least in the content; well before the publication of the book, came
the confirmations and then the organization of them. On its side History
demonstrates that the majority of these principles were professed by the most
eminent people of former and modern times, who have sanctioned them.
To the Readers of The Review Unsigned Letters
We sometimes receive letters signed by “one of your subscribers”, “one
of your readers”, “one of your followers”, etc. without any other
denomination. The majority contains reports of facts, spiritist communications
or questions requiring answers or even with a request for the evocation
of certain persons. We believe it to be our duty to warn the readers,
subscribers or non-subscribers that every non-authenticated letter is like
a non-received letter to us and as such, no attention is given to them. We
have great reservation in our reports with respect to the publication of
people’s names because we understand the difficulty of certain positions.
This is the reason why we only cite those who give us authorization. But
that is not the case regarding these communications. They remain in the
basket up until the time they can be read, since our works are multiplied
daily, not allowing us to bother with something that might not be serious.
Allan Kardec
Allan Kardec
Bulletin of the Parisian Society of Spiritist StudiesFriday, February 24th, 1860
(General Session)
(General Session)
1st – Letter from Dieppe confirming all points of the spontaneous
manifestations which took place in the house of a baker from
Grandes-Ventes, near Dieppe, and reported in La Vigie (published
in our March issue);
2nd – Letter from Mr. M. from Teil d’Ardèche, providing
new information about manifestations which took place at Fons
Castle, near Aubenas;
3rd – Letter from Baron Tscherkassoff, containing circumstantial
and authentic details about a very extraordinary fact
of spontaneous manifestation by a rapping spirit, which took
place at the beginning of the century, with a manufacturer in St.
Petersburg (to be published below);
4th – A report was given of an event of tangible apparition,
having all the characteristics of an agénère (temporarily materialized
spirit), which occurred last January 15th, in the village of Brix, near Valognes. The fact was transmitted to Mr. Ledoyen
by someone acquainted with him and that verified its accuracy
(published below);
5th – A text was read about a Muslim tradition regarding
prophet Esdras, extracted from the “Moniteur” on February 15th
1860, based on a fact of mediumship.
1st – Spontaneous essay by Charlet, received by Mr. Didier Junior,
confirming the work already initiated;
2nd – Evocation of Mr. Jules-Louis C…, deceased on January
30th last, in the Val-de-Grâce hospital, as a consequence of a cancer
which had destroyed part of his face and jaw;
This evocation was carried out following the wishes of one
of his friends who was attending the session and another person
who was a family friend. It is educational, above all, regarding the
changes in our way of thinking after death, since Mr. C… was
openly materialistic when alive.
3rd – St. Louis is asked if it would be possible to call the spirit
that manifested in the house of the baker of Dieppe. He responds
that he cannot, for reasons that would be understood later.
Friday, March 2nd, 1860
(Private Session)
Several administrative matters are analyzed and discussed.
Study and appreciation of several spiritist communications obtained
at the Society and outside of the sessions.
Once asked to provide a spontaneous essay, St. Louis writes the following
through Ms. Huet:
“Here I am my friends, ready to give you my advices as I have been doing
so far. Beware of the bad spirits who may mingle among you, seeking to disseminate disunion. Unfortunately those who wish to become useful
for the accomplishment of a task always find obstacles. They don’t
find a generous person but someone willing to achieve a given intent.
Have no fear. You shall triumph over all obstacles through patience and
a firm attitude against voices that want to impose themselves. Regarding
the multiple communications attributed to me, these are sometimes from
another spirit that uses my name. I give few communications outside of
the Society that I have taken under my sponsorship. I do appreciate these
meetings, particularly devoted to me. It is only here that I like to give
warnings and advices. Thus, beware of other spirits that sometimes use
my name. May peace and union be among you! This is my wish in the
name of God who created good.
St. Louis
A member of the Society makes the following observation: “How
come an inferior spirit may take over the name of a superior spirit without
the latter’s consent? This can only happen with an evil intent. Then, why
would the good spirits allow it to happen? If they cannot oppose that,
does it mean that they are less powerful than the evil ones?
This was answered as follows: There is something more powerful than
the good spirits: God. God may allow the bad spirits to manifest in order
to help them to advance, and even more, to test our patience, our faith,
our confidence, our resolve to resist to temptation, and above all to exercise
our perspicacity in distinguishing between the true and false. It is up
to us to have the will of keeping them away, proving to them that we are
not toys in their hands. If they have authority over us, that is only due to
our own weakness. Pride, jealousy and all human evil passions constitute
their strength, giving them domination. We know out of experience that
their obsession ends when they don’t succeed and tire of trying. Then, it is
up to us to show them that they are wasting their time. If God wishes to
test us, then no spirit can oppose that. Thus, the obsession of malevolent
or mischievous spirits neither stems from their power nor from the weakness
of the good ones, but from a will that is above them all. The greater
the fight, the more merit we have, if we win.
Friday, March 9th, 1860
(Private Session)
The project containing proposed changes to the regulations of the Society
are to be introduced as such.
Mr. Allan Kardec presents the following observations with that
“Considerations about the objective and character of the Society
Ladies and Gentlemen,
Some people seem mistaken with respect to the true objective and
character of the Society; allow me to remind you of that, in a few words.
The objective of the Society is clearly defined in its own title and in
the preamble of the existing bylaws; that objective is essentially, and one
may say, exclusively, the study of the Spiritist Science. What we want, before
anything else, is not to convince ourselves, since we are already convinced,
but to get instructed and learn what we still don’t know. In order
to get there we need to position ourselves in the most favorable way; since
those studies require calmness and reverence we want to avoid anything
that may cause disruption. Such is the consideration that must prevail in
the appreciation of the measures that we adopt.
Starting from that principle, the Society then is in no way a vehicle of
propaganda. There is no doubt that each one of us wishes the dissemination
of the ideas that are considered useful; in order to achieve that each
one contributes in the circle of their relationships and according to their
own capacities. Yet it would be false to believe that it is necessary to gather
in society, and even more false to believe that the Society is the pillar
without which Spiritism would be in jeopardy.
Since the Society is regularly established, it proceeds with more order
and method than if marching serendipitously; but, besides all that,
the Society is not more preponderant than thousands of free societies
or private gatherings that do take place in France and abroad. Still
once more, what it wants is instruction; that is why it does not admit in its heart but serious persons, animated by the same desire, considering
that the antagonism of principles is a cause of disturbance. I
mean a systematic antagonism about the fundamental basis, since the
Society would not be able to put away the discussion of details without
contradicting itself. If it has adopted certain general principles it
is not due to a narrow spirit of exclusivism; the Society has seen it all,
studied and compared it all, and only after all that that an opinion
was formed based on experience and reason; only future can tell if the
Society is right or wrong.
Meanwhile it seeks no supremacy and only those who don’t know
the Society may suppose a ridicule pretension of absorbing all adepts of
Spiritism or to be positioned as the universal regulator. If it did not exist,
each one of us could learn independently, and instead of one meeting
only we could perhaps have ten or twenty, that is the whole difference. We
don’t impose our ideas to anyone; those who adopt them, it is because they
find them fair; those who come to us believe that there is an opportunity
to learn here but this is not like affiliation, since we neither form a sect nor
a party; we gather for the study of Spiritism like others do for the study
of Phrenology, History and other Sciences; and as our gatherings are not
based on any material interest, we don’t mind that others are formed right
beside us; truly, it would be the same as attributing us with very petty,
narrow and puerile ideas if thought that we would see them with jealous
eyes, and those who wanted to create rivalries would be showing for that
very reason how little they understand the true spirit of the Doctrine;
we would regret one thing only: that they don’t know us well enough to
suppose that we are accessible to the ignoble feeling of envy. It is understandable
that mercenary and rival companies which may be harmed by
competition see each other with suspicious eyes; however, if these gatherings
only aim at, as they should, an exclusively moral interest, if there is
no commercial consideration intermingled with them, I then ask how
they can be harmed by multiplicity. Some will certainly say that if there is
no material interest on one side, there is self-love on the other, the desire to
destroy the neighbor’s moral credit; but such a drive would be even more ignoble. If that were the case – certainly contrary to God’s wishes – we
would only have to feel sorry for those moved by such thoughts. Do you
want to overtake your neighbor? Do better than him; that is a noble and
dignified fight, when it is not stained by envy and jealousy.
That is, ladies and gentlemen, an essential point which should not
be out of sight, that we neither form a sect nor a society of propaganda,
or a corporation with a common interest; if we ceased existing, Spiritism
would suffer no damage and other twenty societies would be formed from
our remains. One must understand that the roots of Spiritism are not in
our Society but in the whole world. There is something more powerful
than them, more influential than all societies: it is the Doctrine which
reaches the heart and reason of those who understand it; and particularly
of those who practice it.
These principles, ladies and gentlemen, tell us the true character of
our regulations, which have nothing in common with the bylaws of a corporation;
there is no contract bonding one to the others; outside our sessions
we have no reciprocal obligation but to behave as educated people.
Those who don’t find in these meetings what they expected to find have
total freedom to leave, and I would not even conceive the idea of having
them around since what we do here is not suitable to them. It would not
be logical that they would come here to waste their time.
In every meeting one needs rules to maintain the good order; our
regulation is then nothing but a word of order with the objective of establishing
the organization of our sessions, keeping the relationship among
the attendees civil and adequate, necessary to preside over every assembly
of people of good manners, abstraction made of the conditions which are
inherent to the specialty of our activities, since we don’t deal exclusively
with human beings but also with the spirits that, as you know, are not
all good spirits and that one must be on guard against the falsehood of
some. Among them there are some very astute ones who can even push us
towards a dangerous avenue, just for the hatred of good; it is up to us to
exercise prudence and perspicacity to frustrate them, a fact that forces us
to take special precautions.
Keep in mind, ladies and gentlemen, the way by which the Society
was formed. I used to receive in my house people in “petit comité” (small
groups); as that number grew, people said: a larger place is in order. In
order to have a larger place it will be necessary to pay for it and we then
had to share the costs. It was also said: one needs order with the séances;
we cannot admit the first one who shows up; then we need rules; and that
is the whole story of the Society. It is very simple, as you see. The idea of
founding an institution had not crossed anybody’s mind, or the occupation
with any other business outside the studies, and I even declare very
formally that if in any case the Society wanted to go beyond that objective
I would not follow it.
What I have done, others are equally free to do the same on their side
and at will, following their own tastes, ideas and particular viewpoints;
and these different groups may understand each other perfectly well and
coexist like good neighbors. As it is physically impossible to gather all
adepts of Spiritism in the same place, unless a public area was used for the
assemblies, those different groups must be fractions of a larger whole but
not rival sects; and a given group, if becoming too large, may be subdivided
like the swarms of bees. These groups already exist in large numbers
and multiply every day. Well, it is precisely against such multiplicity that
the ill faith of the enemies of Spiritism shall breakdown, for the obstacles
would have the unavoidable effect, and by the force of things, of multiplying
the private gatherings. By that, one must acknowledge that there
is among certain groups a kind of rivalry, or even antagonism; what is the
cause of that? Oh my god! That cause is in human fragility, in the spirit
of pride that one wishes to impose; it is above all in the still incomplete
knowledge of the true principles of Spiritism. Each one defending their
principles like the Greek cities defended their gods in the former times
who, one must recognize, were no one else but the more or less good spirits.
Those dissidences only exist because there are people ready to judge
before they have seen the whole picture or who judge from the standpoint
of their restrict personalities; they shall fade away as many have already
done so, while the Science is being formulated; truth is definitely one and it shall come out of the impartial assessment of the different opinions.
Under the expectation that light will shine upon all points, who shall be
the judge? Reason, you will say; but when two persons contradict one
another, each one invokes their reason; what will be the superior reason to
decide between those two reasons?
Without discussing the more or less pompous language, a form which
the imposter and pseudo-clever spirits know well how to use in order to
seduce by appearances, we start from the principle that good spirits give
only good advices, those of union and concord; that their language is
always simple, modest and full of benevolence, exempt of acrimony, arrogance
and presumption, in short, that everything in them breathes the
purest charity. Charity - that is the true criterion to judge the spirits and
to judge oneself. Whoever finds a germ of rancor against their brother or
sister when digging up their most inner soul, even a simple bad wish, may
say to oneself that a bad spirit is soliciting them, since the maxim of Christ
is forgotten: “you will be forgiven as you have forgiven.”
Thus, if there is rivalry between two spiritist groups the truly good
spirits could not take the side of the one who had said anathema against
the other since a sensible person could never believe that envy, rancor,
malevolence, in short, every feeling against charity could stem from a
pure source. Look and find the side in which there is more practical charity
and not in words and you shall recognize effortlessly on which side
the good spirits are, and consequently from whom one is more likely to
expect the truth.
Such considerations, ladies and gentlemen, far from keeping us away
from our subject, they place us on the right terrain. The regulations, seen
from that perspective, totally lose their character of contract, assuming a
much more modest one, that of simple disciplinary rule.
Every meeting, whatever their objective, must forearm against an obstacle
which is the disordered characters that seem to have been born
to spread disturbance and fissure everywhere; disorder and contradiction
are their element. The spiritist sessions, more than the others, must fear
them since the best communications are only obtained in calmness and reverence, incompatible with their presence and that of the sympathetic
spirits that they bring along.
In summary, we must strive to remove all causes of disorder and interruption;
keeping good relationships among us, which the sincere spiritists
should give the example, more than others; we must oppose to any movement
of the Society away from its objective, by not dealing with questions
which are not in its scope, or paying the price to degenerate into an
arena of personalism and controversy. Furthermore, we need to look for
simplification in our procedures, facilitating the execution of the works.
The more complicated the procedures the more we will have causes for
disturbance; relaxation will come in by the sheer force of things and from
relaxation to anarchy is only one step away.”
Friday, March 16th, 1860
(Private Session)
Regulations are discussed and modified.
Friday, March 23rd, 1860
(Private Session)
The persons are indicated and the whole Committee nominated.
Two spontaneous essays were obtained, the first one from the spirit of
Charlet, through Mr. Didier Jr.; the second through Mrs. Boyer, from
a spirit who said to have been forced to come, accused for having tried
to break the harmony, spreading disruption, provoking envy and rivalry
among those who should be united. The spirit acknowledges his guilt on
some of the charges. Such spontaneous confession, he says, is part of the
punishment imposed on him.
Formation of Earth Theory of Planetary Incrustation
Our wise comrade from Brussels, Mr. Jobard, sends the text below regarding
our article about the pre-adamites, published in last month’s
issue of the Review:
“Allow me some thoughts about the creation of the world, with the
objective of rehabilitating the Bible to our eyes and to the eyes of the free
thinkers. God created the world in six days, four thousand years before
the Christian era. That is what is contested by the geologists, based on
the study of fossils and on the thousands of incontestable indications of
antiquity that throw Earth’s origin to thousands of millions of years back.
Nevertheless, the Scriptures tell the truth and so do the geologists, and it
is a simple peasant that shows the agreement, teaching us that our Earth
is nothing but an incrusted planet, very modern, composed of materials
very ancient.”
“After the elevation of the unknown planet, reaching maturity or harmony
with what was around in the place that we occupy today; Earth’s
soul received a command to gather its satellites in order to form the current
globe, according to the rules which governed everything. Only four
of those globes consented with the proposed formation; only the Moon insisted in its autonomy, as the globes also have their free-will. In order
to proceed with such a fusion, Earth’s soul stroked those globes with an
attractive magnetic ray, thus bringing the vegetable, animal and hominid
components of the community into a cataleptic state. The sole witness
of that operation was Earth’s soul and the great celestial messengers who
helped in that enormous endeavor, opening their globes and sharing their
innards. Once the fusion was achieved the waters flowed over the voids
left by the absence of the Moon, from whom one was supposed to expect
a better appreciation of its interests.”
“The atmospheres blended and the awakening, or the resurrection of
the germs from the cataleptic state, started. The human being was the last
one to be retrieved from his hypnotic state, finding himself surrounded
by luxuriant vegetation of the terrestrial paradise and the animals which
peacefully grazed around him. Would you believe that all this could have
happened in six days, considering such powerful workers to whom God
had assigned the task! Planet Asia brought us the yellow race, the oldest
civilization; planet Africa the black race; planet Europa the white race and
planet America the red race. The Moon would certainly have brought us
the green or blue race.”
“Thus, certain animals from which only the remains are found would
have never lived here in our current Earth but would have been dislocated
from their aged worlds. The fossils that are found in climates where they
could not have survived certainly lived in different zones in their original
globes. Those remains are found on our Poles while in their planets they
would have lived around the Equator. Besides, those huge masses whose
existence we cannot conceive in the air, used to live on the bottom of the
oceans under the pressure of a medium that facilitated their locomotion.
Future studies of the seas will bring us other remains, other germs which
will wake up from their long lethargy, showing us unknown species of
plants, animals and autochthones, contemporary of the floods, and you
will be surprised by discovering new islands in the middle of the oceans
populated by plants and animals which cannot come from anywhere, nor
can they be transported by the winds or by the waves.”
“Our Science which contests the Bible will end up by restituting its
merit as it was forced to do regarding the rotation of Earth, since it is not the
Bible that is in error but those who do not understand it. Here is the proof:”
“Joshua stopped the sun by saying: Sun, stand still…! Well, it is still
since then because you will find nowhere that he had ordered the Sun to
move again; and since the defeat of the Amalekites, if night succeeds day,
it is necessary that Earth moves. Then it is not Galileo but the inquisitors
who must be reprimanded for not having taken the Bible literally.”
“The existence of the biblical unicorn was also denied and two have
just been killed in the Tibetan mountains. The apparition of the spectrum
of Saul was denied and thank God you are about to convince the
skeptical. Let us always remember this warning from the Scriptures: “Noli
esse incredulous sicut equus et mulus, quibus non est intellectus”.
“Kind and respectful regards to the author of the Ethnology of the
Spiritual World.”
The theory of Earth’s formation by the incrustation of several planetary
bodies was already given on several occasions by certain spirits and
through mediums who did not know one another. We do not support that
doctrine, which we must confess, has not been sufficiently studied yet
so that we can speak about it, but we recognize that it deserves a certain
examination. The ideas that it suggests are nothing but hypothesis until
more positive findings may come to confirm or deny them. Meanwhile it
is a milestone which can lead to great discoveries, guiding our researches
and scientists who may perhaps one day find in them the solution to many
Nevertheless, certain critics will say: “Don’t you trust the spirits? Do
you have doubts about their assertions? Since they are intelligences no
longer attached to matter, can they not remove all doubts of Science and
shed light where there is darkness?”
This is a serious issue that is related to the foundation of Spiritism and
that we cannot solve at this point without repeating what we have already
said with that regard. We shall only add a few words in order to justify
our reservations. To begin with, we will respond by saying that we would
very easily become people of lessor knowledge if we limited ourselves to
only enquiry the spirits in order to know everything that is unknown to
us now. God wishes that we acquire knowledge through work and God
has not assigned the spirits with the task of bringing us that preprocessed
knowledge, favoring our idleness. Next, one must consider that humanity,
like the individuals, has its infancy, adolescence, youth and maturity.
Since the spirits have been assigned by God to instruct human beings,
they must then provide teachings that facilitate the development of human
beings’ intelligence. They will not say everything to everyone, and
before sowing they expect the terrain to be ready for the seeds so that they
can bear fruits. That is why certain truths which we are told today were
not taught to our parents, who also questioned the spirits; furthermore,
that is why truths for which are not mature yet will only be taught to
those who will come after us. Our mistake is to consider ourselves to be
on the summit when in reality we are only half way through.
Let us say in passing that the spirits have two ways of instructing
human beings. They can do it by communicating directly with human
beings, a fact that has always happened at all times, as demonstrated by
sacred as well as profane history, and they can also incarnate among human
beings to accomplish missions of progress. Such are those righteous
individuals and geniuses that show up from time to time, like lighthouses
to humanity, making it advance a few steps. Observe what happens when
those individuals come before the time is right for the propagation of the
ideas that they want to spread: they go ignored in life but their teachings
remain. These are stored in the world’s archives, like the precious grain
that is spared, reaching the ground the day when it can fructify.
From the above it is understandable that if the time were not right to
disseminate certain ideas we would then hopelessly interrogate the spirits.
They cannot say but that which they are permitted. There is however another reason that everyone who has some experience with the spiritual
world understands well.
It is not good enough to be a spirit in order to reach the universal science;
otherwise death would make us almost equal to God. As a matter
of fact, simple common sense refuses to accept that the spirit of a savage,
of an ignorant or evil person, when separated from the body, would be
on the same level as that of the virtuous individual. That would not be
rational. Hence, there are advanced spirits and others more or less delayed,
who still need to pass through several stages, go through numerous filters
before leaving behind all their imperfections. As a consequence, all varieties
of moral and intelligence existing among human beings are also found
in the spiritual world, and some others. Now, experience demonstrates
that the bad ones communicate as much as the good ones. Those who
are openly bad are easily identified but there are also the pseudo-wise
ones, the false wise, the presumptuous, the systematic and the hypocrites.
These are the most dangerous ones since they bear a serious appearance,
of wisdom and science, towards which they always proclaim the most absurd
things amidst some truths and good teachings. They are not afraid
of using respectable names in order to better deceive. Separate the true
from the false; discover the occult deception out of a cascade of beautiful
words; unmask the imposters, that is, without a doubt, one of the greatest
difficulties of the Spiritist Science. A long experience is required in order
to overcome that; get to know every trap used by the low class spirits; exercise
a lot of prudence; see things with the most undisturbed cold blood
and particularly abstain yourself from the blinding enthusiasm. With
time, experience and a little bit of finesse one can easily figure them out,
even under the coverage of the most pretentious language.
Unfortunate, however, is the medium that judges them infallible, deluded
by the communications that they receive. The dominant spirit may
fascinate them to the point of leading them to believe to be sublime something
that is sometimes absurd and obvious to everyone else but them.
Let us return to the subject. The theory of the formation of Earth by
incrustation is not the only one given by the spirits. In which one should we believe? This demonstrates that outside the moral world, which cannot
have two interpretations, one must not accept scientific theories from
the spirits, unless with great reservation, because and once more they do
not have the mission of bringing us the final Science; they are far from
knowing everything, particularly with respect to the beginning of things;
finally, it is necessary to suspect the systematic ideas, that some among
them want to make prevail and to which they have no scruples in associating
a divine origin. Examining those communications cold-bloodedly
and especially without prevention; pondering all words with maturity,
we easily find out the signs of a suspicious origin, incompatible with the
character of the spirit with whom we supposedly speak.
These are sometimes such clear scientific heresies that one would need
to be blind or very ignorant to miss them. Well, how can one admit that
a superior spirit may make such absurd mistakes? Other times these are
trivial expressions of ridicule, puerile forms, and a thousand other signals
which betray the inferiority of the spirit to anyone who is not fascinated.
What sensible person could ever believe that a doctrine contrary to
the most positive findings of science could be originated from a wise
spirit, even when bearing the name Arago? How can one believe in the
goodness of a spirit who gave advices that were contrary to charity and
benevolence, even when signed by an apostle of beneficence? In addition,
it is a profanity to mix venerable names with communications which show
evident traces of inferiority. The more respected the names, the more they
must be taken carefully and the more one must be aware of the risks of
being deceived by mystification.
In summary, the important criterion taught by the spirits is logic.
God gave us reason and the capacity to judge so it can serve us. The good
spirits recommend it to us and we can use it to give proof of their superiority.
The others take great care. They want to be given credit for their
words, for they know they stand to lose if there is serious examination.
As seen, we have many reasons for not accepting lightheartedly every
theory given by the spirits. When a theory shows up, we position ourselves
in the role of the observer. We make abstraction of the spiritist origin, not allowing ourselves to be obfuscated by the light of pompous names.
We examine that theory as if coming from a simple mortal and see if it
is rational, if it encompasses everything, if it solves all challenges. That is
how we proceeded with the doctrine of the reincarnation, which was not
promptly adopted by us, although coming from the spirits, but only after
we had acknowledged that such theory, and only that theory, could solve
what no other doctrine could have ever done before, and abstraction made
of all material proofs which are daily given to us and many others about
that theory. Hence, never mind the contradictors, even if these are spirits.
As long as the theory is logic, according to God’s justice; than nothing
else more satisfactory can be presented to us, we will not bother with that
more than we would with those who state that the Earth does not turn
around the Sun – because there are spirits that defend this idea and consider
themselves shrewd – or those who say that human beings came from
another world, perfectly formed, riding the back of a winged elephant.
We agree even less with the point of view about the formation and
particularly the population of Earth. That is why, since the beginning,
we said that for us the issue was not sufficiently clarified, as seen from a
purely scientific point of view. We just say that, at first glance, the theory
of incrustation did not seem completely unfounded and, not supporting
or denying it, we say that this is a subject for examination. In fact, once
the physiological characters of the diverse human races are studied, it is
not possible to attribute them with a common origin, because the black
race is not a bastardization of the white race. Yet, adopting the Biblical
text, which yields all human beings descending from Noah’s family, two
thousand and four hundred years before the Christian era, one would
have to admit not only that such family populated the whole Asia, Europe
and Africa in a few centuries but that they had become black. We know
well the kind of influence that the climate and habits may have upon the
human body. A scorching Sun darkens the skin but it has never been seen,
even under the most intense tropical conditions, white families procreating
black children, without crossing races. Hence, it seems evident to us
that the primitive races on Earth came from different origins. What is the principle? That is the question, and up until there is material proof, one is
not allowed to make more than assumptions about the subject. Therefore,
it is up to the individuals of Science to identify those which are more in
agreement with the facts already attested by Science. Without examining
how the welding and fusion of several planetary bodies was possible for
the formation of our globe, we must recognize that it is not impossible
and then this could explain the simultaneous presence of heterogeneous
races, so much different in their habits and languages, that each part of
the globe would have carried their germs or embryos; and that perhaps,
who knows, the already formed individuals. Under such assumption, the
white race would have come from a different world than the one which
would have brought the black race. In all cases the fusion would not have
taken place without a general cataclysm, yielding the survival of a few
individuals only. Thus, according to this theory, our globe would be very
old for its constituent parts, and very new for its agglomeration. As seen,
this theory does not contradict the geological periods that would date
back to an undetermined period, prior to the fusion. Nevertheless, and
whatever Mr. Jobard says, if things took place in such a way, it seems difficult
that such events had happened and particularly that the equilibrium
of such a chaos could have taken place in six days of 24 hours. The motion
of the inert matter is submitted to eternal laws that cannot be breached
by miracles.
One must still explain the meaning of Earth’s soul since nobody can
attribute some sort of will to matter. The spirits have always said that
some of them have special assignments. Agents and God’s ministers manage,
according to their degree of elevation, events of physical as well as
moral nature. Thus, since some of them watch over individuals, of whom
they become familiar spirits or protectors, others take under their sponsorship
groups of individuals, communities, cities, peoples and even globes.
Earth’s soul must then be understood as the spirit called upon by its mission
of managing her and making her advance. The governing spirit of a
world must necessarily be of a superior order, and the more elevated the
more advanced that world is.
If we insisted on several points that could seem strange to the subject,
it was precisely due to the fact that they are related to an eminently controversial
scientific issue. It must be strongly stated to those who judge
things without knowing them that Spiritism, is far from taking everything
that comes from the invisible world as an article of faith and that,
contrary to what they intend to say, Spiritism is not founded on blind
belief, but on reason.
If all adepts of Spiritism do not keep the same circumspection, it is
not the Science’s fault but of those who do not endeavor to study it further.
Likewise, it would not be more logical to pass judgment based on the
exaggeration of a few individuals than to condemn religion based on the
opinion of a few fanatics.
Letters from Dr. Morhéry about Ms. Désirée Godu
We spoke about the remarkable faculty of Ms. Désirée Godu as a
healing medium and we could have cited authentic witnesses that
we have in our possession. However, here is a testimony of incontestable
reach. It is not one of those attestations that are provided somehow lightheartedly.
It is the result of serious observations by a knowledgeable man,
eminently capable of assessing things from both points of view of Science
and Spiritism. Dr. Morhéry sent us the two following letters, whose publication
the readers will appreciate.
“Plessis-Bloudet, near Loudéac (Côtes-du-Nord)
“Mr. Allan Kardec,
“Although overloaded right now by my regular activities, as a
corresponding member of the Parisian Society of Spiritist Studies
I see it as my duty to inform you about an unexpected event
which is certainly of interest to all our colleagues.”
“You have praised Ms. Désirée Godu, from Hennebon, in
the last issues of your Review. You said that after she had been
a clairvoyant, hearing and writing medium, the young lady had
become a healing medium in the past few years. That is how
she came to me, requesting my support as a medical doctor, to demonstrate the efficacy of her medication, which I believe
it could be called spiritist. In the beginning I thought that her
motives where the threats against her and the obstacles created
to her medical practice for the fact that she was not certified.
She told me, however, that her guiding spirit, working with her
for six years, had advised her to do so, as a necessary condition
from the point of view of Spiritism. In any case I found it to be
my duty and in the interest of humanity to accept her generous
proposal, but I had doubts if she would accomplish that.
Although not knowing her in person or even having never seen
her, I learned that the devout young lady had never wanted to
be away from her family but in one exceptional circumstance
at the age of 17, in order to accomplish an important mission.
I was nicely surprised when I saw her coming to my house led
by her mother who left the next day, leaving her with profound
sadness. Such sadness, however, was mitigated by the courage of
her resignation. Ms. Godu has been living with my family for 10
days already, and she has become the focus of much joy, despite
her nerve-racking occupation. “Since her arrival I have already
attested 75 cases of several diseases, against which the medical
resources had failed in most of them. We have amaurosis fugax,
severe ophthalmic disorders, paralysis and all that reject to any
treatment, scrofulous, the scabby, cataracts and terminal cancer,
all cases that are duly registered; the nature of the disease is established
by me, she indicates the dressings, and all procedures
are followed as in a regular clinical treatment room.”
“Time was not enough for my peremptory pronunciation
about the healings operated by Ms. Godu. However, I can already
affirm that I am impressed by the revolutionary results that she
obtains with the application of her ointments whose effects vary
to the infinity through an action which I could not explain, based
on the ordinary rules of Science. I also saw with pleasure that she would cure fevers without the use of any chemicals or balms, by
simple infusion of flowers or leaves of several plants.”
“I particularly follow with great interest her treatment of a
third degree cancer. This cancer has been identified and unsuccessfully
treated by several colleagues, as always, and it is the focus
of great concern by Ms. Godu, who is very preoccupied by
it. I sincerely wish that her efforts be rewarded with success and
that she can heal that indigent which she treats with zeal beyond
praise. If she does, then other success cases are naturally expected
and she will be doing a huge service to humanity, curing such a
terrible and atrocious disease.”
“I know that several comrades may be laughing at my own
expectations. Why bother if those hopes come true! I have already
been criticized for helping a person whose intentions are not contested
but whose healing skills are denied by the majority since
she was not formally trained in the academia.”
“I shall respond to that by saying that it was not the Faculty
which discovered the vaccine but simple shepherds; it was not
the Faculty that found the bark of Peru but the native Indians
of that country. The Faculty attests the facts, groups and classifies
them, forming the precious basis of teaching, but it does not
exclusively produce them. Some silly people, and unfortunately
there are some here as everywhere else, judge themselves witty,
calling Ms. Godu a witch. She is certainly a very kind and useful
witch for she neither inspires fear nor the desire to have her sent
to burn at the stake.”
“To the others who see her as an instrument of the devil
I will respond by boldly saying: if the devil comes to Earth to
cure the incurable, the abandoned and indigent, one must then
conclude that the devil has finally converted and deserves our
thanks. Besides, I doubt very much that among those who speak
of her in such a way, there are many who would not prefer to be cured by her hands instead of dying in the hands of the doctors.
Let us then be open to goodness from whatever source it
may come and let us not attribute its merit to the devil without
authentic proofs. It is more rational and according to the good
moral to attribute the good to God and just say grace. I believe
that you and all other colleagues will share my point of view.
As a matter of fact, whether or not this becomes a reality, there
will always remain something for Science. I am not a man who
forgets certain employed means which are neglected these days.
They say that Medicine has made enormous progress. Yes, it has
done so to Science but not to the art of healing. We learn a lot
and forget a lot too. The human spirit is like the ocean: it cannot
encompass everything; when a beach is taken another one
is left behind. I will come back to this subject and let you know
about this curious experience. I give serious attention to this. If
she triumphs, it will be a brilliant manifestation, against which
it will be impossible to fight, because nothing stops those who
suffer and seek cure. I am determined to fight whatever is necessary
with that objective, including ridicule which is so much
feared in France.”
“I take the opportunity to send you my inaugural thesis. If
you take the burden of reading it you will easily understand how
much I was prepared to accept Spiritism. That thesis was defended
when Medicine had been taken by the most profound materialism.
It was a protest against such a current which dragged us
towards organic Medicine and mineral Pharmacology, so much
abused. How much health had not been devastated by the abusive
use of mineral substances that in case of reaction amplifies
the disease and in case of improvement it still leaves traces in our
Yours sincerely,
March 20th, 1860
In my last letter I indicated that Ms. Désirée Godu had come
to practice her healing skills before me. This is to bring you some
more news.”
“I started my observations with a large number of patients
since February 25th, almost all of them indigent and incapable of
finding adequate treatment. Some have diseases of little importance
but the majority suffers from illnesses which would resist
the ordinary means of treatment. I have logged 152 cases of several
disorders since February 25th. Unfortunately in our land, and
particularly the indigent and sick, follow their own caprices and
have no patience to follow a stable and methodical treatment. As
soon as they experience some improvement they consider themselves
cured and do nothing else. This sometimes happens to my
own patients and it should necessarily happen to Ms. Godu’s too.”
“As I said before, I don’t want to pre-judge or affirm anything,
except the results attested by experience. Later I shall
report the whole thing and point out the most remarkable observations.
However, I already want to express my admiration for
seeing cures which were obtained outside conventional practices.”
“I saw three intermittent, resistant fevers, cured without the
use of cinchona, one of which had resisted to all means employed
by me.”
“Ms. Godu also cured three cases of paranitium and two
sub-aponeurotic inflammations of the hand in a few days. That
really impressed me.”
“I can also attest, the not yet complete cure but already advanced
treatment of one of our most intelligent workers, Pierre Le
Boudec, from Saint-Hérve, who has been deaf since he was 18.
He was as astonished as I was when after three days of treatment
he could hear the birds singing and the voice of his children. I saw him this morning and all indications are that he will soon be
completely cured.”
“The one who attracts most attention among our patients is a
so called Mr. Bigo, a worker from Saint-Caradec, who has cancer
in his lower lip for two years now. The cancer achieved its last
degree. His inferior lip is partially destroyed; the gum and the
sublingual glandules are cancerous and the bone of his inferior
jaw is also affected by the disease. His condition was desperate
when he came to the house. His pain was excruciating. He hasn’t
been able to sleep for the past six months. Surgery was not recommended
given the advanced stage of the disease. A cure seemed
impossible to me and I frankly declared it to Ms. Godu, warning
her about an inevitable defeat. My opinion did not change the
prognosis. I still cannot believe in the cure of such an advanced
cancer. However, I must declare that since the application of the
first ointment, the patient experiences some relief and since that
day, February 25th, he sleeps and eats well; he is confident again;
the wound has visibly changed in appearance and if that pattern
continues, despite my personal opinion, I am forced to expect a
cure. If that comes true, it will be the greatest phenomenon of
cure which one could attest. It is necessary to wait and be patient,
like Mr. Bigot. Ms. Godu addresses him with special care.
Sometimes she changes the bandages every half hour. He is her
favorite destitute.”
“There is nothing else to say. I could report rumors and gossips,
and comments about witchcraft, but since foolishness is inherent
to humanity, I don’t bother trying to cure it.”
With my respect,
OBSERVATION: As it can be seen from the two letters above, Mr. Morhéry
was not led by enthusiasm. He observes things cold-bloodedly, and as an enlightened
man, without illusions. He shows extreme good faith, leaving aside his medical pride. He is not afraid of confessing that nature may not need
him, inspiring an uneducated young lady with the means of healing, that he
had not found in the Faculty or in his own brain, and not feeling humiliated
by that. His knowledge about Spiritism teaches him that it is possible, without
breaching the laws of nature. He understands it, since such a faculty is a
simple phenomenon more developed in Ms. Godu than in others. One can
say that this young lady is to the art of healing as Joan of Arc was to the the
art of military. Well-informed about the two essential points – Spiritism as the
source, Medicine as the control – Mr. Morhéry puts aside his self-love and any
personal feelings, positioning himself in the best place to judge impartially,
and we congratulate Ms. Godu for her resolution in choosing him to be her
sponsor. The readers will certainly appreciate the fact that we will keep them
informed about future observations.
The Manufacturer of St. PetersburgHis countryman Baron Gabriel Tscherkassoff, who lives in Cannes and who attests to its authenticity, transmitted the following facts of a spontaneous manifestation to our colleague, Mr. Kratzoff, from St. Petersburg. As a matter of fact, it seems that the facts are very well known and were a sensation in its day.
“In the beginning of the century there was a rich artisan in St. Petersburg that employed a large number of workers in his workshops. I can’t remember his name but I believe he was English. He was a rightful, decent, humane person, not only enjoying the good returns of his products but also ensuring the moral as well as physical well being of his workers who, in turn, offered the example of good behavior and an almost fraternal agreement. According to Russian costumes, still existent in our days, food and lodging were covered by the employer, where they occupied the upper floors and the attic of the same house. One morning several workers could not find their clothes after waking up, clothes they had set beside their beds before going to sleep. Nobody thought of robbery. They unsuccessfully questioned one another, suspecting that the most malicious ones could be tricking the group. Finally, thanks to their searches, all missing objects were found in the cellar, in the fireplaces and even on top of the roof. The boss warned everyone since nobody would confess wrongdoing. On the contrary, everyone protested innocence.”
“Some time later the same thing happened again. There was new recommendations, new protests. It gradually began to happen every night and the owner was really upset because he saw his work suffering and the threat of his workers leaving the house where, they said, supernatural things were taking place. Following the owner’s advice, a nightly watch was organized by the employees themselves in order to catch the offender, but it was unsuccessful. On the contrary, things changed from bad to worse. The workers had to climb dimly lit stairs to get to their rooms. When they would arrive, several of them received blows on the head and had their faces slapped. Whenever they tried to defend themselves they would only find emptiness, while the violence of the blows gave them the impression that they were dealing with a solid creature. This time the owner advised them to form two groups: one should stay on the top of the stairwell, the other on the bottom. Following that procedure the bad guy could not escape and would receive the deserved correction. However, the owner’s strategy failed once again. The two groups were badly beaten and one accused the other. The complaints became violent and as it reached the highest possible level of disagreement among the workers, the owner was even considering moving or shutting down the whole operation.”
“One evening he sat, sad and full of thoughts, surrounded by his family. Everyone was feeling disheartened when suddenly a huge noise was heard in the room next door, which was used as his office. He stood up promptly, looking for the cause of that noise. The first thing he saw was an open desk with a lit oil lamp. However, he had just closed that desk and put the light out. He approached the desk and saw a glass inkpot and a pen that did not belong to him and a sheet of paper on which he read still in fresh ink: “Have the wall in such a place taken down (above the stairwell). There you will find human remains which you will have buried in sacred land.” The owner grabbed the piece of paper and rushed to the police.”
“The day after they tried to identify the origin of the inkpot and the pen. They were shown to the neighbor who had their business on the ground floor and confirmed that the pieces were his. Once questioned about the person to whom he had given them, he said: “Last night I had already closed shop when I heard knocks on the window; I opened and saw a man whose looks were not familiar, who said: “I need you to give me an inkpot and a pen. I will pay for that.” I gave him the objects and he threw a large copper coin which I heard falling on the ground but I could not find it.”
“The wall was demolished at the indicated spot and there they found the human remains which were duly buried and everything went back to normal. The origin of that skeleton was never known.”
Facts of such a nature must have happened at all times and it can be seen that they were not provoked by the spiritist knowledge. It is understandable that in remote centuries or among ignorant people they have given rise to all kinds of superstitious assumptions.
“In the beginning of the century there was a rich artisan in St. Petersburg that employed a large number of workers in his workshops. I can’t remember his name but I believe he was English. He was a rightful, decent, humane person, not only enjoying the good returns of his products but also ensuring the moral as well as physical well being of his workers who, in turn, offered the example of good behavior and an almost fraternal agreement. According to Russian costumes, still existent in our days, food and lodging were covered by the employer, where they occupied the upper floors and the attic of the same house. One morning several workers could not find their clothes after waking up, clothes they had set beside their beds before going to sleep. Nobody thought of robbery. They unsuccessfully questioned one another, suspecting that the most malicious ones could be tricking the group. Finally, thanks to their searches, all missing objects were found in the cellar, in the fireplaces and even on top of the roof. The boss warned everyone since nobody would confess wrongdoing. On the contrary, everyone protested innocence.”
“Some time later the same thing happened again. There was new recommendations, new protests. It gradually began to happen every night and the owner was really upset because he saw his work suffering and the threat of his workers leaving the house where, they said, supernatural things were taking place. Following the owner’s advice, a nightly watch was organized by the employees themselves in order to catch the offender, but it was unsuccessful. On the contrary, things changed from bad to worse. The workers had to climb dimly lit stairs to get to their rooms. When they would arrive, several of them received blows on the head and had their faces slapped. Whenever they tried to defend themselves they would only find emptiness, while the violence of the blows gave them the impression that they were dealing with a solid creature. This time the owner advised them to form two groups: one should stay on the top of the stairwell, the other on the bottom. Following that procedure the bad guy could not escape and would receive the deserved correction. However, the owner’s strategy failed once again. The two groups were badly beaten and one accused the other. The complaints became violent and as it reached the highest possible level of disagreement among the workers, the owner was even considering moving or shutting down the whole operation.”
“One evening he sat, sad and full of thoughts, surrounded by his family. Everyone was feeling disheartened when suddenly a huge noise was heard in the room next door, which was used as his office. He stood up promptly, looking for the cause of that noise. The first thing he saw was an open desk with a lit oil lamp. However, he had just closed that desk and put the light out. He approached the desk and saw a glass inkpot and a pen that did not belong to him and a sheet of paper on which he read still in fresh ink: “Have the wall in such a place taken down (above the stairwell). There you will find human remains which you will have buried in sacred land.” The owner grabbed the piece of paper and rushed to the police.”
“The day after they tried to identify the origin of the inkpot and the pen. They were shown to the neighbor who had their business on the ground floor and confirmed that the pieces were his. Once questioned about the person to whom he had given them, he said: “Last night I had already closed shop when I heard knocks on the window; I opened and saw a man whose looks were not familiar, who said: “I need you to give me an inkpot and a pen. I will pay for that.” I gave him the objects and he threw a large copper coin which I heard falling on the ground but I could not find it.”
“The wall was demolished at the indicated spot and there they found the human remains which were duly buried and everything went back to normal. The origin of that skeleton was never known.”
Facts of such a nature must have happened at all times and it can be seen that they were not provoked by the spiritist knowledge. It is understandable that in remote centuries or among ignorant people they have given rise to all kinds of superstitious assumptions.
Tangible Apparition
Last January 14th Mr. Lecomte, a farmer from the village of Brix, in the district of Valognes, was visited by an individual who was said to be one of his old comrades, with whom he had worked at the Port of Cherburg, and whose death goes back two and half years. The apparition wished to ask Lecomte to have a mass celebrated in his name at the Church. On the 15th the apparition showed up again. Lecomte, less afraid this time, effectively recognized his old comrade. Still disturbed, he did not know what to answer though. The same thing happened again on January the 17th and 18th. It was only on the 19th that Lecomte said:
• Since you want a mass, where do you want it celebrated? Will you attend it?
• I want, responded the spirit, that the mass be celebrated at St. Savior Chapel, in eight days. I will be there. And he added: I haven’t seen you for a long time and it was far away for me to come and see you. That was what he said and then he left with a handshake.
Mr. Lecomte did not fail his promise. The mass was celebrated on the 27th at the St. Savior Chapel and he saw his old comrade kneeling on the steps of the altar, near the vicar. Nobody else had seen him and although he had asked the priest and the assistants, they did not see him as well. Since then Lecomte was no longer visited, returning to his usual tranquility.
OBSERVATION: According to this report, whose authenticity is attested by a trustworthy source, it is not related to a simple vision but to a tangible apparition, since the deceased friend of Lecomte had shaken his hand. The incredulous will say that it was a hallucination. However, we still wait for their clear, logical and truly scientific explanation of the strange phenomena that they designate by that name, with the only objective, as it seems to us, of denying any solution.
Mr. Lecomte did not fail his promise. The mass was celebrated on the 27th at the St. Savior Chapel and he saw his old comrade kneeling on the steps of the altar, near the vicar. Nobody else had seen him and although he had asked the priest and the assistants, they did not see him as well. Since then Lecomte was no longer visited, returning to his usual tranquility.
OBSERVATION: According to this report, whose authenticity is attested by a trustworthy source, it is not related to a simple vision but to a tangible apparition, since the deceased friend of Lecomte had shaken his hand. The incredulous will say that it was a hallucination. However, we still wait for their clear, logical and truly scientific explanation of the strange phenomena that they designate by that name, with the only objective, as it seems to us, of denying any solution.
Spontaneous Essays
The Angel of Children(Society, medium Mrs. de Boyer)
My name is Michael. I am one of the spirits assigned to guard the children. What a kind mission! What happiness it gives to the soul! The protection of children, you will ask! Don’t they have their mothers, the good angels designated to shelter them? Why would there still be the need for a spirit to watch over them? However, how about those who no longer have their mothers? Don’t they exist in a large number?
And how about the mother, doesn’t she, sometimes need help? Who wakes her up in her first sleep? Who makes her foresee the danger, creating relief when the pain is great? It is us, always us. We turn the naughty child away from the cliff; we keep the dangerous animals and the wild fire away from her, fire that could burn her beautiful hair. Our mission is gentle! We are still the ones who inspire in them compassion towards the poor, sweetness, goodness. Not one of them, even the worst of them, could disturb us. There is always a time when their little hearts are open to us. How many of you will be impressed by that mission. However, don’t you always say that there is a God to the children, particularly to the poor children? No, not a God, but angels, friends. Otherwise, how could you explain these miraculous rescues? There are still many other powers whose existence you don’t even suspect. There is the spirit of flowers, of perfumes; a thousand and one others whose more or less elevated missions would seem charming and privileged to you, after your tough life of trials. I will invite them to come to you. At this point in time I am rewarded by a life entirely dedicated to children. Married at a young age to a man who had many, I was not fortunate to have my own children. Entirely dedicated to them, the good and sovereign God has allowed me to guard the children. Smooth and sacred mission, I repeat, whose efficacy the mothers present here could not deny. Good-bye, I will go now to the bedside of my little protected ones. The time of sleep is my time, and it is necessary that I visit all those lovely closed eyelids. Make no mistake, the good angel who watches over them is not an allegory but a truth.
(Society, November 25th, medium Mr. Roze)
In the old days you would have been crucified, burnt at the stake, tortured. The force was diminished; the fire extinguished and the instruments of torture broken. The terrible weapons of ridicule; so powerful against the lies and weaken the will against the truth. Its fiercest enemies retracted into an impenetrable circle. In fact, denying the reality of our manifestations would be the same as denying the revelation that is the foundation of all religions. Attributing it to the devil, pretending that the evil spirit has come to comfort you; cultivate the Gospel, urging you towards the good; to practice all virtues, it is simply and happily only to prove that the spirit does not exist. Every divided kingdom shall perish. Bad spirits will remain. A good tree never produces bad fruits; a bad tree never produces good fruits. You have nothing better to tell them but what Christ used to tell his oppressors when they formulated the same accusations against him, begging for God’s forgiveness since they didn’t know what they were doing.
The Spirit of Truth
(Another essay dictated to Mr. Roze, and read at the Society)
France carries the banner of progress and she must guide the other nations. That is demonstrated by previous and current events. You were chosen to be the mirror which must receive and reflect the Divine light, which must illuminate Earth, up until now soaked in the darkness of ignorance and lies. However, if you are not animated by the love to thy neighbor and by a boundless devotion; if the desire of knowing and propagating the truth, whose paths you must open to posterity, is not the only motive driving your works; if the slightest shade of pride, selfishness and material interest find shelter in your hearts, we shall only be served by you like the artisan that temporarily uses a defective instrument. We will come to you up until the time when we have found or stimulated a center richer than you are in virtues, more sympathetic to the phalanx of spirits sent by God to reveal the truth to the people of good will. Give some serious thoughts to that. Dig deep into your hearts, probe their most intimate thoughts and vigorously expel the bad passions which keep us away, otherwise you must leave before risking the work of your brothers and sisters by your presence or by the presence of the spirits that you bring along with you.
In the old days you would have been crucified, burnt at the stake, tortured. The force was diminished; the fire extinguished and the instruments of torture broken. The terrible weapons of ridicule; so powerful against the lies and weaken the will against the truth. Its fiercest enemies retracted into an impenetrable circle. In fact, denying the reality of our manifestations would be the same as denying the revelation that is the foundation of all religions. Attributing it to the devil, pretending that the evil spirit has come to comfort you; cultivate the Gospel, urging you towards the good; to practice all virtues, it is simply and happily only to prove that the spirit does not exist. Every divided kingdom shall perish. Bad spirits will remain. A good tree never produces bad fruits; a bad tree never produces good fruits. You have nothing better to tell them but what Christ used to tell his oppressors when they formulated the same accusations against him, begging for God’s forgiveness since they didn’t know what they were doing.
The Spirit of Truth
(Another essay dictated to Mr. Roze, and read at the Society)
France carries the banner of progress and she must guide the other nations. That is demonstrated by previous and current events. You were chosen to be the mirror which must receive and reflect the Divine light, which must illuminate Earth, up until now soaked in the darkness of ignorance and lies. However, if you are not animated by the love to thy neighbor and by a boundless devotion; if the desire of knowing and propagating the truth, whose paths you must open to posterity, is not the only motive driving your works; if the slightest shade of pride, selfishness and material interest find shelter in your hearts, we shall only be served by you like the artisan that temporarily uses a defective instrument. We will come to you up until the time when we have found or stimulated a center richer than you are in virtues, more sympathetic to the phalanx of spirits sent by God to reveal the truth to the people of good will. Give some serious thoughts to that. Dig deep into your hearts, probe their most intimate thoughts and vigorously expel the bad passions which keep us away, otherwise you must leave before risking the work of your brothers and sisters by your presence or by the presence of the spirits that you bring along with you.
The Spirit of Truth
(Society, December 16th, 1860 – Medium Ms. Huet)
In a beautiful spring afternoon a rich and generous man was sitting in his living room. He happily smelled the aroma of garden flowers while complacently tallying all the good deeds he had done that year. He could not avoid giving an almost despicable look at the house of one of his neighbors who gave but an almost insignificant contribution to the construction of the local church. As for me, he said, I gave more than a thousand francs to that work; I deliberately threw a 500 franc bill into the basket that the young Duchess circulated in favor of the poor; I gave much more to the beneficent parties, to all kinds of raffles and I believe God will be thankful for so much I have done. Ah! I forgot the small alms that I lately gave to an unfortunate widow who has a large family, still raising an orphan. However, what I gave her is so small that this is certainly not what is going to open the doors of heaven to me.
• You are mistaken, he suddenly heard from a voice that made him turn his head: that is the only one accepted by God; here is the proof. At the same time a hand erased everything he had listed on the piece of paper with all his good deeds, leaving the last one only, the voice and the paper went back into heaven.
Hence it is not the alms given with ostentation that is the best, but the one given with humility of heart.
Joinville, Amy de Loys.
In a beautiful spring afternoon a rich and generous man was sitting in his living room. He happily smelled the aroma of garden flowers while complacently tallying all the good deeds he had done that year. He could not avoid giving an almost despicable look at the house of one of his neighbors who gave but an almost insignificant contribution to the construction of the local church. As for me, he said, I gave more than a thousand francs to that work; I deliberately threw a 500 franc bill into the basket that the young Duchess circulated in favor of the poor; I gave much more to the beneficent parties, to all kinds of raffles and I believe God will be thankful for so much I have done. Ah! I forgot the small alms that I lately gave to an unfortunate widow who has a large family, still raising an orphan. However, what I gave her is so small that this is certainly not what is going to open the doors of heaven to me.
• You are mistaken, he suddenly heard from a voice that made him turn his head: that is the only one accepted by God; here is the proof. At the same time a hand erased everything he had listed on the piece of paper with all his good deeds, leaving the last one only, the voice and the paper went back into heaven.
Hence it is not the alms given with ostentation that is the best, but the one given with humility of heart.
Joinville, Amy de Loys.
Love and Freedom
(Society, January 27th, 1860 – Medium Mr. Roze)
God is love and freedom and it is through love and freedom that the spirit moves closer to God. Through love the spirit develops new relationships that get him closer to the unity in each existence; through freedom the spirit chooses the good that gets him closer to God. Be eager to spread the new faith but may the sacred eagerness that animates you never cast any harm upon the freedom of others! You must avoid mounting a kind of worn out and almost yielded resistance by insisting too much before a terrible and proud incredulity. The reign of coercion and oppression is over; it is time for reason, freedom and fraternal love. From now on, it is no longer by force and fear that the earthly powers will acquire the right of governing the moral, spiritual and material needs of its people but by love and freedom.
God is love and freedom and it is through love and freedom that the spirit moves closer to God. Through love the spirit develops new relationships that get him closer to the unity in each existence; through freedom the spirit chooses the good that gets him closer to God. Be eager to spread the new faith but may the sacred eagerness that animates you never cast any harm upon the freedom of others! You must avoid mounting a kind of worn out and almost yielded resistance by insisting too much before a terrible and proud incredulity. The reign of coercion and oppression is over; it is time for reason, freedom and fraternal love. From now on, it is no longer by force and fear that the earthly powers will acquire the right of governing the moral, spiritual and material needs of its people but by love and freedom.
(Society, February 3rd, 1860 – Medium Ms. Huet)
How can an intelligent person not believe in the immortality of the soul and consequently in a future life other than that of Spiritism? What should become of that immense love that a mother devotes to her children, the great care since their infancy, and the enlightened dedication of a father to the education of a beloved son? All annihilated at the time of separation or death? Would we then be like animals whose instincts are undoubtedly remarkable but which no longer take care of their offspring beyond the time necessary to attend their maternal needs?
When that time has come parents abandon their children and it is all over: the body is raised, there is no soul. However, the individual would not have a soul, an immortal soul! How about the sublime genius that can only be compared to God, since it comes from God, that genius that generates prodigies, that creates masterpieces, all that would be annihilated by the individual’s death? What Profanation absurdity! One cannot destroy in such a way those God given things. Raphael, Newton, Michelangelo and so many other sublime geniuses still illuminate the world with their spirit, although their bodies no onger exist. Make no mistake; they live and shall live forever. As for the communication with you, that is more difficult to admit by the vast majority of people. It is only through the study and observation that they can be ensured of such possibility.
How can an intelligent person not believe in the immortality of the soul and consequently in a future life other than that of Spiritism? What should become of that immense love that a mother devotes to her children, the great care since their infancy, and the enlightened dedication of a father to the education of a beloved son? All annihilated at the time of separation or death? Would we then be like animals whose instincts are undoubtedly remarkable but which no longer take care of their offspring beyond the time necessary to attend their maternal needs?
When that time has come parents abandon their children and it is all over: the body is raised, there is no soul. However, the individual would not have a soul, an immortal soul! How about the sublime genius that can only be compared to God, since it comes from God, that genius that generates prodigies, that creates masterpieces, all that would be annihilated by the individual’s death? What Profanation absurdity! One cannot destroy in such a way those God given things. Raphael, Newton, Michelangelo and so many other sublime geniuses still illuminate the world with their spirit, although their bodies no onger exist. Make no mistake; they live and shall live forever. As for the communication with you, that is more difficult to admit by the vast majority of people. It is only through the study and observation that they can be ensured of such possibility.
(Society, December 9th, 1859 – Medium Mr. Roze)
An old ship was hit by a terrible storm in its last journey. In addition to a large number of passengers, the ship transported to its final destination several foreign merchandise accumulated by the greed and cupidity of their owners. Danger was imminent. There was chaos aboard. The shipmasters refused to throw the load overboard. The orders were ignored since crew and passengers alike had lost their trust in them. It was time to consider abandoning ship. Three lifeboats were lowered. The most inexperienced, stunned and impatient rushed to the first one, swiftly rowing towards a dim light seen ashore. They soon fell in the hands of a group of castaways who took over the boat and then hastily collected the precious belongings, ruthlessly mistreating them.
The second group, more insightful, was able to distinguish a liberating lighthouse amidst the misleading lights that illuminated the horizon. They confidently allowed themselves to be dragged by the caprice of the waves, wrecking the boat against the coral reefs at the foothill of the lighthouse that kind of stared at them permanently. They felt their ruin and the loss of their properties as much as they had yearned their salvation.
The third group, less numerous but shrewd and sensible, carefully guided the boat through the wreckage, saving bodies and goods, not suffering except for fatigue after the trip.
Thus, don’t be content by only avoiding the bright lights of the shipwrecked and the bad spirits; but know how to avoid the mistakes of the idle ones, those who lost their goods and become shipwrecked at the port. Know how to navigate your ship through the wreckage of all passions and you shall happily get to the port of eternal life, carrying the wealth of virtues acquired in all your journeys.
St. Vincent de Paul
An old ship was hit by a terrible storm in its last journey. In addition to a large number of passengers, the ship transported to its final destination several foreign merchandise accumulated by the greed and cupidity of their owners. Danger was imminent. There was chaos aboard. The shipmasters refused to throw the load overboard. The orders were ignored since crew and passengers alike had lost their trust in them. It was time to consider abandoning ship. Three lifeboats were lowered. The most inexperienced, stunned and impatient rushed to the first one, swiftly rowing towards a dim light seen ashore. They soon fell in the hands of a group of castaways who took over the boat and then hastily collected the precious belongings, ruthlessly mistreating them.
The second group, more insightful, was able to distinguish a liberating lighthouse amidst the misleading lights that illuminated the horizon. They confidently allowed themselves to be dragged by the caprice of the waves, wrecking the boat against the coral reefs at the foothill of the lighthouse that kind of stared at them permanently. They felt their ruin and the loss of their properties as much as they had yearned their salvation.
The third group, less numerous but shrewd and sensible, carefully guided the boat through the wreckage, saving bodies and goods, not suffering except for fatigue after the trip.
Thus, don’t be content by only avoiding the bright lights of the shipwrecked and the bad spirits; but know how to avoid the mistakes of the idle ones, those who lost their goods and become shipwrecked at the port. Know how to navigate your ship through the wreckage of all passions and you shall happily get to the port of eternal life, carrying the wealth of virtues acquired in all your journeys.
St. Vincent de Paul
(Society, February 3rd, 1860 – Medium Mrs. M)
Spiritism is called upon to clarify the world but needs a certain time to advance. It has existed since creation but only acknowledged by a few persons since in general the masses don’t bother to give any thought to spiritist questions. Now, with the help of this pure doctrine, there will be a new light. God who does not wish to keep His children in ignorance allows the more elevated spirits to come to support us, countering the spirits of darkness who try to embrace the world. Human pride shades reason, leading to many mistakes. Simple and kind spirits are necessary to spread the light and mitigate all evils. Courage! Stay with this God pleasing work for it is useful to His greater glory and great good shall come from that for the salvation of the souls.
Francis de Sales
Spiritism is called upon to clarify the world but needs a certain time to advance. It has existed since creation but only acknowledged by a few persons since in general the masses don’t bother to give any thought to spiritist questions. Now, with the help of this pure doctrine, there will be a new light. God who does not wish to keep His children in ignorance allows the more elevated spirits to come to support us, countering the spirits of darkness who try to embrace the world. Human pride shades reason, leading to many mistakes. Simple and kind spirits are necessary to spread the light and mitigate all evils. Courage! Stay with this God pleasing work for it is useful to His greater glory and great good shall come from that for the salvation of the souls.
Francis de Sales
(Society, February 3rd, 1860 – Medium Mr. Colin)
Write this: Human beings! What is that? Where do they come from? Where are they going? God? Nature? Creation? The world? Their past and future eternity! Nature’s limit, relationships between the infinite and the private being? Passage from infinite to the finite? – These are questions that people should have framed, when for the first time and still a child, they saw with the eyes of reason the mysterious march of the celestial bodies above their head; Earth below their feet, alternatively dressed up in fancy clothes in the shaking wind of spring or covered by the mantle of mourning, under the cold breath of winter; thinking and feeling they saw themselves suddenly thrown into this vital maelstrom between yesterday, the day of their birth, and tomorrow, the time of their death. These are questions asked by all people, at all times and in all schools, still enigmas to the future generations. Nevertheless, these questions deserve the attention of investigative spirits of your century, the genius of your country. Thus, if you had one person, ten people among you, aware of the high importance of their apostolic mission, willing to leave a stamp of their passage on Earth, as a milestone to posterity, I would tell them this: for a long time you have come to terms with the errors and prejudices of your time; the period of physical and material manifestations is over to you; what you call experimental evocations can no longer teach you much since in the majority of cases there is only curiosity at play. However, the philosophical era of the Doctrine is near. Do not remain attached to the rotting pillars any longer, but courageously enter the heavenly sanctuary, firmly raising the flag of modern philosophy, in which you fearlessly will inscribe: mysticism, rationalism. Be eclectic in modern eclecticism; do as the ancients did, supported by the historical, mystical and legendary tradition, always observing the revelation though, an illuminating torch that we have all missed, resorting to the lights of the superior spirits, missionary devoted to the march of the human spirit. Those spirits, however elevated they may be, they don’t know everything. Only God does. Besides, they cannot reveal everything that is known to them. Where would the individual’s free will be then, his responsibility, merit and demerit, and also the sanctioning of punishment or reward? Yet, I can provide you with the guidelines containing some fundamental principles. Hence, listen to this:
1st – The soul has the power of separating from matter;
2nd – The soul can elevate well above intelligence;
3rd – Such state is beyond reason;
4th – It can put people in touch with everything that escapes their senses;
5th – Human beings can incite it by praying to God, by a constant struggle, reducing their soul to the state of pure essence, so to speak, denying sensitive and exterior activity; in a word, by abstracting everything that there is varied multiple, indecisive, chaotic, of exteriority inside the soul;
6th – There is up until now a completely ignored force in the very self of the individual. Thus, search for that.
(Society, February 3rd, 1860 – Medium Mr. Colin)
Write this: Human beings! What is that? Where do they come from? Where are they going? God? Nature? Creation? The world? Their past and future eternity! Nature’s limit, relationships between the infinite and the private being? Passage from infinite to the finite? – These are questions that people should have framed, when for the first time and still a child, they saw with the eyes of reason the mysterious march of the celestial bodies above their head; Earth below their feet, alternatively dressed up in fancy clothes in the shaking wind of spring or covered by the mantle of mourning, under the cold breath of winter; thinking and feeling they saw themselves suddenly thrown into this vital maelstrom between yesterday, the day of their birth, and tomorrow, the time of their death. These are questions asked by all people, at all times and in all schools, still enigmas to the future generations. Nevertheless, these questions deserve the attention of investigative spirits of your century, the genius of your country. Thus, if you had one person, ten people among you, aware of the high importance of their apostolic mission, willing to leave a stamp of their passage on Earth, as a milestone to posterity, I would tell them this: for a long time you have come to terms with the errors and prejudices of your time; the period of physical and material manifestations is over to you; what you call experimental evocations can no longer teach you much since in the majority of cases there is only curiosity at play. However, the philosophical era of the Doctrine is near. Do not remain attached to the rotting pillars any longer, but courageously enter the heavenly sanctuary, firmly raising the flag of modern philosophy, in which you fearlessly will inscribe: mysticism, rationalism. Be eclectic in modern eclecticism; do as the ancients did, supported by the historical, mystical and legendary tradition, always observing the revelation though, an illuminating torch that we have all missed, resorting to the lights of the superior spirits, missionary devoted to the march of the human spirit. Those spirits, however elevated they may be, they don’t know everything. Only God does. Besides, they cannot reveal everything that is known to them. Where would the individual’s free will be then, his responsibility, merit and demerit, and also the sanctioning of punishment or reward? Yet, I can provide you with the guidelines containing some fundamental principles. Hence, listen to this:
1st – The soul has the power of separating from matter;
2nd – The soul can elevate well above intelligence;
3rd – Such state is beyond reason;
4th – It can put people in touch with everything that escapes their senses;
5th – Human beings can incite it by praying to God, by a constant struggle, reducing their soul to the state of pure essence, so to speak, denying sensitive and exterior activity; in a word, by abstracting everything that there is varied multiple, indecisive, chaotic, of exteriority inside the soul;
6th – There is up until now a completely ignored force in the very self of the individual. Thus, search for that.
Moses, Plato, and later Julian
Communications Read at the Society
(By Mr. Pêcheur)
My friend, don’t you know that the person who follows the path of progress is always faced by ignorance and envy? Envy is the dust lifted by your steps. Your ideas cause revolt to certain people because they don’t understand them or muffle the voice of their conscience with their pride, which proclaims in turn: what you repeal now shall one day be brought back to you by your judge. It is God’s hand reaching out to you to remove you from the quagmire in which you were thrown into by your own passions. Listen to the voice of reason for a moment. Consider that you live in the century of money, dominated by the self; that the love for things dries your heart out, overloading your conscience with your faults, and even crimes which must be confessed. Unfaithful people who call themselves skillful, your skills will wreck you. You shall be offered no help. You turned a blind eye to the misfortunes of others and you shall go down without a tear dropped on your behalf. Stop! There is still time. May regret get into your hearts; may it be sincere and God shall forgive you. Look for the unfortunate ones, who dare not to complain, slowly killed by their misery, and the poor relieved by your gestures will have your name in their prayers; they shall bless the hand that may perhaps save their daughter from dying of hunger and dishonoring shame. Disgrace will fall upon you if your ears are deaf to their voices. God told you, through the sacred mouth of Christ: love your neighbor as yourself. Hasn’t God given you reason to judge between good and evil? Hasn’t God given you a heart to have pity on the sufferings of your equals? Don’t you feel that you are suppressing the voice of charity and progress by suppressing your own conscience? Don’t you feel as if you are dragging an empty body? Don’t you feel as if nothing beats in your chest, making your walk in uncertainty?
As you have fled the light and your eyes have become of the flesh, you are filled with darkness and fear that agitates you. You search, but it is too late to leave this road that is crumbling under your feet. Fear that you cannot define, you judge as superstitious. You pretend to be generous, hoping to redeem your selfish life; you give alms with the fear that you will snatch it back, but God knows what drives you. You cannot deceive God. Your life shall end hopelessly and you won’t be able to push it back by a single day. It shall end, despite your wealth, ambitioned in anticipation by your children, since you have given them the example. Like you, they have a unique love for gold, their only dream of happiness. When that time of justice comes, you will have to face the supreme and forgotten Judge.
Your daughter
My friend, don’t you know that the person who follows the path of progress is always faced by ignorance and envy? Envy is the dust lifted by your steps. Your ideas cause revolt to certain people because they don’t understand them or muffle the voice of their conscience with their pride, which proclaims in turn: what you repeal now shall one day be brought back to you by your judge. It is God’s hand reaching out to you to remove you from the quagmire in which you were thrown into by your own passions. Listen to the voice of reason for a moment. Consider that you live in the century of money, dominated by the self; that the love for things dries your heart out, overloading your conscience with your faults, and even crimes which must be confessed. Unfaithful people who call themselves skillful, your skills will wreck you. You shall be offered no help. You turned a blind eye to the misfortunes of others and you shall go down without a tear dropped on your behalf. Stop! There is still time. May regret get into your hearts; may it be sincere and God shall forgive you. Look for the unfortunate ones, who dare not to complain, slowly killed by their misery, and the poor relieved by your gestures will have your name in their prayers; they shall bless the hand that may perhaps save their daughter from dying of hunger and dishonoring shame. Disgrace will fall upon you if your ears are deaf to their voices. God told you, through the sacred mouth of Christ: love your neighbor as yourself. Hasn’t God given you reason to judge between good and evil? Hasn’t God given you a heart to have pity on the sufferings of your equals? Don’t you feel that you are suppressing the voice of charity and progress by suppressing your own conscience? Don’t you feel as if you are dragging an empty body? Don’t you feel as if nothing beats in your chest, making your walk in uncertainty?
As you have fled the light and your eyes have become of the flesh, you are filled with darkness and fear that agitates you. You search, but it is too late to leave this road that is crumbling under your feet. Fear that you cannot define, you judge as superstitious. You pretend to be generous, hoping to redeem your selfish life; you give alms with the fear that you will snatch it back, but God knows what drives you. You cannot deceive God. Your life shall end hopelessly and you won’t be able to push it back by a single day. It shall end, despite your wealth, ambitioned in anticipation by your children, since you have given them the example. Like you, they have a unique love for gold, their only dream of happiness. When that time of justice comes, you will have to face the supreme and forgotten Judge.
Your daughter
Each person has in one’s innermost self what you call an interior voice. It is what the spirits calls conscience, a severe judge overseeing all actions of your life. When the individual is alone one hears that conscience and ponders things in their fair value. The person is sometimes ashamed of oneself. At that moment one acknowledges God but ignorance, that fatal advisor, pushes the person away, dressing one up with the mask of pride. It shows itself full of emptiness, seeking to deceive you by its arrogance. But the righteous person does not hold a proud head; one thoughtfully listens to the words of wisdom; one feels that God is everything. The person seeks enlightenment in the book of nature, written by the Creator’s hand. One’s spirit elevates, expelling from one’s body the material passions which frequently veer oneself off course. That dragging passion is a dangerous guide.
Stay strong my friend and let the skeptical laugh since one’s laughter shall end. The human being becomes a believer at the time of one’s death. My friend, keep God in your thoughts, the only one who will not deceive you. Keep in mind that there is only one path leading to God: faith and love to one’s fellow being.
Each person has in one’s innermost self what you call an interior voice. It is what the spirits calls conscience, a severe judge overseeing all actions of your life. When the individual is alone one hears that conscience and ponders things in their fair value. The person is sometimes ashamed of oneself. At that moment one acknowledges God but ignorance, that fatal advisor, pushes the person away, dressing one up with the mask of pride. It shows itself full of emptiness, seeking to deceive you by its arrogance. But the righteous person does not hold a proud head; one thoughtfully listens to the words of wisdom; one feels that God is everything. The person seeks enlightenment in the book of nature, written by the Creator’s hand. One’s spirit elevates, expelling from one’s body the material passions which frequently veer oneself off course. That dragging passion is a dangerous guide.
Stay strong my friend and let the skeptical laugh since one’s laughter shall end. The human being becomes a believer at the time of one’s death. My friend, keep God in your thoughts, the only one who will not deceive you. Keep in mind that there is only one path leading to God: faith and love to one’s fellow being.
Your daughter
Dwelling of the Elected
Ones (By Mrs. D…)
Your thoughts are absorbed by earthly things. If you want to listen to us you must forget them. Let us try to talk from a higher level. May your spirit elevate to those regions, the dwelling of the elected ones by the Lord. Behold the worlds that await all mortals, whose places are set according to the merits they have earned. What happiness is found by those dedicated to the sacred things, to the great teachings given in the name of God! Oh men! How little you are compared to the spirits parted from matter, who inhabit the spaces by the glory of the Lord! Happy are those invited to dwell the worlds where matter is not but a word; where everything is ethereal and translucent; where disagreements are no longer heard. Heavenly music is the only noise that clears the senses, so perfect capturing the tiniest sounds, of which are called harmony! How graceful are all those creatures so much loved by God! What a subtleness when moving about those enchanted regions, their refuge! No more disagreements, envy or hatred there; love has become the link destined to unite them all. Such a love which fulfills their hearts, the end in itself, summarizes faith, love and charity.
A friend
(Another, by the same medium)
Your obliviousness afflicted me. Don’t leave me any more for such a long time without calling me. I feel prepared to speak with you and give you advice. Be careful and don’t believe everything the other spirits might tell you; they could perhaps lead you to the wrong path. Before anything else, be sensible so that your God given mission is not denied to you, and do as follows: help to bring to people’s attention the revelation about the existence of the spirits around them. Not everyone is ready to understand and appreciate the elevated reach of these things, whose knowledge God only allows to the elected ones. There shall be a day in which this Science, full of greatness and consolation, will be shared by the whole human race, when there will no longer be a single skeptical. People will then have a hard time to understand how such a tangible truth could have ever been disputed by the simplest of the mortals. In truth, I tell you that half a century will not go by without having the ears and eyes of everyone open to this great truth: that the spirits circulate in space and occupy different worlds, according to their merit before God’s eyes; that the true life is in death and that the individual needs to redeem many times before obtaining the eternal life, achieved by everyone in more or less centuries of suffering, according to their more or less faith before the teachings of the Lord.
Ones (By Mrs. D…)
Your thoughts are absorbed by earthly things. If you want to listen to us you must forget them. Let us try to talk from a higher level. May your spirit elevate to those regions, the dwelling of the elected ones by the Lord. Behold the worlds that await all mortals, whose places are set according to the merits they have earned. What happiness is found by those dedicated to the sacred things, to the great teachings given in the name of God! Oh men! How little you are compared to the spirits parted from matter, who inhabit the spaces by the glory of the Lord! Happy are those invited to dwell the worlds where matter is not but a word; where everything is ethereal and translucent; where disagreements are no longer heard. Heavenly music is the only noise that clears the senses, so perfect capturing the tiniest sounds, of which are called harmony! How graceful are all those creatures so much loved by God! What a subtleness when moving about those enchanted regions, their refuge! No more disagreements, envy or hatred there; love has become the link destined to unite them all. Such a love which fulfills their hearts, the end in itself, summarizes faith, love and charity.
A friend
(Another, by the same medium)
Your obliviousness afflicted me. Don’t leave me any more for such a long time without calling me. I feel prepared to speak with you and give you advice. Be careful and don’t believe everything the other spirits might tell you; they could perhaps lead you to the wrong path. Before anything else, be sensible so that your God given mission is not denied to you, and do as follows: help to bring to people’s attention the revelation about the existence of the spirits around them. Not everyone is ready to understand and appreciate the elevated reach of these things, whose knowledge God only allows to the elected ones. There shall be a day in which this Science, full of greatness and consolation, will be shared by the whole human race, when there will no longer be a single skeptical. People will then have a hard time to understand how such a tangible truth could have ever been disputed by the simplest of the mortals. In truth, I tell you that half a century will not go by without having the ears and eyes of everyone open to this great truth: that the spirits circulate in space and occupy different worlds, according to their merit before God’s eyes; that the true life is in death and that the individual needs to redeem many times before obtaining the eternal life, achieved by everyone in more or less centuries of suffering, according to their more or less faith before the teachings of the Lord.
A friend
The Spirit and the Trial
(By Mrs. Netz)
The individual’s freedom is totally individual. One was born free but such a freedom is sometimes one’s disgrace. Moral freedom, physical freedom, it all goes together but often lacks discernment, what you call common sense. If a person has spirit but lacks discernment it is as if one had nothing because what shall be done of the spirit if it cannot be governed; if the necessary intelligence to lead the spirit is not there; if the individual thinks to be walking the good path when in reality one is in a swamp; if one always thinks to be right when in reality one is wrong? Discernment may take the place of the spirit but the spirit can never replace discernment. It is a necessary quality and when we don’t have it we must make every effort to acquire it.
(By Mrs. Netz)
The individual’s freedom is totally individual. One was born free but such a freedom is sometimes one’s disgrace. Moral freedom, physical freedom, it all goes together but often lacks discernment, what you call common sense. If a person has spirit but lacks discernment it is as if one had nothing because what shall be done of the spirit if it cannot be governed; if the necessary intelligence to lead the spirit is not there; if the individual thinks to be walking the good path when in reality one is in a swamp; if one always thinks to be right when in reality one is wrong? Discernment may take the place of the spirit but the spirit can never replace discernment. It is a necessary quality and when we don’t have it we must make every effort to acquire it.
A familiar spirit
The Skeptical
(By Mrs. L…)
Your doctrine is beautiful and sacred. The groundwork has been laid and firmly positioned. All you have to do now is to move forward. The path before you is ample and majestic. Blessed will be the one who arrives at the port. The more proselytes you have made the more shall be counted in your favor. But the doctrine must not be coldly embraced for that. One needs eagerness, which shall double since God is always with you when you do good deeds. Those that you bring with you shall be the other sheep to add to the herd. Poor stray sheep! Believe me, the most doubtful, the most atheist, as well as the most skeptical always have a little spot in their hearts which they would like to hide from themselves. Very well! That is the spot that you must look for, that you must find, the vulnerable side that is necessary to attack. It is a small gap intentionally left open by God, facilitating to God’s creature the means of coming back to God’s heart.
St. Benedict
(By Mrs. L…)
Your doctrine is beautiful and sacred. The groundwork has been laid and firmly positioned. All you have to do now is to move forward. The path before you is ample and majestic. Blessed will be the one who arrives at the port. The more proselytes you have made the more shall be counted in your favor. But the doctrine must not be coldly embraced for that. One needs eagerness, which shall double since God is always with you when you do good deeds. Those that you bring with you shall be the other sheep to add to the herd. Poor stray sheep! Believe me, the most doubtful, the most atheist, as well as the most skeptical always have a little spot in their hearts which they would like to hide from themselves. Very well! That is the spot that you must look for, that you must find, the vulnerable side that is necessary to attack. It is a small gap intentionally left open by God, facilitating to God’s creature the means of coming back to God’s heart.
St. Benedict
The Supernatural
(By Mr. Rabache, from Bordeaux)
My children, your father did well in calling your attention to the phenomena produced in your séances for some days now. Assessing them on the basis of the instructions of certain sectarian spirits, ignorant where they rule, that these things are supernatural. Don’t believe that my children. Nothing that has happened is supernatural. If it were, your common sense would tell you that it would only happen outside of nature and then it could not be seen. In order that your eyes or the other senses may be able to perceive something, it is totally necessary that such a thing be natural. Once you give some thought to that, you will see that there is not a single serious spirit who may lead you to believe in supernatural things. Having stated that, I don’t mean that there are not things which may appear as such to your intelligence but the only reason for that is that you don’t understand them yet. When a given fact seems to escape what you consider natural be aware of that laziness of spirit which would lead you to believe that it is supernatural. Make the effort to understand it. That is why intelligence was given to you. What good would it do to you if you were to be satisfied by the teachings and beliefs of your predecessors only? It is necessary that each one puts their intelligence at the service of progress which is the collective work of everybody. Since you are gifted with intelligence, think; since you have discernment – and you have it for a reason – analyze and judge. Do not accept pre-judgment but make sure that the subject has passed through the crucible of reason. Be skeptical while you are not sure but never deny something that you do not understand. Give serious examination. Only the lazy, the indifferent one accepts as true or false everything they see as accepted or denied. Finally, my children do your outmost to become serious and useful so as to accomplish the mission assigned to you. It is never too early to get involved with the good and to do good deeds. Thus, start early to get involved with serious things. Time of futility is always too long and useless to your progress that you must always keep in mind. The earthly things are nothing; they only serve to help your transition to another state, which shall be more perfect the better you have prepared it.
Your grandmother
(By Mr. Rabache, from Bordeaux)
My children, your father did well in calling your attention to the phenomena produced in your séances for some days now. Assessing them on the basis of the instructions of certain sectarian spirits, ignorant where they rule, that these things are supernatural. Don’t believe that my children. Nothing that has happened is supernatural. If it were, your common sense would tell you that it would only happen outside of nature and then it could not be seen. In order that your eyes or the other senses may be able to perceive something, it is totally necessary that such a thing be natural. Once you give some thought to that, you will see that there is not a single serious spirit who may lead you to believe in supernatural things. Having stated that, I don’t mean that there are not things which may appear as such to your intelligence but the only reason for that is that you don’t understand them yet. When a given fact seems to escape what you consider natural be aware of that laziness of spirit which would lead you to believe that it is supernatural. Make the effort to understand it. That is why intelligence was given to you. What good would it do to you if you were to be satisfied by the teachings and beliefs of your predecessors only? It is necessary that each one puts their intelligence at the service of progress which is the collective work of everybody. Since you are gifted with intelligence, think; since you have discernment – and you have it for a reason – analyze and judge. Do not accept pre-judgment but make sure that the subject has passed through the crucible of reason. Be skeptical while you are not sure but never deny something that you do not understand. Give serious examination. Only the lazy, the indifferent one accepts as true or false everything they see as accepted or denied. Finally, my children do your outmost to become serious and useful so as to accomplish the mission assigned to you. It is never too early to get involved with the good and to do good deeds. Thus, start early to get involved with serious things. Time of futility is always too long and useless to your progress that you must always keep in mind. The earthly things are nothing; they only serve to help your transition to another state, which shall be more perfect the better you have prepared it.
Your grandmother
Bulletin of the Parisian Society of Spiritist StudiesFriday, March 30th 1860
(Private Session)
(Private Session)
Mr. Ledoyen (treasury) presents the financial balance sheet of the
Society for the second semester of the fiscal year, ending on March
30th, 1860. The balance sheet was approved.
1st – Mr. Chuard from Lyon pays tribute to the Society with two brochures,
the first containing a sacred ode to the immortality of the soul, and
the second a satire to societies in partnerships. The Society thanks the
author and although one of the brochures in particular is strange to the
objectives of its works, both shall be kept in the library.
2nd – Reading of three letters from Mr. Morhéry about the cures operated
by Ms. Godu, healing medium who moved to his house and became
sponsored by him. Mr. Morhéry, as a man of Science, observes the effects
of the treatments practiced by that young lady in several patients under
their responsibility. He records the results in a detailed chart as done in a regular clinical treatment room, having even attested prodigious results
in a short time.
Mr. President adds that the Society has two reasons to be interested in
Ms. Godu. Besides the sympathy naturally provoked by the examples of
charity and altruism, so rare in our days, from the spiritist point of view
the young lady offers precious matter for study since she is gifted with an
exceptional faculty. We would be interested in a medium of physical effects
that produced extraordinary phenomena; we could not see with less
interest a medium whose faculties benefit humanity and that reveals, in
addition, a new force of nature.
3rd – Letter from Mr. Count of R…, regular member who left for
Brazil and is now stranded at the Port of Cherbourg due to inclement
weather. He asks the Society to evoke him in this current session, if
Mr. T… observes that the same person has already been evoked twice
and that a third time seems superfluous.
Mr. Allan Kardec answers that since the objective of the Society is
the study, the same person may offer useful observations in a third experiment,
as much as in the first and second. As a matter of fact, the spirit is
more lucid and explicit the more it communicates and, in a certain way,
identifies with the medium that is used as an instrument. In the present
case this is not to satisfy a caprice or a vain curiosity. The Society does not
seek entertainment or attraction in the communications. The intention is
instruction. Well, since Mr. de R… is presently in a completely different
situation as compared to that of previous evocations, it can give rise to
new observations.
St. Louis was consulted about the opportunity of the evocation, responding
that it could not be produced at this time.
1st – Two spontaneous essays, one from St. Louis, by Ms. Huet,
and another by Charlet, by Mr. Didier Junior.
2nd – Multiple questions addressed to St. Louis about the
spirit who communicated spontaneously in the last session, bearing
the name Being, by Ms. de Boyer, accused of trying to spread
disruption and disagreement and of having interfered with multiple
communications. An interesting teaching came out of the
answers about the way the spirits interact with one another.
3rd – Mr. R… proposes the evocation of one of his friends,
who has been missing since 1848 and from whom none have
heard. Considering the late hours the evocation was adjourned to
a forthcoming session.
The Society decides that there will be no session on Good Friday, April 6th.
From April 20th onwards the sessions shall take place at the new headquarters
of the Society, located at Rue Saint-Anne 59, Passage de Saint Anne.
Friday, April 13th
(Private Session)
Approval of four new members, as regular members.
The Society confers the title of honorary members to five previously
approved members.
Since Mrs. D…, member of the Society, travelled to Dieppe, she extended
her trip to Grandes-Venters, where she heard directly from Mr. Goubert,
the baker, the confirmation of every fact reported in our March issue, even
adding more details. She attested, by the examination of the places, that
particularly with respect to certain facts a fraud was just impossible. From
the information she obtained it seems that the phenomena were caused by
the presence of a young man who was working for the baker for some time
already and thanks to whom similar events took place at other places of employment
as well. Since the phenomena occurred regardless of the medium’s will, he can be classified in the category of natural or involuntary mediums.
Nothing else has been reported since he left Mr. Goubert’s house.
1st – Spontaneous essays obtained by three different mediums
2nd – Evocation of Mr. Vogel, a traveler who was murdered in
Africa. The evocation did not yield the expected results. The spirit
claims to be suffering, requesting prayers that may help him to come
out of his current disturbed state. He says that he can elaborate later.
Mr. Allan Kardec proposes an in-depth and detailed study
of certain spontaneous messages and others that could be commented
on and analyzed as is done with literary works. Such a
study would have the double advantage of practicing the appreciation
of the value of the spiritist communications followed by the
consequent dissuasion of deceiving spirits who would see their
words ultimately controlled by reason and repelled if showing
any suspicious content, eventually realizing they had wasted their
time. As for the serious spirits, these could be recalled to provide
explanations and further developments about points of their communications
that may still need clarification.
The Society approves the proposal.
Friday, April 20th, 1860
(Private Session)
1st – Letter from Mr. J…, a regular member from Saint-Étienne.
The letter contains fair appreciation of Spiritism, demonstrating
that the author understands its true principles.
2nd – Letter from Mr. L…, a worker from Troyes, with reflections
about the moralizing influence of Spiritism over the working classes. He invites the serious followers to take on the
burden of propagating it in their circles, in the interest of order,
aiming at the revival of fading religious feelings, which has given
place to skepticism, the ulcer of our century, and to the denial of
all moral responsibilities.
These two gentlemen have already declared on other occasions
that they have never seen anything in terms of practical
Spiritism and yet they are not less firmly convinced, just
considering the philosophical reach of the Spiritist Science. The
President calls the attention to the fact that every day he sees
similar examples, not from people who believe blindly, but on
the contrary, from those who think and endeavor to understand.
To those, the philosophical part is the main part as it explains
what no other philosophy has done so far. The manifestations
are an accessory.
3rd – Letter from Mr. Dumas, from Sétif, Algeria, member
of the Society, transmitting new interesting details about facts
that he had witnessed. In particular he mentions a medium who
presents a singular faculty, of spontaneously entering into a kind
of somnambulistic state, without having been magnetized, every
time that an evocation is carried out through him; he then writes
or speaks, giving answers to framed questions.
1st – Mrs. R…, a corresponding member of the Society from
Jura, reports a curious personal fact. It is about a clock which goes
back to family traditions and which seems to be submitted to a
singular and intelligent influence, under certain conditions.
2nd – Reading of a communication given in another spiritist
meeting, signed by Joan of Arc. It contains excellent advices to
the mediums about the causes that can annihilate or pervert their
mediumistic faculties (published below).
3rd – Mr. Col… starts reading a communication given to
him in private and signed by St. Luke, the evangelist. Noticing
that the evocation deals with several questions of religious dogmas
he stops reading due to the rules that prohibit the discussion
of such subjects. Mr. Col… adds that since the evocation does
not have an orthodox character he did not see any inconvenience
in reading it.
The President objects that the answers always presuppose
questions. Well then, orthodox or not, the answers always give
place to the supposition that the Society is involved with questions
which should otherwise be vetoed. Another observation
reinforces these reasons: it is the fact that among the members,
there are those coming from different religious denominations;
what may seem orthodox to some may not be to others, which
is already a reason for abstention. As a matter of fact, the bylaws
prescribe the previous analysis of every communication obtained
outside of the Society. Such measures must be strictly observed.
Evocation of Mr. Royer’s friend, Mr. B…, who had disappeared from his
home since June 25th, 1848. He provides some information about his accidental
death during the turmoil of that period. Mr. Royer acknowledges
his identity from the language and some private details.
Friday, April 27th, 1860
(General Session)
1st – Letter from Dr. Morhéry with new studies about the cures
obtained with the help of Ms. Godu, through what one may call
intuitive medicine (published below).
2nd – Regarding the healing medicine, Mr. C…, one of the
attendees at the session and invited by the President, provides information
of the highest relevance about the healing powers in
certain South Asian communities. An Indian born, natural from
the Hindustan, Mr. C… witnessed a number of facts of that nature
which he took for granted in those days. Today he finds the
key to those phenomena in Spiritism and magnetism. The healing
communities would make broad use of certain plants. Often,
however, they touched and rubbed the patient while acting under
the influence of occult voices that would guide them.
3rd – A curious fact of a circumstantial intuition of a previous
existence. The person involved describes the fact in a letter
addressed to one friend who read it, saying that since her childhood
she keeps the precise memory of having succumbed during
the massacres of St. Bartholomew, even recollecting details of her
death, of places and so forth. The circumstances do not allow the
assumption of an exalted imagination since such memory goes
back to a period in which no one was involved with spirits or
4th – Mr. Georges G…, from Marseille, reports the following
fact: A youngster died eight months ago and his family, which
has three medium sisters, evoke him almost daily, using a basket.
Each time that the spirit is called, a little dog that he was very
fond of, hops on the table, sniffing the basket and growling. The
first time it happened the basket wrote: “My brave little dog that
recognizes me.” Mr. G… says: I can assure you about the reality
of these facts. I did not see them myself but the persons who told
them to me and who have witnessed them several times are very
good and serious spiritists to give me any doubt. I ask myself after
all that if the perispirit, although not tangible, would have any
kind of aroma or if certain animals would be endowed by some
sort of mediumship.
A special study will be carried out later about this interesting
subject to see whether or not other not less interesting facts may
be able to shed some light on this subject.
5th – Verification of the presence of a bad spirit brought to
a private session by a visitor, from which one can infer the influence
exerted by the presence of certain persons under certain
6th – Readings of a private evocation carried out by Mr. Allan
Kardec of one of the main convulsionaries of Saint-Médard, deceased
in 1830, and in the presence of her own daughter, who
confirmed the identity of the evoked spirit. The evocation provides
an elevated teaching, with particular interest regarding the
special circumstances in which it was carried out (to be published).
1st – Spontaneous essay obtained through Mrs. P…
2nd – Evocation of Stevens, comrade of Georges Brown
Story of Lord of Corasse’s Familiar Spirit
We owe the news below to the kindness of one of our subscribers,
taken from the chronicles of Froissard, demonstrating that the
spirits are not a modern discovery. We ask our readers to allow us to report
it in the style of those days (XIV century). It would lose originality if
transcribed into our modern language.
The battle of Juberoth is a famous one among the chronicles of the
old days. It happened during the war between John, king of Castela, and
Diniz, king of Portugal, in the fight to conquer the latter’s kingdom. The
Castelans and the Bearneses were broken into pieces. The fact reported
by Froissard on that occasion is most interesting. One reads in the Chap.
XVI, Book III of his chronicles, that on the very next day after the battle,
Count Foix was informed about the event, a fact that was inconceivable
those days, given the distances between the places. It is Count Foix’s
squire that tells Froissard the fact in question:
“During the whole Sunday, and the whole Monday and Tuesday,
Count Foix, in his Ortais castle, showed such a tough, hard expression
on his face that nobody heard a word from him; during those three days
he would not leave his quarters either, or even speak to his knight or his
squire, however close they might be. Even those who did speak to him,
he sent them away, not addressing them with even a single word in those three days. Tuesday evening he called his brother, Arnold-William, and
told him in a low voice:
• Our people had a battle that made me mad because they
were attacked on their journey, like I told them when they
Arnold-William, a very sensible man and shrewd knight, who
knew his brother’s ways and condition, remained silent, and the
Count who wanted to try his courage for he had put up with his
boredom for a long time, spoke again and said in a louder voice
than the first time:
• For God’s sake, Sir Arnold, that is how I tell you, and we
shall soon have news, but the country of Béarn has never lost
so much, since a hundred years up to now, as it has lost this
time in Portugal.
The many knights and squires who were present and who saw
and heard the Count, dared not to speak.
Then, ten days later, the truth was known through those who
had been there at work and who were told first and then to everyone
who wanted to listen, all things, in the shape and form as
they had happened in Juberoth. That reinforced the Count’s and
the country’s sorrow, for those who had already lost their brothers,
fathers, sons and friends.
• Holy Mary! I said to the squire who told me that story, and
how come Count Foix knew all that on the very next day,
without presumption?
• By his faith, he said, he can feel things well, as he demonstrated.
• Then he is a fortuneteller, I said; or he has squires who ride
the winds or he must have some sort of art.
The squire laughed and said:
• He needs to know it through some sort of necromancy. We know nothing in this land how he uses it, but through his imagination (by supposition).
• Then, I told the squire, the imagination that you mentioned, kindly let me know about it and I will be grateful to you. If it is something to go quiet about then I will shut up and nobody under any circumstance will ever hear that from me.
• He needs to know it through some sort of necromancy. We know nothing in this land how he uses it, but through his imagination (by supposition).
• Then, I told the squire, the imagination that you mentioned, kindly let me know about it and I will be grateful to you. If it is something to go quiet about then I will shut up and nobody under any circumstance will ever hear that from me.
• I beg you, the squire said, since I would not want others to
know that I told you.
• He then took me to a corner of the Ortais castle and started his report, by saying:
• Some twenty years back a Baron by the name Raymond reined over this country as the Lord of Corasse. Corasse, which is a town seven leagues away from this city of Ortais, as you know. The Lord of Corasse, in the days I refer to, had a lawsuit in Avignon, before the Pope, about the church’s tithe in his city, against a priest from Catalonia who was really wealthy and claimed to have rights over those tithes from Corasse, well worth an annual income of a hundred florins and the so called rights he proved and demonstrated. By a definite sentence, Pope Urban V condemned the baron in general council, passing judgment in favor of the priest. With the latest sentence of the Pope, the baron rode his horse for many days until he got to Bearn to show his seal and letters to take possession to his right to the tithe.
The Lord of Corasse came forward and told the vicar: Master Peter or Master Martin, such was his name, do you think that I must lose my inheritance because of your letters? I don’t see you so smart to take it or to take things which are mine because if you do so you risk your life. Go somewhere else to claim benefits because you shall have nothing from my inheritance. I forbid you once and for all. The priest suspected the baron who was cruel and no longer dared to persevere. Thus, he decided to return to Avignon as he did. However, when he was preparing to leave he came to the presence of the Lord of Corasse and said: Through your power and not rights, you subtract me from my church’s dues and knowingly you are making a huge mistake. I am not as strong in this country as you are but know this, before I go, I shall send you a measure that you shall fear more than me. The Lord of Corasse gave no importance to the threats and said: Go to God, go, do as you will; I have no fear, dead or alive; as from your words I shall not lose my inheritance. The priest then left and returned, God knows where to, Catalonia or Avignon, and did not forget what he had said to the Lord of Corasse when he was about to leave, because when the baron least expected, asleep in his bed with his wife in his castle, about three months later, invisible messengers came and started to scramble everything in their path and seemed that they would destroy everything hitting very hard and making so much noise in the Lord’s bedroom that his lady who was present was terrified. The baron heard all that very well but said nothing because he did not want to give away the courage of a scared man; thus, he was smart enough to face all events. The violent noise and turmoil in several parts of the castle lasted a long time, and then stopped. In the morning everybody came to the master when he woke up and asked: Sir, have you heard what we heard last night? The Lord of Corasse was touched by that but said no. What have you heard, he asked. Then they mentioned the violent turmoil in the castle that turned down and broke the china in the kitchen. He laughed and said that they were dreaming and what happened was caused by the wind. For God’s sake, the lady said, I also heard that very well. Then night came again and the violent turmoil was back and the noise was such and the knocks so hard on the walls and windows of the bedroom that it seemed that everything was about to be brought to the ground. The baron left his bed and could not find what he wanted. He then asked: Who is knocking like that on my bedroom’s door? He then got the answer: It is me. Who sent you, asked the night? It was the vicar of Catalonia, to whom you caused great harm because you subtracted him from his rights to your benefits. I shall not leave you in peace until you pay his dues and he is satisfied. The baron then asked: what is your name, since you are such a good messenger. My name is Orthon. The baron replied, Orthon, the service of a vicar does no good to you. He shall make you suffer. If you can believe me I beg you to leave me alone and do me service and I will be very grateful to you. Orthon responded promptly, approaching the baron and saying: Would you like that? Yes, replied the baron, but do no harm to anyone. Nobody, said Orthon, my only power is to wake you up and keep the others awake. Do as I say, said the baron, and we shall come to an agreement, and forget that naughty vicar, who bears no good, but pity on you; thus, be at my service. Since it is your wishes, said Orthon, it is also my wishes.
• He then took me to a corner of the Ortais castle and started his report, by saying:
• Some twenty years back a Baron by the name Raymond reined over this country as the Lord of Corasse. Corasse, which is a town seven leagues away from this city of Ortais, as you know. The Lord of Corasse, in the days I refer to, had a lawsuit in Avignon, before the Pope, about the church’s tithe in his city, against a priest from Catalonia who was really wealthy and claimed to have rights over those tithes from Corasse, well worth an annual income of a hundred florins and the so called rights he proved and demonstrated. By a definite sentence, Pope Urban V condemned the baron in general council, passing judgment in favor of the priest. With the latest sentence of the Pope, the baron rode his horse for many days until he got to Bearn to show his seal and letters to take possession to his right to the tithe.
The Lord of Corasse came forward and told the vicar: Master Peter or Master Martin, such was his name, do you think that I must lose my inheritance because of your letters? I don’t see you so smart to take it or to take things which are mine because if you do so you risk your life. Go somewhere else to claim benefits because you shall have nothing from my inheritance. I forbid you once and for all. The priest suspected the baron who was cruel and no longer dared to persevere. Thus, he decided to return to Avignon as he did. However, when he was preparing to leave he came to the presence of the Lord of Corasse and said: Through your power and not rights, you subtract me from my church’s dues and knowingly you are making a huge mistake. I am not as strong in this country as you are but know this, before I go, I shall send you a measure that you shall fear more than me. The Lord of Corasse gave no importance to the threats and said: Go to God, go, do as you will; I have no fear, dead or alive; as from your words I shall not lose my inheritance. The priest then left and returned, God knows where to, Catalonia or Avignon, and did not forget what he had said to the Lord of Corasse when he was about to leave, because when the baron least expected, asleep in his bed with his wife in his castle, about three months later, invisible messengers came and started to scramble everything in their path and seemed that they would destroy everything hitting very hard and making so much noise in the Lord’s bedroom that his lady who was present was terrified. The baron heard all that very well but said nothing because he did not want to give away the courage of a scared man; thus, he was smart enough to face all events. The violent noise and turmoil in several parts of the castle lasted a long time, and then stopped. In the morning everybody came to the master when he woke up and asked: Sir, have you heard what we heard last night? The Lord of Corasse was touched by that but said no. What have you heard, he asked. Then they mentioned the violent turmoil in the castle that turned down and broke the china in the kitchen. He laughed and said that they were dreaming and what happened was caused by the wind. For God’s sake, the lady said, I also heard that very well. Then night came again and the violent turmoil was back and the noise was such and the knocks so hard on the walls and windows of the bedroom that it seemed that everything was about to be brought to the ground. The baron left his bed and could not find what he wanted. He then asked: Who is knocking like that on my bedroom’s door? He then got the answer: It is me. Who sent you, asked the night? It was the vicar of Catalonia, to whom you caused great harm because you subtracted him from his rights to your benefits. I shall not leave you in peace until you pay his dues and he is satisfied. The baron then asked: what is your name, since you are such a good messenger. My name is Orthon. The baron replied, Orthon, the service of a vicar does no good to you. He shall make you suffer. If you can believe me I beg you to leave me alone and do me service and I will be very grateful to you. Orthon responded promptly, approaching the baron and saying: Would you like that? Yes, replied the baron, but do no harm to anyone. Nobody, said Orthon, my only power is to wake you up and keep the others awake. Do as I say, said the baron, and we shall come to an agreement, and forget that naughty vicar, who bears no good, but pity on you; thus, be at my service. Since it is your wishes, said Orthon, it is also my wishes.
Then that Orthon was so much connected to the Lord of
Corasse that he came to see him often at night; and in his sleep
his pillow was pulled or knocks were heard on the walls and windows
of his room that kept him awake. The baron would tell him:
Orthon, allow me to sleep. I shall not do that before giving you
the news. The baron’s lady was so afraid that her hair was bristled
and she hid under the blankets. Then the baron asked, what is the
news? I came from England, Hungary or another country said
Orthon. I left yesterday and these things happened.
The Lord of Corasse then knew what was going on around
the world through Orthon; and he kept that messenger for five
years; and he could not go quiet and he would say to Count Foix
in a manner, by the way I am going to tell you. In the first year
the Lord of Corasse came several times to the Count in Ortais and he would say: Sir, such a thing happened in England, or in
Germany or in another country; and the Count would be impressed
after having verified that it was all true, and how he could
have known such things. And the Count insisted so much that
one day the Lord of Corasse told him how and through whom he
would receive the news. Once the Count learned the truth he was
happy and said: Lord of Corasse, do your best to please him; I
wish I had such a messenger. That costs you nothing and by such
a means you really do know what goes around the world.
The baron responded: Yes, Sir, I will do that.
That is how Orton served the Lord of Corasse for a long time.
I don’t know if that Orthon had more than one Lord but every
week he would come to visit the Lord of Corasse two or three
times, and would tell him of the events he had learned about
other countries that he had been visiting, and the Lord of Corasse
would report them to Count Foix, who was immensely pleased.
One time the Lord of Corasse and the Count exchanged ideas
about this when the Count asked:
• Lord of Corasse, haven’t you ever seen your messenger?
• By my faith, not even once.
• It is wonderful, said the Count; if he were so close to me as
he is to you I would have asked him to appear to me; and I
ask you to take on that task and let me know of his looks and
ways. You said that he speaks Gascon as well as you and I do.
• By my faith, said the Lord of Corasse, it is true. He speaks as
well and nice as we both do. And by my faith I will try to see
him, since this is your advice.
It then happened that the Lord of Corasse, as other nights,
was in bed with his wife, who was used to hearing Orthon and
was no longer scared. Then Orthon arrived and pulled the Lord of Corasse’s pillow, while he was profoundly asleep. The Lord of
Corasse woke up and asked:
• Who is that?
• It is I, answered Orthon.
• Where did you come from?
• I come from Prague, in the Bohemia.
• It is a long time since I have heard from you. How are you?
• Sixty days, replied Orthon.
• And you came back so soon?
• Yes, by God; I move as fast as the wind, or faster.
• You then have wings?
• No, he said.
• Then, how can you fly so fast?
• Never mind, responded Orthon.
• I would be more pleased if I could see you.
• It is enough that I bring you certain news when you hear me.
• For God’s sake, said the Lord of Corasse, I would like you
better if I could see you.
• Since you wish to see me that will be the first thing you will
see tomorrow morning, as soon as you are out of bed.
• That is enough, said the Lord of Corasse. Off you go now,
you are dismissed tonight.
• When the morning broke the Lord of Corasse got up. The
lady was so scared that she fell sick and said that she would
not get up but the Lord insisted that she should.
• My Lord, she said, I would see Orthon and I don’t want to see
him, God willing.
• I want to see him, said the Lord. He then left his bed gracefully
but saw nothing that would make him say: I saw Orthon. The
day passed and the night came. When the Lord of Corasse was
in bed again Orthon came and started speaking again, as usual.
• Leave, said the Lord of Corasse, since you are a liar; you
should have shown yourself to me and you did not do it.
• Yes I did.
• No you didn’t.
• Haven’t you seen anything when you left your bed, asked
• The Lord of Corasse stopped and gave some thought to that
and remembered.
• Yes, he said, when I got up I saw two pieces of straw moving
around on the floor.
• It was I, said Orthon; it was the form I took.
• That is not good enough to me; I wish you can take another
form so that I can see and recognize you.
• You ask so much that I shall leave and you shall loose me
because you ask too much.
• You will not leave me; if I had seen you once I would not ask
to see you again.
• Well then, you shall see me tomorrow and be aware of the
first thing that you see after leaving your room.
The next day came and at the third hour the Lord of Corasse
got up, got dressed and as soon as he left the bedroom he went to a
place from which he could see the castle’s patio; he looked around
and the first thing he saw was a gilt, the largest female pig he had
ever seen; however, it seemed so skinny that it was only skin and
bones; it had long, fallen, stained ears and a long, sharp and pointed
nose. The Lord of Corasse was spellbound by that pig. As he did
not have a good impression, he immediately called for his servants:
• Hurry, let the dogs out; I want to see that gilt killed and
The servants rushed to release the dogs and send them onto
the gilt that screamed gazing at the Lord of Corasse, who was
leaning over the balcony but could no longer see her since she
disappeared; nobody knew what had become of her. The Lord of
Corasse returned to his room, thinking of Orthon. I supposed I
have just seen Orthon, my messenger. I regret to have let the dogs
out onto him. It will be a pity if I no longer see him for he told
me several times that I would lose him as soon as I recognized
him. He told the truth. He never returned to the castle since the
incident and the baron died the following year.
• Is it true, I asked the squire, that Count Foix had been served
by such a messenger?
• Truth be said, the opinion of several people from Béarn is
that it is so because nothing happens in the region and beyond,
if it is not his wishes or endeavor unless he is not aware
or had not taken care. Thus, it was with good knights and
squires of this country that he was in Portugal. His grace
and celebrity were of his great advantage for he did not lose
the value of a golden or silver spoon at home or anything else
without taking notice.”
Report of a letter from Dr. Morhéry about several cures obtained by
the medication prescribed by Ms. Désirée Godu.
Plessis-Boudet, near Loudéac, Côtes-du-Nord, April 25th, 1860
Dear Mr. Allan Kardec,
Plessis-Boudet, near Loudéac, Côtes-du-Nord, April 25th, 1860
Dear Mr. Allan Kardec,
Today I want to do as I promised and report the cases of
cured patients with the help of Ms. Godu. As you realize, I will
not mention them all since it would take a long time. I made
my choices not based on the seriousness but on the variety of
their diseases. I avoided repeating cases or mentioning those of
little importance. Please notice Sir that Ms. Godu has not wasted
any time. Since her arrival in Plessis-Boudet we have visited more
than 200 patients and have the satisfaction of curing almost all of
those who were patient enough to follow the prescriptions. I don’t
speak of the cancer patients since those are in good terms. I will
wait for positive results before any pronunciation. We also have
a large number of patients under treatment and gave preference
to those considered incurable. Then, I expect to have new cure
cases to report to you soon. It is particularly in the rheumatic affection
cases, in the paralysis, sciatic, ulcers, bone deviations, and
wounds of all kinds that her system of treatment seems to yield
better results.
I can assure you Sir that I have learned many useful things
that I totally ignored before my contact with Ms. Godu. Every
day she teaches me something new, both in the treatment as well
as in the diagnosis. As for prognosis, I don’t know how she does
that. However, she is never wrong. One cannot explain such a
vision simply based on ordinary Sciences. You Sir, however, can
understand that very well. I end by declaring that I certify as
true and sincere all the observations that follow attached with my
Yours sincerely,
Morhéry, doctor in medicine
1st Observation, case #5 (February 23rd, 1860) – François Langle, paper
delivery man. Diagnosis: three-day-fever for six months. Fever had resisted
treatment with sulfate of quinine administered to the patient by
myself on several occasions; he was cured in five days with simple infusion
of multiple plants and the patient is better than ever. I could mention ten
similar cures.
2nd Observation, case #9 (February 24th, 1860) – Mrs. R… from
Loudéac, 32 y.o. Diagnosis: inflammation and chronicle intumescence
of the tonsils; violent headache; sore back bone; general prostration, null
appetite. The illness started by shivers and deafness; it lasted two years.
Prognosis: a serious case, of difficult prospects, since the illness resists to
the best possible treatments. The patient is now cured. She only continues
the treatment to avoid recurrence.
3rd Observation, case #13 (February 25th, 1860) – Pierre Gaubichais,
from the village of Ventou-Lamotte, 23 y.o. Diagnosis: palmar aponeurosis
inflammation. Prognosis: serious but not incurable case. The cure
was obtained in less than fifteen days. We have four or five similar cases.
4th Observation, case #18 (February 26th, 1860) – François R…, from
Loudéac, 27 y.o. Diagnosis: white tumor, scar on the left knee; fistula in
the posterior side of thigh, just above articulation. Patient carries disease
since he was 10 y.o. Prognosis: very serious and incurable case. The illness resisted best applied treatment for six years. Patient was treated by balms
prepared by Ms. Godu and took several plant infusions. He can now be
considered cured.
5th Observation, case 23 (February 25th, 1860) – Jeanne Gloux, a
worker from Tierné-Loudéac. Diagnosis: very intense whitlow for days.
The patient was completely cured in fifteen days, only with balms prepared
by Ms. Godu. Sore disappeared since second application. We have
three similar cases.
6th Observation, case #12 (February 25th, 1860) – Vincent Gourdel,
weaver from Lamotte, 32 y.o. Diagnosis: acute eye inflammation as a
consequence of intense shingles. Inflammation of conjunctive and foggy
cornea manifesting on the left eye; presenting general inflammatory state.
Prognosis: serious and intense affection. Patient can lose left eye in about
10 days. Treatment: application of balms over the affected eye. Today
the inflammation is cured and the fogged eye is gone, but the treatment
moves on to fight the shingles which seems of periodic and of herpetic
7th Observation, case #31 (February 27th, 1860) – Marie-Louise
Rivière, newsstand worker from Lamotte, 24 y.o. Diagnosis: long lasting
rheumatism in the right hand, with complete impairment and paralysis
of the phalanges; could not work. Unknown cause – Prognosis: very difficult
cure, if not impossible. She was cured in 20 days into the treatment.
8th Observation, case #34 (February 28th, 1860) – Jean-Marie Le
Berre, a 19 y.o. homeless from Lamotte. Diagnosis: Splitting headache,
insomnia, frequent hemorrhagic episodes through the nose; inward deviation
of right knee, outward deviation of leg. Patient in really poor condition.
Prognosis: Incurable. Treatment: topic application of extracts and
balms from Ms. Godu. The limb is now fixed and the cure is more or less
complete. As a precautionary measure, the patient is still under treatment.
9th Observation, case #50 (February 28th, 1860) – Marie Nogret from
Lamotte, 23 y.o. Diagnosis: inflammation of the pleura and diaphragm;
inflamed and enlarged tonsils; palpitation, dizziness, asphyxia. Prognosis:
Although the patient is strong, her condition is very serious. She could not walk two steps. Treatment: infusions of several plants. Improvement on
the very next day, and total cure in the period of eight days.
10th Observation, case #109 (March 12th, 1860) – Pierre Le Boudu,
from the community of Saint-Hervé. Diagnosis: deafness since the age
of 18, after typhoid fever. Prognosis: Incurable and resistant to any treatment.
Treatment: injections and infusions of several plants prepared by
Ms. Godu. The patient now can hear the noise of his own watch which
bothers him given the sensitivity of his ear.
11th Observation, case #132 (March 18th, 1860) – Marie Le Maux,
from Grâces, 10 y.o. Diagnosis: rheumatism presenting hardening of
joints, particularly knees. The child could only walk with the help of
crutches. Prognosis: a very serious case, if not incurable. Treatment: topic
extracts with balms prepared by Ms. Godu. Cure achieved in less than 20
days. Today the child walks without the support of crutches or walking
12th Observation, case #80 (March 19th, 1860) – Hélène Lucas, a 9
y.o. homeless child from Lamotte. Diagnosis: lump formation and permanent
swelling of the tongue, sticking out about 5 to 6 cm beyond the
lips, seemingly strangled; the tongue shows a rough appearance, the lower
teeth spoiled by the tongue. The child needs to move the tongue sideways
using one hand and with the other she pushes the food into her
mouth. She presents this condition since she was two and half years old.
Prognosis: a very serious case, considered incurable. The tongue has now
retrieved and the patient is almost completely cured.
One can see from the above observations that those reports are not
like those vulgar certificates, solicited by greed, in which complacence
competes with ignorance. These are the observations of a professional
who puts aside his self-esteem and frankly acknowledges his insufficiency
before the infinite resources of Mother Nature, who has not given him
her last word from the academic benches. He recognizes that the young
lady, without any special instruction, has taught him more than certain
books written by men, as she reads directly from the book of nature. As a sensible man he prefers to save a patient through apparently irregular
means than letting the patient die according to the rules. And he does not
feel humiliated.
We propose to carry out a serious study in a future article, from a
theoretical point of view, about such intuitive faculty that is more frequent
than supposed, more or less developed, through which Science will
be able to obtain precious insights, when people no longer consider themselves
wiser than the Lord of the Universe.
We learned from a very educated gentleman from Hindustan, India,
about precious news regarding the practice of intuitive medicine among
the Indians, adding to the theory and testimony of well observed and
authentic facts.
Family Conversations from Beyond the Grave - Voltaire and Frederic
JardinSociety, Paris, November 25th, 1859
The Journal de la Nievre reports: “A dismal accident occurred last Saturday at the train station. A sixty two year old man named Mr. Jardin was hit by the shafts of a carriage in the courtyard, as he was leaving the station. He exhaled his last breath a few hours later. That man’s death revealed one of the most extraordinary stories to which we would not have given any credit if were not supported by the trustworthy testimony of witnesses who attested to its authenticity. Here is what we were told:
Before his employment with the tobacco market in Nevers, Jardin lived in Cher, village of Saint-Germain-des-Bois, where he was a tailor. His wife had died in that village five years earlier, victimized by pneumonia. He then left the village of Saint-Germain and moved to Nevers eight years ago. A hard working and righteous man, Jardin was a devout Christian, strongly dedicated to religious practices; he had a kneeling bench in his bedroom that he used for his prayers. Friday night, alone with his daughter, he suddenly announced a secret premonition that his end was near.
• Listen, he told her, these are my last wishes: when I am dead you shall send the key to my kneeling bench to Mr. B… so that he can come and pick up whatever is inside and take to my coffin.
Surprised by this sudden recommendation, the daughter asked what could be found in the kneeling bench because she couldn’t tell if he was serious or not. He refused to respond in the beginning but as she insisted, he made the strange revelation that what was inside the kneeling bench was the remains of her late mother!
He told her that before leaving Saint-Germain-des-Bois he went to the cemetery at night. Everybody was asleep in the village; he was feeling really alone; he then went to the grave of his wife and with a shovel he excavated it until he found the remains of what had once been his companion. He would never be separated from her precious remains, thus he collected the bones and stored them in his kneeling bench.
The daughter, a little bit scared by the strange disclosure, but still suspicious that he could not be serious, she eventually promised to attend to his last wishes convinced that he wanted to make fun of her and that on the very next day he would give a logical explanation to his fantastic enigma. The following Saturday arrived and Jardin went to his office as usual. One hour later he was sent to the train station to pick up some bags of tobacco, destined to supply the market. He had just left the station when he was then hit straight in the chest, by the unnoticed shafts of a carriage that was parked among the heaps of other vehicles at the station parking area. He was knocked down by the violence of the impact and taken home unconscious. He recovered his senses after the application of some emergency care. The first responders wanted to remove his clothes to thoroughly examine the wounds but he strongly opposed; they insisted and he refused once again. Despite his refusal the responders decided to undress him when all at once, he suddenly subsided: he was dead.
The body was placed on a bed. What a surprise when those present removed his clothes to find a leather bag tied up around his chest, sitting on his heart. A doctor who was called in to attest the death cut the bag in two pieces, from which a dry hand fell!
Keeping in mind what her father had told her the day before, the daughter of Mr. Jardin advised Mr. B… and Mr. J… who were carpenters. The kneeling bench was opened and a schako (French military hat, round and tall) of the National Guard was found. On the bottom of the schako there was a dead person’s head, still with the hair in place; then they noticed the bones of a skeleton; it was the remains of Mrs. Jardin. Last Sunday Jardin’s body was taken to the grave. In order to attend the sexagenarian’s wishes, the remains of his wife were placed in his coffin and on top of his heart, the dry hand which had felt his heart beat for eight years, if we can say so.”
1. Evocation – A. I am here.
2. Who has warned you that we wanted to talk to you? – A. I know nothing; I was attracted here.
3. Where were you when we called you? – A. Near a man that I like, accompanied by my wife.
4. How could you have had the premonition of your death? – A. I was warned by the one I missed so much. God had allowed it from her prayers.
5. Was your wife then was always near you? – A. She had never left.
6. Was the cause of her presence the remains preserved by you? – A. Not at all but I believed so.
7. Thus, had you not preserved her remains she would still be by your side? – A. Isn’t thought more powerful to attract the spirit than the remains which have no importance?
8. Have you immediately met your wife, at the time of your death? – A. It was her who came to receive me and to enlighten me.
9. Were you immediately aware of yourself? – A. In a short time, I had an intuitive faith in the immortality of the soul.
10. Your wife must have had other existences, prior to the last one. How could she have forgotten them to be entirely dedicated to you? – A. She stayed by my side as a guide in my corporeal existence, without the need to renounce her former affections. When we say that we never abandon an incarnated spirit you must understand that what we mean, is that we shall be closer to that spirit more frequently than the others. The speed of our movement allows for that as easily as a conversation that you may hold with several speakers.
11. Do you remember your previous existences? – A. Yes. In my last one I was a poor peasant, without education; prior to that, however, I was a sincere and devoted religious person.
12. Wouldn’t the extraordinary affection dedicated to your wife have its cause in former relationships of prior existences? – A. No.
13. Are you happy as a spirit? – A. One cannot be more, you must understand that.
14. Can you define your current happiness and tell us about its cause? – A. I should not have the need to tell you this: I loved and missed a dear spirit; I loved God; I was honest; I found what I missed. These are the elements of happiness to the spirit.
15. What do you do as a spirit? – A. When I was called here I told you that I was near a man that I liked. I was trying to inspire in him the desire for the good, as always do the spirits that God deems worthy. We also have other occupations that cannot be revealed yet.
16. We thank you for your kindness in attending our call. – A. I also thank you.
The Journal de la Nievre reports: “A dismal accident occurred last Saturday at the train station. A sixty two year old man named Mr. Jardin was hit by the shafts of a carriage in the courtyard, as he was leaving the station. He exhaled his last breath a few hours later. That man’s death revealed one of the most extraordinary stories to which we would not have given any credit if were not supported by the trustworthy testimony of witnesses who attested to its authenticity. Here is what we were told:
Before his employment with the tobacco market in Nevers, Jardin lived in Cher, village of Saint-Germain-des-Bois, where he was a tailor. His wife had died in that village five years earlier, victimized by pneumonia. He then left the village of Saint-Germain and moved to Nevers eight years ago. A hard working and righteous man, Jardin was a devout Christian, strongly dedicated to religious practices; he had a kneeling bench in his bedroom that he used for his prayers. Friday night, alone with his daughter, he suddenly announced a secret premonition that his end was near.
• Listen, he told her, these are my last wishes: when I am dead you shall send the key to my kneeling bench to Mr. B… so that he can come and pick up whatever is inside and take to my coffin.
Surprised by this sudden recommendation, the daughter asked what could be found in the kneeling bench because she couldn’t tell if he was serious or not. He refused to respond in the beginning but as she insisted, he made the strange revelation that what was inside the kneeling bench was the remains of her late mother!
He told her that before leaving Saint-Germain-des-Bois he went to the cemetery at night. Everybody was asleep in the village; he was feeling really alone; he then went to the grave of his wife and with a shovel he excavated it until he found the remains of what had once been his companion. He would never be separated from her precious remains, thus he collected the bones and stored them in his kneeling bench.
The daughter, a little bit scared by the strange disclosure, but still suspicious that he could not be serious, she eventually promised to attend to his last wishes convinced that he wanted to make fun of her and that on the very next day he would give a logical explanation to his fantastic enigma. The following Saturday arrived and Jardin went to his office as usual. One hour later he was sent to the train station to pick up some bags of tobacco, destined to supply the market. He had just left the station when he was then hit straight in the chest, by the unnoticed shafts of a carriage that was parked among the heaps of other vehicles at the station parking area. He was knocked down by the violence of the impact and taken home unconscious. He recovered his senses after the application of some emergency care. The first responders wanted to remove his clothes to thoroughly examine the wounds but he strongly opposed; they insisted and he refused once again. Despite his refusal the responders decided to undress him when all at once, he suddenly subsided: he was dead.
The body was placed on a bed. What a surprise when those present removed his clothes to find a leather bag tied up around his chest, sitting on his heart. A doctor who was called in to attest the death cut the bag in two pieces, from which a dry hand fell!
Keeping in mind what her father had told her the day before, the daughter of Mr. Jardin advised Mr. B… and Mr. J… who were carpenters. The kneeling bench was opened and a schako (French military hat, round and tall) of the National Guard was found. On the bottom of the schako there was a dead person’s head, still with the hair in place; then they noticed the bones of a skeleton; it was the remains of Mrs. Jardin. Last Sunday Jardin’s body was taken to the grave. In order to attend the sexagenarian’s wishes, the remains of his wife were placed in his coffin and on top of his heart, the dry hand which had felt his heart beat for eight years, if we can say so.”
1. Evocation – A. I am here.
2. Who has warned you that we wanted to talk to you? – A. I know nothing; I was attracted here.
3. Where were you when we called you? – A. Near a man that I like, accompanied by my wife.
4. How could you have had the premonition of your death? – A. I was warned by the one I missed so much. God had allowed it from her prayers.
5. Was your wife then was always near you? – A. She had never left.
6. Was the cause of her presence the remains preserved by you? – A. Not at all but I believed so.
7. Thus, had you not preserved her remains she would still be by your side? – A. Isn’t thought more powerful to attract the spirit than the remains which have no importance?
8. Have you immediately met your wife, at the time of your death? – A. It was her who came to receive me and to enlighten me.
9. Were you immediately aware of yourself? – A. In a short time, I had an intuitive faith in the immortality of the soul.
10. Your wife must have had other existences, prior to the last one. How could she have forgotten them to be entirely dedicated to you? – A. She stayed by my side as a guide in my corporeal existence, without the need to renounce her former affections. When we say that we never abandon an incarnated spirit you must understand that what we mean, is that we shall be closer to that spirit more frequently than the others. The speed of our movement allows for that as easily as a conversation that you may hold with several speakers.
11. Do you remember your previous existences? – A. Yes. In my last one I was a poor peasant, without education; prior to that, however, I was a sincere and devoted religious person.
12. Wouldn’t the extraordinary affection dedicated to your wife have its cause in former relationships of prior existences? – A. No.
13. Are you happy as a spirit? – A. One cannot be more, you must understand that.
14. Can you define your current happiness and tell us about its cause? – A. I should not have the need to tell you this: I loved and missed a dear spirit; I loved God; I was honest; I found what I missed. These are the elements of happiness to the spirit.
15. What do you do as a spirit? – A. When I was called here I told you that I was near a man that I liked. I was trying to inspire in him the desire for the good, as always do the spirits that God deems worthy. We also have other occupations that cannot be revealed yet.
16. We thank you for your kindness in attending our call. – A. I also thank you.
A Convulsionary
Following circumstances that gave us contact with the daughter of one of the main convulsionaries of Saint-Médard, it was possible to collect some particulars information about that sect. Thus, there is no exaggeration regarding the reports of torture that these fanatics voluntarily submitted themselves to. It is well known that one of the mortifications consisted of the person’s submission to the crucifixion and all sufferings of the passion of Christ. The person, who we are speaking about and who had died in 1830, still had holes in her hands caused by the nails that were used to suspend her on the cross and on her side, the marks of wounds left by spears. She carefully hid those stigmas of fanaticism, always avoiding having to explain them to her children. In the history of the Convulsionaries, she is known by a pseudo name that shall not be mentioned by reasons that will be revealed in due course. The following conversation took place in the presence of her daughter, who requested the evocation. Private details that bear no interest to strangers were removed, details which gave the daughter an incontestable proof of identity.
1. Evocation. – A. I wanted to speak with you for a long time.
2. What were the reasons that led you to wish to speak with me? – A. I can appreciate your work, despite what you may think of my beliefs.
3. Do you see your daughter here? It was she, above all, who wanted to speak with you and we will be delighted to take the opportunity for our own instruction. – A. Yes, a mother always sees her children.
4. Are you happy as a spirit? A. – Yes and no, since I could have done better. But God takes my ignorance into account.
5. Do you remember perfectly well your latest existence? – A. I would have a lot to tell you but pray for me so that I am allowed to do that.
6. Have the tortures that you inflicted on yourself elevated you and made you happier as a spirit? – A. They did not do me harm but did not help me to advance in intelligence.
7. I kindly ask you to be accurate. My question refers to the fact, if that was taken into account in terms of your merit? – A. I would say that you have an item in The Spirits’ Book which provides the general answer. As for myself, I was a poor fanatic. Note: Reference to question 726 in The Spirits’ Book, related to voluntary sufferings.
8. That item states that the merit of the voluntary sufferings is in proportion to the resulting utility to others. The suffering of the Convulsionaries, I believe, did not have another objective other than a purely personal one. – A. It was generally personal, and if I had never mentioned it to my children it was because I vaguely understood that it was not the true path.
Observation: Here the spirit of the mother responds in anticipation to her daughter’s thoughts who wanted to ask why, when alive, she avoided to speak about it with her children.
9. What was the cause of the state of crisis in the Convulsionaries? – A. Natural disposition and overly excited fanaticism. I would never have wanted to have my children dragged towards that fatal cliff, which I recognize as such better still today. She then added, spontaneously responding to her daughter’s reflections who had not, however, formulated the question: I did not have an education but the intuition of many prior existences.
10. Among the phenomena produced by the convulsionaries did some of them have similar somnambulistic effects, like, for example, mind reading, far vision, and intuition of languages? Did magnetism represent any role on that? – A. Many do, and several priests have been magnetized, without people’s consent.
11. Where did the scars that you had in the hands and other parts of the body come from? – A. Poor trophies to our victories, that served nobody and that sometimes excited passions. You must understand me. Observation: It seems that, in the practice of the Convulsionaries, there were things of great immorality that had revolted the honest heart of this lady, and later when the fanatical fever was over, they led her to disgust everything that brought those memories back to her. It is no doubt one of the reasons that made her not want to talk about it with her children.
12. Were there real cures over Deacon Pâris’ grave? – A. Oh! What a question! You know well that no, or very little, particularly to you.
13. Have you seen Pâris, after your death? – A. I don’t occupy my time thinking about him since I have come to the world of the spirits. I blame him for my mistake.
14. How did you see him when you were alive? – A. As an envoy of God’s and that is why I criticize him for the bad things he did in the name of God.
15. However, isn’t he innocent of the foolish things done in his name after his death? – A. No because he himself did not believe his teachings. I did not understand that when alive as I understand it now.
16. Is it true that, as a spirit, he was indifferent to the manifestations which took place on his grave, as he said? – A. He deceived you.
17. Therefore, he excited fanaticism? – A. Yes, and he still does.
18. What do you do as a spirit? – A. I endeavor to enlighten myself and that is why I said I wanted to come to you.
19. Where are you here? – A. Near the medium, with a hand on his arm or shoulder.
20. If we could see you how would you be seen? – A. My daughter would see her mom, like when she was alive. As for you, you would see me in spirit; in words, I don’t know how to say.
21. Kindly explain yourself. What do you mean when you say that I would see you in spirit? – A. A transparent human form, according to the depuration of the spirit.
22. You said that you had other existences. Do you remember them? – A. Yes, I told you so and from my answers you can see that I had many.
23. Could you tell us which one preceded the one we know about? – A. Not tonight and not through this medium. Through the gentleman if you like. Note: She designates one of the assistants that had started to write as a medium, explaining her sympathy towards him, saying that she knew him from a preceding existence.
24. Would you be upset if I publish this conversation in the Review? – A. No. It is necessary that evil be known; but don’t call me… (Her nickname). I hate that name. Call me the great master, if you like.
Observation: We don’t mention the name that she was known by out of respect for her and because it brings her painful memories.
25. We thank you for coming and for the explanations given to us. – A. I am the one to thank you for having provided my daughter with the occasion of meeting her mother, and me with the opportunity of doing some good.
1. Evocation. – A. I wanted to speak with you for a long time.
2. What were the reasons that led you to wish to speak with me? – A. I can appreciate your work, despite what you may think of my beliefs.
3. Do you see your daughter here? It was she, above all, who wanted to speak with you and we will be delighted to take the opportunity for our own instruction. – A. Yes, a mother always sees her children.
4. Are you happy as a spirit? A. – Yes and no, since I could have done better. But God takes my ignorance into account.
5. Do you remember perfectly well your latest existence? – A. I would have a lot to tell you but pray for me so that I am allowed to do that.
6. Have the tortures that you inflicted on yourself elevated you and made you happier as a spirit? – A. They did not do me harm but did not help me to advance in intelligence.
7. I kindly ask you to be accurate. My question refers to the fact, if that was taken into account in terms of your merit? – A. I would say that you have an item in The Spirits’ Book which provides the general answer. As for myself, I was a poor fanatic. Note: Reference to question 726 in The Spirits’ Book, related to voluntary sufferings.
8. That item states that the merit of the voluntary sufferings is in proportion to the resulting utility to others. The suffering of the Convulsionaries, I believe, did not have another objective other than a purely personal one. – A. It was generally personal, and if I had never mentioned it to my children it was because I vaguely understood that it was not the true path.
Observation: Here the spirit of the mother responds in anticipation to her daughter’s thoughts who wanted to ask why, when alive, she avoided to speak about it with her children.
9. What was the cause of the state of crisis in the Convulsionaries? – A. Natural disposition and overly excited fanaticism. I would never have wanted to have my children dragged towards that fatal cliff, which I recognize as such better still today. She then added, spontaneously responding to her daughter’s reflections who had not, however, formulated the question: I did not have an education but the intuition of many prior existences.
10. Among the phenomena produced by the convulsionaries did some of them have similar somnambulistic effects, like, for example, mind reading, far vision, and intuition of languages? Did magnetism represent any role on that? – A. Many do, and several priests have been magnetized, without people’s consent.
11. Where did the scars that you had in the hands and other parts of the body come from? – A. Poor trophies to our victories, that served nobody and that sometimes excited passions. You must understand me. Observation: It seems that, in the practice of the Convulsionaries, there were things of great immorality that had revolted the honest heart of this lady, and later when the fanatical fever was over, they led her to disgust everything that brought those memories back to her. It is no doubt one of the reasons that made her not want to talk about it with her children.
12. Were there real cures over Deacon Pâris’ grave? – A. Oh! What a question! You know well that no, or very little, particularly to you.
13. Have you seen Pâris, after your death? – A. I don’t occupy my time thinking about him since I have come to the world of the spirits. I blame him for my mistake.
14. How did you see him when you were alive? – A. As an envoy of God’s and that is why I criticize him for the bad things he did in the name of God.
15. However, isn’t he innocent of the foolish things done in his name after his death? – A. No because he himself did not believe his teachings. I did not understand that when alive as I understand it now.
16. Is it true that, as a spirit, he was indifferent to the manifestations which took place on his grave, as he said? – A. He deceived you.
17. Therefore, he excited fanaticism? – A. Yes, and he still does.
18. What do you do as a spirit? – A. I endeavor to enlighten myself and that is why I said I wanted to come to you.
19. Where are you here? – A. Near the medium, with a hand on his arm or shoulder.
20. If we could see you how would you be seen? – A. My daughter would see her mom, like when she was alive. As for you, you would see me in spirit; in words, I don’t know how to say.
21. Kindly explain yourself. What do you mean when you say that I would see you in spirit? – A. A transparent human form, according to the depuration of the spirit.
22. You said that you had other existences. Do you remember them? – A. Yes, I told you so and from my answers you can see that I had many.
23. Could you tell us which one preceded the one we know about? – A. Not tonight and not through this medium. Through the gentleman if you like. Note: She designates one of the assistants that had started to write as a medium, explaining her sympathy towards him, saying that she knew him from a preceding existence.
24. Would you be upset if I publish this conversation in the Review? – A. No. It is necessary that evil be known; but don’t call me… (Her nickname). I hate that name. Call me the great master, if you like.
Observation: We don’t mention the name that she was known by out of respect for her and because it brings her painful memories.
25. We thank you for coming and for the explanations given to us. – A. I am the one to thank you for having provided my daughter with the occasion of meeting her mother, and me with the opportunity of doing some good.
New York’s Library
The Courier from the United States reports: “A New York paper publishes a very curious fact already known by a certain number of people and about some very interesting comments that have been made for several days. The spiritualists see in that fact one more example of manifestations from the other world. Sensible people don’t go that far to find the explanation, and clearly acknowledge symptoms that characterize hallucination. That is also the opinion of Dr. Cogswell, hero of this adventure.
Dr. Cogswell is the chief librarian of the Astor Library. His dedication to the final stages of construction of a complete catalogue of the library has him using hours of work which should actually been dedicated to his sleep. That is how he has the occasion of visiting rooms alone where so many volumes sit on the shelves. About fifteen days ago, around eleven o’clock at night, he was passing by one side room full of books when he saw, with great surprise, a well-dressed man standing and apparently examining the titles of the books with great attention. In the beginning he thought it was a thief, he then backed up and carefully examined the intruder. His surprise became even livelier when he recognized the visitor as Dr. … who had lived near Lafayette-Place, who had died and was buried six months earlier. Dr. Cogswell does not believe much in apparitions and fears them even less. Nonetheless, he thought it to be appropriate to treat the ghost with consideration and raising his voice he said: - Doctor, how come you have perhaps never visited this library when alive and you come to visit it after your death? The ghost kindly looked at the librarian and disappeared without responding, leaving him still perplex in his contemplation.
• A singular hallucination, Dr. Cogswell said to himself. I might have eaten something spoiled over dinner.
He then returned to work and later went to bed and slept uneventfully. On the next day, at the same time, he felt like visiting the library again. He found the ghost at the same spot as the night before. He addressed him with the same words and got the same outcome.
• That is curious, he thought. I must come back tomorrow.
However, before returning, Dr. Cogswell examined the shelves that seemed to have the ghost’s attention and out of a singular coincidence he identified a large number of both old and new books about necromancy. Hence, the next day and a third time he meets the deceased doctor again, and now varying the question he said:
• It is the third time I meet you doctor. Tell me if any of these books trouble your resting so that I can have it removed from the collection.
The ghost did not respond as it had not on previous occasions but it disappeared definitely and the persistent librarian returned to the same place, at the same time on several occasions, not finding him ever again. Yet, advised by friends to whom he had told the story, as well as doctors who he had consulted with, he decided to take a break and travel to Charlestown where he spent a few weeks, before resuming the painstaking task that he had imposed upon himself and whose fatigue, no doubt, had caused the hallucination that we have just described.”
Observation: A first observation about the article: the nonchalance with which the detractors of Spiritism attribute to themselves the monopoly of common sense. “The spiritualists, says the author, see in that fact one more example of manifestations from the other world. Sensible people don’t go that far to find the explanation, and clearly acknowledge symptoms which characterize hallucination.” Thus, according to this author, only people that think like him are sensible people; the others don’t have common sense, even if they are doctors, and Spiritism can count them to the thousands. Strange modesty, really, the one that uses the maxim: Nobody is right but only my friends and us.
We still wait for a clear and accurate definition, a physiological explanation of hallucination. However, in the absence of that, there is a meaning that is related to the word. In the mind of those who use that term it means illusion. Well, illusion means lack of reality. According to them it is a purely fantastic image produced by imagination, under some sort of overly excited cerebral. We don’t deny the fact that in certain cases it may well be so. What remains to be determined is if every event of that kind occurs under the same conditions. From the examination of the above case it seems that Dr. Cogswell was perfectly calm, as he declares himself, and that no moral or physiological cause had disturbed his mind. On another hand, and even admitting his temporary illusion, it is still necessary to explain how come such an illusion had lasted for so many days in a roll, at the same time of the day and in similar circumstances, since this is not the character of hallucination, per say. Had his brain been impressed by a given material cause on the first day, it is obvious that the cause had ceased after a few moments when the apparition vanished. How could such a material impression be identically reproduced over a period of three consecutive days, with 24-hour intervals? It is regrettable, the fact that the author disregarded this when providing explanations because, no doubt, he must have excellent reasons since he is part of the group of sensible people.
Nevertheless, we agree that in the case above there is no positive proof of reality and that, strictly speaking, we can admit that the same aberration of the senses could have repeated. However, would the same thing happen when the apparitions are followed by events of some sort of material nature? For example, when well alert people (and not in their dreams) see their absent relatives or friends, who they were not thinking of, coming to announce their passing to them, at the time of their death, can it be said to be a result of imagination?
If the fact of death was not real there would undeniably be an illusion; but when the event confirms the prediction, and that is very frequent, how is it possible that the only thing admitted is silly ghost stories? Besides, if it were an isolated or rare fact one could believe in a game of chance. However, as we have been saying, the examples are uncountable and perfectly confirmed. It is up to the “hallucinationists” to bring us an irrefutable explanation and we will then see if their reasons are more demonstrable than ours. In particular we would like to have them demonstrating to us, especially if they consider themselves the owners of common sense and do admit that we have a soul which outlives the body, we would like to have them demonstrating, we were saying, the material impossibility that the soul that must be somewhere, cannot be around us, seeing us, hearing and communicating with us.
The Courier from the United States reports: “A New York paper publishes a very curious fact already known by a certain number of people and about some very interesting comments that have been made for several days. The spiritualists see in that fact one more example of manifestations from the other world. Sensible people don’t go that far to find the explanation, and clearly acknowledge symptoms that characterize hallucination. That is also the opinion of Dr. Cogswell, hero of this adventure.
Dr. Cogswell is the chief librarian of the Astor Library. His dedication to the final stages of construction of a complete catalogue of the library has him using hours of work which should actually been dedicated to his sleep. That is how he has the occasion of visiting rooms alone where so many volumes sit on the shelves. About fifteen days ago, around eleven o’clock at night, he was passing by one side room full of books when he saw, with great surprise, a well-dressed man standing and apparently examining the titles of the books with great attention. In the beginning he thought it was a thief, he then backed up and carefully examined the intruder. His surprise became even livelier when he recognized the visitor as Dr. … who had lived near Lafayette-Place, who had died and was buried six months earlier. Dr. Cogswell does not believe much in apparitions and fears them even less. Nonetheless, he thought it to be appropriate to treat the ghost with consideration and raising his voice he said: - Doctor, how come you have perhaps never visited this library when alive and you come to visit it after your death? The ghost kindly looked at the librarian and disappeared without responding, leaving him still perplex in his contemplation.
• A singular hallucination, Dr. Cogswell said to himself. I might have eaten something spoiled over dinner.
He then returned to work and later went to bed and slept uneventfully. On the next day, at the same time, he felt like visiting the library again. He found the ghost at the same spot as the night before. He addressed him with the same words and got the same outcome.
• That is curious, he thought. I must come back tomorrow.
However, before returning, Dr. Cogswell examined the shelves that seemed to have the ghost’s attention and out of a singular coincidence he identified a large number of both old and new books about necromancy. Hence, the next day and a third time he meets the deceased doctor again, and now varying the question he said:
• It is the third time I meet you doctor. Tell me if any of these books trouble your resting so that I can have it removed from the collection.
The ghost did not respond as it had not on previous occasions but it disappeared definitely and the persistent librarian returned to the same place, at the same time on several occasions, not finding him ever again. Yet, advised by friends to whom he had told the story, as well as doctors who he had consulted with, he decided to take a break and travel to Charlestown where he spent a few weeks, before resuming the painstaking task that he had imposed upon himself and whose fatigue, no doubt, had caused the hallucination that we have just described.”
Observation: A first observation about the article: the nonchalance with which the detractors of Spiritism attribute to themselves the monopoly of common sense. “The spiritualists, says the author, see in that fact one more example of manifestations from the other world. Sensible people don’t go that far to find the explanation, and clearly acknowledge symptoms which characterize hallucination.” Thus, according to this author, only people that think like him are sensible people; the others don’t have common sense, even if they are doctors, and Spiritism can count them to the thousands. Strange modesty, really, the one that uses the maxim: Nobody is right but only my friends and us.
We still wait for a clear and accurate definition, a physiological explanation of hallucination. However, in the absence of that, there is a meaning that is related to the word. In the mind of those who use that term it means illusion. Well, illusion means lack of reality. According to them it is a purely fantastic image produced by imagination, under some sort of overly excited cerebral. We don’t deny the fact that in certain cases it may well be so. What remains to be determined is if every event of that kind occurs under the same conditions. From the examination of the above case it seems that Dr. Cogswell was perfectly calm, as he declares himself, and that no moral or physiological cause had disturbed his mind. On another hand, and even admitting his temporary illusion, it is still necessary to explain how come such an illusion had lasted for so many days in a roll, at the same time of the day and in similar circumstances, since this is not the character of hallucination, per say. Had his brain been impressed by a given material cause on the first day, it is obvious that the cause had ceased after a few moments when the apparition vanished. How could such a material impression be identically reproduced over a period of three consecutive days, with 24-hour intervals? It is regrettable, the fact that the author disregarded this when providing explanations because, no doubt, he must have excellent reasons since he is part of the group of sensible people.
Nevertheless, we agree that in the case above there is no positive proof of reality and that, strictly speaking, we can admit that the same aberration of the senses could have repeated. However, would the same thing happen when the apparitions are followed by events of some sort of material nature? For example, when well alert people (and not in their dreams) see their absent relatives or friends, who they were not thinking of, coming to announce their passing to them, at the time of their death, can it be said to be a result of imagination?
If the fact of death was not real there would undeniably be an illusion; but when the event confirms the prediction, and that is very frequent, how is it possible that the only thing admitted is silly ghost stories? Besides, if it were an isolated or rare fact one could believe in a game of chance. However, as we have been saying, the examples are uncountable and perfectly confirmed. It is up to the “hallucinationists” to bring us an irrefutable explanation and we will then see if their reasons are more demonstrable than ours. In particular we would like to have them demonstrating to us, especially if they consider themselves the owners of common sense and do admit that we have a soul which outlives the body, we would like to have them demonstrating, we were saying, the material impossibility that the soul that must be somewhere, cannot be around us, seeing us, hearing and communicating with us.
The Betrayed Bride
The following fact was reported by the “Gazetta dei Teatri” from Milan, on March 14th, 1860:
“A young man was totally in love with a lady who loved him back and whom he was going to marry when, yielding to an ill-fated desire, he abandoned his wife-to-be for a woman who was unworthy of true love. The unfortunate and abandoned young lady begged and cried but all was useless. Her fickle boyfriend remained impervious to her appeals. So desperate, she went to his house and died before his eyes as a consequence of a poison that she had ingested. Facing the cadaver and after witnessing the death that he had caused, he is then taken by a terrible reaction and tries to kill himself. However, he survives, but his conscience always blames him of this crime. Since that fatal episode, each day at dinner time, his fiancée appears at the door of his bedroom, in the image of a frightening skeleton. However much he tried to become distracted, change his habits, travel, visit with joyful friends, forget about the time, nothing worked. Wherever he was, the ghost would always appear at the appointed time. In a short time, he lost a lot of weight and his health became compromised to the point that the doctors gave up on being able to save him.
A medical doctor, who was his friend, after having experimented with several medications and studied the case very seriously, had the following idea: hoping to demonstrate to him that he was a victim of an illusion, he sought a real skeleton and stored it in the room next door; then, having invited his friend for dinner, at 4 o’clock which was the usual time of the vision, he brought in the skeleton by the use of pulleys which were fixed nearby. The doctor thought that he was successful when his friend, taken by a sudden horror, exclaimed:
• Oh, like one was not enough! Now it is two!
He then fell dead; a fulminating death.”
Observation: Reading this story, which we report on in good faith to the Italian newspaper, the hallucinationists, from where we have taken the information, one can easily say, and with reason, that this was an obvious cause for cerebral super-excitation, that produced an illusion on the shocked person. In fact there is nothing that demonstrates the reality of the apparition that could be attributed to a mind weakened by a violent shock. As for ourselves, who knew so many analogue and attested facts, we shall say that it is possible and that, in any case, the in-depth knowledge of Spiritism would have given the doctor a more efficient way of treating his friend. The means would have been the evocation of the young lady at different times, speaking to her, be it directly or through a medium; asking her what could have been done in order to please her and obtain her forgiveness; praying to a guardian angel to intercede on her behalf for reflection; and since she definitely loved him, she would certainly forget his mistakes had he shown a sincere regret and sorrow, instead of a simple horror which was his likely dominant feeling. Perhaps, she would have stopped to appear to him in such a terrible form, taking the gracious form she had when alive or she would simply no longer appear to him. She would have certainly told him good things which would have reestablished his calmness and balance. The certainty that they would never really be separated; that she watched over him and that they would reunite one day, all would have given him courage and acceptance. It is a result that we have often seen. The spirits that show up spontaneously always have an objective. In such cases the best thing to do is to ask what their wishes are. If they are suffering, it is necessary to pray for them and do what we can to please them. If the apparition has a permanent character, like an obsession, it almost always stops when the spirit is satisfied. If the spirit manifests with obstinacy, visually or through any disturbing means that cannot be taken by an illusion; if the spirit is ill-behaved and acts malevolently, that spirit is generally more tenacious, a fact which justifies even further perseverance and sincere prayers in its favor. However, one must be really persuaded that there are no sacramental words in such cases, or even cabalistic formulas or exorcisms that may have any influence. The more mischievous these spirits are the more they laugh at the inspired terror and importance given to their presence. They enjoy being called devils or demons and thus take names like Asmodeu, Astaroth, Lucifer and other diabolical qualification, multiplying their perniciousness, whereas they simply leave when they notice that they waste their time with people that are not mistaken and just pray for God to have mercy on them.
The following fact was reported by the “Gazetta dei Teatri” from Milan, on March 14th, 1860:
“A young man was totally in love with a lady who loved him back and whom he was going to marry when, yielding to an ill-fated desire, he abandoned his wife-to-be for a woman who was unworthy of true love. The unfortunate and abandoned young lady begged and cried but all was useless. Her fickle boyfriend remained impervious to her appeals. So desperate, she went to his house and died before his eyes as a consequence of a poison that she had ingested. Facing the cadaver and after witnessing the death that he had caused, he is then taken by a terrible reaction and tries to kill himself. However, he survives, but his conscience always blames him of this crime. Since that fatal episode, each day at dinner time, his fiancée appears at the door of his bedroom, in the image of a frightening skeleton. However much he tried to become distracted, change his habits, travel, visit with joyful friends, forget about the time, nothing worked. Wherever he was, the ghost would always appear at the appointed time. In a short time, he lost a lot of weight and his health became compromised to the point that the doctors gave up on being able to save him.
A medical doctor, who was his friend, after having experimented with several medications and studied the case very seriously, had the following idea: hoping to demonstrate to him that he was a victim of an illusion, he sought a real skeleton and stored it in the room next door; then, having invited his friend for dinner, at 4 o’clock which was the usual time of the vision, he brought in the skeleton by the use of pulleys which were fixed nearby. The doctor thought that he was successful when his friend, taken by a sudden horror, exclaimed:
• Oh, like one was not enough! Now it is two!
He then fell dead; a fulminating death.”
Observation: Reading this story, which we report on in good faith to the Italian newspaper, the hallucinationists, from where we have taken the information, one can easily say, and with reason, that this was an obvious cause for cerebral super-excitation, that produced an illusion on the shocked person. In fact there is nothing that demonstrates the reality of the apparition that could be attributed to a mind weakened by a violent shock. As for ourselves, who knew so many analogue and attested facts, we shall say that it is possible and that, in any case, the in-depth knowledge of Spiritism would have given the doctor a more efficient way of treating his friend. The means would have been the evocation of the young lady at different times, speaking to her, be it directly or through a medium; asking her what could have been done in order to please her and obtain her forgiveness; praying to a guardian angel to intercede on her behalf for reflection; and since she definitely loved him, she would certainly forget his mistakes had he shown a sincere regret and sorrow, instead of a simple horror which was his likely dominant feeling. Perhaps, she would have stopped to appear to him in such a terrible form, taking the gracious form she had when alive or she would simply no longer appear to him. She would have certainly told him good things which would have reestablished his calmness and balance. The certainty that they would never really be separated; that she watched over him and that they would reunite one day, all would have given him courage and acceptance. It is a result that we have often seen. The spirits that show up spontaneously always have an objective. In such cases the best thing to do is to ask what their wishes are. If they are suffering, it is necessary to pray for them and do what we can to please them. If the apparition has a permanent character, like an obsession, it almost always stops when the spirit is satisfied. If the spirit manifests with obstinacy, visually or through any disturbing means that cannot be taken by an illusion; if the spirit is ill-behaved and acts malevolently, that spirit is generally more tenacious, a fact which justifies even further perseverance and sincere prayers in its favor. However, one must be really persuaded that there are no sacramental words in such cases, or even cabalistic formulas or exorcisms that may have any influence. The more mischievous these spirits are the more they laugh at the inspired terror and importance given to their presence. They enjoy being called devils or demons and thus take names like Asmodeu, Astaroth, Lucifer and other diabolical qualification, multiplying their perniciousness, whereas they simply leave when they notice that they waste their time with people that are not mistaken and just pray for God to have mercy on them.
The Siècle from April 6th, 1860 reports:
“Mr. Felix N…, a gardener from an area near Orléans, was said to have the talent of exempting conscripts from the draft lottery, in other words making them get an non-chosen number. He promised a certain Frederic Vincent P…, a young winemaker from Saint-Jean-de-Braye, a conscription number that he wanted, for a compensation of 60 francs that he would have to pay, 30 in advance and 30 after the draft lottery. The secret consisted of praying three Our Father and three Hail Mary for nine days. In addition, the sorcerer indicated that if he gracefully did his part, the actions would greatly influence the conscript, hindering him from sleeping on the very last night but yielding his release instead. Unfortunately the enchantment did not work. The conscript slept as usual and picked number 31, which made him a soldier. Since these facts occurred two more times the secret was out and the sorcerer, Felix N… was prosecuted.”
Spiritism’s adversaries accuse it of promoting superstitious ideas. However, what is the commonality between the doctrine that teaches the existence of the invisible world communicating with the visible one and facts of nature that were just reported, true superstitious facts? Where has anyone seen Spiritism teaching such absurdities? Had those who attack it, dedicated themselves to its serious study before judging it so lightheartedly, they would then know that Spiritism not only condemns all witchcraft practices but it also demonstrates its uselessness. Hence and as we have reiterated often, the serious study of Spiritism tends to destroy all superstitious practices. In the majority of the popular beliefs there is almost always some truth but it is typically altered or modified. That is how the genie and fairy tales are founded, on the idea of the existence of good and bad spirits, protecting or malevolent; that all stories of apparitions are based on the very real spiritist visible and even tangible manifestations. Such phenomenon, perfectly explained and verified now, enter into the category of natural phenomena, a consequence of the eternal laws of creation. But people are rarely satisfied with the truth that seems too simple. People tend to coat it with all fantasies created by imagination, falling then in the zone of absurd. Those who are interested in exploiting those same beliefs come next, adding a self-serving fantastic reputation. This explains the crowd of fortunetellers, witches and sorceress against whom the law is fairly enforced.
The true, rational Spiritism is then not more responsible for their abuse than Medicine is by the ridiculous formulas and practices employed by charlatans or ignorant people. Once more, before judging Spiritism, give yourself time to study it seriously.
It is conceivable that there might be some truth in certain beliefs, but one may ask about the origin of the belief in something like the facts described above, such as a wide spread belief in our countryside, as one knows it. It seems to us, at first sight, that one has in its origin an intuitive feeling about invisible beings and their inclination to attribute to them a power that they often do not have. The existence of deceiving spirits hanging out around us by force of our planet’s inferiority, like pesky insects in a swamp, who amuse themselves at the expense of credulous people, predicting their utopian futures, always suitable to flatter their tastes and desires, is a fact from which we have demonstrated daily by today’s mediums. These things that happen before our eyes have happened in all times as a means of communication according to the time and place required for that reality. With the help of charlatanism and greed, reality has turned into a superstitious belief.
Pneumatography or Direct Writing
Mr. X…, one of our most renowned scholars, was at the house of Ms. Huet last February 11th, with a group of six people who were acquainted with spiritist manifestations for a long time already. Mr. X… and Ms. Huet sat face to face around a little table chosen by Mr. X… He took a piece of paper from his pocket, completely blank, folded it four times and marked it with an almost imperceptible sign, but sufficient to be identified. He put the piece of paper on the table covered by his white handkerchief. Ms. Huet put her hands over the handkerchief. Mr. X… did the same, asking the spirits to provide a direct manifestation, with an enlightening objective. Mr. X… directed his request to Channing to be evoked for that. Ten minutes had passed when he raised the handkerchief and retrieved the piece of paper in which there was a phrase written on one side, written with difficulty, almost illegible, but showing the outline of these words: God loves you. On the other side it read: God on the external angle, and Christ at the end of the paper. This last word was written in such a way that it showed a hinged mark on the folded paper. A second trial was carried out under the same conditions and after fifteen minutes the paper contained on its lower surface, written in bold characters, the following English words: God loves you, and below it read: Channing. At the end of the piece of paper it read in French: Faith in God. Finally, on the back of the same page there was a cross with a sign similar to a reed, both drawn with a red substance. Once the experiment was over Mr. X… expressed to Ms. Huet his desire to obtain more elaborated explanations from Channing, through her mediumship as a writing medium. The following dialogue was established between him and the spirit:
Mr. X…, one of our most renowned scholars, was at the house of Ms. Huet last February 11th, with a group of six people who were acquainted with spiritist manifestations for a long time already. Mr. X… and Ms. Huet sat face to face around a little table chosen by Mr. X… He took a piece of paper from his pocket, completely blank, folded it four times and marked it with an almost imperceptible sign, but sufficient to be identified. He put the piece of paper on the table covered by his white handkerchief. Ms. Huet put her hands over the handkerchief. Mr. X… did the same, asking the spirits to provide a direct manifestation, with an enlightening objective. Mr. X… directed his request to Channing to be evoked for that. Ten minutes had passed when he raised the handkerchief and retrieved the piece of paper in which there was a phrase written on one side, written with difficulty, almost illegible, but showing the outline of these words: God loves you. On the other side it read: God on the external angle, and Christ at the end of the paper. This last word was written in such a way that it showed a hinged mark on the folded paper. A second trial was carried out under the same conditions and after fifteen minutes the paper contained on its lower surface, written in bold characters, the following English words: God loves you, and below it read: Channing. At the end of the piece of paper it read in French: Faith in God. Finally, on the back of the same page there was a cross with a sign similar to a reed, both drawn with a red substance. Once the experiment was over Mr. X… expressed to Ms. Huet his desire to obtain more elaborated explanations from Channing, through her mediumship as a writing medium. The following dialogue was established between him and the spirit:
• Are you here, Channing?
• I am here. Are you satisfied?
• Have you addressed the things you wrote to me in particular or to everybody else?
• I wrote a phrase whose meaning applies to all people. The experiment of writing in English however, is particularly to you. As for the cross, it is the symbol of faith.
• Why have you done it in red?
• In order to ask you to have faith. I could not write it because it would be too long; then I used the symbol.
• Is the red then the symbolic color of faith?
• Certainly. It is the representation of baptism by blood.
Observation: Ms. Huet does not speak English and thus the spirit wanted to give another proof that his thoughts were foreign to the manifestation. He did that spontaneously and from his own initiative, but it is more than likely that if one had requested more proof, it would not have been there. It is well known that the spirits do not like to be used as instruments in experiments. The most patent proofs are sometimes given when least expected and when the spirits act freely, they sometimes give more than if they were asked. Whether they have the heart to show their independence, or for the fault of not being able to produce certain phenomena as a contest of circumstances which cannot always be produced by our will. It is never too much to repeat that the spirits have their own free will and want to demonstrate to us that they are not submitted to our caprices. That is why they rarely yield to curiosity.
The phenomena, whatever their nature, are never at our services with any certainty, and no one can guarantee that they will be produced at a given moment and at will. Any person who wishes to observe them must be patient and wait and this is frequently a test of perseverance from the part of the spirits, assessing the observer and the actual intention. The spirits give no importance to the entertainment of curiosity and do not bind themselves but to those who demonstrate their real desire for instruction, doing whatever is necessary to achieve that, without any commercialization of their time and effort.
The simultaneous production of signs in characters of different colors is an extremely curious fact, but it is not more supernatural than all others. We have an account of that in the article Pneumatography or direct writing in The Spiritist Review, August 1859. The supernatural disappears giving place to a simple phenomenon explained by the general laws of nature, and that would be called the physiology of the spirits.
• I am here. Are you satisfied?
• Have you addressed the things you wrote to me in particular or to everybody else?
• I wrote a phrase whose meaning applies to all people. The experiment of writing in English however, is particularly to you. As for the cross, it is the symbol of faith.
• Why have you done it in red?
• In order to ask you to have faith. I could not write it because it would be too long; then I used the symbol.
• Is the red then the symbolic color of faith?
• Certainly. It is the representation of baptism by blood.
Observation: Ms. Huet does not speak English and thus the spirit wanted to give another proof that his thoughts were foreign to the manifestation. He did that spontaneously and from his own initiative, but it is more than likely that if one had requested more proof, it would not have been there. It is well known that the spirits do not like to be used as instruments in experiments. The most patent proofs are sometimes given when least expected and when the spirits act freely, they sometimes give more than if they were asked. Whether they have the heart to show their independence, or for the fault of not being able to produce certain phenomena as a contest of circumstances which cannot always be produced by our will. It is never too much to repeat that the spirits have their own free will and want to demonstrate to us that they are not submitted to our caprices. That is why they rarely yield to curiosity.
The phenomena, whatever their nature, are never at our services with any certainty, and no one can guarantee that they will be produced at a given moment and at will. Any person who wishes to observe them must be patient and wait and this is frequently a test of perseverance from the part of the spirits, assessing the observer and the actual intention. The spirits give no importance to the entertainment of curiosity and do not bind themselves but to those who demonstrate their real desire for instruction, doing whatever is necessary to achieve that, without any commercialization of their time and effort.
The simultaneous production of signs in characters of different colors is an extremely curious fact, but it is not more supernatural than all others. We have an account of that in the article Pneumatography or direct writing in The Spiritist Review, August 1859. The supernatural disappears giving place to a simple phenomenon explained by the general laws of nature, and that would be called the physiology of the spirits.
Spiritism and Spiritualism
The following statement by Cardinal Donnet was given in a recent speech in the Senate: “But today, like in former times, it is true to say with an eloquent publicist, in humankind, that Spiritualism is represented by Christianity.”
It would certainly be a strange mistake if we thought that the celebrity speaker in that particular event had understood Spiritualism in the sense of spirits’ manifestations. The word was employed there in its true meaning, and the speaker could not have expressed it in a different way, unless he had made use of a paraphrase because there was no other term to express the same thought. If we had not provided the source of our citation, people might certainly think that we had extracted it from an American spiritualist, about Spiritism, equally represented by Christianity, in its most sublime expression. According to that, would it be possible that a future scholar, giving a free interpretation to the words of Cardinal Donnet, would try to demonstrate to our descendants that in 1860 a Cardinal had publicly professed the manifestation of the spirits, before the French Senate?
Don’t we see in this fact a new proof that there is the need for a different word for each thing, so that we can understand one another? How many endless philosophical arguments haven’t we had due to the multiple meanings of the words! The inconvenience is even worse with the translations, from which the biblical texts show more than one example. If in Hebrew the word day and period were not expressed in the same way, we would not have been mistaken about the meaning of the words in the book of Genesis, regarding the duration of the formation of the earth, and science would not have been cursed for a lack of understanding, when it demonstrated that the formation of the planet could not have been accomplished in a period of six times 24 hours.
The following statement by Cardinal Donnet was given in a recent speech in the Senate: “But today, like in former times, it is true to say with an eloquent publicist, in humankind, that Spiritualism is represented by Christianity.”
It would certainly be a strange mistake if we thought that the celebrity speaker in that particular event had understood Spiritualism in the sense of spirits’ manifestations. The word was employed there in its true meaning, and the speaker could not have expressed it in a different way, unless he had made use of a paraphrase because there was no other term to express the same thought. If we had not provided the source of our citation, people might certainly think that we had extracted it from an American spiritualist, about Spiritism, equally represented by Christianity, in its most sublime expression. According to that, would it be possible that a future scholar, giving a free interpretation to the words of Cardinal Donnet, would try to demonstrate to our descendants that in 1860 a Cardinal had publicly professed the manifestation of the spirits, before the French Senate?
Don’t we see in this fact a new proof that there is the need for a different word for each thing, so that we can understand one another? How many endless philosophical arguments haven’t we had due to the multiple meanings of the words! The inconvenience is even worse with the translations, from which the biblical texts show more than one example. If in Hebrew the word day and period were not expressed in the same way, we would not have been mistaken about the meaning of the words in the book of Genesis, regarding the duration of the formation of the earth, and science would not have been cursed for a lack of understanding, when it demonstrated that the formation of the planet could not have been accomplished in a period of six times 24 hours.
Spontaneous Essays
Different Orders of Spirits
Private communication obtained by Mrs. D…, member of the Society, from her deceased husband.
Listen to me, dear friend, if you want me to tell you great things. Don’t you see the direction taken by certain events and the progress that the sacred works can achieve by that? Listen to the elevated spirits, but watch out and do not confuse them with those who try to impose themselves with a language that is more pretentious than profound. Do not mix your thoughts with theirs. Would it be admissible that the inhabitants of Earth could see things from the same standpoint as the spirits detached from matter and who are obedient to our Lord’s laws? Do not mix all spirits in the same group for they come from very different orders. The study of Spiritism teaches you, but on this side, how much you still have to learn! There is a multitude of individuals on Earth whose intelligences are not similar. Some among them are closer to the animals than to human beings, whereas there are others so much superior that one is tempted to say that they are closer to God, a kind of blasphemy which must be translated by the idea that they carry a spark from those celestial clarities, planted into their hearts by our Divine Master. Well then! Whatever is the diversity among all intelligences of the human race, be assured that such diversity is still infinitely greater among the spirits. There are spirits in such a level of inferiority that you cannot find any similar among people, however there are those sufficiently purified to get closer to God, contemplating God in all God’s glory. Submitted to God’s will, their only wish is to satisfy and please God. These are called upon to circulate around the globes or to stop over according to the conveniences for the execution of the great designs of the Creator, and to some God says: Go, reveal my power to these elemental beings whose intelligences can now understand it. To others God says: Travel around those worlds so that the superior beings that inhabit them, guided by your teachings, may add new greatness to the ones that have already been revealed to them. May all be instructed and learn since there will come a day when the clarities from above will no longer be shaded but will shine forever.
Your friend
The two messages below were obtained in a small and intimate circle in Luxemburg, sent to us by our colleague Mr. Solichon, who was present. We regret the fact that our activities have not allowed us yet to go to those meetings, to which we were kindly invited. We will be happy to be able to attend them since we know that they are presided by a feeling of true Christian charity and reciprocal benevolence.
Private communication obtained by Mrs. D…, member of the Society, from her deceased husband.
Listen to me, dear friend, if you want me to tell you great things. Don’t you see the direction taken by certain events and the progress that the sacred works can achieve by that? Listen to the elevated spirits, but watch out and do not confuse them with those who try to impose themselves with a language that is more pretentious than profound. Do not mix your thoughts with theirs. Would it be admissible that the inhabitants of Earth could see things from the same standpoint as the spirits detached from matter and who are obedient to our Lord’s laws? Do not mix all spirits in the same group for they come from very different orders. The study of Spiritism teaches you, but on this side, how much you still have to learn! There is a multitude of individuals on Earth whose intelligences are not similar. Some among them are closer to the animals than to human beings, whereas there are others so much superior that one is tempted to say that they are closer to God, a kind of blasphemy which must be translated by the idea that they carry a spark from those celestial clarities, planted into their hearts by our Divine Master. Well then! Whatever is the diversity among all intelligences of the human race, be assured that such diversity is still infinitely greater among the spirits. There are spirits in such a level of inferiority that you cannot find any similar among people, however there are those sufficiently purified to get closer to God, contemplating God in all God’s glory. Submitted to God’s will, their only wish is to satisfy and please God. These are called upon to circulate around the globes or to stop over according to the conveniences for the execution of the great designs of the Creator, and to some God says: Go, reveal my power to these elemental beings whose intelligences can now understand it. To others God says: Travel around those worlds so that the superior beings that inhabit them, guided by your teachings, may add new greatness to the ones that have already been revealed to them. May all be instructed and learn since there will come a day when the clarities from above will no longer be shaded but will shine forever.
Your friend
The two messages below were obtained in a small and intimate circle in Luxemburg, sent to us by our colleague Mr. Solichon, who was present. We regret the fact that our activities have not allowed us yet to go to those meetings, to which we were kindly invited. We will be happy to be able to attend them since we know that they are presided by a feeling of true Christian charity and reciprocal benevolence.
Remorse and Regret
I feel happy for seeing you all united by the same faith and by the love of God Almighty, our Divine Lord. May God always guide you in the good path and help you to become worthy of God’s benefits. Always love one another like brothers and sisters; help one another and may the love to thy neighbor never be a meaningless word. Remember that charity is the most beautiful of all virtues and the most pleasing to God, not only that charity which gives the two cents to the miserable ones, but the charity which has pity on our brothers’ sufferings; that makes you share their moral pains, alleviate the burden that oppresses them, thus relieving them and making their lives easier. Remember that sincere repentance obtains pardon to all faults; such is the greatness of God. Remorse has nothing in common with repentance. Remorse, brothers, is already the prelude of punishment. Repentance, charity and faith shall lead you to the happiness reserved to the good spirits. Go and listen to the words of a superior spirit loved by God. Pray and open your hearts to the lessons that you shall learn from them.
A Guardian Angel
I feel happy for seeing you all united by the same faith and by the love of God Almighty, our Divine Lord. May God always guide you in the good path and help you to become worthy of God’s benefits. Always love one another like brothers and sisters; help one another and may the love to thy neighbor never be a meaningless word. Remember that charity is the most beautiful of all virtues and the most pleasing to God, not only that charity which gives the two cents to the miserable ones, but the charity which has pity on our brothers’ sufferings; that makes you share their moral pains, alleviate the burden that oppresses them, thus relieving them and making their lives easier. Remember that sincere repentance obtains pardon to all faults; such is the greatness of God. Remorse has nothing in common with repentance. Remorse, brothers, is already the prelude of punishment. Repentance, charity and faith shall lead you to the happiness reserved to the good spirits. Go and listen to the words of a superior spirit loved by God. Pray and open your hearts to the lessons that you shall learn from them.
A Guardian Angel
The Mediums
I am happy for seeing your punctuality to the meeting that I have scheduled with you. God’s benevolence shall be upon you and our guardian angels will always help you with their advice and will protect you against the influence of the bad spirits, if you know how to listen to their voices and to close your heart to pride, vanity and envy. God has tasked me with a mission to be accomplished together with the mediums. The more grace you receive from the Almighty, the more danger you incur. Such danger is more significant the more it comes from the favors that you have received from God. The faculties enjoyed by the mediums attract people’s praise: the compliments, the flattery, those are the burdens. The very mediums who should keep in mind their primitive condition, those are the ones who forget it; they do more: they attribute to themselves a merit that in fact is a God given gift. What happens then? The good spirits abandon them; they become playful toys in the hands of deceiving spirits once they no longer have the good compass to guide them. The more capable they are, the more they are led to believe that their gift is their merit, up until the time when God, in order to punish them, withdraws that gift which can only be disastrous to them. It would never be too much to remind you that you should entrust yourselves to your guardian angel, so that it can help you to be on guard against the cruelest of your enemies: your pride.
Remember that without the support of your Divine Master, you who are fortunate to serve as intermediaries between human beings and the spirits, if you had not taken advantage of that light, the more favored you had been, the more severely punished you shall be. I am glad because I believe that this communication that you should take to the Society will yield fruits, and all mediums who gather at the Society will be on guard against the hurdle on which they would stumble. Pride is that hurdle, as I said.
Joan of Arc
Notice: We are pleased to announce to our readers the reprint of the book “The Story of Joan of Arc”, dictated by her. This book will appear soon in Mr. Ledoyen’s bookstore. We will talk about that again later.
I am happy for seeing your punctuality to the meeting that I have scheduled with you. God’s benevolence shall be upon you and our guardian angels will always help you with their advice and will protect you against the influence of the bad spirits, if you know how to listen to their voices and to close your heart to pride, vanity and envy. God has tasked me with a mission to be accomplished together with the mediums. The more grace you receive from the Almighty, the more danger you incur. Such danger is more significant the more it comes from the favors that you have received from God. The faculties enjoyed by the mediums attract people’s praise: the compliments, the flattery, those are the burdens. The very mediums who should keep in mind their primitive condition, those are the ones who forget it; they do more: they attribute to themselves a merit that in fact is a God given gift. What happens then? The good spirits abandon them; they become playful toys in the hands of deceiving spirits once they no longer have the good compass to guide them. The more capable they are, the more they are led to believe that their gift is their merit, up until the time when God, in order to punish them, withdraws that gift which can only be disastrous to them. It would never be too much to remind you that you should entrust yourselves to your guardian angel, so that it can help you to be on guard against the cruelest of your enemies: your pride.
Remember that without the support of your Divine Master, you who are fortunate to serve as intermediaries between human beings and the spirits, if you had not taken advantage of that light, the more favored you had been, the more severely punished you shall be. I am glad because I believe that this communication that you should take to the Society will yield fruits, and all mediums who gather at the Society will be on guard against the hurdle on which they would stumble. Pride is that hurdle, as I said.
Joan of Arc
Notice: We are pleased to announce to our readers the reprint of the book “The Story of Joan of Arc”, dictated by her. This book will appear soon in Mr. Ledoyen’s bookstore. We will talk about that again later.
Bulletin of the Parisian Society of Spiritist StudiesNotice:
Starting from next July 15th, the office of The Spiritist Review as well as
Mr. Allan Kardec’s residence will be transferred to Rue Sainte-Anne, 59 –
Passage Sainte-Anne.
Friday, May 4th, 1860
(Private Session)
Minutes from the April 17th session were read.
By suggestion and proposal of the Committee, and after the reading of
the minutes, the Society accepts among full members:
1st – Mr. Achille R…,
employed in Paris;
2nd – Mr. Serge de W…, from Moscow.
2nd – Mr. Serge de W…, from Moscow.
1st – Letter from Mrs. P…, medium from Rouen, stating that several suffering spirits who were evoked at the Society have spontaneously gone there to say thank you for prayers on their behalf. Since she has recovered her mediumistic faculty, she has only worked with suffering spirits. She was told that her mission is mainly to alleviate their pain.
1st – Letter from Mrs. P…, medium from Rouen, stating that several suffering spirits who were evoked at the Society have spontaneously gone there to say thank you for prayers on their behalf. Since she has recovered her mediumistic faculty, she has only worked with suffering spirits. She was told that her mission is mainly to alleviate their pain.
2nd – A spontaneous essay received by Mrs. L…, a medium
member of the Society, about vanity given by a familiar spirit was
read. To be published below.
3rd – Letter from Mr. Bénardacky, from Brussels, with a communication
received about the formation of Earth by incrustation
from several planetary bodies, and the state of catalepsy of Earth’s
first inhabitants and other living creatures. This communication
occurred regarding a phenomenon of voluntary catalepsy that
seemingly took place with some inhabitants of India and Central
Africa. The phenomenon consisted of certain individuals being
buried alive, in exchange for a payment of a certain amount of
money, and after several months they were retrieved from the grave,
returning to life.
Mr. Arnauld d’A…, member of the Society and old friends
with the counselor to the late King of Abyssinia, who has resided
for a long time in that country, mentions two facts of his
knowledge, one of which occurred in England and the other in
India, that seem to confirm the possibility of voluntary catalepsy
of short duration, but he informs us that he has never heard
about facts similar to those described by Mr. Bénardacky. Mr.
d’A… who was familiar with the habits and language of those
countries, and observed them as a scientist, is impressed by the
facts and surprised that such information would not have come
to his attention; from what one can assume there might have been
1st – A question is raised about the possible evocation of Mr. JulesLouis
C…, who died at the Val-de-Grace hospital, in exceptional circumstances, already evoked on February 24th (see number from
April 1860, Bulletin of the Society, February 24th, Studies #2). The
question was motivated by the presence of one person of his family
who is very interested in the evocation and in the consideration of his
current state of progress. St. Louis informs us that the spirit prefers to
be called in a more intimate session.
2nd – Questions about the theory of the formation of Earth
and about the cataleptic state of the living beings in their origin,
regarding the communication from Mr. Bénardacky. A large
number of observations are made by several members.
3rd – Study about the phenomenon reported in the previous
session, of a dog that recognized his evoked owner. The spirit
Charlet intervenes spontaneously in the subject and develops a
theory about why this might happen based on the facts. This is
published below.
Friday, May 11th, 1860
(General Session)
Minutes of May 4th session were read.
1st – Letter from Mr. Rabache, sent from Liverpool, in which
he reports a spontaneous communication given to him by Adam
Smith, without any evocation; he then shows the conversation
that follows with answers given in English, while the questions
were framed in French. In the conversation Adam Smith criticizes
the point of view that served as basis for his economic theory.
He says that if he were to write his book, The Theory of Moral
Sentiments today, he would give these, as a general principle: innate
conscience, having for motive, exceptional love.
2nd – A letter from Mr. Bénardacky, complementing the communications
obtained about catalepsy.
Note: St. Louis in a private session and once questioned about
the value of such communications, confirms several parts, but
adds the following through the medium Mr. T…:
“You can study these things but I advise you not to publish
it yet. Several other texts, which will be given to you later,
brought by the circumstances, are necessary. You take the risk
of making serious mistakes by publishing it now, mistakes that
you will have to reconsider later and that would be embarrassing
and cause harm to Spiritism. Thus, be very sensible with respect
to anything that is related to scientific theories since that is exactly
what you have to fear from the pseudo-wise and imposter
spirits. Remember what has been often said to you: the spirits do
not have the mission of bringing you a finished science or to unveil
all things before it is time, something that must result from
the individual’s work and ingenuity. Concentrate on your own
betterment. God shall take your heart and your humbleness into
account rather than a knowledge that is frequently covered by
curiosity in its most part. It is by practicing God’s laws, practicing
them, understand it well, that you shall deserve to be favored
by communications from the truly superior spirits, who are never
It is impossible to ignore the profoundness and the elevated
wisdom of such advice. That language, simultaneously simple
and sublime, marked by extreme benevolence, shows a significant
contrast to the callous and arrogant or the swagger of spirits who
want to impose themselves.
3rd – Reading of news sent by Mr. T…, with the description
of a very superior world, to which his spirit was transported during
sleep. It seems that such a world has many analogies with
those attributed to Jupiter, but to an even higher degree.
1st – Two spontaneous essays, one received by Ms. Parisse and
signed by Louis, and another received by Mr. Didier Junior,
signed by Gérard de Nerval.
2nd – Questions related to Mr. T… vision, addressed to St.
Louis. The vague and incoherent answers indicate the evident interference
of a deceiving spirit.
3rd – Evocation of Adam Smith, regarding his letter to Mr.
Rabache. Questions about his current positions compared to those
found in his books. He confirms what he said to Mr. Rabache,
relatively to the error in the principle which served as basis for his
moral considerations.
Friday, May 18th, 1860
(Private Session)
Reading of the minutes and works of previous session.
Under the advice and proposal from the Committee, and after a verbal
report, the Society accepted as members: 1st – Mr. B…, merchant in
Paris; 2nd – Mr. C…, trader in Paris.
1st – Reading of the following communication, received in a private
session, with respect to the works of the previous session,
through the medium Mrs. S…:
• Why didn’t St. Louis communicate last Friday through Mr.
Didier, allowing a deceiving spirit to speak?
• St. Louis was present but did not want to speak. As a matter
of fact, haven’t you recognized that it was not him? That is enough. You were not deceived since you recognized the
• Could you ask him? He is here.
• St. Louis, could you give us the reason for your abstention?
• You are upset with what happened but you must know that
nothing happens without a reason. Sometimes there are
things whose objectives you don’t understand; that seem evil
to you, at first sight, because you are very impatient, but you
shall acknowledge its wisdom later. Hence, remain calm and
do not be upset with anything. We can distinguish those who
are sincere and we take care of them.
• If it was a lesson that you wanted to give us I would understand
it when we are in our small group; but in the presence
of strangers, who then had a bad impression, it seems to me
that evil prevails over good.
• You are mistaken by seeing things that way. Evil is not what
you think and I assure you that there were people to whom
that backlash was a proof of your good faith. In reality, sometimes
good comes out of bad. When you see a gardener cutting
beautiful branches of a tree you deplore the fact that the
greenery has been sacrificed and it seems bad to you. However,
once those parasite branches are cut-off, the fruits blossom even
more beautiful and tasty. That is the good. You then realize
that the gardener was wiser and more cautious than you supposed.
By the same token, if a limb is cut-off from a patient, the
loss of the member is bad; but, if the patient gets better after
the amputation, that is the good since it may have saved a life.
Give some serious thought to that and you will understand.
• That is very fair. But how come after we appeal to the good
spirits, in order to have the imposter spirits kept away, our
appeal is not attended?
• It is attended, have no doubt! However, are you sure that
such appeal is originated from the bottom of the heart of all attendees, or that there isn’t someone that out of a less charitable
or malevolent thought may attract bad spirits to your
environment, by desire? That is why we tell you incessantly:
Be united, good and benevolent to one another. Jesus said:
Whenever you gather in my name, I will be among you. Do you
think that it is good enough to pronounce his name for that?
Make no mistake and be convinced that Jesus goes nowhere
unless invited by pure hearts, together with those who practice
his precepts, because these are the ones who truly gather
in his name. He does not go to the proud ones, or the ambitious,
or hypocrites, or those who gossip about their brothers.
These are the ones that he means when he says: shall not enter
the Kingdom of God.
• I understand that the good spirits leave when their advice
is not listened too. However, if there are ill-intended people
among the attendees, is that a reason to punish the others?
• I am surprised by your persistence. It seems to me that I have
explained it very well to someone that wishes to understand.
Do I need to repeat that you must not bother with these things
which are negligible before the great edifice of the Doctrine
under construction? Would you believe that your house is
about to collapse because a tile has fallen from the roof? Do
you have any doubt about our power, our benevolence? No!
Let us then act and rest assured that every thought, good or
bad, has an echo in the heart of the Eternal.
• You said nothing about the general invocation we make at the
beginning of each session. Could you give us your thoughts?
• You must always appeal to the good spirits; the format, as you
know, is insignificant. Thought is everything. You are surprised
by what happened. However, have you examined well the faces
of those who hear you when you make such invocation? Haven’t
you seen a sarcastic smile from certain lips, more than once?
Which spirits do you think such persons may carry along? These are spirits that, like them, laugh at the most sacred things. That
is why I tell you not to receive the first person to show up; avoid
the curious ones and those who do not come to learn. Everything
shall happen in due course and nobody can prejudge God’s designs.
I truly tell you that those who laugh at these things today
shall not laugh much longer.
St. Louis
2nd – A note addressed by Mr. Jobard, from Brussels, about the
evocation of Mr. Ch. de Br…, deceased not long ago.
3rd – Reading of a communication received by the medium
Ms. L…, member of the Society, with interesting explanations
about the story of the spirit and the little dog. To be published
4th – Another spontaneous essay by the same medium about
sadness and grief.
5th – Letter from Mr. B…, science professor, about the theory
given to him of fixed times for the manifestation of the spirits.
Such theory is considered by all, without exception, as the result
of an obsession by spirits who are systematic and ignorant.
Experience and reason demonstrate to the exhaustion that it does
not deserve a serious examination.
6th – Report of a curious fact, related to a portrait painted
under the influence of a natural intuitive mediumship. Mr.
T…, artist, who had lost his father at an age where he could
not have kept any memory of his features. Together with other
members of the family he regretted the fact of not having any
picture of his father. One day in his studio a vision appeared
to him, or even better, an image was formed in his mind; he
then reproduced it on the canvas. It took him several sessions
to accomplish the execution and the image came back to him
on every occasion. He then had the intuition that it was the
image of his father but he spoke to no one. When the portrait was finished he showed it to his relatives who recognized his
father without hesitation.
1st – Four spontaneous essays received simultaneously: first by
Ms. Huet, from the spirit that began to write his memories; the second
by Ms. S…, about The Fantasy, by Alfred de Musset; the third
by Ms. Stephanie S…, from a familiar spirit deceased a few years
back, whose name when alive was Gustave Lenormand. That is a not
much advanced spirit, joyful and witty, but very good and obliging,
considered as a friend of the house by several families that he visits.
One day he said that he would come to hunt down the bad spirits.
The fourth essay by Ms. Parisse was signed by Louis.
2nd – Evocation of Mr. B…, professor of science that we mentioned
above, a living person designated by another spirit as capable
of providing information about Francois Bayle, a seventeenth
century doctor that some people want to write his biography. The
result of the evocation tends to demonstrate that Bayle who is
dead and Mr. B…, who is alive, are both the same person. In
fact the latter gives the required information and provides several
explanations of the highest interest. To be published.
Friday, May 25th, 1860
(General Session)
Reading of the minutes and works of previous session.
1st – Letter from Dr. Morhéry, with an appreciation, from a scientific
point of view, about the medication employed by Ms. Désirée
Godu under his supervision. Published below.
2nd – Reading of a spontaneous essay by the medium Ms. L…,
about human misery.
3rd – Reading of a series of very remarkable communications
received by several members of the Russian W… family in private
sessions. To be published.
4th – Reading of a private evocation carried out in a private
session from the medium Ms. Duret, deceased on May 1st, in Sétif,
Algeria. It contains important consideration about the mediums.
1st – Evocation of Ms. Duret; series of communications.
2nd – Evocation of Charles de Saint-G…, mentally challenged,
age 13. It contains interesting revelations about the state of that
spirit, before and during his incarnation. To be published below.
3rd – Study about Mr. V…, a Navy officer, still alive, who has
kept a precise memory of his life and death in the period of St.
Bartholomew. To be published.
Spiritism in England
In the beginning Spiritism found a resistance in England that rightfully
surprised us. We cannot say that, like everywhere else, it has found isolated
support but its progress was infinitely slower than in France. Would
it be the case, as some have claimed, that the English, colder, more positive
and less enthusiastic than us, are less carried away by imagination?
Would they be less attracted to the supernatural? If that were the case,
we should be surprised and with more reason that Spiritism has had its
main focus in the United States, where the positivism of material interests
rules completely. Wouldn’t it be more rational that it had appeared in
Germany, but at the same time, doesn’t it seem that Russia takes the lead
as the classical land of legends?
The opposition found by Spiritism in England has nothing to do with
the national character but with the influence of religious ideas of certain
dominating sects, more strictly attached to the letter than to the spirit of
their dogmas. They were shaken by a doctrine that at first sight, seemed
to be contrary to their beliefs. However, this could not have lasted long in
the minds of a critical, enlightened nation, where free examination finds
no obstruction and the freedom of assembly is an absolute right. They
had to surrender before the evidence of facts. Well then, it was precisely
because the English have judged and appreciated it cold-bloodedly and
without enthusiasm that they have understood its full reach.
When the fundamental truth was observed, that spiritist ideas are
founded on Christian ideas and far from contradicting, they continue to
corroborate, explain to one another, completely satisfy religious scruples;
having accommodated the conscience, there was nothing else opposed
to the progress of the new ideas, which propagated with incredible speed
in that country. There as elsewhere, it is still in the enlightened echelon
of society that the larger number of followers and most zealous adepts
are found. This is an irrefutable argument, which cannot be disputed.
Mediums multiply and numerous centers are created, to which high clergy
members associate themselves, openly proclaiming their convictions.
Will the adversaries say that the fever of the supernatural has triumphed
over the English composure? Be it as it will, there is a notorious fact: their
ranks get enlightened daily, despite their sarcasm.
The development of the spiritist ideas in England gave rise to specialized
publications. They now have a very interesting monthly periodical
published in London since May 1st under the title: The Spiritual Magazine,
from which we extracted the report below.
A Talkative Spirit
Spending a few weeks in Worcester I casually found a lady at the house
of a local banker, from whom I heard such an impressive story that I
needed more than one witness to give her credit. I questioned the banker
about that lady that he knew for more than thirty years. “She is so truthful,
he added, and her righteousness is so very broadly known that I have
no doubt about the authenticity of her story. This lady enjoys a spotless
reputation, of irreproachable behavior, having a strong and intelligent personality,
highly educated.” He then thinks that it is impossible that she
would try to deceive others or that she would be mistaken. He had heard
her telling the story multiple times, always in a precise and clear way, so
much so that he felt embarrassed. He refused to admit such facts but, on
the other hand, he dared not to doubt her good faith.
My own observations led me to confirm everything that I learned
about that lady. There was in her manners, her air, even the sound of
her voice, something that seemed incapable of deceiving, carrying the
conviction of truth. Thus, it was impossible to me to consider her dishonest,
even more so when she spoke about these things with an evident
distress. The banker had warned me that it would be very difficult to
make her talk about the subject since, in general, she was used to the
fact that people would laugh rather than believe in her. It must be said
in addition, that neither her nor the banker knew about Spiritism or had
heard about it.
Here are the facts reported by the lady:
“Around 1820 we left our Suffolk house and moved to …, a sea port
in France. Our family consisted of my parents, a sister, a twelve-year-old
brother and an English butler. The house was located in an isolated region,
far from the city, in the middle of the beach. There was no other
house or construction nearby. One night my father saw a man wrapped in
a large overcoat, sitting on a fragment of rock, a few yards from the door.
My father approached to greet him but since he received no answer back,
he then returned. Before coming inside he had the idea of looking back
again but to his amazement there was nobody there. He got even more
surprised when he went back and carefully examined the surroundings,
near the rock, finding no vestige of the stranger who was sitting there a
moment earlier, and there was no shelter where he could have hidden.
When my father came to the house he said: - “My children, I have just
seen an apparition”. We of course laughed our heads off, as one can easily
Nevertheless, that very night and in several others which followed,
we heard strange noises at several places of the house: sometimes it was a
moaning coming from below our windows, on other occasions it seemed
that someone was scratching the windows, or even that several persons
were climbing on the roof. Several times we opened the windows, asking
out loud: Who is that? But we never got an answer. A few days later we
heard noises in the bedroom where my sister and I were sleeping. She was
twenty years old and I was eighteen then. We woke everybody up in the
house but nobody listened to us. We were censored and called crazy. The
noises ordinarily sounded like knocks; they would sometimes last twenty
or thirty minutes; sometimes one per minute.
In the end, our parents, who were forced to admit that it was not our
imagination, also heard the noises outside as well as inside. They then remembered
the apparition. In any case we were not that scared and ended
up getting used to all the noise.
One evening when there was the usual knocking, I had the idea of
asking: - if that is a spirit then knock six times. I immediately heard six raps, one by one. The noises became so familiar with time that we not
only were no longer afraid but they also became more pleasant.
I will now tell you the more curious part of the story, and I would
hardly do that if all members of my family had not witnessed that thing.
My brother who was then a boy and is now a renowned professional can
attest it to you if necessary, in all its details.
Besides the raps in our bedroom we began hearing something like a
human voice, mainly in the living room. The first time we heard it my
sister was playing the piano; we were singing a love song when the voice
started following us. You can imagine our surprise. We could not doubt
the reality because shortly later the voice started to talk to us, clearly and
intelligibly, meddling into our conversation from time to time. It was a
low voice, with a slow, very solemn and distinct tone. The spirit always
spoke in French. He said his name was Gaspard but never responded when
we wanted to question him about his personal story; he never explained
why he had established communication with us either. We thought he was
Spanish but I cannot remember where we got such an idea. He used to
call every member of the family by their given name; he sometimes recited
poems and constantly tried to get feelings of Christian morality across to
us, never going into issues of dogmas though. He seemed to want to make
us understand the grandiosity of virtue, the beauty of harmony among
the members of a family.
One time, my sister and I had a slight argument, we then heard the
voice saying: M… is wrong; S… is right. Since we knew him he always
gave us advice. On one occasion my father was very distressed because
he thought that he had lost certain documents that he needed to find.
Gaspard told him where the documents were placed, in our old house
in Suffolk. The papers were sought and found exactly where he had
Things continued to be like that for another three years. Every member
of the family, including the servants, had heard the voice. The presence
of the spirit, since we had no doubt about it, was always a reason for
great joy among us; he was simultaneously considered a companion and a protector. One day he said: I will not be with you for a few months. In
fact his visits stopped for several months. One evening we heard that dear
voice saying: I am here with you. It would be difficult to describe our
Up until that point we had heard but never seen him. One evening
my brother said: Gaspard, I would like very much to see you. And the
voice responded: I will satisfy you. You shall see me if you please, go to
the other side of the square. My brother left but soon returned saying:
I saw Gaspard; he wore a large overcoat and a wide brim hat; I looked
underneath the hat and he smiled. – Yes, said the voice entering the conversation,
it was me.
He suddenly left us but in a very kind way. We returned to Suffolk
and there, like in France, Gaspard continued to talk to us for several
weeks after our arrival. One evening he said: I will leave for good; a disgrace
would come upon you if I stayed by your side in this land where our
communications would be badly understood and misinterpreted.
Since then, the lady added with a sad tone, like from someone speaking
of a loved one who had departed by death, since then we have no
longer heard Gaspard’s voice.”
There you have the facts as we were told. All those things make me
think and perhaps they do to your readers too. I don’t intend to give any
explanation, any opinion. I will only say that I thoroughly trust the good
faith of the person from whom we heard it, and I subscribe with my name
below it, as a warrantor of the accuracy of the report.
S.C. Hall
The Spirit and the Little Dog
(Society, May 4th, 1860 – Medium Mr. Didier)
Mr. G. G… from Marseille transcribes the following fact to us:
“A young man died eight months ago and his family, in which
there are three sisters who are mediums, evoke him every day, using
a basket. Every time that the spirit is called, a dog, which the young
man was very fond of, hops on the table, smells the basket, and yelps.
The first time it happened the basket wrote: “My brave little dog that
recognizes me.”
“I have not witnessed the fact myself but the persons from whom I
heard the story did see it and those are good spiritists and very serious
people, so I cannot doubt their honesty. I asked myself if the spirit had
kept sufficient material particles to reach the dog’s sniffing capability or
if the dog was able to see the spirit. It is a problem that seems useful to
investigate further in case it is not solved yet.”
1. Evocation of Mr. … deceased eight months ago, who was just
mentioned above. – A. I am here.
2. Do you confirm the fact relative to your little dog, which comes
to smell the basket which is used for your evocations, apparently
recognizing you? – A. Yes.
3. Could you tell us what is it that attracts the dog to the basket? –
A. The extreme subtleness of the senses that may lead the dog to
guess the presence of the spirit or even see it.
4. Does the dog see or feel you? – A. The smell above all and the
magnetic fluid.
Observation: Charlet, the painter, gave a series of remarkable
communications to the Society about animals, which we will
publish soon. That was certainly the reason why he had spontaneously
interfered with the present communication.
5. Since Charlet wants to intervene in the current issue we ask him
to provide us with some explanations about it. – A. Gladly. The
fact is perfectly trustworthy, and consequently natural. I speak in
general because I don’t have the details of the case you are discussing.
A dog is endowed by a very particular organization. They
understand humans: that is enough. They feel them, following
them in all of their actions, bearing the curiosity of a child; they
love humans and even dedicate entirely to them – and you have
examples to confirm what I am saying. Dogs must be – I am not
positive, please understand that well – but they must be one of
those animals which come from a more advanced world to support
humans in their sufferings, serve and protect them. I have
just mentioned moral qualities that dogs certainly have. As for
their sensitive faculties these are extremely delicate. Every hunter
knows the subtleness of a dog’s sniff. Besides that quality the dog
understands almost all actions of humans; understands the meaning
of their death. Why wouldn’t they perceive the presence of
their soul or even see them?
The next day Mrs. Lesc…, a medium also member of the Society,
received the following explanation about the same subject:
“The fact cited at the Society is true; although once the spirit is
disconnected from the body it does not have any of its odors. The dog
sniffed the presence of its owner. When I say sniffed I mean that its
organs detected his presence but the nose did not feel or the eyes did
not see; however, the whole dog’s body was somehow warned about the
owner’s presence, and that warning was passed to the dog mainly by
the will expressed by the souls of those who evoked the dead person.
Human wishes reach and warn the instinct of the animals, particularly
of the dogs, before any exterior sign reveals those wishes. The dog is in
direct communication with us, the spirits, through their nervous fibers,
almost as much as they are with men. The dog perceives the apparitions;
it is aware of the difference between them and the real or Earthly things,
and they are very afraid of them. The dog howls to the moon, according
to the vulgar expression; it also does so when it feels death coming. In
these two cases, and in many others, the dog is intuitive. I shall add that
its vision is less developed than its sensations. It sees less than it feels.
The electric fluid penetrates the dog almost routinely. The fact which
served me as a starting point, therefore not surprising, since at the time
when the wish for calling his owner was out, the dog felt his presence
almost as quickly as the spirit heard it and responded to the call which
was addressed to him.”
George, a familiar spirit
The Spirit of an Idiot
(Society, May 25th, 1860)
Charles de Saint-G…, is a living thirteen year old mentally challenged
boy, whose intellectual faculties are so much inexistent that he does
not even recognize his parents and can barely feed himself. All his organs
have completely stopped from any further development. Some people
thought that this could be an interesting subject for a psychological study.
1. (to St. Louis) – Could you tell us if we can evoke the spirit of that
child? – A. Yes you can evoke him as if he were dead.
2. Your response makes us suppose that we can make the evocation
at any time. – A. Yes, his soul is attached to the body by material
links but not by spiritual links. His soul can always disengage.
3. Evocation of Ch. de Saint-G… – A. I am a poor spirit, bounded
to Earth like a bird held by the foot.
4. In your present condition as a spirit, are you aware of your almost
nullity in this world? – A. Certainly. I feel my imprisonment well.
5. When your body sleeps and your spirit is free are your thoughts
as lucid as if you were in your normal state? – A. When my unfortunate
body is asleep I am a little bit freer to elevate to heavens
to which I aspire.
6. Do you have a painful feeling as a spirit with respect to your corporeal
condition? – A. Yes because it is a punishment.
7. Do you remember your previous existence? – A. Oh, Yes! That is
the cause of my current exile.
8. What was that existence? – A. A libertine youngster at the time
of Henry III.
9. You said that your current condition is a punishment. Then, you
have not chosen that? – A. No.
10. How can this present existence serve to your progress considering
your oblivious state? – A. It is not oblivious to God who has
imposed that to me.
11. Can you foresee the duration of the present existence? – A. No; a
few years more and I will return to my homeland.
12. What have you done as a spirit between the previous and current
existences? – A. Since I was a frivolous spirit, God imprisoned me.
13. In your waking state, are you aware of what goes on around you,
despite the limitation of your organs? – A. I see and understand
but my body does not see or understand.
14. Can we offer you with anything useful? – A. Nothing.
15. (to St. Louis) – May the prayers for an incarnated spirit have the
same efficacy as those in favor of an errant spirit? – A. The prayers
are always good and pleasant to God. In the current position of
this unfortunate spirit they cannot serve; they will be useful later
since God puts them in reserve.
Observation: Nobody can neglect the elevated moral teaching that
results from this evocation. Besides, it also confirms what has always been
said about the mentally challenged. Their moral handicap does not mean
a handicap of the spirit that, apart from their material body, enjoys all its
faculties. The limitation of the organs is just an obstacle to the free manifestation
of the faculties; it does not annihilate them. It is like a strong
man whose limbs are tied up by a strong rope. It is a well-known fact
that in certain regions, far from being a reason for neglect, the mentally challenged are surrounded by careful benevolence. Wouldn’t such a feeling
be originated from the intuition of the true state of these miserable
creatures, deserving more attention, the more their spirit which understand
their condition, must suffer by seeing themselves as an outcast of
Family Conversations from Beyond the Grave - Mrs. Duret
Writing medium, deceased on May 1st, 1860 in Sétif, Algeria, evoked
first at the house of Mr. Allan Kardec on May 21st, then at the
Society, on May 25th.
1. Evocation. – A. I am here.
2. We know each other by name, but not in person, since we have
never met. Do you recognize me? – A. Oh! Very well.
3. Have you come to visit me after your death? – A. No, not yet, but
I knew that you would call me.
4. As a medium and already perfectly acquainted with Spiritism,
I thought that you could give us instructive explanations, better
than others, about different points of the science. – A. I will
respond the best I can.
5. This first evocation, in a certain way, aims only at establishing
our relationship and to put us in touch. As for the questions, since
they are of general interest, I prefer to address them to you at the
Society. Thus, I ask you if you could kindly attend the invitation to come. – A. Yes, gladly so. I will respond and ask God to illuminate
6. There are five mediums here. Is there anyone who you might have
preference for in order to act as your interpreter? – A. That is indifferent
to me as long as it is a good medium.
7. Have you ever been deceived by spirits as a medium in your communications?
– A. Ah, often! There are only a few mediums that
have not, more or less.
Note: Next day Mrs. Duret manifested spontaneously and revealed
disappointment for not having been asked a higher number
of questions the night before.
8. If I did not do that, as I said, I was reserving them for the Society.
I just wanted to make sure that I could count on you. – A. What
is done in your house is also useful to the Society. It is sometimes
convenient to take advantage of the moment when the spirit
wants to communicate since the circumstances are not always favorable
to them.
9. Which circumstances may be favorable to them? – A. There are
many that are of your knowledge but you need to know that it
does not always depend on the spirit. Sometimes the spirit may
need to be assisted by others who may not be always available at
the moment.
10. Since you have come spontaneously, I must understand that you
are in one of those adequate moments and I will use you, if you
wish so. You said that you were often deceived as a medium. Do
you see now the spirits that deceived you? – A. Yes. I see them
very well. They wanted to interfere here too but I see them clearly.
I am no longer a toy in their hands. Hence I repel them.
11. You also said that there are only a few mediums that have never
been deceived. What does it depend on? – A. It depends a lot on
the medium and on the one who interrogates.
12. Kindly explain it more clearly. – A. I mean that it is always possible,
whenever there is the will, to be undisturbed by the bad
spirits and that the first condition for that is not to attract them
by weaknesses or faults. How much could I tell you about it! Ah!
If the mediums only knew how much harm they are in when they
give opportunity to the malevolent spirits!
13. Is it only in the spiritual world that they are doing harm? – A. Yes,
and also in the world of the living ones.
14. What harm can they do to them in the world of the living
ones? – A. There are many ways. To begin with, they become
the prey to evil spirits, who abuse them and push them around,
stimulating every germ of defect that they can find, particularly
pride and jealousy. God punishes them later though,
through the penalties of life.
Observation: We have more than one example of mediums endowed
by the most remarkable faculties who have been chased
and subsided by disgrace, after having allowed themselves to be
dominated by evil spirits.
15. Wouldn’t it be better not to be a medium then, since that faculty
may drag us to such serious inconveniences? – A. Do you
really believe that the bad spirits attack only the mediums?
Mediumship, on the contrary, is a precious means of recognizing
and forearming against them. It is the remedy that God, in His
benevolence, places together with the illness. It is the warning of
the good father who loves his children and wants to keep them
from danger. Unfortunately those who enjoy that gift don’t want
to or don’t know how to use it. They are like the unwise person
who harms oneself with the weapon that should be used for one’s
own defense.
16. Is that you yourself, Mrs. Duret, giving the answers? – A. It is
I giving you the answers, I testify in God’s name. However, I believe that if I had been left on my own I would be incapable.
The thoughts come to me from above.
17. Do you see the spirit who gives you inspiration? – A. No. There
is a crowd of spirits here before whom I bow, and whose thoughts
seem to irradiate upon me.
18. Thus, a spirit may receive inspiration from others, like when incarnated,
and serve them as an intermediary? – A. Have no doubt
about it. The spirit frequently thinks that the answers are his
when in fact he is just an echo.
19. Whether the thoughts are yours or suggested by others, we don’t
care since they are good and we thank the good spirits who suggest
them to you. However, I would still ask why those spirits
don’t answer directly? – A. They would do it if you had interrogated
them. It was me that you have evoked. They want to answer
and then they use me for my own enlightenment.
20. A spirit who has obsessed a medium in life, can he obsess that medium
after death? – A. Death does not free a person from the obsession
of bad spirits. It is the image of the devil, tormenting the
suffering souls. Yes, those spirits pursue him after death and cause
him horrible sufferings. This tormented creature feels embraced
by a power from which he cannot be released. On the contrary,
the one who has been freed from the obsession when he was alive
is strong and the bad spirits pay him with fear and respect. They
found their superior.
21. Are there many mediums that are really good, in the thorough
meaning of the word? – A. There is no lack of doctors but of good
doctors. The same applies to the mediums.
22. Which signs can be used to identify the communications of a
trustworthy medium? – A. The communications from the good
spirits have an unmistaken character when we take the burden of
studying them. As for the medium, the best one would be the one
who has never been deceived because that would be the proof that
the medium only attracts good spirits.
23. But aren’t there mediums endowed by excellent moral qualities
who are still deceived? – A. Yes, the bad spirits may make attempts
and do not triumph but through weakness or excessive
confidence of the medium who then allows deception. But that
does not last and the good spirits always win when there is strong
24. Is the mediumistic faculty independent of the moral qualities
of the medium? – A. Yes. It is sometimes given in high degree
to vicious people in order to help their correction. Don’t ill
people need more medication than healthy ones? The bad spirits
sometimes give them good advice without their knowledge;
the good spirits leads them to that. Those people however, do
not take advantage of that and out of pride they don’t follow
the advice.
Observation: This is perfectly accurate and one sometimes see
inferior spirits giving tough lessons, in hard ways; we see them
pointing out defects and exposing caprices to ridicule, more or
less skillfully, according to the circumstances, and occasionally in
a very witty manner.
25. Can good spirits communicate through bad mediums? – A.
Imperfect mediums may sometimes obtain lovely communications
that can only come from good spirits. However, the wiser
and more sublime those communications, the guiltier the mediums
are for not using them. Oh! Yes. They are very guilty and
will suffer penalties for their blindness.
26. May the good faith and personal qualities of the person that interrogates
the bad spirits, attracted by an imperfect medium, ensure
good communications? – A. The good spirits appreciate intention,
and when they consider useful they can utilize any kind of
medium according to their objectives. In general, the more serious
the qualities of the medium, the safer the communications.
27. Since all people are imperfect, does it follow that there aren’t perfect
mediums? – A. Some are as perfect as allowed by Earth’s humanity.
These are rare but they do exist; they are God’s favorites
and prepare themselves for great joy in the spiritual world.
28. What are the defects that give more access to the bad spirits? – A.
I told you: pride and also jealousy, which is a consequence of pride
and egotism. God loves the humble and punishes the arrogant.
29. From the above, one can conclude that the medium who is not
humble does not deserve any trust? – A. Not in absolute terms.
However, if you recognize pride, jealousy and lack of charity in a
medium, then you are more prone to be deceived.
Observation: What causes failure to many mediums is the fact of
considering themselves the only ones capable of receiving good
communications, neglecting those from others. They judge themselves
as prophets but they are not more than interpreters of clever
spirits that entrap them in their nets, persuading them that everything
they write is sublime and that they no longer need advice.
The belief of certain mediums in the infallibility and superiority
of their communications is such, that to them it is almost a profanity
to touch those communications; it is a blasphemy to doubt
them; even more, one is exposed to turning them into enemies
for it would be better to tell a poet that his verses are poor. The
spirits who assist those mediums and make sure that they inspire
in them the desire to stay away from anyone who can give them
good advice feeds such a feeling, whose evident origin is pride.
Hence, anything that is not good, in the absolute sense, cannot
come from a good spirit. Consequently, every advice given, or every
inspired thought which reflects the minor bad feeling is bad,
and hence it comes from a suspicious source, irrespective of the
qualities or redundancy of style, as a matter of fact. A sign no less
characteristic of that origin is flattery, which is abundantly employed
by the bad spirits towards certain mediums. They know how to praise their physical or moral traits, massaging the mediums’
secret inclinations, exciting their ambition and greed, even
criticizing pride and advising humility, stimulating vanity and
self-love. One of the methods they use is to persuade the mediums
of their superiority as mediums, placing them as apostles of missions,
which are at least doubtful and for which the first required
quality would be humbleness, added to simplicity and charity.
Dazzled by the names of revered beings, from which they judge
themselves to be the interpreters, they don’t see the bad intentions
transpired by the false spirits, since it would be impossible for inferior
spirits to simulate completely every quality that they don’t
have. The mediums will not really be free from the obsession that
victimizes them until they can understand this truth. It is only
then that the bad spirits for their part, will understand that they
are wasting their time with people that they cannot catch in a
faulty situation.
(Society, May 25th, 1860)
As it seems, your husband has the faculty of clairvoyance. Is that
true? – A. Yes, positively.
31. He says that he saw you twice after your death. Is that true? – A.
Yes, it is true.
32. Are the clairvoyant mediums subjected to be deceived by the imposter
spirits as much as the writing mediums? – A. They are
deceived less frequently than the writing mediums but can also be
by false appearances, when they are not inspired by God. Didn’t
the false prophets make miracles that deceived the people under
the Pharaoh, during Moses’ time? It was only Moses who was not
mistaken since God inspired him.
33. Can you now explain to us your sensations when entering the
world of the spirits? Besides the more or less lengthy disruption which always follows death, was there a time when your spirit
lost completely its self-awareness? – A. Yes, as always; it cannot
be different.
34. Did that absolute loss of awareness start before the instant of
death? – A. It began in the agony.
35. Did it persist after death? – A. For a very short time.
36. In all, how long might it have lasted? – A. About 15 to 18 of your
37. Is such a duration variable, according to the individuals? – A.
Certainly. It is not the same to all people. It depends a lot on the
kind of death.
38. Were you aware of what was happening to the body while the
phenomenon of death was taking place? – A. Absolutely not.
God, who is good to all His creatures, wishes to spare the spirit of
the anguishes of that moment; hence He removes every memory
and sensation.
Observation: That fact, which has always been confirmed to us,
is analogous to what happens to the spirit when returning to the
corporeal world. It is well known that at the time of conception
the spirit that was designated to inhabit a body that is to be born
is taken by a disruption which progressively increases along with
the tightening up of the fluidic links that unite it to the matter,
up until close to birth. At that moment the spirit equally loses
self-awareness, only recovering it at the moment when the child
breathes. It is only then that the union between the spirit and the
body is complete and definitive.
39. How was the moment of awakening? Did you suddenly recognize
yourself or there was a period of semi-consciousness, that is, an
emptiness of thoughts? – A. I was in that state for some time, then
I gradually recognized myself.
40. How long did it last? – A. I am not exactly sure, but it was short.
Perhaps a couple of hours.
41. Was your sensation pleasant or painful during that kind of
half-sleep? – A. I don’t know. I had almost no awareness of myself.
42. While the ideas became clearer, were you sure about the death of
the body or, for a short time, you believed that you were still in
this world? – A. In reality, I did believe it for a few moments.
43. When you were positive about your death, were you sad? – A. No,
absolutely not. The loss of life is not to be deplored.
44. Where were you when you acknowledged yourself and what was
the first thing that you saw? – A. I was with spirits that surrounded
me, helping me to leave that disturbance. It was the change
that shocked me.
45. Are you close to your husband? – A. I hardly leave him. He sees
and evokes me, and that replaces my poor body.
46. Have you gone back immediately to revisit your friends: Mr.
Dumas and the other spiritists from Sétif? – A. Not immediately.
I thought they would evoke me. I had left them not long ago and
it seemed that I had known them and had not seen them for centuries.
I was a medium and spiritist. Every spirit that I had evoked
came to see me. It was touching. If you only knew how nice it is
to meet again our friends in this world!
47. Has the world of the spirits seemed something new and strange
to you? – A. Oh! Yes.
48. This answer surprises us considering that this is not the first time
that you are in the spiritual world. – A. There is nothing surprising
about it. I was not as advanced as I am now. And besides, the
difference between the corporeal and the spiritual world is such
that we are always surprised.
49. Your explanation could be clearer. Wouldn’t that be because every
time that we return to the spiritual world the achieved progress
gives us new perceptions, allowing us to see it under different aspects? – A. It is positively so. I told you that I was not as advanced
as I am today.
Observation: The following comparison allows the understanding
of what happens in such a circumstance. Suppose a poor peasant
that comes to Paris for the first time: he will take part in a
society and live in an area compatible with his situation. After a
few years of absence, during which he becomes wealthy and acquires
certain education, he returns to Paris and finds himself in
an environment completely different from the first time, which
will seem new to him. He will understand and appreciate a number
of things that had hardly caught his attention the first time
around. In a word, he will have difficulty recognizing his former
Paris but it will always be Paris, but seen in a different way.
50. How do you see now the communications given in Sétif: are they
generally more good than bad? – A. They are as everywhere else:
there are good and bad ones, true and false. People frequently get
involved with things that are not serious enough and don’t always
go well. Nevertheless, they don’t believe that they are doing bad
things. I will make sure to correct them.
51. We thank you for your kindness in coming and giving the explanations.
– A. I also thank you for having thought of me.
Intuitive Medicine
Plessis-Boudet, May 23rd, 1860
Dear Sir,
In my last letter I provided you with a bulletin of the cures
obtained through the medication given by Ms. Godu. I still have
the intention of keeping you informed about current events, but
today I find it more beneficial to talk about her means of treatment.
It is good to have people aware of that because we receive
patients from far away with a false idea of that kind of medication,
exposing themselves to a useless trip or a trip of pure curiosity.
Ms. Godu is not somnambulistic. She never gives consultation
at a distance, not even in my house, unless under my direction
and control. When we agree, which is something that almost
always happens as I am now in a better condition to appreciate
her medication, we start the agreed treatment and Ms. Godu
continues with the application of balms, prepares the infusions,
acting like a nurse, but a topnotch nurse, with an incomparable
keenness, in our modest makeshift clinic.
Is she endowed by a purifying fluid, through which she obtains
such precious results?
Is it by the frequency of application of her infusions or by the
confidence that she inspires?
Finally, is it through a well-known and applied system of
medication that makes her successful?
Such are the three questions that I often ask myself.
At this point in time, I don’t want to get into the first question
because it requires an in-depth study and a scientific discussion
of first order. This shall come later.
As for the second question, today I can answer positively,
since Ms. Godu is in the same condition of every doctor, nurse or
technician who is capable of raising the patient’s moral, inspiring
a healthy trust.
Regarding the third question, I no longer hesitate to answer it
positively. I am convinced that Ms. Godu’s medication constitutes
a whole and very methodic system. The system is theoretically
simple but in practice it varies to infinity, and it is in its application
that it demands thorough attention and every skill possible.
The most skillful professional finds it difficult to understand, at
first sight, the mechanism and the series of never ending changes,
depending on the progress or decline of the disease. They become
obfuscated and confused but with time the medication and its
effects are better understood.
It would take too long to enumerate the details to you, and
“currente calamo” it is a whole new medical system to us, although
and no doubt, very old relatively to the age of human beings
on this planet. Here are the foundations of that system which
rarely moves away from manipulative medicine.
In the majority of the cases Ms. Godu applies a topic extract
composed of one or two elements, found everywhere, from the
hut to the castle. That extract has such an energetic effect that it
produces results incomparably superior to every known composite,
not excluding the current cautery and the moxas. Sometimes
she limits herself to the application of vesicants, when an energetic
effect is not indispensable. The skill consists on the application of adequate doses of the remedy to the illness; on keeping a constant
and varied suppuration, and that is what she obtains with such
a simple combination that one cannot consider being a medication.
One can say that these are similar to the simple cold-creams
and even poultices, however that balm definitely produces effects
which are extremely variable: here, the calcareous salts are on top
of the bandages; for those in the state of edema, it is water; for
those with mood disorders, it is an abundant suppuration, sometimes
clear, sometimes thick; in the end, the effects of the balm
vary greatly in a way I have not understood yet and that, as a
matter of fact, it must be part of the investigation of the first question.
That is regarding the exterior part. Later I will send you a
word about the internal medication that I can easily understand.
One must not think that the illness is removed by the hand. As
always, time and perseverance are needed to radically cure rebellious
Yours sincerely,
A Seed of Madness
The Journal de la Haute-Saône has recently reported the following fact:
“People have seen dethroned kings buried in the ruins of their palaces;
unfortunate gamblers renouncing their life after losing fortunes; however,
an owner committing suicide in order not to outlive the expropriation of a
field, that is perhaps something which we have never been seen before the
following case. A landowner of Saint-Loup received a communication indicating
that one of his fields would be expropriated on May 14th by the East
Railroad Company. The information touched him profoundly. He could
not bear the idea of losing his field. This situation caused him to show
signs of mental insanity. He left his house on May 2nd at three o’clock in the
morning and drowned in the river Combeauté.”
It is a difficult fact to see people committing suicide for such a futile
cause. Such an unreasonable act can only be explained by a mental derangement.
But what has produced that derangement? Certainly it was
not the belief in spirits. Was it the expropriation of the field? In that case
why don’t all of those who face dispossession go mad? Some may say that
it is because not everyone has such a weak mind. You then admit a natural
predisposition for madness. It could not be different since the same
cause does not always produce the same effect, and we have already said
that often, when responding to those who accuse Spiritism for provoking
They should explain if there were mad people before dealing with
spirits and if there are mad people only among those who believe in spirits!
A physical cause or a violent moral commotion will only produce instantaneous
madness. Beyond that if we examine the antecedents there will
always be symptoms that a fortuitous cause may develop. Madness then
assumes the character of main concern. The mad person talks about his
concerns but the cause of madness is not that concern; it is, somehow, a
form of manifestation.
Thus, when there is a predisposition for madness, the one who is concerned
with religion will have a religious madness; love will produce a
passionate madness; ambition will produce the madness of honors and
wealth, etc. In the case mentioned above it would be absurd to see anything
other than a simple effect that any other cause would have produced,
since there was predisposition. Now, we go further: we say out loud that if
that landowner, so sensitive to his field had profoundly incorporated the
principles of Spiritism he would not have gone mad or drowned. Two disgraces
would have been avoided, as shown by many examples. The reason
for that is obvious. A relative moral weakness is the primary cause of madness,
yielding the individual incapable of resisting the shock of certain impressions,
among which and at least in three quarter of the cases, sorrow,
despair, disappointment and all tribulations of life. Providing people with
the necessary strength to see these things with indifference is the same
as mitigating people’s most frequent cause of madness and suicide. Well,
such strength is found in a well-understood Spiritist Doctrine.
Facing the greatness of the future that Spiritism patently demonstrates
and unveils before our eyes, life tribulations become so ephemeral
that they slide over our souls like the water over the marble, leaving no
trace behind. The true spiritist is not more attached to matter than required
by life’s needs. However, if he lacks something he shows resignation
since he knows that he is there in-passing and that a much better fate
waits for him. Thus, he is no more upset by that than if he had found a
stone on his path. If the gentleman above was instilled by these ideas what
would had become of the field before his eyes? The annoyance would be insignificant or null and an imaginary disgrace would not have dragged
him to a real disgrace. In summary, one of the effects, and we can say one
of the benefits of Spiritism, is to give the soul the strength that it lacks in
many circumstances, and that is how it can reduce the causes of madness
and suicide.
From the above, one can see that the simplest fact may be a source of
teaching to anyone willing to give thought to that. It is by showing the applications
of Spiritism in the most vulgar cases that one shall understand
its whole sublimity. Isn’t that the true philosophy?
Muslim Tradition
The following text was extracted from the clever and remarkable book
by Mr. Géraldy Saintine, published under the title “Three years in
“When the Sultan of Babel Bakhtunnassar (Nebuchadnezzar) was
sent by God to punish the children of Israel, who had abandoned the doctrine
of unity, he stripped the temple from all precious objects which were
there. He kept for himself the throne of Solomon with its supports, the
two pure golden lions animated by witchcraft and defending the gates,
and then distributed the rest of the pillage to the several kings of the
court. The King of Roum received Adam’s costumes and Moses’ stick;
the King of Antakie got the throne of Belkis and the wonderful peacock
whose stoned tail formed a rich dossal around the throne; the King of
Andalucía received the golden table of the Prophet. A stone safe containing
the Torah was among the treasures but nobody paid any attention to
that, although it was the most precious of all assets. It was then left behind
to the caprices of bandits from around town, stealing everything in their
path; and the repository of God’s word disappeared in that huge chaos.”
“Forty years later, after the wrath of God had been appeased, he
decided to reestablish his inheritance to the children of Israel and gave
rise to the prophet Euzer (Ezra), – peace be upon him! – Predestined
by God’s will to a glorious mission. He had spent his whole youth in
prayers and meditation, neglecting human sciences to fully dedicate to the contemplation of the Infinite Being, separated from the world, at the
bottom of a cave around the sacred city. That cave is still called el Azerie.* Obeying God’s order he left his refuge and came to join the children of
Israel, telling them how they should reconstruct the temple and reestablish
the honor of the former rituals.”
“However, the people did not believe in the prophet’s mission. They
declared that they would not submit to the law; that the construction
work of the temple should stop and they would inhabit other lands, if the
book of Lord Moses – God bless him! – had consigned all religious prescription
given to him at Mount Sinai. The book had vanished and every
attempt to find it proved useless.”
“Hence, Euzer, in this big predicament, fervently prayed to God to
alleviate his suffering, and preventing the people from persisting on a path
to ruin. He was sitting under a tree, sadly contemplating the ruins of the
temple, around which an unruly crowd agitated, when a voice from above
commanded him to write. He obeyed immediately, although he had never
had a pen in his hand. He continued to write everything that the heavenly
voice dictated to him, from after the mid-day prayer to the same time on
the following day, fasting and grounded to the sacred soil, he did not hesitate
for a minute or stop at night because a supernatural light illuminated
his spirit and an angel guided his hand.”
“All children of Israel were stunned and quietly contemplated that divine
manifestation of power. However, when the prophet finished his miraculous
copy, the Imams, who were envious of the particular favor done
to him, they then pretended that the new book was a diabolical invention
and that it had no similarity with the former book.”
“Euzer reached out to the Infinite Goodness again and yielding to
a subtle inspiration he walked to the spring of Siloam, followed by the
crowd. At the spring he raised his hands to the skies and prayed a long
prayer with his heart and the people prostrated before him. A flat stone
suddenly appeared on the surface of the water, floating as if sustained by
an invisible hand. The trembling Imams recognized in the stone the long lost sacred arc. Euzer took it with deference. The arc then broke open by
itself. Moses’ Torah came out as if alive and the new copy, leaving the
prophet’s hands, rested inside the sacred box.”
“There was no more doubt. The sacred man, however, demanded that
the Imams had the two exemplars confronted. The Imams obeyed, despite
their confusion. After a long examination they testified in a loud
voice that not a word, not a single accent showed the minor difference
between the book written by Euzer and the one given by Moses. As they
had paid that tribute to the truth, God then punished them for their first
mistakes, blinding their eyes, throwing them into eternal darkness.”
“That is how the children of Israel were driven back to their forefather’s
faith. The place where their God given leader sat since then was
called “Kerm ech Cheick” (Sheikh’s pen).
Who would not acknowledge in that report several spiritist phenomena
that the mediums reproduce before our eyes and have nothing do to with
the supernatural?
* Arabic name for the cave known as Lazarus’ Grave.
Language Mistake by a Spirit
We received the letter below regarding a fact reported in the May issue
of The Spiritist Review, in the article entitled “Pneumatography
or Direct Writing”:
“Dear Sir,
It was only today that I read the May issue of The Review,
finding the report of an experience of direct writing, carried out
in my presence at Ms. Huet’s house. It is a pleasure to confirm
the report with the exception of a small inaccuracy that escaped
the storyteller. What we found in the piece of paper was not God
loves you but God love you, that is to say, the verb love without the
s, which was not in the third person. Thus, it should not be translated
as God loves you (in French) unless presumed the existence
of a particle “what” giving the phrase an imperative or subjunctive
form. This observation was made in the following session to
the spirit Channing (considering that it was Channing since you
know me and please excuse me for keeping my doubts about the
absolute identity of the spirits); the spirit did not explain it very
categorically and even criticized us a little, if I remember well, for
giving importance to one letter “s” as compared to a more or less
remarkable experience. “Regarding that friendly criticism by the
spirit of Channing, I thought it was my duty to inform you about my observation about the way the word love was written. The
honorable Mr. E. de B… that kept the piece of paper can show it
to you and he will show it to many people and among those there
could be some who would have read the article from The Review.
Well then, it is important – and I am sure you agree with my
opinion – that the highest fidelity be given to the report of the so
strange and marvelous facts that we obtain.”
Yours sincerely…
We had noticed perfectly well the mistake indicated by Mr. Mathieu and
promptly corrected it, knowing from experience that the spirits give little
importance to these typos, with which the more enlightened have no
qualms about; or are we not surprised at all by Channing’s observation
to something, as he said, a fact far more crucial. The accuracy in the reproduction
of facts is, no doubt, something essential. But the importance
of such facts is relative and we must confess that if we were supposed to
always follow the French orthography of the invisible ones then the grammarians
on duty would have fun, treating them as cooks, even if the mediums
had passed those subjects. We have a lady medium at the Society
full of academic titles, and whose communications, sometimes written
very calmly, have several of those mistakes. The spirits always tell us: “Pay
attention to the message not the form; the actual thought is everything
to us; the form is nothing. Modify the form, if you like. We leave that to
If the form is mistaken we don’t maintain it unless it can provide a
teaching. Well, that was not the case in the situation above, in our opinion,
because the meaning of the statement was obvious.
Spontaneous Essays and Spiritist Dissertations
(Received by Mrs. L, medium)
I want to talk to you about vanity that is blended into all human activities. It stains every delicate thought; it penetrates the heart and the mind. A bad plant which suffocates the germ of goodness; all qualities are annihilated by its poison. To fight against it, prayer is needed; only prayer can give us strength and humility. You incessantly forget God, ungrateful people! To you God is only the desperate help in affliction, never the friend invited to the feast of joy. God gave you the glorious radiation of the Sun to illuminate the day and the stars, golden flowers, to break the darkness of night. Everywhere, in all elements needed by humanity, God touched the creation with beauty. God has treated you like a generous host would do with his guests. God multiplies the splendor of God’s dwelling and the abundance of the banquet. What do you do in turn; you that only have your heart to offer God? Far from decorating it with happiness and virtues, far from offering God with the premises of your hopes, you deprive God, you don’t invite God into your heart, unless harmed by sorrow and bitter deceptions. Ungrateful! What are you waiting for to love your God? Disgrace and abandonment! Before that, offer God your painless heart; stand up and offer God your fearless love, but not like slaves on their knees, and when the time of danger comes God shall remember you who did not forget Him at the time of happiness.
(Received by Mrs. L, medium)
I want to talk to you about vanity that is blended into all human activities. It stains every delicate thought; it penetrates the heart and the mind. A bad plant which suffocates the germ of goodness; all qualities are annihilated by its poison. To fight against it, prayer is needed; only prayer can give us strength and humility. You incessantly forget God, ungrateful people! To you God is only the desperate help in affliction, never the friend invited to the feast of joy. God gave you the glorious radiation of the Sun to illuminate the day and the stars, golden flowers, to break the darkness of night. Everywhere, in all elements needed by humanity, God touched the creation with beauty. God has treated you like a generous host would do with his guests. God multiplies the splendor of God’s dwelling and the abundance of the banquet. What do you do in turn; you that only have your heart to offer God? Far from decorating it with happiness and virtues, far from offering God with the premises of your hopes, you deprive God, you don’t invite God into your heart, unless harmed by sorrow and bitter deceptions. Ungrateful! What are you waiting for to love your God? Disgrace and abandonment! Before that, offer God your painless heart; stand up and offer God your fearless love, but not like slaves on their knees, and when the time of danger comes God shall remember you who did not forget Him at the time of happiness.
Georges, a familiar spirit
Human Misery
(Received or read in sessions of the Society)
Human misery is not in the uncertainty of the events that sometimes cheer you up and sometimes knock you down. It is entirely in the greedy and insatiable heart that always wants to receive, complaining of others aridness and never noticing its own drought. That unhappiness, always aspiring above one’s head, is never satisfied by the dearest joys. That unhappiness, I tell you, is what constitutes human misery. Why bother with the brain, with its most brilliant faculties, if it is always overshadowed by the insatiable and bitter desire for things that are always beyond reach? Just as a shadow floats close to the body then happiness floats close to the soul, always unachievable. You must not, however, be sorry or smear your fate for that shadow, that wave-like fleeing and moving happiness by the intensity and anguish confined in your heart as it gives us the proof of divinity imprisoned with humanity. Thus love likes pain and its vivifying poetry that vibrates your spirit through the memory of the eternal homeland. The human heart is a cup full of tears; but the breaking dawn shall drink the water from your hearts; it shall be the amazing life to your eyes, blinded by the darkness of the corporeal prison. Courage! Each day is liberation. March the painful path; march and keep your eyes on the mysterious star of hope.
Human misery is not in the uncertainty of the events that sometimes cheer you up and sometimes knock you down. It is entirely in the greedy and insatiable heart that always wants to receive, complaining of others aridness and never noticing its own drought. That unhappiness, always aspiring above one’s head, is never satisfied by the dearest joys. That unhappiness, I tell you, is what constitutes human misery. Why bother with the brain, with its most brilliant faculties, if it is always overshadowed by the insatiable and bitter desire for things that are always beyond reach? Just as a shadow floats close to the body then happiness floats close to the soul, always unachievable. You must not, however, be sorry or smear your fate for that shadow, that wave-like fleeing and moving happiness by the intensity and anguish confined in your heart as it gives us the proof of divinity imprisoned with humanity. Thus love likes pain and its vivifying poetry that vibrates your spirit through the memory of the eternal homeland. The human heart is a cup full of tears; but the breaking dawn shall drink the water from your hearts; it shall be the amazing life to your eyes, blinded by the darkness of the corporeal prison. Courage! Each day is liberation. March the painful path; march and keep your eyes on the mysterious star of hope.
George, a familiar spirit
Sadness and Sorrow
(Received by Mrs. Lesc…, medium)
It is wrong to frequently give in to sadness. Make no mistake. Sorrow is a firm and honest feeling that hurts people right in the heart or in their interests, but the vile sadness is no more than the physical manifestation of the slow or the torrent blood that follows its course. A lot of weakness and selfishness is covered up in the name of sadness. It debilitates the yielding spirit. Sorrow, on the contrary, is the bread of the strong; the bitter food that feeds on the faculties of the spirit, reducing the animal influence. Do not seek the martyrdom of the body, but eagerly seek the martyrdom of the soul. People understand that movement is needed to maintain life but don’t understand that suffering is needed to exercise moral qualities. Happiness, or simply joy, is such a brief guest of humanity that you cannot withstand it without having been crushed, however slight it may be. You were cut to suffer and incessantly dream of happiness because you are wingless birds, grounded, looking to the skies and longing for the infinity.
George, a familiar spirit
Observation: These two communications undoubtedly contain beautiful thoughts and images of great elevation, but they seem to have been written under the influence of somewhat somber and pessimistic ideas. They seem to carry the expression of a broken heart. The spirit that dictated them died a few years ago; he was good friends with the medium when alive, becoming a familiar spirit after his death. He was a talented painter, leading a calm and serene life. Who knows if that was also the case in his previous existence? Nonetheless, all of his communications attest depth and wisdom. One could say that they reflect the medium’s character. Mrs. L is undoubtedly a very serious lady, in many aspects above the vulgar, and that is what attracts the sympathy of the good spirits to her, apart from her mediumistic faculties. However, the following message received at the Society demonstrates that she can obtain communications of much varied characters.
It is wrong to frequently give in to sadness. Make no mistake. Sorrow is a firm and honest feeling that hurts people right in the heart or in their interests, but the vile sadness is no more than the physical manifestation of the slow or the torrent blood that follows its course. A lot of weakness and selfishness is covered up in the name of sadness. It debilitates the yielding spirit. Sorrow, on the contrary, is the bread of the strong; the bitter food that feeds on the faculties of the spirit, reducing the animal influence. Do not seek the martyrdom of the body, but eagerly seek the martyrdom of the soul. People understand that movement is needed to maintain life but don’t understand that suffering is needed to exercise moral qualities. Happiness, or simply joy, is such a brief guest of humanity that you cannot withstand it without having been crushed, however slight it may be. You were cut to suffer and incessantly dream of happiness because you are wingless birds, grounded, looking to the skies and longing for the infinity.
George, a familiar spirit
Observation: These two communications undoubtedly contain beautiful thoughts and images of great elevation, but they seem to have been written under the influence of somewhat somber and pessimistic ideas. They seem to carry the expression of a broken heart. The spirit that dictated them died a few years ago; he was good friends with the medium when alive, becoming a familiar spirit after his death. He was a talented painter, leading a calm and serene life. Who knows if that was also the case in his previous existence? Nonetheless, all of his communications attest depth and wisdom. One could say that they reflect the medium’s character. Mrs. L is undoubtedly a very serious lady, in many aspects above the vulgar, and that is what attracts the sympathy of the good spirits to her, apart from her mediumistic faculties. However, the following message received at the Society demonstrates that she can obtain communications of much varied characters.
The Fantasy
(Medium Mrs. Lesc…)
You want me to talk about fantasy; she was my queen, my mistress, my servant. I served it and I was dominated by it. Nevertheless, although always subjected to her adorable fluctuations, I was never unfaithful. It is her that still drives me to speak or other things: about the easiness, with which one heart may be split between two loves, easily misunderstood and strongly criticized. I consider it absurd, this criticism from the good bourgeois who like their little vices resolved, which is even more annoying than their virtues. They only admit what their pruned brains, fenced by hedges like the garden of a priest, can understand. You are afraid of what I say; relax; Musset has his own fangs; he cannot be asked to show the kindness of little trained dogs. One needs to bear and understand his jokes. There is the truth in their frivolous appearance, saddness in their merriment, and laughing in their tears.
Alfred de Musset
Observation: One person that had only heard this communication when it was first read said in a private session that it seemed of little significance to him. The spirit of Socrates who was taking part in the conversation responded to this observation, spontaneously writing: “No, you are mistaken; read it again; there are good things; it is very smart and it has its good side. They say that this is how one can get to know man. In fact, it is easier to prove the identity of a spirit from your time than from mine. To certain people it is useful to have communications of this kind from time to time.” The other day and in a conversation about mediums, referring to the character of Alfred de Musset accused by one of the participants of being very material, he spontaneously wrote the remarkable communication below, through one of his favorite mediums.
Observation: One person that had only heard this communication when it was first read said in a private session that it seemed of little significance to him. The spirit of Socrates who was taking part in the conversation responded to this observation, spontaneously writing: “No, you are mistaken; read it again; there are good things; it is very smart and it has its good side. They say that this is how one can get to know man. In fact, it is easier to prove the identity of a spirit from your time than from mine. To certain people it is useful to have communications of this kind from time to time.” The other day and in a conversation about mediums, referring to the character of Alfred de Musset accused by one of the participants of being very material, he spontaneously wrote the remarkable communication below, through one of his favorite mediums.
Influence of the Medium onto the Spirit
(Received by the medium Mrs. Schmidt)
It is only the superior spirits that can irrespectively communicate with all mediums, keeping the same language in all circumstances. But I am not a superior spirit, thus I am sometimes a little bit material. However, I am more advanced than you may think.
When we communicate through a medium the emanation of the medium’s nature reflects more or less upon us. For example, if the medium is of that type in which the heart prevails; of those more advanced creatures capable of suffering for their brothers and sisters; finally, of those devout, great souls, turned strong by unhappiness and purified by the torment, then their reflex does good, in the sense that we are spontaneously corrected and our language interacts. However, if on the contrary, we communicate through one of those mediums of a less elevated nature we are then merely served by a faculty as someone is served by an instrument.
That is when we become what you call a little bit material. We talk about spiritual things, if you want, but we leave the heart aside.
Q – Are the educated, cultured mediums, more apt to receive elevated communications than those who are not?
– A. No, I repeat. It is only the essence of the soul that is reflected upon the spirits, but the superior spirits are the only ones invulnerable.
(Received by the medium Mrs. Schmidt)
It is only the superior spirits that can irrespectively communicate with all mediums, keeping the same language in all circumstances. But I am not a superior spirit, thus I am sometimes a little bit material. However, I am more advanced than you may think.
When we communicate through a medium the emanation of the medium’s nature reflects more or less upon us. For example, if the medium is of that type in which the heart prevails; of those more advanced creatures capable of suffering for their brothers and sisters; finally, of those devout, great souls, turned strong by unhappiness and purified by the torment, then their reflex does good, in the sense that we are spontaneously corrected and our language interacts. However, if on the contrary, we communicate through one of those mediums of a less elevated nature we are then merely served by a faculty as someone is served by an instrument.
That is when we become what you call a little bit material. We talk about spiritual things, if you want, but we leave the heart aside.
Q – Are the educated, cultured mediums, more apt to receive elevated communications than those who are not?
– A. No, I repeat. It is only the essence of the soul that is reflected upon the spirits, but the superior spirits are the only ones invulnerable.
Alfred de Musset
In an article above we spoke of a new periodical publication about
Spiritism, in London, under the title The Spiritual Review. Italy does
not fall behind the movement that elevates the ideas to the invisible world.
We received a flyer from a newspaper published in Genoa, called L’Amore
del Vero, periodico de scienze, literature, belle arti, magnetism animale,
omeopatia, elettro-telegrafia, Spiritismo, etc. Sotto la direzzione dei signori
D. Pietro Gatti e B. E. Maineri. This journal is published three times per
month, in a notebook of 18 pages.
Dr. Gatti, director of the Genoa Institute of Homeopathy, is an enlightened
adept of Spiritism, and we have no doubt that the matters related to this
science are handled by him with the talent and sagacity that characterize him.
The Story of Joan of Arc dictated by herself to Ms. Ermance Dufaux,
whose reprint we just announced, is now available and can be found in the
Ledoyen bookstore. We referred to this remarkable work in the January
issue of The Review, 1858. Since then our opinion did not change regarding
its importance, not only from a historical point of view but as one of
the most curious facts of spiritist manifestations. The reprint was strongly
demanded and we don’t doubt that it will have as great a success as the
number of adepts of the new science who are today in larger number since
the time of the first publication.
Allan Kardec
Allan Kardec
AVISThe office of The Spiritist Review as well as the private residence of
Mr. Allan Kardec were transferred to Rue de Sainte-Anne, 59 located at
Passage Sainte-Anne
Bulletin of the Parisian Society of Spiritist Studies
Friday, June 1st, 1860
(Private Session)
Works and minutes of May 25th session were read. The Society admits Mrs. E…, from Vienna, as a full member by proposal of the Committee and after a verbal report.
(Private Session)
Works and minutes of May 25th session were read. The Society admits Mrs. E…, from Vienna, as a full member by proposal of the Committee and after a verbal report.
The Society adopts the following proposal from the Committee:
• According to Article 16 of the Bylaws, one may make public
the intention of certain members who wish to withdraw their
• If the nomination for the Board and Committee were to happen
before that time they could then include members that will no
longer stay;
• It would not be rational to have those who intend to leave taking
part in the nominations.
The Society then resolves:
1st - The nominations to the Board and to the Committee will
take place in the first session of May. The current members will
carry their functions over up to that time.
2nd – Considering that a long and not programmed absence
of the members of the Board and Committee may hinder the normal
progress of work, the Society resolves that the members who
do not attend meetings for three consecutive months, without
previous notice, will be considered resignations and thus replaced.
1st – A spontaneous communication obtained by Mrs. L… was
read, about “relative honesty”, signed by Georges, a familiar spirit.
2nd – Another communication read by Ms. Schmidt, about
the influence of the medium upon the spirit, signed by Alfred de
3rd – Report of a case involving two individuals of which one
of them is a poor young lady whose current relationships are a
consequence of a previous life. Circumstances apparently serendipitous
brought them in contact and they felt a mutual sympathy,
revealed by a singular coincidence of mediumistic power. A
superior spirit, when questioned about the fact, stated that the
young lady was the other person’s daughter in a previous life and
having been abandoned, she returned to her path in the present
life, giving her the opportunity of making amends, by protecting
her, what she is prepared to do despite her precarious condition,
since she survives only of her work.
The fact with many interesting aspects comes to reinforce
what has always been said about certain sympathies whose causes
originate from previous lives. There is no doubt that such a principle
gives one more reason to the fraternal feeling that turns charity and benevolence into law, since it strengthens and multiplies
the links which must unite humanity.
st – Evocation of the great Françoise, one of the main
Convulsionaries of Saint-Médard, from whom a first evocation
was published in the last May issue. The spirit was called again,
from her own initiative, with the intent of rectifying an idea that
she had expressed about Deacon Pâris. She blames herself for
having calumniated him, mistakenly judging his intentions, and
she thinks that her spontaneous apologies will spare her some deserved
punishment. St. Louis complements this communication
with some news about worlds that are destined to the punishment
of guilty spirits.
2nd – Analytical and detailed examination of Charlet’s communications
about the animals. The spirit develops, complements
and rectifies certain statements which seemed obscure or wrong.
This examination will continue in the next session. (Published
3rd – Two spontaneous essays are obtained, the first by Ms.
Huet, about the persistence of the memories in the spirit; the second
by Ms. L, signed by Georges, her familiar spirit, about the
critical analysis of the spiritist communications, proposed by the
Society. The spirits give full support to that kind of study, indicating
it as a means of avoiding false communications.
Friday, June 8th, 1860
(General Session)
Works and minutes of the June 1st session were read.
The widow Mrs. G…, former member and not included in the April
30th list, according to the new Bylaws, writes to us explaining the reasons for her absence and requesting to be reintegrated as a member. Following
the Committee’s recommendation, she is admitted as requested.
1st – A spontaneous essay received by Mrs. Lesc… and signed
by Delphine de Girardin is read, about the first impressions of a
spirit. It contains a very poetic and realistic image experienced by
the spirit when leaving Earth.
2nd – Another essay was received by the same medium and
signed by Alfred de Musset, with the title Aspirations of a Spirit.
3rd – An interesting and personal fact reported by Mr. M…,
from Metz, about the influence that a medium may exert upon
another person in order to develop her mediumship. It was developed
in Mr. M… by that way; the particular aspect of this case is
that it occurred at a distance. The medium that was in Châlons
and Mr. M… who was in Metz, scheduled the time for the test
and Mr. M… attested the right moment when the medium influenced
him and when such influence stopped. Furthermore, he
described the spiritual sensations of the medium and from which
he could have no idea, while the medium wrote the same words
that Mr. M…drew.
Another curious event of direct writing occurred with the same
medium,, without his intention or provocation, since he was not
even thinking about it. Several words of undoubted origin, when
the circumstances are known, were found unexpectedly written
with demonstrated intention and adequate to the situation. The
medium unsuccessfully tried to repeat the manifestation.
1st – Several questions addressed to St. Louis (1. About the state
of the spirits; 2. About what must be understood by the sphere
or the planet of flowers, mentioned by certain spirits; 3. About latent intellectual faculties; 4. About signs of recognition to find
the identity of spirits.)
2nd – Evocation of Antoine T…, who disappeared a few years
ago, leaving no clue about his fate. Since a first evocation was
identified as inaccurate, he explains the reasons, providing new
details about himself. The investigation will clarify if these are
more accurate than the first ones.
3rd – Evocation of Vogt, the astrologer from Munich, who
committed suicide on May 4th, 1860. His barely freed spirit is still
heavily influenced by the same concerns he had when alive.
4th – Two spontaneous and simultaneous essays are obtained,
the first by Mr. Didier Jr. about fatality and signed by Lamennais;
the second by Mrs. Lesc… about Human Masquerades, signed by
Delphine de Girardin.
Friday, June 15th, 1860
(Private Session)
Works and minutes of the June 8th session were read.
As proposed by the Committee, Mr. Count de N… from Moscow
and Mr. P… a property owner in Paris were accepted as members.
1st – Reading of a letter informing that the clergy is seriously
dedicated to the study of Spiritism in certain regions and that
well informed members of that community speak of Spiritism as
something that has come to exert great influence upon the social
2nd – Reading of a private evocation which took place at
Mr. Allan Kardec’s house of Mr. J…Junior, from Saint-Étienne.
Although of private attention, the evocation presents useful teachings
given the elevation of the evoked spirit, and it was heard with
great interest.
3rd – Observation made by Mr. Allan Kardec about a prediction
addressed to him by a medium of his acquaintance.
According to that prediction, certain events must take place on
precise dates and for confirmation the spirit had determined that
those predictions be known by several people, among them Mr.
Allan Kardec, in order to certify with the occurrence the dates
they were made. I refused, said Mr. Allan Kardec, for the following
considerations: “There is already a significant tendency to see
in Spiritism a channel for soothsaying, contrary to its objective.
When future events are announced and do take place we certainly
have an exceptional and curious case but it would be dangerous
to take that as a general rule. That is why I did not want
to have my name associated to something which could endorse a
belief which would mislead the understanding of Spiritism in its
principle and application.”
1st – Evocation of Thilorier, the physicist who died thinking that
he had found the means of replacing steam by condensed carbon
acid as the driving force. He acknowledges that such discovery
was nothing more than his imagination. (Published below.)
2nd – Continuation of the critical analysis of Charlet’s communications
about the animals. It will be published.
3rd – Evocation of a rapping spirit that manifests to the son
of Mr. N…, member of the Society, through physical effects of
certain originality. He claims to have been the master drummer
with the military band of the Vatican, was and goes by the name
Eugène. His language contradicts the qualities that he attributes
to himself.
4th – Spontaneous essay obtained by Mrs. Lesc.., about the
development of the intellectual faculties, regarding the evocation
of Thilorier, signed by Georges, a familiar spirit. It is noticeable that this spirit adapts his communications to the current events,
demonstrating that he takes part in the conversations, even without
being evoked. This has happened on several other occasions
with respect to other spirits. Another one received by Mr. Didier
Junior, signed by Vauvenargues with some select thoughts.
Friday, June 22nd, 1860
(General Session)
The works and minutes of the June 15th session were read.
1st – A spontaneous essay received by Mrs. Lesc.., from Alfred de
Musset, about dreams.
2nd – Report of a natural fact of spontaneous mediumship, as
a writing medium, given by Mrs. Lub…, member of the Society.
The person is a fifteen-year-old peasant with no knowledge of
Spiritism and writes almost daily, sometimes full pages, in an absolutely
mechanical mode. She has an intuition that it must be a
spirit talking to her because when she is led to write she takes a
pencil and says: “Let us see what he is going to tell me today.” Her
communications are always related to episodes of her private life,
hers or of those of her acquaintance, and almost always of extreme
fairness about things completely oblivious to her. It is likely that if
her faculties were cultivated and well guided they would develop
in a remarkable and useful way.
1st – Questions about animals of transition which can fill
out the existent blanks in the scale of the living beings
between animal and human beings. To be continued.
2nd – Questions about the inventors and premature
discoveries, with respect to the evocation of Thilorier.
3rd – Physical manifestations produced by Mr. N…
Jr., a thirteen-year-old boy, mentioned in the previous
session. The rapping spirit associated to him makes him
simulate with hands and fingers and incredible flexibility
every military evolution, like the charge of the cavalry,
maneuvers of artillery, attacks to forts, etc., reaching out
to objects around him to simulate weapons. He expresses
all his feelings like rage, impatience or mockery, by violent
knocks and very suggestive gestures of pantomime.
In addition he shows unconcern and indifference while
his hands are given to that kind of exercise. It became
evident that all movements are independent of his will.
During the remaining part of the session and when the
experience is over the spirit takes the opportunity to express
in his own way his contentment or disappointment
with what is said. In short, one can see that the spirit
uses the boy’s legs as if they were his own. Such a kind
of manifestation offers an interesting subject for study,
given its originality, and can lead to the understanding of
how the spirits act upon certain persons.
Once questioned about the consequences that such manifestations
may have on the young man, St. Louis gives very wise warnings,
advising not to provoke them. Furthermore, he requests that the
Society should not enter into that line of experimentation, whose
result would be the separation of the serious spirits; the Society
should continue to do as done so far, carrying out in-depth studies
of the important issues.
Phrenology and Physiognomy
Phrenology is the science that studies the functions attributed to each
part of the brain. The founder of this science, Dr. Gall, had thought
that since the brain is the termination of all sensations and where every
intellectual and moral manifestation begins, each one of the primitive
faculties should have their special spot there. Thus, its system consists
on the localization of those faculties. As the development of the skull is
determined by the development of each part of the brain with its protuberances,
he concluded that from the analysis of those protuberances one
could infer the predominance of this or that faculty, and consequently
the character or aptitudes of the individual. The other name, cranioscopy
given to this science, also derives from that with the difference that phrenology
aims at the study of the functions of the brain whereas cranioscopy
is limited to the inductions resulting from the inspection of the brain. In
short, what Gall did with the brain and skull Lavater did with the physiognomic
We shall not discuss the merit of that science here or if it is true or
exaggerated and its consequences. Nonetheless, it has been alternately defended
and criticized by people of high scientific value. If certain details
are still hypothetic it does not mean that it doesn’t rest on an incontestable
principle, which is that of the general functions of the brain and about the relationships between the development or atrophy of that organ and the
intellectual manifestations. Our purpose here is the study of their psychological
Some scientists concluded from the existing relationships between the
brain’s development and the manifestation of certain faculties that the
organs of the brain are the very cause of the faculties, a doctrine that is
nothing more than materialism once it leads to the negation of an intelligent
principle, alien to matter. It consequently turns human beings into
a machine without free-will, with no responsibilities for their actions since
they could always blame their physical organization for their mistakes
and it would be unfair to punish them for faults which would not have
depended on them. The consequences of such theory stuns us, and rightly
so. Should phrenology be banned because of that? No, but instead a careful
examination to what can be true or false in that way of seeing things
should be carried out. In fact, that analysis demonstrates that the functions
of the brain and even the location of the faculties may be perfectly
appeased with the strictest spiritualist.
Let us admit for a moment, and hypothetically so, the existence of
a special organ for the musical instinct.
Let us go further and suppose,
as taught by Spiritism, that a spirit whose existence comes from a much
earlier period, than its body incarnates with a much-developed musical
faculty. Such a faculty will naturally influence the corresponding organ,
driving its development, like exercising a limb increases the muscular volume.
In the infancy, since the skeleton offers little resistance, the skull
suffers the expanding influence of the cerebral mass. Thus, the development
of the cranium is produced by the development of the brain just as
the development of the brain is produced by that of its source. The faculty
is the primary cause; the state of the brain is a subsequent effect. Without
the faculty there would not be the organ or it would just be rudimentary.
Seen from that point of view, phrenology has nothing contrary to the
moral because it leaves the individual with full responsibility and we still
add that such a theory is at the same time logical and according to the
observation of facts. There is objection based on the well-known cases where the influence of the body on the manifestation of the faculties is
indisputable, such as insanity and idiocy, but it is easy to resolve the issue.
We see every day very intelligent people becoming fools, and what does
that prove? A strong man can break his leg, and then he cannot walk, yet
the will to walk is not in his leg, but in his brain, and it is only that will
that is paralyzed by his inability to move his leg. In the mad person, once
the organ that served the manifestations of the ideas has been deranged by
any physical cause, the thoughts cannot be regularly expressed, wandering
wildly, doing what we call extravagances but keeping their integrity,
and the proof is in that if the body can be restored, the thought returns
as before, like the movement of the leg that is mended. Therefore thought
is neither in the brain nor in the skull. The brain is the instrument of
thought as the eye is the instrument of sight, and the skull is the solid
surface that molds to the movements of the instrument. If the instrument
is damaged, the manifestation no longer takes place, just as when an eye
has been lost and one can no longer see.
Sometimes, however, it happens that the suspension of the free manifestation
of thought is not due to an accidental cause; like in madness
the primitive constitution of the organs may offer the spirit an unbreakable
obstacle, since birth. That happens when the organs show atrophy or
present an overwhelming deficiency. That is the case of idiocy. The spirit
is somewhat imprisoned and suffers that constriction, but still thinks as
a spirit, like the prisoner behind bars. The study of the manifestation of
the spirit of living persons by the evocation sheds great light onto the
psychological phenomena. By isolating the spirit from matter, one can
prove by facts that the organs are not the cause of the faculties but simple
instruments through which the spirit manifests with more or less freedom
or accuracy; that often those instruments operate like dampers which inhibit
the manifestations, explaining the greater freedom of the spirit once
separated from matter.
In the materialistic concept, what is a mentally impaired person? It
is nothing. At its best he is a human being. According to Spiritism, it
is a rational being, like everyone else, but with an ill brain since birth, like others are with their limbs. By rehabilitating mental handicap
isn’t this doctrine more moral, more human than the one that turns
them into a reject? Isn’t that more consoling to a father who is unfortunate
to have a son like that to think that his imperfect casing hides
a thinking soul?
We ask those who, although not materialists, do not admit the plurality
of existences: What is the soul of a mentally impaired person? If the
soul is created at the same time as the body, why would God create such
unfortunate beings? What would their future be? Now, on the contrary,
if you admit a succession of existences then it all gets explained according
to the justice: mental handicap may be a punishment or a trial and, in
any case, it is no more than an incident in the spirit’s life. Isn’t that more
deserving of God’s justice than the supposition that God had created an
eternally frustrated being?
Let us now look into physiognomy. This science is based on the incontestable
principle that thought is the driver of the organs’ actions, impinging
certain movements to the muscles. It follows that it is possible
to deduce invisible thought based on the study of relationships between
thought and the visible and apparent movements. That is how we cannot
be mistaken as for the intention behind an aggressive or friendly gesture;
that we distinguish a person in a hurry from another who is not by the
way they walk. The face holds the most mobile muscles. It is the face that
often shows the most delicate nuances of thought. That is why it is said,
and rightly so, that the face is the mirror of the soul. The muscles get used
to the movements related to certain sensations and their frequency, thus
forming the wrinkles. The exterior form modifies by the impressions of
the soul, hence, sometimes it is possible to deduce those impressions, like
one can deduce the thought from a gesture. That is the general principle
of the physiognomic art, or science if you like. This principle is true. It is
not only founded on a rational basis but also confirmed by observation
and Lavater has the merit of having if not discovered it, at least developed
and formulated it in a body of doctrine. Lavater unfortunately fell in
the common mistake of the majority of authors of new systems. That is, starting from a true principle and in certain circumstances, they conclude
by the universality, and out of enthusiasm for having discovered a truth
they see it in everything. The exaggeration is right there and sometimes
ridiculed. We will not examine Lavater’s system in detail here. We shall
only say that he is as much coherent for associating moral to certain exterior
physical signs, as he is illogical when attributing any given meaning
to the forms or signs upon which thought may not have any action. It
is the false application of a true principle that has often thrown it into
the common ditch of superstitious beliefs, and that leads to the denial of
those who see correctly and those who exaggerate, both equally confused
in the same reproach.
However, let us in fairness say that the fault is more frequently of the
disciples than of the master and that the former’s fanatical and thoughtless
admiration sometimes leads to consequences of a principle beyond
reasonable limits.
If we now analyze this science in its relationships with Spiritism we
will have to combat several erroneous inferences that people could make.
There is one physiognomic relationship that has suffered the influence of
imagination in particular. It is the similarity between some people with
certain animals. We will then try to seek the causes.
The physical similarity among relatives results from the consanguinity
which transmits similar organic particles from one to the other, since
the body derives from the body. However, nobody should suppose that
someone who looks like a cat has cat’s blood. There is something else. To
begin with, such similarity may be serendipitous and without any significance,
being that the most common case. However, besides the physical
similarity sometimes it is possible to detect certain analogy with respect
to tendencies. This could be explained by the same cause that modifies
the physiognomic traces. If the undeveloped spirit keeps as a human being
some animal instincts, he shall have those traces and his passions may give
those traces something that vaguely resembles the animal whose instincts
he bears. But those traces fade away as the spirit depurates and the individual
advances in the path of perfection.
In such a case it would be the spirit impressing the physiognomy;
but from that similarity it would be absurd to conclude that the human
being who may share the instincts of the cat could be the incarnation of
the spirit of a cat. Far from teaching such theory, Spiritism has always
demonstrated the ridicule and impossibility of that. It is true that one
can detect a continuous progression in the animal chain; but between
the animal and the human being there is a solution of continuity. Well
then, even admitting that the spirit has passed through all levels of the
animal scale, which is only a hypothesis, before arriving to human being,
there would always be an interruption from one to the other, interruption
which would not exist if the spirit of the animal could incarnate directly
in a human being’s body. If that were the case, which is not, there would
be animal spirits among the errant spirits, as there are spirits of human
Without going into an in-depth analysis of this issue which shall be
discussed later, we say that according to the spirits that are in agreement
with the observation of facts, no human being is the incarnation of an
animal. The animal instincts of the human being derive from the imperfection
of the spirit, not yet depurated, and that under the influence
of matter man gives more importance to the physical rather than moral
needs and the not sufficiently developed moral sense. Since the physical
needs are the same in humans as in the animal, it results that while there
isn’t a moral counter weight there can be a certain analogy between human’s
and animal’s instincts but the parity stops there. A definite line of
separation between human beings and animal is established by the moral
sense which is inexistent in the animal and grows incessantly in humans.
Another not less erroneous inference is taken from the principle of
the plurality of existences. People’s similarities with certain persons lead
them to conclude that they may have been those persons. Now, from the
preceding it is easy to demonstrate that this is only an illusory idea. As we
said, the relationships by blood may produce similarity of appearances,
but that is not the case since Aesop might have later been a handsome
man and Socrates a beautiful youngster. Thus, when there is no corporeal lineage there will only be a serendipitous similarity once there is no need
for the spirit to inhabit similar bodies, and when taking a new body the
spirit does not carry any component of the previous one. However, according
to what was said above about the character impinged by the passions
onto the physical traces, one could think that in the case of a spirit
who had not evolved significantly, coming back with the same tendencies,
that spirit could present similar facial traces as before. That is correct but
it would be no more than a family trace, and from that to a real similarity
there is a great distance. As a matter of fact, this should be an exceptional
case since the spirit seldom returns to a new existence in conditions which
are not significantly modified. Hence, it is not possible at all to grasp any
indication from previous existences based on physiognomic signs. Those
traces can only be found in the moral characters, in the instinctive and
intuitive ideas, in the innate inclinations, those which do not stem from
education, and also in the nature of the current expiations. And even all
that could not indicate but the kind of existence, the character that one
might have had, taking into account the evolution but not the individuality
(see The Spirits’ Book, # 216, 217).
The Revenants
The Academy defines this word as: “It is said of the spirits that supposedly
come back from the other world”. The Academy does not
say: that come from the other world. The spiritists are the only ones crazy
enough to dare to say such things. Yet, one can say that the belief in revenants
is universal. It is evidently founded on the intuition about the existence
of the spirits and in the possibility of communicating with them.
From that stand point, every spirit that manifests its presence through
the writings of a medium or by knocking on a table would be a revenant.
However, that almost sepulchral name is reserved to those who become
visible and come, as the Academy rightly supposes, under more dramatic
conditions. Are these old wives tales? The fact itself, no; the accessories,
yes. It is widely known that the spirits may be seen and even under a
tangible form; that is what is real. But the accessories form the fantastic
through which fear, which exaggerates everything, ordinarily follows the
phenomenon that is so simple that can be explained by a very natural law,
consequently having nothing magical or diabolic. Why then are revenants
feared? Precisely due to those accessories that imagination insists in making
terrifying, because imagination had been terrified before and had perhaps
believed to have seen something that was not true.
They are generally presented in a lugubrious way, coming preferably
at night, particularly at the darkest nights, at fatal hours, in sinister places,
appearing zombie like or dressed in a very strange way. Spiritism, on the contrary, teaches that the spirits may show up anywhere, at any time, during
the day or at night; that they generally bear the same appearance they
had when alive; that only imagination created the ghosts; that those who
show up, far from inspiring fear, most of the time are friends or relatives
that come to us for fondness or even unfortunate spirits that we can help.
They are also sometimes the jesters of the spiritual world, making fun of
us and enjoying the fear that they inspire. It is understandable that the
best thing to do with those is to have fun also and demonstrate to them
that we have no fear. As a matter of fact, those spirits most of the time
limit their action to making noise, rarely becoming visible. Most unfortunate
is the one who takes them seriously for they multiply their jokes. It
would be the same as exorcising a Parisian brat. Even supposing that it is a
bad spirit what bad could it do? Wouldn’t it be a hundred times more rational
to fear a living bully than a dead bully that became a spirit? In fact,
we know that we are constantly surrounded by spirits whose only difference
from the so-called ghosts is that we don’t see them. The adversaries
of Spiritism will not refrain from accusing you of accepting a superstitious
belief. However, they cannot deny the fact of the visible manifestations,
attested, explained in theory and confirmed by many witnesses, and every
denial cannot even impede the manifestations from happening since there
are only a handful of people who don’t remember nor have any memory
of one case of such a nature and that cannot be disputed. The best thing
to do then is to be informed about what is true or false, possible or impossible
in those stories. It is by explaining, reasoning about these things that
we can forearm against fear. We know several people who were afraid of
ghosts. Now that they know the meaning of that, thanks to Spiritism,
their strongest desire is to encounter one. We know others who had visions
that scared them; they became fearless after understanding them.
The dangers of fear to weak minds are well known. Well then, one of the
results of an elucidated Spiritist is precisely the cure of that illness, and
that is not one of its least benefits.
Memory of a Previous Life
Society, May 25th, 1860
One of our subscribers sent us a letter from one of his friends, from
which we extracted the following passage:
“You asked my opinion or at least if I believe or not in the presence of
the souls of our beloved ones around us. You also requested explanations
about my conviction that our soul changes its sheath too quickly.”
“No matter how ridiculous it may sound, I will tell you that I have
the sincere conviction of having been murdered during St. Bartholomew’s
massacres. I was still a child when such a memory hurt my imagination.
Later on, when I read about this sad episode of our History, it seemed
that many details had escaped me and I still believe that if the old Paris
were reconstructed I would recognize that old somber alley where I had
my back stabbed three times while running away. Some details of that
bloody scene have never faded away from my memory. Why would I have
such a conviction even before knowing what St. Bartholomew’s day was?
Why, when I read the report about that massacre must I ask myself: is it
a dream, an unpleasant and childish dream, whose memory I still carry
so vividly? Why, when I tried to dig up the archives of memory, why have
I felt like a miserable mad man, fighting to understand things? Why? I
don’t know. You will certainly find me ludicrous and yet I will still carry
the memory, the conviction.”
“If I told you that when I was seven years old I had a dream like this:
I was twenty years old, a seemingly wealthy young man. I saw myself in a
duel, losing my life. If I told you that I did the military greeting typically
done with the sword, before saluting, the first time I had a sword in my
hand; if I told you that I knew beforehand every detail taught about the
art of war, before my formal education with the weaponry, you will certainly
say that I am mad or maniac. Well, it may well be, but sometimes
it seems that a flash of light trespasses the mist and I have the conviction
that the memory of the past comes back to me.”
“If you asked me if I believe in the mutual sympathy of souls, in their
power of communicating with one another, despite the distance, despite
death, I would answer: yes, and this would be said with the full strength
of my belief.”
“It happened once that I was about 25 leagues out from Lima, in a twenty
six days trip, and I woke up weeping, with a deep pain in my heart. A fatal
sadness consumed me the entire day. I registered the fact in my personal
journal. At that very moment, in that evening, my brother had a stroke, seriously
compromising his life. I later verified the time and date. It was accurate.
People exist, that is a fact. Will you call me crazy? I have never read anything
about such a thing. I will do on my return. That may shed some light on me.”
Mr. V… is a navy officer currently on a work related trip. It would be
interesting to see if he would confirm his memories over an evocation, but
it was virtually impossible to warn him about our intentions and, on the
other hand, considering his activities, it could prove difficult to find an
adequate time for that. However, we were advised to contact his guardian
angel when we wanted to proceed with the evocation and he would let us
know about the possibility.
1. Evocation of Mr. V… guardian angel. – A. I attend your call.
2. You know the reasons why we would like to evoke your protégée. It is not about a vain curiosity but if possible to attest an interesting fact to the Spiritist Science, regarding memories of a
previous life. – A. I understand your reasons but at this moment
his spirit is not free. His body is actively busy and he is also troubled
by a relentless moral problem.
3. Is he at sea? – A. He is ashore but I can respond to some of your
questions since that soul has been always commended to me.
4. Since you are kind to answer, we ask if the memory that he supposedly
has about his death in a previous life is an illusion. – A.
It is a very real intuition. That person was on Earth very much so
at that time.
5. What is the reason that makes such a memory more accurate in
him than in other people? Is there any physiological cause or any
particular utility for him? – A. Those lively memories are very
rare. It is somewhat related to the kind of death he had which is
stamped on his soul, so to speak. However, many other people
had as terrible a death and they did not keep the memory. God
only allows that very rarely.
6. Has he had other existences after that St. Bartholomew’s
death? – A. No.
7. How old was he when he died? – A. He was thirty years old.
8. Can we know what he used to do? – A. He was an attaché to the
noble family of Coligny.
9. If we had the chance to evoke him we would have asked if he remembers
the name of the street where he was murdered, so that
going to that place when he returns to Paris he would have an even
more vivid memory of the scene. – A. It was at the Bucy crossroads.
10. Does the house where he died still exist? – A. No, it was rebuilt.
11. We would have asked his name over that time, with the same objective.
– A. His name is not known in History since he was just
a soldier. He was called Gaston Vincent.
12. His friend who is present here would like to know if he has received
his letters. – A. Not yet.
13. Were you his guardian angel in those days? – A. Yes. In those days
and now.
Observation: Skeptical people, more jesters than serious,
could say that his guardian angel did not protect him well and
ask why he hasn’t veered off the hand which hurt his protégé.
Although such a question hardly deserves an answer, perhaps a
few words about it may not be completely useless.
To begin with we shall say that since death is part of human
nature, no guardian angel will have the power to oppose the natural
course of things. Otherwise there would be no reason for them
not to prevent both natural as well as accidental death. Second,
considering that the kind and time of death is in everyone’s destiny,
it is necessary that fate be accomplished. Finally we shall say
that the spirits don’t see death as we do. True life is the spiritual
life, and the many corporeal lives are just episodes of that true
life. The body is an envelope, momentarily covering the spirit,
left behind as done with a piece of worn out or ripped clothing.
Thus, it does not matter that one dies a little bit earlier or later, in
this or that way, for it is always and definitely necessary to reach
death, that far from causing harm to the spirit it can actually be
very useful, according to the way it happens. It is like the prisoner
who leaves the temporary prison in exchange for the eternal freedom.
It may well be that Gaston Vincent’s tragic end was useful
to him, as a spirit, and that his guardian angel understood that
better than him, because one of them only saw the present whilst
the other saw the future also. Spirits, who are withdrawn from
this world by a premature death, at their prime, have sometimes
responded to us that it was a favor from God, keeping them from
evil to which they would be otherwise exposed.
The Animals
(Spontaneous essays by the spirit of Charlet, in several sessions of the
There is something among you that always excites your imagination
and curiosity. That mystery, since it is a great mystery to you, is the
connection or even better, the distance, between your soul and that of the
animals, a mystery that despite all their science, Buffon, the most poetic
of the naturalists, and Cuvier, the most profound, could never penetrate,
in the same way that the scalpel does not reveal the anatomy of the heart
to you. Well, know this: the animals live and everything that lives, thinks.
Thus, it is impossible to live and not think.
Thus, it is necessary to demonstrate that the more the human being
advances, not according to the time but to perfection, the more he shall
penetrate the spiritual science, and that applies not only to you but also to
those living creatures below you: the animals. Oh! Some people will exclaim,
persuaded that the word human signifies the whole perfection, but
is there a possible parallel between the human being and the brute? Can
you call intelligence something that is no more than instinct? Call feeling
something that is only sensation? In a word, can you lower the image of
God? We will respond.
There was a time when half of the human race was considered to be
at the level of the brute, in which there was no animal; a time, like now,
when half of the human race is considered inferior and the animal brute.
Well then! From the point of view of the world, that is how things are,
no doubt. From the spiritual point of view, things are different. What the
superior spirits would say about the Earthly humans, human beings say
about the animals.
Everything is infinite in nature, material as well as spiritual. Let us
then give attention to these unfortunate brutes, speaking in spiritual
terms, and you will see that the animal really lives, since it thinks. This
serves as a preface of a course that I will give you about it. As a matter of
fact, when alive I used to say that a dog is a person’s best friend.
Until next time.
The world is a huge staircase whose elevation is infinite, but whose base
rests on a horrible chaos. What I mean is that the world is nothing else but
a constant evolution of creatures. You are very low. Despite that, there are
many others below you. That is because, listen well, I don’t speak about
your planet only but every planet in the Universe. Don’t be afraid though,
since we shall limit ourselves to planet Earth.
Before that, however, a couple of words about a planet called Jupiter,
from which the ingenious and immortal Palissy has given you some
strange and supernatural insights for your imagination. Remember that
in one of those remarkable drawings he depicted some animals from
Jupiter. Isn’t there an evident progress in them? Could you deny a level of
superiority in them over the Earthly animals? Would you still see only an
evolution of the form and not of intelligence, considering that the activities
that they execute cannot be performed by the animals from Earth? I
only mention that example to you in order to indicate already a superiority
of creatures that are well below you. How about if I mentioned every
globe that I know, which is about, five or six? Even on Earth, observe the existing difference among them. Then! If the variation in form is so wide,
so progressive, that there is an even physical evolution, could you deny the
spiritual progress to those creatures? Well then, know this, that if matter
evolves, even the lowest, even more so the spirit that animates it.
Next time I will continue.
Note: In the August 1858 issue we published a plate drawn and engraved
by the spirit of Bernard Palissy, representing Mozart’s house in
Jupiter, with a description of that planet, which has always been described
as one of the most advanced in our planetary system, morally and physically.
The same spirit provided a large number of drawings about the same
subject. There is one among them which shows a scene with animals,
playing in the area reserved for their dwelling, at Zoroaster’s house. It is,
no doubt, one of the most interesting of the collection. Among the portrayed
animals there are some with a form closely resembling the Earthly
human form, at the same time showing something of the ape and of the
satyr. Their action indicates intelligence and it is clear that their structure
may be adequate to manual labor that they execute to human beings. The
animals, as they say, are the servants and the servers, since human beings
are only given to intelligent work. That is the reference used by Charlet
above, to a drawing made more than three years ago.
In the more advanced worlds, the animals are so much advanced that the
strictest orders are passed to them by the word, whereas among you it is
frequently by beating. In Jupiter, for example, one word is enough whereas
among you even the whip does not suffice. There is, however, a sensible
progress in your Earth which has never been explained: it is the fact that
the animal evolves. Thus, in former times the animals were much more
rebellious to human beings. There is also progress on your side for having
understood their improvement since you forbid yourself of mistreating
them. I was saying that there is moral progress in the animal. There is also
a progress in their condition. In that way a poor horse, mistreated, hurt by a carter even more than the animal, will be comparatively in a much
better condition, happier than its executioner. Isn’t that in all fairness
and should we be surprised by the fact that a suffering, beaten animal, be
rewarded for having endured a life of torture? God is just before anything
else and all creatures are ruled by his laws which states: “every weak creature
which has suffered shall be rewarded”. Always comparatively, I dare
say and add that the animal sometimes has more soul, more heart than
humans in many circumstances.
On your planet, the human being’s superiority is manifested by the elevation
in intelligence that makes him the King of the Earth. Compared to
humans, the animal is very weak, inferior, and a poor slave in this trying
land, having sometimes to endure cruel caprices of their tyrant: humans!
The former metempsychosis was a confusing reminder of reincarnation;
however that doctrine is nothing more than a popular belief. Great spirits
conceded to progressive reincarnation; the ignorant masses could not figure
out, themselves, the universe, so naturally it was decided: since human
beings reincarnate, then it must be on Earth only; then human’s punishment,
his trial must be life in an animal body. Exactly like in the Middle
Ages when the Christians used to say: the judgment shall take place in the
big valley, and after that, the guilty shall be sent underground, to burn in
the entrails of Earth.
By believing in metempsychosis the Ancients thus believed in spirits
of animals since they admitted the transition of human soul to the bodies
of the animals. Pythagoras remembered his previous life and recognized
the shield he used during Troy’s siege. Socrates died predicting his new
Since, as I said, everything is progress in the universe; and God’s laws
can only be those of progress, from your standing position, from your spiritual
trends, it would be senseless not to admit the progress of everything
below human beings, giving proof of complete ignorance or indifference.
Does the animal not have what in humans you call conscience, and that
is nothing else but the feeling of having done good or bad? Watch and see
if the animal doesn’t give proof of conscience, always relatively to human
beings. Would you believe that the dog does not know that it has done
something right or wrong? If it did not feel it would not live. As I have
already told you the moral sensation, in a word, the conscience, does exist
in the animal as in human beings, without which we would have to
deny the fact that they show gratitude, they suffer and grieve, and finally
they show every trace of intelligence, traits that any serious person may
observe in the animals, on several levels, because even among them there
are singular diversities.
King of the land by intelligence, human beings are also a superior being
from a material point of view. Their form is harmonious and their spirit
equally obeying, an admirable instrument: the body. Human’s head is
placed high and sees the sky, according to Genesis; the animal sees the
earth and by the structure of its body, it seems to be even more attached to
Earth than human beings. Furthermore, the magnificent harmony found
in human’s body is not found in the animal. Notice the infinite variety
that distinguishes them from each other and that doesn’t correspond to
their spirit because the animals – I mean the great majority – have, almost
all of them, the same level of intelligence. Hence, in the animal kingdom
there is variety in the form; in human beings there is variety of spirit. Take
two men who have the same tastes, tendencies, intelligence; now take one
dog, a horse, a cat, in a word, a thousand animals, and you will hardly notice
difference in their intelligence. Thus, the spirit sleeps in the animal;
in human beings it shines in all directions; human’s spirit predicts God
and understands the need for perfection. The simple harmony of the form
is then the beginning of infinity for the spirit. See now the superiority of
human beings that dominates the animal, physically for their remarkable
structure and intellectually for their immense faculties. It seems that it was God’s wishes to vary more the form of the animals, containing the
spirit; in human beings, on the contrary, to make the body into the material
manifestation of the spirit. Equally remarkable in both creations,
Providence is infinite in both, the material and the spiritual world. The
human being is to the animal as the flower and the vegetal kingdom are
to raw matter. I wanted to establish in these few lines, the place occupied
by the animal in the scale of perfection. We will see how the animal can
elevate in comparison to human beings.
How does the spirit elevate? It does through submission, humbleness.
Arrogance is what loses human beings, leading them to disregard their
subordinates, envying every one of their superiors. Envy is the most
vivid expression of pride. It is not the pleasure of pride but the sick
desire, the relentless wish of satisfaction. The envious are the proudest
when they become powerful. Observe the master of all of us, Christ,
the man by excellence, but at the highest level of sublimity. Christ, I
was saying, instead of showing audacity and insolence on fighting the
former beliefs, he comes to Earth incarnating in a poor family, being
born among animals. You will find those poor animals everywhere, at
all times when man simply lives the natural life, in short, thinking of
God. He is born among animals that exalt his power in their much more
meaningful language, so natural and so simple. See what a subject for
reflection! Their still inferior spirit foresees Christ, that is, the spirit in
all its perfection. Balaam, the false prophet, the complete corruption of
human pride, cursed against God and hurt his animal. Suddenly the
feeble soul of the donkey is inspired by the spirit and speaks. It becomes
momentarily like man and, by his word, it is what it is going to be in
thousands of centuries. We could mention several other events but this
seems really remarkable with respect to what I was saying about man’s
pride, capable of denying his own soul for not being able to understand it, moving on to the denial of any feeling among the inferior creatures,
among which Christ preferred to be born.
I have entertained you with something that I had promised. As I said since
the beginning, I did not speak from the anatomical or medical standpoint,
but only from the spiritual essence of the animals. I still have to
talk about several other points which although very different are not less
useful to the Doctrine. Allow me a final recommendation for you to mull
over everything I said. It is not long or pedant and believe me, and not
less useful because of that. One day, when the Good Shepherd separates
his sheep, may he count you among the good animals that followed his
precepts! Forgive me for such a lively image. Once more, you do need to
analyze what I tell you. As a matter of fact, I shall keep speaking to you
as you wish. Next time I will have to tell you something else to define my
thought about animal intelligence.
Everything I can tell you now friends is that I am happy to see the guidelines
that you follow. May charity, this virtue of truly honest and noble
souls, always be your guide, for that is the sign of true superiority! You
must persevere in this avenue which will certainly lead everyone to the
truth and to unity, despite the efforts whose strength goes unnoticed.
Modesty is also a very difficult gift to acquire, isn’t that true ladies and
gentlemen? It is a very rare virtue amongst people. If you think that modesty
is all you need to advance on the path of good and progress, what
would become of you without God and His divine principles? You would
be a little bit less than those poor animals that I spoke about and that I
still want to discuss further. Put yourself together and be prepared to fight again but don’t yield. Keep in mind that you don’t fight against God, like
Jacob, but against evil that pervades everything and yourself all the time.
It would take too long for me to tell you what is left to be said tonight.
I intend to explain to you the animal’s moral downfall, after the moral
downfall of human beings. In order to conclude about what I have told
you regarding the animals, I will use the title: The first ferocious man and
the first animal made ferocious.
Beware of bad spirits; you have no idea of their strength. As I told
you a few moments ago, although this last statement is not related to the
preceding one, it is nonetheless true and pertinent. It is now up to you to
Observation: That day the spirit thought convenient to interrupt the
main subject of his writing to provide us with this incidental essay, motivated
by a particular circumstance that he wanted to use. We published it
anyway because it contains useful instructions.
When the first man was created there was complete harmony in nature.
The creator’s omnipotence had placed a word of goodness, generosity and
love in each living being. Man was radiant. The animals sought his heavenly
eyes and he was as lovely to them as to his celestial companion.
Vegetation was luxurious. Nature was painted gold by Sun light in the
same way that the mysterious star of the soul, like a spark of God, illuminated
man’s intelligence. In a word, all kingdoms of nature showed that
infinite tranquility, seemingly understanding God. There were signs of
sufficient intelligence to praise God’s supremacy everywhere. The cloudless
sky was like man’s heart, and the translucent and blue water reflected
infinity, like man’s heart reflected God. A long time passed and everything
seemed to suddenly change. Oppressed nature issued a long sigh,
and God’s voice was heard for the first time. A disgraceful day when
man who had not yet heard His great voice had told them all: You are
immortal! Man became horrified by those words. “Cain, why have you killed your brother?” Soon everything changed: Abel’s blood spread all
over Earth; the trees changed color; the very colorful and rich vegetation
withered; the sky became dark. Why has the animal become ferocious?
A powerful and invincible magnetism over took all creatures, the thirst
for blood, carnage shining in their eyes, so kind in former times, and the
animal became as ferocious as man. Had not man, the former king of
Earth, given the example? The animal followed his example and since
then death slithered over Earth, death that became hateful instead of a
natural and spiritual transformation. Man’s body should levitate in the
air, like Christ’s body, but it diffused in the ground, in this earth watered
by Abel’s blood. And man worked and the animal worked.
Critical Examination (Critical examination of Charlet’s messages about the animals)
About § I
1. You say: Everything that lives, thinks, thus one cannot live without
thinking. The proposition seems somewhat absolute to us
since the plant lives and doesn’t think. Do you take that as a
principle? – A. No doubt. I speak of the animal life only and not
vegetable. You must understand.
2. Later on you say: You will see that the animal truly lives since it thinks. Isn’t there an inversion in the statement? It seems that the proposition is: You will see that the animal thinks, since it lives. – A. That is obvious.
2. Later on you say: You will see that the animal truly lives since it thinks. Isn’t there an inversion in the statement? It seems that the proposition is: You will see that the animal thinks, since it lives. – A. That is obvious.
About § II
3. You brought up the drawings about the animals on Jupiter. It is
noticeable that they keep a remarkable analogy with the satyrs of
the fable. Would the idea of the satyrs be an intuition about the
existence of beings from other worlds, and in that case, wouldn’t
that be a mere fantastic imagination? – A. The newer the planet
was, the more he remembered. Human beings had an intuition of an order of intermediary creatures, sometimes inferior, sometimes
more advanced. That is what they called gods.
4. You then admit that the mythical divinities were nothing else
than what we call spirits? – A. Yes.
5. We were told that on Jupiter one can understand each other by
the simple transmission of thought. Do the inhabitants of that
planet use any particular language when addressing the animals
that are their servers and workers? Would they have an articulated
language to communicate with the animals, and communicate
through their thoughts among themselves? – A. No, there is no
articulated language but a kind of powerful magnetism which
makes the animal bow before their masters, leading them to execute
their smallest wishes and commands. The All-powerful spirit
cannot bow.
6. The animals evidently have a language among us since they understand
one another, but that is very limited. Do the animals on
Jupiter have a more accurate and positive language than ours? In
short, an articulated language? – A. Yes.
7. Do the inhabitants of Jupiter understand better than us the language
of the animals? – A. They see through them and understand
them perfectly well.
8. By examining the series of living beings one finds an unbreakable
chain, from the madreporite plant up to the most intelligent animal.
However, between the most intelligent animal and human
beings there is an obvious blank that must be filled out somewhere
because there is no void in nature. Where does that blank
come? – A. That blank is only apparent since it does not exist in
reality. It results from extinct races (St. Louis).
9. Such blank may well exist on Earth but it does not exist in the
whole set of the universe and must be filled somewhere. Wouldn’t
that be by certain animals from superior worlds that, like on
Jupiter for example, seem to approach very much the Earthly
individual by the form, language and other signs? – A. In the superior spheres the germen from Earth evolves and it is never
lost. Becoming spirits you shall meet again all beings that disappeared
in the cataclysms of your planet (St. Louis).
Observation: These interim races have existed on earth and disappeared,
justifies what Charlet said earlier that the more the world was new,
the more he remembered. Had they existed only in the higher worlds, the
human being of the earth being less advanced could not have kept the
memory of them.
About § III
10. You say that everything perfects and as a proof of animal evolution
you say that formerly it was more rebellious to human beings.
It is evident that there is animal evolution but at least on Earth
that takes place under human’s guidance. Once left to themselves
the animal returns to their ferocious nature, even the dog. – A.
And human beings evolve under whose guidance? Isn’t that under
God’s? Everything is scale in nature.
11. You speak about rewards to animals that are mistreated and
say that it is perfectly fair that they get such compensation.
Therefore, it seems that you admit the animal consciousness
of itself after death, with memory of the past. That is in opposition
to what we have been told. If things were as you say, it
would result in the presence of animals in the spiritual world.
There would be no reason not to have the spirit of the oysters
there. Can you tell us if you see spirits of cats, dogs, horses or
elephants around you, as you see human spirits? – A. You are
right, the animal’s soul is not aware of itself after death; it is a
confusing mass of germs which can move to the body of this or
that animal, according to the acquired development. It is not individualized.
However, I shall say that in certain animals, even
in many, it is individualized.
12. As a matter of fact that theory does not justify mistreating animals
in any way. Human beings are always guilty for the suffering
imposed on any living creature and the Doctrine tells us that he
shall be punished for that. But based on that principle there is a
huge distance for positioning the animals in a superior condition.
What do you think about it? – A. Yes, but you must consider that
there is always an animal scale and that there is some distance
between certain races. The more powerful the individual is the
more culpable.
13. How do you explain that in their most savage stage human beings
are still obeyed by the most intelligent animal? – A. It is the action
of nature in that case. The savage person is a natural person.
He knows the animal intimately. The civilized person studies the
animal and the animal bows before him. Human beings are always
human beings to the animal, savage or civilized.
About § V
14. (To Charlet) We have nothing to say about this paragraph that
seems very rational. Do you have anything to add? – A. Only this:
the animals have every faculty that I mentioned but their evolution
occurs from the education given by human beings and not by
themselves. If left in their savage stage the animal would return
to their primitive stage, when created by God. They evolve when
submitted to human beings. That is all.
15. That is absolutely correct for the individuals and species but if we
consider the whole scale of beings there is an evident ascending
march, not limited to the Earthly animals since those on Jupiter
are physically and intellectually superior to them. – A. Each race
is perfect in itself, not emigrating to foreign races. These are the
same kinds on Jupiter, forming distinct races, but they are not the
spirits of dead animals.
16. Then, what becomes of the spirit of dead animals? – A. It returns
to the mass from which each new animal extracts the necessary
portion of intelligence. Well, this is precisely what differentiates
human beings from the animal. In the human being, the spirit is
individualized, evolving on his own, and that is what makes him
superior to the animals. That is why even the savage individual, as
you noticed, is obeyed and even by the most intelligent animals.
About § VI
17. You refer to the story of Balaam as a positive fact. Seriously, what
is your opinion about that? – A. It is a pure allegory, or even better,
a fiction to punish pride. They made Balaam’s donkey speak
as La Fontaine made many other animals.
About § IX *
18. Charlet seems to have been taken by imagination in this passage
since the picture that he draws about the moral degradation
of the animals is more fantastic than scientific. In fact the animal
is ferocious out of necessity and that is why nature has given
them a special physical organization. If some must eat meat that
is due to a providential reason and because it was useful to the
general equilibrium that some organic elements were absorbed.
Hence the animal is ferocious by design and it would be inconceivable
that the moral downfall of human beings had developed
the tiger’s fangs or shrunk its intestines, since there would
then be no reason why the same would had not happened to the
sheep. Before that we say that here on Earth, considering that the human being is little advanced, here we find the inferior beings in
all senses, whose contact is cause of concern and suffering to the
person, and consequently, a source of trial that helps in his future
progress. What does Charlet think about these points? – A. I can
only support them. I was a painter and not a scholar or scientist.
That is why from time to time I am carried away by the pleasure,
new to me, of writing beautiful phrases, even to the detriment of
truth. However, your thoughts are very fair and inspired. I colored
certain received ideas in the picture that I gave you, avoiding
the shock with any conviction. The truth is that the first periods
were in the Iron Age, much far from the intended smoothness.
Civilization led human beings to the conquest of the true
Promised Land by the daily discoveries of God given treasures,
both in space and on Earth, due to the intelligence and work, not
freely delivered into the hands of the child like human beings,
who needed to find them out of their own intelligence. As a matter
of fact, my mistake could not harm the enlightened person
who could easily detect it. It would go unnoticed to the ignorant
ones. However, I acknowledge my mistake. I took it lightheartedly
and that gives you a chance to analyze how much you must
control the received communications.
* The original shows § XI which is inexistent and an obvious typo that escaped revision
An important lesson stands out from these communications,
from the point of view of the Spiritist Science. The first thing that
strikes the reader, is the mix of fair, profound ideas, with a strong
mark of personal observation, together with others evidently false,
founded more on imagination than reality. There is no doubt that
Charlet was a man above the vulgar but as a spirit he is no more
universal than when alive, and may be wrong because since he is
not well advanced yet, he only sees things from his own standpoint.
As a matter of fact, only the spirits who have achieved the highest degree of perfection make no mistakes. The others, however
good they are, don’t know everything and may be wrong; but
when these are truly good they make honest mistakes and frankly
acknowledge that, whereas there are others who make conscious
mistakes, persisting on the most absurd ideas. That is why we
must exercise caution regarding everything that comes from the
invisible world, submitting it to the control of reason. The good
spirits always recommend that and are never offended by criticism
because they are either confident of what they say and are
afraid of nothing or they are not as confident and aware of their
insufficiency as the ones who seek the truth. Well then, if human
beings can learn from the spirits, some spirits can also learn from
human beings. The others, on the contrary, want to dominate;
expecting to impose the acceptance of their utopic ideas just because
their condition as spirits. Then, out of presumption or ill
faith, they cannot bear contradiction. They want to be accepted
in their word since they know well that they cannot afford serious
examination. These are offended by the slightest question about
their infallibility and arrogantly threaten to abandon you, as if
you were unworthy of hearing them. Also, there are some who
only like those that kneel before them. Aren’t there human beings
like that? Would there be any surprise in finding them in
the spiritual world as well? Such a trait is always an indication of
pride, conceit, foolish vanity, and thus petty ideas and poor judgment.
Something that is a clear sign of inferiority in people could
not be a sign of superiority with the spirits.
Charlet, as just seen, willingly gives himself to the controversy;
he listens and admits the objections, responding kindly;
develops what was obscure and openly acknowledges what was
not accurate. In short, he does not want to pretend to be wiser
than he actually is, demonstrating more elevation than if he had
persisted on false ideas, like certain spirits who are stunned by
the simple comment that their communications seem to require analysis. Something that is still proper of those proud spirits is a
kind of fascination exerted upon their mediums who sometimes
are led to share the same feelings. We say “their mediums” on
purpose because they are taken over and the spirits want to use
them as if blindfolded. They would never adapt to an inquisitive
medium or someone with clear vision. Doesn’t this also happen
among human beings? When the person is caught and out of
fear that he might escape, the person is inspired to stay away
from whoever may clarify them. The person is somehow isolated
to be more easily influenced or only allowed to approach
those who are harmless to the foreign influence. They pretend
to be good apostles in order to capture their trust, typically taking
the name of venerable spirits whose language they try to
imitate. Nevertheless, however much they do, ignorance shall
never be capable of imitating true knowledge and a perverse
personality shall never be able to replicate true virtue. Pride will
always hide under a cloak of false humility and because they
are afraid of being caught they avoid arguments, keeping their
mediums away from that.
There is no one, which when judging cold-bloodedly and
without prevention, could not judge such an influence as bad,
once it sticks out form the most basic common sense that a really
good and enlightened spirit would never use such influence.
Therefore, one can say that a medium that is submitted to that
kind of influence is under the empire of an obsession, from which
one must be freed as soon as possible. What we want, before
anything else, is not communications at any price but good and
truthful communications. Well then, in order to receive good
communications we need good spirits and in order to have good
spirits we need good mediums, free from any bad influence.
Thus, the kind of spirits that habitually assist a medium is
one of the first things to be taken into consideration. There is a flawless criterion to identify that and it is not in the material
signs or in the formulas of evocation or conspiracy that it will be
found. The criterion is in the feeling inspired in the medium by
the spirit. One can assess the nature of the spirits that guides a
medium by the way he behaves and consequently, the degree of
trust that his communications deserve.
This is not a personal opinion or a system but a principle
inferred from the strictest logic if we admit the following
premise: a good spirit cannot suggest a bad thought. While it
is not demonstrated that a good spirit may inspire evil things,
we shall say that every action that is far from benevolence,
charity and humility, and where one can detect envy, jealousy,
pride or simply acrimony, it cannot have been inspired but
by a bad spirit, even when the latter would employ the most
beautiful maxims; for a truly good spirit would demonstrate it
by acting according to those words. The practice of Spiritism
is surrounded by many difficulties; the deceiving spirits are
so canny, so smart and at the same time so numerous that
it would never be too much to forearm oneself with maximum
precaution to frustrate them. That is why it is necessary
to scrutinize with great care every indication that may betray
them and those indications are both in their language and in
the actions provoked by them.
Having submitted these reflections to the spirit of Charlet,
here is what he said about it: “I can only support what you have
just said and advise everyone involved with Spiritism to follow
such wise advice, evidently dictated by good spirits, but which are
not absolutely appreciated by the bad spirits, you can believe me
there, because they know very well that this is the most efficient
way of fighting against their influence. Thus, they do whatever
it takes to veer off that course anyone that they want to lure into
their nets.”
Charlet said that he was dragged by the pleasure, new to him, of writing
beautiful phrases, even at the expense of truth. What would happen had
we published his work without comments? Spiritism would have been
criticized for accepting such ideas and for not being capable of distinguishing
between true and false. Many spirits are in the same condition.
They find satisfaction to their self-serving purpose by going through the
mediums, since they cannot do it directly, to create pieces of literary, scientific,
philosophical or dogmatic work of large scope. However, when
these spirits have only pseudo-knowledge they write absurd things, like
some people would do. It is particularly present in those continued pieces
of work that we can assess them because their ignorance fails them, not
allowing them to take that role for long and they reveal their limitations
themselves, hurting logic and reason at every step. There are sometimes
some good ideas amidst several false concepts, and those good ones help
the illusion. Such incoherence can only demonstrate their incapacity.
These are the bricks that human beings can align the stones for the construction
but incapable of building a palace. It is sometimes curious to
see the inextricable mess of combinations and reasoning that they find
themselves getting into, and from which they do not exit but to the cost of
utopias and sophisms. We have seen some that have left their work, after
some effort. Some others, however, never give in and want to act to the
end, still laughing at those who take them seriously.
The considerations above were suggested to us as a general principle,
and it would be a mistake to see any application in them. Among the
several publications about Spiritism there is no doubt that some would
yield a founded criticism but we do not place them in the same basket;
we indicate the way of assessing them and every one can proceed as
they wish. If we have not decided to evaluate them in The Review it is
because we are afraid of any misunderstanding about the true objective
of the criticism that we could make. Hence, we prefer to wait until
Spiritism is better known and particularly better understood. Then, our
opinion sustained by a widely understood foundation cannot be accused
of partiality. This expectation happens daily since we see public opinion preceding ours in many circumstances. We then congratulate ourselves
for the reservation. We shall carry out that examination when the time
is right but we can already foresee the basis of our argumentation. It is
logic that can be applied by each and every person since we do not have
the silly pretension of having the honor of its ownership. In fact, logic
is the great criterion of every spiritist communication, as it is of every
human activity. We know well that someone whose reasoning is faulty
mistakenly, considers oneself logical. That person is logical in their own
right but only to themselves, not to others. When logic is rigorous, like
in two plus two equals four and the consequences are derived from obvious
axioms, sooner or later the general common sense does justice to all
those sophisms.
We believe that the following propositions have such a character:
1. The good spirits can only teach and inspire good; thus, anything
that is not rigorously good cannot come from a good spirit;
2. The enlightened and truly superior spirits cannot teach absurdities;
hence, any communication stained by manifested mistakes
or contrary to the most basic scientific data and contrary to observation,
attests the outright inferiority of its origin;
3. The superiority of any text is in the fairness and depth of the ideas
and not in the decorations and redundancies of style; hence, every
spiritist communication where there is more brilliant phrases and
words then solid thoughts, cannot come from a really superior
4. Ignorance cannot counterfeit true knowledge, nor can bad counterfeit
true good, absolutely; thus, every spirit that says anything
incompatible with their borrowed venerable name is responsible
for fraud;
5. Giving more attention to the thought than to the external form
is in the very essence of an elevated spirit, thus resulting that the
elevation of the spirit is directly proportional to the elevation of
the ideas; hence, every spirit that is meticulously concerned with the details of form, that prescribes fatuities, in a word, that gives
importance to signs and to material things, reveals, for that very
reason, petty ideas, and cannot be truly superior;
6. A truly superior spirit cannot contradict oneself; thus, if two contradictory
communications are given under the same respectable
name, one of them is necessarily apocryphal, and if one is true,
then it can only be the one that by no means denies the superiority
of the spirit that signs it off.
The consequence that results from these principles is the moral questions
one must consider with reservations and must never be accepted
without examination. The need for great circumspection in the publication
of their writings derives from that, particularly when those are prone
to ridicule through the proposal of strange doctrines or incoherent ideas.
We must be cautious about the inclination of certain spirits to present
systematic ideas and the passion with which they seek their propagation.
Hence, it is particularly with the scientific theories that extreme prudence
is recommended, avoiding to take by truth some systems that are
sometimes more attractive than real, and that sooner or later may be officially
rejected. Those systems may eventually be presented as probabilities,
as long as they are logical, and as basis for future observation; but
it would be lack of prudence to faithfully accept them prematurely. The
proverb says: “Nothing more dangerous than a reckless friend”. Well, that
is the case of those in Spiritism who are led more by passion than reason.
We would like to announce the soon to appear publication of
Experimental Spiritism, a continuation of The Spirits’ Book, which
was supposed to be published in last April. The work was held up by circumstances
beyond our control, particularly considering the importance
that we gave to that book. We now expect to have it published soon and
the final date will be announced in due course.
Note: We are forced to postpone several important communications
that came to our hands for lack of space.
Allan Kardec
Bulletin of the Parisian Society of Spiritist StudiesNotice
The office of The Spiritist Review and the private home of Mr.
Allan Kardec were transferred to Rue Sainte-Anne, 59, Sainte-Anne
Friday, June 29th, 1860
(Private Session)
Reading of the works and minutes of the June 22nd session.
Reading of a letter from Dr. de Grand-Boulogne, former French Vice
Consul, who requests to be admitted as a corresponding member from
Havana, where he is expected to move soon.
1st – Reading of a spontaneous essay obtained by Mrs. Costel,
about the Origins, signed by Lazarus.
2nd – Report of recent physical manifestations that took place
at Rue des Noyers, appearing in several newspapers, reminding
similar facts that occurred in 1849 at Rue des Grès. Some members added that those events at Rue de Grès resulted from
deception created by the tenant in order to cancel his lease. Dr.
Grand-Boulogne mentioned that he can ensure authenticity of
those facts. Besides, Mr. de Mirville, who was careful enough
to collect every significant detail necessary to guarantee the occurrence
of the events, reported them. Another member makes
the comment that in similar circumstances, and given the attraction
of crowds of curious people, it becomes a nuisance to those
involved that then get rid of them by associating the events to
pure malevolence. The owner is the first one to have total interest
in denying the events. That is why similar facts are often
1st – Discussion about the merits and efficacy of the trials of a
righteous person; having endured in order to relieve suffering
and unfortunate spirits, with respect to a passage from Dr. de
Grand-Boulogne’s letter. A comment was made regarding the fact
that once the efficacy of prayer is proven, as a demonstration of
sympathy and piety; we can assume that the self-imposed trials,
which have the same objective, should produce the same effects
of the prayer. The intention is everything in such a case and may
be seen as an even more feverous prayer than that said in words.
2nd – Mrs. N… indicates doubts about the identity of the
spirit that gave her some advices in the previous session, and that
she does not consider applicable. She requests to have it questioned
through another medium if the spirit that had communicated
was truly St. Louis. She added that she noticed, a not so
much benevolent feeling in the considerations that were given,
which is not coherent with his customary kindness. That is why
she was in doubt.
St. Louis was questioned about it through Mrs. H…, responding:
“Yes, it was I who came to write those lines and give
you advice. You are mistaken by taking my advice badly. It is
necessary that whoever wants to advance in the avenue of good
learns to accept the advice and warnings given to them, even
when their self-love is hurt. The proof of your advancement is
in the calm and humble way by which you receive them. In the
past, when I was on Earth, haven’t I given demonstrations of
great humility, quietly complying with the church’s decisions,
even the penitence imposed on me, however humiliating they
might have been? You must thus be kind and humble, if you
are not proud; accept the advice; strive to correct yourselves
and you shall advance.”
Mr. T… observes that St. Louis had not always submitted
to the church when alive, since he fought against its
St. Louis responds: “When I say that I submitted to the punishments
imposed by the leaders of the church, I told you the
truth. However, I did not tell you that my behavior was always
faultless. I was a great sinner before God, although people have
later awarded me with the glorious title of Saint.”
Mr. Allan Kardec adds that St. Louis always accepted the
decisions of the church with respect to the dogma; he only fought
pretensions of another nature.
3rd – Questions raised about St. Louis’ advice regarding physical
manifestations, with recommendations to the Society not to
get involved with that.
4th – Questions about mediumship in children, with reference
to the manifestations that occurred in the last session with
the young N…
5th – Questions posed about the manifestations at Rue de
6th – Two simultaneous communications received: the first
by Mrs. Costel, about Thought’s Electricity, signed by Delphine de
Girardin; the second by Mrs. Lubr…, regarding the advices given
by the spirits, signed by Paul, a familiar spirit.
Friday, July 6th, 1869
(Private Session)
Reading of the works and minutes of the June 29th session.
1st – Mr. Achille R… reads a letter from Limoges, in which the
author speaks of a medium friend of his who is lead to work between
eight and nine hours per day by a spirit. He says that the
spirit gives him an infallible criterion to ensure the identity of the
spirits, avoiding deception; but he is advised to keep this and the
communications as a secret.
Mr. Allan Kardec comments that he sees three reasons for
suspicion in this case: first is the duration of the work imposed
on to the medium, this being always an indication of
obsession. There is no doubt that the spirits may ask the medium
to write, but in general this is not imperative and there
is no absolute prescription about the duration of the works or
the time. On the contrary, the spirits stop the medium when
there is excessive dedication. The second point is the supposedly
infallible criterion to ascertain the identity of the spirits.
Finally, the third one is the request for secrecy. If the prescription
were good, there would be no reason for mystery. It seems
that the spirit wants to excite the medium in order to drive
him at will, favoring the supposed infallibility of his process.
It is likely that the spirit is afraid that others may see things clearly, revealing his maneuvers. That is why silence is recommended
so that there is no opposition. It is a means of always
being right.
1st – Evocation of François Arago through Ms. H… St. Louis
responds that this medium is not adequate to that spirit. He
advises another choice. Several questions are addressed regarding
this subject about the special skills of a medium to receive
communications from this or that spirit. Here is the answer:
“A spirit comes preferably to a person whose ideas sympathize
with their own when alive. There is an agreement of thoughts
between Heavens and Earth, still more significant than on
2nd – Question proposed by Mr. Count Z…about the distinction
made by certain somnambulistic mediums who designate
men as blue lights and women as white light. He asks if the
perispirits have different colors according to the gender. The spirit
that was questioned responds: “That has no relationship with our
world; it is a purely physical fact depending on the person who
sees it. There are some men who cannot see certain colors when
in the waking state or see them in a different way from others.
The same happens to those who are asleep. Some can see what
others cannot.”
3rd – Four spontaneous essays were received; the first
through Ms. Huet, from the spirit that continues to write his
memories; the second by Mr. Didier about Spiritual Electricity,
signed by Lamennais; the third by Mrs. Costel, about the
High Trues of Spiritism, signed by Lazarus; the fourth by Ms.
Stephan, about Each Task to Each Person, signed by Gustave
Friday, July 13th, 1860
(General Session)
Reading of the works and minutes of the July 6th session.
Mr. Eugène de Porry, from Marseille, pays tribute to the Society with
his new poem entitled Linda, Gallic Legend. The Society remembers the
nice poem Urania, from the same author, thanking him for his new work.
Ms. P… had the task of reporting it.
1st – Mr. S… transmits a note about a man that committed suicide
last year at Rue Quincampoix in order to exempt his son from the
military service. His evocation is thought to be instructive.
2nd – Mr. de Grand-Boulogne sends a note about Mr.
Seih-ben-Moloka, a Muslim man who had just died in Tunisia, at
the age of one hundred and ten years and whose life was remarkable
for his charitable actions.
A conversation is established about longevity. Mr. de GrandBoulogne,
who has lived among the Arabs for a long time, says that
such examples are not so rare among them, leading him to believe
in the influence of sobriety. He met one that was about one hundred
and fifty years old. Mr. Count Z… says that Siberia might be
the place where longevity is more frequent. Sobriety and climate
have no doubt great influence in life’s duration. But what must
definitely contribute to that is piece of mind and absence of moral
concerns that generally affect life in the civilized society, wearing
it out prematurely. That is the reason why we can find a higher
amount of elderly people among those who are closer to nature.
3rd – Mr. Allan Kardec tells a personal story that shows the
desire of certain spirits who were never evoked to be evoked. They
take advantage of any opportunity to communicate when the occasion
may arise.
4th – Several members comment about the protest published
in several newspapers by Mr. Lerible, former coal trader from Rue
de Grès, where remarkable manifestations took place in 1849 and
whose authenticity had been questioned.
1st – Critical analysis of Lamennais’ essay about the Spiritual
Electricity, given on the July 6th session.
2nd – The person who committed suicide at Rue Quincampoix
is evoked.
3rd – Evocation of Gustave Lenormand.
4th – Several questions about the mediums.
5th – Three spontaneous essays: first, about the Spirits’
Knowledge by Channing; the second, a continuation of the
Electricity of Thought, by Delphine de Girardin; the third one
about Charity, signed by Lamennais, with respect to the news
that were read about Seih-ben-Moloka, the Muslim.
Friday, July 20th, 1860
(Private Session)
Reading of the works and minutes of the July 13th session.
The President makes an observation that since some time now we are
no longer reading, as agreed, the names of the spirits that request assistance.
From now on this shall be done after the general evocation.
1st – Two essays read, obtained by Mr. C…, a new medium: one
about Man’s Pretensions, signed by Massilon; the other about the
Future, signed by St. Louis. Mr. C… asks if there wouldn’t be a
replacement of the spirit, particularly in the last case, irrespective of his opinion. After a careful examination the Society acknowledges
that its content is of an indisputable superiority and there is
nothing in that message that may contradict St. Louis’ character,
thus concluding that it has to come from an elevated spirit.
2nd – Another essay obtained by Ms. Costel about Experience,
and signed by Georges.
The President announces that several of the new members
have made remarkable progress as mediums of several types. He
invites them to inform the Society about the works that they
have obtained. The Society has time limitation for its works.
It must be the center of collection of those results obtained in
private sessions. It would be even selfish to keep for themselves
works that could be useful to all. Furthermore, it is a means
of controlling those messages by the clarifications that may result
from them, unless the medium is convinced of the infallibility
of his communications, or like that one from Limoges,
the medium had received the recommendation of keeping the
messages as a secret, which would certainly be a bad sign and
double reason for suspicion. The first quality of a medium is
total abnegation from self-esteem, like that of false modesty,
and that is why the medium cannot take the credit for what is
good nor be criticized for bad communications. The Society is
a family whose members, given to reciprocal benevolence, must
be driven by the sole desire of enlightenment, banishing any
sense of personality and rivalry, if they understand the Doctrine
as true Spiritists.
By the way, Mr. C… gave a very good example showing that
he is not one of those mediums who think that they have nothing
to learn because they receive a few communications signed by
great names. The more important the names the more one must
be afraid of being tricked by deceiving spirits.
3rd – Mr. Achille R… reads a letter reporting a curious case of
spontaneous manifestation that took place in a prison in Limoges,
whose authenticity was verified by the author of the letter. To be
published below under the title Varieties.
4th – Mr. Allan Kardec tells another very original story that
was reported to him last year by a visitor that he does not remember
the name or the address, and thus he cannot request confirmation.
The story is the following:
A doctor who was a believer spoke about Spiritism with his friend, who
was a skeptical, saying:
• I will make a test I don’t know if I will succeed. In any case I
cannot promise anything. Tell me the name of a living person
to whom you are very sympathetic. The friend then indicated a
young lady who lived in a very distant town, also known by the
doctor who then said:
• Go for a stroll in the garden and see what is going to happen. I repeat
that this is an experiment and may result in nothing. During
his friend’s stroll he evoked the young lady. Fifteen minutes later
his friend came back and said:
• I have just seen her. She was dressed in white, came close to me,
shook my hand and vanished. What is really strange is that she
left this ring in my finger. The doctor then immediately sent the
lady’s father the following telegram:
• Ask me nothing. Answer immediately and tell me what was your
daughter doing at 3pm and how she was dressed. The answer:
• At 3pm my daughter was with me in the living room. She was
wearing a white dress; she fell asleep for 15 or 20 minutes but
when she woke up she noticed that she no longer had the ring that
she usually wears.
A discussion was established regarding this and several levels of possibility
or impossibility were examined. St. Louis was questioned about it
and responded:
• The fact of the apparition is possible; the contribution of the perispirit
of the living person is not less possible. Everything is certainly
possible to God but he does not allow such things except,
very rarely. A detached spirit may realize those contributions more
easily. As for telling you if that did in fact happen, I don’t know.
NOTE: Once this fact is published we would kindly ask the person
who told us that to come forward and provide further clarifications about
1st – Questions about spirits that take other people’s names
2nd – The spirit from Rue des Noyers is evoked.
3rd – Five spontaneous essays are obtained: the first is from
Lamennais that requests a correction of his text about Charity; the
second about the Victims of Siria, signed by Jean; the third about
Intelligence Aberrations, signed by Georges; the fourth about the
Mediums’ Mistakes, signed by Paul; the fifth about the Mediums’
Support, signed by Gustave Lenormand.
During the session very distinctive knocks were heard near Ms. Stephan.
It was the spirit of Gustave that, as he said, wanted to force her to write, although
she was not aware of that. He thought that this would be a means
of provoking questions, forcing her to come to the table, since he wanted
to give a communication through her.
After the session, in a private communication, St. Louis was asked if
he was satisfied, to which he responded: “Yes and no. You made a mistake
by allowing continuous whispering by certain members while the spirits were interrogated. Sometimes you receive communications that need serious
reply from your side and answers even more serious from the evoked
spirits who will be unhappy with this, I can assure you. Hence, you shall
not receive anything perfect because the medium gets seriously distracted,
compromising his work. Here is what you need to do: read these observations
in the next session, which shall be understood by all members. Tell
them that this is not a room for conversations.”
Spiritist and Christian Agreement
The letter below was addressed to the Society of Spiritist Studies by Dr.
de Grand-Boulogne, former Vice Consul of France.
“Dear Mr. President,
With the vivid intent of taking part into the Parisian Society
of Spiritist Studies, but forced to leave France very soon, I request
the honor of being accepted as a corresponding member. I
have the advantage of knowing you in person and I don’t need to
tell you about the interest and sympathy with which I follow the
works of the Society. I read your books, as well as those by Baron
de Guldenstubbe, and consequently I know the fundamental
points of Spiritism whose principles I sincerely adopt, as you have
taught them. Since I attest here my strong will to live and die as a
Christian, this declaration drives me to provide you with my profession
of faith and perhaps you shall see with some interest, how
my religious faith naturally welcomes the principles of Spiritism.
That is how, in my opinion, the two are aligned:
1. God: creator of all things;
2. Objective and aim of all creatures: contribute to the universal
3. Three main kingdoms in the created universe: the material or
inert, the organic or vital and the intellectual or moral;
4. Every creature is submitted to laws;
5. The creatures of the two first kingdoms obey submissively,
and the harmony is never perturbed by them;
6. As the two first ones, the third is also submitted to the laws
but enjoys the singular privilege of going around them and
the terrible capacity of disobeying God: it is what forms the
free-will; the human being belongs simultaneously to the
three kingdoms: he is an incarnated spirit.
7. The laws that govern the moral world are formulated in the
Ten Commandments, but are summarized by this remarkable
precept of Jesus: Love God above all and your neighbor
as yourself.
8. Every breach of the law constitutes a disruption of the universal
harmony. Well, God does not allow such disruption to
persist and the order must be inexorably reestablished.
9. There is a law for repairing any disorder of the moral world,
and the law is entirely contained in this word: atonement.
10. Atonement happens as follows: 1st – true repentance and acts
of virtue; 2nd – regret and trials; 3rd – prayers and the trials
of the righteous person, together with the regret of the guilty
11. The prayers and trials of the righteous, although efficiently
supporting the universal harmony, these are not sufficient to
the absolute atonement of the faults. God demands the sinner’s
regret but together with that regret the prayer and penitence
in favor of the guilty required by the eternal justice, and
the crime is pardoned.
12. The life and death of Jesus turns that loving truth evident.
13. Without free-will there is no sin but there isn’t any virtue
14. What is virtue? Courage in the good.
15. The most beautiful thing in the world is not the spectacle of a
great soul fighting hardship, as the philosopher said; it is the
perpetual effort of a soul evolving in the good path, elevating
in virtue up to the Creator.
16. What is the most beautiful of all virtues? Charity.
17. What is charity? It is the special attribute of the soul that, in
its fervent aspirations towards the good, forgets oneself and
struggles to help others to achieve happiness.
18. Knowledge is far below charity; it elevates us on the spiritual
scale, but does not contribute to reestablishing the universal
order perturbed by evil. Knowledge explains nothing, repairs
nothing, and does not influence God’s justice. Charity, on
the contrary, expiates and appeases. Knowledge is a quality;
charity is a virtue.
19. What was God’s intent when creating incarnation? Provide
part of the spiritual world with a situation without which
there would not exist any of the virtues that give us so much
respect and admiration. In fact, there is no charity without
suffering; no courage without danger; no devotion without
disgrace; no stoicism without oppression; no patience without
rage, etc. Well then, without the physical world all those evils
would disappear and with them the virtues.
As people somewhat detached from the material links, there
is harmony in this pool of good and evil, a greatness of an order
more elevated than the harmony and greatness of the exclusively
material world. This answers in a few words the raised objections
that are based on the incompatibility between evil and God’s
We would have to write volumes of books to develop all these
propositions. However, the objective of this communication is
not to offer the Society with a philosophical and religious thesis. I
just wanted to formulate a few Christian truths in harmony with Spiritism. From my point of view these truths are the fundamental
basis of religion and far from weakening, they become stronger
with the spiritist revelations. I don’t hesitate to make a criticism
either; that the priests, blindfolded by the devil-phobia, refuse
to learn and condemn without examination. If the Christians
opened their ears to the revelations of the spirits, everything that
is the cause of uneasiness to our minds or revolting to our hearts
in the religious teachings would suddenly disappear. Religion
would broaden the circle of its dogmas, without any changes in
the essence, and the flashes of the new truths would console and
illuminate the soul. If it is true as said by father Ventura, that
the philosophical and religious doctrines end up inexorably translated
by the ordinary actions of life, it is obvious that a nation
initiated in Spiritism would become the most admirable and the
happiest of all nations. It could be said that a truly Christian society
would be perfectly happy. I agree. However, religious teaching
takes place both by terror and love and human beings, dominated
by their passions and desperate to overcome the dogmas
that threaten them, will be so numerous that the group of devout
Christians will always be a tiny minority. There are Christians in
large number but the true Christians are rare.
That is not the case with the spiritist teachings. Although its
morals are confused with that of Christianity and threatening
words are also pronounced, Spiritism is so rich in treasures of
consolation. It is at the same time so logical and so practical; it
casts a vivid light upon our destiny; it deviates the obscurities that
trouble our logic and perplexities that placate our hearts, in truth
it seems impossible that a sincere Spiritist neglects a single day of
work in progressing and thus contributes to restore the troubled
harmony by the overflowing of selfish and greedy passions.
We can therefore say that by spreading the truths we have
the joy of knowing we are working for the benefit of humanity
and our work will be blessed by God. The people will be happy when the number of those who are righteous and practice charity
outweighs those who are selfish and evil. I believe in my soul and
conscience that Spiritism, based on Christianity, is called upon to
operate that revolution. Imbued with these feelings and willing
to contribute to the happiness of my fellow human beings, to the
limit of my own strength, while I also struggle to become better,
I ask, Mr. President, to be a part of your, Society.”
Yours sincerely, etc.
De Grand-Boulogne, doctor in Medicine,
former Vice Consul of France.
OBSERVATION: This letter does not require any comments and every
one can appreciate the high level of principles formulated in a manner so
profound and at the same time in such a clear and simple way. These are
the principles of true Spiritism; these principles that certain people dare
to expose to ridicule since they pretend to have the privilege of reason
and common sense, as they don’t know if they have a soul and don’t see a
difference between their future and that of a machine. We shall add only
one observation: Once Spiritism is well understood, it is the protection of
truly religious ideas that fade away; that contributing to the betterment
of the individual, it will bring the betterment of the masses, and that the
time is not far when human beings will understand that in this Doctrine
they will find the most fecund element of order, wellbeing and prosperity
of all people. And all that for a very simple reason: Spiritism kills the
materialism, which in turn feeds and develops egotism, the eternal source
of social struggles, giving human beings a reason for their existence. A
society where all members are driven by the love for their fellow human
beings, which has the word charity written at the top of all codes, that
society will be happy and soon it will see all signs of hatred and disagreement
disappear. Spiritism can realize such a prodigy and it will do that,
despite all those who still attack it, because the aggressors will pass but
Spiritism will stay.
The Ragman of Rue des Noyers
Society, June 29th, 1860
Le Droit reports the following, under the title Scenes of witchcraft in the LXIX century:
Le Droit reports the following, under the title Scenes of witchcraft in the LXIX century:
“One of the strangest things is taking place at Rue des Noyers. Mr.
Lesage, an economist working at the Palace of Justice, lives in an apartment
on that street. Lately there has been debris coming from unknown
places, breaking windows and hitting people in their homes, hurting
them more or less seriously. These are large fragments of logs of charred
pieces of coal, very heavy, and the same coal used in most of Paris. Mr.
Lesage’s maid was hit with several of them in her chest, resulting with
profound bruises.”
“The victim of this sorcery ended up calling the police. Some agents
were placed to supervise but they too were hit by the invisible artillery and
could not identify the origin of these blows.”
“Since it was impossible to stay in a home where one never knows
what is going to happen, Mr. Lesage asked the landlord to cancel his lease.
The request was granted and a bailiff by the name of Mr. Vaillant (meaning
brave, which was perfect considering the circumstances of the process which could not be done without danger), was sent to officiate the terms
of cancellation,”
“In fact, when the ministerial official started to edit the terms, a huge
piece of coal was thrown with extreme force, coming through the window,
hitting the wall and turned into dust. Mr. Vaillant, unaffected, utilized
the dust to cast over the terms on the page that he was writing, like
Junot in former times utilized the earth raised by the bomb.”
“We then realized, in 1847, at Rue de Grès, a similar incident took
place. A Mr. L…, coal trader, was also used as a target of tremendous
arrowheads and an incomprehensible emissions of stones throughout
the neighborhood put fear in everyone. By the coal merchant’s house
there was an empty lot, where the old church of Rue des Grès used to
be and now is the School of The Brothers of the Christian Doctrine. In
the beginning it was thought that the thrown objects were coming from
there but it was soon proved wrong. When one side was watched, they
would come from another. However, they ended up catching the sorcerer
red-handed, and that was nobody else than Mr. L… He had resorted to
this fantasy because he did not like his home and wanted to terminate his
lease.” “However, it was not like that with Mr. Lesage, whose honorability
excluded any idea of foul play and who, as a matter of fact, was happy
with the apartment.”
“It is expected that the enquiry conducted by Mr. Hubaut, police
commissioner of Sorbonne, may clarify the mystery, which is still a tasteless
joke and lasting too long.”
1. (to St. Louis) – Could you kindly tell us if those events are true
and whose possibility we don’t doubt? – A. Yes. The events are
true. It was only man’s imagination that exaggerated them by fear
or irony. However, I repeat, they are true. Such manifestations are
provoked by a spirit that makes fun of the local residents.
OBSERVATION: Since then we had the opportunity of seeing
Mr. Lesage who honored us with his presence, not only confirming the facts but rectifying and correcting them in several
points. St. Louis was right by saying that they were exaggerated
by fear or irony. In fact the story of the dust stoically collected by
the courageous official, like in the Junot case, was an invention of
the jester reporter. In the next issue we will report accurately the
events, with new observations that were produced.
2. Is there anyone in the house that is the cause of those manifestations?
– A. They are always caused by the presence of the person
that is attacked. The disturbing spirit gets attached to the place
where the person is and wants to do some harm to that person or
make them move away.
3. We ask if there is someone among the inhabitants of the house as
the cause of the phenomena by an involuntary and spontaneous
mediumistic influence. – A. That is really necessary otherwise the
event would not take place. The spirit inhabits his favorite place;
stays there, inactive, until someone shows up with the skills that
they need. When such a person is around they then take the opportunity
and make as much fun as they can.
4. Those spirits are always of an inferior order. The aptitude to serve
them as an instrument is a trait unfavorable to the person? Does it
indicate certain sympathy with spirits of such a nature? – A. It is
not exactly like that since that attribute depends on a physical disposition.
However, it sometimes denounces a material tendency
which would be preferable not to have because the more morally
elevated the person is the more they attract the good spirits to
them and this necessarily keeps the bad ones away.
5. Where does the spirit find the projectiles that are used? – A. In
most cases those objects are gathered near the places where they
are thrown. A force originated in the spirit throws them in space
and they reach the places designated by the spirit. When there is
no stones, coal, etc. in those places they can very well be manufactured
by them.
OBSERVATION: In the April 1859 issue of The Review we gave
the complete theory of this kind of phenomenon, in the following
articles: Furniture from beyond the grave and Pneumatography or
direct writing.
6. Do you think that it might be useful to evoke that spirit to ask for
clarifications? – A. Do that if you wish. However, it is an inferior
spirit who shall give only insignificant answers.
Society, June 29th, 1860
1. Evocation of the disturbing spirit of Rue des Noyers. –
A. Why have you called me? Do you want me to throw
stones at you? That would make a nice stampede perhaps,
despite your air of courage?
2. If you threw stones at us here we would not be afraid. My
question is if you can positively do that. – A. Perhaps not
here. You have a guard that watches you.
3. Was there anybody at Rue des Noyers who served you,
facilitating the bad tricks you played with the inhabitants
of the home? – A. Certainly. I found a good instrument
and no smart, wise and important spirit to block me. I
am joyful and I like to have fun.
4. Who was your instrument? – A. A maid.
5. Did she do that unconsciously? – A. Oh! Yes, poor thing!
She was the one who feared the most.
6. Among the persons present here, is there anyone capable
of helping you to produce such phenomenon? – A.
I could well find one if that person was available but I
cannot maneuver here.
7. Can you indicate the person? – A. Yes! He sits on the
right hand side of the one who speaks. He wears glasses.
OBSERVATION: In fact the spirit points to a member of
the Society who has some ability as a writing medium but
had never had any physical manifestations. It is likely another
joke of the spirit.
8. Did you intend to harm anyone? – A. Me? I never had
any hostile intent but people will take advantage of that
for they want everything.
9. What do you mean by that? We don’t understand you. – A.
I was having fun and you study these incidents and have one
more fact to demonstrate that we exist.
10. Where did you take the objects that you used from? – A.
Those are very common. I found them in the backyard
and nearby gardens.
11. Have you found them all or you made some? – A. I made
12. In case you did not find them could you have fabricated
them? – A. It would have been more difficult but in the
end we mix matter and that creates something.
13. Now tell us how did you throw them? – A. Ah! That is more
difficult to explain. I used the electrical nature of that woman,
added to mine, less material. We were then able to carry
those several materials together (see note after the evocation).
14. I believe you could give us some information about yourself.
To begin with tell us if you died long ago. – A. It was
a long time ago. Something like fifty years.
15. What did you do when alive? – A. Not much. I used to
collect rags around the neighborhood and people used
to tease me because I liked red wine too much; also, I
wanted everyone to stay away from me.
16. Did you willingly respond to our questions or someone
else? – A. I had a guide.
17. Who is this guide? – A. Your good king Louis.
OBSERVATION: This question was raised due to
the nature of certain answers that seem to go beyond
the reach of the spirit given the depth of the ideas
and the language employed. It is no surprise that he
had been helped by a more enlightened spirit, who
wanted to use this occasion to give us more instruction.
This is a very common fact. However, there is a
remarkable particularity in this case which is the fact
that the influence of the other spirit was felt in the
writing itself: the answers in which his presence was
noticed are more regular and coherent; the others are
broad, rude, irregular, sometimes illegible, showing a
diverse character.
18. What do you do now? Are you concerned with your future?
– A. Not yet. I wander around. I get so little thought
from Earth, nobody prays for me. Thus, I get no help and
I don’t work.
19. What was your name when alive? – A. Jeannet.
20. Well then, we shall pray for you! Tell us now if the evocation
has given you pleasure or has it bothered you? – A.
It gave me pleasure before anything else because you are
good, joyful people, although a bit austere. That is fine,
you heard me and I am glad for that.
OBSERVATION: The explanation given by the spirit to
question 13 is in perfect agreement with what we have heard from
other spirits for some time, regarding the way they operate in
order to make movements and rotations of tables and other inert
objects. The phenomenon seems very simple when we are aware of that theory. We learn that it derives from a natural law and it is
not more magical than any other effect whose cause is unknown.
This theory is thoroughly developed in the May and June 1858
issues of The Review.
Experience daily confirms the utility of the theories that we
have given about the spiritist phenomena. A rational explanation
of those phenomena should result in a greater understanding of
their possibility, added to conviction. That is why many people
who were not convinced by the most extraordinary facts were
then convinced since they could understand why and how. In addition,
to many people those explanations eliminate the extraordinary,
placing the facts in the natural order of things, however
uncommon they may be. It means that it is not about a breach
of the natural laws and that the devil has nothing to do with
it. When these phenomena occur spontaneously, as at Rue des
Noyers, they almost always offer an occasion to do some good
and alleviate a soul.
It is well known that similar events took place at the Rue des
Grès in 1849, near the Sorbonne. Mr. Lerible, the victim, has just
denied the fact in the papers that accused him of fraud, taking
them to the courts. Below his considerations, which deserve our
“On July 9th, 1860 by request of Mr. Lerible, business
owner and former coal and wood merchant residing at Rue de
Grenelle-Saint-Germain, 64 in Paris, living in the address of his
property; I, Aubin Jules Demonchy, official from the Seine civil
court, in Paris, residing at Rue des Fosses Saint-Victor 43, signed
below, I notify Mr. Garat, manager of the la Patrie newspaper, in
the office of that periodical, located in Paris, Rue du Croissant,
where I declared to a trustful lady:
• Having to insert in response to the article published on
June 27th, in the Facts of the la Patrie newspaper, the following citation, made by the petitioner to the le Droit
newspaper, offering to pay for the costs of publication, in
case his answer exceeds the maximum number of lines
authorized to be published by law:
“On July 9th, 1860 by request of Mr. Lerible, business owner and
former coal and wood merchant residing at Rue de Grenelle-SaintGermain,
64 in Paris, living in the address of his property; I, Aubin Jules
Demonchy, official from the Seine civil court, in Paris, residing at Rue des
Fosses Saint-Victor 43; I cited Mr. François, in person and as a manager
of the le Droit newspaper, in the office of that periodical, located in Paris,
Dauphine Place, where I was speaking to him…”
“To appear in the audience on August 8th, 1860 before the President
and competent Judges of the Sixth Chamber of the Court of First Instance
of the Seine, ruling in matters of correctional police, in the Palace of
Justice of Paris, at 10 am, to:”
“Considering that in the issue of June 26th last and given the facts
that would have happened in a house at Rue des Noyers, the le Droit
newspaper says that similar facts had occurred in 1847, in a house at Rue
des Grès;”
“That the editor adds explanations to his observations leading to believe
that the attacks at Rue des Gres in 1847 were generated by the tenant
himself in ill-faith, in order to obtain cancellation of the lease, through a
deceitful speculation.”
“Since the facts reported by the le Droit did take place not in 1847
but in 1849, in the house occupied by the petitioner over that time, at Rue
des Grès;”
“That although the name of the petitioner was not mentioned in the
article of the le Droit except by the initials, the exact designation of his
business, the places of his residence, and finally the indication that the
referred facts were collected by that paper, sufficiently indicating the petitioner
as the author of those maneuvers attributed to the person who lived
in the house at Rue des Grès;”
“Considering that such accusations attack the honor and decency of
the petitioner;”
“That are very reprehensible, considering that there has been no verification
of the events that were indicated and that, similarly to those
which seem to have occurred at Rue des Noyers, those events still remain
without explanation;”
“That, on another hand, the petitioner has been the owner of the
house and the lot where he lived at Rue des Grès, since 1847;”
“That the supposition reached by the le Droit’s director is nonsense
and has never been formulated;”
“Since the terms employed by the le Droit constitute defamation of
character and hence subjected to the penalties of the law; that every newspaper
in Paris took advantage of the le Droit’s article and that the petitioner’s
honor was offended by that publicity, hence compensation being
owned to him;”
“For those reasons:”
“Mr. Francois is submitted to the application of the penalties of law,
being personally condemned to pay for losses and damages claimed in audience
by the petitioner, who at this point declares that such compensation
will be given in favor of the poor, still demanding that the ruling be inserted
in every Parisian newspaper, given the citation, in the terms mentioned
above, considered condemned to pay for the costs of the process, in all its
application; and to avoid claim of ignorance by the condemned, a copy of
the current citation was delivered to his residence, in the above terms;
Cost: 3.55 francs.
Signed: Demonchy”
“Registered in Paris, on July 6th, 1860. Received: 2.2 francs.
Signed: Duperron”
“Declaring to the cited above that if the present request is not satisfied in
full, the petitioner shall apply the legal recourses;”
“And the terms above were left in copy at his residential address.
Cost: 9.10 francs.
Family Conversations from Beyond the Grave
Thilorier, the PhysicistThilorier, the Physicist Thilorier was heavily involved with the search for a motor destined to replace the steam engine and he thought to have found it with the application of Carbon Acid that he had actually condensed. Steam was then considered as a gross and outdated means of transportation. The following article from the Patrie of September 22nd, 1859 illustrates that:
“If Thilorier found an incomparable power motor, the steam engine would be no more than a childish toy, he would still need to regulate its power, and he failed in his three or four tests. The explosions of the devices had seriously injured the martyr of Science, making him almost completely deaf.
Meanwhile, experiences with the condensation of Carbonic acid seemed to have been renovated at the College of France. Out of imprudence or dismal chance, the device broke and exploded, gravely hurting several people and taking the life of an assistant to Professor Thilorier, who also lost a finger.
He was not as sorry for his finger as he was for the negative publicity given to his newly found motor. Scientists were taken by fear and refused to give in to the naïve arguments of Thilorier: “The condensation device exploded twenty times in my hands and this is the first time that it killed someone! It has never gone beyond hurting me!” Only the name “Carbonic acid” was enough to keep the whole Institute away, not to mention the Sorbonne and the College of France.
Somewhat saddened by all that, Thilorier withdrew himself to his laboratory more than usual. His loved ones soon noticed the profound changes in his habits. He spent days in a row not even thinking of taking his cat in his lap. He walked in strides and no longer touched his retorts or alembics. On occasions when he left home he would suddenly stop in the middle of the road, not even noticing the curiosity and worry of the passers-by.
As he was a man of soft and distinct appearance, with beautiful hair that was just starting to turn grey, wearing the emblem of the Legion of Honor on the lapel of his blue coat, he was looked at with sympathy. One day a young lady taken by compassion took him by the arm and moved him from the road to the sidewalk. He did not even bother to thank his kind benefactor. He used to walk by his best friends and not see them and not respond to them when they talked to him. A single idea had taken him over, like the subtle line that keeps the genius from madness. Talking to one of his friends in the laboratory, one day he said:
• I have finally solved my problem. As you know, a few weeks ago my condensation device broke down at the Sorbonne…
• A few weeks? I interrupted him. But that was several years ago!
• Ah! He continued impassibly, has it then taken me so long to solve my problem? A few weeks or a few years, who cares if in the end I have my solution! Yes my friend, not only an explosion is impossible but I also dominate that terrible force. It is my slave! I can use it at will to move huge masses, to give life to gigantic machines, or force them to play with the most delicate devices, without breaking them!
• And as I kept looking at him stunned, he shouted laughing:
• For God sake, he doubts me! But look at this design, these outlines; and if you don’t believe your eyes, listen to me!
• Then, with an unquestionable lucidity, even to a strange man at the archives of Science, he explained the means at his disposal to execute his work. One could not object one single point of his theory. His theory was irrefutable in all of them.
• I need three days to build my device, he said. I want to build it myself, with my own hands. Come to see me the day after tomorrow… And you who did not leave me, you that had no doubt about me, you that have defended me with your pen, you shall be the first to share and enjoy the success with me.
• I was in fact faithful, as he said.
• When I was passing by the reception, the person in charge said: Oh! Sir, what a disgrace, don’t you agree? Such a good man! A man born for goodness, dying so fast like that!
• But who? What are you talking about?
• Mr. Thilorier. He has just died.
• Ah! She was telling the truth. My unfortunate friend had been hit by a sudden death in the lab.
• What has happened to his discovery? Not one trace of the details that he had shown me was found; his notes, if he left any, were also lost. Had he solved the great problem that tormented him? God knows! God who had not allowed him to transmit his crazy or sublime thought but to a profane, incapable of distinguishing the true from the false, and above all, keeping the memory of the theory on which the inventor based his ideas. In any case the condensation of the Carbonic acid today is no more than a curious experiment that the teachers rarely demonstrate in their courses. Had Thilorier outlived a few more days perhaps the Carbonic acid could have transformed the face of the world. Sam
Would Thilorier have found or not what he was looking for? In any case, it would be interesting to know what he thought as a spirit.
1. Evocation. – A. I am here and very glad to be among you.
2. We wish to speak with you because we believe that we can learn from a conversation with the spirit of a scientist, like you were when alive. – A. The spirit of a scientist is sometimes more elevated on Earth than in Heavens. However, when Science walks together with probity, this shall be a guarantee of spiritual superiority.
3. As a physicist you were particularly concerned with the search for a motor to replace steam and you thought to have found it in the condensed Carbonic acid. What do you think about that now? – I had such a fixed idea about this subject that I had a dream on the eve of my death, or to be more accurate, at the time of my spiritual resurrection.
4. A few days before you died you thought you had found the solution to the practical difficulties. Had you really found that? – A. I tell you that the super excitation of imagination had given me a fantastic dream that I announced when awake. It was, to be accurate, what you call madness. My dream was not absolutely applicable.
5. Were you here when the article about you was read? – A. Yes.
6. What is your opinion about that? – A. Not much. I rest in the arms of my guardian angel since my poor soul left its miserable body very shocked.
7. Nonetheless, could you answer a few questions about science? – A. Yes, for a moment I am willing to get into the intricacies of science.
8. Do you think that the steam engine shall be replaced by another motor? – A. That is already well advanced. However, I do believe that in the future human intelligence will find ways of simplifying it even further.
9. What is your opinion about compressed air as a driving force? – A. Compressed air is an excellent driving force, lighter and more economical than steam. When its use is better understood, it will have more power hence more velocity.
10. What is your opinion now about the use of condensed Carbonic acid for that? – A. I was still far off on that. There will still be numerous tests on that and difficult studies to come to a conclusion. There is still a lot to be achieved by Science.
11. Considering all the motors that are analyzed now, in your opinion which one shall be the winner? – A. Now, steam; later, compressed air.
12. Have you seen Arago again? – A. Yes.
13. Do you talk about sciences? – A. Sometimes the faculties of our intelligences are dedicated to human studies. We like very much to watch the current experiments but when we return to heaven that is no longer a concern. Besides, as I said, at the moment I rest.
14. Still one question, but please, this is very serious; in case you cannot answer that yourself then kindly request the support of a more competent spirit. We have always been told that the spirits use to suggest ideas to people and that many discoveries have that origin. However, since not all spirits know everything and some seek instruction, can you tell us if some of them do research and discoveries as spirits? – A. Yes. When a spirit has reached a more advanced level, God assigns a mission to that spirit, putting him in charge of getting involved with this or that science, useful to human beings. That is when such intelligence, obeying God, searches in the secrets of nature that God allows him to foresee, for everything that needs to be learned with that aim. When he has learned enough he then finds an individual capable of learning that and in turn passing it on. That person is suddenly taken by a single thought; he can only think of that, he speaks about that all the time; he dreams day and night, hears celestial voices talking to him. Then, when it is totally developed in his mind, that person announces to the world a discovery or a new development. That is how the great people have been inspired, in most cases.
15. We thank you for your kindness in giving us your answers and for having left your resting place for a moment. – A. I will pray to God so that he can inspire and watch over you. NOTE: Mrs. G… that eventually sees the spirits describes the impressions she received during the evocation of Thilorier. She saw a spirit that she believes to be his.
16. (to St. Louis) Can you kindly tell us if the spirit that Mrs. G… saw was really that of Thilorier? – A. It is not exactly that spirit that the lady has just seen. Later her eyes will be more used to distinguishing the form or perispirit and she will know perfectly well. At this point in time it is a kind of mirage to her. Note: The following questions were also addressed to St. Louis
17. If the authors of discoveries are assisted by spirits that suggest the ideas, how come some people believe to have invented while in fact they invented nothing, or only invent illusions? – A. They are deluded by deceiving spirits that take over their brains once these are open to mistakes.
18. How do you explain the fact that the spirit so frequently chooses people incapable of carrying a discovery to the end? - The brains less filled by human prevention are the ones more capable of receiving the dangerous seed of the unknown. The spirit does not choose such a person for being incapable; it is the person that cannot fructify the received seed.
19. But in that case it is science that suffers and that does not explain why the spirit does not preferably addresses a capable person. – A. Science suffers nothing because what one sketches the other finishes, and during the interval the idea matures.
20. When a discovery is premature, can providential obstacles oppose its propagation? – A. Nothing can ever stop the development of a useful idea. God would not allow it. It is necessary that such idea follow its course.
21. When Papin discovered the steam power several tests were realized in order to utilize it, obtaining very satisfactory results, but remained in a theoretical state. How can one explain that such a great discovery had remained dormant for such a long time, since the elements were known and there was no lack of capable people to promote it? Was it due to the insufficiency of knowledge or time had not come yet for the revolution that it would provoke in the industry? – A. For the communication of discoveries that transform the outward appearance of things, God leaves the idea to mature, like the corncobs whose development is blocked by the winter, but only delayed. The idea must germinate for a long time so that it may sprout when needed by all. The same happens to the moral ideas that first germinate and are only implanted when they reach maturity. For example, at this moment Spiritism became a necessity, it shall be received as a blessing, because all other philosophies had been futilely tried to meet the aspirations of people.
“If Thilorier found an incomparable power motor, the steam engine would be no more than a childish toy, he would still need to regulate its power, and he failed in his three or four tests. The explosions of the devices had seriously injured the martyr of Science, making him almost completely deaf.
Meanwhile, experiences with the condensation of Carbonic acid seemed to have been renovated at the College of France. Out of imprudence or dismal chance, the device broke and exploded, gravely hurting several people and taking the life of an assistant to Professor Thilorier, who also lost a finger.
He was not as sorry for his finger as he was for the negative publicity given to his newly found motor. Scientists were taken by fear and refused to give in to the naïve arguments of Thilorier: “The condensation device exploded twenty times in my hands and this is the first time that it killed someone! It has never gone beyond hurting me!” Only the name “Carbonic acid” was enough to keep the whole Institute away, not to mention the Sorbonne and the College of France.
Somewhat saddened by all that, Thilorier withdrew himself to his laboratory more than usual. His loved ones soon noticed the profound changes in his habits. He spent days in a row not even thinking of taking his cat in his lap. He walked in strides and no longer touched his retorts or alembics. On occasions when he left home he would suddenly stop in the middle of the road, not even noticing the curiosity and worry of the passers-by.
As he was a man of soft and distinct appearance, with beautiful hair that was just starting to turn grey, wearing the emblem of the Legion of Honor on the lapel of his blue coat, he was looked at with sympathy. One day a young lady taken by compassion took him by the arm and moved him from the road to the sidewalk. He did not even bother to thank his kind benefactor. He used to walk by his best friends and not see them and not respond to them when they talked to him. A single idea had taken him over, like the subtle line that keeps the genius from madness. Talking to one of his friends in the laboratory, one day he said:
• I have finally solved my problem. As you know, a few weeks ago my condensation device broke down at the Sorbonne…
• A few weeks? I interrupted him. But that was several years ago!
• Ah! He continued impassibly, has it then taken me so long to solve my problem? A few weeks or a few years, who cares if in the end I have my solution! Yes my friend, not only an explosion is impossible but I also dominate that terrible force. It is my slave! I can use it at will to move huge masses, to give life to gigantic machines, or force them to play with the most delicate devices, without breaking them!
• And as I kept looking at him stunned, he shouted laughing:
• For God sake, he doubts me! But look at this design, these outlines; and if you don’t believe your eyes, listen to me!
• Then, with an unquestionable lucidity, even to a strange man at the archives of Science, he explained the means at his disposal to execute his work. One could not object one single point of his theory. His theory was irrefutable in all of them.
• I need three days to build my device, he said. I want to build it myself, with my own hands. Come to see me the day after tomorrow… And you who did not leave me, you that had no doubt about me, you that have defended me with your pen, you shall be the first to share and enjoy the success with me.
• I was in fact faithful, as he said.
• When I was passing by the reception, the person in charge said: Oh! Sir, what a disgrace, don’t you agree? Such a good man! A man born for goodness, dying so fast like that!
• But who? What are you talking about?
• Mr. Thilorier. He has just died.
• Ah! She was telling the truth. My unfortunate friend had been hit by a sudden death in the lab.
• What has happened to his discovery? Not one trace of the details that he had shown me was found; his notes, if he left any, were also lost. Had he solved the great problem that tormented him? God knows! God who had not allowed him to transmit his crazy or sublime thought but to a profane, incapable of distinguishing the true from the false, and above all, keeping the memory of the theory on which the inventor based his ideas. In any case the condensation of the Carbonic acid today is no more than a curious experiment that the teachers rarely demonstrate in their courses. Had Thilorier outlived a few more days perhaps the Carbonic acid could have transformed the face of the world. Sam
Would Thilorier have found or not what he was looking for? In any case, it would be interesting to know what he thought as a spirit.
1. Evocation. – A. I am here and very glad to be among you.
2. We wish to speak with you because we believe that we can learn from a conversation with the spirit of a scientist, like you were when alive. – A. The spirit of a scientist is sometimes more elevated on Earth than in Heavens. However, when Science walks together with probity, this shall be a guarantee of spiritual superiority.
3. As a physicist you were particularly concerned with the search for a motor to replace steam and you thought to have found it in the condensed Carbonic acid. What do you think about that now? – I had such a fixed idea about this subject that I had a dream on the eve of my death, or to be more accurate, at the time of my spiritual resurrection.
4. A few days before you died you thought you had found the solution to the practical difficulties. Had you really found that? – A. I tell you that the super excitation of imagination had given me a fantastic dream that I announced when awake. It was, to be accurate, what you call madness. My dream was not absolutely applicable.
5. Were you here when the article about you was read? – A. Yes.
6. What is your opinion about that? – A. Not much. I rest in the arms of my guardian angel since my poor soul left its miserable body very shocked.
7. Nonetheless, could you answer a few questions about science? – A. Yes, for a moment I am willing to get into the intricacies of science.
8. Do you think that the steam engine shall be replaced by another motor? – A. That is already well advanced. However, I do believe that in the future human intelligence will find ways of simplifying it even further.
9. What is your opinion about compressed air as a driving force? – A. Compressed air is an excellent driving force, lighter and more economical than steam. When its use is better understood, it will have more power hence more velocity.
10. What is your opinion now about the use of condensed Carbonic acid for that? – A. I was still far off on that. There will still be numerous tests on that and difficult studies to come to a conclusion. There is still a lot to be achieved by Science.
11. Considering all the motors that are analyzed now, in your opinion which one shall be the winner? – A. Now, steam; later, compressed air.
12. Have you seen Arago again? – A. Yes.
13. Do you talk about sciences? – A. Sometimes the faculties of our intelligences are dedicated to human studies. We like very much to watch the current experiments but when we return to heaven that is no longer a concern. Besides, as I said, at the moment I rest.
14. Still one question, but please, this is very serious; in case you cannot answer that yourself then kindly request the support of a more competent spirit. We have always been told that the spirits use to suggest ideas to people and that many discoveries have that origin. However, since not all spirits know everything and some seek instruction, can you tell us if some of them do research and discoveries as spirits? – A. Yes. When a spirit has reached a more advanced level, God assigns a mission to that spirit, putting him in charge of getting involved with this or that science, useful to human beings. That is when such intelligence, obeying God, searches in the secrets of nature that God allows him to foresee, for everything that needs to be learned with that aim. When he has learned enough he then finds an individual capable of learning that and in turn passing it on. That person is suddenly taken by a single thought; he can only think of that, he speaks about that all the time; he dreams day and night, hears celestial voices talking to him. Then, when it is totally developed in his mind, that person announces to the world a discovery or a new development. That is how the great people have been inspired, in most cases.
15. We thank you for your kindness in giving us your answers and for having left your resting place for a moment. – A. I will pray to God so that he can inspire and watch over you. NOTE: Mrs. G… that eventually sees the spirits describes the impressions she received during the evocation of Thilorier. She saw a spirit that she believes to be his.
16. (to St. Louis) Can you kindly tell us if the spirit that Mrs. G… saw was really that of Thilorier? – A. It is not exactly that spirit that the lady has just seen. Later her eyes will be more used to distinguishing the form or perispirit and she will know perfectly well. At this point in time it is a kind of mirage to her. Note: The following questions were also addressed to St. Louis
17. If the authors of discoveries are assisted by spirits that suggest the ideas, how come some people believe to have invented while in fact they invented nothing, or only invent illusions? – A. They are deluded by deceiving spirits that take over their brains once these are open to mistakes.
18. How do you explain the fact that the spirit so frequently chooses people incapable of carrying a discovery to the end? - The brains less filled by human prevention are the ones more capable of receiving the dangerous seed of the unknown. The spirit does not choose such a person for being incapable; it is the person that cannot fructify the received seed.
19. But in that case it is science that suffers and that does not explain why the spirit does not preferably addresses a capable person. – A. Science suffers nothing because what one sketches the other finishes, and during the interval the idea matures.
20. When a discovery is premature, can providential obstacles oppose its propagation? – A. Nothing can ever stop the development of a useful idea. God would not allow it. It is necessary that such idea follow its course.
21. When Papin discovered the steam power several tests were realized in order to utilize it, obtaining very satisfactory results, but remained in a theoretical state. How can one explain that such a great discovery had remained dormant for such a long time, since the elements were known and there was no lack of capable people to promote it? Was it due to the insufficiency of knowledge or time had not come yet for the revolution that it would provoke in the industry? – A. For the communication of discoveries that transform the outward appearance of things, God leaves the idea to mature, like the corncobs whose development is blocked by the winter, but only delayed. The idea must germinate for a long time so that it may sprout when needed by all. The same happens to the moral ideas that first germinate and are only implanted when they reach maturity. For example, at this moment Spiritism became a necessity, it shall be received as a blessing, because all other philosophies had been futilely tried to meet the aspirations of people.
St. Louis
Quincampoix Street
Last year the papers reported a case of suicide that took place under special circumstances. It was in the beginning of the Italian war. The head of a family that enjoyed the sympathy of the neighborhood had a son who was drafted to the war. Since his position did not allow him to avoid his son’s military service he then had the idea of killing himself, so that his son would be exempted as the only son of a widow.
Was the death a trial to the father or to the mother? In any case it is likely that God might have taken into consideration the dedication of that man and that suicide has not had the same consequences for him if he had done it for other reasons.
(To St. Louis) – Can you tell us if we can evoke the man that we have just mentioned? – A. Yes. That will make him very happy because it will give him some relief.
1. Evocation. – A. Oh! I suffer a lot but… it is fair. However, he will forgive me.
OBSERVATION: The spirit writes with great difficulty. The characters are irregular and badly written. After the word but he stops and tries to write, unsuccessfully, just writing some indecipherable traces and points. It is obvious that he could not write the word God.
2. Fill the blank that you left. – A. I am unworthy.
3. You say that you suffer. There is no doubt that you made a mistake by committing suicide but has the reason that led you to do that granted you any indulgence? – A. My punishment will be shorter but the action is not less serious.
4. Could you describe the punishment that you endure, giving us the maximum amount of details to our instruction? – A. I suffer twice as much, in the soul and in the body; although I have no more body, I suffer like the amputee with the absent member.
5. Was the only cause of your action the salvation of your son or were you driven by another cause? – A. I was guided by the paternal love only, but it was a bad guide. That is why my penalty will be abbreviated.
6. Can you foresee the end of your suffering? – A. I cannot see the end but I am sure there is an end, and that comforts me.
7. A short while ago you could not write the word God. However, we have seen very unfortunate spirits writing it. Is it part of your punishment? – A. I shall do it but with great effort and regret.
8. Well done! Go for it and try to write the word. We are convinced that if you succeed it will bring you relief. The spirit ended up writing the word, with irregular, large and shaky characters: “God is very good.”
9. We are thankful to you for having attended our appeal and we send our prayers to God in your favor so that his mercy may reach you. – A. Yes, please.
10. (To St. Louis) Could you give us your personal opinion about the action of this spirit that we have just evoked? – A. This spirit suffers in fairness because he lost his trust in God, a fact that is always subject to punishment. His punishment would be long and terrible if he did not have a plausible motive in his favor, like impeding his son to march to death. God that sees the bottom of people’s hearts, and who is fair, will not punish him but according to his deeds.
OBSERVATION: Through his action that man might have impeded the accomplishment of his son’s destiny. To begin with it is not certain that he would die in the war and perhaps that career would have given him an opportunity to do something useful to his progress. Undoubtedly such a consideration shall not be alien to the severity of his punishment. His intention was certainly good and that was taken into account in his case. The intention attenuates the fault and deserves indulgence, but it does not hinder the bad from being bad. If it were not for that, one could excuse every wrongdoing and even kill under the pretext of good intention. Could one believe, for example, that we can kill a hopeless man in order to abbreviate his sufferings? No because that action would abbreviate the trial that he has to undergo and we would do more harm than good. Is the mother who kills her child in hopes that the child will go to heaven less culpable because she did so out of a good intention? Based on such a system we would justify every crime that was committed by blind fanaticism in the religious wars.
Was the death a trial to the father or to the mother? In any case it is likely that God might have taken into consideration the dedication of that man and that suicide has not had the same consequences for him if he had done it for other reasons.
(To St. Louis) – Can you tell us if we can evoke the man that we have just mentioned? – A. Yes. That will make him very happy because it will give him some relief.
1. Evocation. – A. Oh! I suffer a lot but… it is fair. However, he will forgive me.
OBSERVATION: The spirit writes with great difficulty. The characters are irregular and badly written. After the word but he stops and tries to write, unsuccessfully, just writing some indecipherable traces and points. It is obvious that he could not write the word God.
2. Fill the blank that you left. – A. I am unworthy.
3. You say that you suffer. There is no doubt that you made a mistake by committing suicide but has the reason that led you to do that granted you any indulgence? – A. My punishment will be shorter but the action is not less serious.
4. Could you describe the punishment that you endure, giving us the maximum amount of details to our instruction? – A. I suffer twice as much, in the soul and in the body; although I have no more body, I suffer like the amputee with the absent member.
5. Was the only cause of your action the salvation of your son or were you driven by another cause? – A. I was guided by the paternal love only, but it was a bad guide. That is why my penalty will be abbreviated.
6. Can you foresee the end of your suffering? – A. I cannot see the end but I am sure there is an end, and that comforts me.
7. A short while ago you could not write the word God. However, we have seen very unfortunate spirits writing it. Is it part of your punishment? – A. I shall do it but with great effort and regret.
8. Well done! Go for it and try to write the word. We are convinced that if you succeed it will bring you relief. The spirit ended up writing the word, with irregular, large and shaky characters: “God is very good.”
9. We are thankful to you for having attended our appeal and we send our prayers to God in your favor so that his mercy may reach you. – A. Yes, please.
10. (To St. Louis) Could you give us your personal opinion about the action of this spirit that we have just evoked? – A. This spirit suffers in fairness because he lost his trust in God, a fact that is always subject to punishment. His punishment would be long and terrible if he did not have a plausible motive in his favor, like impeding his son to march to death. God that sees the bottom of people’s hearts, and who is fair, will not punish him but according to his deeds.
OBSERVATION: Through his action that man might have impeded the accomplishment of his son’s destiny. To begin with it is not certain that he would die in the war and perhaps that career would have given him an opportunity to do something useful to his progress. Undoubtedly such a consideration shall not be alien to the severity of his punishment. His intention was certainly good and that was taken into account in his case. The intention attenuates the fault and deserves indulgence, but it does not hinder the bad from being bad. If it were not for that, one could excuse every wrongdoing and even kill under the pretext of good intention. Could one believe, for example, that we can kill a hopeless man in order to abbreviate his sufferings? No because that action would abbreviate the trial that he has to undergo and we would do more harm than good. Is the mother who kills her child in hopes that the child will go to heaven less culpable because she did so out of a good intention? Based on such a system we would justify every crime that was committed by blind fanaticism in the religious wars.
The Prisoner of LimogesThe following fact was communicated to the Society by Mr. Achille R…, member, according to a letter from one of his friends from Limoges, dated July 18th:
“At the moment our town is involved with an interesting fact for Spiritists, which I promptly pass to Mr. Allan Kardec through you. I myself collected detailed information directly from witnesses of the fact in question, that is, in the prison where the hero of the story is now found.
A soldier of the first regiment of the infantry, called Mallet, was condemned to spend one month in prison for having stole the amount of three francs that belonged to one of his comrades. His sentence will expire in seven days. This young soldier lost a nineteen year old brother, a servant, about eight years ago, and for the past seven years he sees at least four nights out of eight, after midnight, a large flame with a little sheep sticking out from the middle. The vision terrified him but he dared not talk about it. Alone in prison he felt even more terrified and begged the jailer to bring him the company of other prisoners. Four soldiers of the second regiment of mounted hunters were sent to share his place. It was I am when Mallet woke up and saw the flame and the sheep, as did the four witnesses.
As I told you the apparition repeats often; the poor young man is so affected that he cries, remains devastated and refuses to eat. The medical officer of the regiment wanted to attest the fact but did not stay long enough and the vision only took place an hour and a half after he had left. A priest from Saint-Michel, father F…, was luckier, as it seems, since he took notes. I shall pay him a visit to ask him about his opinion.
However, that is not all. The jailer told me that he had seen the jail’s door open several times in the morning, although he had carefully locked it on the night before. Mallet was advised to interrogate the little sheep what he did last night, and this is the answer given to him and that I literally heard from him: Let me say “de profundis” (psalms 130) and the Eucharist; I am your brother; I will not come back.
This is the accurate description of the facts. I pass it on to Mr. Allan Kardec so that he can do as he pleases.”
“At the moment our town is involved with an interesting fact for Spiritists, which I promptly pass to Mr. Allan Kardec through you. I myself collected detailed information directly from witnesses of the fact in question, that is, in the prison where the hero of the story is now found.
A soldier of the first regiment of the infantry, called Mallet, was condemned to spend one month in prison for having stole the amount of three francs that belonged to one of his comrades. His sentence will expire in seven days. This young soldier lost a nineteen year old brother, a servant, about eight years ago, and for the past seven years he sees at least four nights out of eight, after midnight, a large flame with a little sheep sticking out from the middle. The vision terrified him but he dared not talk about it. Alone in prison he felt even more terrified and begged the jailer to bring him the company of other prisoners. Four soldiers of the second regiment of mounted hunters were sent to share his place. It was I am when Mallet woke up and saw the flame and the sheep, as did the four witnesses.
As I told you the apparition repeats often; the poor young man is so affected that he cries, remains devastated and refuses to eat. The medical officer of the regiment wanted to attest the fact but did not stay long enough and the vision only took place an hour and a half after he had left. A priest from Saint-Michel, father F…, was luckier, as it seems, since he took notes. I shall pay him a visit to ask him about his opinion.
However, that is not all. The jailer told me that he had seen the jail’s door open several times in the morning, although he had carefully locked it on the night before. Mallet was advised to interrogate the little sheep what he did last night, and this is the answer given to him and that I literally heard from him: Let me say “de profundis” (psalms 130) and the Eucharist; I am your brother; I will not come back.
This is the accurate description of the facts. I pass it on to Mr. Allan Kardec so that he can do as he pleases.”
Questions from a spiritist from Sétif to Mr. Oscar Comettant
The following letter was addressed to us by one of our subscribers from Sétif, Algeria, where there are several adepts who receive remarkable communications, with which we have already presented our readers.
Dear Sir,
Mr. Dumas has already told you about an extraordinary phenomenon that took place with my sixteen-year-old son, a medium of a singular kind. Every time that there is an evocation he falls asleep without magnetization and remains in that state responding to the questions which are addressed to the spirit through his intermediary. When he wakes up he remembers nothing. When in trance he responds in Latin, English and German, languages that he has no knowledge about. It is a fact witnessed by many people and that I assure you, for what I have of most sacred, and even to Mr. Oscar Comettant. I have in my hands a report from him dated October 27th, 1859 in which he writes: “But what is your belief? Perhaps Mr. Allan Kardec will ask me.”
I, Sir, will not ask you if you believe in something, first because it is not of my concern; second because there are people who believe in nothing. Mr. Comettant is supported by Voltaire, who did not believe in anything that reason could not understand. He is wrong because despite the immense God given knowledge of Voltaire, there are thousands of things that are known today and that went unsuspected by his reason. Well then, by denying a fact whose reality one does not wish to acknowledge, I question in which side is the absurd? I address Mr. Comettant directly and say this: Let us admit that it is not the spirits that speak with us. Then give us a logical explanation of the cited fact. If you deny it a priori, I call you to the court of reason that you so invoke; if you catch me in a lie then I agree to make a public confession or to be taken as a mad man. Otherwise I am ready to fight you in the terrain of the facts. However, before starting the argument I ask you this:
1st – Do you believe in natural somnambulism and have you seen people in such state?;
2nd – Have you seen somnambulistic persons writing?
3rd – Have you seen somnambulistic persons responding to mental questions?
4th – Have you seen somnambulistic persons responding in unknown languages?
I do need a simple yes or no to all these questions. If there is a yes we will then move to something else; if it is no I take the burden of making you see and then you can explain the facts at your own discretion. Yours sincerely, etc. Courtois With respect to the letter above we shall make the following considerations. It is likely that Mr. Comettant will not respond to Mr. Courtois, as he did not answer other people who wrote to him about the same subject. If he established a controversy it would certainly be on the grounds of sarcasm, a terrain on which one always says the last word and where no serious individual would like to follow him. We hope that Mr. Courtois leaves him in the momentary silence of his incredulity, since it is sufficient to him and he is okay with the fact that he is an issue. Since he only has jokes to oppose its means that he has nothing better to offer. Well then, considering that jokes are not reason, to the eyes of sensible people that is a confession of defeat.
Mr. Courtois is not right when taking the incredulous’ denial too seriously. The materialists don’t even believe that they have a soul and reduce themselves to the modest role of robots. How can they admit to spirits around them if they don’t believe that they themselves have a spirit? Speaking about spirits and their communications is to begin where the materialists should stop. Since they don’t admit the first cause they cannot admit the consequences. One would say that since they have reason they should yield to the evidence. That is true but this is precisely the reasoning that they lack. As a matter of fact, it is well known that the worst blind person is the one that does not wish to see. Let them be in peace because their denial will not impede truth from spreading, as they cannot stop the water from running.
Dear Sir,
Mr. Dumas has already told you about an extraordinary phenomenon that took place with my sixteen-year-old son, a medium of a singular kind. Every time that there is an evocation he falls asleep without magnetization and remains in that state responding to the questions which are addressed to the spirit through his intermediary. When he wakes up he remembers nothing. When in trance he responds in Latin, English and German, languages that he has no knowledge about. It is a fact witnessed by many people and that I assure you, for what I have of most sacred, and even to Mr. Oscar Comettant. I have in my hands a report from him dated October 27th, 1859 in which he writes: “But what is your belief? Perhaps Mr. Allan Kardec will ask me.”
I, Sir, will not ask you if you believe in something, first because it is not of my concern; second because there are people who believe in nothing. Mr. Comettant is supported by Voltaire, who did not believe in anything that reason could not understand. He is wrong because despite the immense God given knowledge of Voltaire, there are thousands of things that are known today and that went unsuspected by his reason. Well then, by denying a fact whose reality one does not wish to acknowledge, I question in which side is the absurd? I address Mr. Comettant directly and say this: Let us admit that it is not the spirits that speak with us. Then give us a logical explanation of the cited fact. If you deny it a priori, I call you to the court of reason that you so invoke; if you catch me in a lie then I agree to make a public confession or to be taken as a mad man. Otherwise I am ready to fight you in the terrain of the facts. However, before starting the argument I ask you this:
1st – Do you believe in natural somnambulism and have you seen people in such state?;
2nd – Have you seen somnambulistic persons writing?
3rd – Have you seen somnambulistic persons responding to mental questions?
4th – Have you seen somnambulistic persons responding in unknown languages?
I do need a simple yes or no to all these questions. If there is a yes we will then move to something else; if it is no I take the burden of making you see and then you can explain the facts at your own discretion. Yours sincerely, etc. Courtois With respect to the letter above we shall make the following considerations. It is likely that Mr. Comettant will not respond to Mr. Courtois, as he did not answer other people who wrote to him about the same subject. If he established a controversy it would certainly be on the grounds of sarcasm, a terrain on which one always says the last word and where no serious individual would like to follow him. We hope that Mr. Courtois leaves him in the momentary silence of his incredulity, since it is sufficient to him and he is okay with the fact that he is an issue. Since he only has jokes to oppose its means that he has nothing better to offer. Well then, considering that jokes are not reason, to the eyes of sensible people that is a confession of defeat.
Mr. Courtois is not right when taking the incredulous’ denial too seriously. The materialists don’t even believe that they have a soul and reduce themselves to the modest role of robots. How can they admit to spirits around them if they don’t believe that they themselves have a spirit? Speaking about spirits and their communications is to begin where the materialists should stop. Since they don’t admit the first cause they cannot admit the consequences. One would say that since they have reason they should yield to the evidence. That is true but this is precisely the reasoning that they lack. As a matter of fact, it is well known that the worst blind person is the one that does not wish to see. Let them be in peace because their denial will not impede truth from spreading, as they cannot stop the water from running.
Spontaneous Essays and Spiritist Dissertations
Development of the Ideas
Regarding the evocation of Thilorier (medium Mrs. Costel)
I will talk about the need for gathering several elements of the spirit to form a whole. It is a common illusion that the development of a special skill requires a special study. No. Human spirit, like a river, enlarges with all its tributaries. Human beings must not be isolated in their work, that is, they must sprout the force of the ideas in contact with every opposition. Originality is the contrast of the mother-idea; it is one of the rarest superiorities. It is muffled since childhood by an absurd rule that reduces every spirit to the same level. I will explain this idea. Thilorier, that you have just evoked, was a passionate inventor, an active intelligence, but he had shut himself in the sphere of his invention, that is, in a fixed idea. He would never allow himself the fresh air of other peoples’ ideas. Hence, he was imprisoned by his own mind. The genius floated around him. Because he closed all openings, he allowed madness, the sister of genius, to penetrate and invade such a well-guarded place. Thilorier, who would have left an immortal name, now lives only in the memories of a few scientists. Georges (a familiar spirit)
Regarding the evocation of Thilorier (medium Mrs. Costel)
I will talk about the need for gathering several elements of the spirit to form a whole. It is a common illusion that the development of a special skill requires a special study. No. Human spirit, like a river, enlarges with all its tributaries. Human beings must not be isolated in their work, that is, they must sprout the force of the ideas in contact with every opposition. Originality is the contrast of the mother-idea; it is one of the rarest superiorities. It is muffled since childhood by an absurd rule that reduces every spirit to the same level. I will explain this idea. Thilorier, that you have just evoked, was a passionate inventor, an active intelligence, but he had shut himself in the sphere of his invention, that is, in a fixed idea. He would never allow himself the fresh air of other peoples’ ideas. Hence, he was imprisoned by his own mind. The genius floated around him. Because he closed all openings, he allowed madness, the sister of genius, to penetrate and invade such a well-guarded place. Thilorier, who would have left an immortal name, now lives only in the memories of a few scientists. Georges (a familiar spirit)
Human Masquerades (Medium Mrs. Costel)
I will speak about the singular need of the best spirits to always meddle into things that are not of their concern. For example: an excellent business man will have no doubt about his political skills and the greatest diplomats will place self-esteem before making any decision about the most frivolous issues. Such a fault, which is common to everyone, has no other cause but vanity and vanity has only artificial needs. Vanity seeks falsehood, before anything else, for ablution, for spirit or for the heart itself; it destroys the instinct of beauty and truth; it leads women to misrepresent their beauty; it persuades people to seek precisely what is more harmful. If French men and women did not have that defect, the men would be one of the most intelligent of the world and the ladies the most charming of Eves known; thus, let us not feed on such absurd weakness; let us have the courage of being ourselves; of wearing the color of our spirits, like that of our hair.
However, thrones shall ruin and republics shall be established before a frivolous French man renounces his pretensions to seriousness and a French lady to her airs of solidity. It is a continual hypocrisy where each one wears the clothes of other times or dresses like their neighbor. Political hypocrisy, religious masks, through which everybody seeks one another, dragged by the vertigo and not finding the starting point or their objective in all that turmoil.
I will speak about the singular need of the best spirits to always meddle into things that are not of their concern. For example: an excellent business man will have no doubt about his political skills and the greatest diplomats will place self-esteem before making any decision about the most frivolous issues. Such a fault, which is common to everyone, has no other cause but vanity and vanity has only artificial needs. Vanity seeks falsehood, before anything else, for ablution, for spirit or for the heart itself; it destroys the instinct of beauty and truth; it leads women to misrepresent their beauty; it persuades people to seek precisely what is more harmful. If French men and women did not have that defect, the men would be one of the most intelligent of the world and the ladies the most charming of Eves known; thus, let us not feed on such absurd weakness; let us have the courage of being ourselves; of wearing the color of our spirits, like that of our hair.
However, thrones shall ruin and republics shall be established before a frivolous French man renounces his pretensions to seriousness and a French lady to her airs of solidity. It is a continual hypocrisy where each one wears the clothes of other times or dresses like their neighbor. Political hypocrisy, religious masks, through which everybody seeks one another, dragged by the vertigo and not finding the starting point or their objective in all that turmoil.
Delphine de Girardin
Knowledge of the Spirits (Medium Ms. Huet)
There is in the study of Spiritism a serious mistake that propagates every day and that becomes almost the focus of attraction of people towards us; it is the fact that they see us as infallible in the answers. They think that we must know everything, see everything, and foresee everything. What a mistake! Huge mistake! Certainly, since our soul is no longer imprisoned by a material body like a bird in a cage, it soars up into space; the senses of the soul become more subtle, more developed; we see and hear better, but we cannot know everything; we cannot be everywhere since we don’t have the gift of ubiquity.
What would then be the difference between God and us if we were allowed to get to know the future and to promptly announce it? That is impossible. We do know more than human beings do, that is correct; we can sometimes read the minds and the heart of those who come to us but our Spiritist Science stops there. Make no mistake then and stop questioning us exclusively to know what happens here and there in your planet, or relatively to a material or commercial discovery or to be informed about what is supposed to happen tomorrow, in politics or business. We shall always inform you about our condition, about our extracorporeal life, about God’s greatness and benevolence, about everything that can be useful to your enlightenment to your present as well as future happiness, but do not ask us about what we cannot and must not tell you.
There is in the study of Spiritism a serious mistake that propagates every day and that becomes almost the focus of attraction of people towards us; it is the fact that they see us as infallible in the answers. They think that we must know everything, see everything, and foresee everything. What a mistake! Huge mistake! Certainly, since our soul is no longer imprisoned by a material body like a bird in a cage, it soars up into space; the senses of the soul become more subtle, more developed; we see and hear better, but we cannot know everything; we cannot be everywhere since we don’t have the gift of ubiquity.
What would then be the difference between God and us if we were allowed to get to know the future and to promptly announce it? That is impossible. We do know more than human beings do, that is correct; we can sometimes read the minds and the heart of those who come to us but our Spiritist Science stops there. Make no mistake then and stop questioning us exclusively to know what happens here and there in your planet, or relatively to a material or commercial discovery or to be informed about what is supposed to happen tomorrow, in politics or business. We shall always inform you about our condition, about our extracorporeal life, about God’s greatness and benevolence, about everything that can be useful to your enlightenment to your present as well as future happiness, but do not ask us about what we cannot and must not tell you.
Origins (Medium Mrs. Costel)
In the beginning it was the word and the word was God. That is how it is announced in St. John’s Gospel. That is, in the beginning there was the principle and the principle was God, the Creator of everything, who gave no hesitation to the formation of the human being of this globe. He created human beings as they are today, giving them free will and the ability to advance. God told the oceans: you shall not go further. He showed human beings the universe and contrarily said: That is all yours; work, develop the treasures which are spread all over, in the air, in the waves, in the heart of Earth. Do work and love. Never doubt your straight divine origin. You are not the fruit of a slow progression; you have not gone through the animal ranks; you are positively the children of God.
Where does sin come from then? Sin was created by your own faculties; it is the other side and exaggeration of those faculties. There was no first man, father of human kind, as there was not a unique sun to illuminate the universe. God opened his great hand and spread the human race with the same profusion as the stars in the skies. Spirits animated by God’s breath soon revealed God’s existence to human beings, well before the prophets that you know. Other unknown envoys had clarified the ignorant souls. Simultaneously to human beings, God created the animals. The latter endowed by the instinct but not by a progressive intelligence. Hence, they kept their primitive form and except those with individual training, they are the same as those from the times of our forefathers. The cataclysms of the floods – since there was not a single one but several – extinguished entire races of animals and human beings. These are the geological transformations that still threaten you. Human beings discover but do not invent. Thus, the mythological beliefs were not mere fictions, but revelations from inferior spirits. The satyrs and fauns were secondary spirits that inhabited the forests and fields, as they do today. In those days they were allowed to manifest more frequently to human beings, because materialism had not yet been depurated by Christianity and by the knowledge of an only God. Christ destroyed the empire of the inferior spirits in order to establish the empire of the spirit upon Earth. That is the truth that I attest in the name of the All-Mighty God.
In the beginning it was the word and the word was God. That is how it is announced in St. John’s Gospel. That is, in the beginning there was the principle and the principle was God, the Creator of everything, who gave no hesitation to the formation of the human being of this globe. He created human beings as they are today, giving them free will and the ability to advance. God told the oceans: you shall not go further. He showed human beings the universe and contrarily said: That is all yours; work, develop the treasures which are spread all over, in the air, in the waves, in the heart of Earth. Do work and love. Never doubt your straight divine origin. You are not the fruit of a slow progression; you have not gone through the animal ranks; you are positively the children of God.
Where does sin come from then? Sin was created by your own faculties; it is the other side and exaggeration of those faculties. There was no first man, father of human kind, as there was not a unique sun to illuminate the universe. God opened his great hand and spread the human race with the same profusion as the stars in the skies. Spirits animated by God’s breath soon revealed God’s existence to human beings, well before the prophets that you know. Other unknown envoys had clarified the ignorant souls. Simultaneously to human beings, God created the animals. The latter endowed by the instinct but not by a progressive intelligence. Hence, they kept their primitive form and except those with individual training, they are the same as those from the times of our forefathers. The cataclysms of the floods – since there was not a single one but several – extinguished entire races of animals and human beings. These are the geological transformations that still threaten you. Human beings discover but do not invent. Thus, the mythological beliefs were not mere fictions, but revelations from inferior spirits. The satyrs and fauns were secondary spirits that inhabited the forests and fields, as they do today. In those days they were allowed to manifest more frequently to human beings, because materialism had not yet been depurated by Christianity and by the knowledge of an only God. Christ destroyed the empire of the inferior spirits in order to establish the empire of the spirit upon Earth. That is the truth that I attest in the name of the All-Mighty God.
The Future (Medium Mr. Col…)
Spiritism is the science of total light. Happy is the society that practices it! It is only then that the golden age, or even better, the time of celestial thought shall reign among you. Don’t you think that you shall have less earthly satisfaction because of that! Much to the contrary, everything shall be happiness to you, because in those days light will allow you to see truth in a more pleasant way. Human beings shall no longer teach this insidious science that makes you see through the deceiving mask of the common wealth or a future good that the teachers themselves frequently do not trust. It will not be the time of lie and greed; the wish to have everything to the benefit of a sect or sometimes to the benefit of a single person. Human beings certainly shall not be perfect but mistakes shall be more restricted and the evil ones will have a limited influence that human beings will be happy in their minorities. In those days human beings will understand work and all shall reach wealth because no one will desire the superfluous but to do great things to the benefit of everyone. Love, that divine word, will no longer have the impure connotation borrowed from you. Every personal feeling shall disappear before this education gently contained in the words of Christ: Love your neighbor as yourself.
Coming to that belief you shall all be mediums. All vices that degrade your society shall disappear. It shall all become light and truth. Selfishness, that rodent worm and straggler of progress, that muffles every fraternal feeling, it shall no longer dominate your souls. Your actions shall no longer be driven by greed and lust. You shall love your wife because she has a good soul and because she shall care for you; because she will see in you the man chosen by God to protect her weakness and because both shall help one another to withstand the earthly trials and you will be the instruments devoted to the propagation of the creatures destined to improve, advance, so to achieve better worlds, where you shall elevate even further towards our supreme Benefactor, through an even more intelligent work. Go, spiritists! Persevere. Do good for the common good. Kindly neglect the scoffers. Remember that everything in nature is harmony; that harmony is also in the superior worlds and that despite certain strong spirits you will also have your relative harmony.
St. Louis
Spiritism is the science of total light. Happy is the society that practices it! It is only then that the golden age, or even better, the time of celestial thought shall reign among you. Don’t you think that you shall have less earthly satisfaction because of that! Much to the contrary, everything shall be happiness to you, because in those days light will allow you to see truth in a more pleasant way. Human beings shall no longer teach this insidious science that makes you see through the deceiving mask of the common wealth or a future good that the teachers themselves frequently do not trust. It will not be the time of lie and greed; the wish to have everything to the benefit of a sect or sometimes to the benefit of a single person. Human beings certainly shall not be perfect but mistakes shall be more restricted and the evil ones will have a limited influence that human beings will be happy in their minorities. In those days human beings will understand work and all shall reach wealth because no one will desire the superfluous but to do great things to the benefit of everyone. Love, that divine word, will no longer have the impure connotation borrowed from you. Every personal feeling shall disappear before this education gently contained in the words of Christ: Love your neighbor as yourself.
Coming to that belief you shall all be mediums. All vices that degrade your society shall disappear. It shall all become light and truth. Selfishness, that rodent worm and straggler of progress, that muffles every fraternal feeling, it shall no longer dominate your souls. Your actions shall no longer be driven by greed and lust. You shall love your wife because she has a good soul and because she shall care for you; because she will see in you the man chosen by God to protect her weakness and because both shall help one another to withstand the earthly trials and you will be the instruments devoted to the propagation of the creatures destined to improve, advance, so to achieve better worlds, where you shall elevate even further towards our supreme Benefactor, through an even more intelligent work. Go, spiritists! Persevere. Do good for the common good. Kindly neglect the scoffers. Remember that everything in nature is harmony; that harmony is also in the superior worlds and that despite certain strong spirits you will also have your relative harmony.
St. Louis
Spiritual Electricity (Medium Mr. Didier Jr.)
The human being is at the same time a very singular and a very weak being. He is singular in the sense that even in the middle of the phenomena that surround him he still keeps his routine, spiritually speaking. He is weak in the sense, after having seen, after having been convinced, he smiles because his neighbor smiled and he no longer thinks about what happened. And notice that I don’t speak here about vulgar, inexperienced creatures that don’t think. No, I speak of intelligent people, and in its majority, enlightened people. Where does such a phenomenon come from? Because giving a lot of thought to something is a moral phenomenon. The spirit started to act upon matter through magnetism and electricity; then it got into man’s heart and man was not aware of that. Strange blindness! A blindness not produced by a strange cause but created voluntarily, coming from the spirit. Then came Spiritism, producing a commotion in the world, and man published very serious books saying: it is a natural cause; it is simply electricity, a physical law, etc.; and men was then satisfied; but make no mistake, man still has many books to write before understanding what is written in the book of nature, in God’s book. Electricity, that nuance between time and what is no longer time, between finite and infinite, man has not been able to yet define. Why? Know this: You cannot define it unless through magnetism, that material manifestation of the spirit. You only know material electricity. Later you will also know spiritual electricity, which is nothing more that the eternal kingdom of thought.
The human being is at the same time a very singular and a very weak being. He is singular in the sense that even in the middle of the phenomena that surround him he still keeps his routine, spiritually speaking. He is weak in the sense, after having seen, after having been convinced, he smiles because his neighbor smiled and he no longer thinks about what happened. And notice that I don’t speak here about vulgar, inexperienced creatures that don’t think. No, I speak of intelligent people, and in its majority, enlightened people. Where does such a phenomenon come from? Because giving a lot of thought to something is a moral phenomenon. The spirit started to act upon matter through magnetism and electricity; then it got into man’s heart and man was not aware of that. Strange blindness! A blindness not produced by a strange cause but created voluntarily, coming from the spirit. Then came Spiritism, producing a commotion in the world, and man published very serious books saying: it is a natural cause; it is simply electricity, a physical law, etc.; and men was then satisfied; but make no mistake, man still has many books to write before understanding what is written in the book of nature, in God’s book. Electricity, that nuance between time and what is no longer time, between finite and infinite, man has not been able to yet define. Why? Know this: You cannot define it unless through magnetism, that material manifestation of the spirit. You only know material electricity. Later you will also know spiritual electricity, which is nothing more that the eternal kingdom of thought.
Comments about the Preceding Message (To Lamennais)
1. Could you kindly make some clarifications about certain passages of your last essay that seem somewhat obscure to us? – A. I will do what is possible at this point in time.
2. You say: “Electricity, that nuance between time and what is no longer time, between finite and infinite”. This phrase does not seem very clear to us. Can you please develop it? – A. I explain it like that, in the simplest way I can. For you time does exist, right? For us, it does not. Hence I defined electricity as: “that nuance between time and what is no longer time, between finite and infinite” because that part of time that you formerly had to use to communicate from one end to the other of the world, that part of time, I was saying, that no longer exists. Later on that electricity will come, which will be nothing more than man’s thought, covering the space. In fact, isn’t that the most remarkable image about finite and infinite, about the tiny and the very large? In a word I meant to say that electricity suppresses time.
3. Further down you say: “You only know material electricity. Later you will also know spiritual electricity”. Do you mean by that the means of communication from man to man through the mediumistic channel? – A. Yes, as average advancements; something else will come in the future; give man aspirations; he guesses in the beginning; later he sees it.
1. Could you kindly make some clarifications about certain passages of your last essay that seem somewhat obscure to us? – A. I will do what is possible at this point in time.
2. You say: “Electricity, that nuance between time and what is no longer time, between finite and infinite”. This phrase does not seem very clear to us. Can you please develop it? – A. I explain it like that, in the simplest way I can. For you time does exist, right? For us, it does not. Hence I defined electricity as: “that nuance between time and what is no longer time, between finite and infinite” because that part of time that you formerly had to use to communicate from one end to the other of the world, that part of time, I was saying, that no longer exists. Later on that electricity will come, which will be nothing more than man’s thought, covering the space. In fact, isn’t that the most remarkable image about finite and infinite, about the tiny and the very large? In a word I meant to say that electricity suppresses time.
3. Further down you say: “You only know material electricity. Later you will also know spiritual electricity”. Do you mean by that the means of communication from man to man through the mediumistic channel? – A. Yes, as average advancements; something else will come in the future; give man aspirations; he guesses in the beginning; later he sees it.
Practical Instructions about the Spiritist Manifestations
This publication is sold out and shall not be re-printed. It will be replaced by a new publication currently being printed, much more complete and following another outline.
Allan Kardec
Bulletin of the Parisian Society of Spiritist StudiesFriday, July 27th, 1860
(General Session)
Committee meeting. The works and minutes of the July 20th session were read.
(General Session)
Committee meeting. The works and minutes of the July 20th session were read.
1st – Report given by Ms. P… about the poem sent to the Society
by Mr. Pory from Marseille, with the title Linda, Gallic legend.
Ms. P… analyzes the subject of the work and acknowledges the
presence of thoughts of great elevation and expressed very well;
however, with the exception of the Christian ideas, she does not
see much or she sees very little that is related to Spiritism. To her
the author seems to be more spiritualist than spiritist. That does
not make his work less remarkable, she says, and every poetry
lover shall read it with great interest.
2nd – A letter from Mr. X… with a summarized analysis of Mr.
Rigolot’s doctrine, from Saint-Étienne. According to that doctrine
the spiritual world does not exist; the spirits are immediately reunited with God after death of the body. Only three spirits may
communicate with human beings through mediums, they are:
Jesus, mentor and protector of our globe; Mary, his mother and
Socrates. Every communication, whatever their nature, comes
from them. They are the only ones, he says that they manifest
to him and when they tell him coarse things he thinks that it is
a test. A discussion was established about it that can be summarized
as follows:
The Society unanimously declares that reason refuses to admit
that the Spirit of good, by excellence, model of the most sublime
virtues, may dictate bad things and that there is a kind of
profanation in the supposition that communications with revolting
nastiness and even obscenities, as seen sometimes, may come
from such a pure source. On another hand, the admission that
every soul reunites with God after death is the same as denying
punishment to the guilty ones since one could not admit that by
God’s side we are taught to envisage as the supreme reward, there
could simultaneously be a focus of pain to those who led a bad
life. If in such divine fusion where the spirit loses its individuality,
we then have a variation of pantheism. In either case, according
to this doctrine, the sinner has no reason to stop in the avenue of
errors since the efforts to do good are superfluous. That is at least
what sticks out from the general principles that seem to constitute
its foundation.
The Society does not know Mr. Rigolot’s system well enough
to assess it in details.
The Society ignores how he explains a number
of patent facts, such as: the apparitions, for example, through
which the evoked spirit of a relative gives material demonstration
of identity. Would it be Jesus then taking all these roles? Would
it still be Jesus to play the drums or the rhythmic arias, in the
case of the rapping spirits? After having played the hateful role of
tempter, would he come to serve as an entertainer? There is moral incompatibility between the trivial and the sublime, between the
absolute evil and the absolute good.
Mr. Rigolot has always kept himself isolated from other spiritists,
which is a mistake. In order to get to know something well,
it is necessary to see everything, to study everything, comparing
opinions, hear the pros and cons, hear all objections and finally
only accept what the strictest logic may admit.
That is what the spirits that guide us incessantly recommend;
and that is the reason why the Society has taken the name Society
of Studies, a name that implies the idea of analysis and research.
It is licit to think that if Mr. Rigolot had followed this path he
would have acknowledged in his theory the existence of points
in manifest contradiction with the facts. His separation from the
other spirits only allow him communications of the same kind,
naturally impeding him from seeing what could clarify him about
the insufficiency of those spirits to solve all these questions. That
is what happens with the majority of the mediums who isolate
themselves: they are in the position of someone that by hearing
the bell ring only hear a sound. Such is the impression that the
Society has about that doctrine that seems incapable of explaining
the reason for all those facts.
3rd – Reference is made to a letter from Dr. Morhéry, bringing
new details about Ms. Godu and with the continuation of his
observations about the obtained cures. Another letter is also mentioned,
this time from Dr. de Grand-Boulogne, about the role of
the rapping spirits. Given the extension of the letter the reading
was postponed to the next session.
4th – Mr. Allan Kardec reports an interesting fact that took
place in a private session, in his house. The excellent medium Mr.
Rabache was present in that session, through which Adam Smith
had spontaneously communicated in a London café. Having been
evoked through another medium, Mrs. Costel, Adam Smith responded simultaneously in French, through that lady, and in
English, through Mr. Rabache. Several answers showed perfect
identity and even the literal translation of each other.
5th –Facts showing a connection to several physical manifestations
that occurred with Mr. B…, were presented to the meeting.
Among other facts, the transport of a cap thrown into a bedroom
and a flask of magnetized water with a strong musky smell, so
strong that it impregnated the whole apartment.
1st – Evocation of the Muslim Séih-ben-Moloka, deceased at the
age of 100 years, in Tunisia, and whose life was characterized by
acts of benevolence and generosity. His answers reveal an elevated
spirit but who was not exempt from sectarian prejudices when
2nd – Two spontaneous essays were received, the first through
Mr. Didier, about the conscience, signed by Lamennais; the second
by Mrs. Lu…, with multiple advices, signed by Paul.
Friday, August 3rd, 1860
(Private Session)
Committee meeting.
Reading of the minutes and works of the July 27th session.
A letter from Mr. Darcol is read, in which he proposes to the Society
a subscription to the Christians from Syria. He bases his proposal on the
principles of humanity, charity and tolerance, which are the very essence
of Spiritism and must guide the Society.
Having examined the proposal and in all fairness to Mr. Darcol’s
good intentions, the Committee thinks that the Society must abstain
from any manifestation strange to the objective of its studies and that it
must allow each member to freely act on an individual basis.
The Society does not see anything harmful in the proposal, much to
the contrary. However, given the absence of the majority of the members
in the vacation period, it postpones the analysis of the subject to a session
after the current season.
By suggestion of the Committee, the Society decides to go on vacation
during the month of September.
1st – Letter received from Dr. Morhéry.
2nd – Letter received from Mr. Indermuhle, member of the
Society, speaking about the good reception given to the spiritist ideas
among persons in the rural areas. He mentions the case of a German
brochure under the title Die Ewigkeit kein geheimniss mehr (No more
secrets about eternity) that he proposes to send to the Society.
3rd – Letter from Dr. de Grand-Boulogne about physical
manifestations as a means of conviction. He thinks that it would
not be correct to consider every rapping spirit as from an inferior
order, since he has received himself communications from a very
elevated order through raps.
Mr. Allan Kardec responds that typtology is a means of communication
like any other and which can be used by the most
elevated spirits, when there is no availability of a faster means.
Not all spirits that communicate through raps are rapping spirits
and most of them repudiate such classification, only adequate to
those who could be called professional rapping spirits.
Common sense rejects the idea that superior spirits would
come to spend their time entertaining an assembly by the exhibition
of their skills. As for the physical manifestations themselves,
he has never denied their utility but persists in the opinion
that those are incapable of leading to conviction on their own.
Furthermore, he says, the more extraordinary the facts the more
they excite disbelief. What is needed, before anything else, is the understanding of the principle behind the phenomena. To someone
that knows those principles, the phenomena have nothing of
supernatural, and come to support the theory.
Dr. de Grand-Boulogne says that the letter that was just read
is a little bit old and that his ideas have changed significantly
since then. He agrees entirely with Mr. Allan Kardec since experience
has showed him how important it is to understand the
principle before seeing things. Hence he only admits in his house
persons who are familiar with the theory, thus avoiding objections
and useless questions. He acknowledges that he has made
more proselytes by such a system than by the exhibition of facts
that are not understood.
1st – Evocation of James Coyle, alienated, deceased at the age of
106 years, in the Saint-Patrick hospital of Dublin, where he was
since 1802. The evocation offers an interesting subject for study
about the condition of the spirit during mental alienation.
2nd – Appeal, without a special evocation, to the spirits what
have requested assistance. Two of them manifested spontaneously:
the Great Françoise and the spirit of Castelnaudary, who
thank those who have prayed in their favor.
3rd – A spontaneous essay is obtained by Mr. D…, signed by
Sister Jeanne, one of the victims of the Syrian massacres.
Friday, August 10th, 1860
(General Session)
Committee meeting.
Reading of the minutes and works of the previous session.
Mr. Allan Kardec announces that a lady member of the Society has
sent the amount of 10 francs to be used in favor of the Syrian Christians
or towards any other charity that the Society finds adequate to apply.
1st – A letter from Mr. Jobard, from Brussels, about Thilorier, his
former friend, who was evoked on June 15th, 1860. He provides
interesting details about his discovery, his life and habits, and rectifies
several statements given in the news coverage about him,
published in the newspaper la Patrie. Among other particulars
he tells the story of how his hearing was reestablished through
magnetism. To be published in the sequence.
2nd – Mr. B…, foreign observer, mentions several cases of
spontaneous physical manifestations that took place with one of
his friends. Since that person could not come to the session, that
person will report the facts in more details in a future session.
1st – Several questions and moral issues addressed to St. Louis,
regarding the death of Jean Luizerolle that substituted and saved
his son’s life, who was condemned to the death penalty in 1793.
2nd – Evocation of Alfred de Marignac, who transmitted a
message to Mr. Darcol about penury, using the name Bossuet.
3rd – Evocation of Bossuet regarding the above and several
other questions. He finishes by a spontaneous dissertation about
the dangers of religious quarrels.
4th – Evocation of Sister Jeanne, victim of the Syrian massacres,
who came spontaneously to the last session, having asked
to be called again.
5th – Appeal in favor of the suffering spirits that requested
assistance. A new spirit shows up by the name of Fortune Privat,
giving details about his condition and his penalties. This communication
gives rise to several interesting explanations regarding
the condition of the suffering spirits.
6th – Spontaneous essay about the Nothingness of Life, signed
by Sophie Swetchine, received by Ms. Huet.
Friday, August 17th, 1860
(Private Session)
Committee meeting.
Reading of the minutes and works of the August 10th session.
By suggestion of the Committee and after a verbal report, the Society
accepts Mr. Jules R… from Brussels and residing in Paris as a member.
1st – In a letter sent by Countess D…, from Milan, to Mr. Allan
Kardec, there is the following passage: “I recently searched old
magazines from Paris and I found a little story by a charming writer,
Charles Nodier, entitled: Lidia or the resurrection. I found myself
inside The Spiritist Review; it is an intuition of The Spirits’ Book,
though written in 1839. Was Nodier a believer? Was Spiritism discussed
in those days? If possible I would like to have him evoked.
He was a pure heart and a loving soul. I ask you to please, if you can
evoke him. If his moral was so smooth, kind, attractive, how should
he be now that his spirit is unraveled from matter!”
For a long time the Society had wanted to call Charles Nodier.
It shall be done in the next session.
2nd – Two essays obtained by Dr. de Grand-Boulogne are
read, signed by Zenon, the first one about the doubt raised regarding
Bossuet’s identity in the previous session and the second
about the reincarnation, where the spirit demonstrates the need to
view from a moral point and its consistency with religious ideas.
3rd – Two communications received by Mrs. Costel and
signed by Georges are read, the first about the spirits’ progress; the
second about the spirit’s awakening.
4th – Reading of the evocation of Louis XIV, done by Ms.
Huet, and a spontaneous essay received by her about the benefit to
be extracted from the advices given by the spirits, signed by Marie,
a familiar spirit.
1st – Mr. Ledoyen reminds us that some time ago St. Louis had
initiated a series of essays about capital sins. He asks if St. Louis
would like to continue that work.
St. Louis responds that he shall gladly do that and that next
time he will speak about Envy, since it is too late to do it tonight.
2nd – St. Louis is asked if the Queen of Ouda could be called
again in the next session, the one that was already evoked in
January 1858, so that we can assess the eventual progress that she
might have made. He answers: “It would be charitable to evoke
her, speaking to her in a friendly way and at the same time instructing
her a little bit, since she still falls well behind.”
3rd – Charles Nodier is evoked. After having responded with
extreme benevolence the questions addressed to him he promises
to start a new continuous work in the next session.
4th – Spontaneous essay obtained by Mr. Didier about hypocrisy,
signed by Lamennais. The spirit then responds to several
questions about his situation and the character that is reflected
out of his communications.
Friday, August 24th, 1860
(General Session)
Committee meeting.
Reading of the minutes and works of the previous session.
The President reads the following instruction regarding individuals
outside of the Society, in order to forearm them against false ideas that
they may have about the Society’s objectives.
“We believe it is important to remind those persons who are foreign
to the Society and not informed about our activities, that we don’t
carry out any experimentations and that they would be mistaken if they
thought that this is a place where they would find such distractions. We
are utterly involved with very serious things, but of little interest and not much intelligible to whomever ignores the Spiritist Science. Since
the presence of such persons would be useless to them and cause of
disruption to us, we refuse to grant admission to those who don’t know
at least its basic principles and particularly those who are not sympathetic
to the Doctrine. We are, first of all, a society of scientific studies,
and not a teaching society; we have never invited the public because we
know from experience that true conviction is only formed after a long
series of observations and not for having attended a few sessions that
do not present any methodic continuation. That is why we make no
demonstrations that would repeat every time, hindering the continuation
of our works. If, irrespective of all that, there are persons here only
attracted by curiosity or who don’t share our way of seeing things, we
would remind them that they were not invited and that we expect from
them respect to our convictions, as we respect theirs. All we ask for is
silence and deference. Since respect is one of the most expressed recommendations
from the part of the spirits that in good will communicate
with us, we insistently invite those who are present to abstain from any
private conversation.”
The Committee decided that, although there is a 5th Friday on the
31st of this month, this current session will be the last one before the
holidays, and that the first one will take place on the first Friday in
The Committee was informed about a letter with a request for admission
as a member from Mr. B…, from Paris. However, given the fact that
the present session is general, the decision is adjourned to the session after
the period of vacation.
1st – Reading of a particular evocation of Père Leroy carried out
by Mr. Jules Rob…, who died not long ago in Beirut. The evocation
is remarkable by the elevation of the spirit who confirms
in absolutely everything the character that he had when alive, that of a true Christian. He manifests his intent of being evoked
at the Society.
2nd – Reading of a spontaneous essay received by Mr. Dacol,
about the mediums and signed by Salles. This essay was delivered
in the previous session and not read yet because there was not
time to have it previously analyzed, an imperiously established
formality by the regulations of the Society.
3rd – Another spontaneous essay received by Mrs. B… about
Moral Charity, signed by Sister Rosalie.
4th – Two other spontaneous essays received by Mrs. Costel,
one about the multiple categories of errant spirits and the other
about the punishments, signed by Georges. Both communications
are regarded amongst the most remarkable by the elevation of
the expressed thoughts, by the truthfulness of the images and the
eloquence in style. To be published along with the other more
important communications.
Mr. President reinforces that the Society is necessarily limited
in time but everything that is received in private by the
members must be considered as a complement of their work, as
long as they wish to bring it over. The Society must not consider
as part of its archives only what is received in its sessions, but
also everything that comes from outside and may be useful to
everyone’s enlightenment. It is the center to which the private
studies converge, to the benefit of all. It is a means of control
to the mediums by helping them to understand the nature of
the received communications, protecting them against deception.
Besides, the spirits frequently prefer to communicate in
the intimacy where there is necessarily more reverence than in
sessions with a large number of people, by the instruments of
their choice, at the time of their convenience and under circumstances
that we cannot always appreciate. By concentrating
those communications, everybody makes use of the advantages
that they can offer.
1st – St. Louis is asked about the spirit of Georges. He was a painter
when alive and used to teach painting to the person who serves
him as a medium. His life does not offer any special particularity,
but the fact that he was always good and benevolent. As spirit, his
communications always show such an elevation that we would
like to know the position that he occupies in the spiritual world.
St. Louis responds:
“He was a fair spirit on Earth; his whole greatness consists
on his benevolence, charity and faith in God that he professed;
hence, today he is among the superior spirits.”
2nd – Evocation of Charles Nodier, by Ms. Huet. He starts the
work that he promised in the previous session.
3rd – Evocation of Pere Leroy. Since the choice of medium was
left open, we preferred that he did not use the previous medium
in order to avoid any influence and for us to be able to better assess
his identity through his answers. These are in agreement with
the previously expressed feelings, in all points, and are worthy of
an elevated spirit. He finishes with advice of the highest wisdom
through which Christian humility, tolerance of the evangelical
charity and a superiority of intelligence are revealed.
4th – Evocation of the Queen of Ouda, already evoked in
January 1858 (see the March 1858 issue of the Review). Medium
Mr. Rob… A slight disposition towards progress is detected but
in reality her character has not changed much.
OBSERVATION: A lady that had lived in India for a long
time and has known her personally was present at the session.
She says that all her answers are in perfect agreement with her
character and that it is impossible not to acknowledge a proof of
identity in those answers.
5th – Three spontaneous essays are obtained: the first through
Ms. Huet, about Envy and signed by St. Louis; the second received
by Mr. Didier about the Original Sin, signed by Ronsard;
the third by Ms. Stephanie, signed by Gustave Lenormand.
During these last communications Ms. L. J…, a drawing medium,
obtained two pieces of work signed by Jules Romain.
After a few nice thoughts written by an anonymous spirit,
another spirit who had already communicated through Ms. L.J…
interferes, breaking the pencil and making doodles indicative of
rage. The spirits communicates through Mr. Jules Rob… at the
same time, arrogantly responding the questions addressed to him.
It is the spirit of a foreign sovereign, known by his violent
character. Once invited to sign his name he does so in two ways.
One of the attendees, connected to the government of his country
and has frequent access to documents signed by him, recognizes
one as from official documents and the other from private
Once the general session is over the members were invited to
stay a little bit longer for one communication.
In a very warm address, Mr. Sanson exposes the recognition
that he owes St. Louis for his intervention in the instantaneous
cure of a illness in his leg, which had resisted to every treatment
and would likely lead to amputation. He continues saying that
he owes his truly miraculous cure to his knowledge of Spiritism
and his trust in God’s mercy and power, all that he gave almost
no attention to before. Since he owes the Society for his initiation
in the truth taught here he adds the Society into his recognition.
Since then he offers flowers to the spirit of St. Louis
on the very day consecrated to him, in memory of the received
favor. That tribute is renewed today, August 24th and the eve of
St. Louis’ day.
The Society adds to the testimony of gratitude from Mr.
Sanson, thanking St. Louis for his benevolence and requesting
his continual protection. St. Louis responds:
“I feel three times happy my beloved brothers by what I see
and hear tonight. Your emotion and recognition are still the best
tribute that you could address to me. May the God of benevolence
keep you with those good and generous feelings! I shall continue
to watch over the Society united by the feelings of charity
and a true fraternity.”
The Marvelous and the Supernatural
f the belief in the spirits and their manifestations were an isolated idea,
a product of a given system, it could be considered an illusion, with
a certain dose of reason. However, tell us why such a belief is found so
markedly in all peoples, antique and modern, in all sacred books of every
known religion? The critics say that the reason is in the fact that human
beings have always loved the marvelous, at all times.
• If that is so, what is then marvelous in your opinion?
• What is supernatural?
• What do you understand by supernatural?
• What is against natural laws?
• Do you know so well those laws that you can establish limits to
God’s power? Well, then! You must prove that the existence of the
spirits and their manifestations are contrary to the laws of nature;
that such a thing is not and cannot be one of those laws. Follow
the Spiritist Doctrine and see if that thinking does not have every
indication of an admirable law. Thought is an attribute of
the spirit; the possibility of action upon matter, of impressing the senses, and as a consequence of transmitting the thought results
from its physiological constitution, if we can say so. Hence, there
is nothing supernatural about it, nothing wonderful.
• However, they will say, you admit that a spirit can lift a table,
keeping it in the air, without any support. Isn’t that a breach of
the law of gravity?
• Yes; of the known law. But has nature given the final word? Before
trying the lifting power of certain gases what would have happened
to a heavy craft, carrying several human beings, could it
have surpassed the force of attraction? Shouldn’t it look marvelous
to the eyes of the masses, even devilish? Someone that a century
ago had proposed to send a telegram message 500 leagues away
in a few minutes would have been considered mad; had he been
able to do so wouldn’t he be believed to be in collusion with the
devil, since only the devil could walk so fast in those days? Why
then an unknown fluid wouldn’t have the property, under certain
circumstances, of opposing the effect of gravity, like Hydrogen
does to the balloon? This is, by the way, just a comparison but
not assimilation, and utilized exclusively to show by analogy that
the fact is not physically impossible. Well, it was precisely when
the scientists wanted to proceed by the avenue of assimilation,
in the observation of those kinds of phenomena, that they were
mistaken. In short, the fact is here. No denial may destroy it since
denying something is not the same as demonstrating. To us there
is nothing supernatural and that is all we can say about it by now.
If it is demonstrated – they will say – we will accept. We will even
accept the cause that you have just mentioned, of an unknown
fluid. But what is it that demonstrates the intervention of the
spirits? That is the marvelous, the supernatural.
It would be necessary to demonstrate here, out of context and
repeating ourselves, as a matter of fact, because it sticks out from
every other part of the teaching. However, in order to summarize it in a few words we say that it is theoretically based on the following
principle: every intelligent effect must have an intelligent
cause. In practice, by the observation that the so called spiritist
phenomena gave proof of intelligence, their cause must have
been outside matter; that since the intelligence was not that of
the audience – resulting from experience – it should be alien to
them; and since the agent was not seen, it would be an invisible
creature. It was then that from observation to observation it was
acknowledged that the invisible being to whom it was given the
name spirit is nothing else than the soul of those who lived the
corporeal life and that were undressed of their thick visible wrapping,
keeping only the ethereal body, invisible in its normal state.
There you have the supernatural and the wonderful reduced to
their simplest expression. Once the existence of invisible beings is
attested, their action upon matter results from the very nature of
the fluidic body. Such an action is intelligent because they have
only lost their material body by death but kept their intelligence,
which is their essence. That is the key to every phenomena erroneously
called supernatural. Hence the existence of the spirits is
not a preconceived system or an imaginary hypothesis to explain
the facts. It is the result of observations and natural consequence
of the existence of the soul. Denying such a cause is the same as
denying the soul and its attributes.
May those persons who think that they can give a more rational solution
to those intelligent effects, in particular explaining all facts, may those
persons do that and only then the merit of each one be discussed!
To the eyes of those who consider matter as the only force of nature,
everything that cannot be explained by the laws of matter is then wonderful
and supernatural. Well, wonderful to them is a synonym of superstitious.
From that point of view religion, which is founded on the existence
of an immaterial principle, would be a fabric of superstitions. They dare
not say it out loud but whisper that and pretend to save the appearances by admitting that a religion is needed for the people and that it is good to
keep well-behaved kids.
Either the religious principle is true or false. If it is true then it is to
everyone; if it is false, it is not better for the ignorant than the educated
Those who attack Spiritism based on the marvelous base their opinion,
in general, on a materialistic principle, because by denying any effect
outside matter they deny, as a consequence, the existence of the soul.
Analyze the essence of their thought; scrutinize well the meaning of their
words and you will almost always see this principle, if it is not categorically
formulated, sticking out under the cover of a pretentious rational
If you ask them face to face if they believe to have a soul, perhaps they
will dare not say that they don’t, but they will say that they don’t know
anything about it or are not sure. Since they attribute to the marvelous
everything that results from the existence of the soul they are thus consistent
with themselves; by not admitting the cause they cannot admit
the effects. It results from a preconceived idea that impedes them from
correctly assessing Spiritism, because they start from the principle that
denies everything that is not material. As for ourselves, by the fact that
we admit the effects that are consequences of the existence of the soul,
does it result that we accept all facts classified as supernatural; that we are
the champions of the dreamers; that we are the adepts of all utopias and
systematic eccentricities?
It would be necessary to know almost nothing about Spiritism to
think that way. But our adversaries don’t look so closely into that. The
need to get to know that they talk about it is the least of their concern.
According to them the wonderful is absurd; well then, Spiritism is based
on wonderful facts thus it is absurd. This to them is not a subject for discussion.
They pretend to oppose an argument without replica after having
carried out erudite researches about the convulsionary of Saint-Médard,
the Camisards de Cévennes or the religious ladies of Loudun, and discovering
patent frauds, disputed by nobody.
However, are these stories the Gospel of Spiritism? Have the adepts
of Spiritism denied that certain facts were exploited by charlatanism, in a
self-serving mode; that they were created by imagination; that fanaticism
had exaggerated them? Fanaticism has no more solidarity to the extravagances
committed in its name than true Science has with the abuses of
ignorance, or even true religion with the excesses of fanaticism. Many
critics only assess Spiritism by fairy tales and popular legends, which are
their fictions. This would be the same as assessing history based on romances
or tragedies.
Following elemental logic, in order to discuss something it is necessary
to understand it since the opinion of a critic only has value when he
knows perfectly well what he is talking about. That is the only way that
his opinion may be taken into account, even if wrong. However, what
is the value of his opinion when talking about a subject that he ignores?
The true critic must not only give proof of erudition but also of profound
knowledge about the discussed subject and of a vigorous reason and total
impartiality, otherwise the first strolling troubadour to show up would
pretend to assess Rossini and any sketcher to criticize Rafael.
Therefore, Spiritism does not accept every fact reputed as wonderful
and supernatural. Far from that, it demonstrates the impossibility of a
large number of those and the ridicule of certain beliefs that constitute
proper superstition. It is true that there are things admitted by Spiritism
that are considered purely marvelous by the incredulous. Be it. However,
let us at least discuss these points and not the others about which there is
nothing to say and you would be preaching to the choir. But, they may
ask, what is the reach of the Spiritist belief? Read, observe and you will
know. Every science can only be incorporated through study and time.
Well then, Spiritism that touches the most serious questions of philosophy
in all branches of the social fabric; that simultaneously embraces the
physical as well as the moral person, it is a science on its own merit, a
whole philosophy that cannot be understood in a few hours, as any other
science, since it would be as childlike to see the whole Spiritism in the
turning tables as it would be to see the whole Physics in certain kid’s toys.
Anyone who does not wish to remain on the surface needs to dedicate not
only hours but months and years to probe all of its arcane.
May this be used to appraise the level of understanding and the value
of the opinion of those who attribute themselves the right of assessing
things, because they saw one or two experiments, most of the time as a
pass time or a distraction!
They will probably say that they have no time to spare and dedicate
the necessary time to such study. Either; nothing obliges them, however,
when there is no sufficient time to learn something one should not speak
about it and even less pass judgment on it as long as one does not want to
take the risk of being accused of levity.
Well then, the higher the position that someone occupies in science
the less forgiving for dealing lightheartedly with an unknown subject.
We stick to the following propositions:
1st – Every spiritist phenomena has, by principle, the existence of
the soul, its survival to the body and its manifestations.
2nd – These phenomena are based on one natural law, there is
nothing wonderful or supernatural about them, in the common
use of those words.
3rd – Many facts are only considered supernatural because
their causes are unknown. Spiritism places them in the domain
of the natural phenomena by the assignment of a cause to them.
4th – Among the facts classified as supernatural there are
many whose impossibility is demonstrated by Spiritism which
places them among the superstitious beliefs.
5th – Although Spiritism acknowledges some traces of truth
in many popular beliefs, in no way does it accepts the solidarity
of every fantastic story created by imagination.
6th – Passing judgment on Spiritism by facts that it does not
accept is a demonstration of ignorance, which neutralizes the
value of the opinion.
7th – The explanation of the facts that have been accepted
by Spiritism, their causes and moral consequences, constitute a
whole science that requires a serious, deep and persevering study.
8th – Spiritism cannot be seen as a serious critic but the one
who has seen and studied everything with the patience and
perseverance of a conscious observer; someone who is as much
confident about the subject as the most enlightened adept; consequently,
someone who had learned outside the novels of science;
to which there would not be a single fact that he had not
known or a single argument to which he had not given serious
thought yet; someone who did not argue just by denial but by
other more peremptory arguments; finally, someone who could
present a more logical cause to the observed facts. Such a critic is
still to be found.
It goes without saying that those who neglect the wonderful,
even with more reason, relegate the miracles to the terrain of illusions
of imagination. Some words about it taken from a preceding
article are found here in their proper place and it would not be
wrong to recall them.
In its primitive meaning and etymology, the word miracle
means “extraordinary thing”, something remarkable to see.
However, and as with many other words, it has lost its original
meaning and today it means, according to the Academy, an act of
divine power, contrary to the common laws of nature. That is in
fact its usual meaning, applied only as a comparison or metaphor
to common things that stun us, whose cause is unknown. It is not
our intent, absolutely, to evaluate if God could consider useful,
under certain conditions, the breach of laws established by God.
Our objective is to demonstrate that the spiritist phenomena,
however extraordinary they may be, that they don’t absolutely
breach those laws and have no miraculous character, as they are
not wonderful or supernatural. A miracle is not explained; the spiritist phenomena, on the contrary, are explained in the most
rational way. Thus, they do not constitute miracles but simple
effects whose causes are in the general laws.
The miracle has yet another character: it is singular and isolated.
Well, as long as a fact repeats, say, at will, and through the intermediary
of several persons, it cannot be a miracle. Science makes
miracles every day, to the eyes of the ignorant. For that reason those
who knew better, in former times, were taken by witches. As it was
believed that every super-human science came from the devil, they
were burnt at the stake. Nowadays that we are much more civilized
we are happy enough to send them to the psychiatric hospitals.
If a person who is actually dead comes back to life by a divine
intervention we would then have a true miracle in that because
it is contrary to the natural laws. However, if such a person has
only apparent death; if he still had the latent life and if science or
a magnetic action can reanimate him, to the educated person this
will be a natural phenomenon but to the eyes of the ignorant this
will be a miracle. If a physicist flies an electrical kite in certain
regions of the countryside, creating a lightning effect upon a tree,
the new Prometheus will certainly be seen as endowed by devilish
power; but when Joshua stopped the Sun, or better, the Earth,
that is a true miracle since we don’t know any magnetizer gifted
by such a great power capable of operating that prodigy.
Among all spiritist phenomena one of the most extraordinary
is, no doubt, that of direct writing, and one that most patently
demonstrates the action of the occult intelligences. Nevertheless,
by the fact that the phenomenon is produced by occult creatures
it is not more miraculous than all other phenomena also produced
by invisible beings, because those hidden creatures that populate
space are one of the forces of nature, force whose action is incessant
upon the material as well as the moral world.
By enlightening us about such a force, Spiritism gives us
the key to a number of unexplained things, inexplicable by any other way and that in remote epochs could have been considered
prodigies. As with magnetism, Spiritism reveals a law that
if it is not unknown it is at least misunderstood, or even better,
from which the effects were known, since they have always been
produced in all times, but the law was unknown and it was the
ignorance that gave rise to superstition. Once the law is known
the wonderful and supernatural disappear and the phenomena
enter into the order of natural things. That is why the spiritists
do not make miracles by making the tables turn, or a deceased
person write, or a doctor make a nearly dead person revive, or
a physicist produce a lightning strike. Anyone who intended to
make miracles with the support of this science would either be
ignorant or a charlatan.
The spiritist phenomena, as with the magnetic phenomena,
had been passed along as miracles before their causes were
known. Like the skeptical, those of strong spirits, that is to say
those who detain the exclusive privilege of reason and common
sense, don’t believe that something is possible if they don’t understand
it. That is the reason why all the so-called prodigious facts
are cause for their mockery. Since religion has a large number of
events of that kind they don’t believe in religion. That is only a
step away from absolute incredulity. By explaining the majority of
those facts, Spiritism gives a reason for their occurrence. It thus
comes in support of religion, demonstrating the possibility of certain
facts that no longer have a miraculous character, although
not less extraordinary; and God is not smaller or less powerful for
not having breached his own laws. How often haven’t the levitations
of St. Cupertino been scorned? Well then, the suspension
of heavy bodies in the air is explained by Spiritism. We have witnessed
that ourselves and Mr. Home, like other persons of our
knowledge, have repeated the phenomenon of St. Cupertino several
times. Thus, the phenomenon becomes part of the order of
natural things.
Among the first lines of facts of that kind are the apparitions,
because they are the most frequent. The apparition of the Lady of
Salette even divided the clergy is nothing unusual to us. In reality
we cannot affirm that the event did happen since we do have
the material proof. For us, however, it is possible because there
are thousands of similar and recent facts to our knowledge. We
believe in those not only because their reality was attested by us
but also because we are aware of how they are produced. Please
refer to the theory that we gave about the apparitions and you will
see that such phenomenon becomes as simple and plausible as a
number of physical phenomena that are considered prodigious
just because there is a missing key. With respect to the person that
appeared in Salette, that is another matter. Her identity was not
demonstrated, absolutely. The only conclusion is that there might
have been an apparition. The rest is not up to us. Everyone may
have his or her own convictions about that, with which Spiritism
has nothing to do. The only thing we can say is that the facts produced
by Spiritism reveal new laws to us, giving us the key to the
understanding of a number of things that seemed supernatural.
As some of those phenomena that were considered miraculous
now find a logical explanation, this is a reason for not so hastily
denying what was once not understood.
The facts of Spiritism are contested by certain people, precisely
because they seem to escape the common law, and they are
not aware of that. Give them a rational basis and the doubt will
cease. In this century in which there is no economy of words, an
explanation is a powerful element of conviction. Hence, we daily
see people who have never witnessed any event, who have not
seen a table turning or a medium writing, who are as much convinced
as we are, just because they have read it and understood.
If we were supposed to believe only in what our eyes have seen we
would then believe in very little things.
The Case of the Marvelous and the Supernatural
By Louis Figuier
(First article)
It happens to the word marvelous the same that happens to the word
soul; there is an elastic meaning in both, given to multiple interpretations.
That is why we consider it useful to establish some general principles
in the preceding article, before entering into considerations of the
story given by Mr. Figuier.
When that work was published the adversaries of Spiritism applauded,
saying that we would undoubtedly have a strong resistance ahead of us. In
their charitable thoughts they saw us inexorably dead. The sad effects of a
passionate and thoughtless blindness, if they had taken the burden of analyzing
what they want to destroy they would have seen that Spiritism will
one day be, and earlier than they might think, the safeguard of society
and perhaps they themselves may owe Spiritism their salvation, we don’t
say in the next world, with which they care little about, but in this very
world! We don’t say these words lightheartedly. It is not time yet to develop
them. There are many people, however, that already understand us.
Coming back to Mr. Figuier, we ourselves thought to have found a truly
serious adversary in him, with peremptory arguments that would deserve
a serious refutation. His work covers four volumes. The two first ones
contain an explanation of principles in a preface and an introduction,
then a list of very well known facts that will nonetheless be read with
interest, given the scholarly research carried out by the author. We believe
it to be the most complete report ever given to the subject. The first volume
is almost entirely dedicated to the story of Urbain Grandier and the
religious of Loudun. After that comes the convulsionary of Saint-Médard,
the story of the protestant prophets, the magic wand and the animal magnetism.
The fourth and just published book deals particularly with the
turning tables and the rapping spirits. We shall come back to this latest
volume later, limiting ourselves for now to the summary of the analysis of
the whole thing.
The critical part of the stories contained in the two initial volumes consists
in the demonstration, by authentic witnesses, that intrigue, human
passions and charlatanism had a significant role in the subject, and that
certain facts have a clear sign of deception, but that is what nobody objects.
Nobody has ever guaranteed the integrity of all these facts, less than
any other, and the spiritists must be grateful to Mr. Figuier for having
collected proof that will avoid many compilations. They have interest that
the fraud is unveiled and all those who find these frauds in the phenomena
falsely qualified, as spiritist will be doing them a favor. Well, nobody
better than the enemies to do such a service. As seen, they have their
The only problem is that the desire for criticism sometimes drags people
far away, and in the heat of discovering evil they frequently see it where
it is not, for not having examined the subject with the necessary care
and impartiality, which is even rarer. The true critic must stay away from
preconceived ideas, undressed from any prejudice, or otherwise the subject
will be analyzed from a personal point of view, which is not always fair. Let us take an example: let us suppose that the political history of
contemporary events is written with great impartiality, that is, entirely
true, and let us suppose that this story is told by two critics of contrary
opinion. Considering that all facts are absolutely true, this will forcibly
hurt the opinion of one of them. Thus, two contradictory judgments: one
that will elevate the work to the skies; the other that will declare it to be
good enough for the fire. However, the work contains nothing different
from the truth. If that is the case with patent facts like in history, it is
also and with even stronger motive when dealing with philosophical doctrines.
Well, Spiritism is a philosophical doctrine and those who only see
it in the turning tables or who assess it based on absurd stories or the abuse
that confuses Spiritism with sorcery demonstrate that they don’t know it.
Is Mr. Figuier equipped to judge Spiritism with impartiality? That is what
must be evaluated.
Here is how he begins his preface:
“In 1854 when the talking and turning tables appeared in France, imported
from America, they produced an impression here that nobody can
forget. Many wise and sensible people became alarmed by such an unpredictable
development of the passion towards the marvelous. People could
not understand such madness, right now in the nineteenth century, with
an advanced philosophy and amidst this magnificent scientific movement
that drives everything these days to the positive and useful.”
He passed his judgment: the belief in the turning tables is madness. Since
Mr. Figuier is a positive man one must believe that before he published
his book he had seen and studied everything, in depth; in a word, that
he knows what he is talking about. If that were not the case he would
make the same mistake as Mr. Schiff and Mr. Jobert (de Lamballe) with
their theory of the cracking muscle (see The Review issue of June 1859).
We do know, however, that only one month ago he attended a session
where he gave demonstrations of ignoring the most elemental principles of Spiritism. Should he be considered sufficiently enlightened because he
was present in one session? It is true that we don’t question his perspicacity;
however great it is, though, we cannot admit that he can know and
particularly understand Spiritism in one session, as he did not learn physics
in one lesson. If Mr. Figuier were capable of that we would consider the
fact as one of the most marvelous. When he has studied Spiritism with the
same dedication that one does in the study of a science; when he has given
it the necessary moral time; when he has participated into thousands of
experiments; when he has become aware of all facts, without exception;
when he has compared every theory, it is only then that he will be able
to make a judicious criticism. Until then his judgment is only a personal
opinion, without any pro or con weight.
Let us take it from another point of view. We said that Spiritism is thoroughly
founded on the existence of an immaterial principle in us, or in
other words, in the existence of the soul. Someone that does not admit
their own spirit cannot admit a spirit outside. In consequence, by not admitting
the cause the effect cannot be admitted. We would like to know if
Mr. Figuier would place the following principle in his book, as statement
of faith:
1. I believe in God, creator of everything, All-mighty, sovereignly
just and good, and infinite in his perfections;
2. I believe in God’s Providence;
3. I believe in the existence of the soul, that outlives the body and in
its individuality after death. I believe in that not as a probability,
but as something necessary and consequent to the attributes of
the Divinity;
4. By admitting the soul and its survival, I do believe that it would
not be according to the justice or God’s benevolence that good
and evil were treated equally after death, since they rarely receive
the deserved reward or punishment in this life;
5. If the soul of the bad and the good one are not treated in the same
way, then some are happy and others unhappy, that is to say, they
are punished or rewarded according to their deeds.
Had Mr. Figuier made that statement we would tell him: this is
the confession of every spiritist because Spiritism would not make sense
without it, with the only difference that what you believe in theoretically
Spiritism demonstrates through facts, because every spiritist fact is a consequence
of those principles. As the spirits that inhabit the space are nothing
more than the souls of those who lived on Earth or in other worlds, as
soon as the soul, its survival and individuality are admitted, the spirits are
also admitted for that very reason. Now that the basis is acknowledged,
everything depends on the admission that those spirits or souls may communicate
with the living ones; if they can act upon matter; if they have
influence on the physical as well as moral world; or on the contrary, if
they are destined to an eternal inutility, or only to be concerned with
themselves, which is unlikely as long as God’s Providence is admitted and
the remarkable universal harmony is taken into account, where even the
miniscule creatures have their role.
If Mr. Figuier’s answer were negative or only politely doubtful, in order
to avoid shocking very abruptly respectable prejudices, in the words of
certain persons, we would tell him: you are no more competent to judge
matters of Spiritism than a Muslim to judge matters of the Catholic religion;
your judgment could not be impartial and you would unsuccessfully
try to avoid preconceived ideas, considering that those ideas are already in
your opinion, regarding the fundamental principles that you deny a priori
and before knowing the subject.
If one day a board of scientists nominated a secretary to report and examine
the issue of Spiritism and that reporter was not frankly spiritualist,
this would be the same as having a religious council nominating Voltaire
to deal with the subject of dogma. It must be said in passing that people
are surprised by the fact that the scientific corporations have not given their opinion but they forget that their mission is the study of the laws
of matter and not the attributes of the soul, and even less to decide if the
soul does exist. They may have individual opinions about such subject, as
they may have about religion; but they shall never have to pronounce as a
scientific corporation.
We don’t know if Mr. Figuier would respond to the statement of faith
above, but his book allows it to be foreseen. In fact here is how the second
paragraph is formulated:
“A precise knowledge of history would have prevented or at least diminish
such astonishment. In fact it would be a great mistake to imagine
that the ideas that generated the belief in the turning tables and the rapping
spirits have a modern origin. This passion for the marvelous is not
particular to our times: it is present in all countries and at all times, because
it is linked to the very nature of the human spirit. By an instinctive
and unjustifiable mistrust in his own capabilities, the human being is led to
place invisible forces above his head, exerted from an inaccessible sphere. This
congenital disposition has always existed in all periods of human history,
dressed differently according to the time, place and costumes, giving rise
to different manifestations in the form, however having the same principle
in its foundation.”
By saying that “by an instinctive and unjustifiable mistrust in his own
capabilities, the human being is led to place invisible forces above his head,
exerted from an inaccessible sphere” there is an acknowledgement that the
human being is everything, that can do everything, and that there is nothing
above him. If we are not mistaken, this is not only materialism but
atheism. As a matter of fact such ideas stick out from a number of passages
in his preface and introduction, to which we call to the attention of our
readers who we are convinced will share our opinion. Can it be said that
those words are not applicable to the Divinity, but to the spirits? We shall
respond that he then ignores the first word of Spiritism since denying
the spirit is the same as denying the soul. Spirits and souls are the same
thing and the spirits do not exert their influence in an inaccessible sphere
because they are around us, touching us, acting upon the inert matter and every other imponderable and invisible fluid that, irrespectively, are
the most powerful drivers and the most active agents of nature. It is only
God that exerts his influence from a sphere inaccessible to human beings.
Denying such a power is thus denying God. He will finally say that the
effects that we attribute to the spirits are certainly due to some of those
fluids? That would be possible. However, we would then ask how can
unintelligent fluids produce intelligent effects?
Mr. Figuier indicates a capital point when he says that the passion for
the marvelous is in all countries and appeared at all times, since it is in the
very human nature. What he calls passion for the marvelous, simply put,
is the instinctive belief, innate, as he says, in the existence of the soul and
in its survival to the body, a belief that has taken multiple forms according
to the times and places but fundamentally having an identical principle.
Would God have inspired this universal, innate feeling in the individual,
to mock later? That would be the same as denying God’s benevolence, and
even denying God Himself.
Do you want more proof than those above? The following passages
are also from the preface:
“When a new religion transformed Europe in the Middle Ages, the
religion was taken by the marvelous. People believed in diabolic possessions,
in witches and magicians. For several centuries that belief was
sanctioned by a relentless and merciless war against the unfortunate ones
accused of secret trade with demons or with sorcerers who are the demons’
“Towards the end of the seventeenth century, at the dawn of a tolerant
and enlightened philosophy, the devil age and the accusation of sorcery
became a used argument, but that is not enough to deny the marvelous
in its own rights.”
“The miracles spread widely in the churches of the multiple Christian
beliefs; people simultaneously believed in the divining wand, referring to
the movements of a forked stick in order to localize objects of the physical
world and to learn about things of the moral world. Several sciences still
believe in the supernatural influences, formerly introduced by Paracelsus.”
“Despite the fact that the Cartesian theory about philosophical matters
is in fashion in the eighteenth century, whilst all eyes open to the
lights of reason and common sense, in this century of Voltaire and the
encyclopedia, it is only the marvelous that still resists to the downfall of
up until venerated beliefs and the miracles are still plentiful.”
If Voltaire’s philosophy has opened the eyes to the lights of reason and
common sense and shook the foundations of so many superstitions, if that
could not eradicate the innate idea of an occult power, wouldn’t that be
for the fact that such an idea is untouchable?
The philosophy of the eighteenth century shattered the abuse but
stopped before the foundation. If such ideas had triumphed against the
attacks carried out by the apostle of incredulity, would Mr. Figuier expect
to be more successful? Allow us to doubt it.
Mr. Figuier makes a singular confusion with the religious beliefs,
the miracles and the divining rod. To him, they all come from the
same source: the superstition, the belief in the supernatural. We will
not try to defend here that little forked stick which would have the
unique property of serving the research of the physical world, because
we have not studied the subject and because we have by principle only
to praise or criticize something that we know. However, if we wanted
to discuss by analogy we would ask Mr. Figuier if the little pointer
made of steel with which the sailor finds his route, if that pointer
does not have a virtue which is as marvelous as that of the wooden
stick. No, he will say, because we know the cause that acts upon the
needle and that cause is entirely physical. We agree. But who says that
the cause that acts upon the wand is not entirely physical? Before the
theory of the magnetic compass was known, what would you have
thought if you lived in those days, when the sailors had only the stars
as their guides, and that sometimes spoke with them; what would you
have thought of a man who told you: I have in my hands a little box,
the size of a chocolate box, and a little needle, with which the largest
ships can be safely guided; that shows the route in any weather condition
with the precision of a clock?
Still once more, we don’t defend the divining rod, and even less the
charlatanism that has taken that over. Our only point is what would be
more supernatural than a piece of wood, under certain conditions, were
agitated by an invisible earthly flow, like the magnetized needle is by the
magnetic flux that one cannot see either? Wouldn’t that needle also serve
the search for things of the physical world? Wouldn’t it be influenced by
the existence of an underground iron mine? The marvelous is the fixed
idea of Mr. Figuier; it is his nightmare; he sees it wherever there is something
that he cannot understand.
Nevertheless, can he tell us, from his own knowledge, how the tiny
grain germinates and reproduces? What is the force that turns the flower
towards the light source? Who pulls the roots underground towards
a richer and more adequate soil, even through the toughest obstacles?
Strange aberration of the human spirit that thinks to know everything
and in fact knows nothing; that has before their eyes endless wonders but
denies a super-human power!
Since it is based on the existence of God, such super-human power is
exerted on an inaccessible sphere; and since it is based on the existence of
the soul that outlives the body, keeping its individuality and consequently
its influence, religion then has by principle what Mr. Figuier calls the
“marvelous”. Had he limited his comments to saying that there are some
ridicule and absurd among those classified as “supernatural”, a fact supported
by reason, we would applaud him with all our heart, but we could
not agree with his opinion when he mixes the principle and the abuse of
the principle in the same reproach; when he denies the existence of any
power above humanity. As a matter of fact, that conclusion is unequivocally
formulated in the following passage:
“From these discussions we believe that it will result to the reader the
perfect conviction of the non-existence of supernatural agents and the
certainty that all prodigies that have provoked man’s surprise or awe, at all
times, can be explained by the exclusive knowledge of our physiological
organization. Denial of the marvelous, such is the conclusion to be taken
from this book which could be entitled the marvelous explained. If we reach the proposed objective, we are convinced that we would have done
a true service to the benefit of all.”
Shedding light upon the abuses and demystifying fraud and hypocrisy
everywhere, is no doubt the realization of a great service. However,
we do believe that attacking the principle just for the fact that it has been
abused is a disservice to society and to individuals. It is the same as taking
a tree down just because it has produced a bad fruit.
A well understood Spiritism, revealing the cause of certain phenomena,
shows what is possible and what is not possible. Hence, it tends to
destroy the truly superstitious ideas; demonstrating the principle, at the
same time, it gives an objective to good; it fortifies the fundamental beliefs
that incredulity tries to break, under the assumption of abuse; it
fights the disease of materialism which is the negation of duty, moral and
every hope, and that is why we say that it shall one day be the safeguard
of society.
We are in fact far from being sorry for Mr. Figuier’s work. It shall not
have any influence whatsoever upon the adepts for they will immediately
recognize every vulnerable point. Upon the others it will have the same
effect as other criticism: provoke curiosity. Since Spiritism has appeared,
or better saying, re-appeared, a lot has been written about it. There has
been no lack of sarcasm or attacks. It has not been given the honor of one
thing only: a pyre, thanks to the customs these days. Has it blocked its
progress? By no means, since it counts its adepts by the millions already,
in all corners of the world and those numbers increase daily. Criticism has
unwillingly given much contribution to that because its effect, as we said,
is to provoke analysis. People want to see the pros and cons and become
stunned when finding a rational, logical, consoling doctrine that appeases
the anguishes of the doubt, solving what no other philosophy had been
able to solve, when they thought it was just a ridiculous belief.
The more renowned the contradictor is, the more repercussion his
criticism has and more good it can do, calling the attention even of the
indifferent. Mr. Figuier’s work serves that purpose very well. Besides, it
was written as a very serious work, not allowing it to be dragged to the terrain of rude and gross personalism, the only resource of the low level
critics. Considering that he intends to treat the subject from a scientific
point of view, and his position allows him to do so, people will see the last
word of science against this doctrine and the public will then know which
one to choose.
If the wise work carried out by Mr. Figuier is not powerful enough
to cast the last blow onto the doctrine that we doubt that any other
will have a better fate. In order to fight it efficiently he has only one
means that we gladly indicate to him. One cannot destroy a tree by
cutting its branches, but cutting its root. Then, it is necessary to attack
Spiritism in its root and not the branches that are born-again after the
Well, Spiritism’s roots, of this madness of the nineteenth century, to
use one of his expressions, its roots are the soul and its attributes. He has
then to demonstrate that the soul does not exist and cannot exist since
there is no spirit without soul. When this is demonstrated Spiritism will
no longer have a reason to exist and we shall acknowledge defeat. If his
skepticism does not go that far may he then demonstrate, and not by
a simple denial, but by a mathematical, physical, chemical, mechanical,
physiological, or any other proof that:
1. The being that thinks during his life no longer does it after his
2. If he does think he no longer wishes to communicate with the
loved ones left behind;
3. If he can go anywhere he cannot be around us;
4. If he is around us, he cannot communicate with us;
5. He cannot act upon matter through his fluidic body;
6. If he can act upon matter he cannot act upon an animated being;
7. If he can act upon an animated being, he cannot direct the medium’s
hand to write;
8. If he can make the medium write he cannot respond to the medium’s
questions and transmit his thought to him.
When the adversaries of Spiritism demonstrate to us its impossibility,
based on reasons as patent as those of Galileo when he demonstrated
that it is not the Sun that moves around Earth, we can then say that their
doubts are founded. Unfortunately, up until now, their argumentation is
reduced to this: I don’t believe, hence it is impossible. They will certainly
say that it is up to us to demonstrate the reality of the manifestations; we
demonstrate them by the facts and through reason. If they don’t admit
one or the other and if they deny even what they see, it is up to them to
prove that our reasoning is faulty and the facts impossible. We will analyze
Mr. Figuier’s theory in another article. We hope it is better than Mr.
Jobert’s theory of the cracking muscle.
Correspondence - To Mr. President of the Parisian Society of Spiritist Studies
Dear Mr. President,
Allow me some clarifications about Thilorier and his discoveries
(see The Review, August 1860). Thilorier was my friend and
when he showed me the plan of his work in cast iron to liquefy
the carbonic acid gas, I had told him that despite the thickness
of the walls it would explode like cannons after a certain number
of experiments. I stipulated to him to do a strapping in wrought
iron as is done today in brass cannons, but he only added some
Such a device had never exploded in his hands for he
would have been killed like the young Frémy. Nonetheless, the
Committee of the Academy remained conservatively on the fence
while he prepared his experiments. He had been deaf for a number
of years, a fact that forced him to quit his position as inspector
of the Post Office. The only explosion provoked by him was that
of a compressed air musket that he had filled with carbonic acid
gas and left under the sun on top of the lawn in the garden.
I had suggested to him, as I did to Mr. Galy Cazala, helping
him to see the effect of high pressure of the Carbonic acid gas
and the danger of employing it as a weapon. Mr. Galy had the idea of replacing the Carbonic acid by Hydrogen, never above
28 atm. It was too little. Had it not been the case, the gun powder
would have been usefully suppressed because its mechanism
was very simple and a small copper cylinder could easily produce
one hundred shots, according to the needs, as a consequence of
the almost instantaneous recovery of the pressure through water
decomposition by the action of Sulfuric acid and Zinc filings. If
our Chemists could be able to find a gas produced over an average
pressure between that of the Hydrogen and the Carbonic acid,
the problem would have been solved. It would be interesting to
ask Lavoisier, Berzélius or Dalton about it.
On the eve of his death, Thilorier spoke to me about a new
device, almost finished, with the aim of liquefying the air through
successive pressures; from 500 to 1000 atm. We would have sold
this beautiful old copper machine.
I told you that Thilorier was extremely deaf and when I came
to his office at Place Vendome, weeks before his death, I had to
scream. He covered his ears with both hands, saying that I was
deafening him, since the magnetizer Lafontaine, now in Geneva,
had cured him. I left in amazement by the cure that I mentioned
to my two friends Galy Cazala and Captain Delvigne, in the same
evening and with whom I was taking a walk with at Place de la
Bourse when we saw Thilorier with his ear glued to the window of
a store where someone was playing piano. He seemed to be ecstatic
for being able to hear the modern music that he couldn’t hear for
many years. Ah! For Goodness sake! I told my incredulous friends:
there you have the proof. Go behind him and call his name in a
normal voice. Thilorier turned astonished, recognizing his friends
with whom he walked around the avenue, talking normally to
them. Delvigne, who is in my office at this very moment, remembers
perfectly well this interesting occurrence of magnetism. I have
been trying to convince our scholars for over a month now, said
Thilorier. They don’t want to believe that I was cured without the
drugs of their pharmacology which do not cure since I have used them all without success, whereas Lafontaine’s fingers reestablished
my hearing completely, in a few sessions. I remember the fact that
Thilorier, impressed by magnetism, had even changed the poles of
a magnetized bar that he kept in his hands by the simple effort of
his will.
The death of such a wise inventor has prevented us from a
number of discoveries that he had mentioned and now taken to
the grave. He was as shrewd as the good Darcet that I had also
seen in good health just before his death, and who had shown his
stained and worn out books to me, saying that it would give him
more pleasure having them in such condition than well covered
with their golden borders on the shelves, in the library. It is interesting,
he said, that we think so much alike, although we have not
been educated in the same school. He then told me that he felt
sorry for having been criticized with respect to his nutritious gelatin
and that it would have been better to have it sold for 1 cent to
the poor people of Pont-Neuf, than having given it to the scholars
who pay 15 francs in the grocery stores and still pretend that it is
not nourishing. You should evoke that good technologist.
Arago teaches us that the pretense sunspots are nothing more
than remains of planets that come here to enrich the electrical
focus with the fluids that they require to turn into a comet and
initiate a course in a century. Those remains, which are the size
of Europe, are more than 500,000 leagues away from the sun.
Once the extreme limit of attraction is reached and when the
Earth has completed around one fourth of its elliptical trajectory,
which takes approximately three months (it was July 6th), those
remains that are inseparable from their constellation, shall have
disappeared from our sight. The Academy is dealing with our
Memory about catalepsy that you mistakenly threw into the basket
of excommunications. Never mind. You will return to that.
Yours sincerely...
We thank Mr. Jobard for providing interesting details
about Thilorier, even more precious given their authenticity. It
is always interesting to know the truth about human beings who have left
a mark in their place during their life. Mr. Jobard is mistaken by thinking
that we left in the basket of forgetfulness the news sent by Mr. B… about
catalepsy. To begin with it was read at the Society, as contained in the
minutes of May 4th and 11th, and published in the June 1860 issue of The
Review; and the original, instead of being left aside, is carefully preserved
in the archives of the Society. We did not publish such a large volume of
documents first because if we have to publish everything that is sent to us
we would perhaps need ten volumes per year; second, because everything
has its time. However, for the fact that something was not published, it
must not be considered lost. Nothing sent to us or to the Society is lost
and we can always find it to make the most out of it when the time is
right. That is what must be understood by those who wish to send us
documents. We frequently lack the time to promptly respond to all of
them and as extensively as it would undoubtedly require, but how can we
personally respond to thousands of letters received per year, when forced
to do that without the support of a secretary? The day would certainly
not be enough for everything that needs to be done if we did not dedicate
part of our nights also to that task. Having said that as a personal justification,
we shall add with respect to the theory of the formation of Earth,
contained in the thesis mentioned above, and the cataleptic state of the
living beings in their origin, that the Society was advised to wait for more
authentic documents to be presented, before moving on with such studies.
The Society’s spiritual guides said: “It is necessary to be suspicious
about the systematic ideas of the spirits as much as those of people, and
do not accept them lightheartedly and without control, if we don’t want
to be exposed to see much later the denial of what we so hastily accepted.
Because we care about your work we want you to be on guard against a
hurdle where so many imaginations clash, seduced by deceiving appearances.
Remember that you shall not be deceived in one thing only: that
is the moral betterment of people. That is the true mission of the good spirits. Don’t believe that they have the power to unveil God’s secrets; in
particular, don’t believe that they are assigned with the mission of softening
the rough path of Science to you. This can only be achieved through
intense work and constant research. When it is time to present a useful
discovery to humanity we will search for the human being capable of doing
that. We will then inspire in him the idea of how to go about it and he
shall be left with the actual merit. But where would such a work and merit
be if it were enough to effortlessly ask the spirits about the means of acquiring
science, prestige and wealth? Thus, be wise and don’t get into an
avenue where you shall only find deceptions and that would hardly contribute
to your advancement. Those who allow themselves to be dragged
through such a path will one day recognize how wrong they were and will
regret for not having employed their time in a better way.”
That is the summary of the instructions so often given by the spirits,
to us as to the Society. Based on experience we acknowledge their
wisdom. That is why the communications related to scientific research
have a secondary importance to us. We don’t reject them. We welcome
everything that is transmitted to us because there is always a lesson to be
learned but we accept that just as informational, keeping us from accepting
them with a blind and shallow faith. We observe and wait.
Mr. Jobard, who is a positive and sensible man, shall understand that
there is no better way of avoiding the danger of utopias. We certainly will
not be the ones accused of falling behind. We want to avoid false steps and
everything else that can compromise Spiritism’s credibility by prematurely
accepting as incontestable truth something that is still hypothetical.
We believe that other people shall equally appreciate these observations
and that they will undoubtedly understand the inconveniences of
anticipating the time of certain publications. Experience will teach them
the need for not always following the impatience of certain spirits. The
truly superior spirits, (we are not speaking about those who name themselves
as so), are very sensible, and this is in fact one of the characteristics
by which they can be identified.
Spiritist Dissertations - Received or read by several mediums at the Society
The DreamI will tell you a story from the other world, from the one where I am. Imagine a blue sky, a green and calm ocean, curiously cut rocks; no vegetation but only pale lichens clinging to the grooves of rocks. That is the scenery. As a simple romance writer I cannot allow myself to give you the details. Inhabiting that ocean, the rocks, there was only one seated poet, a dreamer, thinking to himself, like in a mirror, about the calm beauty of nature, which spoke to his eyes as much as to his heart. That dream-like poet was I. Where? When does my story happen? Never mind!
Thus, I heard, I saw, I was moved and thoughtful about the profound enchantment of the great solitude. I suddenly saw a woman standing on the summit of the hill. She was tall, brunette, and pale. Her long dark hair waved over her white dress. She looked straight forward, staring in a strange way. I stood up in amazement since that woman, blossoming out of the rock, seemed like a dream to me, the divine dream that had dragged over me so often. I approached. She stood there and extended her arm towards the sea, as if inspired, and sang with a smooth and crying voice. I listened to her, taken by a mortal sadness, mentally repeating the lyrics that flowed from her lips, as if coming from a lively spring.
She then turned to me and I felt myself wrapped by the shadow of her white drapery.
• Listen to me, friend, she said. The shaky waters of the sear are less profound; the rocks are less stiff than love, the cruel love that shatters the poet’s heart. Pay no attention to its voice which brings seduction from the waves, from the air, from the Sun, to constrain, penetrate and burn your soul, a trembling soul that wishes to suffer the illness of love.
That is how she spoke. I listened and felt my heart melt in a divine inebriation. I wish I could destroy myself in the pure breath coming out of her mouth.
• No, she continued. Friend, do not fight against the genius in you. Let yourself be taken by the wings of fire through the bright spheres. Forget the passion which shall drag you down to your knees, you, radiant eagle destined to the highest summits. Listen to the voices inviting you to the celestial concert. Take off your flight, sublime bird. The genius is lonely. You are marked by the divine seal; you cannot become a woman’s slave. She spoke, the shadow moved on and the green sea became dark; the skies overcast and the rocks lined up, strangely. She shone even further, seemingly crowned by twinkling stars, and her dress, white like the foam that lashed at the shore, unfolding into immense layers.
• Don’t leave me, I finally said. Take me in your arms; let your dark hair be the bonds that keep me; allow me to live in your light or die in your shadow.
• Come then, she said in a different voice, which seemed more distant. Come, since you prefer the dream that keeps the genius asleep, the genius that enlightens people. Come. I shall not leave you again and both of us, hurt by the fatal blow, shall follow with Dante’s entourage. Don’t be afraid that I might abandon you, oh my poet! The dream rewards you with disgrace and with men’s disdain, people who will only praise your music when no longer irritated by the shine of your genius.
I then felt a powerful embrace lifting me up from the ground. I saw nothing else but the white dress that surrounded me like a halo. I was then consumed by the power of the dream that forever separated me from people.
Alfred de Musset
Thus, I heard, I saw, I was moved and thoughtful about the profound enchantment of the great solitude. I suddenly saw a woman standing on the summit of the hill. She was tall, brunette, and pale. Her long dark hair waved over her white dress. She looked straight forward, staring in a strange way. I stood up in amazement since that woman, blossoming out of the rock, seemed like a dream to me, the divine dream that had dragged over me so often. I approached. She stood there and extended her arm towards the sea, as if inspired, and sang with a smooth and crying voice. I listened to her, taken by a mortal sadness, mentally repeating the lyrics that flowed from her lips, as if coming from a lively spring.
She then turned to me and I felt myself wrapped by the shadow of her white drapery.
• Listen to me, friend, she said. The shaky waters of the sear are less profound; the rocks are less stiff than love, the cruel love that shatters the poet’s heart. Pay no attention to its voice which brings seduction from the waves, from the air, from the Sun, to constrain, penetrate and burn your soul, a trembling soul that wishes to suffer the illness of love.
That is how she spoke. I listened and felt my heart melt in a divine inebriation. I wish I could destroy myself in the pure breath coming out of her mouth.
• No, she continued. Friend, do not fight against the genius in you. Let yourself be taken by the wings of fire through the bright spheres. Forget the passion which shall drag you down to your knees, you, radiant eagle destined to the highest summits. Listen to the voices inviting you to the celestial concert. Take off your flight, sublime bird. The genius is lonely. You are marked by the divine seal; you cannot become a woman’s slave. She spoke, the shadow moved on and the green sea became dark; the skies overcast and the rocks lined up, strangely. She shone even further, seemingly crowned by twinkling stars, and her dress, white like the foam that lashed at the shore, unfolding into immense layers.
• Don’t leave me, I finally said. Take me in your arms; let your dark hair be the bonds that keep me; allow me to live in your light or die in your shadow.
• Come then, she said in a different voice, which seemed more distant. Come, since you prefer the dream that keeps the genius asleep, the genius that enlightens people. Come. I shall not leave you again and both of us, hurt by the fatal blow, shall follow with Dante’s entourage. Don’t be afraid that I might abandon you, oh my poet! The dream rewards you with disgrace and with men’s disdain, people who will only praise your music when no longer irritated by the shine of your genius.
I then felt a powerful embrace lifting me up from the ground. I saw nothing else but the white dress that surrounded me like a halo. I was then consumed by the power of the dream that forever separated me from people.
Alfred de Musset
About the Works of the Society
I will talk about the need for observation of the strictest possible regularity of your sessions, meaning the avoidance of any confusion and divergence of ideas. Divergence favors the replacement of the good spirits by the bad ones, and these almost always respond to the formulated questions. Besides, how can one avoid contradictory ideas, distractions, or even worse a vague and reproachable indifference in a meeting composed by diverse and mutually unknown elements? I wanted to find a certain and efficient way to avoid that. It is perhaps in the concentration of the fluids scattered around the mediums. These are the only ones, in particular those who are loved, that can retain the good spirits in the session but their influence can barely dispel the horde of mocking spirits. The work of examining the communications is excellent. It would never be too much to do an in-depth study of the questions and even more importantly the answers. It is easy to make mistakes, even to those spirits animated by the best intentions. The sluggish writing, during which the spirit terminates a subject as soon as he has initiated it; the mobility and indifference towards certain conventional forms; all these things and many others are igns for you to trust with caution, always ready for examination, even when dealing with the most authentic communications. With that, may God keep under his sacred protection all true spiritists!
Georges, a familiar spirit
Notice The second edition of The Spirits’ Book, published in March 1860, was sold out in less than four months. A third edition has just been released. Allan Kardec
Georges, a familiar spirit
Notice The second edition of The Spirits’ Book, published in March 1860, was sold out in less than four months. A third edition has just been released. Allan Kardec
Mr. Allan Kardec’s response to the Gazette de LyonThe Gazette de Lyon published the article below, in its August 2nd,
1860 edition, with the title “A session of the spiritists”, to which Mr.
Allan Kardec gave the answer that follows, unfortunately not yet published
by that paper.
“The so called spiritists are certain hallucinatory people who broke
apart from every religious belief of their time and country, and yet pretend
to be in communication with the spirits. Born out of the turning
tables, Spiritism is nothing more than one out of a thousand pathological
states in which the human brain may fall into, when allowed to be carried
away by the other thousand and one aberrations that the antiquity,
the middle ages and the current times have given way too. Sensibly condemned
by the Catholic Church, all those mysterious studies, away from
the positive facts, have no other result than the production of madness in
all those who get involved with it, supposing that this state of madness has
not yet become chronic in the brains of the adepts, a fact that is far from
being demonstrated.”
“The spiritists have a periodical in Paris and it is enough to read
some of its contents to be assured that we are not exaggerating. The
clumsiness of the questions addressed to the evoked spirits is only
matched by the clumsiness of their answers, and in good faith we can tell them that it is not worth it to come back from the other world to
say so many silly things.”
“And finally, this new madness, renewed from the ancient times, is
looming over our town. Lyon has spiritists and it is in the house of simple
weavers that the spirits come to communicate.”
“Throphonius’ cave is located in a weaver’s workshop; the high priest
of the place is a silk weaver and the prophetess is his wife; the followers are
generally workers, since they don’t receive well those who denounce much
intelligence from their looks; the spirits only care to manifest to the simple
ones. That is the likely cause of our admission there.”
“Invited to attend one of the weekly sessions of the spiritists of Lyon,
we got to the workshop where there were four looms, one of them idle.
There, among the four gallows25, the prophetess sat in front of a square
table where there was a notebook and a goose feather pen. Notice that I said a
goose feather pen and not a metallic pen because metals horrify the spirits. “
“Twenty five people, including this server of yours, formed a circle
around the table. After a brief speech given by the high priest about the
nature of the spirits, everything done in a style that may enchant the spirits,
due to its… simplicity, the questions began.”
“A young man approaches and asks the prophetess why, eight days before
the battles, in Crimea or Italy, he was always called somewhere else?”
“The inspired (that is how they call her) takes the pen and moves it
over the paper where she sketches cabalistic signs, and then pronounces
this formula: - Lord, allow us the grace of learning about this. Then she
adds: - I read the following answer: - You are destined to live to teach and
enlighten your brothers.”
“That is evidently an influential adept that they want to entice to the
cause. Besides, he had been a soldier and perhaps a Zouave. Let us not
create difficulties and proceed.”
“Another young man approaches and asks if the spirit of his father followed
him and protected him during combats. The answer: Yes.”
“We took the man aside and asked him how long his father had been
dead. – My father is not dead, he said.”
“Then an old man approaches and asks: - pay attention to the subtleness
of the question, by imitation of the former Tarquinius: - if what
he thinks is the reason why his father had given him the name John.
Answer: - Yes.”
“An old soldier of the first Empire asks if the spirits of the soldiers of
the old empire haven’t followed our young soldiers to Crimea and Italy.
Answer: Yes.”
“Then follows a superstitious question, framed by a young lady: Why
is Friday an ill-fated day? The answer was given promptly and certainly
deserves attention for several historical obscurities that it eliminates. The
inspired answer: - Because Moses, Salomon and Jesus died on that day.”
“A young worker form Lyon, based on his accent, wants to learn about
a marvelous fact. One night, he said, my mother felt a face touching hers.
She wakes both, my father and I up. We searched everywhere and found
nothing. Suddenly, one of our looms starts moving. We approached and
it stopped. Another one starts moving on the other side of the workshop.
We were scared to death and it got worse when we saw them all working
simultaneously, and saw nobody. It is your grandfather, responded the
prophetess. He came to ask for prayers.”
“The young man responded with an air that it would be easy for
him to enter the sanctuary: That is true. Poor old man! He was promised
Church masses which never happened.”
“Another worker asks why the pointer of his scale sometimes moves
by itself. The inspired responds: - It is a rapping spirit that produces the
“Very well, said the worker. But I stopped the prodigy by placing a
mass of lead on the lighter plate. – It is very simple, the foreteller continued,
the spirits are afraid of lead due to the mirage.”
“All wanted an explanation about the word mirage. The power of the
prophetess stops there.”
“God does not wish to explain that, not even to me.”
“It was a force major, before which everyone bowed.”
“Then the high priest, foreseeing serious internal objections, took the
word and said:”
“We must abstain from this question, ladies and gentlemen, since we
would be dragged to other scientific questions that we cannot solve.”
“At this point in time the questions were plenty and all over the place.”
“If the signs that appear in the skies, for some time now (the comets!),
are those mentioned in the Apocalypse.” She responds: Yes and this world
will no longer exist in one hundred and forty years.”
“Why has Jesus said that there will always be poor people? Answer:
Jesus was talking about the poor of spirit. For these God has just prepared
a special world.”
“We will not point out the whole importance of such an answer. Who
cannot understand how happy our descendants will be when they no longer
have to worry about any contact with those poor of spirit? As for the
others, the prophetess’s answer fortunately gives us indication that her
reign is over. Good news to the economists who go sleepless to solve the
poverty issue.”
“To finalize, a forty-five-year old lady approaches and asks if her spirit
has already reincarnated and how often? You, like me, would be very embarrassed
to answer that but the spirits respond to everything. Yes, the
goose pen answered, it was three times: the first as a natural daughter of
a respectable Russian princess (this word respectable, near the preceding
word, intrigues me); the second as the natural daughter of a ragman from
Bohemia, and the third she knows…”
“We hope that this sample of a session of the spiritists of Lyon will
be suffice to demonstrate that the spirits of Lyon are as much worthy as
those of Paris.”
“However, here is the question: wouldn’t it be good to stop the poor
mad people from becoming even crazier?”
“In former times the Church was powerful enough to silence similar
diversions. It was perhaps too harsh, it is true, but it stopped evil.
Nowadays, since the religious authority is powerless and common sense does not have sufficient power to do justice to such hallucinations,
shouldn’t the established authority intervene in such a case, putting an
end to practices whose least effect is to ridicule those involved?”
Mr. Allan Kardec’s answer to Mr. Editor of the Gazette de Lyon
We received an article signed by C.M., published in the Gazette de Lyon on August 2nd, 1860 under the title “A session of the spiritists”. In that article, although I was not directly attacked, I am so in the person of all those who share my convictions. However, this would mean nothing if your words did not tend to deceive the public opinion about the principles and consequences of the spiritist beliefs, casting ridicule and criticism upon those who profess these beliefs and that you point to the legal courts. Please allow me some corrections about it, while I count on your impartiality with the hopes that you will publish them since you thought adequate to publish the attack in the first place.
You should not think Sir that this has the objective of convincing you or to respond to aggression with aggression. Whatever the reasons that may impede you from sharing our way of seeing things I don’t intend to look for them and I do respect them, if they are sincere. I only ask for reciprocity that is a normal practice among civilized people. With respect to unfriendly name-calling, I don’t have the habit of doing that.
Had you seriously discussed the principles of Spiritism; had you opposed any arguments, good or bad, I could have responded. However, your whole argumentation is limited to classify us as ignorant people; and that is not up to me to discuss if you are right or wrong since pointing out everything that is inaccurate in your assertions would be total personalism.
It is not good enough to tell those who don’t think like us that they are a bunch of fools; anybody can do that. It is necessary to show them that they are wrong. But how can it be done? How to get into the heart of the issue if we don’t know the first word about it? Well, I believe that this is your situation otherwise you would have used better weapons than the banal accusation of stupidity. When you have given the necessary moral time to the serious study of Spiritism – and I warn you that one needs a lot of time – when you have learned everything that can substantiate your opinion, doing an in-depth analysis of all questions; when you have witnessed thousands of experiments, as a mindful and impartial observer, your criticism will then bear some value. Until then it is no more than an individual opinion, based on nothing and it can expose you to be caught off-guard later, accused of ignorance. The beginning of your article is a demonstration of that. Here is what you say: “The so called spiritists are certain hallucinatory people who broke away from every religious belief of their time and country…” Do you know Sir that this is a very serious accusation, even more so for being false and a slanderous? Spiritism is entirely based on the dogma of existence of the soul, in its survival to the body, in its individuality after death, immortality and in the future penalties and rewards. Spiritism does not sanction those truths by theory. Its objective is to patently demonstrate them. That is why so many people who believed nothing have been redirected to the religious ideas. The whole moral of Spiritism is simply the development of Christ’s maxims: the practices of charity, pay evil with good, to be indulgent to one’s neighbors, forgive the enemies; in a word, to act towards the others as we wished they would do towards us. Would you then find these ideas so stupid? Have they broken down every religious belief? No, you will say, but then it is enough to be a Catholic to have those ideas. To have them, maybe, but to practice them is something else, as it seems. Is it very Christian of you, catholic, to insult courageous people who have never done any harm to you, that you don’t even know and that trusted you enough to welcome you in their ambient. Let us suppose that they are wrong. Will it be through name-calling and by bothering them that you will drive them back?
Your article contains another factual mistake that once again demonstrates your ignorance in matters of Spiritism. You say that the “followers are generally workers”. You should then know Sir, to your own benefit, that from the current number of five to six million spiritists, almost all of them belong to the most educated classes of society; among its fervent members, Spiritism counts on doctors in all countries, lawyers, judges, scholars, civil servants of high echelons, officers of all ranks, artists, scientists, businessmen, etc., people that you lightheartedly classify as ignorant. Let us nevertheless get over it. Do the words insult and calumny seem too harsh to you? Let us see.
Have you given enough thought to your words when, after saying that the followers are generally workers, you added with respect to the gatherings of Lyon: “since they don’t receive well those who denounce much intelligence from their looks; the spirits only care to manifest to the simple ones. That is the likely cause of our admission there”. And later you say: “After a brief speech given by the high priest about the nature of the spirits, everything done in a style that may enchant the spirits, due to its… simplicity, the questions began.” I don’t remember the mockery related to the goose pen that according to you the medium used, and other also very witty things. I speak more seriously. I will say only this: your eyes and ears served you very badly because the medium that you speak of does not use a goose pen and both the form and the content of most questions and answers mentioned in the article are pure invention. Those are then small calumnies through which you intended to make your talent shine.
Thus, in your opinion, to be admitted to such worker’s sessions one needs to be a worker, that is, lacking common sense, and you were introduced there because you were certainly taken by a fool. Had they assessed you with sufficient spirit to invent things that don’t exist, it is very likely that they would have shut the door on you.
Have you thought, Sir, that you don’t only attack the spiritists but the whole working class, and in particular that of Lyon? Have you forgotten that these are the very workers, the weavers as you say with contempt, that make your city prosper through the industry? Weren’t those worthless creatures the workers that produced Jacquard? Where have the manufacturers come from, in good number, those who acquired fortune out of their own work, order and savings? Isn’t that an insult to their work comparing their looms to shameful gallows? You ridiculed their language; do you forget that their skill is not that of giving academic speeches? Does one need a sophisticated style to say what is in their mind? Your words are not only frivolous, Sir, and I used this word for consideration. Your words are insensible. If God has never reserved you terrible days, pray for those who feel offended don’t remember that. The spiritists will forget because that is what charity commands them. You must then wish that all of them are, since they drink out of the fountain of Spiritism, the principles of social order, respect to property and religious feelings.
Do you know what the Lyon workers do, those that you treat with so much disdain? Instead of going to get high in the cabarets or being fed by subversive and chimerical doctrines, in that workshop that you contemptuously compare to the cave of Throphonius, amidst those looms of four gallows, they think of God. I have seen them during my staying here. I talked to them and I am convinced of the following: Many among them used to curse their tough work; today, they accept it with Christian resignation, as a trial. Many were envious and jealous of the luck of the wealthy ones; today they know that richness is a trial still more slippery than misery and that the unfortunate person that suffers and does not yield to temptation is the true elected of God. They know that true happiness is not in the superfluous and that those who are called the happy ones in this world also endure cruel anguishes, not appeased by the gold. Many of them laughed at the prayer; today they pray and return to the forgotten path of church, because they did not believe in anything before and now they do. Several would have succumbed in despair; now that they know the fate of those who voluntarily abbreviate their lives, now they yield to God’s will since they know that they have a soul which was uncertain before. Finally, because they know that their passage on Earth is transient and that God’s justice fails no one.
There you have, Sir, what those ignorant people know, as you call them know. They may perhaps express themselves in a ridicule language, trivial to the eyes of a smart man like you, but to the eyes of God the merit is in the heart and not in the elegance of the phrases.
In another point you say: “In former times the Church was powerful enough to silence similar diversions. It was perhaps too harsh, it is true, but it stopped evil. Nowadays, since the religious authority is powerless and common sense does not have sufficient power to do justice to such hallucinations, shouldn’t the established authority intervene …etc.?” In fact, the Church used to burn people at the stake. It is a real shame that we no longer have the stakes. Oh! Disgraceful effects of the progress of the ideas!
I don’t have the habit of responding to diatribes. If it were only about me I would not have said anything. However, since it is related to a belief that makes me proud of professing it because it is an eminently Christian belief, you try to ridicule hard working and honest people just because they are illiterate, forgetting that Jesus was a worker. You provoke them with offensive words; promote the rigor of the law and the religious authorities against them when they are a peaceful people that understand the emptiness of utopias that move them and that have scared you. I had to take their defense, keeping up with the duties imposed by charity, telling them that if others don’t do their duty this is not a reason for them to stay away from theirs.
That is, Sir, the advice that I give you; these are also the advice of the spirits who are silly enough to address simple and ignorant people and not you. It is perhaps because they know that they are going to be better understood. By the way, could you tell me why has Jesus chosen his apostles among the people and not among the scholars? It is certainly because in those days there was no reporter to tell him what to do.
You will certainly say that your criticism only affects the belief in the spirits and their manifestations and not the sacred principles of religion. I am sure about it. Why then saying that the spiritists broke away from every religious principle? The fact is that you don’t know about their basis. Nevertheless, you saw there a person praying with heart and you, a Catholic, you laughed at a person in prayer!
You probably don’t know what that the spirits are either? The spirits are only the souls of those who had lived. Souls and spirits are one and the same thing. Thus, by denying the existence of the spirits you are also denying the soul. Admitting the soul, its survival and its individuality is the same as admitting the spirits. The whole question then is to know if the soul can manifest to the living ones, after death. The sacred books and the priests of the Church have acknowledged that. If the spiritists are wrong so are those authorities. In order to prove it it is necessary to demonstrate, not by a simple denial, but through imperious reasons:
1. That the thoughtful being existing in us during this life can no longer think after death;
2. That if the being thinks it must no longer think of the
loved ones;
3. That if the being thinks of the loved ones, it must no
longer wish to communicate with them;
4. That if the being can be everywhere, it cannot be around
5. That if the being is around us, it cannot communicate
with us.
If you only knew the condition of the spirits, their nature, and
if I can say so, their physiological organization as they describe
it to us, and as the observation confirms, you would know that
the spirit and the soul, as the only and the same thing, the spirit
lacks only the body that is left behind at death, keeping however
an ethereal body that is a fluidic body to the spirit, with whose
support the spirit may, under certain conditions, become visible.
That is the case of the apparitions that is perfectly admitted by
the Church itself, since it uses some of them as an article of faith.
Given the foundation above, I will add the following propositions
to the previous ones, asking you to prove them:
6. That the spirit cannot act upon inert matter through its
fluidic wrapping;
7. That if it can act upon inert matter, it cannot act upon an
animated being;
8. That if it can act upon an animated being, it cannot drive
their hand and write;
9. That if it can make someone write, it cannot respond to
their questions and transmit their thoughts.
When you have demonstrated that everything above is impossible,
by the use of so blatant reasoning as those used by Galileo when demonstrating that it is not the Sun that goes around Earth,
then your opinion shall be taken into account.
You will certainly object that the spirits sometimes say absurd
things in their communications. That is very true; and they
do more than that: they sometimes say rude and insolent things.
This is because when the spirit leaves the body it does not leave
immediately behind all of its imperfections. It is then likely that
those who say ridiculous things as spirits also did the same when
they were among us. That is why we don’t blindly accept everything
that comes from the spirit more than we do to what comes
from human beings.
However, I stop here since I don’t intend to give a lecture. It
was enough for me to demonstrate that you spoke about Spiritism
without having any knowledge about it.
Respectfully yours,
Allan Kardec
Banquet Offered to Mr. Allan Kardec by the Spiritists of Lyon
Answer given by Mr Allan KardecLadies and gentlemen, and all of you, my dear and good brothers in Spiritism:
The warm and benevolent welcome that I received from you, since my arrival, would be enough to make me proud, if I did not understand that such testimonies are addressed much less to the person than to Spiritism, of which I am no more than one of the most humble servers. It is the consecration of a principle and I feel doubly happy, for this principle must one day ensure human’s happiness and the appeasement of society, when it is well understood and even better when it is practiced. Its adversaries only combat it because they do not understand it. It is up to us; it is up to the true spiritists, to those who see in Spiritism something more than experiments more or less curious, making it understood and propagating it, preaching by actions as much as by words. The Spirits’ Book resulted in the demonstration of its philosophical reach. If this book has any merit it would be presumptuous of me to be proud of it because the Doctrine that it contains is not my creation. The honor for the good that it has done is due to the wise spirits that have dictated it and that used me as their server. I can then hear the praise without harming my modesty and without exalting my self-esteem. Had I wished to prevail from that I would certainly have claimed its conception, instead of having it attributed to the spirits; and If there is any doubt about the superiority of those who cooperated, one just needs to take into account the influence that it has exerted in such a short time, only by the power of logic, and without any of the material means proper to super excite curiosity.
Nonetheless, ladies and gentlemen, the warmth of your reception shall be a powerful encouragement to me in my laborious undertaking, which I have turned into the reason of my life, because it gives me the consoling assurance that the good hearted individuals are no longer so rare in this materialistic century, as people like to proclaim it.
The feelings that such benevolent testimonies make germinate in me are better understood than expressed; and what gives them a priceless value to my eyes is that they are not driven by any personal consideration. I do thank you from the bottom of my heart, in the name of Spiritism, especially on behalf of the Parisian Society of Spiritist Studies, that shall be happy for your kind demonstrations of sympathy, and proud for having such a great number of good and loyal comrades in Lyon. Allow me to cover in a few words the impressions I take from my brief passage among you.
The first thing that caught my attention was the number of followers. I already knew that Lyon had a large number but I was far from suspecting that it was so significant, already in the hundreds, and soon I hope will be countless. But if Lyon is distinguished for the number it is not less for the quality, which is even better. I have only met sincere spiritists, all over the place, those who understand the Doctrine in its true point of view. There are, ladies and gentlemen, three categories of adepts: the first ones limit themselves to the belief in the manifestations, seeking the phenomena before anything else. Spiritism for those is just a series of more or less interesting facts. The second group sees more than facts. They understand its philosophical reach; admire the moral that result from it but do not practice it. For them, Christian charity is a beautiful maxim, and that is all. Finally, the third group is not satisfied by the admiration of the moral: they practice it and accept all of its consequences. Well convinced that the earthly life is a transient trial, try to take advantage of these short intervals to march in the path of progress delineated by the spirits, struggling to do the good deeds and to repress their bad inclinations. Their relationships are always safe because their convictions keep them away from any evil thought. Charity is their rule of conduct in everything. These are the true spiritists, or better, the Christian spiritists.
Well, ladies and gentlemen! I am glad to tell you that I have not found here any adept of the first category. I have not seen anywhere people concerned with Spiritism for mere curiosity. I have not seen anywhere people using the communications for futile issues. The objective is serious and the intentions honest everywhere. Based on what I see and from what I hear, there are many in the third category. Thus, honor to the spiritists of Lyon, for having entered so widely into this progressive avenue, without which Spiritism would be aimless. Such example shall not be lost and will have its consequences. It was not without reason, I see it well, that the other day the spirits responded, through one of our most dedicated mediums, although one of the most obscure, when I manifested my surprise to them: “Why are you surprised? Lyon was the city of the martyrs. Faith is alive here. It shall give apostles to Spiritism. If Paris is the brain, Lyon shall be the heart.” The coincidence between this answer and the message that was just given before in Mr. Guillaume’s speech, is something very meaningful.
The latest speed of propagation of Spiritism, despite the still present opposition, or perhaps because of that opposition, can give us an insight into the future. Let us then sensibly avoid everything that may produce an unpleasant impression. Let us avoid not the loss of a granted cause, but to delay its development.
Let us follow the advice of the wise spirits on this, and let us not forget that many results have been compromised in the world for excess of precipitation. Let us not forget either that our enemies from the other world, as those from this, may try to drag us through a dangerous path.
You have asked me to give you some advice and to me it is a pleasure to give you those that can be suggested by experience. They shall never be more than a personal opinion that I invite you to analyze with your wisdom, making the use that may seem more adequate to you since I do not have the pretension of imposing myself as an absolute judge. You intendedto form a large society. I have already given you my thoughts on that and I will summarize them here.
It is a fact that the best communications are obtained in meetings with a small number of people, where there is harmony and communion of feelings. Well then, the larger the number the more difficult it is to obtain such homogeneity. Since it is impossible that in the beginning of a science, still so new, there would not be some divergences in the way of assessing certain things, from that divergence there would infallibly be a discomfort which could lead to disunion. The small groups, on the contrary, will always be more homogeneous. In the small groups everyone knows everyone better; it is a more family-like and may admit with better criteria those who are desired. As everybody definitely tends to the same objective they can get along perfectly well and will do even more so due to the absence of that unstoppable susceptibility, incompatible with the quietness and concentration of the spirit. The bad spirits that always try to spread disharmony, irritating susceptibilities, will always have less domination in a small group when compared to a large and heterogeneous group. In short, the unity of vision and feeling will be easier to establish there. The multiplicity of groups has another advantage: the reception of a much larger variety of communications, by the diversity of skills of the mediums. These partial sessions should share their production with the other small groups, each group separately, and everyone will then take advantage of the mutual works. As a matter of fact, there will come a time when the number of attendees will no longer fit a unique session, and the group will have to break by the force of things. That is why it would be better to do now what will have to be done later.
From the point of view of propaganda, there is no doubt that the novice may collect better elements of conviction in the intimacy rather than in the large meetings. Hence there are two reasons to prefer the small groups that can be multiplied to the infinity. Well, twenty groups of ten persons, for example, will unquestionably obtain more and make more proselytes than a single session of two hundred people.
I mentioned, not long ago, the divergences that may arise and I said that they should not create obstacles to the perfect understanding between the centers. In fact, those divergences can only occur in the details and not in the broader picture. The objective is the same: the moral betterment; the means is the same: the teachings given by the spirits. If such teachings were contradictory; if one had evidently to be false and the other true, notice that this could not alter the objective which is to lead the individual towards the good path, for his greater present and future happiness.
Now, good cannot have double standards. However, from a scientific or dogmatic point of view, it is useful, or at least interesting, to know who is right and who is wrong. Then! You have an infallible criterion to evaluate it, be it some simple details or radically divergent systems. This does not apply to the spiritist systems only but to every philosophical system.
First, analyze which one is more logical, which one better corresponds to your expectations, which one can achieve the objective in a better way. The truer will evidently be the one that explains better, that gives better reasons for everything. If a single fact can be opposed to a system, contradicting its theory, it means that the theory is either false or incomplete. Then, analyze the practical results of each system. The truth must be on the side of the one that produces the greater good; that exerts a healthier influence; that produces more good and virtuous people; that stimulates the good deeds based on the purest and most rational motives. Happiness is the constant objective aspired by the human being. Truth will be on the side that yields greater moral satisfaction; In short, that makes people happier.
Considering that the teachings come from the spirits, the multiple groups, as with the individuals, are under the influence of certain spirits who preside over their works, or direct them morally. If those spirits are not in agreement the question will be which ones are more trustworthy. It will evidently be the one whose theory cannot raise serious objection; in short, the one that in all points gives more proof of superiority. If everything that is taught is good, the name taken by the spirit is irrelevant. In that sense, the issue of identity is absolutely secondary. If, under a respectable name, the teaching fails in its essential qualities, you can definitely conclude that the name is apocryphal and an impostor or a mocking spirit is using it. General rule: the name is never a guarantee. The only, the true guarantee is the superiority of thought and the way it is expressed. The deceiving spirits may imitate everything, everything, except true wisdom and true feeling.
Ladies and gentlemen, it is not my intention here to give you a course in Spiritism, and I will perhaps abuse your patience with such details. However, I cannot avoid adding a few more words. It frequently happens that in order to have certain utopias accepted, the spirits impersonate a false wisdom, trying to impose them through the utilization of an arsenal of technical words, trying to fascinate those who easily believe in anything. They have still an even more efficient way that is the presentation of false virtues. Supported by great words like charity, fraternity, and humility, they expect to obtain free access to the grossest absurd; and that is what happens often when one is not forewarned. Hence, we must not be led by the appearances from the part of the spirits as much as human beings. Now, I do confess that this is one of the greatest difficulties. However, it has never been said that Spiritism is an easy science. It has its hurdles that can only be avoided by experience. To avoid falling in the trap it is necessary, from starters, to be guarded against blinding enthusiasm and pride that leads certain mediums to believe that they are the only interpreters of truth. One needs to examine everything cold-bloodedly, weigh-in everything, control everything, and if one’s own assessment is suspicious, which it is sometimes sensible, it is then necessary to report to others, following the proverb that four eyes see more than two. A false self-esteem or an obsession may singly push a notoriously false idea, which is repelled by everyone’s common sense.
Ladies and gentlemen, I don’t ignore the fact that I have many enemies here. Although it may stun you there is nothing truer. Yes, there are people here who hear me with rage; not among you, thank God, where I expect to have friends only. I refer to the deceiving spirits who don’t want me to provide you with the means of unmasking them, since I uncover their tricks, putting you on guard, subtracting from them the domination they could exert upon you. With that respect, ladies and gentlemen, it would be a mistake to imagine that such domination is exerted upon the mediums only. Rest assured that the spirits act incessantly upon us, since they are everywhere, and without our knowledge, mediums or not, spiritists or not. Mediumship does not attract them; on the contrary, it provides the means of knowing the enemy that is always betrayed. Always, listen well, and that the only abuse is to those who allow themselves to be abused.
That, ladies and gentlemen, brings me to complete my thought about what I have just said regarding the dissidences that could take place among several groups, given the diversity of the teachings. I told you that despite some divergences, they should get along and must get along well, as long as they are true spiritists. I gave you the means of controlling the value of the communications, which is how the kind of influence exerted on each one may be appreciated. Given that every good influence comes from a good spirit; that everything that is bad comes from a bad source; that the evil spirits are the enemies of union and concord, the group that is assisted by a bad spirit will be the one to throw the stones on the other and will not reach out to them. As for myself, ladies and gentlemen, I see you all as my brothers and sisters, both with the truth and in error. However I declare out loud that I will be wholeheartedly with those who show more charity and abnegation. If any of you, God forbid, had any feelings of hatred, envy or jealousy I would be sorry for you because you would be under a bad influence and I would rather have those bad thoughts coming to you from a strange spirit than from your own heart. And that would only make me suspicious of the truthfulness of the communications received by you, considering that a truly good spirit will only suggest good feelings.
I will finish this speech, ladies and gentlemen, too long already, with a few considerations about the causes that must ensure the future of Spiritism. You all understand, from what you have before your eyes and from your own feelings, that on a future day Spiritism must exert a huge influence onto the social fabric. However, it is still far away from the day when such influence will be generalized, no doubt. Generations are needed so that man can dispose of the old man. However, since now and if good cannot be generalized, it is already individual, and because that good is effective, the doctrine that entails it is so easily accepted. I will even say that it is enthusiastically accepted, by many. In fact, and abstraction made of its rationality, which philosophy is more capable of liberating human beings from the earthly bonds, elevating their soul to infinity? Which one can give them a more just, more logical idea, supported by patent proofs, about their nature and destiny? May its adversaries replace it by something better; by a more consoling doctrine, better accommodated to reason; by a more cheerful thought than knowing that our dead loved ones remain close to us, see us, hear us, speak to us and give us advice; that gives a more legitimate reason for resignation; that lessens the fear of death even further; that entails more calmness during life’s trials; that replaces, finally, that smooth quietness that one feels by saying: I feel better. Spiritism will lower its weapons before any doctrine which can do all that better.
Hence, Spiritism makes people sovereignly happy. With Spiritism there is no more isolation or despair. It has already spared many faults, impeded several crimes, given peace to many families, and corrected many deviations. How shall that be then when all people are fed by such ideas! Because they will strengthen through reason and will no longer relegate their soul. Human beings want happiness; Spiritism gives that; they will embrace Spiritism. Is Spiritism annihilation wanted? Then, give human beings a better source of happiness and hope. That is as far as the individuals are concerned.
There are two other forces that may have feared Spiritism’s arrival: the civil and the religious authorities. Why is that so? It is because Spiritism is unknown to them. Today the Church begins to see that it will find in Spiritism a powerful weapon against incredulity; the logical solution to several embarrassing dogmas, and finally, that it brings back a good number of stray sheep to their Christian duties.
The civil authority, on the other hand, starts to see proofs of its beneficial influence upon the working classes to which this doctrine, through conviction, brings ideas of order, the respect to property and clarifies about the emptiness of the utopias. Witnessing almost miraculous moral metamorphoses, it shall soon see in the propagation of these ideas a more useful food for thought than the joys of the cabaret or the turmoil of public squares, and consequently a safeguard to society. Thus, people, Church and power envisaging one day in Spiritism a barrier against the brutality of passions, a guarantee to public order and tranquility, a return to the extinguishing of religious ideas, its obstruction will be in no one’s interest. On the contrary, each part will seek a support in Spiritism. As a matter of fact, who can stop the current of this river of ideas that already flows its benevolent waters in the five continents?
These are, my dear comrades, the considerations that I wanted to bring you. I end by thanking you once again for your kind welcome, whose memory shall always be in my mind. I equally thank the good spirits for the total satisfaction granted to my trip, because wherever I stopped I found good and sincere spiritists and I could attest, before my own eyes, the immense development of these ideas and how easily they spread. I found happy people everywhere; suffering people who were consoled, sorrows that were soothed, hatred that was appeased; everywhere I found trust and hope succeeding the anguishes of doubt and uncertainty. Still once more, Spiritism is the key to true happiness and that is the secret of its irresistible power. Is then utopia a doctrine that does such prodigies? May God in His goodness, my dear friends, send you good spirits to assist you with your communications, so that you can be clarified about the truths that you have been assigned to spread. There will be one day when you will harvest a hundred times the grain that you have sowed.
May this feast of friends, my beloved companions, like the former feasts, may this be the guarantee of union among all true spiritists! I propose a toast to the spiritists of Lyon, both in my name and in the name of the Parisian Society of Spiritist Studies.
The warm and benevolent welcome that I received from you, since my arrival, would be enough to make me proud, if I did not understand that such testimonies are addressed much less to the person than to Spiritism, of which I am no more than one of the most humble servers. It is the consecration of a principle and I feel doubly happy, for this principle must one day ensure human’s happiness and the appeasement of society, when it is well understood and even better when it is practiced. Its adversaries only combat it because they do not understand it. It is up to us; it is up to the true spiritists, to those who see in Spiritism something more than experiments more or less curious, making it understood and propagating it, preaching by actions as much as by words. The Spirits’ Book resulted in the demonstration of its philosophical reach. If this book has any merit it would be presumptuous of me to be proud of it because the Doctrine that it contains is not my creation. The honor for the good that it has done is due to the wise spirits that have dictated it and that used me as their server. I can then hear the praise without harming my modesty and without exalting my self-esteem. Had I wished to prevail from that I would certainly have claimed its conception, instead of having it attributed to the spirits; and If there is any doubt about the superiority of those who cooperated, one just needs to take into account the influence that it has exerted in such a short time, only by the power of logic, and without any of the material means proper to super excite curiosity.
Nonetheless, ladies and gentlemen, the warmth of your reception shall be a powerful encouragement to me in my laborious undertaking, which I have turned into the reason of my life, because it gives me the consoling assurance that the good hearted individuals are no longer so rare in this materialistic century, as people like to proclaim it.
The feelings that such benevolent testimonies make germinate in me are better understood than expressed; and what gives them a priceless value to my eyes is that they are not driven by any personal consideration. I do thank you from the bottom of my heart, in the name of Spiritism, especially on behalf of the Parisian Society of Spiritist Studies, that shall be happy for your kind demonstrations of sympathy, and proud for having such a great number of good and loyal comrades in Lyon. Allow me to cover in a few words the impressions I take from my brief passage among you.
The first thing that caught my attention was the number of followers. I already knew that Lyon had a large number but I was far from suspecting that it was so significant, already in the hundreds, and soon I hope will be countless. But if Lyon is distinguished for the number it is not less for the quality, which is even better. I have only met sincere spiritists, all over the place, those who understand the Doctrine in its true point of view. There are, ladies and gentlemen, three categories of adepts: the first ones limit themselves to the belief in the manifestations, seeking the phenomena before anything else. Spiritism for those is just a series of more or less interesting facts. The second group sees more than facts. They understand its philosophical reach; admire the moral that result from it but do not practice it. For them, Christian charity is a beautiful maxim, and that is all. Finally, the third group is not satisfied by the admiration of the moral: they practice it and accept all of its consequences. Well convinced that the earthly life is a transient trial, try to take advantage of these short intervals to march in the path of progress delineated by the spirits, struggling to do the good deeds and to repress their bad inclinations. Their relationships are always safe because their convictions keep them away from any evil thought. Charity is their rule of conduct in everything. These are the true spiritists, or better, the Christian spiritists.
Well, ladies and gentlemen! I am glad to tell you that I have not found here any adept of the first category. I have not seen anywhere people concerned with Spiritism for mere curiosity. I have not seen anywhere people using the communications for futile issues. The objective is serious and the intentions honest everywhere. Based on what I see and from what I hear, there are many in the third category. Thus, honor to the spiritists of Lyon, for having entered so widely into this progressive avenue, without which Spiritism would be aimless. Such example shall not be lost and will have its consequences. It was not without reason, I see it well, that the other day the spirits responded, through one of our most dedicated mediums, although one of the most obscure, when I manifested my surprise to them: “Why are you surprised? Lyon was the city of the martyrs. Faith is alive here. It shall give apostles to Spiritism. If Paris is the brain, Lyon shall be the heart.” The coincidence between this answer and the message that was just given before in Mr. Guillaume’s speech, is something very meaningful.
The latest speed of propagation of Spiritism, despite the still present opposition, or perhaps because of that opposition, can give us an insight into the future. Let us then sensibly avoid everything that may produce an unpleasant impression. Let us avoid not the loss of a granted cause, but to delay its development.
Let us follow the advice of the wise spirits on this, and let us not forget that many results have been compromised in the world for excess of precipitation. Let us not forget either that our enemies from the other world, as those from this, may try to drag us through a dangerous path.
You have asked me to give you some advice and to me it is a pleasure to give you those that can be suggested by experience. They shall never be more than a personal opinion that I invite you to analyze with your wisdom, making the use that may seem more adequate to you since I do not have the pretension of imposing myself as an absolute judge. You intendedto form a large society. I have already given you my thoughts on that and I will summarize them here.
It is a fact that the best communications are obtained in meetings with a small number of people, where there is harmony and communion of feelings. Well then, the larger the number the more difficult it is to obtain such homogeneity. Since it is impossible that in the beginning of a science, still so new, there would not be some divergences in the way of assessing certain things, from that divergence there would infallibly be a discomfort which could lead to disunion. The small groups, on the contrary, will always be more homogeneous. In the small groups everyone knows everyone better; it is a more family-like and may admit with better criteria those who are desired. As everybody definitely tends to the same objective they can get along perfectly well and will do even more so due to the absence of that unstoppable susceptibility, incompatible with the quietness and concentration of the spirit. The bad spirits that always try to spread disharmony, irritating susceptibilities, will always have less domination in a small group when compared to a large and heterogeneous group. In short, the unity of vision and feeling will be easier to establish there. The multiplicity of groups has another advantage: the reception of a much larger variety of communications, by the diversity of skills of the mediums. These partial sessions should share their production with the other small groups, each group separately, and everyone will then take advantage of the mutual works. As a matter of fact, there will come a time when the number of attendees will no longer fit a unique session, and the group will have to break by the force of things. That is why it would be better to do now what will have to be done later.
From the point of view of propaganda, there is no doubt that the novice may collect better elements of conviction in the intimacy rather than in the large meetings. Hence there are two reasons to prefer the small groups that can be multiplied to the infinity. Well, twenty groups of ten persons, for example, will unquestionably obtain more and make more proselytes than a single session of two hundred people.
I mentioned, not long ago, the divergences that may arise and I said that they should not create obstacles to the perfect understanding between the centers. In fact, those divergences can only occur in the details and not in the broader picture. The objective is the same: the moral betterment; the means is the same: the teachings given by the spirits. If such teachings were contradictory; if one had evidently to be false and the other true, notice that this could not alter the objective which is to lead the individual towards the good path, for his greater present and future happiness.
Now, good cannot have double standards. However, from a scientific or dogmatic point of view, it is useful, or at least interesting, to know who is right and who is wrong. Then! You have an infallible criterion to evaluate it, be it some simple details or radically divergent systems. This does not apply to the spiritist systems only but to every philosophical system.
First, analyze which one is more logical, which one better corresponds to your expectations, which one can achieve the objective in a better way. The truer will evidently be the one that explains better, that gives better reasons for everything. If a single fact can be opposed to a system, contradicting its theory, it means that the theory is either false or incomplete. Then, analyze the practical results of each system. The truth must be on the side of the one that produces the greater good; that exerts a healthier influence; that produces more good and virtuous people; that stimulates the good deeds based on the purest and most rational motives. Happiness is the constant objective aspired by the human being. Truth will be on the side that yields greater moral satisfaction; In short, that makes people happier.
Considering that the teachings come from the spirits, the multiple groups, as with the individuals, are under the influence of certain spirits who preside over their works, or direct them morally. If those spirits are not in agreement the question will be which ones are more trustworthy. It will evidently be the one whose theory cannot raise serious objection; in short, the one that in all points gives more proof of superiority. If everything that is taught is good, the name taken by the spirit is irrelevant. In that sense, the issue of identity is absolutely secondary. If, under a respectable name, the teaching fails in its essential qualities, you can definitely conclude that the name is apocryphal and an impostor or a mocking spirit is using it. General rule: the name is never a guarantee. The only, the true guarantee is the superiority of thought and the way it is expressed. The deceiving spirits may imitate everything, everything, except true wisdom and true feeling.
Ladies and gentlemen, it is not my intention here to give you a course in Spiritism, and I will perhaps abuse your patience with such details. However, I cannot avoid adding a few more words. It frequently happens that in order to have certain utopias accepted, the spirits impersonate a false wisdom, trying to impose them through the utilization of an arsenal of technical words, trying to fascinate those who easily believe in anything. They have still an even more efficient way that is the presentation of false virtues. Supported by great words like charity, fraternity, and humility, they expect to obtain free access to the grossest absurd; and that is what happens often when one is not forewarned. Hence, we must not be led by the appearances from the part of the spirits as much as human beings. Now, I do confess that this is one of the greatest difficulties. However, it has never been said that Spiritism is an easy science. It has its hurdles that can only be avoided by experience. To avoid falling in the trap it is necessary, from starters, to be guarded against blinding enthusiasm and pride that leads certain mediums to believe that they are the only interpreters of truth. One needs to examine everything cold-bloodedly, weigh-in everything, control everything, and if one’s own assessment is suspicious, which it is sometimes sensible, it is then necessary to report to others, following the proverb that four eyes see more than two. A false self-esteem or an obsession may singly push a notoriously false idea, which is repelled by everyone’s common sense.
Ladies and gentlemen, I don’t ignore the fact that I have many enemies here. Although it may stun you there is nothing truer. Yes, there are people here who hear me with rage; not among you, thank God, where I expect to have friends only. I refer to the deceiving spirits who don’t want me to provide you with the means of unmasking them, since I uncover their tricks, putting you on guard, subtracting from them the domination they could exert upon you. With that respect, ladies and gentlemen, it would be a mistake to imagine that such domination is exerted upon the mediums only. Rest assured that the spirits act incessantly upon us, since they are everywhere, and without our knowledge, mediums or not, spiritists or not. Mediumship does not attract them; on the contrary, it provides the means of knowing the enemy that is always betrayed. Always, listen well, and that the only abuse is to those who allow themselves to be abused.
That, ladies and gentlemen, brings me to complete my thought about what I have just said regarding the dissidences that could take place among several groups, given the diversity of the teachings. I told you that despite some divergences, they should get along and must get along well, as long as they are true spiritists. I gave you the means of controlling the value of the communications, which is how the kind of influence exerted on each one may be appreciated. Given that every good influence comes from a good spirit; that everything that is bad comes from a bad source; that the evil spirits are the enemies of union and concord, the group that is assisted by a bad spirit will be the one to throw the stones on the other and will not reach out to them. As for myself, ladies and gentlemen, I see you all as my brothers and sisters, both with the truth and in error. However I declare out loud that I will be wholeheartedly with those who show more charity and abnegation. If any of you, God forbid, had any feelings of hatred, envy or jealousy I would be sorry for you because you would be under a bad influence and I would rather have those bad thoughts coming to you from a strange spirit than from your own heart. And that would only make me suspicious of the truthfulness of the communications received by you, considering that a truly good spirit will only suggest good feelings.
I will finish this speech, ladies and gentlemen, too long already, with a few considerations about the causes that must ensure the future of Spiritism. You all understand, from what you have before your eyes and from your own feelings, that on a future day Spiritism must exert a huge influence onto the social fabric. However, it is still far away from the day when such influence will be generalized, no doubt. Generations are needed so that man can dispose of the old man. However, since now and if good cannot be generalized, it is already individual, and because that good is effective, the doctrine that entails it is so easily accepted. I will even say that it is enthusiastically accepted, by many. In fact, and abstraction made of its rationality, which philosophy is more capable of liberating human beings from the earthly bonds, elevating their soul to infinity? Which one can give them a more just, more logical idea, supported by patent proofs, about their nature and destiny? May its adversaries replace it by something better; by a more consoling doctrine, better accommodated to reason; by a more cheerful thought than knowing that our dead loved ones remain close to us, see us, hear us, speak to us and give us advice; that gives a more legitimate reason for resignation; that lessens the fear of death even further; that entails more calmness during life’s trials; that replaces, finally, that smooth quietness that one feels by saying: I feel better. Spiritism will lower its weapons before any doctrine which can do all that better.
Hence, Spiritism makes people sovereignly happy. With Spiritism there is no more isolation or despair. It has already spared many faults, impeded several crimes, given peace to many families, and corrected many deviations. How shall that be then when all people are fed by such ideas! Because they will strengthen through reason and will no longer relegate their soul. Human beings want happiness; Spiritism gives that; they will embrace Spiritism. Is Spiritism annihilation wanted? Then, give human beings a better source of happiness and hope. That is as far as the individuals are concerned.
There are two other forces that may have feared Spiritism’s arrival: the civil and the religious authorities. Why is that so? It is because Spiritism is unknown to them. Today the Church begins to see that it will find in Spiritism a powerful weapon against incredulity; the logical solution to several embarrassing dogmas, and finally, that it brings back a good number of stray sheep to their Christian duties.
The civil authority, on the other hand, starts to see proofs of its beneficial influence upon the working classes to which this doctrine, through conviction, brings ideas of order, the respect to property and clarifies about the emptiness of the utopias. Witnessing almost miraculous moral metamorphoses, it shall soon see in the propagation of these ideas a more useful food for thought than the joys of the cabaret or the turmoil of public squares, and consequently a safeguard to society. Thus, people, Church and power envisaging one day in Spiritism a barrier against the brutality of passions, a guarantee to public order and tranquility, a return to the extinguishing of religious ideas, its obstruction will be in no one’s interest. On the contrary, each part will seek a support in Spiritism. As a matter of fact, who can stop the current of this river of ideas that already flows its benevolent waters in the five continents?
These are, my dear comrades, the considerations that I wanted to bring you. I end by thanking you once again for your kind welcome, whose memory shall always be in my mind. I equally thank the good spirits for the total satisfaction granted to my trip, because wherever I stopped I found good and sincere spiritists and I could attest, before my own eyes, the immense development of these ideas and how easily they spread. I found happy people everywhere; suffering people who were consoled, sorrows that were soothed, hatred that was appeased; everywhere I found trust and hope succeeding the anguishes of doubt and uncertainty. Still once more, Spiritism is the key to true happiness and that is the secret of its irresistible power. Is then utopia a doctrine that does such prodigies? May God in His goodness, my dear friends, send you good spirits to assist you with your communications, so that you can be clarified about the truths that you have been assigned to spread. There will be one day when you will harvest a hundred times the grain that you have sowed.
May this feast of friends, my beloved companions, like the former feasts, may this be the guarantee of union among all true spiritists! I propose a toast to the spiritists of Lyon, both in my name and in the name of the Parisian Society of Spiritist Studies.
Allan Kardec
About the Value of the Spiritist Communications
By Mr. Jobard
The religious orthodoxy confers the devil a role of exaggerated importance
as well as to his supposed satellites that should be only designated
as evil, ignorant, spirits of vanity, and almost all stained by the sin of
pride that lost them. They are not much different from human beings in
that respect, as they were also human beings for a short period relatively to
the eternity of their fluidic life, which can be compared to that of a body
that has passed to the volatile state. The mistake is in the belief that for
being spirits they must be perfect, as if the steam or the gases were more
perfect than the water or the liquid which originated them; as if the bully
could only become a peaceful man after leaving prison; as if a mad man
could be considered wise for having transposed the walls of Charenton26;
as if a blind man that came out of Quinze-Vingts27 could be mistaken by
someone with good eyes.
Mediums, do imagine that you have to deal with all those people,
and that there is as much difference among the spirits as there is among human beings. Well, you know that there are as many men as there are
feelings; as many bodies as their multiple properties, before as well as
after their change of state. You can assess the quality of the spirits by
their mistakes, as one can assess the quality of a body by its smell. If they
are sometimes in agreement about certain points, among themselves and
with you; the fact is that they cheat since they know better than you
do what was written before and what is written now about this or that
doctrine which they repeat to you, like parrots often, on other occasions
with conviction if they are conscious and hardworking spirits, like certain
philosophers or wise person who had honored you by coming to discuss
those things with you. However, rest assured that they will only respond
what they think you are in a condition to understand. Without that they
only tell you vulgarities and nothing that surpasses the reach of your intelligence
and knowledge that you have already acquired. They know, as
much as you do, that one doesn’t throw pearls to the swine. Then, they can
cite the Gospel if you are Christians, the Quran if you are Arab and easily
synchronize with you because in the fluidic state they have the intelligence
that the material bodies don’t have. The preceding comparison is
not accurate in that aspect only. If you like to laugh and play with words,
when dealing with a serious spirit it will send you deceiving spirits that
are stronger than you with jokes and word playing. If your mind is weak
it will leave you to mystifying spirits, who will take you further than you
would like.
The spirits generally like to speak with human beings. It is a distraction
and sometimes a study to them. They all say so. Don’t be afraid
of tiring them since you will always tire first; but they will not tell you
anything beyond what they could have told you when alive. That is why
so many people ask what would be the advantage of wasting any time in
consulting with them, since one cannot expect any extraordinary revelation,
any unexpected invention, panaceas, philosophical stones, transmutation
of metals, perpetual motion machine, and since they don’t know
more than you do about results not yet obtained by human science. If
they stimulate you to carry out experiments it is because they are curious themselves about the results. On the other hand, they only give you confusing
explanations, like the pseudo-wise individuals and the lawyers who
want to make sure that they win the debates. If it is a treasure, they will
say: dig it up; if it is an alloy, they will say: blow it up. It is possible that by
searching you find it. They will be as stunned as you and will boast about
having given you advice. Human vanity is still with them.
The good spirits don’t assure you that you will find the solution like
the bad ones do, those who have no scruples in ruining you. That is the
reason why you must never make abstraction of your judgment, of your
free will, of your reason. What do you say when a person leads you to a
bad deal? That he is infernal, diabolic. There you go! The spirit that gives
you bad advice is not more diabolical or more infernal; it is an ignorant
spirit, another deceiving spirit, but he does not have a special mission or
a super human power, nor does he have great interest in deceiving you:
that spirit is equally employing the God given free-will, like you, and like
you he can make a good or bad use: that is all. It is silly to think that he
is connected to you for years and years in order to enlist you in the devil’s
army. What good does one more or one less recruit do to the devil, when
the spontaneously come to him by the millions, without any recruiting
effort? The elected ones are rare but the volunteers to the evil side are in
large number. If God and the devil have each their army then it is God
who needs recruiters. The devil can be spared of the trouble of filling out
the openings. As victory is always on the side of the large battalions, you
may assess its greatness, its power and the easiness of its triumphs in all
corners of the universe, and without going too far, just look around you.
But all that does not make sense, since one can easily talk to the
people from the other world these days, it is necessary to accept them as
they are. There are poets that can dictate good verses; philosophers and
moralists that can dictate good maxims; Historians that can shed light
onto their times; Naturalists who can teach what they know or rectify former
mistakes; Astronomers that may reveal certain phenomena that you
ignore; Musicians; authors who can write their post-mortem works and
that even have the vanity of requesting it to be published in their names.
One of them, that had invented something, was stunned when he learned
that the patent would not be delivered to him in person; others couldn’t
care more about the earthly things than certain wise people. Some watch
the inauguration of their statues with a childish pleasure while others
don’t even bother to see it and show a profound contempt for the idiots
who pay them such homage after their deaths but who have ignored or
even persecuted them when alive. With respect to his statue, Humboldt
said only this: Irony! Another spirit provided the inscription to be placed
on his statue that was in preparation, knowing that he was unworthy: “To
the great thief, from the thankful robbed.”
In summary, we must consider as certain that each one carries their
character, their moral and scientific acquisitions; the fools here are the
fools there. The thieves are there, those who no longer have pockets to
pick; the gluttons who find nothing else to fry; the bankers that cannot
discount anything else and who suffer such deprivations. That is why
the Saint Spirit, the Spirit of Truth recommends neglect for the earthly
things, that we cannot carry or save; that we should think about the spiritual
and moral values which will follow and serve us for eternity, not only
as a distraction but as steps which will allow us to elevate incessantly in
the great ladder of Jacob, in the immeasurable hierarchy of the spirits.
Thus, see how little importance the good spirits give to the goods
and gross pleasures they lost after death, or when entering into their real
homeland, as they say. Like a pioneering scholar who is suddenly withdrawn
from his study, it is not his clothes, his money that he is sorry
for having left behind, but his books and his manuscripts. The butterfly
that shakes the dust off her wings before flying is not much concerned
with the remains of the cocoon that served as a dwelling. Therefore, a
superior spirit like Buffon, does not regret his Montbard castle more than
Lamartine will regret his Saint-Point castle, so much valued in life. That is
why the death of a wise individual is calm whereas that of a “humanimal”
is so horrible, because the latter feels the total loss by losing his earthly
things and that is why he grasps to those things like the avaricious to his
safe. His spirit cannot even separate from it as it bonds to the material and continues to haunt the places which were dear to him, and instead
of struggling to break those links which keep him attached to Earth, he
clings to them in despair. He suffers desperately, like mad, since he is no
longer able to use them. That is actually hell, the fire that those outcasts
struggle to maintain forever.
Those are the bad spirits that repel the advices of the good ones, and
who need the support of reason and even human wisdom to convince
them to abandon their prey. The good mediums must take the task of
helping them to think, moralizing them and praying for them, for they
recognize that the prayer gives them relief and that is why they give testimony
of recognition, sometimes very moving. This demonstrates the
existence of a common solidarity among all spirits, free or incarnated, because
incarnation is nothing more than a punishment and Earth is nothing
more than a place of atonement, where all of us come, as found in the
psalms, not for our enjoyment but for our betterment and for us to learn
the love of God, studying God’s works. Hence, the most unhappy is the
one who is the most ignorant; the most savage becomes the most vicious;
the most criminal is the most miserable of all beings, to whom God has
given a spark of His own divine soul, and talents to be applied and not to
be buried until the arrival of the Master, or even better, until the guilty of
laziness and negligence finds himself before God.
That is how the spiritual world presents itself, likely to some, true to
others, scaring some, enchanting others, and that does not deserve excessive
tributes or so much outrage.
When, by the force of things and from experience, we get familiarized
with the phenomenon of the manifestations, as natural as any other, we
will recognize the truthfulness of the information that we have just given
above. The evil power attributed to some spirits has the opposition of the
good power that we can expect from other spirits. Those two forces are
adequate, as everything in nature, without which the equilibrium would
break and the free will would be replaced by fatality, by the blind fate, by
the brute force, unintelligent, by everyone’s death, by the catalepsy of the
universe, by the chaos.
The prohibition of interrogating the spirits is an acknowledgement of
their existence. Identifying them as followers of the devil is the same as
presupposing that there are others who are God’s agents and missionaries.
We agree that the bad ones are in larger number, but there are many other
things like that on Earth. Should we condemn the miners for the fact that
there are many more grains of sand than golden pellets?
When the spirits tell us that they cannot respond to certain questions
of purely personal interest it is a way of justifying their ignorance
about the future. Everything that depends on our own effort, on our own
studies and intellectual researches, cannot be revealed without a breach
of the law that forces the human being to work. It would be very easy for
the first medium that showed up, communicating with a familiar and
complacent spirit, to effortless acquire the whole knowledge, all treasures
and all imaginable power, moving away from all obstacles that the others
have to face with great difficulty. No, the spirits don’t have such a
power and they want to make it clear that they are not allowed to say
anything beyond certain limits. However, they exert great influence upon
the incarnated spirits, towards good or evil. Fortunate are those who are
advised and protected by the good spirits. Everything goes well if they
obey the good inspirations that, as a matter of fact, they would not receive
if not deserved, and for which they pay an equivalent price for the added
success. Anyone who waits for fortune by just lying in bed will not have
much chance to attract it. Everything here depends on intelligent and
honest work, which gives us great internal satisfaction, keeping us from
physical harm, giving us the gift of alleviating the suffering of others,
because there isn’t a medium that in good faith is not a magnetizer and a
healing medium by nature. However, they ignore having such a treasure
and don’t know how to utilize it. Here is where they should be better advised
and more powerfully helped by their good spirits. There have been
miracles like the one that Duke of Celeuza has experienced, Prince Vasto
in the Nocera Cafe in Naples, on June 13th last, which was just published
that he was cured from a supposedly incurable disease that he carried for
over 10 years, through the simple word of an old French knight, to whom he was speaking about his sufferings. There are others who perform these
things in several other countries such as Holland, England, France and
Switzerland. But they shall multiply with time. The germs are sowed.
The mediums, duly warned by earthly spirits about nature, habits and
customs, there is nothing else to do but to behave accordingly. As for the
heavenly spirits or from a transcendental order it is so rare to have them
communicating with people that it is not enough time to talk about them.
They preside over the destinies of nations and the great catastrophes, the
important evolutions of the globes as well as humanity. They work as
we speak. Let us respectfully wait the great things that are still to come:
“Renovabunt faciem terrae”.
Mr. Jobard had given his article the tittle: Advices to the medium. We thought it would be more adequate to give it a less exclusive title, considering that his observations are generally applicable to the way we must assess the spiritist communications. Since the mediums are just instruments of the manifestations, these can be given to everyone, be it directly or through some intermediary. Therefore, all the evokers and the mediums can benefit from them.
We approve his way of assessing the communications because it is rigorously correct and can only contribute to prevent against the illusion that exposes those who accept too easily everything that comes from the world of the spirits as the expression of truth.
However, we think that Mr. Jobard may be a little bit too radical about certain points. In our opinion he is not considering properly the progress achieved by the spirit in the errant state. It is certain that the spirit carries their earthly imperfections beyond the grave, a fact demonstrated by experience. However, and since: the spirit is in a completely diverse environment; their sensations are no longer received from impressions on the material organs; they no longer have a thick veil covering their eyes, confusing their ideas, their sensations, their perceptions and their thinking must experience a significant change. That is why every day we see people who think very differently after death than when alive because their moral horizon has widen up.
Authors criticize their own work; mundane people criticize their behavior; wise people acknowledge their mistakes. If the spirit did not advance in the spiritual life they would return to the corporeal life as they left it, no more advance, no more delayed, a fact that is contradicted by experience. Then, certain spirits may see more clearly and more fairly than when they were on Earth; as a consequence, some are seen giving excellent advices with excellent results. But among the spirits, like among human beings, it is necessary to know whom we are talking to and not to believe that the first one to show up may be the messenger of science or that a wise person may have lost his earthly prejudices just because they are spirits.
Mr. Jobard is entirely correct about it when he says that their theories and systems must only be accepted with extreme reservation. One must act with them as it is done with people, by giving them credit only after they have given irrefutable demonstrations of their superiority, not by the name that they may sometimes falsely use, but for the constant wisdom of their thoughts, by the irrefutable logic of their reasoning and by the unbreakable benevolence of their character. The judicious observations of Mr. Jobard, leaving aside some excesses, will certainly disillusion those who think to have, by communicating with the spirits, an easy way of knowing everything, of making profitable discoveries, etc. In fact, to the eyes of certain people, what is the use of the spirits if they cannot help us to make a fortune? We believe that just a short study of Spiritism is enough to understand that we are taught a number of things which are more useful than knowing if we are going to win in the stock market or lottery. However, even by admitting the most rigorous hypothesis that it would be completely indifferent to address the spirits or people for the things of this world, isn’t that something that they give us proof about life beyond the grave, enlightening us about the happy state or unfortunate condition of those who preceded us? Isn’t that something the proof that our loved ones are not lost and that we will meet again in that world that awaits us, rich or poor, powerful or slaves?
There is definitely a certainty: we will sooner or later make that move. What is there beyond the barrier? What is behind the curtain that hides the future? Is there something or nothing? Behold! The spirits tell us that there is something; that it is not over when we die; far from that, it is when real life begins, the normal life. Even if that was all that we were taught, their communications with us would not be useless. They do better: they teach us what to do here, to be in the best possible position in the other world. Since we are going to stay there for a long time we’d better make sure that we are granted the best possible place. As Mr. Jobard says, generally speaking the spirits don’t bother with the earthly things for a very simple reason: what they have is better. Their objective is to teach us what to do to be happy there. They know that we are attached to the earthly pleasures like children to their toys. They want to makes us think forward. That is their mission. If we are deceived by some, it is for the fact that we want to move them away from their attributions; because we ask them about what they don’t know, cannot or must not tell us. It is then that some people are mystified by the crowds of mocking spirits that make fun of our credulity.
The mistake of certain mediums is to believe in the infallibility of the spirits who communicate with them, seducing them by beautiful phrases, supported by borrowed, generally false names.
We approve his way of assessing the communications because it is rigorously correct and can only contribute to prevent against the illusion that exposes those who accept too easily everything that comes from the world of the spirits as the expression of truth.
However, we think that Mr. Jobard may be a little bit too radical about certain points. In our opinion he is not considering properly the progress achieved by the spirit in the errant state. It is certain that the spirit carries their earthly imperfections beyond the grave, a fact demonstrated by experience. However, and since: the spirit is in a completely diverse environment; their sensations are no longer received from impressions on the material organs; they no longer have a thick veil covering their eyes, confusing their ideas, their sensations, their perceptions and their thinking must experience a significant change. That is why every day we see people who think very differently after death than when alive because their moral horizon has widen up.
Authors criticize their own work; mundane people criticize their behavior; wise people acknowledge their mistakes. If the spirit did not advance in the spiritual life they would return to the corporeal life as they left it, no more advance, no more delayed, a fact that is contradicted by experience. Then, certain spirits may see more clearly and more fairly than when they were on Earth; as a consequence, some are seen giving excellent advices with excellent results. But among the spirits, like among human beings, it is necessary to know whom we are talking to and not to believe that the first one to show up may be the messenger of science or that a wise person may have lost his earthly prejudices just because they are spirits.
Mr. Jobard is entirely correct about it when he says that their theories and systems must only be accepted with extreme reservation. One must act with them as it is done with people, by giving them credit only after they have given irrefutable demonstrations of their superiority, not by the name that they may sometimes falsely use, but for the constant wisdom of their thoughts, by the irrefutable logic of their reasoning and by the unbreakable benevolence of their character. The judicious observations of Mr. Jobard, leaving aside some excesses, will certainly disillusion those who think to have, by communicating with the spirits, an easy way of knowing everything, of making profitable discoveries, etc. In fact, to the eyes of certain people, what is the use of the spirits if they cannot help us to make a fortune? We believe that just a short study of Spiritism is enough to understand that we are taught a number of things which are more useful than knowing if we are going to win in the stock market or lottery. However, even by admitting the most rigorous hypothesis that it would be completely indifferent to address the spirits or people for the things of this world, isn’t that something that they give us proof about life beyond the grave, enlightening us about the happy state or unfortunate condition of those who preceded us? Isn’t that something the proof that our loved ones are not lost and that we will meet again in that world that awaits us, rich or poor, powerful or slaves?
There is definitely a certainty: we will sooner or later make that move. What is there beyond the barrier? What is behind the curtain that hides the future? Is there something or nothing? Behold! The spirits tell us that there is something; that it is not over when we die; far from that, it is when real life begins, the normal life. Even if that was all that we were taught, their communications with us would not be useless. They do better: they teach us what to do here, to be in the best possible position in the other world. Since we are going to stay there for a long time we’d better make sure that we are granted the best possible place. As Mr. Jobard says, generally speaking the spirits don’t bother with the earthly things for a very simple reason: what they have is better. Their objective is to teach us what to do to be happy there. They know that we are attached to the earthly pleasures like children to their toys. They want to makes us think forward. That is their mission. If we are deceived by some, it is for the fact that we want to move them away from their attributions; because we ask them about what they don’t know, cannot or must not tell us. It is then that some people are mystified by the crowds of mocking spirits that make fun of our credulity.
The mistake of certain mediums is to believe in the infallibility of the spirits who communicate with them, seducing them by beautiful phrases, supported by borrowed, generally false names.
Spiritist Dissertations - Received or read by several mediums at the Society
Formation of the Spirits(Medium Mrs. Costel)
God created the human seed, scattered over the worlds like the farmer
sows in the grooves the grain that must germinate and mature. God’s
seeds are like molecules of fire that He blows out of the great focus, the
center of life, from where God radiates His power. These molecules are to
humanity what the germs of the plants are to Earth; they develop slowly,
only maturing after long periods in the mother-planets, where the beginning
of things is formed. I speak of the principle only. In the condition of
human, the being reproduces and God’s work is done.
Why are human destinies so diverse if there is a common starting
Why would some be born in a civilized environment and others
in a savage state? What is then the origin of the demons? Let us recall
the story of the spirit in its first appearance. Just formed, staggering and
spluttering, the souls are nonetheless free to incline towards good or evil.
The good ones separate from the bad ones from birth. Abel’s story is
naively true. The ungrateful souls that have just left God’s hands persist
in the crime; in the succession of centuries they make mistakes, they
harm others and above all they harm themselves, until they are inexorably
touched by regret. The first demons then are the guilty people. In His immense justice God only imposes suffering resulting from bad deeds.
Earth should be entirely inhabited but not equally, and according to the
degree of progress obtained in the earthly migrations, some are born in
the great centers of civilization and others, uncertain spirits that still require
initiation, are born in the remote forests. The savage state is preparatory.
There is harmony in everything, and the blind and guilty soul
of a demon from Earth cannot be born again in an enlightened center.
There are some, however, who venture into those environments that are
not theirs. It is when they cannot be in sync in that environment, that
they give the spectacles of barbarism in the heart of civilization. These are
the creatures from different worlds.
In the embryonic state the being has not gone through any migration
yet. It cannot be studied separately because it is the origin of man.
Errant Spirits
(Medium Mrs. Costel)
The spirits are divided in several categories. In the beginning the embryos, which have no distinct faculty; which move in the air like the insects flying around a Sun light beam, pointlessly, incarnating without a choice. They turn into ignorant and rude human beings. Above them come the frivolous spirits with no evil instincts, just jester; they have fun with people, causing them silly, child-like inconveniences. They show puerile caprices and meanness.
The spirits are divided in several categories. In the beginning the embryos, which have no distinct faculty; which move in the air like the insects flying around a Sun light beam, pointlessly, incarnating without a choice. They turn into ignorant and rude human beings. Above them come the frivolous spirits with no evil instincts, just jester; they have fun with people, causing them silly, child-like inconveniences. They show puerile caprices and meanness.
The bad spirits are not all on the same level. Some are bonded to no
one, causing little deceptions or inducing slight mistakes. The malefactors
lead to wrongdoing and they enjoy that, although they may still show
some level of compassion. The really wicked ones have none. All their
faculties serve the purpose of wickedness. They act with calm and premeditation,
pleased with the moral tortures of their doing. In the spiritual
world those correspond to the criminal in yours. They get to such a condition
for showing no respect for God’s laws. From downfall to downfall,
centuries go by before a single thought of change crosses their minds.
Evilness is their element, their cause for rejoice; forced to reincarnate they
endure such sufferings that their passion for evil things wears out. They end up understanding, giving in to the voice of God that unceasingly calls
to them. We have seen rebel spirits enthusiastically asking for the most
terrible atonements, supporting them with the joy of the martyr. Such
return to good is a motive of great happiness to the pure spirits. Jesus’s
words shine truth upon the stray sheep. The errant spirits of second order
are the intermediaries between the superior spirits and the mortals, since
it is rare that the superior spirits communicate directly. They must be
impelled by a particular circumstance. Such intermediaries are the spirits
of people who bear no serious evil and whose intentions were not bad.
Fewer migrations are needed to them; their assigned missions award them
with faster progress when successfully accomplished. Thus the spirits eagerly
desire those missions, only granted as a reward and when considered
capable of accomplishing them. They are guided by superior spirits who
choose their functions. The superior spirits are not all on the same level.
Although free from migrations in your world they are not released from
the required conditions of advancement on the more elevated spheres.
There is no blank in the visible as well as invisible world. A remarkable
order oversees everything. No creature is idle or useless. Everyone contributes
to the perfection of the endless and boundless works of God to the
limit of their faculties.
(Medium Mrs. Costel)
The wicked, selfish and obstinate spirits are given to a cruel doubt about their current and future destinies, just after death. Look around them and see no place where their negative influence may be in order, and are then taken by desperation because isolation and inaction are intolerable to the bad spirits. They dare not raise their eyes to places inhabited by pure spirits. They assess their surroundings and soon, touched by the abatement of the weak and punished spirits, charge as over a prey, armed by the memories of their past mistakes, frequently revealed in their minimum gestures. Not satisfied by that mockery, they fall upon Earth like hungry vultures, looking for those among people who will give easier access to their temptations. They seize over them, exalting greed, extinguishing their faith in God and when finally owning their consciences and see they have dominated their prey, they then extend the fatal contamination upon everything that nears their victim. The bad spirit given to rage is almost happy. He only suffers when he cannot act or when good triumphs over evil. The centuries go by though, and the bad spirit suddenly feels taken over by darkness. His circle of influence diminishes and his hitherto silent conscience makes him feel the sharp tips of regret. Inactive, swept away by the whirlwind of his regrets, he wanders around, seeing as the Scriptures says, the hair of his flesh stand up in fear. He is soon surrounded by a large sense of emptiness.
The wicked, selfish and obstinate spirits are given to a cruel doubt about their current and future destinies, just after death. Look around them and see no place where their negative influence may be in order, and are then taken by desperation because isolation and inaction are intolerable to the bad spirits. They dare not raise their eyes to places inhabited by pure spirits. They assess their surroundings and soon, touched by the abatement of the weak and punished spirits, charge as over a prey, armed by the memories of their past mistakes, frequently revealed in their minimum gestures. Not satisfied by that mockery, they fall upon Earth like hungry vultures, looking for those among people who will give easier access to their temptations. They seize over them, exalting greed, extinguishing their faith in God and when finally owning their consciences and see they have dominated their prey, they then extend the fatal contamination upon everything that nears their victim. The bad spirit given to rage is almost happy. He only suffers when he cannot act or when good triumphs over evil. The centuries go by though, and the bad spirit suddenly feels taken over by darkness. His circle of influence diminishes and his hitherto silent conscience makes him feel the sharp tips of regret. Inactive, swept away by the whirlwind of his regrets, he wanders around, seeing as the Scriptures says, the hair of his flesh stand up in fear. He is soon surrounded by a large sense of emptiness.
Time has come for atonement. There looms reincarnation. He sees the
terrible hardships that wait, like in a mirage. He wants to step back but
advances, and precipitated into the widely open chasm of life he moves on
until the frightening veil of forgetfulness falls over his eyes. Born again, he
lives; he acts, he is again guilty. He has an uneasy memory, like presentiments
that give him the shivers but do not make him quit the evil path.
Worn out and tired of crimes he is going to die.
Lying on a pallet or on a bed, who cares! The guilty person, in his
apparent immobility, feels alive in a world of forgotten sensations! He sees
a glimmer of light under the closed eyelids; he hears strange sounds, his
soul is about to leave his body and agitates impatiently while his clenched
hands try to cling to the bed sheets. He wants to speak; he wants to shout
to those around him: Hold me now! I see the punishment! But he cannot.
Death falls upon the livid lips and the assistants say: he is in peace!
However, he hears everything. He fluctuates around the body that he
refuses to leave behind; a mysterious force attracts him. He sees and acknowledges
what he had already seen. In desperation, he throws himself
into space where he wants to hide. There is no place to hide. There is no
rest. Other spirits pay him back for the evil he has done; he feels punished,
ridiculed, confused; he errs and shall continue to err up until the day
when the divine spark shines upon his hardness, enlightening him, showing
him God the avenger, triumphant over evil, can only appease to the
price of groans and atonements.
Observation: The fate of the wicked has never been sketched in a more
eloquent, terrible and truthful way. Is it then necessary to resort to the
phantasmagoria of flames and physical tortures?
(Medium Mrs. Costel)
Mars is a rough draft of the Earth and also a planet inferior to it. It is not vital for habitation but is the first incarnation of crude demons. These creatures are rudimentary with a human form null of beauty; having the same instincts as human beings without the refinement of goodness.
Mars is a rough draft of the Earth and also a planet inferior to it. It is not vital for habitation but is the first incarnation of crude demons. These creatures are rudimentary with a human form null of beauty; having the same instincts as human beings without the refinement of goodness.
Driven by physical needs, their daily life consists of eating, drinking,
fighting and mating. However, since God never abandons any of His
creatures, in the darkness of their elemental intelligence, there lies, in a latent
state, the vague consciousness of themselves, more or less developed.
Such an instinct is enough to make them want to progress higher than
some of the others and prepare for the emergence to a more thorough life.
Theirs is a short-lived life. People, who are nothing more than matter,
disappear after a short period of progress. God rejects evilness and will not
tolerate that as a servant of good principles; He shortens its reign allowing
resurrection as a triumph.
The soil of Mars is arid with scarce vegetation and somber foliage,
never renewed by spring; one day is the same as the others, always gray.
The hardly noticeable sun never brings about festivities; a monotonous passage of time, without the changes and hopes carried over by new seasons;
there is no winter or summer. The shorter days are not measured
in the same way and the longer nights reign sovereign. Without technology
or inventions, Mars’ inhabitants spend their lives seeking food. Their
crude homes, low like lairs, are repulsive with prevalence for untidiness
and negligence. Women play an inferior role: more famished, they are
nothing but females, barely having maternal feelings, they give birth with
ease without any anguish and feed and keep the children by their side
until their complete development when they are pitilessly sent away.
They are not cannibals. The only objective of their never-ending battles
is the conquest of good hunting areas. They hunt in the boundless
plains. Uneasy and mobile as creatures void of intelligence, they move
constantly. The equity of seasons entails the same needs and the same
functions all the time with little difference between the inhabitants of
either hemisphere.
Death does not scare them nor hold any mysteries; it is seen as the
putrefaction of the body, which they immediately burn. When someone
is about to die they are abandoned and left alone. It is on the deathbed
that they think for the first time. They have a vague instinct like the robin
that feels the coming migratory season, feeling that it is not the end, but
something unknown is about to begin. They are not intelligent enough to
suppose, fear or expect, but are able to hastily calculate their defeats and
victories; the number of preys which were taken down, rejoicing or saddening
according to the results.
His wife (they never have one at a time, and can always be replaced at
will), crouches before the doorway of the house and throws some pebbles
in the air. When they form a small mound, she is ready to look inside.
If the expectations are confirmed and the man is dead she comes inside
showing no emotions, strips the man from the animal skins that cover
him and coldly informs the neighbors, who then carry the body away and
burn it as the skin barely turns cold.
The animals on the planet suffer from the human influence and are
more savage and cruel than in any other place. Dogs and wolves form a single species, always fighting man in gory combats. Moreover, serving as
a reflection of their human counterparts, the animals are also less diverse
and lower in quantity than on the Earth.
The elements show a blind wrath of chaos. A furious ocean where
navigation is not possible separates the continents. The roaring winds
bend trees down to the ground. The high waters flood the ingrate and
sterile land. The terrain does not offer the same conditions as those found
on Earth. It is cold; the volcanoes are unknown; the mountain chains are
not very high, offering no beauty; their view is uninspiring for exploration;
everywhere you look, there is monotony and violence; and only men
without foresight who kill for survival.
OBSERVATION: To serve as transition between the image of Mars
and Jupiter there is the need for an intermediary, like for example Earth,
that we know sufficiently well. The observation easily tells us that we
are closer to Mars than Jupiter since even amidst civilization there still
are such abject creatures, lacking in humanity and feeling, living in the
most absolute state of brutalization, only attending to their material
needs, without ever having raised their eyes to heaven, apparently coming
straight from Mars.
(Medium Mrs. Costel)
Jupiter is infinitely larger than the Earth and looks very different. It is
embraced by a pure and brilliant light that illuminates but does not
obfuscate. The trees, flowers, insects, the animals which have their starting
point here, are larger and more perfected; nature is more grandiose
and varied; temperature is stable and pleasing; eyes and ears are enchanted
by harmony. The form of its inhabitants is like yours but embellished,
perfected and purified above all. We are not subjected to the material
needs of your physical nature and neither have we the consequent needs
or diseases. Our souls are covered by a diaphanous wrapping, which keeps
the signs of past migrations. We show ourselves to our friends as we were
known to them but lit by a divine light, transfigured by our inner and
always elevated feelings.
Like Earth, Jupiter is also divided in a large number of regions with
different aspects, but not different climates. The different conditions are
only determined by the moral superiority and intelligence; there are no
master or slaves; the highest echelons are characterized by direct communications
with pure spirits and by the most important functions assigned
to us. Your homes cannot give you the slightest idea about ours since we don’t share the same needs. We appreciate art that has achieved a degree of
perfection unknown to you. We enjoy sublime events, as we have a better
understanding of the inextinguishable varieties of Creation; all harmonious
varieties originating at the same starting point, perfecting in the same
direction. Every noble and kind feeling of human nature is more elevated
and purified and the constant desire to reach the level of the pure spirits
is a noble ambition, rather than a torment, driving us to our betterment.
We study constantly and with love in order to elevate ourselves to them,
as the inferior spirits as well, try to reach our level. Your tiniest hatred,
your petty jealousies are unknown to us. The strongest help is given to
the weakest. You need the shadow of evil to understand the good in your
world, you need darkness to admire light, disease to appreciate health.
Those contrasts are unnecessary here since eternal light, eternal benevolence
and peace bring eternal joy upon us. Here is what is most difficult
for the human spirit to understand: it was ingenious to paint the torments
of hell; it could never represent the joys of heavens. Why? Because since
it is inferior, and having only endured sufferings and misery, it cannot
foresee the celestial clarities. It can only speak of what is known, like the
traveler who describes only the countries that were visited in his journey.
However, as the spirit elevates and purifies, the horizon widens up and he
perceives the good before his eyes, as the evil left behind will also be understood.
There has already been other spirits who have tried to help you
to understand, as much it is possible to your current condition, the state
of the happy worlds, so as to stimulate you to follow the only path leading
to them. However, there are still so many of you attached to matter that
you prefer the physical joys of Earth to the pure joys reserved to those
who know how to disengage from material links. May they enjoy then
while they are there, for a sad turnaround awaits, perhaps still in this life!
Those that we have chosen as our interpreters are the first ones to receive
the light. Woe to them, especially if they do not profit from the favor that
God has granted, for his justice will weigh heavily upon them!
Pure Spirits
(Medium Mrs. Costel)
Pure spirits are those who have achieved the highest degree of perfection, worthy of appearing before God. Their infinite splendor does not preclude them from being useful to God’s creation. The functions assigned to them correspond to the extension of their faculties. They are the ministers of God, under God, they govern the countless worlds; from above they guide spirits and humans, linked between one another by a boundless love, whose devotion is extended upon all creatures that they attract to become worthy of the supreme happiness. God radiates over them, transmitting His orders. They see His light and it does not blind them.
Pure spirits are those who have achieved the highest degree of perfection, worthy of appearing before God. Their infinite splendor does not preclude them from being useful to God’s creation. The functions assigned to them correspond to the extension of their faculties. They are the ministers of God, under God, they govern the countless worlds; from above they guide spirits and humans, linked between one another by a boundless love, whose devotion is extended upon all creatures that they attract to become worthy of the supreme happiness. God radiates over them, transmitting His orders. They see His light and it does not blind them.
Their form is ethereal and there is nothing tangible left in them. They
speak among superior spirits, to whom they share their knowledge and
become infallible. In these ranks the guardian angels are chosen, who
kindly lower their gaze upon mortals, entrusting them to the loving care
of the superior spirits. These agents choose the course of direction for
second order spirits. The pure spirits are equal, and that could not be different
since only those who have achieved the highest degree of perfection
belong to that category. There is equality but not uniformity, for God did not want any point of His works to be identical. The pure spirits keep
their personality that has only acquired the most complete perfection, in
a sense, since its starting.
We are not allowed to give more details about that supreme world.
Dwellings of the Blessed Ones
(Medium Mrs. Costel)
Let us talk about the last spirals of glory, inhabited by pure spirits. Nobody can achieve them before going through the cycles of the errant spirits. Jupiter is in the highest degree of the scale. When a spirit that has gone through the long purification stage of that planet is considered worthy of the supreme happiness, he is informed by an increased fervor; a subtle fire takes over every delicate fabric of his intelligence that apparently shines, turning visible. Stunning, transfigured, he illuminates the already radiant day before the eyes of Jupiter’s inhabitants. His brothers acknowledge the elected of God and trembling, kneel before his will. However, the selected spirit rises and the heavens, in their supreme harmony, reveal its indescribable beauties. As it rises, the spirit no longer sees things like in the errant state, similar to the concerted creation in Jupiter but now embracing all of infinity. His intelligence soars like a transfigured arrow until it reaches God, there is no fear, no disharmony, as if inside an immense hall powered by a thousands of different things. Love, in these various spirits takes on the color of their refined personalities; they recognize one another and are happy for being together. Their reflected virtues reverberating, so to speak, to the delights of God’s vision, and incessantly increasing the happiness of the elected ones. A sea of love enlarged by every tributary river, their pure strength is set in motion, like the strength of other spheres. Endowed also by the gift of ubiquity, they simultaneously embrace the minimal details of human life, from start to finish. Inexorable like light, their vision penetrates everything at the same time, and active like their driving force, they spread the Lord’s wishes. Like the bountiful wave that escapes the abundant reservoir, their universal benevolence warms up the worlds, confusing evil.
Let us talk about the last spirals of glory, inhabited by pure spirits. Nobody can achieve them before going through the cycles of the errant spirits. Jupiter is in the highest degree of the scale. When a spirit that has gone through the long purification stage of that planet is considered worthy of the supreme happiness, he is informed by an increased fervor; a subtle fire takes over every delicate fabric of his intelligence that apparently shines, turning visible. Stunning, transfigured, he illuminates the already radiant day before the eyes of Jupiter’s inhabitants. His brothers acknowledge the elected of God and trembling, kneel before his will. However, the selected spirit rises and the heavens, in their supreme harmony, reveal its indescribable beauties. As it rises, the spirit no longer sees things like in the errant state, similar to the concerted creation in Jupiter but now embracing all of infinity. His intelligence soars like a transfigured arrow until it reaches God, there is no fear, no disharmony, as if inside an immense hall powered by a thousands of different things. Love, in these various spirits takes on the color of their refined personalities; they recognize one another and are happy for being together. Their reflected virtues reverberating, so to speak, to the delights of God’s vision, and incessantly increasing the happiness of the elected ones. A sea of love enlarged by every tributary river, their pure strength is set in motion, like the strength of other spheres. Endowed also by the gift of ubiquity, they simultaneously embrace the minimal details of human life, from start to finish. Inexorable like light, their vision penetrates everything at the same time, and active like their driving force, they spread the Lord’s wishes. Like the bountiful wave that escapes the abundant reservoir, their universal benevolence warms up the worlds, confusing evil.
These several interpreters are already purified spirits by ministers of
their power. Therefore, everything elevates, everything perfects and charity
radiates upon the worlds, fed in its powerful heart. The pure spirits
have by attribute everything that is good and truthful, because God is in
them, the principle in itself. The poor human thought limits everything
that is not reachable and does not comprehend infinity, unbounded by
happiness. What is there after God? God still, always God. The traveler
sees horizons succeeding horizons, one as the beginning of the next. That
is how infinity unfolds incessantly. The greatest joy of the pure spirits is
precisely such extension, as profound as eternity itself. One cannot describe
a grace, a flame, and a beam of light. I cannot describe the pure
spirits. More alive, more beautiful and more stunning than the most ethereal
images, one word summarizes that being, their power and joys: Love!
Fill up the space that separates Earth from the skies with that word and
you still will not have but the idea of a drop in the ocean. It is only the
earthly love, however limited it may be, that can give you an idea of their
divine reality.
(Medium Mr. de Grand-Boulogne)
There is logic in the doctrine of reincarnation that does not escape your understanding. Since only the physical is compatible with acts of virtue and since those acts are necessary to the betterment of the spirit, the latter will barely find the necessary circumstances required to its progress above humanity in one existence only.
There is logic in the doctrine of reincarnation that does not escape your understanding. Since only the physical is compatible with acts of virtue and since those acts are necessary to the betterment of the spirit, the latter will barely find the necessary circumstances required to its progress above humanity in one existence only.
Considering that God’s justice is incompatible with the doctrine of
the eternal penalties, reason must conclude that there is the need for:
1st – A time frame during which the spirit examines its past and
make resolutions regarding the future;
2nd – A new existence, according to the current condition of
that spirit. I don’t talk about the sufferings, sometimes terrible, to
which certain spirits are condemned, during the period of errant
state; they are, on one hand, related to the enormity of faults, and
on another hand, to God’s justice. This says enough, avoiding
the need for details that you shall find, as a matter of fact, in the
study of the evocations. Let us go back to the reincarnations and
you will understand its need through a common but very true
What happens to a young college student after one year of studies? If he
has made progress he shall then advance to the next level; if he remained
stationary in his ignorance, he shall be left behind. Let us go further. If his
faults were serious, he is expelled. He can wander from college to college,
even expelled from the University or move from a place of education to a
place of correction. That is an accurate image of the fate of the spirits, and
there is nothing more logical.
Would you like to perform a more in-depth study of the doctrine? It
will be seen in these ideas how much more perfect God’s justice seems
to be and also more in agreement with the greatest truths that dominate
our intelligence. There is something so exciting about this, in general
and in the details that someone who is initiated with the doctrine for
the first time feels illuminated. The criticism to God’s Providence; the
curse against the sufferings; the scandalous and happy addiction before
the painful virtue; the premature death of the child; remarkable qualities
hand in hand with an early evilness, in the heart of the same family; the
born with diseases; the infinite diversity of fates of individuals as well as
peoples, hitherto insoluble problems, enigmas which lead people to doubt
God’s benevolence and almost doubt his existence, all that is explained at
once. A pure ray of light is shed upon the horizon of the new philosophy,
and every circumstance of human existence is harmoniously grouped in
its generous land. Difficulties are smoothed out, problems resolved, and
mysteries up until now impenetrable are broken down and explained by
this simple word: reincarnation. I read your thoughts, dear Christian. You
say: That is a real heresy! It is too much!
No more than the denial of the eternal penalties, my child. What is
human life? The period when the spirit remains attached to the body. On
the God chosen day, the Christian philosophers shall not have any difficulty
in saying that life is multiple. That does not add or change anything
in your duties.
The Christian moral stands and the memories of Jesus’s mission hovers
upon humanity. Religion has nothing to fear regarding that teaching,
and the day is not far when the ministers will open their eyes to light.
They will finally acknowledge in the new revelation the much-expected
help, claimed from the end of their basilicas. They believe that society
shall perish, but it will be saved.
Awakening of the Spirit
(Medium Mrs. Costel)
When the individual leaves behind his mortal remains, he is taken by such fear and astonishment that it makes him uncertain about his actual state; he does not know if is dead or alive, and it takes long for his very confused sensations to clear up. The spirit’s eyes are progressively amazed by the many clarities around him, leading him to a new order of things, great and unknown that he can hardly understand in the beginning but soon recognizes that he is nothing more than an intangible and immaterial creature; he seeks his vestiges, and surprise, he does not find them; some time goes by before he recovers the memory of his past, then convinced of his identity. He looks back to Earth and sees his crying relatives and friends and his inert body. The eyes finally leave Earth and seek the skies. If the will of God no longer keeps him attached to the soil, he then rises slowly and feels his body floating in space, a marvelous sensation. Then, the memory of the life he has just left behind comes with this sometimes devastating, other times consoling clarity. I speak about what I felt, and I am not a bad spirit but I don’t occupy an elevated position, unfortunately. We get rid of every earthly prejudice. Truth shines with full intensity. Nothing mitigates our faults. Nothing hides the virtues. We see our own souls as clearly as before a mirror. We seek familiar spirits because isolation is frightening, but others go by and they don’t stop. There are no affectionate relationships among errant spirits; even those who loved one another don’t exchange expressions of love; those misty forms slide and move on. Loving exchanges are reserved to the superior spirits in their interactions. As for ourselves, our transient state is only good for our advancement, and nothing should distract us from that path. The only communications allowed to us are with the humans because it is mutually useful, and prescribed by God. The bad spirits also contribute to human betterment: they serve through the trials; those who resist conquer merits. The spirits who guide people are rewarded by a substantial extenuation of their penalties. The errant spirits don’t suffer for the absence of communication among them for they know that they will meet again. Hence, their devotion is amplified so that the object of their affection is brought back to them, at the end of their trials, affections which cannot be expressed but which remain dormant. Not one bond established on Earth is broken; our sympathies will be reestablished in the order of their existence, more or less vividly, according to their intensity or intimacy.
When the individual leaves behind his mortal remains, he is taken by such fear and astonishment that it makes him uncertain about his actual state; he does not know if is dead or alive, and it takes long for his very confused sensations to clear up. The spirit’s eyes are progressively amazed by the many clarities around him, leading him to a new order of things, great and unknown that he can hardly understand in the beginning but soon recognizes that he is nothing more than an intangible and immaterial creature; he seeks his vestiges, and surprise, he does not find them; some time goes by before he recovers the memory of his past, then convinced of his identity. He looks back to Earth and sees his crying relatives and friends and his inert body. The eyes finally leave Earth and seek the skies. If the will of God no longer keeps him attached to the soil, he then rises slowly and feels his body floating in space, a marvelous sensation. Then, the memory of the life he has just left behind comes with this sometimes devastating, other times consoling clarity. I speak about what I felt, and I am not a bad spirit but I don’t occupy an elevated position, unfortunately. We get rid of every earthly prejudice. Truth shines with full intensity. Nothing mitigates our faults. Nothing hides the virtues. We see our own souls as clearly as before a mirror. We seek familiar spirits because isolation is frightening, but others go by and they don’t stop. There are no affectionate relationships among errant spirits; even those who loved one another don’t exchange expressions of love; those misty forms slide and move on. Loving exchanges are reserved to the superior spirits in their interactions. As for ourselves, our transient state is only good for our advancement, and nothing should distract us from that path. The only communications allowed to us are with the humans because it is mutually useful, and prescribed by God. The bad spirits also contribute to human betterment: they serve through the trials; those who resist conquer merits. The spirits who guide people are rewarded by a substantial extenuation of their penalties. The errant spirits don’t suffer for the absence of communication among them for they know that they will meet again. Hence, their devotion is amplified so that the object of their affection is brought back to them, at the end of their trials, affections which cannot be expressed but which remain dormant. Not one bond established on Earth is broken; our sympathies will be reestablished in the order of their existence, more or less vividly, according to their intensity or intimacy.
Progress of the Spirits
(Medium Mrs. Costel)
The spirits can advance intellectually if they sincerely and strongly wish to do so. They have their free will, like people, and the errant state does not preclude them from using their faculties; it even helps, giving them the means of observation that they can utilize.
The spirits can advance intellectually if they sincerely and strongly wish to do so. They have their free will, like people, and the errant state does not preclude them from using their faculties; it even helps, giving them the means of observation that they can utilize.
The bad spirits are not fatally condemned to remain evil. They can
evolve but they rarely wish that since they lack discernment and find
some sort of sickly pleasure out of their evil deeds. They must be violently
shocked and punished in order to return to the good path because their
wicked minds can only learn through punishment.
The weak spirits that take no pleasure in evil things but who don’t
advance, these are restrained by their own weakness and by a kind of
numbness that freezes their capabilities; they wander around; time goes
by without their assessment; they couldn’t care less about what they see
and take no advantage of that or even show rebellion. A certain degree of
moral progress is necessary so that they can advance in the errant state.
These poor spirits sometimes choose badly their trials; they particularly
seek wealth in their material life, not concerned about the aftermath.
These weak spirits eagerly seek reincarnation, not to depurate but to live again. The spirits who had many migrations are more experienced than
the others: each life has given them a certain sum of knowledge; they saw
and learned; they are less naïve than those who are closer to the starting
The spirits that come from Earth reincarnate back on Earth more frequently
than in any other place, because the acquired experience is more
applicable there. They almost never visit other worlds before or after their
perfecting. Living conditions vary in each planet for the diversity of God’s
work is inexhaustible. Nonetheless, the creatures who live in those worlds
obey the same laws of expiation and all tend towards the same objective
that is complete perfection.
Material Charity and Moral Charity
(Medium Mrs. De B…)
“Let us love one another and do to others what we would have them do unto us”. The whole of religion, the whole of morals are contained in these two principles. If they were followed here on Earth we would all be perfect: no more hatred, no more hard feelings; I say even more: there would be no more poverty since the many poor people would be fed from the excesses of the tables of the rich, and you would not see in the somber neighborhoods, where I lived in my last incarnation, poor women dragging around wretched children lacking everything.
“Let us love one another and do to others what we would have them do unto us”. The whole of religion, the whole of morals are contained in these two principles. If they were followed here on Earth we would all be perfect: no more hatred, no more hard feelings; I say even more: there would be no more poverty since the many poor people would be fed from the excesses of the tables of the rich, and you would not see in the somber neighborhoods, where I lived in my last incarnation, poor women dragging around wretched children lacking everything.
Rich! Give some thought to that. Help the unfortunate ones the best
you can. Give so that God may one day return the good you did; so that
when you leave the terrestrial wrapping you may one day find an entourage
of thankful spirits welcoming you at the throne of a happier world.
If you could only know how happy I felt when I met above those that
I was able to help in my last life! Give and love thy neighbor; love them as you would love yourself, because now you also know that God has allowed
you to initiate into the Spiritist Science, that the miserable pariah
may be a brother, a father, a son, a friend that you send away; and that,
what a despair when you meet again in the spiritual world!
I wish that you truly understand what moral charity is, that everybody
can practice it; that it has no material cost but is the most difficult
to practice!
Moral charity consists of supporting one another, and that is the least
done in this inferior world where you are now incarnated. Hence, be charitable
for you shall advance more in the path of good. Be humane and bear
one another. There is great merit in knowing when to be silent so that the fool
may speak and this is a form of charity; go silent when the mockery leaves
the jester’s mouth; don’t notice the sarcastic smile in the mouth of those who
wrongly judge themselves above you, when in the spiritual life, the only true
life, they are sometimes far off; there is merit, not of humility but of charity in
this because it is moral charity in not seeing others’ mistakes. There is much
more merit in looking at an infirm person with compassion than throwing
him your opinion with neglect. However, the image must not be taken literally
because one charity does not preclude the other. Above all, do not neglect
your fellow human beings. Remember what I have told you: it is always necessary
to keep in mind that those you repel might very well be a spirit dear to
you, temporarily situated in an inferior position.
I have met again a poor person from your Earth that I had fortunately
helped a few times and to whom in turn, I must now implore for help.
Thus, be charitable; don’t scorn; let go of the words that hurt you
and don’t think that charity is only the act of giving material things, but
do practice also the moral charity. I repeat: practice one and the other.
Remember that Jesus told us that we are brothers and always think about
it, before you send the leprous or the beggar away. I shall come back to
give you a longer communication since I am called back now. Good-bye.
Think of those who suffer and pray.
Sister Rosalie
Electricity of Thought
(Medium Mrs. Costel)
I will talk about the strange phenomenon that takes place in the meetings, whatever their character. I mean the electricity of thought, which spreads as if by magic through the brains of those less prepared to receive it. That alone could confirm magnetism to the eyes of the most incredulous. I am amazed by the coexistence of the phenomena and how they reciprocally confirm each other. You will certainly say: Spiritism explains them all, because it provides the reason for the facts up until now left to the domain of superstition. It is necessary to believe in what Spiritism teaches you since it transforms stones into diamonds, that is, it incessantly elevates the souls dedicated to its understanding, giving them patience to endure their sufferings on Earth, allowing them the glorious elevation in heaven, drawing them closer to the Creator.
I will talk about the strange phenomenon that takes place in the meetings, whatever their character. I mean the electricity of thought, which spreads as if by magic through the brains of those less prepared to receive it. That alone could confirm magnetism to the eyes of the most incredulous. I am amazed by the coexistence of the phenomena and how they reciprocally confirm each other. You will certainly say: Spiritism explains them all, because it provides the reason for the facts up until now left to the domain of superstition. It is necessary to believe in what Spiritism teaches you since it transforms stones into diamonds, that is, it incessantly elevates the souls dedicated to its understanding, giving them patience to endure their sufferings on Earth, allowing them the glorious elevation in heaven, drawing them closer to the Creator.
I return to the starting point from which I moved a little bit away.
The electricity that unites the spirit of people in an assembled meeting,
allowing them to simultaneously understand the same thing, that very
electricity shall one day be employed with such efficiency among people
as it is in the communications at a distance. I reveal to you this idea that I will develop one day because it is very prolific. Keep the serenity in your
works and count on the benevolence of the good spirits that assist you.
I will complete my thought that was unfinished in my previous communication.
I was speaking about the electricity of thought and I told you
that one day it would be used like its sister, the physical electricity is used.
In fact, when in a meeting, people release the fluids that transmit the
minimal impressions to them, with the speed of light. Why hasn’t such
a means been used, for example, to discover a criminal or to make the
masses understand the truths of religion or Spiritism? In the great criminal
or political trials the audience of the judicial dramas could detect the
magnetic current that progressively forces those very people more interested
in hiding their thoughts to reveal it or even accuse themselves, since
they no longer can withstand the electrical pressure that would irrespectively
produce the truth, not out of their consciousness, but of their hearts.
Apart from those strong emotions, the same phenomenon happens with
intellectual ideas, transmitted from the brain to brain. The means then
have already been found. It is necessary to apply it: to gather in the same
center, people of conviction, or educated people, and bring together the
contrast of ignorance or vice. Such experiments must be carried out with
awareness and are more important than debates about words.
Delphine de Girardin
(Medium Mr. Didier Jr.)
There should be two very distinct fields on Earth: on one side those who openly do the good things and on the other, those who openly do bad things. No, however! The human being is not honest not even when it comes to bad things, since it affects virtue! Hypocrisy! Hypocrisy! Powerful goddess! How many tyrants have you created? How many idols to adore!
There should be two very distinct fields on Earth: on one side those who openly do the good things and on the other, those who openly do bad things. No, however! The human being is not honest not even when it comes to bad things, since it affects virtue! Hypocrisy! Hypocrisy! Powerful goddess! How many tyrants have you created? How many idols to adore!
The human being’s heart is very strange really since it can beat in
death, as it can apparently love honor, virtue, truth and charity! The human
being bows daily before those virtues and daily fails his word, neglecting
the poor Christ. He is a constant lying hypocrite.
How many people seem honest, because their appearance is often
deceiving! Christ called them whitewashed tombs, which are rotten inside
but shinny outside. Man! You truly seem like that house of death,
and while your heart is dead Jesus shall not inspire you, Jesus, that
divine light that does not illuminate the exterior but that brings clarity
to the interior.
Hypocrisy, understand this well, is the vice of your time. And you
wish to become great by hypocrisy! In the name of freedom you become
greater; in the name of morale you become more brutal; in the name of
truth, you lie.
Bulletin of the Parisian Society of Spiritist StudiesFriday, October 5th 1860
(Private Session)
Committee meeting.
Minutes and works of the August 24th session were read.
After having received a letter requesting membership from Mr. B… and after having had the report and verbal appreciation by the Committee, the Society admits Mr. B, a Parisian trader, as a member.
1st – Mr. Allan Kardec reports the result of his trip on behalf of Spiritism and gladly mentions the warm reception he received everywhere and especially in Sens, Macon, Lyon and Saint-Etienne. He was able to attest to the considerable progress of Spiritism in every place he visited; however, what is worth mentioning is that he has not seen people making use of Spiritism as a distraction. In all places people were seriously involved and understood its reach and its future consequences. There are still many opponents, no doubt, from which the most bloodthirsty have self-serving interests but the number of mockers have reduced noticeably.
(Private Session)
Committee meeting.
Minutes and works of the August 24th session were read.
After having received a letter requesting membership from Mr. B… and after having had the report and verbal appreciation by the Committee, the Society admits Mr. B, a Parisian trader, as a member.
1st – Mr. Allan Kardec reports the result of his trip on behalf of Spiritism and gladly mentions the warm reception he received everywhere and especially in Sens, Macon, Lyon and Saint-Etienne. He was able to attest to the considerable progress of Spiritism in every place he visited; however, what is worth mentioning is that he has not seen people making use of Spiritism as a distraction. In all places people were seriously involved and understood its reach and its future consequences. There are still many opponents, no doubt, from which the most bloodthirsty have self-serving interests but the number of mockers have reduced noticeably.
Seeing that their sarcasm does not invite the jokers to their
side, and that those do more favor than harm to the progress of
the new beliefs, they start to understand that they have nothing
to gain and waste their energy in a useless loss, thus they go silent.
A good word to characterize the agenda everywhere, is that:
Spiritism is in the air. It shows well the state of things. But it is
in Lyon that the results are more impressive. Spiritism is present
in large numbers in all social classes there, having hundreds of
members in the working class. Spiritism has exerted the healthiest
influence upon the working class from the standpoint of organization,
moral and religious ideas. In short, Spiritism propagates
with the most encouraging speed.
Mr. Allan Kardec reads the speech given by Mr. Guillaume during the
banquet offered to him by the spiritists of Lyon followed by his response.
In recognition for the testimonies of sympathy that the comrades
of Lyon gave to the Society, it returns a message of acknowledgement
whose outline was submitted to the Committee which made
amendments. The message will be transmitted by the President.
Mr. Allan Kardec met Mr. R… in Saint-Etienne, hearing
from him the description of a system that was dictated to him
through what he calls unconscious writing. His system will be object
of a special study in the future.
Besides, he reports a very curious case of physical obsession of
a person from Lyon; of a case of clairvoyance, that he witnessed,
and a phenomenon of transfiguration that took place near SaintEtienne,
with a young lady that at certain times took the complete
appearance of her brother, deceased a few years back.
2nd – Report given of a remarkable case of a spirit’s identity,
which occurred on a ship from the imperial navy, anchored
in the China Sea. The fleet surgeon, present at the session, reported
the fact. Everyone on the ship, from the lowest seaman
recruit to the highest officer ranks were involved with evocations
but nobody knew the means of obtaining written communications;
hence, alphabetical typtology was used. Someone
had the idea of evoking a lieutenant that had died two years ago.
Among other details, he said: “I insist that you pay the captain
the amount of…(the value is indicated), that I owe him, and I
regret not being able to pay him back before I died.” Nobody
knew the fact. The captain himself had forgotten all about it
but checking his accounts he found a note about the lieutenant’s
debt, whose value was absolutely identical to the number
indicated by the spirit.
3rd – Mr. de Grand-Boulogne reads a nice piece of poetry that
he dedicated to his familiar spirit.
1st – Questions addressed to St. Louis about his apparition to a
medium from Lyon, in the presence of Mr. Allan Kardec. He
answers: “Yes, it was me. It was my duty to stay with the director
of the Society that I sponsor.” Other questions about the physical
impression produced in certain writing mediums by the good and
bad spirits.
2nd – Evocation of Mr. Ch. de P…, who was found drowned
and whose death was considered a suicide. He denies the account
and tells us that accidental causes led to his death.
3rd – Spontaneous essay signed by Lamennais, received by
Mr. D…
Friday, October 12th, 1860
(General Session)
Committee meeting.
Presided by Mr. Jobard, honorary President from Brussels.
Works and minutes of the October 5th session were read.
1st – Multiple communications received by Mrs. S… were read:
The Orphans, signed by Jules Morin. Others signed by Alfred de
Musset: The Queen of Ouda, by Nicolas.
2nd – A spontaneous essay signed by St. Louis was read, received
by Mr. Darcol, containing several pieces of advice for
3rd – Letter from Mr. J… from Terre-Noire, to Mr. Allan
Kardec, about the painful impressions caused in him by the explanation
of Mr. R… system.
1st – Evocation of Saul, King of the Jews. He states that he is not
the one communicating through Ms. B… The spirit that communicates
in the group of that young lady had taught a particular
system whose main points are: 1st – The older the earthly existence
of the spirit, the more advanced it is, and consequently
St. Louis is less advanced than him because he had died more
2nd – The spirits only incarnate on Earth, in three incarnations
only, not more, not less, being that sufficient for them to
move from the lowest to the highest level of the scale.
Since Mr. Allan Kardec had fought this theory as irrational
and denied by facts, the spirit insisted on trying to change his mind. He was evoked and proved incapable of sustaining his theory,
but he did not give in, asking to be heard in another private
session and through his customary medium.
NOTA: The session was held a few days later and the spirit
persisted with the name Saul, King of the Jews. Nonetheless, under
the pressure of the questions he gave proofs of the most absolute
ignorance saying, for example, that the incarnation of the
spirits only takes place on Earth because this is the only solid
planet. In his opinion all other globes are gaseous and could not
serve the purpose of being inhabited by corporeal beings. When
his theory was contested by the phenomena of eclipses of the Sun
he argued that the Sun had never been eclipsed by Mercury or
Venus, a fact that the astronomers were not always in agreement
This fact demonstrates once more that the spirits are far from
having the whole science and also how much it is necessary to be
on guard against systems that out of pride, some of them try to
impose through a few beautiful maxims. This one, despite his
arrogance, showed his weak spot with the ridiculous theory of
the planets, demonstrating that he must have been less educated
than the last student, which does not mean a lot regarding his
condition. When these spirits find an audience to their words
with a blind trust they take advantage; however, they will be less
frequent the more we are aware of the need to submit every communication
to the strictest crucible of logic and reason. When
these spirits see that people are no longer deluded by the respectable
names that they take and that they cannot impose their utopias,
they will understand they are wasting their time and will be
2nd – Evocation of the spirit that communicates through
Mr. R… and that has also dictated a complete system to him.
This study shall be carried out later.
3rd – Spontaneous essay received by Mr. D… about infused
science, signed by St. Louis. This communication seems to have
been provoked by the subjects discussed during the session.
4th – Drawing obtained by Ms. J… and signed by Ary
5th – Evocation of Nicholas by Ms. J… As usual he manifests
violently, saying: “Asking me to calm down is to ask me not to be
myself. As you see I still burn. The breath of battle has taken me
over.” Questioned why he was so calm with Ms. S… he said: “I
had used an interpreter to avoid breaking this delicate creature;
I was able to produce good and beautiful thoughts but I could
not write them myself.” Another spirit manifests spontaneously
through Ms. J… Given his extreme kindness, calm, correct and
almost framed writing, contrasting with the notably nervous,
wide and impatient writing of N…, the medium believes to recognize
John the Evangelist, that has manifested several times in
that way. He talks about the efficacy of the prayer and reminds
the prophecies of the Apocalypse which find application these
Friday, October 19th, 1860
(Private Session)
Committee meeting.
The works and minutes of the previous session were read.
By recommendation of the Committee and after a verbal report, Mr.
G… trader from Paris, and Mr. D…, employee of the Post Office, were
admitted as members.
1st – A communication received by Mrs. S… from her brother was
read. It is remarkable by the elevation of thoughts, demonstrating
the affection of the spirits by their loving ones on Earth.
2nd – Mrs. Desl… reads the evocation of a former maid who
died when working for her family. This evocation, in which the
spirit demonstrates her attachment and good feelings, offers a
remarkable particularity regarding the language details, similar
to people from rural areas, having the spirit preserved even with
those who were familiar to her.
3rd – A case of identity regarding the spirit of Mr. Charles
de P…, who was evoked on the October 5th session. The person
to whom he had manifested in Bordeaux, and who had evoked
him again in the first days of this month, that person learned
through him that he was called to the Society where he had
confirmed what he had said before about the accidental cause of
his death. Soon after the person received a letter from Mr. Allan
Kardec giving details of the evocation at the Society.
4th – Report of several cases of vaporous and tangible apparitions,
and also transportation of material objects that took place
with Mr. de St.-G…, present at the session, as well as with one of
his relatives. These cases will be examined later.
1st – Evocation of the spirit that manifested visually to Mr. de
St.-G… He gives some explanations but indicates that he prefers
to communicate through his usual medium.
2nd – Evocation of a spirit that uses the name Balthazar, spontaneously
revealed to Ms. H…, showing gastronomical dispositions.
This evocation offers great interest from the point of view
of the study of non-dematerialized spirits, who still keep the instincts
of the earthly life.
3rd – Three spontaneous essays were received: the first by
Mr. Didier Jr, about Christianity and signed by Lamennais;
the second by Mrs. Costel, about the inferior spirits, signed by
Delphine de Girardin; the third by Ms. Huet: The kiss of peace,
a parable signed by Channing.
Bibliography Letter from a Catholic about Spiritism
By Dr. Grand, former Vice-Consul of France
The author of this brochure proposes to demonstrate that it is possible to be simultaneously a good Catholic and a zealous spiritist. In that sense he preaches by the word and by the example since he is sincerely one and the other. Through facts and arguments of rigorous logic he establishes the agreement between Spiritism and religion, demonstrating that all fundamental dogmas found in Spiritism give an explanation that satisfies the most demanding reason, and that Theology unsuccessfully strives to provide; concluding that if these dogmas were taught in this way they would find less incredulity and hence religion would have to gain from an alliance, forecasting that one day Spiritism will be in religion and religion in Spiritism.
The author of this brochure proposes to demonstrate that it is possible to be simultaneously a good Catholic and a zealous spiritist. In that sense he preaches by the word and by the example since he is sincerely one and the other. Through facts and arguments of rigorous logic he establishes the agreement between Spiritism and religion, demonstrating that all fundamental dogmas found in Spiritism give an explanation that satisfies the most demanding reason, and that Theology unsuccessfully strives to provide; concluding that if these dogmas were taught in this way they would find less incredulity and hence religion would have to gain from an alliance, forecasting that one day Spiritism will be in religion and religion in Spiritism.
It seems hard to believe that after reading this little book those with
their religious scruples who keep away from Spiritism are not led to a
healthier appreciation for it. There also is an obvious fact that the spiritist
ideas advance with such a speed that even without being a sorcerer or
a foreteller, it is possible to predict the time when those ideas will be so broadly accepted that, willing or not, one will have to count on them.
They shall conquer citizenship, without the need for anyone’s permission;
and it shall soon be acknowledged, if not done yet, the absolute impossibility
of stopping its course.
Even the diatribes give them an extraordinary boost and one would
not believe the number of adepts that Mr. Louis Figuier made with his
“Histoire du Merveilleux” (History of the Marvelous) in which he pretends
to explain everything through hallucination when, in fact, he definitely
explains nothing since his starting point is the denial of every force outside
humanity and his material theory cannot resolve all cases. The mockery
of Mr. Oscar Comettant was without sufficient reasoning. He made
people laugh but not to the cost of the spiritists. The gross and insensible
article from the Gazette de Lyon harmed only itself because everybody
judged it as it deserved.
After reading the brochure mentioned above, what can we say to
those who still dare to suggest that the spiritists are impious and that
their doctrine threatens religion? They don’t notice that by saying so they
would lead to believe that religion is vulnerable. It would in fact be very
vulnerable if a utopia could compromise it – since according to them this
is utopia. We are not afraid of saying that all sincerely religious people –
meaning those that are more from their hearts than from their lips – will
recognize in Spiritism a divine manifestation, whose objective is to revive
the perishing religious faith.
We highly recommend this brochure to all of our readers and we do
believe that they shall do good service by promoting it.
Since long ago we have been in touch with two mediums from Sens,
who are as distinct for their faculties as commended for their modesty,
devotion and purity of intentions. We would not say so if we did not know
that they are inaccessible to pride, this stumbling stone of so many mediums,
which has wrecked so many happy dispositions. It is a rare quality
that deserves to be mentioned. We have personally verified the sympathies
that they both enjoy from the good spirits. Nevertheless, far from taking
advantage of that; far from considering themselves the only interpreters of
truth, and not falling into the dark trap of pretentious names, they humbly
accept with prudent reservation every communication they receive,
always submitting them to controls of reason.
That is the only way of discouraging the deceiving spirits who are
always stalking people that are prepared to accept any words that come
from them, as long as they are signed by a respectable name. As a matter
of fact, those two mediums have never received frivolous, trivial, rude or
ridiculed communications, and not one spirit has ever tried to pass eccentric
ideas through them or impose upon them as an absolute ruler. Even
further and demonstrating all the above in favor of the spirits that guide
them, there is the feeling of true benevolence and true Christian charity
inspired in their protégés. Such was the impression that had remained
with us from what we observed, and we are happy to say so.
In the interest of preservation and betterment of their faculties we
hope that they shall never make the same mistakes as the mediums that
consider themselves infallible. There isn’t a single one that can boast about
having never been deceived. The best intentions are not always a guarantee
and frequently that is a trial to exercise judgment and discernment.
But regarding those who unfortunately judge themselves infallible, the
deceiving spirits are very skillful to let the opportunity go. They do what
people do: they exploit every weakness.
Among the communications sent to us by those gentlemen, the following
one signed by Homer seemed of singular interest to us, although
it does not have anything special about the ideas, but for a remarkable
fact that may be considered proof of identity, up to a certain extent. This
communication was obtained spontaneously, and the medium had given
absolutely no thought to the Greek poet. It gave rise to several questions
that we also considered adequate to publish.
The medium one day wrote the following, not knowing who was
dictating it:
“My God! How profound are your designs and impenetrable your
eyes! Human beings have sought, at all times, the solution of a number
of problems not yet resolved. I have done that too in my life and did not
solve the simplest: evil, the goad that you employ to impel man to do good
through love. Still very young I met the abuse imposed by people on one
another, without premeditation, and as if evil were a natural element to
them, although it is not true and considering that everyone is destined to
the same end which is good.
They strangle one another, only to wake up and find a hurt brother!
Nevertheless, these are your designs and it is not up to us to change
them. We have only the merit or demerit of having resisted more or less
to the temptation, and like a sanction to all that, we find punishment
or reward.
I spent my youth among the reeds of “Mélès; I bathed and rocked often
in its waves. Hence I was called “Melesigenes” in my youth.”
1. Since this name is unknown, we beg the spirit to kindly explain it
to us in a more accurate way. – A. My youth navigated the waves;
my poetry gave me gray hair. I am the one that you call Homer.
OBSERVATION: It came as a great surprise to us for we had no
idea about Homer’s nickname. We found it later in the mythological
dictionary. The questions followed.
2. Could you kindly tell us why you gave us the honor of your spontaneous
visit since we did not absolutely think of you at this time,
and for which we apologize. – A. It is because I come to your
meetings as one who always goes to the brothers and sisters who
wish to do good.
3. We dare ask you to please tell us about the last moments of your
earthly life. – A. Oh my friends! God forbid you die as unfortunate
as I did! My body finished in the last of human miseries. The
soul is much perturbed in such a state. The awakening is harder,
but also much more beautiful! Oh! How great God is! May God
bless you, I wish from the bottom of my heart.
4. The poems Iliad and Odyssey that we have, are they as good as the
ones that you originally composed? – A. No. They were altered.
5. Several cities fought for the honor of having been named your
birthplace. Could you clarify that to us? – A. Find the Greek
city that had the house of Cléanax, the courtier. He was the one
who expelled my mother from my place of birth, because she refused
to be his lover, and you shall know where I was born. Yes,
they disputed that supposed honor, but did not do that for having
welcomed me. Oh! The poor humans. Always futilities; good
thoughts, never!
OBSERVATION: The most remarkable fact of this communication
is the revelation of Homer’s nickname, even more so when considering the limited instruction of both mediums, forced to
earn their living out of manual labor, and that could not have
any idea about it. That can be even less attributed to a reflex of
thought considering that they were alone at that time.
We will make another observation about it: every spiritist knows,
however little experience they may have, that someone who knew
Homer’s nickname and had evoked him, if that person had asked
him about his nickname as a proof of identity, it would have been
refused. If the communications were only a reflex of our thoughts,
how come the spirits would not say what we already know and
how come they say what we ignore? The fact is that the spirits
also have their dignity and susceptibility, and want to prove that
they are not at the service of the first one they meet. Suppose
that someone who strongly protests against the caprice or ill-faith
of the spirits would show up at a house, refusing to provide his
identity. What would he do if he were received but people asked
him point-blank to demonstrate that he was himself? He would
turn his back. That is what the spirits do. It does not mean that
one must believe in their words but when a proof of identity is
requested one needs to know how to treat them as well as people.
The proofs of identity spontaneously given are always the best.
If we have given a lot of space to a subject that does not seem
to justify so many considerations it is because we don’t want to
miss the opportunity of calling people’s attention to the practical
aspect of a science surrounded by more difficulties than thought,
and that many people think to dominate just because they know
how to make a table rap or a pencil move. As a matter of fact, we
address those who still think that they need advice and not those
that after a few months of study think that they don’t need them.
If the advice, which we believe to be useful, is lost by some we also
know that it will not be lost by all.
Family Conversations from Beyond the Grave Balthazar, the Gastronome Spirit
Society, October 19th, 1860
A spirit by the name of Balthazar showed up spontaneously in a private meeting, dictating the following phrase by knocks: “I like good food and women; cheers to melon and lobster, coffee and liquor!”
A spirit by the name of Balthazar showed up spontaneously in a private meeting, dictating the following phrase by knocks: “I like good food and women; cheers to melon and lobster, coffee and liquor!”
It seemed to us that this sort of disposition from an inhabitant of the
other world could give rise to a serious study, from which we could take
instructive teachings about the faculties and sensations of certain spirits.
To us it was an interesting object of observation that showed on its own,
or even better, which could have been sent by the superior spirits, willing
to provide us with more instructions. We were to blame if we did not use
this opportunity. It is obvious that the burlesque statement of that spirit
reveals a very special condition, whose study can shed light onto what we
can call physiology of the spiritual world.
That is why the Society decided to evoke him and not for a futile
motive, but with the hopes that a new subject of instruction would be
found. Certain people believe that we can only learn from the spirits of great individuals. It is a mistake. It is true that only the elevated spirits can
give us lessons of high theoretical philosophy but the knowledge about
the actual condition of the spiritual world is not less important to us.
Studying some spirits we are somehow surprised by their flagrant nature.
It is seen by the wounds that we can find the means of healing them. How
could we be aware of the future penalties and rewards if we had not seen
unfortunate spirits? Through them we understand that one can suffer a
lot without being thrown into the fire or without experiencing physical
tortures in hell, and such conviction, given by the spectacle of the dregs of
the spiritual world, is not one of the causes that have least contributed to
attract adepts to the Doctrine.
1. Evocation. – A. My friends, here you have me before a great table,
but ah! It is empty!
2. This table is empty that is true; however, can you tell us what
good would it do to you if it had plenty of food? What would you
do with that? – A. I would feel its smell as I did with its taste in
the past.
OBSERVATION: This answer contains a whole teaching. We
know that the spirits have our sensations and feel the smells as
well as the sounds. Since they cannot eat, a material and sensual
spirit feeds from the emanation of the food; enjoys them by
the smell, like they did through taste when alive. Hence there is
something of material in their pleasure, but as there is really more
desire than reality, by nudging the desires the pleasure becomes
a punishment to the inferior spirits that still keep their human
3. Let us talk seriously, I beg you. Our purpose is to learn, rather
than play games. Kindly respond seriously to our questions and if
necessary please use the support of a more enlightened spirit. You
have a vaporous body, we know that well. But tell us, if there is a stomach in such a body? – A. An also vaporous stomach that can
only take smells.
4. When you see tasty food do you feel like eating them? – A. Ah! I
can no longer eat! Those foods to me are like the flowers to you;
you smell but you don’t eat. That is it then! I am also satisfied.
5. Does it give you any pleasure to see other people eating? – A. A
lot, when I am around.
6. Do you feel the need to eat and drink? Please notice that we say
need; a short while back we used the word desire, which is different.
– A. Need, no; but desire, yes, always!
7. Is that desire completely satisfied by the smell that you inhale? Is
it the same as if you were eating? – A. It is the same as asking you
if the sight of a badly wanted object satisfies you as much as if you
had possession of that object.
8. Thus, as it seems, your desire must be a real torture since there is
no real pleasure. – A. A torture greater than you think. But I try
to confuse myself, creating the illusion.
9. Your condition seems too material to us. Tell us: do you sleep
eventually? – A. No. I enjoy wandering around.
10. Does time seem too long to you? Do you ever get bored? – A. No.
I visit the fairs and markets; I see the catch arriving at the fish
market and that keeps me really busy.
11. What did you do when alive on Earth?
Note: Someone says that he would certainly be a cook. – A. I did
appreciate the good food, not as a glutton. I was a lawyer, son of
a gastronome, and grandson of a gastronome. My parents were
“ fermiers généraux” (businessmen that in the old monarchy had
the right of collecting taxes, before the payment of a certain fixed
amount to the treasury). Responding to the preceding comment,
the spirit added: - A. You see now that I was not a cook and I
would not invite you to my feasts because you don’t know how to
eat or drink.
12. Have you been dead for a long time? – A. I died about thirty years
ago, when I was eighty years old.
13. Do you see other spirits happier than you? – A. Yes. I see some
spirits whose happiness consists on loving God. I still don’t know
that. My thoughts remain on Earth.
14. Do you understand the causes that make them happier than
you? – A. I still don’t appreciate them, like the one that doesn’t
understand a fine dish and cannot appreciate it. Perhaps I will
get there. Good-bye. I will look around for a little delicious
and succulent dinner.
OBSERVATION: This spirit is a real phenomenon. It is part of
that large group of invisible creatures that have not moved anything
above human condition. The only difference is the lack of
material body but their ideas are exactly the same. This is not a
bad spirit. The only thing against him is the sensuality, at the
same time a cause of torment and joy. Then, as a spirit he is not
very unhappy; he is even happy in his own way. But God knows
what expects him in a new existence! A sad return may well make
him think and develop the moral sense, still subdued by the supremacy
of the senses.
From a Spiritist to his Familiar Spirit Stanzas
Giver to my sadness
A look of tender pity!
You give my weakness
A look of tender pity!
You give my weakness
The support of your holy friendship!
Spirit, genie, or pure flame,
Suspend your flight toward the heavens;
Remain to enlighten my soul,
Oh mysterious advisor!
Messenger of Providence,
Sage interpreter of his law,
Oh! Speak; I listen in silence;
Divine Master, teach me.
Until recently, there was darkness of doubt,
The question hanging over my heart,
But your breath pushed aside this shadow,
Bringing me the joy of light!
Thus, God, the loving master,
Father, even more than Creator
Placed in his ineffable tenderness,
An angel close to our heart.
Each one of us, oh beautiful miracle!
Has a heavenly guardian;
Each one of us has his oracle
Our invisible support.
Lovely spirit that comforts me!
Blessed brother, gentle and pious,
With you my soul soars,
Flying towards the heavens!
Yes, I love you, protective spirit;
I gladly take your hand;
I am you, sweet star; illuminated
In heaven where we will be tomorrow.
Loving Relationships of the Spirits
Comments about the spontaneous essay published in the October
1860 issue of The Review, with the title Awakening of the Spirit.
The lovely communications of the spirit that uses the name Georges
are generally admired. However, and due to the very superiority demonstrated
by that spirit, several persons were surprised about what he said in
his message Awakening of the Spirit, regarding the relationships beyond
the tomb. It reads as follows:
“We get rid of every earthly prejudice. Truth shines with full intensity.
Nothing mitigates our faults. Nothing hides the virtues. We see our
own souls as clearly as if before a mirror. We seek the familiar spirits
because isolation is frightening, but they go by and don’t bother to stop.
There is no affectionate relationship among errant spirits; even those who
loved one another don’t exchange expressions of love; those misty forms
slide and move on. The affectionate communications are reserved to the
superior spirits in their interactions.”
The thought of homecoming after death and the communication
with our loved ones is one of the greatest consolations of Spiritism and
the idea that souls would not have a friendly relationship would be tough,
if absolute; hence we are not surprised by the painful feeling that it has
caused. If Georges were one of those common or systematic spirits, who expose their own ideas without any concern with accuracy, we would not
have given any importance to the issue. Given his customary wisdom and
depth it was natural to expect something true in that theory but that his
thought was not expressed correctly. In fact, that is what came out of the
explanations that we requested. This is then another proof that we must
not accept anything without the control of reason; and here reason and
facts tell us that such theory could not be absolute.
If isolation were a characteristic inherent to erraticity, such a state
would be a real punishment, the more painful the more it can be prolonged
for many centuries. We know from experience that the absence
of loved ones is a punishment to certain spirits; but we also know that
many of them are happy for meeting again; that when we leave this life
our friends in the spiritual world come to welcome us, helping us to
disengage from the earthly attire, and that there isn’t anything worse
than not finding a benevolent soul at that solemn moment. Would such
a consoling doctrine be an illusion? No, it is not possible because it is
not simply the result of a teaching. It is the souls themselves, happy or
unfortunate, that come to us and describing their situation. We know
that the spirits gather together, understanding one another and acting
in agreement, with more strength on certain occasions, both in good
and evil; that the spirits who don’t have the knowledge necessary to answer
the questions addressed to them, may be helped by others who are
more enlightened; that these are assigned with the mission of helping
with their advice and the progress of others that fall behind; that the
inferior spirits act under the influence of others, being their instrument;
that they receive orders, prohibitions or permissions, circumstances that
would not happen if the spirits were abandoned to their own fates. Thus,
simple common sense tell us that the situation commented above cannot
be absolute but relative; that may happen to some in given circumstances
but that could not be general since if true it could become the
greatest obstacle to the progress of the spirit and, for that very reason,
it would not be according to God’s justice and benevolence. Georges,
the spirit, has evidently mentioned one phase of erraticity, in which he limited the word errant to a certain category of spirits, instead of applying
the term to all disincarnated spirits, as we do ourselves.
It can very well happen then that two loving creatures don’t exchange
signs of affection; that may not see or speak to one another, if that is a
punishment to one of them. On another hand and since the spirits gather
according to their hierarchical order, two spirits who loved one another
on Earth may well belong to different orders and therefore remain split
until the day when the least advanced one reaches the level of the other
one. Thus, such deprivation may be a consequence of the earthly trials
and atonements. It is up to us to behave in such a way that it does not
happen to us.
The spirits’ happiness is relative to their elevation. It is only complete
to the pure spirits, whose happiness is mainly in the love that unites them.
This is conceivable and all justice, for true affections can only exist since
they have left behind every trace of selfishness and material influence,
and because it can only be pure in their state, without second intentions,
perturbed by nothing.
Hence and for that very reason, their interactions must be more affectionate
and extensive than those of spirits still under the empire of the
earthly passions. It is then necessary to conclude that the errant spirits
are not forced to be but can be deprived of such exchanges, if that is a
punishment imposed on them. As Georges says in another passage: “That
transient deprivation makes them more eager to reach the point when the
successful trials will bring back their loved ones.” Hence, that deprivation
is not the normal state of the errant spirits but expiation to those who deserved
it, another one among thousands of vicissitudes that follow in the
other life our demerits of this one.
Spiritist Dissertations - Received or read by several mediums at the Society
Impressions of a Spirit
(Medium Mrs. Costel)
I will speak about the strange alterations that take place in the spirit just after their liberation. The spirit dissipates from the body left behind, like a flame disengaging from the fire it has produced; then arrives the moment of great confusion and strange doubt: am I dead or alive? The absence of the ordinary sensations of the body surprises and immobilizes; so to speak, as a person that used to carry a heavy weight, our suddenly light soul knows what to do with its freedom; and the infinity of space; the countless wonders of the stars in a succeeding harmonious rhythm; eager spirits floating in the air, and bursting with the subtle light that seems to pierce them, the sudden feeling of freedom that takes over all at once, with the need to soar into open space like birds who want to try their wings, such are the first impressions that all of us feel. I cannot tell you about all phases of this life. I will add only that as soon as the soul has had enough of that feeling it becomes eager to climb even higher, searching for the regions of true beauty, true good, and such aspiration is the torment of the thirsty spirits, aiming at infinity.
Like the chrysalis, they expect to get rid of their skin, feeling the sprouting wings that shall radiantly take them to the blessed blue skies.
However, still retained by wicked bonds, they must glide between Earth and Heaven, not belonging to one or another. What are all the earthly aspirations compared to the unquenchable ardor of one who has glimpsed a corner of eternity! Thus, you shall suffer a lot to become pure among us. Spiritism will help you since it is a blessed work. It connects the spirits and the living, forming the rings of an invisible chain that leads to God.
Delphine de Girardin
(Medium Mrs. Costel)
I will speak about the strange alterations that take place in the spirit just after their liberation. The spirit dissipates from the body left behind, like a flame disengaging from the fire it has produced; then arrives the moment of great confusion and strange doubt: am I dead or alive? The absence of the ordinary sensations of the body surprises and immobilizes; so to speak, as a person that used to carry a heavy weight, our suddenly light soul knows what to do with its freedom; and the infinity of space; the countless wonders of the stars in a succeeding harmonious rhythm; eager spirits floating in the air, and bursting with the subtle light that seems to pierce them, the sudden feeling of freedom that takes over all at once, with the need to soar into open space like birds who want to try their wings, such are the first impressions that all of us feel. I cannot tell you about all phases of this life. I will add only that as soon as the soul has had enough of that feeling it becomes eager to climb even higher, searching for the regions of true beauty, true good, and such aspiration is the torment of the thirsty spirits, aiming at infinity.
Like the chrysalis, they expect to get rid of their skin, feeling the sprouting wings that shall radiantly take them to the blessed blue skies.
However, still retained by wicked bonds, they must glide between Earth and Heaven, not belonging to one or another. What are all the earthly aspirations compared to the unquenchable ardor of one who has glimpsed a corner of eternity! Thus, you shall suffer a lot to become pure among us. Spiritism will help you since it is a blessed work. It connects the spirits and the living, forming the rings of an invisible chain that leads to God.
Delphine de Girardin
The Orphans
(Medium Mrs. Schmidt)
Brothers, love the orphans. If you only knew how sad it is to be alone and abandoned, particularly at an early age! God allows the orphans to induce us to become parents. What a divine charity helping a pure little abandoned creature, avoiding their cold and hunger, directing his soul, so it does not get lost to vice! Anyone that reaches out to an abandoned child pleases God because he understands and practices His law. Consider also that often the child that you help now has been very dear to you in another life; and that if you could remember, this would not be an act of charity but of duty. Thus my dear friend, every suffering soul is your brother or sister and deserves your charity; not that charity that hurts the heart; not the alms that burns the receiving hand, because your offering is often bitter. How many times, these sufferers would have rather refused, if hunger and disease were not looming! Give kindly and add to the benefits the most valuable of all: a good word, kindness, a friendly smile. Refrain from an air of pity and protection which return a spear into a heart that is already wounded, and consider that the good deeds you do, work on your behalf and that of your loved ones.
Jules Morin
OBSERVATION: The spirit that signs off is completely unknown. We can see from the communication above as for many others of the kind, that it is not always necessary to have a prestigious name to obtain beautiful things. It is puerile to become attached to a name. Good must be well received from whatever source. As a matter of fact, the number of illustrious names is very limited; the number of spirits is infinite. Why then would there not exist capable ones among the unknown? We make this reflection because there are people who believe to be able to obtain sublime messages only from the so-called celebrities. Experience demonstrates the opposite every day and shows that we can always learn something from every spirit if we know how to take advantage of the opportunities.
(Medium Mrs. Schmidt)
Brothers, love the orphans. If you only knew how sad it is to be alone and abandoned, particularly at an early age! God allows the orphans to induce us to become parents. What a divine charity helping a pure little abandoned creature, avoiding their cold and hunger, directing his soul, so it does not get lost to vice! Anyone that reaches out to an abandoned child pleases God because he understands and practices His law. Consider also that often the child that you help now has been very dear to you in another life; and that if you could remember, this would not be an act of charity but of duty. Thus my dear friend, every suffering soul is your brother or sister and deserves your charity; not that charity that hurts the heart; not the alms that burns the receiving hand, because your offering is often bitter. How many times, these sufferers would have rather refused, if hunger and disease were not looming! Give kindly and add to the benefits the most valuable of all: a good word, kindness, a friendly smile. Refrain from an air of pity and protection which return a spear into a heart that is already wounded, and consider that the good deeds you do, work on your behalf and that of your loved ones.
Jules Morin
OBSERVATION: The spirit that signs off is completely unknown. We can see from the communication above as for many others of the kind, that it is not always necessary to have a prestigious name to obtain beautiful things. It is puerile to become attached to a name. Good must be well received from whatever source. As a matter of fact, the number of illustrious names is very limited; the number of spirits is infinite. Why then would there not exist capable ones among the unknown? We make this reflection because there are people who believe to be able to obtain sublime messages only from the so-called celebrities. Experience demonstrates the opposite every day and shows that we can always learn something from every spirit if we know how to take advantage of the opportunities.
From a Dead Brother to her Sister
(Medium Mrs. Schmidt)
My sister, you don’t evoke me frequently but that does not preclude me to come to see you every day. I know your concerns: your life is painful, I know that, but it is necessary to endure the not always happy fate. However, there is sometimes a relief in your penalties. For example, someone that does good to the expense of their own happiness may mitigate the rigor of their own trials or those of others.
It is rare to do good with such abnegation in this world. It is difficult, no doubt, but it is not impossible, and the ones who have that sublime virtue are the real elected of the Lord. If we were aware of that poor peregrination on Earth we would understand that. That is not the case though: people remain in the permanent search for material things, as if they would stay in this exile forever. Nevertheless, common sense and the simplest logic daily demonstrates that we are no more than migrating birds here and those who have lighter wings are the ones who arrive sooner. My good sister, what good does all that wealth do to the rich? Tomorrow there will be no jewels helping them to step down into the tomb, where there is nothing to carry along! It is true that it has been a beautiful journey to them; nothing was missed; there was nothing else to be desired and the niceties of life were all experienced. It is also true that they have sometimes thrown the alms in the hands of their brothers with a smile in their faces. Has it deprived them from anything in life? No, not a single pleasure was missed, not a single fantasy. However, that brother is also a son of God, father of all of us, to whom everything belongs. Do you understand, my sister, that a good father does not deprive one of his sons to enrich the other? That is why he will compensate the one that was without in this life.
Thus, those who consider themselves disinherited, abandoned and forgotten will soon reach the blessed side where there is justice and happiness. However, unfortunate are the ones who have made bad use of the means entrusted by our Father. Unfortunate is also the person endowed by the precious gift of intelligence if he has abused it! Believe me, Maria, when there is belief in God there is nothing on Earth to be envy about but the blessings of practicing His laws.
Your brother, Wilhelm
(Medium Mrs. Schmidt)
My sister, you don’t evoke me frequently but that does not preclude me to come to see you every day. I know your concerns: your life is painful, I know that, but it is necessary to endure the not always happy fate. However, there is sometimes a relief in your penalties. For example, someone that does good to the expense of their own happiness may mitigate the rigor of their own trials or those of others.
It is rare to do good with such abnegation in this world. It is difficult, no doubt, but it is not impossible, and the ones who have that sublime virtue are the real elected of the Lord. If we were aware of that poor peregrination on Earth we would understand that. That is not the case though: people remain in the permanent search for material things, as if they would stay in this exile forever. Nevertheless, common sense and the simplest logic daily demonstrates that we are no more than migrating birds here and those who have lighter wings are the ones who arrive sooner. My good sister, what good does all that wealth do to the rich? Tomorrow there will be no jewels helping them to step down into the tomb, where there is nothing to carry along! It is true that it has been a beautiful journey to them; nothing was missed; there was nothing else to be desired and the niceties of life were all experienced. It is also true that they have sometimes thrown the alms in the hands of their brothers with a smile in their faces. Has it deprived them from anything in life? No, not a single pleasure was missed, not a single fantasy. However, that brother is also a son of God, father of all of us, to whom everything belongs. Do you understand, my sister, that a good father does not deprive one of his sons to enrich the other? That is why he will compensate the one that was without in this life.
Thus, those who consider themselves disinherited, abandoned and forgotten will soon reach the blessed side where there is justice and happiness. However, unfortunate are the ones who have made bad use of the means entrusted by our Father. Unfortunate is also the person endowed by the precious gift of intelligence if he has abused it! Believe me, Maria, when there is belief in God there is nothing on Earth to be envy about but the blessings of practicing His laws.
Your brother, Wilhelm
(Medium Mr. Didier Jr)
Christian moral is what does need to be observed in Spiritism. Many religions have been around for centuries, many splits and many supposed truths. Everything that was erected outside Christianity has fallen because it was not animated by the Holy Spirit. Christ sums up what is the most pure and divine moral, his teachings to the human being touch on his duties in this life and in the next. In the ancient world, where the teachings were the most sublime, it is still poor before such a rich and fertile moral. Plato’s halo fades away before that of Christ and Socrates’ cup is too little when compared to the immense chalice of the Son of the Man. Is that you, oh Sesotris, tyrant of the immobile Egypt, did you want to measure the height of the colossal pyramids compared to the birth of Christ in a manger? Is that you Solon? Is that you Lycurgus, whose barbarian law condemned the ill born children, will you be able to compare to the one who face pride by saying: “Let the children come to me”? Will that be you sacred priests of Numa, whose moral wanted the death of the guilty vestals32, to compare to the one who said to the adulterous woman: “Stand up woman, and sin no more”? No, no more of those terrible mysteries of your practices, oh ancient priests, with these Christian mysteries that you have based this sublime religion on in the name of Christianity; You will bow before him, all legislators and human priests, bow down for it is God who spoke through the mouth of this privileged being who is called Christ.
Christian moral is what does need to be observed in Spiritism. Many religions have been around for centuries, many splits and many supposed truths. Everything that was erected outside Christianity has fallen because it was not animated by the Holy Spirit. Christ sums up what is the most pure and divine moral, his teachings to the human being touch on his duties in this life and in the next. In the ancient world, where the teachings were the most sublime, it is still poor before such a rich and fertile moral. Plato’s halo fades away before that of Christ and Socrates’ cup is too little when compared to the immense chalice of the Son of the Man. Is that you, oh Sesotris, tyrant of the immobile Egypt, did you want to measure the height of the colossal pyramids compared to the birth of Christ in a manger? Is that you Solon? Is that you Lycurgus, whose barbarian law condemned the ill born children, will you be able to compare to the one who face pride by saying: “Let the children come to me”? Will that be you sacred priests of Numa, whose moral wanted the death of the guilty vestals32, to compare to the one who said to the adulterous woman: “Stand up woman, and sin no more”? No, no more of those terrible mysteries of your practices, oh ancient priests, with these Christian mysteries that you have based this sublime religion on in the name of Christianity; You will bow before him, all legislators and human priests, bow down for it is God who spoke through the mouth of this privileged being who is called Christ.
Waste of Time
(Medium Ms. Huet)
If you could, for a moment, think about time wasted, but think seriously and calculate the immense mistake you make, you will see how much this very hour, this minute that has just passed uselessly and that you cannot recover, and that would have helped your future life. Not even all treasures of Earth could return it to you, and had you utilized it badly you will have to repair it through atonement, and perhaps in a terrible way! What wouldn’t you do then to recover that wasted time? Useless vows; superfluous sorrows! Thus, give a serious thought to that. It is of your own future as well as present interest because sorrow may often reach us in this life on Earth. When God comes to make the adjustments regarding the life you were given, the mission that was assigned to you, what will you answer? You will be like the messenger of a sovereign that far from following the orders of his superior has spent the time having fun, not doing the actual work for which he has the credentials. What wouldn’t be your liability on your return? God sent you here and you shall have to respond to him about the time spent with your brothers and sisters. I do recommend that you meditate about it.
(Medium Ms. Huet)
If you could, for a moment, think about time wasted, but think seriously and calculate the immense mistake you make, you will see how much this very hour, this minute that has just passed uselessly and that you cannot recover, and that would have helped your future life. Not even all treasures of Earth could return it to you, and had you utilized it badly you will have to repair it through atonement, and perhaps in a terrible way! What wouldn’t you do then to recover that wasted time? Useless vows; superfluous sorrows! Thus, give a serious thought to that. It is of your own future as well as present interest because sorrow may often reach us in this life on Earth. When God comes to make the adjustments regarding the life you were given, the mission that was assigned to you, what will you answer? You will be like the messenger of a sovereign that far from following the orders of his superior has spent the time having fun, not doing the actual work for which he has the credentials. What wouldn’t be your liability on your return? God sent you here and you shall have to respond to him about the time spent with your brothers and sisters. I do recommend that you meditate about it.
Wise People
(Medium Ms. Huet)
Since you have called a spirit, God has allowed me to come. I will give you good advice, particularly to Mr. …
You that are worried about the wise people, because that is your concern, leave them alone. What could their power be over religious beliefs, and in particular the spiritist beliefs? Haven’t they repelled the truths presented to them at all times? Haven’t they rejected all inventions, treating them as illusions? Weren’t those who presented those truths treated as mad people, hence incarcerated; others thrown into the dungeons of the inquisition; others still murdered or burnt at the stake?
Much later the truth did not shine less intensively to the eyes of the surprised wise people, who had kept it a secret. By turning your attention constantly to them do you want, a new Galileo to suffer the moral torture of ridicule and to be forced to retreat? Has Jesus addressed the Academies of his time? No. He preached the divine moral to everyone and to his people in particular.
He chose fishermen to be the apostles and promoters of his homecoming, people of simple heart, very ignorant, who did not know the laws of nature and who did not know if a miracle could breach them, but who believed ingenuously. “Go, Jesus said, and say what you have seen.”
He has never made a miracle that was not in favor of those who had asked in good faith and conviction. He refused them to the Pharisees and to the Sadducees, who came to tempt him, calling them hypocrites. Do the same and address intelligent people who are prepared to believe. Leave the wise ones and the incredulous.
As a matter of fact, what is a wise person? A person with better instruction than others, because he has studied more, but has lost the former prestige, a fatal halo that sometimes gave him the reward of being burned at the stake. But as the popular intelligence developed their shine has faded. A person of genius is no longer afraid of being accused of sorcery; he is no longer allied to the Devil.
An enlightened humanity appreciates the fair value of someone that knows a lot and works a lot; humanity knows how to raise the genius who produces beautiful works to an adequate pedestal. Humanity is no longer tormented by his science that is understood now; it bows before him since it knows the origin of the creative genius. On the other hand humanity wishes the freedom to believe in those truths that bring consolation. It is no longer acceptable that the one who knows more or less Chemistry, or Linguistic, or produces beautiful operas may come to deny their beliefs, throwing ridicule on their faces and treating their ideas as madness. Humanity will veer off that path and will quietly continue in its way. One day truth shall cover the whole world and those who had repelled it will be forced to believe. I myself who have dealt with Spiritism until my last day have always practiced it in private.
I couldn’t care less about the Academy. Believe me: it will come to you later.
Delphine de Girardin
(Medium Ms. Huet)
Since you have called a spirit, God has allowed me to come. I will give you good advice, particularly to Mr. …
You that are worried about the wise people, because that is your concern, leave them alone. What could their power be over religious beliefs, and in particular the spiritist beliefs? Haven’t they repelled the truths presented to them at all times? Haven’t they rejected all inventions, treating them as illusions? Weren’t those who presented those truths treated as mad people, hence incarcerated; others thrown into the dungeons of the inquisition; others still murdered or burnt at the stake?
Much later the truth did not shine less intensively to the eyes of the surprised wise people, who had kept it a secret. By turning your attention constantly to them do you want, a new Galileo to suffer the moral torture of ridicule and to be forced to retreat? Has Jesus addressed the Academies of his time? No. He preached the divine moral to everyone and to his people in particular.
He chose fishermen to be the apostles and promoters of his homecoming, people of simple heart, very ignorant, who did not know the laws of nature and who did not know if a miracle could breach them, but who believed ingenuously. “Go, Jesus said, and say what you have seen.”
He has never made a miracle that was not in favor of those who had asked in good faith and conviction. He refused them to the Pharisees and to the Sadducees, who came to tempt him, calling them hypocrites. Do the same and address intelligent people who are prepared to believe. Leave the wise ones and the incredulous.
As a matter of fact, what is a wise person? A person with better instruction than others, because he has studied more, but has lost the former prestige, a fatal halo that sometimes gave him the reward of being burned at the stake. But as the popular intelligence developed their shine has faded. A person of genius is no longer afraid of being accused of sorcery; he is no longer allied to the Devil.
An enlightened humanity appreciates the fair value of someone that knows a lot and works a lot; humanity knows how to raise the genius who produces beautiful works to an adequate pedestal. Humanity is no longer tormented by his science that is understood now; it bows before him since it knows the origin of the creative genius. On the other hand humanity wishes the freedom to believe in those truths that bring consolation. It is no longer acceptable that the one who knows more or less Chemistry, or Linguistic, or produces beautiful operas may come to deny their beliefs, throwing ridicule on their faces and treating their ideas as madness. Humanity will veer off that path and will quietly continue in its way. One day truth shall cover the whole world and those who had repelled it will be forced to believe. I myself who have dealt with Spiritism until my last day have always practiced it in private.
I couldn’t care less about the Academy. Believe me: it will come to you later.
Delphine de Girardin
The Human Being
The human being is a composite of greatness and misery, science and ignorance. He is the true representative of God on Earth because his great intelligence encompasses the universe. He found ways of discovering the secrets of nature; knows how to use the elements; travels long distances by means of steam; can talk to his fellow human beings from one corner to the other of the world using electricity that he can control. His is highly intelligent. When he is able to place all that before God’s feet and pay tribute to God he is god-like! However, how miserable and petty he can be when dominated by pride! He can’t see his misery; he can’t see that his existence, this life that he cannot understand, is taken from him sometimes instantaneously, just by the will of that divinity unknown to him, since he cannot defend against such a power; he has to follow his fate!
The one who has studied and analyzed everything; who knows the movement of the stars; does he know the creative power that germinated the grain of wheat on the earth? Can he create a flower however simple and modest it may be? No. His power stops there. He should then acknowledge a power much superior than his. Humility should take his heart over and he would then practice one act of adoration by admiring the works of God.
St. Therese
The human being is a composite of greatness and misery, science and ignorance. He is the true representative of God on Earth because his great intelligence encompasses the universe. He found ways of discovering the secrets of nature; knows how to use the elements; travels long distances by means of steam; can talk to his fellow human beings from one corner to the other of the world using electricity that he can control. His is highly intelligent. When he is able to place all that before God’s feet and pay tribute to God he is god-like! However, how miserable and petty he can be when dominated by pride! He can’t see his misery; he can’t see that his existence, this life that he cannot understand, is taken from him sometimes instantaneously, just by the will of that divinity unknown to him, since he cannot defend against such a power; he has to follow his fate!
The one who has studied and analyzed everything; who knows the movement of the stars; does he know the creative power that germinated the grain of wheat on the earth? Can he create a flower however simple and modest it may be? No. His power stops there. He should then acknowledge a power much superior than his. Humility should take his heart over and he would then practice one act of adoration by admiring the works of God.
St. Therese
Determination in the Spiritist Work
I will talk about the determination that you need in your spiritist work. A warning was given to you with that regard. I advise you to study it wholeheartedly and apply it to yourselves because like St. Paul, you shall be persecuted, not in flesh and blood, but in spirit. The incredulous, the Pharisees of our time, will criticize and ridicule you. But have no fear. It shall be a trial to strengthen you if you know to offer that to God. You will see your efforts crowned by success later on. It will be a great triumph to you before the light of eternity, not forgetting that it is already a consolation in this world to those who have lost their relatives and friends. It is a true happiness to know that they are okay and that it is possible to communicate with them. Then, march forward. Accomplish your God given mission and it shall be taken into account the day you appear before the Almighty.
I will talk about the determination that you need in your spiritist work. A warning was given to you with that regard. I advise you to study it wholeheartedly and apply it to yourselves because like St. Paul, you shall be persecuted, not in flesh and blood, but in spirit. The incredulous, the Pharisees of our time, will criticize and ridicule you. But have no fear. It shall be a trial to strengthen you if you know to offer that to God. You will see your efforts crowned by success later on. It will be a great triumph to you before the light of eternity, not forgetting that it is already a consolation in this world to those who have lost their relatives and friends. It is a true happiness to know that they are okay and that it is possible to communicate with them. Then, march forward. Accomplish your God given mission and it shall be taken into account the day you appear before the Almighty.
The Enemies of Progress
(Medium Mr. R…)
The enemies of progress, of light and truth, work in the shadows. They prepare a crusade against our manifestations. Don’t bother with that. You are powerfully supported. Let them agitate in their impotence. However, dedicate yourselves to combat, annihilate by all means at your disposal the idea of eternal penalties, that blasphemy against God’s justice and benevolence, constituting the most fecund source of incredulity, materialism and indifference that invades the masses since their intelligence started to develop. The spirit has quickly learned the monstrous injustice as soon as it was freed from the gross primitivism and just prior to becoming enlightened. Human beings’ reason repels it and rarely confuses it in the same ostracism of the revolting penalty and the God to whom it is attributed.
Thus the innumerable evils that have precipitated upon you and to which we bring the remedy. The more the authorities that support the defenders of that belief avoid a formal declaration, the easier is the task that we have assigned to you. Neither the Councils nor the priests of the Church have brought this grave question to a closure. If, according to the Evangelists themselves and taking Christ’s emblematic words literally, he has threatened the guilty ones with an endless fire, an eternal fire, there is absolutely nothing in his words which demonstrates that he has condemned the wicked for eternity. Poor lost sheep, you must understand the Good Shepherd that comes from far away and instead of willing to banish you forever from his presence he comes himself to meet you and bring you back to the flock. Lost sheep leave you voluntary exile. Drive your steps towards the paternal dwelling. The Father embraces you and is always ready to celebrate your return to the family.
(Medium Mr. R…)
The enemies of progress, of light and truth, work in the shadows. They prepare a crusade against our manifestations. Don’t bother with that. You are powerfully supported. Let them agitate in their impotence. However, dedicate yourselves to combat, annihilate by all means at your disposal the idea of eternal penalties, that blasphemy against God’s justice and benevolence, constituting the most fecund source of incredulity, materialism and indifference that invades the masses since their intelligence started to develop. The spirit has quickly learned the monstrous injustice as soon as it was freed from the gross primitivism and just prior to becoming enlightened. Human beings’ reason repels it and rarely confuses it in the same ostracism of the revolting penalty and the God to whom it is attributed.
Thus the innumerable evils that have precipitated upon you and to which we bring the remedy. The more the authorities that support the defenders of that belief avoid a formal declaration, the easier is the task that we have assigned to you. Neither the Councils nor the priests of the Church have brought this grave question to a closure. If, according to the Evangelists themselves and taking Christ’s emblematic words literally, he has threatened the guilty ones with an endless fire, an eternal fire, there is absolutely nothing in his words which demonstrates that he has condemned the wicked for eternity. Poor lost sheep, you must understand the Good Shepherd that comes from far away and instead of willing to banish you forever from his presence he comes himself to meet you and bring you back to the flock. Lost sheep leave you voluntary exile. Drive your steps towards the paternal dwelling. The Father embraces you and is always ready to celebrate your return to the family.
Distinctive Nature of the Spirits
(Medium Mrs. Costel)
I want to talk about the great truths of Spiritism. They are tightly connected to those of morality thus they must not be separated. To begin with, the point that attracts the attention of intelligent people is the doubt they have about the validity of spiritist communications. The truth is the first dignifying mark of the soul and is contained in this starting point. Let us then establish it.
There is no infallible way to distinguish the nature of the spirits if we renounce to reason, to comparison and reflection. These three faculties are more than enough to safely distinguish the diverse spirits. Free-will is the shaft that supports the pivot of human intelligence; the equilibrium would be broken if the spirits had only to speak in order to dominate people. Their power would then equal God’s power and that cannot be the case. The interchange between human beings and the invisible beings is like Jacob’s ladder: some are allowed to step up; others are allowed to step down. And all of them, interacting with one another before God’s eyes, must march towards God, with the same love and intelligent submission. I have touched the subject only superficially, advising you to study it in-depth, in all its aspects.
(Medium Mrs. Costel)
I want to talk about the great truths of Spiritism. They are tightly connected to those of morality thus they must not be separated. To begin with, the point that attracts the attention of intelligent people is the doubt they have about the validity of spiritist communications. The truth is the first dignifying mark of the soul and is contained in this starting point. Let us then establish it.
There is no infallible way to distinguish the nature of the spirits if we renounce to reason, to comparison and reflection. These three faculties are more than enough to safely distinguish the diverse spirits. Free-will is the shaft that supports the pivot of human intelligence; the equilibrium would be broken if the spirits had only to speak in order to dominate people. Their power would then equal God’s power and that cannot be the case. The interchange between human beings and the invisible beings is like Jacob’s ladder: some are allowed to step up; others are allowed to step down. And all of them, interacting with one another before God’s eyes, must march towards God, with the same love and intelligent submission. I have touched the subject only superficially, advising you to study it in-depth, in all its aspects.
(Medium Ms. Huet)
My friends, I was very unhappy on Earth because my spirit was equal and sometimes superior to the persons that surrounded me but my body was inferior. Thus, my heart was wounded by moral sufferings and by the physical limitations that had reduced my earthly body to a disgraceful and miserable state.
I became a bitter person due to my diseases and the upsetting relationships that I had with my friends. I allowed myself to be dragged to the most outrageous evilness. I was apparently cheerful and unhurt, however I suffered from the bottom of my heart and when I was alone, taken by the most secretive thoughts of my soul, I groaned in the fight between good and evil. The most beautiful day of my life was the day when my spirit separated from my body, when then illuminated by a divine ray my spirit was taken to celestial regions! I felt like being reborn and I was taken by a state of happiness. I finally rested.
My conscience woke up later. I acknowledge my mistakes against the Creator, experienced remorse and begged the Almighty for forgiveness. Since then I strive to learn within the good path; I try to become useful to people and I advance daily. However, I feel the need for prayers and I ask the true believers to elevate their thoughts to God on my behalf. If evoked I will always try to answer your questions as much as I can. That is how charity can be practiced.
Paul Scarron
(Medium Ms. Huet)
My friends, I was very unhappy on Earth because my spirit was equal and sometimes superior to the persons that surrounded me but my body was inferior. Thus, my heart was wounded by moral sufferings and by the physical limitations that had reduced my earthly body to a disgraceful and miserable state.
I became a bitter person due to my diseases and the upsetting relationships that I had with my friends. I allowed myself to be dragged to the most outrageous evilness. I was apparently cheerful and unhurt, however I suffered from the bottom of my heart and when I was alone, taken by the most secretive thoughts of my soul, I groaned in the fight between good and evil. The most beautiful day of my life was the day when my spirit separated from my body, when then illuminated by a divine ray my spirit was taken to celestial regions! I felt like being reborn and I was taken by a state of happiness. I finally rested.
My conscience woke up later. I acknowledge my mistakes against the Creator, experienced remorse and begged the Almighty for forgiveness. Since then I strive to learn within the good path; I try to become useful to people and I advance daily. However, I feel the need for prayers and I ask the true believers to elevate their thoughts to God on my behalf. If evoked I will always try to answer your questions as much as I can. That is how charity can be practiced.
Paul Scarron
The Nothingness of Life
(Medium Ms. Huet)
My good adopted friends, allow me to give you a few words of advice. God allows me to come to you. Unfortunately I cannot transfer to you all the emotion that was in my heart and what inspired me to do good! Believe in God, author of all things; love God; be good and charitable. Charity is the key to the heavens. In order to become good, give sometimes some thought to death; it is a thought that elevates the soul and makes it better, bringing humbleness to the soul. What are we on Earth? We are an atom thrown in space; very little in the whole universe. The human being is nothing. His time is numbered. Looking forward or behind there is always infinity. His life, however long it may be, is a mere dot in eternity. Then, think of your soul. Think of the new life that awaits you since you cannot doubt that it does exist, even more so if you think about the desires of your soul, never satisfied, demonstrating that they must exist in a better world. Goodbye.
S. Swetchine
(Medium Ms. Huet)
My good adopted friends, allow me to give you a few words of advice. God allows me to come to you. Unfortunately I cannot transfer to you all the emotion that was in my heart and what inspired me to do good! Believe in God, author of all things; love God; be good and charitable. Charity is the key to the heavens. In order to become good, give sometimes some thought to death; it is a thought that elevates the soul and makes it better, bringing humbleness to the soul. What are we on Earth? We are an atom thrown in space; very little in the whole universe. The human being is nothing. His time is numbered. Looking forward or behind there is always infinity. His life, however long it may be, is a mere dot in eternity. Then, think of your soul. Think of the new life that awaits you since you cannot doubt that it does exist, even more so if you think about the desires of your soul, never satisfied, demonstrating that they must exist in a better world. Goodbye.
S. Swetchine
To the Mediums
(Medium Mrs. Darcol)
When you wish to receive communications from the good spirits, it is necessary to be prepared for that through prayer and inner silence, through good intentions and the true desire to do good, aiming at the general progress. Keep in mind that selfishness is a cause of delay in every path. Remember that if God allows some among you to receive the breath of some of his children that deserved the happiness of understanding God’s infinite benevolence through their actions, the reason is that from our request and in lieu of your good intentions, God wants to give you the means of advancing in your journey.
Hence, oh mediums! Take advantage of that faculty that God wants to give you. Have faith in the kindness of our Teacher; always practice charity; don’t ever stop practicing this sublime virtue, as well as tolerance. May your actions always resonate with your conscience! It is a sure means of multiplying your happiness a hundred times in this short and transient life and even prepare you for an existence a thousand times smoother.
The medium among you that does not feel strong enough to persevere with the spiritist teaching should abstain, because if he does not take advantage of the light that clarifies him, he will be less pardonable than another and would only have to atone for his blindness.
François de Salles
(Medium Mrs. Darcol)
When you wish to receive communications from the good spirits, it is necessary to be prepared for that through prayer and inner silence, through good intentions and the true desire to do good, aiming at the general progress. Keep in mind that selfishness is a cause of delay in every path. Remember that if God allows some among you to receive the breath of some of his children that deserved the happiness of understanding God’s infinite benevolence through their actions, the reason is that from our request and in lieu of your good intentions, God wants to give you the means of advancing in your journey.
Hence, oh mediums! Take advantage of that faculty that God wants to give you. Have faith in the kindness of our Teacher; always practice charity; don’t ever stop practicing this sublime virtue, as well as tolerance. May your actions always resonate with your conscience! It is a sure means of multiplying your happiness a hundred times in this short and transient life and even prepare you for an existence a thousand times smoother.
The medium among you that does not feel strong enough to persevere with the spiritist teaching should abstain, because if he does not take advantage of the light that clarifies him, he will be less pardonable than another and would only have to atone for his blindness.
François de Salles
Relative Honesty
(Medium Mrs. Costel)
Today we will comment the morality of those who don’t have it, that is, the relative honesty that is found in the most corrupted hearts. A thief does not steal the handkerchief of his comrade, even when his comrade has two. The trader does not overcharge his friend; the traitor, despite everything, is loyal to someone. The divine light is never absolutely absent from the human heart; thus it must be preserved with extreme care, or even developed. The strict and brutal judgment by people, given its severity, makes recovery much more difficult than the practice of bad deeds. Once developed, Spiritism should be and will be the consolation and hope of those hearts hurt by human justice.
Full of sublime teachings, religion glides too high for the ignorant. It does not reach them with sufficient objectivity, as it should, the sterile imagination of the illiterate, who wishes to see in order to believe. Enlightened by the mediums, perhaps medium themselves, the belief shall flourish in their withered hearts. Hence, the true spiritist must address the people in particular, like the apostles did in former times, so as to propagate the consoling doctrine.
As pioneers, they must dive into the swamps of ignorance, filled with defects; they clean and prepare the terrain of lost souls, so they can receive the beautiful knowledge of Christ.
Today we will comment the morality of those who don’t have it, that is, the relative honesty that is found in the most corrupted hearts. A thief does not steal the handkerchief of his comrade, even when his comrade has two. The trader does not overcharge his friend; the traitor, despite everything, is loyal to someone. The divine light is never absolutely absent from the human heart; thus it must be preserved with extreme care, or even developed. The strict and brutal judgment by people, given its severity, makes recovery much more difficult than the practice of bad deeds. Once developed, Spiritism should be and will be the consolation and hope of those hearts hurt by human justice.
Full of sublime teachings, religion glides too high for the ignorant. It does not reach them with sufficient objectivity, as it should, the sterile imagination of the illiterate, who wishes to see in order to believe. Enlightened by the mediums, perhaps medium themselves, the belief shall flourish in their withered hearts. Hence, the true spiritist must address the people in particular, like the apostles did in former times, so as to propagate the consoling doctrine.
As pioneers, they must dive into the swamps of ignorance, filled with defects; they clean and prepare the terrain of lost souls, so they can receive the beautiful knowledge of Christ.
Taking Advantage of the Advices
(Medium Ms. Huet)
Do you take advantage of our advice and what we tell you every day? No. Not much. When you leave one of our sessions you talk about the curiosity of the fact; you discuss the greater or lesser interest it has caused in the audience. However, is there at least one among you who asks how to apply the morality, the advice that we have just given you can be adopted, with the intention of doing that? A communication was requested and it was received. That is all. You go back to your daily occupations promising to return to see again such an interesting show. You tell your friends about the facts, exciting their curiosity and only to demonstrate that the wise individuals can be confused. Very few do it with the sincere objective of preaching morality. Very few really try to improve themselves.
My lesson is strict. However, I don’t want to discourage you. You always bring the good will, now add a little bit more of good feelings towards God and less desire to annihilate those who don’t want to believe. Those belong to God and to time.
Marie (familiar spirit)
(Medium Ms. Huet)
Do you take advantage of our advice and what we tell you every day? No. Not much. When you leave one of our sessions you talk about the curiosity of the fact; you discuss the greater or lesser interest it has caused in the audience. However, is there at least one among you who asks how to apply the morality, the advice that we have just given you can be adopted, with the intention of doing that? A communication was requested and it was received. That is all. You go back to your daily occupations promising to return to see again such an interesting show. You tell your friends about the facts, exciting their curiosity and only to demonstrate that the wise individuals can be confused. Very few do it with the sincere objective of preaching morality. Very few really try to improve themselves.
My lesson is strict. However, I don’t want to discourage you. You always bring the good will, now add a little bit more of good feelings towards God and less desire to annihilate those who don’t want to believe. Those belong to God and to time.
Marie (familiar spirit)
Select Thoughts
Oh People! How arrogantly proud you are! Your pretensions are truly comic. You want to know everything and your fundamental ideas, you must know, oppose the faculty of universal comprehension. You will only come to understand this wonderful nature through persevering work. You will only have the joy of exploring these treasures and foreseeing glimpse of the inifinty of God, but through your own betterment and charity, and doing everything for the common good and reporting that faculty to God who in His singular generosity will reward you beyond any expectation.
The human being is at the mercy of events, as they frequently say; which event are they talking about? What would be their cause and objective? God’s finger has never been associated to that. Such vague and materialistic thought, the mother of fatality has sent many great spirits and beautiful minds astray. This is what Balzac said: “There are no principles; there are only events.” It means that, according to him, the human being has no free will; he is taken over by fatality since birth and fatality leads him to the tomb. Monstrous invention of the human spirit! Such a thought abates freedom; that is to say progress, the elevation of the human soul, evident demonstration of God’s existence.
Thus, would people be led like that, slave of men and oneself? Oh brothers and sisters! Analyze yourself. Were you born to be a slave? No. You were born for freedom.
Oh People! How arrogantly proud you are! Your pretensions are truly comic. You want to know everything and your fundamental ideas, you must know, oppose the faculty of universal comprehension. You will only come to understand this wonderful nature through persevering work. You will only have the joy of exploring these treasures and foreseeing glimpse of the inifinty of God, but through your own betterment and charity, and doing everything for the common good and reporting that faculty to God who in His singular generosity will reward you beyond any expectation.
The human being is at the mercy of events, as they frequently say; which event are they talking about? What would be their cause and objective? God’s finger has never been associated to that. Such vague and materialistic thought, the mother of fatality has sent many great spirits and beautiful minds astray. This is what Balzac said: “There are no principles; there are only events.” It means that, according to him, the human being has no free will; he is taken over by fatality since birth and fatality leads him to the tomb. Monstrous invention of the human spirit! Such a thought abates freedom; that is to say progress, the elevation of the human soul, evident demonstration of God’s existence.
Thus, would people be led like that, slave of men and oneself? Oh brothers and sisters! Analyze yourself. Were you born to be a slave? No. You were born for freedom.
Maria d’Agreda Phenomenon of bi-corporeality (bi-location)
In a historical brochure that has just been published about the life of
Maria de Jesus d’Agreda, we find a remarkable case of bi-corporeality,
which demonstrates how such phenomena are perfectly accepted by religion.
It is true that to certain people, the religious beliefs are not more
authoritative than the spiritist beliefs, but when these beliefs are supported
by the demonstrations given by Spiritism and by the patent evidence
of their possibility, also provided by Spiritism through a rational theory
which does not breach the laws of nature, and by their reality through
analogous and authentic examples, one has to yield to the evidence and
acknowledge that there are other laws besides the known ones, still in
God’s secrets.
Maria de Jesus was born in Agreda, city of Castela, on April 2nd, 1602 from poor parents of exemplary virtue. At a very young age, she became the leading nun of the convent Immaculate Conception of Mary, where she died with airs of sanctity. Here is the report found in her biography:
Maria de Jesus was born in Agreda, city of Castela, on April 2nd, 1602 from poor parents of exemplary virtue. At a very young age, she became the leading nun of the convent Immaculate Conception of Mary, where she died with airs of sanctity. Here is the report found in her biography:
“Irrespective of how much we wish to summarize, we cannot escape
the need to mention here the exceptional role of missionary and apostle
that Maria d’Agreda has had in New Mexico. Those facts will be reported
and from which there are indisputable proofs, would demonstrate on its
own how elevated her supernatural gifts were, gifts with which God had
enriched her poor life as a servant, and how much she had devoted her
heart to the salvation of her fellow human beings. In her intimate relationship
with God she used to receive a bright light that helped her discover
the whole world, the multitude of people that inhabited that world,
among which there were those who had not found the Church yet and
were living with the imminent danger of losing their lives forever. Before
the risk of losing so many souls, Maria d’Agreda felt as if her heart had
been pierced and in her pain she multiplied her fervent prayers.
God let her know that the people of New Mexico were presented with
fewer obstacles to their religious conversion than other people, and that
it was particularly upon them, that God’s divine mercy wanted them to
expand rapidly. Such knowledge operated as a new spur in the charitable
heart of Maria d’Agreda and from the bottom of her heart she begged for
God’s clemency on behalf of those poor people. God Himself ordered her
to pray and work for that objective. And she did that in such an efficient
way that the Lord, whose reasons are impenetrable, operated in her and
through her one of the greatest wonders that History can report.”
“One day, taken in ecstasy by God, when she was fervently praying
for the salvation of those souls, Maria d’Agreda felt suddenly and unsuspectingly
transported to an unknown and far away region. She found
herself in a climate that was not of Castela and felt herself under a Sun
stronger than usual. Before her, there were people from a race that she
had never met before and God ordered her to preach the law and the holy
faith to them, according to her charitable wishes. The ecstatic of Agreda
obeyed. She preached to those Indians in her Spanish language and the
pagan people understood as if she was preaching in their mother tongue.
Many conversations followed. Returning from the ecstasy that saint creature
was in the same place as in the beginning of the withdrawal.
It was not only once that Maria de Jesus performed that wonderful
role of apostle and missionary together with the native people of New
Mexico. The first ecstasy occurred in 1622, followed by more than 500
ecstasies of the same kind. Maria d’Agreda was continuously in that region
to proceed with her mission. She thought the number of converted
people had increased prodigiously and that the whole nation, having the
king before them, was prepared to embrace Jesus’s faith.”
“She simultaneously saw, but at a great distance, the Spanish
Franciscan who worked in the conversion of that new world, but who
ignored the existence of those people that she had converted. Such consideration
led her to advise the Indians to send some messengers to those
missionaries so that they could come and baptize them. That was how
the divine Providence wanted to give a brilliant manifestation of good
that Maria d’Agreda had done in the New Mexico, through her ecstatic
“One day the Franciscan missionaries that Maria d’Agreda had seen
in spirit at a great distance, saw themselves approached by a bunch of
Indians of a race that they had not yet found in their excursions. The
announced themselves as messengers of their nation, requesting the grace
of baptism with great urgency. The missionaries were surprised by the
arrival of those Indians and even more so by their request, then trying to
understand its origin.”
“The messengers responded that a woman had appeared in their land
long ago, announcing the law of Jesus Christ. They added that the woman
would suddenly disappear, and her whereabouts were then unknown; that
she had helped them to understand the true God and had advised them to
come to the missionaries so that they could bring the grace of sacrament
to the whole nation, a sacrament that rescues the sins and transforms all
people into children of God.”
“The missionaries were even more impressed when they questioned
the Indians about the mysteries of faith and found them perfectly instructed
about everything that is needed for the salvation. The missionaries
got every possible piece of information about the woman but all that the Indians could say was that they had never seen anybody like
that before.”
“However, some descriptive details of her outfit led the missionaries
to suspect that she wore religious clothes. One of them who carried
the picture of Sister Luiza de Carrion, still alive, and whose holiness was
known everywhere in Spain, showed the picture to the Indians thinking
that they could then recognize some features of the woman-apostle.”
“After examining the picture the Indians said that the woman who
had preached them the law of Jesus Christ in reality had a veil like the
one in the picture but whose facial traces were completely different, being
younger and of a great beauty.”
“Then some missionaries left with the Indian messengers, to collect
such an abundant harvest among them. After traveling for a few days they
got to the heart of the tribe where they were welcomed with the strongest
demonstrations of happiness and recognition. During the journey they
noticed that the Christian instruction was complete in all elements of
that race.”
“The tribe chief, who deserved special attention from the servant of
God, wanted to be the first to receive the grace of baptism with his whole
family and in a few days a whole nation followed his example. Despite
all the events, the servant of the Lord who had evangelized those people
was still unknown and there was a saint curiosity and keen impatience
to get to know her. Without doubt, father Alonzo de Benavides who was
a hierarchical superior of the Franciscan missionaries in New Mexico
wanted to tear off the veil of mystery that still covered the name of the
woman-apostle, also willing to return to Spain to discover the retreat of
the unknown religious lady that had prodigiously cooperated with the
salvation of so many souls.
In 1630 he could finally travel to Spain and went directly to Madrid
where his superior was based. Benavides told him about the objective
that made him travel to Europe. The General of the Franciscans knew
Maria de Jesus d’Agreda, and following the duties of his position he had
to examine in details the intimacy of that sister. He knew her holiness as well as the sublimity of her God given paths. He immediately thought
that the privileged woman could well be the woman-apostle that Father
Benavides was talking about and he thus mentioned that to him. The
General then gave him letters making him his Commissioner commanding
Maria d’Agreda to answer in all simplicity the questions that Father
Benavides considered appropriate. With these orders the Commissioner
left to Agreda.”
“The humble sister then found herself forced to reveal everything that
she knew about his mission together with her. Confused while kind at
the same time, she reported to Benavides everything that had happened
in her ecstasies, frankly adding that she was completely uncertain about
the mode by which she operated those things at such a faraway location.
Benavides also questioned her about the details of the places that she had
likely visited so often, then verifying that she was well informed about everything
that was related to New Mexico and its inhabitants. She reported
in minor details the topography of the region, even using the adequate
names, as a traveler would do after having visited those regions. She even
added that she had seen Benavides and the missionaries several times,
indicating the places, the days, times, circumstances and providing particular
details about each one of the missionaries.”
“One can easily imagine Benavides’ relief for having finally found the
privileged soul that God had used to carry out that miraculous operation
upon the inhabitants of New Mexico.”
“Before leaving Agreda, Benavides wanted to write a report about
everything that he had attested, in America and in Agreda, and his conversations
with the servant of God. In the letter he expressed his personal
conviction about the mode through which Maria de Jesus’ presence
had been felt by the native Indians. He tended to believe that the action
had been physical, corporeal. The humble sister had always kept great
reservation about this subject. Despite thousands of indications that led
Benavides to his conclusion and before him the humble servant’s confessor,
they were indications that seemed to confirm a physical change
of place, Maria d’Agreda always insisted on her belief that everything happened in spirit. Out of pure humility she was even tempted to believe
that it was nothing more than pure hallucination since those things were
always unknowingly and involuntary. Her director, however, who knew
the fundamentals of things, thought that the sister was physically transported
in her ecstasies to the places of her evangelical works. He based his
opinion on the physical impressions caused on her by climatic changes
during the long series of works among the Indians, and in the opinion
of several scholars that he thought appropriate to consult with in total
“Whatever is the case, the fact remains as one of the most remarkable
that has ever been reported in the archives of the saints and it is very adequate
to provide a true idea not only about the divine communications
received by Maria d’Agreda, but also her candor and kind honesty.”
We remind our readers that the book “Practical Instructions about
the Spiritist Communications” is sold out, and will be replaced by
a more complete work entitled “Experimental Spiritism” which is in the
editorial process, to be released in December next.
We equally remind you that the second edition of “Story of Joan of
Arc” dictated by herself to Ms. Ermance Dufaux is on sale. Its success has
not faded. It is always read with the same interest by serious people, adepts
of Spiritism or not. This story will always be considered one of the most
complete and most interesting ever published.
Allan Kardec
Allan Kardec
To the Readers of The Spiritist ReviewThree years in existence were enough to let the readers of this Review
know about the mind frame that presides over its publication. The
best proof of your support is in the constant increase in the number of
subscriptions, notably augmented in this last period. However, the testimonies
of sympathy and satisfaction that we receive every day are infinitely
more precious to us. Their approval gives us the encouragement to
continue our task, bringing to our work every improvement whose utility
has been demonstrated by experience. As we did in the past, we will continue
with the rational study of the principles of science, from the philosophical
and moral stand point, without neglecting the facts; however,
when citing facts we don’t stop at the simple narrative, perhaps entertaining,
but certainly sterile if we don’t add the research of possible causes and
the deduction of their consequences. Hence we address serious people,
who are not satisfied by seeing things only but who want to understand
them, before anything else. The succession of facts are otherwise empty, if
we do not fall into tedious repetition because they all roll more or less inside
the same circle, and we would not tell anything new to our readers by
saying that in this or that house people are making the tables turn more
or less just fine. For us facts have another character: they are not stories
but subjects of study, and those of simpler appearance may sometimes give rise to the most interesting observations. Things here behave like in
ordinary science in which a small piece of leaf contains as many mysteries
to the observer as a gigantic tree. That is why we take much more into
account the instructive side of the facts than the entertaining side, dedicating
our attention to those that can teach us something, irrespectively
of how strange they may be.
Despite the considerable number of subjects that we have already discussed,
we are far from having strained the series of all that are related
to Spiritism, because the more we advance in that science, the more the
horizon is enlarged. The subjects whom are still to be investigated will
provide material for a long time to come, not counting the new ones. We
have been pushing them off on purpose for a long time now so that they
can be discussed, as the state of art of the current knowledge allows for the
better understanding of their reach. That is why, for example, today we
give much more space to the spontaneous spiritist dissertations because
most of their instructions can be much better appreciated than in a time
when only the first elements of the science were known. Years ago they
would be analyzed on their literary merit only and a number of profound
and useful thoughts would go unnoticed, because they were dealing with
matters still unknown or not much understood. The method has not been
excluded by the diversity of matters and the lack of organization is just apparent
since each thing has its determined place. Variety calms the spirit
down but logical order facilitates understanding.
We struggle to avoid turning our Review into something lackluster.
We certainly do not have the pretension of making something perfect but
we do hope that our intention is at least taken into account.
NOTICE: The subscribers that do not wish to receive The Review
late in 1861 please renew your membership before January 1st next.
Bulleting of the Parisian Society of Spiritist Studies
Friday, October 26th, 1860
(General Session)
1st – A communication received by Mrs. M… was read, about the following question: If God created every soul alike how can there suddenly be such a large gap between them?
(General Session)
1st – A communication received by Mrs. M… was read, about the following question: If God created every soul alike how can there suddenly be such a large gap between them?
2nd – Multiple communications received by Mr. P…, medium
from Sens were read. One signed by Homer that presents a remarkable
fact that can be considered proof of identity. It reveals
the name “Melesigenes” primitively used as Homer’s nickname, a
fact unknown to the medium.
3rd – Analysis of a letter from Mr. L…, from Troyes, in which
he reports remarkable events of physical manifestation that took
place in 1856, with a person from that town, which recall the
events of Bergzabern.
4th – Letter from Dr. Morhéry, reporting several singular facts
of spontaneous manifestations that occurred with Ms. Désirée
Godu in his presence, coinciding with the arrival of a letter from
Mr. Allan Kardec.
1st – Several questions addressed to St. Louis;
2nd – Evocation of Mr. Morhéry’s son, who informs to have
participated into the manifestations that took place in his father’s
3rd – Spontaneous essay received by Mr. Alfred Didier about
despair, signed by Lamennais;
4th – Several questions addressed to Lamennais about multiple
cases of suicide; about the relationships among the spirits
and about Homer’s identity in the Sens’ communications.
Friday, November 2nd, 1860
(Private Session)
1st – A second communication of Homer was read, obtained by
Mr. P… from Sens, and several questions and answers about the
same subject;
2nd – Drawings obtained by a medium from Lyon, remarkable
by their originality, if not by their execution. Once questioned
about it, St. Louis said that the drawing have their value
because they are really produced by the spirit but don’t have a
very precise meaning since the medium and the spirit are not yet
well identified with one another. He adds that the medium will
become excellent with time.
1st – Questions to St. Louis: a) about the formula to confirm the
identity of the spirits; b) about human’s role in the moralization of imperfect spirits; c) about the apparition of spirits under the form
of a flame; d) about the value of the drawings sent from Lyon;
e) about the transportation of objects by the spirits, their lifting
from the ground and their invisibility;
2nd – Analysis of the question if the spirits can transport objects
to a closed room and through material obstacles;
Mr. L… comments that such questions are related to the
phenomena of physical manifestations which should not be dealt
with by the Society.
Mr. President responds that the research about the causes is
an important point, directly linked to the study of the Doctrine,
thus it belongs to the main frame of the subjects of the Society.
All parts of the science must be clarified. One thing is to deal
with these theoretical researches and another thing is to turn
those phenomena into an exclusive object of study. As a matter
of fact, we can implore St. Louis to tell us if he considers the
discussion that has just took place a waste of time. St. Louis
responds: “I am far from considering your conversation a waste
of time.
3rd – Evocation of Charles Nodier who was requested to continue
the work that he had started, responding that he will continue
next time and reminds us about the day’s celebration with a
nice spontaneous essay. He attends a request and provides a short
prayer regarding the event.
4th – A general appeal is made, without special designation, to
the inferior spirits that can eventually be present, inviting them
to identify themselves. The spirit of a highly positioned man
communicates spontaneously, testifying through his, at the same
time, simple and dignified language the good feelings that he
now carries, and the little importance he gives to human greatness.
He responds to the questions addressed to him with complacency
and benevolence.
Friday, November 9th, 1860
(General Session)
Mr. Allan Kardec makes some observations about what was said in the
previous session relatively to the physical manifestations. He brings back
the instruction given by St. Louis in November 1858, regarding the objective
of the works of the Society. The instruction was given as below:
“They mocked the turning tables but they will never mock the philosophy,
the wisdom and the charity that shines out of the serious communications.
The turning tables were the introduction to the Science;
that is, by entering one must leave his prejudices as to leave his coat. You
will never be advised enough to turn your meetings into serious centers.
May the physical demonstrations be done elsewhere; that one may see and
hear somewhere else but that among you, may there be love and understanding.
How do you expect to be seen through the eyes of the superior
spirits when you make a table turn? Ignorant! Does the scholar spend his
time reviewing fundamental Science? If you, on the contrary, are seen in
search of intelligent and instructive communications, you will then be
considered serious individuals, searching for the truth.
St. Louis
Mr. Allan Kardec adds: Don’t we have here, ladies and gentlemen, an
admirable program, outlined with the accuracy and simplicity of expression
that characterize the really superior spirits? May this be understood
by all, that we must do an in-depth investigation of everything, to be
aware of everything; “may there be love and understanding among you”
meaning that charity and mutual benevolence must be the object of our
efforts, the link that unites us, so as to show through our example the true
objective of Spiritism. We would be mistaken about the Society’s objective
by thinking that everything that is done elsewhere is neglected. Nothing
is useless and the physical manifestations also have their advantage and
that none of us can dispute. If we don’t deal with them it is not because we have another cause. We have our specialty studies like others have
theirs but all that mixes up in a common objective that is the progress and
propagation of the science.
1st – Reading of communications received outside of the Society;
2nd – Letter from Mr. L… from Troyes, reporting facts that
occurred in his presence, produced by the obsessing spirit that was
discussed in the previous session. These facts that had stopped
since 1856 started happening again under remarkable circumstances
that will be the object of a study by the Society.
1st – Multiple questions about obsession; about the possibility of
reproducing through photographic means the image of the visible
and tangible apparitions; about the physical manifestations
of Mr. Squire.
2nd – Questions about the spirit that manifests in Troyes, and
notably about the magnetic effects produced in that case.
3rd – Five spontaneous essays received by four different
4th – Evocation of the disturbing spirit of Troyes. This spirit
reveals one of the lowest conditions.
Pagan, Christian and Spiritist Art
The following question was addressed to the spirit of Alfred de Musset
(see detail below in the session “Spiritist dissertations received or
read by several mediums at the Society”) in the session of the Society on
November 23rd, when he manifested spontaneously:
• Painting, sculpture, architecture and poetry have been successively inspired by the Pagan and Christian ideas. Could you tell us if after the Pagan and Christian art there will be spiritist art? – A. You ask a question which is already answered. The larva is a larva. It becomes the silkworm, then the butterfly. What is lighter, more gracious than a butterfly? Then! Pagan art is the larva; Christian art is the cocoon; spiritist art will be the butterfly.
The more one deepens the meaning of that graceful comparison, the more one admires its accuracy. At first glance one could suppose that the spirit wanted to belittle Christian art, placing the spiritist art on the top of the edifice, but that is not the case and it is sufficient to meditate about that poetic image to capture its accurate meaning. In fact, Spiritism is fundamentally based on Christianity. It does not come to replace Christianity. Spiritism complements Christianity and adorns it up with a shiny outfit. The germs of Spiritism are found in the infancy of Christianity. If they repelled one another one would disown the child, the other would reject the father. Comparing the first one to the cocoon and the second to the butterfly the spirit describes perfectly well the relationship that bonds them together. There is more: the image itself paints the character of the art that has inspired one and will inspire the other. Christian art had to find inspiration mainly in the terrible trials of its martyrs and paint the severity of its maternal origin. The spiritist art, represented by the butterfly, will find inspiration in the misty and splendid images of the unveiled future existence. It will fill the soul with joy, a soul that was filled by admiration and fear by the Christian art. It shall be the song of joy after the battle.
• Painting, sculpture, architecture and poetry have been successively inspired by the Pagan and Christian ideas. Could you tell us if after the Pagan and Christian art there will be spiritist art? – A. You ask a question which is already answered. The larva is a larva. It becomes the silkworm, then the butterfly. What is lighter, more gracious than a butterfly? Then! Pagan art is the larva; Christian art is the cocoon; spiritist art will be the butterfly.
The more one deepens the meaning of that graceful comparison, the more one admires its accuracy. At first glance one could suppose that the spirit wanted to belittle Christian art, placing the spiritist art on the top of the edifice, but that is not the case and it is sufficient to meditate about that poetic image to capture its accurate meaning. In fact, Spiritism is fundamentally based on Christianity. It does not come to replace Christianity. Spiritism complements Christianity and adorns it up with a shiny outfit. The germs of Spiritism are found in the infancy of Christianity. If they repelled one another one would disown the child, the other would reject the father. Comparing the first one to the cocoon and the second to the butterfly the spirit describes perfectly well the relationship that bonds them together. There is more: the image itself paints the character of the art that has inspired one and will inspire the other. Christian art had to find inspiration mainly in the terrible trials of its martyrs and paint the severity of its maternal origin. The spiritist art, represented by the butterfly, will find inspiration in the misty and splendid images of the unveiled future existence. It will fill the soul with joy, a soul that was filled by admiration and fear by the Christian art. It shall be the song of joy after the battle.
Spiritism is entirely found in the Pagan theosophy, and mythology
is nothing more than a poetic and allegorical picture of the spiritual life.
Who would not identify life in Jupiter with the Elysian Fields, with
the ethereal bodies of their inhabitants; the inferior world of Tartarus; the
errant souls in the Manes; the protecting spirits of families and homes in
the Penates; in the Lates, the forgetfulness of our past at birth; in the foretellers,
our clairvoyant and speaking mediums; in the oracles, the communications
with those beyond the grave?
Art has owed its necessary inspiration in the productive source of
imagination, but to elevate to the sublime it was missing the most import
sentiment: Christian charity.
Human beings only knew the material life. Art sought the perfection
of form, before anything else.
Physical beauty then was the first of all qualities. Art was bonded to
its reproduction, its idealization, but it was only Christianity that was
destined to highlight the beauty of the soul over the external form. Thus,
Christian art took over from the Pagan art by adding the expression of a
new feeling, unknown in ancient times.
Nevertheless, as it was said, Christian art had the feel the severity of
its origin and was inspired by the suffering of the first followers; persecution
impelled human beings to isolation and reclusion, and the idea of hell to the ascetic life. That is why painting and sculpture are in three quarters
of the cases inspired by the image of moral and physical tortures; architecture
takes a grandiose and sublime character, although somber; music
is grave and dull like a death penalty; eloquence is more dogmatic than
touching; beatitude itself is something of boredom, of idle, of personal
satisfaction. As a matter of fact, it is placed so far away from us, so high
up that it seems inaccessible and thus it almost does not touch us when we
see it reproduced in screens or on marble.
Spiritism shows a future illuminated by a light closer to our reach;
happiness is near us, by our side, present in the very creatures that surround
us and with whom we can communicate; the dwelling of the elected
ones is no longer isolated; there is continual solidarity between Earth and
Heaven; beatitude is no longer a perpetual contemplation which would
then be eternal and useless indolence; it is in constant activity towards
good, before God’s eyes; it is not in the quietness of a personal satisfaction
but in the reciprocal love of all creatures who have reached perfection.
The evil one is no longer exiled into the burning furnaces since hell
resides in the heart of the wicked, who finds punishment inside; but God,
in His infinite benevolence, leaves open the door to the path of regret and
at the same time of hope, the sublime consolation of the miserable.
What fertile sources of inspiration for art! What masterpieces cannot
be created by such ideas, reproducing so varied scenes, and at the same
time so kind or pungent from the spiritual life!
How many themes simultaneously poetic and thrilling with respect
to the permanent relationship between the mortals and the beings from
beyond the grave; in the presence of our loved ones!
It will no longer be the representation of cold and inert remains.
It will be the mother having the loving daughter by her side, in her
ethereal and radiant form of happiness; a son carefully listening to the
advice of his father, who wakes for him; the being for which one prays
that comes to show recognition. And in another order of ideas, the bad
spirit whispering the poison of passions, the naughty one avoiding the
eyes of the prey who forgives him; the isolation of the evil one amidst the crowd that rejects him; the confusion of the spirit at the time of death,
awakening and surprised by the sight of the cold body from which he is
now separated; the spirit of a cadaver among their avid heirs and hypocrite
friends; and so many other subjects which are the more impressive the
more they touch real life.
Does the artist want to elevate above earthly grounds? They will find
not less attractive themes in those worlds that the spirits like to describe,
true Eden from where evil has been banished and those other inferior
worlds, true hell, sovereignly governed by all passions.
Yes, we repeat, Spiritism opens up a new field to Art, an immense and
still unexplored field, and when the spiritist artist work with conviction,
as the Christian artists do, they will harvest the most sublime inspirations
from that source.
By saying that the spiritist art will be a new kind of art, we want to
say that the ideas and the spiritist beliefs will give a particular mark to the
productions of the genius, as happened to the Christian beliefs and ideas,
and we don’t mean that the Christian matters will fade away; far from
that; however, when a field is saturated, the farmer will harvest somewhere
else and will harvest abundantly in the field of Spiritism.
This has already been done, no doubt, but not in a special way as it
shall be done later when encouraged and excited by the general acceptance;
when these ideas are popularized, which cannot be long, since the
blind ones of the current generation daily disappear from the scene, by the
force of things, and the new generations will face less prejudices. Painting
has more than once found inspiration in similar things. Poetry, above all,
has plenty of those, but not isolated, lost in the crowds.
There will be a time when they will yield the production of masterpieces,
and the spiritist art will have its Raphaels and Michelangelos, as
Pagan art had its Apelles and Phidias.
History of the Marvelous
(by Mr. Figuier)
II *
II *
Talking about Mr. Louis Figuier, in our first article we tried to verify,
before all, what his point of view was and the basis of his argumentation,
and we demonstrated that in his own words that he denies any force
of extra-corporeal origin.
His premises must indicate his conclusions. His fourth volume in
which he should discuss the subject of turning tables and the mediums
had not been published yet and we waited to see if he would give to
those matters a more satisfactory explanation than that of Mr. Jobert (de
We read it carefully concluding that there is clear evidence that the
author dealt with a subject that he absolutely does not know. We don’t
need an additional proof of that other that the two initial lines written
in the following terms: “Before touching the history of the turning tables
and the mediums, whose manifestations are entirely modern, etc…”
How can the author ignore that Tertullian explicitly talks about
the turning and speaking tables? How can he ignore that the Chinese
knew this phenomenon since immemorial times; that it is practiced by
the Tartarus and Siberians; that there are mediums among the Tibetans;that there were mediums among the Assyrians, Greeks and Egyptians;
that every fundamental principle of Spiritism is present in the Sanskrit
Hence, it is false to say that these manifestations are “entirely modern”.
Modern people have invented nothing about it and spiritists are supported
by ancient knowledge and in the universality of their Doctrine,
which should be known by Mr. Figuier, before having the pretension of
creating an “ex profeso” (deliberate) treaty about it. This has not precluded
his work from receiving a distinction from the press that has promptly
paid tribute to this champion of materialistic ideas.
A reflection is in order here whose reach will escape nobody. It is
said that nothing is more brutal than a fact. Well, here is one that has
a lot of value: it is the incredible progress of the spiritist ideas, to which
certainly no press, large or small, has given their contribution. When
it decided to speak of those poor ignorant individuals who think to
have a soul that is still in some relationship with the living beings after
death, this is an outrage! An outrage against them and to those sent
to the asylums, a bleak perspective to the general public that ignores
the subject.
Spiritism has not played the trumpet of publicity; it has not filled
up the newspapers with expensive ads. How can it be then that without
noise, without shining, without the support of those who turn themselves
into judges of the general opinion, how can it infiltrate into the masses
and according to the graceful expression of a critic whose name we don’t
remember, saying: after having infested the educated classes it now penetrates
the working classes?
Tell us then how come, without employing the normal means of
propaganda, the second edition of The Spirits’ Book has sold out in four
months. They say that people are enthusiastic about the most ridiculous
of things. That may be but people are excited about entertaining things
like a story, a romantic novel. Well then, The Spirits’ Book has no intention
of being amusing. Wouldn’t that be because public opinion finds in those
beliefs something that challenges criticism?
Mr. Figuier found the solution to the problem: it is, he says, the love
for the marvelous. And he is right. Let us use the word “marvelous” with
the meaning he gives it and we will agree. In his opinion, since nature is
only material, every phenomenon that is supernatural is marvelous. There
is no salvation outside matter. Consequently, the soul and everything else
that is attributed to the soul, its state after death, all that is marvelous.
Like him, let us call it marvelous. The remaining question is to determine
if such marvelous exists or not.
Mr. Figuier, who does not like the marvelous and admits in the story
of Bluebeard, it does not exist. However, if Mr. Figuier does not wish to
outlive his body; if he neglects his soul and his future life, not everybody
shares his taste and he does not need to displease others because of that.
There are a lot of people to whom the perspective of nothing is not attractive,
and who expect to find up there or somewhere, their father, mother,
sons and friends. Mr. Figuier does not appreciate those things. It is a matter
of taste and it should not be questioned.
The human being is instinctively horrified by the idea of death, and
we must agree that the desire to live on forever is very natural. One can
even say that it is a general weakness. Well, how can we outlive the body
if we don’t have that marvelous called soul? If we do have a soul it must
have some properties, since without properties it would not be something.
To certain people, unfortunately, these are not chemical properties and
one cannot hold it in a flask to keep it in the museums of anatomy, like
it is done with a skull. The Great Creator made a real mistake here for
not having made it tangible. It is likely that he did not know Mr. Figuier.
Nevertheless, it must be one out of two possibilities: that the soul, if
the soul does exist, lives or does not live after the death of the body; it is
something or nothing; there is no midterm. Does it live forever or just
for some time? If it is supposed to disappear at some point, it is the same
as disappearing immediately; a little bit sooner or a little bit later, and
yet man would not have advanced more. If it lives, it does something or
nothing. But how can one admit an intelligent being that does nothing,
and for the whole eternity? Without any activity future life would be very boring. By not admitting that something accessible to the senses may produce
any effect, Mr. Figuier is led, due to his starting point, to this conclusion
that every effect must have a material cause. That is why he places
in the domain of the marvelous, or out of pure imagination, its properties,
its effects and its acts from beyond the grave. The simple minded ones
who are foolish enough to want to survive death are naturally inclined to
everything that may satisfy their desires, confirming their hopes. That is
why they love the marvelous. Up until now hearing satisfied them: “Not
everything dies with the body; rest assured; take our word for that.” This
would be undoubtedly comforting but a small proof would not do it any
Well then, Spiritism comes to give them that proof with its phenomena,
and they gladly accept it. That is the whole secret of its speedy propagation.
In reality, Spiritism pumps up a hope with reality: the hope of
living, or even more, the hope of living happier. Meanwhile, you Mr.
Figuier, you struggle to demonstrate to them that all that, is nothing more
than an illusion; Spiritism gives encouragement while you abate. Do you
still believe that there is any doubt about the choice to be made?
The human being’s desire to revive after death is then the source of
his love for the marvelous, that is, for everything that links him to life
beyond the grave. If some people are seduced by sophisms were capable of
doubting the future, don’t you think that they have given a lot of thought
to that? No, because such an idea horrifies them and it is with that horror
that they probe the depths of the emptiness.
Spiritism sooths their inquietudes and dissipates their doubts. What
was vague, indecisive, and uncertain, takes a form and becomes a consoling
reality. That is why in a few years it has gone around the world, for
everybody wants to live and every person will always prefer the doctrines
that comfort him or her to those that frighten them.
Let us return to Mr. Figuier’s work and say for starters that his fourth
volume, dedicated to the turning tables and to mediums, has three quarters
full of stories that have nothing to do with the subject, so that the
principal part becomes the accessory in that work. Cagliostro and the issue of the necklace are there for an unknown reason; the electrified girl
and the sympathetic snails, all these things occupy thirteen out of the
eighteen chapters. It is true that those stories are treated with profusion
of details and erudition, which will make them read with interest, leaving
aside any spiritist opinion.
As his objective is to demonstrate the passion of the human being
for the marvelous, he seeks every story that has already been given a fair
value over time, struggling to demonstrate their absurdities, and to what
nobody objects.
He then exclaims: “There you have Spiritism annihilated!” Hearing
this, it is possible to believe that Cagliostro’s prowess and the tales of
Hoffmann are articles of faith to the spiritists, and that the sympathetic
snails have all their sympathies.
Mr. Figuier does not reject all facts, far from that. Contrary to other
critics, who systematically deny everything, since it is easier to dismiss
any explanation, he totally admits the turning tables and mediumship but
with wide margin to deception. The Fox sisters, for example, are notable
conjurers because ungallant American journalists derided them. He even
admits magnetism as a material agent, let us have it well understood;
the fascinating power of the will, of the eyes, somnambulism, catalepsy,
hypnotism, and all other phenomena of Biology. Be aware! He is going to
be taken by someone illuminated to the eyes of his companions. But he
is consistent with himself since he wants to reduce everything to the laws
of Physics and Physiology. It is true that he cites some authentic witnesses
and of the greatest respectability that support the spiritist phenomena, but
expands with satisfaction about every contrary opinion, particularly of the
scholars like Mr. Chevreul and others who sought proofs of the subject.
He thinks highly of the theory of the cracking muscle from Mr. Jobert
and his accomplices. His theory, like the magical lantern in the fable, fails
in a capital point: it gets lost in a warren of explanations that need other
explanations to be understood. Another defect is that at each step it is
contradicted by facts that he cannot explain and which he remains silent,
for a very simple reason: he doesn’t know them. He saw nothing or saw very little on his own. In short, he did not deepen anything “de visu”, with
the sagacity, patience and the independence of ideas of a conscious observer.
He was satisfied with reports more or less fantastic found in books
that are not well known for impartiality. He does not take into account
the progress made lately by science, since he takes it from its beginning,
in a period where science was still trial and error; when each one used to
bring a premature and uncertain opinion, and that it was still far from
knowing all facts, as if he wanted to assess contemporary Chemistry based
on what it was over Nicolas Flamel’s time. In our opinion, Mr. Figuier,
however wise he may be, he lacks the first quality of a critic: that of having
an in-depth knowledge about the discussed subject, an even more necessary
condition when one wants to explain the subject.
We will not follow him in all his arguments. We prefer to recommend
his work that spiritists may read without any danger to their convictions.
We will only cite the passage in which he explains his theory for
the turning tables that more or less summarizes the theory of every other
“Then comes the theory that explains the movement of the turning
tables by the spirits. If the table turns after a quarter of an hour of
reverence and attention from the part of the experimenters, it is because,
they say, the spirits, good or bad, angels or demons, have gotten inside
the table, making it oscillate. Does the reader expect us to discuss such
hypothesis? We don’t think so. If we decided to prove, with great effort
of logical arguments that the devil does not enter into the furniture to
make it dance, we would also have to demonstrate that it is not the spirits
that, inserted in our bodies, make us act, speak, feel, etc. ** All these facts
are of the same kind, and someone that admits the intervention of the
devil to make a table turn must resort to the same supernatural influence
to explain actions resulting from our will and with the support of our organs. Nobody has ever seriously wanted to attribute the effects of human
will upon our organs, however mysterious may be the essence of that
phenomenon, to the action of an angel or a demon. It is, however, to that
consequence that those who want to connect the rotation of the tables to
a superhuman cause arrive.”
“Let us say that, to cut this discussion short, reason forbids reaching
out to a supernatural cause whenever there is a sufficient natural cause.
Can a natural, normal and physiological cause be evoked to explain the
movement of the tables? That is the whole question.”
“Here we are then to lead and lay down the arguments that seem to
explain the phenomenon studied in the latter part of the book.”
“The explanation of the facts of the turning tables, considered in
its simplest form, seem to come from those phenomena whose name
has changed up until now, but whose bottom line nature is identical,
and hence successively called hypnotism by Dr. Braid; biologism by Mr.
Philips and suggestion by Mr. Carpenter. Let us keep in mind that as a
consequence of the strong cerebral stress, resulting from the long lasting
contemplation of a given object, the brain falls into a particular state
which has successively received the names magnetic state, nervous sleep
and biological state, different names which designate certain variations of
a generally identical state.”
“Once arrived at that state, through the passes of a magnetizer, as
it is done since Mesmer, or by the contemplation of a shiny object, as
operated by Braid, later imitated by Mr. Philips, and how it is still operated
by the Arabic and Egyptian sorcerers; or finally simply through a
strong moral contention that we have provided more than one example,
the individual falls into that automatic passivity that constitutes the
nervous sleep. He looses the strength to drive and control his own will
and remains in the domain of a foreign will. A glass of water is presented
and he is told that it is a delicious drink, and he drinks thinking that
it is wine, liquor or milk, according to the wishes of the one that has
strongly taken his being over. Thus, denied of his own judgment, the
individual remains almost foreign to his own actions, and returning to his natural state he loses the memory of his actions during that strange
and transient withdrawal of himself. He is under the influence of suggestion,
accepting a constant idea, imposed by a strange will, he then
acts and is forced to act unwillingly, and consequently unconscious.”
“This system raises a great question of Psychology, because the individual
loses free-will when influenced in such a manner and no longer has
responsibility for his actions. He acts under the influence of intruding images
that obsess his brain, analogous to those visions that Cuvier proposes
is permanent in the sensorial of bees that represent the forms and proportions
of the cell, driven to be built by the instinct. The principle of the
suggestion explains perfectly the phenomena, so varied and sometimes so
replete with terrible hallucinations, and at the same time shows the short
interval that separates the hallucinated from the monomaniac. It will not
come as a surprise if in a large number of table turners hallucination survived
the experiences but converted into definitive madness.”
“The principle of suggestion under the influence of the nervous sleep
seems to provide us with the explanation of the phenomenon of the rotation
of the tables, considered in its simplest form. Let us consider now
what happens in the case of a group of people gathered for that kind of
experience. Those persons are attentive, worried, strongly moved by the
expectation of the phenomenon that is about to be produced. A strong
concentration, a total spiritual reverence is recommended to them. As
the wait drags on and the moral contention retains for a long time, their
brains experience fatigue and the thoughts are slightest altered. When we
took part in the experiences of Mr. Philips in the winter 1860; when we
saw the ten or twelve person to whom he entrusted a metallic disc, with
the request that the person should have their eyes fixated on the disc,
placed on the palm of their hands for half-hour, we could not avoid seeing
in those activities everything that is needed for the manifestation of the
so called hypnotic state, the same image portrayed by those who form the
so called chain of thoughts in order to make the tables turn. In one as in
the other there is a strong concentration of the mind, a single idea that
is strongly sought for a considerable amount of time. The human brain cannot withstand the excessive pressure for a long period, producing an
abnormal accumulation of nerve impulses. From the ten or twelve people
dedicated to the experiment the majority gave up, forced to quit by their
nervous fatigue. It is only one or two that persevere, tied to the hypnotic
or biological state, then giving rise to the multiple phenomena that we
have discussed all along in this book when we discussed hypnotism and
the biological state.”
“In such a meeting when people remain focused for twenty or thirty
minutes, forming a chain, hands stretched out on the table, without the
freedom of getting distracted from the operation for any instant, the majority
does not feel any particular effect. However, it is very difficult that
at least one of them would not fall prey of a hypnotic or biological state
for some time. Such state does not need to last more than a second for the
expected phenomenon to take place. The element of the chain that falls
into that nervous half-sleep unconsciously produces the effect of turning
the furniture, without any other thought but the fixed idea of doing
it. A considerable muscular strength may develop at that point and the
table moves. Given such impulse realized by the unconscious act, there
is nothing left to be done. Hence, temporarily bio-energized, the individual
may return to his normal state because as soon as the mechanical
movement begins all components of the chain stand up and follow its
path, or on other words, make the table march, thinking that they just
follow it. As for the individual, involuntary and unconscious cause of the
phenomenon, since he keeps no memory of his actions carried out in that
nervous-sleep state, totally ignores his deeds and becomes outraged when
accused of having pushed the table. He even suspects that the other members
are kidding him, with a tasteless joke, given their accusation. Hence,
the occurrence of frequent discussions and even serious squabbles that
passes the time which the turning tables have caused.”
“This is the explanation that we consider appropriate for the
turning tables, in its simplest mode. As for the motion of the table
responding to questions, the feet, which lift up under command, responding
by the number of hits, the same system is applicable if we admit that among the members of the chain there is one that can keep
the nervous sleep for longer periods. Such individual, unwillingly hypnotized,
responds to questions and obeys orders addressed to him, inclining
the table or making it lift up and hit back the floor, according
to the request. Returning to the normal state it will all be forgotten
like any other hypnotized individual would lose memory of their actions
during that state. The person who is unconsciously taken to that
role is a kind of sleepy-awaken; is not absolutely sui compos (legally
competent state); it is in a mental state which is part of somnambulism
and fascination. The person does not sleep; they are enchanted or fascinated
given the imposed strong moral concentration: that person is a
medium. Since the latter is of superior order compared to the former, it
cannot be obtained in all groups. In order to have the table responding
to the framed questions by lifting one of its feet and hitting the floor,
it is necessary that the individuals who are used in the process have
practiced the phenomenon of the turning table a number of times, and
that there is one among them susceptible to fall onto that state, falling
faster with practice and may remain in that state longer: in short, an
experienced medium is required.”
“However, some will say that twenty minutes or half hour is not always
needed to obtain the phenomenon of rotation of a “guéridon” or a
regular table. Several times the table starts to turn after four or five minutes.
We respond to this observation by saying that when a magnetizer
works with his usual sensitive or with a professional somnambulist, he
leads the subject into the somnambulistic state in a couple of minutes,
without passes or devices and by a simple stare. Then, it is the habit that
makes the phenomenon easier and faster. Trained mediums can also
reach that nervous-half-sleep that induces the rotation of the table or
any other movement, according to the request.”
We don’t know how Mr. Figuier would apply his theory to the movements,
to the noises that are heard, to the motion of objects, without
any contact of the medium, without the participation of their will, even
against their will. But there are other things that he does not explain. As a
matter of fact, even accepting his theory we would have an extraordinary
physiological phenomenon, worthy of receiving the attention of the scholars.
Why have they neglected it then?
Mr. Figuier finishes his Dissertation of the Marvelous providing
short instructions about The Spirits’ Book. He judges it from his point of
view, naturally; “the philosophy, he said, is outdated and the moral part
is sleep-inducing.” I would undoubtedly rather have a mocking and lively
moral. What can one do? It is a moral to be used by the soul; as a matter
of fact, it would always have an advantage: make people sleep. It is a recipe
in case of insomnia.”
* See the September 1860 issue of The Review
** It is not the spirits that make us act and think but one single spirit that is our soul.
Denying the spirit is the same as denying the soul; denying the soul is the same as proclaiming
pure materialism. Mr. Figuier apparently thinks that everybody else thinks like him and
believes that they don’t have an immortal soul or he believes that he is everybody else.
Family Conversations from Beyond the Grave The Education of a Spirit
Balthazar, the Gastronome Spirit2nd conversation
One of our subscribers read in The Spiritist Review last November about the evocation of the spirit known by the name Balthazar and thought that he could be a person of his acquaintance, whose life and character coincided perfectly in all details. He was likely to be the one who had also used a pseudo name in another manifestation, thus he asks us to verify in the next evocation. According to him, Balthazar was no one but Mr. G… de la R…, known for his eccentricities, his fortune and gastronomical tastes.
1. Evocation. – A. Ah! I am here. But you never have something to offer me. You are not, definitely, very kind.
2. Could you tell us what we can offer you to please you? – A. Oh! Not much: some tea; a little and sophisticated dinner; I would enjoy that better and the ladies here, not forgetting the gentlemen, would not reject that either, you must agree. 3. Have you met a certain Mr. G… de la R…? – A. I think you are curious.
4. No; it is not curiosity; please tell us if you knew him. – A. You then want to know my secret.
5. Then, are you Mr. G… de la R…? Well! Yes, but without lunch.
6. It was not us who discovered the secret. It was one of our friends, present here. – A. He is a chatterbox. He should have stayed quiet.
7. How can this upset you? – A. It cannot but I would have preferred not to be identified so soon. That is okay. I will not hide my tastes because of that. If you only knew about the dinner parties that I used to throw you would agree that they were good and had a value that is no longer appreciated.
8. No, I don’t know. But let us speak more seriously, please, and let us leave the dinners and feasts aside, since they teach us nothing. Our objective is to learn and that is why we ask you to please tell us what was the feeling that led you to make your colleagues to have dinner, on the day of your graduation as a lawyer, in a room decorated like a mortuary chamber? – A. Don’t you notice from all my eccentricities of character a stain of sadness caused by the mistakes of Society, particularly the pride of the one in which I lived since birth, enjoying fortune? I tried to baffle my heart through all imaginable crazy things, and that is why I was called mad, extravagant. I couldn’t care less. Each time when I left those original feasts I would promptly do a good deed, ignored by all, and that was okay with me: my heart felt better and men were also happy. I laughed at myself while making fun of them. What would you say about a dinner in which each guest had a coffin behind their backs! I had a lot of fun with their horrified faces. As you see, it was apparent madness added to a sad heart.
9. What is your current opinion about the Divinity? – A. I did not wait until I left the body to believe in God. The only thing is that the body that I loved so much has materialized my spirit to a point that it will take a long time for me to be able to break all earthly bonds, every passion that attached me to Earth.
OBSERVATION: As it can be seen, from an apparently frivolous subject we can still obtain useful teachings. Isn’t there something eminently instructive about this spirit, that by keeping his corporeal instincts in the spiritual world he acknowledges that the abusive passions have in a way materialized his spirit?
One of our subscribers read in The Spiritist Review last November about the evocation of the spirit known by the name Balthazar and thought that he could be a person of his acquaintance, whose life and character coincided perfectly in all details. He was likely to be the one who had also used a pseudo name in another manifestation, thus he asks us to verify in the next evocation. According to him, Balthazar was no one but Mr. G… de la R…, known for his eccentricities, his fortune and gastronomical tastes.
1. Evocation. – A. Ah! I am here. But you never have something to offer me. You are not, definitely, very kind.
2. Could you tell us what we can offer you to please you? – A. Oh! Not much: some tea; a little and sophisticated dinner; I would enjoy that better and the ladies here, not forgetting the gentlemen, would not reject that either, you must agree. 3. Have you met a certain Mr. G… de la R…? – A. I think you are curious.
4. No; it is not curiosity; please tell us if you knew him. – A. You then want to know my secret.
5. Then, are you Mr. G… de la R…? Well! Yes, but without lunch.
6. It was not us who discovered the secret. It was one of our friends, present here. – A. He is a chatterbox. He should have stayed quiet.
7. How can this upset you? – A. It cannot but I would have preferred not to be identified so soon. That is okay. I will not hide my tastes because of that. If you only knew about the dinner parties that I used to throw you would agree that they were good and had a value that is no longer appreciated.
8. No, I don’t know. But let us speak more seriously, please, and let us leave the dinners and feasts aside, since they teach us nothing. Our objective is to learn and that is why we ask you to please tell us what was the feeling that led you to make your colleagues to have dinner, on the day of your graduation as a lawyer, in a room decorated like a mortuary chamber? – A. Don’t you notice from all my eccentricities of character a stain of sadness caused by the mistakes of Society, particularly the pride of the one in which I lived since birth, enjoying fortune? I tried to baffle my heart through all imaginable crazy things, and that is why I was called mad, extravagant. I couldn’t care less. Each time when I left those original feasts I would promptly do a good deed, ignored by all, and that was okay with me: my heart felt better and men were also happy. I laughed at myself while making fun of them. What would you say about a dinner in which each guest had a coffin behind their backs! I had a lot of fun with their horrified faces. As you see, it was apparent madness added to a sad heart.
9. What is your current opinion about the Divinity? – A. I did not wait until I left the body to believe in God. The only thing is that the body that I loved so much has materialized my spirit to a point that it will take a long time for me to be able to break all earthly bonds, every passion that attached me to Earth.
OBSERVATION: As it can be seen, from an apparently frivolous subject we can still obtain useful teachings. Isn’t there something eminently instructive about this spirit, that by keeping his corporeal instincts in the spiritual world he acknowledges that the abusive passions have in a way materialized his spirit?
The Education of a Spirit
One of our subscribers whose wife is an excellent writing medium cannot communicate with relatives and friends, in spite of that, because a bad spirit interposes and intercepts, so to speak, every communication, causing them great distress. Notice the fact that it characterizes simple obsession and not subjugation since the medium is not absolutely deceived by the spirit that, as a matter of fact, is frankly bad and does not try to hide his game. He asked for our advice and heard that he would not get rid of that spirit by rage or threats but by patience; that she should try to dominate him through her moral ascendency and try to make him better through her good advice; that it is a mission entrusted to her soul and whose difficulty will result in merit for her.
Following our advice, husband and wife had undertaken the process of educating the spirit and we must say that they are doing remarkably well and if they are not successful there will be nothing to regret. We extracted some passages from their instructions which we provide below as an example of that type of spirit and because his nature is shown here in a characteristic manner.
1. Do you need to suffer to be bad like that? – A. Yes, I suffer and that is why I am bad.
2. Don’t you ever regret the bad things you do or try to do? – A. No; I never regret, and the bad things I do give me pleasure, because other people’s happiness make me suffer.
3. You don’t believe then that it is possible to be happy with other people’s happiness instead of finding happiness in their disgrace! Haven’t you ever thought about that? – A. I have never done that… I think you are right but I cannot … I cannot do good; I am…
OBSERVATION: The periods indicate doodle marks made between the words when he couldn’t write or did not want to write the word.
4. Anyway, wouldn’t you like to listen to me and try the advice that I could give you? – A. I don’t know because everything that you tell me makes me suffer even more, and I don’t have the courage to do good.
5. Well, will you promise me to try, at least? – A. Oh No! I cannot because I would not do it and therefore I would be punished. You still have to ask God to change my heart.
6. Let us pray together then. Let us ask together for God to help you better. – A. I am telling you that I cannot; I am very bad and that gives me pleasure.
7. But honestly, did you want to do that to me? I don’t consider your mystifications a really bad thing because so far they have been more beneficial than harmful to us, since they served the purpose of our instruction; Well, you know you are wasting your time. – A. Yes, I did as much as I could and if I don’t do more it is because I can’t.
8. What is it that stops you? – A. Your good guardian angel and your Mary, without whom you would see what I am capable of doing.
OBSERVATION: Mary is the name of a young lady who they evoke unsuccessfully and that cannot communicate because of this spirit. One can see, however, from the very answer of the spirit that if she cannot manifest in material terms it does not preclude her from being there like the guardian angel, watching over them. Such fact raises a serious issue that is how come an inferior spirit may hinder the communications of a good one. The inferior spirit impedes the material communications but cannot oppose the spiritual ones. It is not that the inferior spirit is more powerful than the good one, but the medium that is not strong enough to fight the obstinacy of the bad one, and it is the medium who must strive to win over him through the ascendency of good, improving progressively. God allows such trials to our own benefit.
9. What would you do to me then? – A. I would do a thousand of things, some more unpleasant than others; I would do…
10. Let us see poor spirit; don’t you ever do something kind? Don’t you ever entertain a single desire of doing something good, even if it is a vague desire? – A. Yes, a vague desire of doing something bad. It cannot be different. You must pray to God so that I am touched, otherwise I will certainly continue to be bad.
11. You believe in God then? – A. It cannot be different since he makes me suffer.
12. There you go! If you believe in God you must trust his perfection and his benevolence. You must understand that he does not create the beings to have them devoted to disgrace; that if they are unhappy it is their own fault and not God’s, but that those creatures can always improve and reach happiness; that God has not created us intelligent without an objective and that such objective is to make all creatures to concur to the universal harmony: charity and love to our fellow human beings; that the person who stays away from that objective disturbs the harmony and that person is the first victim to suffer the effects of such disturbance. Look around you and above you. Don’t you see happy spirits? Don’t you wish to be like them since you suffer? God has not created them more perfect than you; like you they may have suffered as well but they repented and God forgave them. You can do as they did. – A. I begin to understand that God is just. I had not seen that yet. You are opening my eyes.
13. There you are! Aren’t you feeling already the wish to improve? – A. Not yet.
14. Wait, this will come. I will wait. You told my wife that she was torturing you while evoking you. Do you believe that we want to torture you? – A. No, I know it is not the case but it is not less true that I suffer more than ever and you are the cause of that suffering.
OBSERVATION: Once interrogated about the cause of such suffering a superior spirit responded: “The cause is in his internal struggle, against himself; he feels something dragging him to a better path, inexorably, but he resists and it is that fight that makes him suffer. Who is going to come out as the winner: good or evil? Good, but the fight shall be long and difficult. It is necessary to persevere and show great devotion.
15. What could we do to avoid your suffering? – A. You must pray so that God may forg… (he crosses out the final letters) have pity on me.
16. There you go! Pray with us. – A. I cannot.
17. You said you have to believe in God since he makes you suffer. However, how do you know that he is the one to make you suffer? – A. He makes me suffer because I am bad.
18. If it is true that you believe that it is God who makes you suffer you must acknowledge the reason for that, so you cannot suppose that God is unfair. – A. Yes, I believe in God’s justice.
19. You said that we open your eyes. Be it true or false, the fact is that you cannot hide the truth of what we tell you. Well then, irrespective if you have learned about that truth from us or from before the time you met us, the essential point is that you know it. The big thing for you today is to take advantage of that. Tell us honestly if the satisfaction you feel to bad, leaves you nothing to desire? – A. All I want is that my sufferings end, that is all. And they shall never end.
20. Do you understand that it depends on you, that they end? – A Yes, I do.
21. Did you devote yourself to the bad things in your previous existence, like you do now? – A. You must realize that I am filthier than a monster. I am a miserable who has done everything, even…
22. Was it me or my wife who did you harm? Do you have anything against us from a previous existence? – A. No; I don’t…
23. Then, tell us why you take more pleasure by attacking innocent people like us, who wish you well, instead of doing that against evil people, who may be or might have been your enemies? – A. I don’t envy them.
OBSERVATION: This answer is characteristic: it portrays the hatred of evil against those men that are knowingly better than they are. It is blindness by envy that sometimes leads them to actions completely in opposition to their own interests. The same happens here on Earth where the mistakes of a man are often his merit to the eyes of certain people. Aristides is an example of that.
24. Were you happier on Earth than now? – A. Oh yes! I was wealthy and missed nothing. I did all sorts of mischievous things and all the evilness that is possible when there is money and miserable people at your service.
25. Why did you say to me the other day that I should leave you alone? – A. Because I did not want to answer questions. But I am okay now that you evoked me and I wanted to write, because boredom kills me. Oh! You don’t know how it is to be continually before your own faults and crimes, as I am!
26. What is your feeling when you witness a good deed? – A. I feel spiteful. I wish I could destroy it.
27. Haven’t you done any good deeds in your last existence, whatever the reason might have been? – A. I did for ambition and pride; never for benevolence. That is why it was not taken into account.
OBSERVATION: These conversations prolonged for many sessions and still happen at this point in time, unfortunately without much noticeable result. Evilness is always dominant in this spirit that only from time to time reveals some flashes of good feelings, thus turning into a tough task to his instructors. Nevertheless, we hope that they shall tame that rebellious nature with perseverance, or at least God will take their effort into account.
Following our advice, husband and wife had undertaken the process of educating the spirit and we must say that they are doing remarkably well and if they are not successful there will be nothing to regret. We extracted some passages from their instructions which we provide below as an example of that type of spirit and because his nature is shown here in a characteristic manner.
1. Do you need to suffer to be bad like that? – A. Yes, I suffer and that is why I am bad.
2. Don’t you ever regret the bad things you do or try to do? – A. No; I never regret, and the bad things I do give me pleasure, because other people’s happiness make me suffer.
3. You don’t believe then that it is possible to be happy with other people’s happiness instead of finding happiness in their disgrace! Haven’t you ever thought about that? – A. I have never done that… I think you are right but I cannot … I cannot do good; I am…
OBSERVATION: The periods indicate doodle marks made between the words when he couldn’t write or did not want to write the word.
4. Anyway, wouldn’t you like to listen to me and try the advice that I could give you? – A. I don’t know because everything that you tell me makes me suffer even more, and I don’t have the courage to do good.
5. Well, will you promise me to try, at least? – A. Oh No! I cannot because I would not do it and therefore I would be punished. You still have to ask God to change my heart.
6. Let us pray together then. Let us ask together for God to help you better. – A. I am telling you that I cannot; I am very bad and that gives me pleasure.
7. But honestly, did you want to do that to me? I don’t consider your mystifications a really bad thing because so far they have been more beneficial than harmful to us, since they served the purpose of our instruction; Well, you know you are wasting your time. – A. Yes, I did as much as I could and if I don’t do more it is because I can’t.
8. What is it that stops you? – A. Your good guardian angel and your Mary, without whom you would see what I am capable of doing.
OBSERVATION: Mary is the name of a young lady who they evoke unsuccessfully and that cannot communicate because of this spirit. One can see, however, from the very answer of the spirit that if she cannot manifest in material terms it does not preclude her from being there like the guardian angel, watching over them. Such fact raises a serious issue that is how come an inferior spirit may hinder the communications of a good one. The inferior spirit impedes the material communications but cannot oppose the spiritual ones. It is not that the inferior spirit is more powerful than the good one, but the medium that is not strong enough to fight the obstinacy of the bad one, and it is the medium who must strive to win over him through the ascendency of good, improving progressively. God allows such trials to our own benefit.
9. What would you do to me then? – A. I would do a thousand of things, some more unpleasant than others; I would do…
10. Let us see poor spirit; don’t you ever do something kind? Don’t you ever entertain a single desire of doing something good, even if it is a vague desire? – A. Yes, a vague desire of doing something bad. It cannot be different. You must pray to God so that I am touched, otherwise I will certainly continue to be bad.
11. You believe in God then? – A. It cannot be different since he makes me suffer.
12. There you go! If you believe in God you must trust his perfection and his benevolence. You must understand that he does not create the beings to have them devoted to disgrace; that if they are unhappy it is their own fault and not God’s, but that those creatures can always improve and reach happiness; that God has not created us intelligent without an objective and that such objective is to make all creatures to concur to the universal harmony: charity and love to our fellow human beings; that the person who stays away from that objective disturbs the harmony and that person is the first victim to suffer the effects of such disturbance. Look around you and above you. Don’t you see happy spirits? Don’t you wish to be like them since you suffer? God has not created them more perfect than you; like you they may have suffered as well but they repented and God forgave them. You can do as they did. – A. I begin to understand that God is just. I had not seen that yet. You are opening my eyes.
13. There you are! Aren’t you feeling already the wish to improve? – A. Not yet.
14. Wait, this will come. I will wait. You told my wife that she was torturing you while evoking you. Do you believe that we want to torture you? – A. No, I know it is not the case but it is not less true that I suffer more than ever and you are the cause of that suffering.
OBSERVATION: Once interrogated about the cause of such suffering a superior spirit responded: “The cause is in his internal struggle, against himself; he feels something dragging him to a better path, inexorably, but he resists and it is that fight that makes him suffer. Who is going to come out as the winner: good or evil? Good, but the fight shall be long and difficult. It is necessary to persevere and show great devotion.
15. What could we do to avoid your suffering? – A. You must pray so that God may forg… (he crosses out the final letters) have pity on me.
16. There you go! Pray with us. – A. I cannot.
17. You said you have to believe in God since he makes you suffer. However, how do you know that he is the one to make you suffer? – A. He makes me suffer because I am bad.
18. If it is true that you believe that it is God who makes you suffer you must acknowledge the reason for that, so you cannot suppose that God is unfair. – A. Yes, I believe in God’s justice.
19. You said that we open your eyes. Be it true or false, the fact is that you cannot hide the truth of what we tell you. Well then, irrespective if you have learned about that truth from us or from before the time you met us, the essential point is that you know it. The big thing for you today is to take advantage of that. Tell us honestly if the satisfaction you feel to bad, leaves you nothing to desire? – A. All I want is that my sufferings end, that is all. And they shall never end.
20. Do you understand that it depends on you, that they end? – A Yes, I do.
21. Did you devote yourself to the bad things in your previous existence, like you do now? – A. You must realize that I am filthier than a monster. I am a miserable who has done everything, even…
22. Was it me or my wife who did you harm? Do you have anything against us from a previous existence? – A. No; I don’t…
23. Then, tell us why you take more pleasure by attacking innocent people like us, who wish you well, instead of doing that against evil people, who may be or might have been your enemies? – A. I don’t envy them.
OBSERVATION: This answer is characteristic: it portrays the hatred of evil against those men that are knowingly better than they are. It is blindness by envy that sometimes leads them to actions completely in opposition to their own interests. The same happens here on Earth where the mistakes of a man are often his merit to the eyes of certain people. Aristides is an example of that.
24. Were you happier on Earth than now? – A. Oh yes! I was wealthy and missed nothing. I did all sorts of mischievous things and all the evilness that is possible when there is money and miserable people at your service.
25. Why did you say to me the other day that I should leave you alone? – A. Because I did not want to answer questions. But I am okay now that you evoked me and I wanted to write, because boredom kills me. Oh! You don’t know how it is to be continually before your own faults and crimes, as I am!
26. What is your feeling when you witness a good deed? – A. I feel spiteful. I wish I could destroy it.
27. Haven’t you done any good deeds in your last existence, whatever the reason might have been? – A. I did for ambition and pride; never for benevolence. That is why it was not taken into account.
OBSERVATION: These conversations prolonged for many sessions and still happen at this point in time, unfortunately without much noticeable result. Evilness is always dominant in this spirit that only from time to time reveals some flashes of good feelings, thus turning into a tough task to his instructors. Nevertheless, we hope that they shall tame that rebellious nature with perseverance, or at least God will take their effort into account.
Spiritist Dissertations - Received or read by several mediums at the Society
A Culprit Spirit Arrives in the Spiritual World(Medium Mrs. Costel)
I will tell you what I went through on the occasion of my death. My spirit retained my body through physical connections and it took great pains to free it. I felt so strong at the age of twenty-four that I could hardly believe that I had left such a life behind. I sought my body and that surprised me, terrified me, for finding myself lost in that multitude of shadows. Then the consciousness of my state and the revelation of my faults in all my incarnations suddenly struck me. An inexorable light illuminated the most remote corners of my soul, and I felt naked and a sensation of overwhelming shame. I tried to escape, looking for other things familiar to me, surrounding me. The radiant spirits floating in ether gave me the feeling of an unreachable happiness. Shadow-like forms, devastated, drowned in despair, some sarcastic, others furious, all circulating around me and I felt stuck to the ground. I saw humans coming and going and I envied their ignorance. A total new order of things, or things that I had to meet again, suddenly invaded my soul. Dragged by a relentless force, trying to escape that relentless pain, I traveled distances; the elements, the material obstacles, the splendorous nature or celestial splendors couldn’t calm for a moment the excruciating pain in my conscience, or the horror caused by the revelation of eternity.
A mortal can sense the physical torments by the shivering of the flesh, but your fragile pain, softened by hope, tempered by distractions, annihilated by forgetfulness, will never translate the anguishes of a soul that suffers unremittingly, without hope or regret. I spent a time whose duration I cannot determine just envying the selected ones, in which I could see them glimpse the splendor; hating the bad spirits who continued to persecute me with their mockery, despising human depravity, whose nastiness were clear to me, made me move from a profound depression to an insane rebellion.
Then, you soothed me. I heard the teachings of your guides. The truth penetrated my soul and I prayed and God listened. It was revealed to me by God’s mercy, as it was revealed by God’s justice.
I will tell you what I went through on the occasion of my death. My spirit retained my body through physical connections and it took great pains to free it. I felt so strong at the age of twenty-four that I could hardly believe that I had left such a life behind. I sought my body and that surprised me, terrified me, for finding myself lost in that multitude of shadows. Then the consciousness of my state and the revelation of my faults in all my incarnations suddenly struck me. An inexorable light illuminated the most remote corners of my soul, and I felt naked and a sensation of overwhelming shame. I tried to escape, looking for other things familiar to me, surrounding me. The radiant spirits floating in ether gave me the feeling of an unreachable happiness. Shadow-like forms, devastated, drowned in despair, some sarcastic, others furious, all circulating around me and I felt stuck to the ground. I saw humans coming and going and I envied their ignorance. A total new order of things, or things that I had to meet again, suddenly invaded my soul. Dragged by a relentless force, trying to escape that relentless pain, I traveled distances; the elements, the material obstacles, the splendorous nature or celestial splendors couldn’t calm for a moment the excruciating pain in my conscience, or the horror caused by the revelation of eternity.
A mortal can sense the physical torments by the shivering of the flesh, but your fragile pain, softened by hope, tempered by distractions, annihilated by forgetfulness, will never translate the anguishes of a soul that suffers unremittingly, without hope or regret. I spent a time whose duration I cannot determine just envying the selected ones, in which I could see them glimpse the splendor; hating the bad spirits who continued to persecute me with their mockery, despising human depravity, whose nastiness were clear to me, made me move from a profound depression to an insane rebellion.
Then, you soothed me. I heard the teachings of your guides. The truth penetrated my soul and I prayed and God listened. It was revealed to me by God’s mercy, as it was revealed by God’s justice.
Punishment of the Egoist
(Medium Mrs. Costel)
Note: The spirit that signed the three following communications was a woman who was an acquaintance of the medium when alive, and whose conduct and character justify well her ongoing sufferings. She was particularly dominated by an exaggerated selfishness, and by a personality which is reflected in the last communication, given her pretentious desire to have the medium totally dedicated to her, having her quitting her regular studies.
Here I am the unfortunate one. What do you want me to teach you? Your resignation and your hope are just words to someone that knows that your sufferings will last the endless sequence of centuries, like the grains in the sand of a beach. You say that you can smooth them out. Meaningless words! Where would you find the courage, the hope for that? Then, oh simple mind, try to understand what is a never ending day. Is it a day, a year, a century? What do I know? Time does not go by; the seasons are dull; eternal and slow like the water seeping out of a rock, this hated day, that wretched day that weighs on me like an urn made of lead… I suffer!
Nevertheless, I know that above such misery God governs sovereignly, our Father, our Lord, and the aim of everything. I want to think about it. I want to beg for God’s help.
I struggle and drag myself like the mutilated that travels the long journey. I don’t know the power that entices me towards you. Perhaps you are the salvation. I move away from you a little bit soothed, a little bit warm again, like the shivering old man in the sun light beam. My frozen soul draws a new life near you.
My disgrace grows every day; it grows, as I understand eternity. Oh misery! How much I curse you and all the guilty hours, hours of selfishness and forgetfulness, ignoring all charity, all devotion, only thinking to my own well being! Be cursed human arrangements! Vain preoccupations of material interests! Curse you who has blinded me and lost! I am destroyed by the endless regret of lapsed time. What can I tell you, you that are listening to me? Watch yourself incessantly; love the others more than yourself; don’t stay long in the path of easiness; don’t fatten your body up to the price of your soul; be vigilant, as the Lord demanded the disciples to be. Do not thank me for this advice, which was never heard by my heart. Like a chastened dog, fear makes me trudge on but I still don’t know pure love! Its divine dawn breaks slowly. Pray for my withered and wretched soul!
Note: The two essays above were received at the medium’s house. The one below was given spontaneously at the Society, a fact that explains the meaning of the first phrase.
I come to find you here, since you forgot me. Do you believe then that isolated prayers and having my name pronounced will sooth my suffering? No, a hundred times no. I roar of pain; I wander without rest, without shelter, without hope, feeling the eternal spike of punishment penetrating my revolted soul. I laugh when I hear your complaints, when I see you slaughtered. What are your feeble miseries?! What are your tears?! What are your torments that prevent you from sleeping?! Did I sleep, me? I want to, do you hear me? I want you to think of me, leaving behind your philosophical dissertations; make the others also think of me. I cannot find an expression to provide you with the image of this anguish, of this time that goes by in the stationary clock of eternity. I only see a faint ray of hope, and I got that hope from you; don’t leave me.
Note: The communication below is not from the same spirit but from a superior spirit, one of our guides, responding to our request to provide his opinion about the preceding communications.
This picture is very true and it is in no way exaggerated. You may perhaps ask me what this woman has done to be in such a terrible condition! Has she committed any horrible crime? Has she stolen? Was she a murderer? No. She did nothing to deserve man’s justice. On the contrary, she enjoyed what you call earthly happiness: beauty, fortune, pleasures, and adulation. She had everything, lacked nothing and people used to say about her: What a happy woman! She was the cause of envy by others. What did she do then? She was selfish; she had everything but a good heart. She may not have breached man’s law but she did breach God’s law since she ignored charity, the first of all virtues. She only loved herself. Now nobody loves her. She gave nothing; now she gets nothing. She is isolated, tired, abandoned, lost in space, where nobody thinks of her, nobody gives any attention to her and that is her torture. Since she only sought mundane pleasures, and such pleasures no longer exist, the void was created around her. She only sees emptiness and that seems like eternity to her. She feels no physical torture; the demons do not come to torment her, which is not necessary. She torments herself and suffers even more because those demons would still be creatures that would think of her. Egotism was her happiness on Earth; she chased it. Now it is the worm chewing her heart, the true devil.
Ah! If people only knew how much they will pay for their selfishness! However, God teaches you every day, because if God sends so many selfish spirits to Earth, it is that they will punish one another in this very life, and then you will have a better understanding by the contrast that charity is the only antidote to this leprosy of humanity.
Note: The spirit that signed the three following communications was a woman who was an acquaintance of the medium when alive, and whose conduct and character justify well her ongoing sufferings. She was particularly dominated by an exaggerated selfishness, and by a personality which is reflected in the last communication, given her pretentious desire to have the medium totally dedicated to her, having her quitting her regular studies.
Here I am the unfortunate one. What do you want me to teach you? Your resignation and your hope are just words to someone that knows that your sufferings will last the endless sequence of centuries, like the grains in the sand of a beach. You say that you can smooth them out. Meaningless words! Where would you find the courage, the hope for that? Then, oh simple mind, try to understand what is a never ending day. Is it a day, a year, a century? What do I know? Time does not go by; the seasons are dull; eternal and slow like the water seeping out of a rock, this hated day, that wretched day that weighs on me like an urn made of lead… I suffer!
Nevertheless, I know that above such misery God governs sovereignly, our Father, our Lord, and the aim of everything. I want to think about it. I want to beg for God’s help.
I struggle and drag myself like the mutilated that travels the long journey. I don’t know the power that entices me towards you. Perhaps you are the salvation. I move away from you a little bit soothed, a little bit warm again, like the shivering old man in the sun light beam. My frozen soul draws a new life near you.
My disgrace grows every day; it grows, as I understand eternity. Oh misery! How much I curse you and all the guilty hours, hours of selfishness and forgetfulness, ignoring all charity, all devotion, only thinking to my own well being! Be cursed human arrangements! Vain preoccupations of material interests! Curse you who has blinded me and lost! I am destroyed by the endless regret of lapsed time. What can I tell you, you that are listening to me? Watch yourself incessantly; love the others more than yourself; don’t stay long in the path of easiness; don’t fatten your body up to the price of your soul; be vigilant, as the Lord demanded the disciples to be. Do not thank me for this advice, which was never heard by my heart. Like a chastened dog, fear makes me trudge on but I still don’t know pure love! Its divine dawn breaks slowly. Pray for my withered and wretched soul!
Note: The two essays above were received at the medium’s house. The one below was given spontaneously at the Society, a fact that explains the meaning of the first phrase.
I come to find you here, since you forgot me. Do you believe then that isolated prayers and having my name pronounced will sooth my suffering? No, a hundred times no. I roar of pain; I wander without rest, without shelter, without hope, feeling the eternal spike of punishment penetrating my revolted soul. I laugh when I hear your complaints, when I see you slaughtered. What are your feeble miseries?! What are your tears?! What are your torments that prevent you from sleeping?! Did I sleep, me? I want to, do you hear me? I want you to think of me, leaving behind your philosophical dissertations; make the others also think of me. I cannot find an expression to provide you with the image of this anguish, of this time that goes by in the stationary clock of eternity. I only see a faint ray of hope, and I got that hope from you; don’t leave me.
Note: The communication below is not from the same spirit but from a superior spirit, one of our guides, responding to our request to provide his opinion about the preceding communications.
This picture is very true and it is in no way exaggerated. You may perhaps ask me what this woman has done to be in such a terrible condition! Has she committed any horrible crime? Has she stolen? Was she a murderer? No. She did nothing to deserve man’s justice. On the contrary, she enjoyed what you call earthly happiness: beauty, fortune, pleasures, and adulation. She had everything, lacked nothing and people used to say about her: What a happy woman! She was the cause of envy by others. What did she do then? She was selfish; she had everything but a good heart. She may not have breached man’s law but she did breach God’s law since she ignored charity, the first of all virtues. She only loved herself. Now nobody loves her. She gave nothing; now she gets nothing. She is isolated, tired, abandoned, lost in space, where nobody thinks of her, nobody gives any attention to her and that is her torture. Since she only sought mundane pleasures, and such pleasures no longer exist, the void was created around her. She only sees emptiness and that seems like eternity to her. She feels no physical torture; the demons do not come to torment her, which is not necessary. She torments herself and suffers even more because those demons would still be creatures that would think of her. Egotism was her happiness on Earth; she chased it. Now it is the worm chewing her heart, the true devil.
Ah! If people only knew how much they will pay for their selfishness! However, God teaches you every day, because if God sends so many selfish spirits to Earth, it is that they will punish one another in this very life, and then you will have a better understanding by the contrast that charity is the only antidote to this leprosy of humanity.
Alfred de Musset
(Medium Ms. Eugenie)
A spirit spontaneously communicated in our November 23rd session, writing the following: “Since before anything else I want to please you, my question is; what would like me to talk about. If you have a subject, let me know. Thus, ladies and gentlemen, I am all yours.” Alfred de Musset
• Considering that your visit is unexpected, we don’t have a subject prepared beforehand. We then ask you to kindly choose one yourself. Whatever it is we will appreciate it very much.
• “You are right. Yes, because as I am a spirit, in particular, as well as every other spirit, in general, we know your needs better thus we can choose the subject better than you would.
What should I talk about? I am confused amidst so many interesting subjects. Let us begin by talking about those who strongly wish to become spiritists, but seem to step back before what they believe to be an apostasy. Let us then talk about those who retreat before the idea of finding themselves in contradiction with Catholicism. Hear me well: I say Catholicism and not Christianity.
Are you afraid of disowning your parent’s beliefs? It is a mistake! The forefathers, those who founded that sublime religion since its origin, they were more spiritist than you. They preached the same doctrine that is taught to you today. As your religion does, whoever uses the word Spiritism says: charity, benevolence, forgetfulness and forgiveness of all offenses! Like Catholicism, it teaches the abnegation of oneself. You can then, timorous consciences, without scruples, gather around the table and talk to the beings that you grieve. Like your parents, be charitable, good, compassionate and you shall all meet at the end of your paths, the scale which will assess your actions will indicate the same weight, give the same worth to your deeds. I call you to come fearlessly. Come graceful women with plenty of illusions in your hearts; come and those illusions will be replaced by a more beautiful and shiny reality. Come, wives of hardened hearts, suffering their dryness, come to find here the water which softens the rock and quenches the thirst. Come, loving women who seek happiness during your entire lives; who feel the depth of the emptiness in your hearts and desperately try to fill it up. Come women of eager intelligence. Science flows here, pure and transparent. Come and drink out of this rejuvenating source. And you, bending elderly, come and laugh at that youth which scorns you, because the sanctuary doors are open to you; birth will restart to you, bringing the happiness of your early days. Come and we will help you see the brothers who reach out to you, waiting for you. Come all of you because there is consolation to all. As you see, I am here in good faith. I shall gladly be your server.”
Taking advantage of the good will of the spirit Alfred the Musset, we addressed him the following questions:
1. What will be the influence of Spiritism on poetry? – A. Poetry is the balm applied onto the wounds. It was given to human beings as a celestial manna. Every poet is a medium, sent to Earth by God, to regenerate his people a little, not allowing them to become entirely callous. What can be more beautiful? What can speak more to the soul than poetry?
2. Painting, sculpture, architecture and poetry were, one by one, influenced by Pagan as well as Christian ideas. Can you tell us if after Pagan and Christian arts, there will be one day a spiritist art? – A. You ask a question that answers itself. The germ is the germ; it becomes the silkworm and later the butterfly. What is lighter, more gracious than a butterfly? Then! Pagan art is the larva; Christian art is the cocoon; spiritist art will be the butterfly. (About this see the earlier article Pagan, Christian and Spiritist Art)
3. What is the influence of women in the nineteenth century? Note: This question was asked by a young man alien to the Society.
A. Ah! That of progress. The question was asked by a young man. That is nice and I would be amateurish for not responding. I am sure that everyone here wants to hear that.
The influence of women in the nineteenth century! Would you believe that they have waited this time to raise their hands, poor and weak men that you are? If you tried to lesser them it was for fear; if you tried to muffle their intelligence it was because you were afraid of their influence. You were only unable to oppose barriers to their hearts. Since their hearts were a God given present, they remained master and sovereign. But behold, the woman also becomes a butterfly; she wants to leave her cocoon; reclaim her divine rights; like the butterfly, she throws herself in space, breathing the air of her fair value. Don’t you think that I want them to become erudite, scholars, poets! No. But I do want, it is wanted here in this world where I live, that the one who must elevate humanity be worthy of her role; that the one who must form men starts to know themselves, and to give her since her early days the love for what is beautiful, grand and just, it is necessary that she have this love on a higher level. She needs to understand it. When the educating agent of society is reduced to nothing, it hesitates. That is what you must understand in the nineteenth century.
A spirit spontaneously communicated in our November 23rd session, writing the following: “Since before anything else I want to please you, my question is; what would like me to talk about. If you have a subject, let me know. Thus, ladies and gentlemen, I am all yours.” Alfred de Musset
• Considering that your visit is unexpected, we don’t have a subject prepared beforehand. We then ask you to kindly choose one yourself. Whatever it is we will appreciate it very much.
• “You are right. Yes, because as I am a spirit, in particular, as well as every other spirit, in general, we know your needs better thus we can choose the subject better than you would.
What should I talk about? I am confused amidst so many interesting subjects. Let us begin by talking about those who strongly wish to become spiritists, but seem to step back before what they believe to be an apostasy. Let us then talk about those who retreat before the idea of finding themselves in contradiction with Catholicism. Hear me well: I say Catholicism and not Christianity.
Are you afraid of disowning your parent’s beliefs? It is a mistake! The forefathers, those who founded that sublime religion since its origin, they were more spiritist than you. They preached the same doctrine that is taught to you today. As your religion does, whoever uses the word Spiritism says: charity, benevolence, forgetfulness and forgiveness of all offenses! Like Catholicism, it teaches the abnegation of oneself. You can then, timorous consciences, without scruples, gather around the table and talk to the beings that you grieve. Like your parents, be charitable, good, compassionate and you shall all meet at the end of your paths, the scale which will assess your actions will indicate the same weight, give the same worth to your deeds. I call you to come fearlessly. Come graceful women with plenty of illusions in your hearts; come and those illusions will be replaced by a more beautiful and shiny reality. Come, wives of hardened hearts, suffering their dryness, come to find here the water which softens the rock and quenches the thirst. Come, loving women who seek happiness during your entire lives; who feel the depth of the emptiness in your hearts and desperately try to fill it up. Come women of eager intelligence. Science flows here, pure and transparent. Come and drink out of this rejuvenating source. And you, bending elderly, come and laugh at that youth which scorns you, because the sanctuary doors are open to you; birth will restart to you, bringing the happiness of your early days. Come and we will help you see the brothers who reach out to you, waiting for you. Come all of you because there is consolation to all. As you see, I am here in good faith. I shall gladly be your server.”
Taking advantage of the good will of the spirit Alfred the Musset, we addressed him the following questions:
1. What will be the influence of Spiritism on poetry? – A. Poetry is the balm applied onto the wounds. It was given to human beings as a celestial manna. Every poet is a medium, sent to Earth by God, to regenerate his people a little, not allowing them to become entirely callous. What can be more beautiful? What can speak more to the soul than poetry?
2. Painting, sculpture, architecture and poetry were, one by one, influenced by Pagan as well as Christian ideas. Can you tell us if after Pagan and Christian arts, there will be one day a spiritist art? – A. You ask a question that answers itself. The germ is the germ; it becomes the silkworm and later the butterfly. What is lighter, more gracious than a butterfly? Then! Pagan art is the larva; Christian art is the cocoon; spiritist art will be the butterfly. (About this see the earlier article Pagan, Christian and Spiritist Art)
3. What is the influence of women in the nineteenth century? Note: This question was asked by a young man alien to the Society.
A. Ah! That of progress. The question was asked by a young man. That is nice and I would be amateurish for not responding. I am sure that everyone here wants to hear that.
The influence of women in the nineteenth century! Would you believe that they have waited this time to raise their hands, poor and weak men that you are? If you tried to lesser them it was for fear; if you tried to muffle their intelligence it was because you were afraid of their influence. You were only unable to oppose barriers to their hearts. Since their hearts were a God given present, they remained master and sovereign. But behold, the woman also becomes a butterfly; she wants to leave her cocoon; reclaim her divine rights; like the butterfly, she throws herself in space, breathing the air of her fair value. Don’t you think that I want them to become erudite, scholars, poets! No. But I do want, it is wanted here in this world where I live, that the one who must elevate humanity be worthy of her role; that the one who must form men starts to know themselves, and to give her since her early days the love for what is beautiful, grand and just, it is necessary that she have this love on a higher level. She needs to understand it. When the educating agent of society is reduced to nothing, it hesitates. That is what you must understand in the nineteenth century.
Intuition of Future Life
(Medium Ms. Eugenie)
Note: The medium writes in an old notebook, which was used by another medium and where there was a message written and signed by Delphine de Girardin. This fact explains the beginning of the communication.
“I find my actual name; it will serve as my signature, before even starting.”
“I want to speak to all of you now and demonstrate that you are spiritualists; that is why I only need to address your reason. Why do you go to the cemeteries on November 1st, if it only keeps the remains of the loved ones that you lost? Why do you waste your time taking fragrant flowers, it reminds you of friendship and kind memories? Why do you evoke their memories if they no longer live? Why the rolling tears, asking for their consolation or to be taken by them? Answer now, you who whisper – because those who don’t speak in whispers, whisper in their thoughts – matter is the only thing that exist there. After us, it is the nothingness. Tell me now: aren’t you in contradiction there? Nevertheless, cheer up since you have more faith than you think. God that has created you imperfect wanted to give you hope, and in spite of that, and without your understanding, unconsciously, you speak to those loved ones; you ask them to feel the smell of the flowers that you lay before them; you beg for their friendship and protection. Mother! You call your daughter an angel, asking for her prayers. Daughter, you ask for your mother’s protection and advice. Many among you say: I feel the truthfulness of your words in my heart, but that is in disagreement with what I learned from my parents, and your scrupulous spirits shut up in your own ignorance. Go then and act fearlessly because the spiritist faith is in agreement with all religions, since it says what is repeated by all: Love, charity, humility. See and believe all that comes from your hesitation.”
Delphine de Girardin
OBSERVATION: The contradiction mentioned by the spirit in the beginning is seen all the time, even on those that more strongly deny a future life. If everything ends with the corporeal life, then why the celebration of the dead if they can no longer hear? We were told about the case of a gentleman in the highest possible stage of absolutely materialistic ideas. He had lost a son not long ago and his sorrow was such that he felt like committing suicide in order to join him. Well, join what? The bones that are no longer his?
Note: The medium writes in an old notebook, which was used by another medium and where there was a message written and signed by Delphine de Girardin. This fact explains the beginning of the communication.
“I find my actual name; it will serve as my signature, before even starting.”
“I want to speak to all of you now and demonstrate that you are spiritualists; that is why I only need to address your reason. Why do you go to the cemeteries on November 1st, if it only keeps the remains of the loved ones that you lost? Why do you waste your time taking fragrant flowers, it reminds you of friendship and kind memories? Why do you evoke their memories if they no longer live? Why the rolling tears, asking for their consolation or to be taken by them? Answer now, you who whisper – because those who don’t speak in whispers, whisper in their thoughts – matter is the only thing that exist there. After us, it is the nothingness. Tell me now: aren’t you in contradiction there? Nevertheless, cheer up since you have more faith than you think. God that has created you imperfect wanted to give you hope, and in spite of that, and without your understanding, unconsciously, you speak to those loved ones; you ask them to feel the smell of the flowers that you lay before them; you beg for their friendship and protection. Mother! You call your daughter an angel, asking for her prayers. Daughter, you ask for your mother’s protection and advice. Many among you say: I feel the truthfulness of your words in my heart, but that is in disagreement with what I learned from my parents, and your scrupulous spirits shut up in your own ignorance. Go then and act fearlessly because the spiritist faith is in agreement with all religions, since it says what is repeated by all: Love, charity, humility. See and believe all that comes from your hesitation.”
Delphine de Girardin
OBSERVATION: The contradiction mentioned by the spirit in the beginning is seen all the time, even on those that more strongly deny a future life. If everything ends with the corporeal life, then why the celebration of the dead if they can no longer hear? We were told about the case of a gentleman in the highest possible stage of absolutely materialistic ideas. He had lost a son not long ago and his sorrow was such that he felt like committing suicide in order to join him. Well, join what? The bones that are no longer his?
(Medium Ms. Eugenie)
Note: In the session of the Society when the message above was received, the spirit of Ms. Girardin was requested to give another one about reincarnation, then responding: “Oh! I wish; this medium is used to seeing me doing things that she is not always pleased with, and you are right.” This last sentence is an allusion to certain particular ideas of the medium about reincarnation.
“Reincarnation is a logical thing; it makes sense. Thus, it is all about giving some thought to that, of wanting to take a good look of what is around us. You only need to look inside, into our inner self, to find evidence of reincarnation. You see a good father at the table; he has several beautiful children, some of remarkable intelligence, others in an almost abject state. Where does the difference come from? The same father, the same mother, the same education, so many contrasts though! Think about your memories; don’t you find there the intuition of facts from which you have no knowledge about and yet they come back to you as if they had actually existed? Aren’t you shocked when you see someone for the first time and have the strong impression of having already known that person? You are, aren’t you? There you go! That demonstrates a previous life to you, one in which you participated; it demonstrates that the intelligent boy must have gone through several existences, hence improved, and that the other may well be in the initial ones; that the person who you meet may have been close to you and the fact that you remember did actually happen in another life. Besides, it is necessary to be perfect to enter the kingdom of God. Let us see that! Do you believe that you lack so little that three or four months in the celestial spheres after your death will be enough for you? * No, I don’t believe in such a pretension. Perfection is acquired after work and moral fortune is not inherited from material wealth. In order to purify you do need to animate several bodies and each of them keeps part of your impurities. If you think about it you will not be able to resist to the evidence.
Delphine de Girardin
*Reference to some people’s opinion about the future life
Note: In the session of the Society when the message above was received, the spirit of Ms. Girardin was requested to give another one about reincarnation, then responding: “Oh! I wish; this medium is used to seeing me doing things that she is not always pleased with, and you are right.” This last sentence is an allusion to certain particular ideas of the medium about reincarnation.
“Reincarnation is a logical thing; it makes sense. Thus, it is all about giving some thought to that, of wanting to take a good look of what is around us. You only need to look inside, into our inner self, to find evidence of reincarnation. You see a good father at the table; he has several beautiful children, some of remarkable intelligence, others in an almost abject state. Where does the difference come from? The same father, the same mother, the same education, so many contrasts though! Think about your memories; don’t you find there the intuition of facts from which you have no knowledge about and yet they come back to you as if they had actually existed? Aren’t you shocked when you see someone for the first time and have the strong impression of having already known that person? You are, aren’t you? There you go! That demonstrates a previous life to you, one in which you participated; it demonstrates that the intelligent boy must have gone through several existences, hence improved, and that the other may well be in the initial ones; that the person who you meet may have been close to you and the fact that you remember did actually happen in another life. Besides, it is necessary to be perfect to enter the kingdom of God. Let us see that! Do you believe that you lack so little that three or four months in the celestial spheres after your death will be enough for you? * No, I don’t believe in such a pretension. Perfection is acquired after work and moral fortune is not inherited from material wealth. In order to purify you do need to animate several bodies and each of them keeps part of your impurities. If you think about it you will not be able to resist to the evidence.
Delphine de Girardin
*Reference to some people’s opinion about the future life
The Day of the Dead
(Medium Ms. Huet)
Note: In the session of the Society on November 2nd, Charles Nodier once requested to carry on his already initiated work, responded: “Allow me, my dear friends, to talk about something else tonight. Next time I will continue the initiated work.”
“The date today is so personally dedicated to us that we cannot help it but call your attention to death and the prayers claimed by the majority of those who have come before you. This week is a period of fraternization between Earth and Heaven, the living and the dead. It is the time when you must think of us in a more particular way and think of yourself as well, because the living ones will soon pray for you as they do to us, and such a thought must help you to become better. You shall be received before God according to the way you have lived there. What is life, after all? It is a very short migration of the spirit on Earth, yet sufficient enough time though to stack up a real treasure of graces and be prepared for tough sufferings. Think about it. Think of heaven and life will then seem very light, whatever it is.”
Charles Nodier
The following questions were addressed to the spirit regarding the communication above:
1. Do the spirits come in larger number to the cemeteries today than usually? – A. We return more spontaneously to the places where our remains are in this period, because your thoughts, your prayers are there with you.
2. The spirits that come to their tombs on those days and find nobody praying for them, do they suffer for feeling abandoned, whereas others have relatives and friends who remember them? – A. Aren’t there devoted people who pray for the dead in general? Then! Those prayers reverted to the forgotten spirit. They are the celestial manna, falling upon the lazy as on the active man. It reaches the celebrity and the unknown. God shares it equally and delivers them to those in need, through the good spirits who no longer need them.
3. We know that the formula of the prayers is indifferent; yet, many people need a formula to concentrate their ideas. Hence we would thank you if you could dictate one to us for that occasion. We would join our thoughts and destine it to the spirits in need. – A. I want to do that too. God, creator of the universe, have mercy on those creatures; take their wakenesses into account; shorten their earthly trials, if beyond their strengths; have compassion on the sufferings of those who have left Earth, inspiring in them the desire to advance towards the good.”
4. No doubt there are several spirits here to whom we can be useful. We would ask them to reveal themselves. – A. What a request! You will be overwhelmed.
5. We are not afraid, absolutely. If we cannot hear them all, what we tell one can be used by all of them. – A. Be it then! Do as demanded by your heart.
A general appeal was made, without any particular designation, to any spirit who was present and willing to communicate and request assistance; a very known character who died two years ago manifested, showing feelings very different from those in his life, and that was unsuspected by everyone.
Note: In the session of the Society on November 2nd, Charles Nodier once requested to carry on his already initiated work, responded: “Allow me, my dear friends, to talk about something else tonight. Next time I will continue the initiated work.”
“The date today is so personally dedicated to us that we cannot help it but call your attention to death and the prayers claimed by the majority of those who have come before you. This week is a period of fraternization between Earth and Heaven, the living and the dead. It is the time when you must think of us in a more particular way and think of yourself as well, because the living ones will soon pray for you as they do to us, and such a thought must help you to become better. You shall be received before God according to the way you have lived there. What is life, after all? It is a very short migration of the spirit on Earth, yet sufficient enough time though to stack up a real treasure of graces and be prepared for tough sufferings. Think about it. Think of heaven and life will then seem very light, whatever it is.”
Charles Nodier
The following questions were addressed to the spirit regarding the communication above:
1. Do the spirits come in larger number to the cemeteries today than usually? – A. We return more spontaneously to the places where our remains are in this period, because your thoughts, your prayers are there with you.
2. The spirits that come to their tombs on those days and find nobody praying for them, do they suffer for feeling abandoned, whereas others have relatives and friends who remember them? – A. Aren’t there devoted people who pray for the dead in general? Then! Those prayers reverted to the forgotten spirit. They are the celestial manna, falling upon the lazy as on the active man. It reaches the celebrity and the unknown. God shares it equally and delivers them to those in need, through the good spirits who no longer need them.
3. We know that the formula of the prayers is indifferent; yet, many people need a formula to concentrate their ideas. Hence we would thank you if you could dictate one to us for that occasion. We would join our thoughts and destine it to the spirits in need. – A. I want to do that too. God, creator of the universe, have mercy on those creatures; take their wakenesses into account; shorten their earthly trials, if beyond their strengths; have compassion on the sufferings of those who have left Earth, inspiring in them the desire to advance towards the good.”
4. No doubt there are several spirits here to whom we can be useful. We would ask them to reveal themselves. – A. What a request! You will be overwhelmed.
5. We are not afraid, absolutely. If we cannot hear them all, what we tell one can be used by all of them. – A. Be it then! Do as demanded by your heart.
A general appeal was made, without any particular designation, to any spirit who was present and willing to communicate and request assistance; a very known character who died two years ago manifested, showing feelings very different from those in his life, and that was unsuspected by everyone.
Allegory of Lazarus
(Medium Mr. Alfred Didier)
Christ loved a man called Lazarus. He suffered when he heard about his death and asked to be taken to his tomb. Lazarus’ sister begged the Lord, saying: “Is it possible to bring my brother back from the dead? Oh you, who loved him so much, give his life back!”
Nineteenth century world, you are also dead. Faith, which gives life to people, extinguishes gradually. Some believers uselessly tried to wake you up from your agony. It is too late. Lazarus is dead. Only God can save him.
Christ was then led to the grave. The stone was lifted, showing bandages that dressed the cadaver, and the horror of death. Christ raised his eyes to heaven, hand in hand with Lazarus’s sister, he lifted his arm and declared: “Lazarus, stand up!” Despite his bandages and shroud he awoke and stood up.
Oh World! You are like Lazarus. Nothing can bring you back to life. Your materialism, your turpitudes, your skepticism are the bandages around your cadaver, and you smell bad for you have been dead for a long time. What is that, which will make you cry out, just as Lazarus: Do you rise up in the name of God? It is Christ, obeying the appeal of the Holy Spirit. For ages, the voice of God was heard. Are you more decomposed than Lazarus?
Christ loved a man called Lazarus. He suffered when he heard about his death and asked to be taken to his tomb. Lazarus’ sister begged the Lord, saying: “Is it possible to bring my brother back from the dead? Oh you, who loved him so much, give his life back!”
Nineteenth century world, you are also dead. Faith, which gives life to people, extinguishes gradually. Some believers uselessly tried to wake you up from your agony. It is too late. Lazarus is dead. Only God can save him.
Christ was then led to the grave. The stone was lifted, showing bandages that dressed the cadaver, and the horror of death. Christ raised his eyes to heaven, hand in hand with Lazarus’s sister, he lifted his arm and declared: “Lazarus, stand up!” Despite his bandages and shroud he awoke and stood up.
Oh World! You are like Lazarus. Nothing can bring you back to life. Your materialism, your turpitudes, your skepticism are the bandages around your cadaver, and you smell bad for you have been dead for a long time. What is that, which will make you cry out, just as Lazarus: Do you rise up in the name of God? It is Christ, obeying the appeal of the Holy Spirit. For ages, the voice of God was heard. Are you more decomposed than Lazarus?
Familiar Little Leprechaun
(Medium Mrs. Costel)
I have never communicated with you and I am very happy for being able to enlarge your literary understanding. You know well the opinion I had about the so-called fantasy world, you who so eagerly read me. Often alone, during long winter nights, in one corner of my lonely home, I would hear the moaning and sorrowful notes of the wind. While my distracted eyes vaguely followed the pictures formed by the flames in the fireplace, the familiar little leprechaun was certainly entertaining me, thus I did not invent Trilby: I just repeated what he had whispered into my attentive ears. What a marvelous thing, feeling these invisible guests living around us! No mystery with them. They do love you, regardless, and do know you better than you do yourselves. In my scholarly life, in my life as a man, I owe to these invisible friends my best successes and my dearest consolations. It is my turn now to whisper to friendly ears things guessed by the heart and that are not repeated. I want to say, dear medium, that I shall often have the kind privilege of talking to you.
Charles Nodier
I have never communicated with you and I am very happy for being able to enlarge your literary understanding. You know well the opinion I had about the so-called fantasy world, you who so eagerly read me. Often alone, during long winter nights, in one corner of my lonely home, I would hear the moaning and sorrowful notes of the wind. While my distracted eyes vaguely followed the pictures formed by the flames in the fireplace, the familiar little leprechaun was certainly entertaining me, thus I did not invent Trilby: I just repeated what he had whispered into my attentive ears. What a marvelous thing, feeling these invisible guests living around us! No mystery with them. They do love you, regardless, and do know you better than you do yourselves. In my scholarly life, in my life as a man, I owe to these invisible friends my best successes and my dearest consolations. It is my turn now to whisper to friendly ears things guessed by the heart and that are not repeated. I want to say, dear medium, that I shall often have the kind privilege of talking to you.
Charles Nodier